Thursday, April 28, 2011


Was out yesterday. 

We have additional news that could relate to our missing resident male.  A few days ago, our land manager found the remains of a bald eagle near the waste water treatment  plant.  The bird was not in good shape, so performing a post-mortem on it is not really possible.  The degree of decomposition and proximity to the nest indicates to us that there is a good chance that this is our missing bird. 

We will never know for sure though. 

Wanted to let you folks know about this as soon as I could.  It has been a rough season for bald eagles around the Region.

Everybody please take care.

New thread.


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Lynne2 said...

Hi Steve, and thanks. Not good news. Thanks for letting us know. I've called the others over and told then to take a deep breath before reading....

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Lord have mercy on us all!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I am so absolutely heartbroken.

TEAM LIBERTY will always live in my heart!!!!!!!!!

Lynne2 said...

It's possible that it's NOT Lib. I'll wait til breeding season to see if he returns. I wish we had a way to contact those folks near the nest who have been watching.

Lori O. said...

Thank you Steve. Yours is not an easy job but we appreciate the information.

A big, big hug SHARON, LYNN and all.

More tears. Even the thought that it could be Liberty after not seeing him in so long is too much to handle.

Does this notice feel different to anyone but me?

Some good eagle news would be great - but we got that yesterday that the Threeaglets will be taken care of.


Lori O. said...

Sorry LYNNE...well, a hug for Lynn too.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

It does feel different. I feel like it is the news we have all been dreading.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I love you guys! Too much, just too much!!! I am heading to the lake and will catch you all from there. (((((((BIG HUGS ALL ACROSS THE MILES)))))

Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. Wouldn't trade this season of immeasurable heartache for never having the love and friendships I have found here!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...


Lori O. said...

You're absolutely right Sissy. Be careful Bev.

Thanks SHARON for saying it feels different to you, too. You summed up my feeling perfect.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

For some reason, I feel like this is closure. I don't second guess it this time at all.

hedgie said...

That is certainly not the news we wanted to hear.....:( Heart is breaking. Can not believe that this wasn't discovered before by the group that was out looking.
Our poor Lib.......I truly hate to think that it is him, but......right there on campus sure makes it seem true. If so, RIP our Liberty. You were and will remain in our hearts an AWESOME EAGLE.

Lori O. said...

I wish someone who we know, really knows Liberty to ID him could do so. Steve said badly decomposed, but many of you old timers could tell by the neck band of white feathers.

Lynne2 said...

((((HUGS))) everyone. If this is Lib (and yes, this message does feel different) I sure hope that whatever caused his death wasn't something that caused him to suffer too long.

I've got to go to work. See you all later....

NatureNut said...

OMG! Thank you for info & new thread, Steve. Of course, we will never really know about who lost birds are. We need to band.

hedgie said...

Feels almost anti-climactic because even tho' we dreaded hearing it, it's almost a relief to know that he at elast is not just an obscure illusion in our hearts and minds whenever we look at the nest.
Tears and more tears.

Sissy, you said it. We are all bound by love because of these magnificent birds.

HUGS right back to all.

Lori: found the pics. Link is at end of last thread. My brain is fogged now and I can't remember the formula for doing a blue link.

<a hefr

Lynne2 said...

Just keep in mind that a dead animal of any kind is subject to having been dragged around by any and every other thing wanting a piece of it. Sorry to be so graphic, but maybe this bird was NOT there earlier. Maybe it's another bird from somewhere else.

Bird Girl said...

@NatureNut: Unless the birds are going to be tracked for some scientific purpose, they will not be banded. This cam is strictly educational, so there is no reason to band these eagles. But, I do agree, if they -were- to have banded them in the past, then they would know for sure whether or not the carcass found was Liberty.

It's unlikely that Liberty would return next year, having been ousted by a younger bird. We can only hope that Belle and the new male will nest and produce a healthy clutch next year.

I am saddened that the eagles seem to be having a rough time this year. Nature can be very cruel, and all these webcams only bring it into our homes and our lives...and our hearts.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

New name for Jerk - Ringma.

NatureNut said...

I think I'm gonna go cry now.. :>(
Hope somehow it's not our Lib.

BTW, most of bad weather I heard about in AL didn't not seem to be in North of state, where I think Red lives, but hope we hear soon.
Think I'll leave my bleeding hearts up for now, but still belong to TEAM LIBERTY!

Jen said...

Oh no! This has definitely been a hard year for the eagles (and the eagle cam viewers.) =(

NatureNut said...

TY, Delphia. Didn't know that was a rule. Thought banding was determined by State DNRs.Too bad, to me IDing is educational.Oh well, it is what it is.

Leona said...

Oh this is not great news at all. I have never seen Liberty and I am going to hope and pray that this eagle was not him. I am at a lost to all that has happened. Being this is my first year, makes me really wish I never got to know these lovely creatures from God. My heart is breaking all over again for the loose of another eagle. But I am still keep hope on Liberty and if he never does return I will always picture him in my mind flying high in the wind.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Ringma Belle. :) Okay, silly but I needed the laugh.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

There is an eagle in our nest.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

And it's not Belle.

Lori O. said...

inTRUDER in the nest.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


DanaMo said...

OH NO!!! I too am heartbroken.

Bird Girl said...

Looks like the new male in the nest.

Amazing what a couple of weeks can do to the surroundings, look how GREEN it is there!!

Lori O. said...


Bird Girl said...

I'd better get back to what I was doing. Take care, everyone.

DanaMo said...

I'm sitting here crying. I can't believe it. I was so attached after such a short amount of time. I would love a positive ID but feel that it is just my way of hoping for better news. How could it not be him so close by. I wish we could know how he died...badly decomposed, was he ill or did he meet with some kind of accident.

DanaMo said...

Brought over from the previous thread.

Hedgie-I posted pictures in my DanaMo pics blog. Check them out. Before and after.

I'm relatively satisfied with the results. I'm no professional so I can see where I missed spots and such which doesn't make me happy, but overall I think it will be a huge improvement and we are having the counter tops done by Lowe's so that will complete the look.

DanaMo said...

Truder in the nest...I don't have sound for some reason. Sound is all the way up on my computer and on the cam. Anyone else?

Lori O. said...

I don't have sound now either Dana.

I did hear him calling several minutes ago.

Your cabinets look great! Worth all the work?

NatureNut said...

Live cam pic is colorful, even if I'm not crazy about the subject.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Wow, it's taken me close to FOREVER to catch up on the blog this morning!

Really hit hard by Steve's update. Thank you though, Steve, for keeping us in the know. We may never know for sure what happened to our Lib, but until next breeding season, I'll be waiting for the other shoe to drop, so to speak. A tiny bit of doubt will be in the back of my mind.
I, too, wish our eagles were banded. It would make an ID SOOOOO much easier. But, it is what it is.
((((((HUGE GROUP HUG)))))))!!!!!!!!!!!
If Lib really IS gone, I sure hope that Belle can whip Truder into shape!
And if that's the case, I hope we can come up with a good name for the youngster! (Sharon, thanks--couldn't help but laugh at your name suggestion!)

Have been praying nonstop for everyone's safety. Hope we hear from Red and Mrs. Red today! Realize that the power is probably out in his area.

My gosh, I can't remember a worse Spring for absolutely horrible tornado weather! :o[

Well, need to TRY to stay on task with the transcription today. Will be in lurk mode, though. Will try not to worty about Red & Mrs. Red.
Please be cautious and stay safe, everyone! There's been far too much bad news this Spring already! Will try to check in when I am eating lunch. Love all you folks!!! :o}

NatureNut said...

I didn't have any sound on Live cam either.
DanaMo, your cabinets are great. Are the two different browns new & old? I love the blue walls & neat ceiling.

JudyEddy said...

So nice to see both on the nest

Hoda said...

GOD KEEP THEM ALL THE BEAUTIFUL EAGLES. I hold on to the friendship and the support of this forum and while I know much sadness I know much gratitude for the opportunity to see them and to share in their story.

Thanks for the news of leaving a message to Red Hedgie. God keep him and his family.

There is a lot of good in the world and I raise my voice in PRAISE to the ALMIGHTY that HE may guide us all.

DanaMo said...

I think we may need to learn to love Truder. They are such beautiful birds no matter what. Gosh, I can't believe how upset I am.

JudyEddy said...

my camera seem to have no sound

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Ringma and Belle are in the nest.

NatureNut said...

Wow 2 in nest. Got pic.

DanaMo said...

Loretta-The light brown is the old and the dark is the new.

JudyEddy said...

I don't think I can take any more bad news about these magnificent birds I think that is five now including the one here in Fl
Jordyn down for nap and I almost was taking one too but decided not to

JudyEddy said...

wow what a big peice she moved out of the egg cup

glo said...

Well please don't be mad at me, and all of you are so much into keeping thoughts of Lib positive but in my heart the Lib I watched and knew for so long would not just leave Belle and a new born chick if he could be there at the nest. So I am sorry but after a couple of days I always thought he is injured and needs found NOW or he is gone from us already. I didn't know which BUT he would not have been driven off. From watching the web cams and doing For the Love of Eagles for a few years I watched to many things live of eagles defending their nests to accept the thought that Lib didn't fight for his nest if he were put in that position. The intensity of what I saw live, once with Norfolk Mom by the way, was why I stopped watching so many so closely. He may not have been attacked though. He may have actually been injured in a flight to or from the nest while being driven away by our intruder, or in a storm etc etc. Will never know but there is a GOOD reason why has not been seen.

Like I said Please don't be mad but I have been crying almost alone for a month now over our male. I hope he didn't suffer. I would hate that he could have been helped and was not. I am glad we will never know that either.

A miracle in the Fall, well anything is possible but sorry my heart has said for sometime it is highly unlikely, but have pretty much kept it to myself. So for me too it is anti-climactic.

Having said that though this is the home of Lib and Belle. Nothing will ever change that for me.

So for me it is Lib and Belle Forever I have not opened my heart to anything new at this nest. I just can't seem to find that spot.

((((((Momsters and Dadsters))))) newly grieving, old grieving and holding onto hope.

Judie said...

Thank you, Steve, for the update. Saddened by the news and hope all can now move on.

JudyEddy said...

I doubt we hear from Red no power at all in the area said maybe a day or so some of our Elec co have come up to help was on news here

NatureNut said...

Both still in nest. Turd was working on sticks at 5 o'clock & awhile ago, Belle had been digging in well.

hedgie said...

Cabinets look great, Dana! Jib well done---at least you are halfway done!! Congrats!

I see both in nest and it makes me cry more....again...

Hair apptmt. Gotta go. See yu all later.

BTW---Loretta....there was a lot of tornado activity around Red and my cuz......have not heard from her, either.........a bit worty-ed.

DanaMo said...

My sound is back!! Yipee. They both look comfortable. I think Belle knows...

Red said...

Hey Mr. and Mrs Red ard doing fine. All of Huntsville and most of North Alabama is without power. Diane and I are at her brothers home just across the border in Tennessee. Her brother and his wife are in Michigan so we just moved in. lol Huntsville will probably be without power for several days so we'll just hang out here.

JudyEddy said...

Yeah Hi RED welcome and so glad you are ok

Kay said...

Another heavy heart day has come to pass. I've "known" Lib for a little over two years, not as long as some, but I loved him and have shed some big tears over the last month +a few days. Finding a fallen eagle that close to the nest just seems more than coincidental. We haven't understood Belle at all times, but I have a feeling she knows what happened, where he was and that she must move on.

Sharon, I can't tell you how much your words and humor mean to me. You've said many times, "I'm not ready to make nice." Now you are leading the way for all of us to do so ! I don't know if Ringma will stick--it's kind of cute, but I'll be glad to see two four letter words go away and they begin with J and T.

Once again I'm so glad to have you all as a support group on a troubling day ! Love ya !

Kay said...

Red ! We've been so very Worty-ed ! So happy to hear you're both safe and have such a comfortable place to land until the power is restored !!!!!!!

DanaMo, I think your kitchen is going to look mighty classy---you're almost there and the new countertops will no doubt complete the job--or jib as Lynn says. LOL

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

firts TBIRD left then BELLE

floralgirl said...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

((((HUGS)))) Megan. Me too! :*(

glo said...

So glad to see Red has signed in too. I have to admit Ringma did make me smile too. Whether or not I choose to watch the nest it will be lots more fun to read the adventures of RingMa /Belle than well ya know. I just am not mad at any eagles, but yes the stories of this one are comical. And I think Belle knew when she went to the river day 3 that Lib couldn't come with food or he would be there. I hate what our MaMa eagle has been through. It is an eagles life playing out before us but living wise oh my what a painful year, and Belle of close plays closest to our hearts.

Kay said...

Well, spose' that's their midday visit and will hope to see them this evening. I think she has her work cut out for her, but will succeed in whipping him into shape. He just needs some help toward full adulthood.

Off to the gas station, ugh, and the "grossery" store, ugh-ugh ! I'm not fond of shopping--that was one of the biggest assets I represented for 2 husbands. ☺

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Lib was the first eagle I ever saw, sitting in the Sycamore Palace when we pulled up. I cried. Tears today are so different from the tears that day.

floralgirl said...

The day that Belle flew to the river and grabbed that fish, Liberty was alive. We saw him, no doubt, we have pictures. He was perched in a tree near the nest, so perhaps he was already injured or he and the intruder had further battles after that. I'm glad we saw him that last time. This news just sucks :(

glo said...

Well many of you saw Christmas photos on an ornament of the morning I saw the sunrise on our Lib and Belle as they sat in a heart shape on their limb. Tears filled my eyes that morning too and they were much different. Vicky and Iris know how I got that photo. Lets say No I didn't have any ticks on me.

JudyEddy said...

The latest on the eaglets wieght report check up report
I just got this off the VA site

mariadangeloart said...

No, it can't be Liberty. People saw him. he wasn't hurt he was fine. He just couldn't die for no particular reason. No.

floralgirl said...

Oh, and Red, I'm glad you and your wife are okay:)

JudyEddy said...

Video of feeding we need something to make us smile

DanaMo said...

Belle and Lib were my first eagles ever and I have only been here since the eggs arrived. I would like to see the J and T word go and give the new eagle a name suitable for our American Bald Eagle that has such a proud heritage. We looked at him as the bad guy, but now we need to look at him as the future. I know that is much easier for me to say as a newbie and I respect all of you who have followed these eagles for so long and with such love. I loved/love Lib. and nature has played out a mean trick on us all, but I know all of you will still be here next year and hence we need to look to the future. But that's just me and I'm okay if everyone doesn't agree, just don't kick me out. Please...I like it here at Sycamore Cafe.

paula eagleholic said...

Not the news I wanted to hear. I have an awful feeling in the pit of my stomach....

I had to ask Steve a couple of questions and he so kindly replied. The eagle was very badly decomposed. Cannot determine brood patch or sex of the eagle. The remains will be sent to Denver. He doesn't know if they will do a DNA test on the remains or not.

The water treatment plant is between the nest and the the 4-5 position on the nest....what used to be the 6 position last year.

It just seems too coincidental.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I am wishing I could get a pit of my stomachectomy done today cause it is feeling awful. I am with you Paula.

DanaMo said...

I've got that pit too. Deep sadness.

DanaMo said...

I would love to know if they will do an autopsy (?) and find out if the eagle (Lib)was ill and that is the reason that it didn't fight off the intruder. Maybe...

movin said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steve. Glad you are OK after the storms.

Don't know if I like the idea of the eagle found on the property being Liberty, but thanks for the info anyway.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

FuzzleMT said...

Liberty and Belle were my first eagles. Hidey was my first eaglet. I have my memories. I have been aware since this new bird didn't appear aggressive that Liberty did not fear it. I will never know perhaps what happened to Lib, but I know by his actions he was not cowardly and always cared for his chicks. AND he's flying free SOMEwhere.

stronghunter said...

Been lurking. Sad news, indeed.

Sharon, you made me laugh. Students gave me a funny look. We do need to laugh. It has not been easy this season.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,
Have been fighting with my laptop, trying to install Adobe Flash Player upgrade so I can see our nest. It's been a battle, and I hope I have won.
Now, keep getting a pop up box (almost continually) saying that a program (Adobe) wants to open something and needs my permission. Can't seem to get the durn thing to stop. Oh, well, at least now I can see our nest! Anyone know how to get rid of the stupid pop-up box?

Ms Bookworm said...

...When I check the box that says "don't show me this box any more," it still keeps popping up! Help!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Is it the secure server thing Andy?

magpie said...

I am very sorry to read that an eagle has been found deceased at NCTC...
to me, so much mystery....

So sorry for the eagle,
any of its family left behind,
for NCTC, for the person that found it, and for all of us...

Ms Bookworm said...


Having said that, I do believe we should try our best to understand why Belle has taken up with this youngster. Maybe she sees potential in him that we don't yet. I agree that the not-so-nice names for him should be dropped. T-Bird (as a short version of 'Thunderbird') has possibilities, and Truder has quite a story behind it. Sharon's suggestion of 'Ringma' gave us a much needed chuckle. Anyone else have a suggestion or two?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Have you restarted your computer?

Ms Bookworm said...

No, Sharon, my Windows Security is being crazy again, and that's where it's coming from.

Ms Bookworm said...

Yes, I have restarted a couple of times.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hey, maybe we should rename Truder, and call him 'Ashton!"

Ms Bookworm said...

(Did I say THAT?)! lol

Scott said...

Very sad news indeed. I only found Lib and Belle in January and quickly felt attached to them. My family too has been holding out hopes that Lib is okay. I too feel like this is closure.

I agree. The new eagle is the future. He is a beautiful animal in his own right, and is the symbol of this great nation. He is only doing what is instinct to him. While I would rather that be Lib in the nest next to Belle, I welcome the sight that Belle has a young and strong mate for next season and many many more down the road (do we know Libs age? Perhaps all three knew something that we couldn't see on the cam) My opinion is to welcome him to the family and cheer for him. He is learning every day and it is comforting to see that there is high probability that this nest will be used again next year. I personally would love to let the dark and gloomy clouds go and bring on the sunshine. It is a new day. I know I haven't been here long and am still a newb, but I'd love to give him a name.

Just my opinion, you know what they say :)

movin said...

Bookworm, you will often get a notice from your firewall or whatever right after you request an update, and you should read it carefully to make sure it is actually from the site and it actually does what it should. If it is you should let it do its thing "one time only."

Then you should follow through with the installation of the update. Probably the boxes will stop popping up after that.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Ms Bookworm said...

This pop-up has happened to me before, and after about 100 times, it slows down, then goes away. Think I'll have Norton 360 do a scan. BBIALW

Scott said...

In Beauty and The Beast, Beast's human form, which we all know is Belle's prince is Adam...Perhaps he has been the beast with the dark spots and ruffled up feathers and now is turning into Belle's Adam....

movin said...

Paula or Steve, were they able to determine if the eagle was adult or immature?

Maybe measurement of the beak and talons would tell the sex.

Any estimation of how long the eagle had been dead?

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Ms Bookworm said...

The crazy pop-up box persists AFTER I've installed the upgrade. I'll see whether Norton 360 finds any threats, and follow their recommendations. Thanks for the advice! BBL :o]

Mema Jo said...

Some Good News- I just had a visit from a beautiful red winged blackbird! About 50 feet from me at the feeding place on our deck!
When he flew off it was towards me and that was so colorful!

RED & MRS RED So thankful you two had a place to go to be safe!

Sharon and I have been speaking on the phone and we both have agreed that the latest eagle found so close to our nest must in fact be our Liberty. We have unhappily found our closure & pray that all of you are able to do the same. ♥

Mema Jo said...

That may be a fairytale, Scott BUT it is sure a good way to look at
things in our nest!

Ms Bookworm said...

Good suggestion! And the 'Belle' name surely fits in with that.

glo said...

Another positive is: It does appear there will be a nesting pair at NCTC next year. Norfolk has no certainty of that at all right now. We do have Belle and she is at her nest. I too wondered if all 3 knew something we didn't when we really didn't see aggression near the nest. Would DNA give ago of eagle info. It would feel better no matter what if the eagle did have a long life.

Scott said...

Oh, and I mentioned this one time before but when I first started watching the cam my 3 year old little princess was watching with me. I told her that was Belle and the first thing out of her mouth was "Where's Adam?".....

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Okay, have to comment on this.

Sis's oldest son's name was Adam.

Donna's favorite movie of all time was Beauty and The Beast. I might could do Adam.

Today, though, I am still stinging a little bit and am going to stick with Ringma. Give me a day or 2.

Ms Bookworm said...

Your suggestion to measure the dead eagle's beak and talons is a good one. I hope they do that before sending the remains away. Just knowing what sex it is would help.

glo said...

OK so why do I now feel sad again. Another piece of what appears reality is right here before my eyes. When you start to see it in black and white it does become more real indeed.

Mema Jo said...

I think we all need a month or so to see what name fits........
I feel we should have a few
suggestions and put it to a vote
over on the Eaglet Momsters site
where Paula can set up a poll for us. Put on your thinking caps and
be ready..
I know Paula and a few others have mentioned waiting until the fall comes (in hopes maybe that Liberty would return) but in recent happenings I for one feel
we could select a name for Truder if he sticks around this summer.

Ms Bookworm said...

I totally understand--and there's no big hurry. Take all the time you need!

A thought just crossed my mind. If they are able (from measurements and possibly a DNA test) to determine the sex of the eagle, there's a 50/50possibility that it could be a female!
In my heart of hearts I suspect that it may be our Lib, though. But it would be nice to know the sex for sure.

I do think we need to name this new fellow, just because he's been here for a while now. Maybe he WILL transform into something really handsome!

movin said...

Well, got to go...

I'm still very partial to Liberty .. think the last time I saw him was the night before the first hatch, when he appeared late in the evening with a very unusually small fish for Belle...

We knew nothing of what was going on with the intruder yet.

If he's still alive, there's a chance he can reclaim his territory like the female at Norfolk or the male at West End nest this season. He has been the example of the best in Bald Eagles for years, and I would like to see him back again.

That's the way I feel about it.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

nene said...

Just read the news and crying my eyes out. I was afraid of the worst, that Liberty didn't just disappear. Liberty and Belle were my first eagle pair to watch this year since the beginning of Feb. I even made a folder of pictures and screenshots. To think that there have been 3 adult eagles expire in a matter of a month is hard to swallow. As far as Belle goes, I am glad she has someone now. We will have to learn to love him.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

This is 4 bald eagles who have died within a month. The one in Maryland, the one injured in Harper's Ferry, Momma at Norfolk and Lib! :(

floralgirl said...

Truder is the name I'm sticking with, it just makes sense, it's not meant as an insult, I kinda like it. it's who he has become to me, I can't just rename him.

Mema Jo said...

Decorrah nest is really getting ful of eaglet's feetsies and they are all trying to get under dad.

I need to leave for a while....


Costume Lady said... glad to hear from you, and that you and Diane are safe. How great it is to have a empty house to live in until things settle in Huntsville. So lucky to have relatives living so close!

Costume Lady said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
stronghunter said...

We also lost Paddy. Paddy was a bald eagle, too.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

That's right Shirley! Never forget our little POJ!!

paula eagleholic said...

I didn't want to mention it, but I will have to with your questions. There are not enough parts of the eagle left for a necropy or to be able to measure beak or hallux talon :(

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

This is all just hard to wrap my head around. All the eagles and Jason, the little bear in Minnesota! So much sorrow this spring!

paula eagleholic said...

The circle of life...

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

This is my dogs' first trip to the new camper and they just don't know what to think!! I love it, love it!! Got to set some bird feeders up.

JudyEddy said...

and we lost Luna the eaglet here in St Petersburg about a week ago remember and there was another in the area the week before so that two for Fl and who know may be more So sad

paula eagleholic said...

And the CRC eaglet...

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Wow, mind-blowing. At this rate, the booming bald eagle population is going to be declining greatly.

JudyEddy said...

My daughter sort of made a bad joke with all the severe weather and earthquakes, volcano that erupted yesterday and the eagles death that the end is near I don't like that joke at all I guess there is group out there saying the end is next year and this is just the beginning

paula eagleholic said...

Passing along (((((Big Hugs))))) from Bev, Debs and the Hancock Forum

Geula said...

I've missed a lot by not being here......what happened to Norfolk Mommy? How did she die? I'm glad that Norfolk Daddy has survived the first firing. I corrected some white paint on his head, and dipped him in glaze. By wednesday he'll be ready!

I'm so glad that Mr.amd Mrs. Red are safe! had me worried there for a while! How's the weather in the area now?

stronghunter said...

31 days

stronghunter said...

Geula, the Norfolk mom was hit by a plane and killed.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Hello Geula, you sure have missed a lot. Lots of heartbreaking stuff happening around here.

stronghunter said...

I have a feeling that the storm alarm radio has been sounding off all day. I think I need to go home and check on the critters.

stronghunter said...

Geula, I see pretty sunshine outside the window in Culpeper, Va, at the moment.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Shirley, I know you have to be so excited about retiring.

glo said...

Well if we are numbering dead eaglets the Alcoa in Davenport had 2 hatch but only one continues to survive there also. Except for our POJ we have many blessings to count as far as hatchlings that actually lived to fledge and returned to even let us know the fledge was all good!

Geula said...

Hit by a plane? That sounds crazy! Poor Norfolk Mommy! and I feel sad about Lib...Lib and Belle were my second cam addiction after the eaglets in BC didn't hatch. That was hard enough for me....the waiting to see the fluffballs and then the eggs collapsed. ::SIGH::

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Geula, NBG is located right next door to Norfolk International Airport.

glo said...

Interesting place for NBG Dad to be spotted today. Thought I would pass along

"Held a fishfry for the NBG staff today and as I was leaving baker hall dad was soring rather low over the rose garden... Made five or six loops around it an then went back to the pines

Geula said...

Okay, kiddos, it's time for me to go to bed. Have a quiet day, eagle buddies!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good night Geula! Hugs.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I feel really bad about leaving out our little Paddy O'Joy earlier. :(

JudyEddy said...

Did anyone notice how big the egg cup looks after Belle riped out a big hunk of it

NatureNut said...

Glad to see Red & Dianne are OK!!!

I am not yet willing to throw in the towel & say Lib is gone for good.Yes, it is a coincidence. And I'm still not real accepting of TURD, who is responsible for destruction of our happy eagle family. Will see what happens in Fall.

BTW, was looking for last pics of Lib in E_M albums & there is one of both eagles on 3-15, 2 days befor Paddy hatched. As Megan said, some visited nest area after that and someone had reported seeing 3 eagles flying in area, supposedly Belle, Lib, & Intruder.
Wonder if there are any pics of them??

JudyEddy said...

I sort of have a question on the front page of the blog below the picture of Lib and Belle there is a globe map RevolverMap exactly what is it? shows 95661 visits/4 recent hits Just curious

Red said...

We drove by lots of damage on our way to Tennessee this morning. They are saying 6 tornados hit our county. Now there is panic in Huntsville. The grocery stores are closed. Peoples food is spoiling. No restaurants open and now they are starting a dusk to dawn curfew. Any gas station that had power withing a 50 mile radius is now empty. People are dumb, driving across the border to fill an already half full tank only to burn half a tank in doing so. lol Guess Diane and I are lucky to have a place to go to. I'll try to keep in touch. Thanks for all the prayers. I think they worked.

Lolly said...

Red, we really are happy to hear from you and thankful you had a home to go to. Prayers for those in need back in Alabama.

Okay, I have been crying for sometime now, tears just running down my face! Yes, this is "different" and sounds like it is our closure.

Sharon, thanks for the laugh, needed that. Told Jack about Ringma. He laughed too and started giving more suggestions. Belle/Star
Hells/Belle and last but not least

But, I am with Megan, he is Truder. Has been Truder and always will be Truder.

JudyEddy said...

I like Tinker

Lolly said...

Had sound on the cam but now it is gone.

Judie said...

Red, so happy to know you and Diane are camping out in a safe place. Thanks for checking in.

Darth and I went to Ft. Belvoir this afternoon to do some errands. Saw five, FIVE, juvenile bald eagles soaring against the blue sky. Lovely sight and the promise for the future.

I sincerely understand and appreciate the feelings of others but I am most inclined to take Scott's perspective. I'm just sayin...

Lynn, crossing fingers and toes about the puppy.

mariadangeloart said...

I don't get the "Ringma" name....

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

You can Ringma Belle.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I just needed something to divert my breaking heart this morning.

stronghunter said...

Home and in the recliner. Thank goodness, the house was quiet. No alarms going off. I am so thankful you and Diane are okay and have a safe place to go, Red.

JudyEddy said...

and yes he has rang her bell I like it too

stronghunter said...

Today is Hunter's practice day, so I am all alone for awhile. I will scrounge around to find something to eat. Just want to zone out for awhile first.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Well, it certainly is quiet here this evening. Fixed me a baked tater, might take a walk, might not. I need an eagle fix, think I will check out Decorah a minute. I am on this MiFi card from ATT (which is a WiFi connection that is mobile) and don't want use all my gigabytes in one day!!

mariadangeloart said...

LOL! Sharon you're a riot!

JudyEddy said...

On facebook they showed the Hornby Eagle at 1:39 today a eagle was born YEAH gonna go peek BBL

stronghunter said...

JudyE, the map shows who is looking at the blog. You should be able to see your own location show up there.

JudyEddy said...

Check out Hornby Eaglet hatches

stronghunter said...

Sharon had me confused too, Maria. When I finally got it, I giggled out loud. Students sitting near me turned around to see what was going on and I had to explain that I was laughing at something on my computer.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks JudyE for posting the video
I had not taken time to go to Hornby yet I so wish them luck
this year with their little ones....

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I have kind of steered clear of Hornby since the "incident". That was like a horror movie. Some things are just hard to overcome.

Mema Jo said...

Lolly, you tell Jack that his names had me laughing - Hells Belle

The Decorah eaglets are growing &
black feathers (pin) coming in...
They are all sprawled out and they
are beating each other unintentionally with their Flapping wings!

Lolly said...

Just told him, Jo. Glad you had a laugh! He was on a roll. He says that Star is his favorite. Oh, and he told me it is "Helz". LOL

Lolly said...

We have had such a beautiful day. The kind of day where the sunshine feels good and the shade is just a bit too cool. We are preparing dinner now, but had wine on the back patio and then did an "oversee" of Hawkwood. It is looking good.

Mema Jo said...

They are accepting donations for the NBG Memorial Bench for the mom.

Maybe I could find out from NCTC
what could be done for Liberty - Just an idea if he doesn't return.
They have a museum where we could
place something ... Just a thought

stronghunter said...

A good thought, Jo.

Mema Jo said...

Opps Lolly
We both typed it incorrectly....
Helz - Belle LOL

Lolly said...

How about a bench outside somewhere in memory of Lib? A concrete bench with engraving.

Mema Jo said...

A framed pic of Deb's pic of
Liberty and Belle - Gold Frame

That would be so cool

Mema Jo said...

For now just think about it and maybe in June or Open House it
could be accomplished so we can
hold our memorial service.........

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

That little spot with benches, like the observatory, would be a perfect spot.

stronghunter said...

A spot where people could sit and watch the nest.

Lolly said...

OMG! On the news...a north Texas girl, a student, a senior in Alabama was killed in the storm. She told her parents she was going to her boyfriends house. It was demolished, her body was found 100 yards away. The other students survived.

stronghunter said...

It would be nice to have binoculars to view the nest with. I wonder how much that would cost.

Lolly said...

Right, Shirley! Lib was an outside kind of guy, just like all of us!☺

stronghunter said...

There were others at the house, Lolly?

Mema Jo said...

That little circle of benches is a memorial to one of the deceased
members of NCTC

Keep Thinking

I am going over to son's


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Did you all see that spot at NCTC with the binoculars?

stronghunter said...

Haven't seen the binoculars there.

Good grief, George just leaped off the recliner, landed on the coffee table and slid all the way across it. I hope he doesn't do that with his claws out. It will make a mess of the table.

hedgie said...

So glad to hear that Red and Diane are safe and sound! Whew! Hoping that your town recovers soon---and hoping your house is secure!

In name discussion, please forget the T-bird moniker. Our Thelma uses that name for her blog ID. "Nuf said.

glo said...

Well George Washington is the Father of our Country and Lib will always be the Father of our nest so I am so for something to honor him somewhere should that be needed and approved. It doesn't at all mean none else follow But there is only one First and we know who those parents are for NCTC

hedgie said...

Geula, glad that your eagle fired well!!!! Can't wait to see pics!!!

stronghunter said...

Had myself a steak sandwich for supper. Simple and quick without much mess.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Eerily quiet around here this evening.

T-Bird said...

Hedgie, thanks for the love.
T-bird (((hugs)))

stronghunter said...

Yes, it got quiet. Maybe we are all talked out.

stronghunter said...

I fell asleep for awhile.

Hoda said...

Well I had a big day today...I did not have to pay Her Majesty's Governement as much tax as I thought I was going to pay and felt good about that.

I had some legal documents to file with the Egyptian Embassy in Ottawa and I got a phone call today telling me that they are all in order. I felt very happy about that and learnt about how I worry unnecessarily.

I had a good yoga practice and will stay up late tonight to watch the Royal Wedding on the computer, as I do not have TV.

I prayed a good part of the day my gratitude and my hopes that all who have died or are suffering be taken into GOd's Grace for Shelter and Sustenance.

I continue to check in with our blog and feel gratitude for the sharing that takes place here...

Lolly said...

There were three others that went into a closet where the Texas girl took cover. Here parents flew there last night and searched. She was found this morning.

floralgirl said...

Need some noise, do ya? Ring my Bell this song has been stuck in my head all afternoon- I blame you, of course...

stronghunter said...

Very sad, Lolly.

hedgie said...

Very tired and feeling drained, so may just lay low this evening.
Could barely stay awake for Jeopardy. Feel like I am way behind today!

stronghunter said...

Lots of people did not sleep much last night.

stronghunter said...

Hunter will be a tired kid. He went to bed late because we were watching the weather. We had him downstairs because of the tornado warnings.

stronghunter said...

Wow, Hoda, it sounds like your tax prep was really complicated.

Lolly said...

Watching AI and lurking. Then I have Greys and PP to watch. Plan to sit back and enjoy....and not think sad thoughts. I watched the Thornby video and when dad flew in I started with the tears all over again.

hedgie said...

Too bad about the teen, Lolly. :(

Hi, T-bird!!!! Love you lots! Hope you've been lurking cause we sure don't see you much. Miss you! TV by choice or no reception?
Glad your tax bill wasn't too bad.

Kay said...

Just got back from Chinese dinner with my kids. Shirley, did you ever eat at China Dynasty, Lane Avenue Shopping Center, Upper Arlington in your Columbus area days ? Hmmmm, so good !

Fortunately they didn't ask about "my eagles" as they often do. I would have told them about the events of this week, but there would have been tears and I wasn't anxioius to go there this evening. Among other things we spoke of tomorrow promising to be a big day---the wedding, a space launch with Gabby Giffords and the Obamas in attendance and the President's visit to tornado ravaged Alabama. Last toll I saw was up to 280 dead, so sad.

I'm not getting into the name game, but look forward to voting on the list you old timers come up with. Meanwhile he'll be Truder for me. Nor will I get involved in ideas for a Lib memorial. That should be up to those of you who live in the area, know the NCTC grounds and facilities and who've supported Lib and Belle for many years. I will, however, contribute to the fund for it when given the go ahead. A wonderful idea, Jo!

JudyEddy said...


Mema Jo said...

Way to go Megan!

Mema Jo said...



«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 422   Newer› Newest»

3/10/25 PM CAM .12am to 12pm

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