Anyone out there can point her to the pic I know Wvgaldana has some awesome picture of Lib on his last days I cried a lttle bit ago when I saw them Thanks for putting them on there LOVE IT
Hi Hoda, well now I wonder if you watch the Hornby Island eagles? Was devastated when Phoenix did not live last year. It was my office mate who got me started on eagles as he introduced me to a nest in B.C.
I don't do pictures so someone else will have to help you there.
I just sent out an email to all Eaglet Momsters. Showing two pictures. First picture is taken from 3/18 shows Belle nostril left side. Second picture taken this evening shows Belle's nostril right side.
Its been a long day hot day I should say so I'm going to go see my best friend the TV LOL God Bless this Nest and all whom watch it and welcome all the new people on here
Dana WV Dana I am going to question if that is not in fact Truder? I'm looking through my sequence of pics and Belle flew out and then Truder came back and then he was the last to leave. I know you can't see his mark in the night light - but you also don't see the inverted "v" on the collar.
Please take a look at the pics and the time they were taken. Thanks!
Good Evening Eagle Buds! Been trying to read Comments, but don't think I'll get them all! See we have another new member, Hoda. Welcome Aboard!Don't worry about typos---we get some of our best vocabulary from them!! LOL
Listened to the Wood Thrush---he does go on!!Saw about the fanciful coloring, etc. at Masters!
Ms. Sissy, glad to hear you areb healing normally, but wish you were more comfortable. Gotta take more Panda naps.
Has Paula gone to the B---h? Hope it's a great weekend.
Mema Jo I corrected that the wound is new on the Intruder in eaglet-momster album. I also sent around a picture of Belle and Intruder in nest. Showing on that side of his nostril he didn't have a wound then. Thank you for your help.
Gee, must be a real exciting show out on TV. LOL! Am hearing power wrenches---you know--the kind that remove & put on race car wheels! And I used to think Sunday was bad (altho, I do like some NASCAR races)! But now it starts on Thursdays! I shall move on down to the Rec Room!
LOL Loretta...that's just what I posted on the picture on Facebook. Maybe Lib did it!
I'd like to ask the group for prayers for our friend Kathy. She and her husband Don have been very good friends to us, and she is my Mother in Law's very best friend in the world. Earlier this evening, Don passed away. He's been in very poor health for many years with multiple problems, but he's been a real trooper. He had a heart attack this morning, and they were unable to save him. We'll miss him...he was quite the character! But he is out of pain now and with the Lord.
And Lolly, I can see you now folded up in the recliner....because I did that once about 40 yrs. ago!!! Hysterical!!! I think they are more stable now!
Newbies, when we say we are posting pics in the album, we are referring to the Yahoo Eaglet Momsters page. You have to go to: Momsters and "apply" and then Jo or Paula will approve you. Once approved and logged in, you will be able to access the links on the left side of the page, including the Photos.
Keeping my fingers crossed that the government is going to work things out. This mess has a direct impact on all of us. Rus works for a government contractor.
I am now confused. DanaWV said it was Belle but Jo thought it was Truder. Hard to say who. Not Belle's inverted v, but no spot on the head that you can see.
Kathryn and Hunter went to Luray tonight so Hunter can participate in a kids' fishing activity tomorrow. His nana and pawpaw want to see him. Busy weekend for Kathryn.
After the lamp disaster, I had a table crisis. I have a tray table by my recliner. Leaping basset knocked it over and my glass of tea went flying. Same thing happened yesterday. (Glass broke that time.) Might just have to buy a sturdier chairside table. Shopping trip tomorrow.
Thank, Lynn. I like using this picture of Lib and Belle. Can remember that Sunday evening like it was yesterday. A great moment, a great picture for Deb.
Ok its really nite nite now don't let the bed bugs bite or stink bugs I hope everyone has a peaceful night Just got through watching Fringe What is it with all the shows decided to sing like Grey Anatomy the other nite and now Fringe God Bless this Nest and all whom watch
Lynne, the picture was taken on a Sunday night. We had taken the train ride that Sunday after open house. Then Jack and I met Deb and Paula at the nest. Deb got the picture that night. When we left Paula gave us our little stuffed eagles, we hugged, and departed. It was a great evening.
Hoda, I don't think anyone answered your question on HP---another momster term meaning Hanky Panky. I'm a newbie, too as of the last week of March---glad to meet you !
Howdy Eagle Pals and Howdy Hoda ! I see you found the trash can right off the bat and knew how to use it ! LOL
Here is another teacher/teacher's aide - kindergarten: Candy, from North Carolina.. "Carolinabeachmom" I think is how she blogs when she is with us here
Shirley hope the rain did not spoil your field trip too much... neat about the kids thanking the bus parents insisted that we thank the school bus one else EVER did... but I am proud that we did... God Bless My Parents...they taught us a lot of important things ♥ Been gone for many years now...
Okay, help me with this. If I get a little table to put beside my chair, what do I do? My coffee table and end tables are white.
I really can't expect to match them. I will need a small table of some kind that I can use for the stuff you like to have at your fingertips when you're in the recliner.
The tray was not too bad when the dogs were not here, though not perfect, but they bump into it on a regular basis. I have made countless saves.
Shirley, please take your cell phone to bed, just in case....
Oh, the train ride Lolly....I was thinking it was a Sunday night when we got the news. I have that picture on my frig, got it from Loretta at the Memorial Lunch, where I meet momsters for the first time.
Another color should be fine, Shirley. All tables do not need to match.
Did I tell y'all that the carpet man came and measured this evening. Wahooo! New carpet in the den and in our bedroom. It has been 15 years. I am so ready!
and Paula and Nugz are probably getting settled in. Personally, I think Truder achieved his mating act this morning, after a few seconds of getting his positioning act together....but that is just what it seemed like to me...
Field trip was inside a shopping center, so the rain wasn't too much of a problem. It likely contributed to the traffic problems that made us about 30 minutes late getting back, but that wasn't too much of a problem.
DanaMo you are probably sleeping so maybe I will "see" you in the morning, I loved your comment that since you teach kindergarten, the words are easy to spell LOL ☺
told my naturalist friend in New York about the possible mating this morning, we both agree probably too late for eggs. He said, maybe they are just having fun.
Well, I got up early this morning....7, and already too late for the nest. Being an hour behind does not help. No way am I going to be up at 5:30 to see the eagles in the nest.
Going to start heading towards the pillows.... Best wishes to all, for Sweet Sleep.... Hope to be part of the Brat Pack in the morning before work, if I don't lose my specs again !
Good Night Precious Pals !
Prayers for all our needs, and Prayers of thanks for many gifts given God Bless This Nest, and God Bless Us, Every One xoxo ♥
STINKBUGS....horrible invasive species that ruin crops, hibernate in houses, come out into the house, dive bomb you in the night, show up in your printer, coffee pot, shoes, and they STINK.
I have a question about the banding of the NBG eaglets--how do they do that without Mama Eagle ripping them to shreds? I would think she would tear into anyone who came near her babies.
OMG!!! I'd have to move!!! We have huge moths here, and some wicked beetles too. My cat brought one in and I had to have my neighbor come get it out. I'm such a wimp!!
They band birds in lots of places without being attacked. I think the parents fly around and watch, but have not heard of any attacks. Maybe someone else knows more.
for some reason, Pam, the eagles just don't. They stay close and circle but don't attack. Unlike mockingbirds....
I'm heading to bed. May do a bird walk at Irvine in the AM if the knee feels better. Thanks for the prayers for Kathy and Don. Prayers for all of you and have a good night.
We ate dinner on the back patio. Did not have the umbrella up and the wasps were coming and going from under the closed umbrella. Jack is going to open it tomorrow and look for a nest. He has already destroyed one wasp nest up there.
Now, if they decided to band baby mockingbirds, I think they just might be likely to have a problem with the parents. Mockingbird parents are something else.
Remember the mockingbirds that took over a section of a parking lot in Fredericksburg last summer? It made the news in DC.
But mockingbirds only want you to think they can rip you apart.
Got a voicemail from Suz.....she is safe if the gov't. shuts down. Her company's gov't. contract is apparently pre-budgeted, so she will be at work as usual Mon.
Lynne, yes, I carry an Epipen. Have only had to use it a couple of times.
Was just googling blue heron nests. I find it interesting that there is a nest here. I know we have herons, but their nest is not near any large body of water. Closest thing is a tiny little lake, more like a city pond. Going to take the binocs tomorrow to look at it.
LOLLY! SO funny you mentioned that! I just found out where there are heron nests very close to me and I am going to check them out tomorrow if I have time!
Well, what a shame, Lynne! Wouldn't we have fun going to look together. Oh, well, you go and Jack and I will go, and we will compare notes tomorrow night.☺
Shirley, instead of a table, how about an over sized ottoman?
Also, Shirley, if the bed collapses, please don't call 911 -- might get routed to Margy.
Hi Margy. Sorry about the 12 hour day. Sure wish you all had more people to help out.
Well, Shirley, I just don't know. Have to ask my office mate who deals with sex stuff.
Christine, how about we send you some stink bugs? We have way more than we need.
PammySue, adult eagles will not attach but will circle above the nest area while the eaglets are carefully placed into an insulated bag, weighed, blood sample taken, measured, and banded. The eaglets are then returned to the nest and the adults will continue to circle for a while and then return to the nest. No harm is done. It is fascinating to watch. Do so if you can.
Gee, missed a lot.....goodnight to all this hasn't been a good evening for your furniture/accessories!!! Hope you find a sturdier table. Christine....don't worry. You will see stink bugs. They are now in 39 states, NC included! You may not get plagued til late summer...but mark my will. :(
Lynn, Family Friday was one of the best that we have had. Finally got GG feeling well enough to go to China City and had a plate of Crab Legs. Jayden was with us but didn't want anything to do with a crab leg:) He ate shrimp, green beans, chicken, french fries and sucked on and chewed ib 4 lemon halves and devoured a plate of orange quarters. Karla had to take him to the restroom to wash him off before she put him in the car. He and GG both ate very well
Wanda, so really happy family night was so nice and both Jayden and GG ate so well. What a boy Jayden must be to enjoy such a variety of food. Say hi to Father Capt. Gene.
Okay, I am really going to sleep now. Really! Goodnight! I mean it!
Jo, had to chuckle.....a friend on FB posted a pic of a card one of her grandchildren made for her. Her name is Martha Jo...and card said I love you, Mama Jo!!!
Ah, now I see that Judie also answered me, so thanks, Judie.
I did some skimming, but basically got caught up.
I am going to my parent's tomorrow. We are having a family dinner to celebrate Craig's and my sister Angela's birthdays. If the weather is nice, I will be outside with my nieces all day. I am their playmate, and I love every minute of it. ♥♥
I changed my avatar to a picture of my nieces, Hannah and Olivia. They are 6 years old, and are the sweetest, funniest, cutest, smartest, most lovable little sweethearts. I love those 2 little girls more than I could ever explain. ♥♥
Hello Mema Jo and every one...I just caught up with the reading of this blog. I tried to get to the pictures and did not have much luck, so I tried to watch the White Rock BC eagle cam and it was down. So I spent my time getting in touch with the Hanckock Foundation as the eggs are due to hatch next week and I do not want to miss it.Two eggs 11th and 17th due dates. It is now working and I feel very happy. Thanks for HP explanation. I never learnt acronyms very well. I was born in Egypt and immigrated to Canada in the seventies after some University work in the USA and I still have low memory for acronyms. So thank you for explaining HP...I should have remembered it.LOL Good night and sweet dreams to all of you back east.
Paula, was reading in tub and was kind of rushing to get back here to see if you and Nugz had made it to your roost! Glad to see that you did.....hope you found everything hunky-dory there. Will say my last goodnight.....prayers for all the many needs.
Hedgie, Thank you for the links to the cute stories about the bears and the deer & goose. I forwarded those to some friends. One of them rehabilitates deer and geese so he will really enjoy.
I do believe the goose's mate is probably nearby. I work with wildlife rescue, and know that you will often see nests with no male around. The male usually stays away some distance to prevent predators from noticing the nest.
If the deer "moved in," the gander may actually be afraid of the deer! It happens, some ganders are quite timid. They are usually the ones with nesting sites in strange places, as they often aren't aggressive enough to secure prime nesting territory.
Good Morning Kay, DanaMo, Wanda, Lynne, Lynn, Jo, Margy, Judie, Shirley, Paula and all.
Welcome to Hoda!
Wow, lots of questions and pictures to question here. Wish we had a GPS on Lib so we'd know he's okay and where he is. Sure hope Belle doesn't have another beak injury. Geez. AND the HP I read about yesterday. I'm with Paula who said YUCK!
Gotta get in the shower - will miss the visit this morning. Going to the Cherry Blossom Parade.
Glad the the political posturing is over and the bugdet is set with 38 trillion in cuts. Just hope they're in the right places!
I wish I would have drove over! My fellow eagle watcher had too much going on today so she didn't want to go. I am dying to get over there early on morning!
«Oldest ‹Older 601 – 800 of 924 Newer› Newest»Anyone out there can point her to the pic I know Wvgaldana has some awesome picture of Lib on his last days I cried a lttle bit ago when I saw them Thanks for putting them on there LOVE IT
Hi Hoda, well now I wonder if you watch the Hornby Island eagles? Was devastated when Phoenix did not live last year. It was my office mate who got me started on eagles as he introduced me to a nest in B.C.
I don't do pictures so someone else will have to help you there.
It was Red who said Hans was banned.
Ok DUH I am referring to helping HODA find the picture of the nose injury forgot to say her name
Hoda, HP = hanky panky = mating
I really am going to watch t.v. now. Bye
I just sent out an email to all Eaglet Momsters. Showing two pictures. First picture is taken from 3/18 shows Belle nostril left side. Second picture taken this evening shows Belle's nostril right side.
Its been a long day hot day I should say so I'm going to go see my best friend the TV LOL
God Bless this Nest and all whom watch it and welcome all the new people on here
Welcome Hoda it is always nice when a Lurker comes aboard. Hope you will enjoy being with this great group of people.
We are on the new page 601 count You know We SPLIT,
Hoda - Welcome again..
This is the Photo Album Page for today
Hoda the page is opening with
my access - I would invite you to join
our Yahoo Eaglet Momster site.
Dana WV Dana I am going to question if that is not in fact Truder?
I'm looking through my sequence of pics
and Belle flew out and then Truder came back and then he was the last to leave. I know you can't see his mark
in the night light - but you also don't see the inverted "v" on the collar.
Please take a look at the pics and the time they were taken. Thanks!
PammySue where did you see the egg hatching at?
Good Evening Eagle Buds! Been trying to read Comments, but don't think I'll get them all!
See we have another new member, Hoda. Welcome Aboard!Don't worry about typos---we get some of our best vocabulary from them!! LOL
Listened to the Wood Thrush---he does go on!!Saw about the fanciful coloring, etc. at Masters!
Ms. Sissy, glad to hear you areb healing normally, but wish you were more comfortable. Gotta take more Panda naps.
Has Paula gone to the B---h? Hope it's a great weekend.
Mema Jo I corrected that the wound is new on the Intruder in eaglet-momster album. I also sent around a picture of Belle and Intruder in nest. Showing on that side of his nostril he didn't have a wound then. Thank you for your help.
Yes, Paula left for the beach. Can you say...jealous?
Nice lite supper outside on the back patio, but now we are back in as Jack has a hockey game to watch.
If I get it correctly, Turd has marking/wound on nostril?
Perhaps it's from food, or if a wound, maybe he ran into TEAM LIBERTY!!!! ("Try to fool around with my gal?")
lol I'm heading for the tv where I don't get so confused lol
CSI NY is on
I think we may have lost Hoda....
I have a 9 and a 10:00 TV show
I'll come back during commercials.
Gee, must be a real exciting show out on TV. LOL! Am hearing power wrenches---you know--the kind that remove & put on race car wheels! And I used to think Sunday was bad (altho, I do like some NASCAR races)! But now it starts on Thursdays! I shall move on down to the Rec Room!
LOL Loretta...that's just what I posted on the picture on Facebook. Maybe Lib did it!
I'd like to ask the group for prayers for our friend Kathy. She and her husband Don have been very good friends to us, and she is my Mother in Law's very best friend in the world. Earlier this evening, Don passed away. He's been in very poor health for many years with multiple problems, but he's been a real trooper. He had a heart attack this morning, and they were unable to save him. We'll miss him...he was quite the character! But he is out of pain now and with the Lord.
Hello again.
Craig and I are watching tv, so I have just started reading during the commercials. I see there was an attempt at HP this morning. Hmmmm.
Just posted night time capture of Decorah Eaglet Trouble.
Shirley, just glad the lamp didn't hit YOU!!!!
And Lolly, I can see you now folded up in the recliner....because I did that once about 40 yrs. ago!!! Hysterical!!! I think they are more stable now!
Newbies, when we say we are posting pics in the album, we are referring to the Yahoo Eaglet Momsters page. You have to go to:
and "apply" and then Jo or Paula will approve you. Once approved and logged in, you will be able to access the links on the left side of the page, including the Photos.
Wish it was daylight and Belle would return so we could see if the spot disappears or not.....could just be dirt, or maybe even food stuck on there.
Hey all, I've been away most of the day. What's going on with Belle???????
I decided to play for a while. I wanted to be different. LOL
Well, it does say Team Liberty, you just can not read it. Need to play some more.☺
Prayers for Kathy, Lynne.
JudyE, I'll take some of your 90° weather!
Leona, I saw the hatch in a video that was put on Facebook. Here is the link.
Sorry, don't have the instructions on the proper way to do it--they are stored on my computer.
Thanks PammySue
PammySue that was assume. I saw him just after he hatched. I have one capture of that.
Now, let's see if this can be read.
I found screen captures from the The Great Escape From Norfolk Botanical Garden.
Great Escape
Tell you what, Lynn. You send me some of your rain and I will send you some of our warmth. Sounds like a good deal to me!
I'm confused. I saw the pictures and they say Truder, but someone else said Belle. Could someone give me a quick recap?
It is better, Lolly. Looks a little like the cover of Time.
Lynne, so sorry about your friend. Pray that his family finds strength and peace.
Okay, so it WASN'T Belle with the boo-boo?? Then maybe Lib is making his move!1 TEAM LIBERTY!
Christine, I think they were saying it was Belle. There is a picture of her with something on her beak.
I need to go look at the picture!
Thanks for sharing, Leona. Those are cute little rascals.
Keeping my fingers crossed that the government is going to work things out. This mess has a direct impact on all of us. Rus works for a government contractor.
Sounds like something is about to happen.
I like the avatar, Lolly!!
Hi, Wanda! How was family Friday?? Bet you had some good food!!
Christine....I missed it but apparently Turd has a possible wound on his beak.
I am now confused. DanaWV said it was Belle but Jo thought it was Truder. Hard to say who. Not Belle's inverted v, but no spot on the head that you can see.
Kathryn and Hunter went to Luray tonight so Hunter can participate in a kids' fishing activity tomorrow. His nana and pawpaw want to see him. Busy weekend for Kathryn.
After the lamp disaster, I had a table crisis. I have a tray table by my recliner. Leaping basset knocked it over and my glass of tea went flying. Same thing happened yesterday. (Glass broke that time.) Might just have to buy a sturdier chairside table. Shopping trip tomorrow.
Thank, Lynn. I like using this picture of Lib and Belle. Can remember that Sunday evening like it was yesterday. A great moment, a great picture for Deb.
they seriously are not going to let the gov shut down, are they? Just heard the deadline may be pushed back a week.
LOL Shirley! One disaster after another this evening. Maybe you should go to bed. Just saying.....!
One of my favorite pictures for many reasons, Lolly.
Good grief Shirley....I won't sleep tonight worrying that your bed might collapse!!
What kind of kid's fishing activity is Hunter taking part in? Does he like to fish?
Maybe so, Lolly. Let's hope the bed stays intact.
Ok its really nite nite now don't let the bed bugs bite or stink bugs I hope everyone has a peaceful night Just got through watching Fringe What is it with all the shows decided to sing like Grey Anatomy the other nite and now Fringe God Bless this Nest and all whom watch
oh, that awful Sunday night....I can't remember where we were, but I remember coming home and finding out. Love the avatar Lolly!
oh, JudyE, I just killed one. It had the audacity to be crawling up my tea kettle.....have a good night!
We will hope that the bed stays in place. LOL Walk up the stairs very carefully!
ARGH--did you hear THIS???
Military members only got half of their pay because there's currently enough money appropriated to only pay through today.
What a crock of BS!
Lynne, the picture was taken on a Sunday night. We had taken the train ride that Sunday after open house. Then Jack and I met Deb and Paula at the nest. Deb got the picture that night. When we left Paula gave us our little stuffed eagles, we hugged, and departed. It was a great evening.
Hoda, I don't think anyone answered your question on HP---another momster term meaning Hanky Panky. I'm a newbie, too as of the last week of March---glad to meet you !
I'm on a date...with Tom Selleck!
Howdy Eagle Pals
and Howdy Hoda !
I see you found the trash can right off the bat and knew how to use it ! LOL
Here is another teacher/teacher's aide - kindergarten:
Candy, from North Carolina..
"Carolinabeachmom" I think is how she blogs when she is with us here
Did anyone look at the talon, there was a really long one, the middle.
and welcome to sunseeker
way cool moniker! But I haven't seen you for awhile today, maybe later on tonight ☼
See how many blog posts don't happen when I work the 12-hour days?
My gift to the blog readers trying to catch up ! LOL
Oops, Judie, somehow I missed your HP answer for Hoda.
Lolly, love the new avatar !
hope the rain did not spoil your field trip too much...
neat about the kids thanking the bus parents insisted that we thank the school bus one else EVER did...
but I am proud that we did...
God Bless My Parents...they taught us a lot of important things ♥
Been gone for many years now...
Okay, help me with this. If I get a little table to put beside my chair, what do I do? My coffee table and end tables are white.
I really can't expect to match them. I will need a small table of some kind that I can use for the stuff you like to have at your fingertips when you're in the recliner.
The tray was not too bad when the dogs were not here, though not perfect, but they bump into it on a regular basis. I have made countless saves.
Judie answsered about H-P - she snuck that in !
I like that, Margy! Howdy Hoda!☺
glad to read that Sissy is coming along okay, and that the doctor reassured her....
and that Christine's Dad seems to be doing pretty good also
Lynne, so sorry to read of your friend Kathy's husband Don dying this evening, God Bless the family and friends in their loss
(( hugs♥ ))
Shirley, please take your cell phone to bed, just in case....
Oh, the train ride Lolly....I was thinking it was a Sunday night when we got the news. I have that picture on my frig, got it from Loretta at the Memorial Lunch, where I meet momsters for the first time.
Another color should be fine, Shirley. All tables do not need to match.
Did I tell y'all that the carpet man came and measured this evening. Wahooo! New carpet in the den and in our bedroom. It has been 15 years. I am so ready!
Love the Wood Thrush, they can be elusive to SEE but not to HEAR -
found a spot last year where I could see and hear for a nice long time
How about the Ovenbird? Cool little noisy rascal also
sounds like your day had a good afternoon and evening to it !
Oh, yes, I forgot! Certainly, Lynne, prayers for comfort and strength for your friend on the loss of her husband.
and Paula and Nugz are probably getting settled in.
Personally, I think Truder achieved his mating act this morning, after a few seconds of getting his positioning act together....but that is just what it seemed like to me...
Field trip was inside a shopping center, so the rain wasn't too much of a problem. It likely contributed to the traffic problems that made us about 30 minutes late getting back, but that wasn't too much of a problem.
We had a good day, Margy. It was an emotional one for various reasons, but it was a good day.
you are probably sleeping so maybe I will "see" you in the morning, I loved your comment that since you teach kindergarten, the words are easy to spell LOL ☺
A thirty-minute delay on the beltway is not a big deal around here. It could be much worse.
and JudyE
wonderful to hear of your special times with Jordyn....
I did not see that comment, Margy. The tough thing for kndg teachers is the notes home to parents. LOL You have to spell correctly then!!Yikes!
I love grilled cheese and tomato soup !!
Might have to make a road trip to Jo's one Friday evening ☺
Magpie, I agree with you on the HP this morning. Looked like a done deal to me. My hope is that it didn't take.
Going to bed now and hope to sleep in, but if it's like most mornings I'll be here with the early birds.
Prayers for all in need !
told my naturalist friend in New York about the possible mating this morning, we both agree probably too late for eggs.
He said, maybe they are just having fun.
Aaaarggghhh! I will NEVER get caught up.
Lynne, I am so sorry about your friend. Prayers for his family.
Lolly, I love your avatar. I LOVE that picture of Belle and Liberty--it's my favorite. ♥
Sunseeker is over on the OC explaining some things about how to navigate their forums.
Well, I got up early this morning....7, and already too late for the nest. Being an hour behind does not help. No way am I going to be up at 5:30 to see the eagles in the nest.
But how often does "having fun" end up with having babies?
My favorite too, Pam!
ok, good, inside, not a big problem.
Nothing matches in my house, so I can't give you any advice !
yes, read the emotional part...
(( hugs ♥ ))
tough when it's like that...the heart feels so much, it goes through the whole self !
Good question, Shirley. Do not know the answer.
can't answer that one, Shirley....
but it's a real good there are statistics on that !
For People, and other forms of WILDlife
Probably will go with some kind of natural wood color. The fireplace frame and some other things are that color.
We will have to wait and see, won't we?
Red and many others posted some really neat information today about birds and birdsongs
Thank You !!
James (my grandson) loves the sounds that Red-Winged Blackbirds and Towhees make, and does a pretty good imitation of both !
CNN reporting that THERE IS A DEAL to keep the Gov. running.....
CNN says there is a deal on the budget, but they need a temporary agreement in order to have time to enact it, but it sounds promising.
I'm misbehaving, adding too many posts !
Going to start heading towards the pillows....
Best wishes to all, for Sweet Sleep....
Hope to be part of the Brat Pack in the morning before work, if I don't lose my specs again !
Good Night Precious Pals !
Prayers for all our needs, and Prayers of thanks for many gifts given
God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥
to keep it running til Thursday
What's the deal with the stink bugs?? We don't have them here, but I hear they're real back back home (MD/PA)
Good night Margy!
One agreement to fund the government through Thursday and a "framework" for a six-month agreement.
STINKBUGS....horrible invasive species that ruin crops, hibernate in houses, come out into the house, dive bomb you in the night, show up in your printer, coffee pot, shoes, and they STINK.
Stinkbugs really bad in some places. We have occasional ones here. They always show up in Kathryn's room.
I have a question about the banding of the NBG eaglets--how do they do that without Mama Eagle ripping them to shreds? I would think she would tear into anyone who came near her babies.
OMG!!! I'd have to move!!! We have huge moths here, and some wicked beetles too. My cat brought one in and I had to have my neighbor come get it out. I'm such a wimp!!
Lynne2, prayers of comfort for Kathy and family and friends. Don is at peace.
Good night, Margy! (((Hugs}}}♥
Sweet dreams!
They band birds in lots of places without being attacked. I think the parents fly around and watch, but have not heard of any attacks. Maybe someone else knows more.
My problem is wasps. They are really coming out now with the warmth and I am terribly allergic to their stings.
Good night, precious Margy.
for some reason, Pam, the eagles just don't. They stay close and circle but don't attack. Unlike mockingbirds....
I'm heading to bed. May do a bird walk at Irvine in the AM if the knee feels better. Thanks for the prayers for Kathy and Don. Prayers for all of you and have a good night.
We ate dinner on the back patio. Did not have the umbrella up and the wasps were coming and going from under the closed umbrella. Jack is going to open it tomorrow and look for a nest. He has already destroyed one wasp nest up there.
Good night, Lynne. (((Hugs))) for you, too!☺
Now, if they decided to band baby mockingbirds, I think they just might be likely to have a problem with the parents. Mockingbird parents are something else.
Remember the mockingbirds that took over a section of a parking lot in Fredericksburg last summer? It made the news in DC.
But mockingbirds only want you to think they can rip you apart.
Another temporary continuing resolution in the works but not yet formally announced.
oh Lolly, do you have and EpiPen? Please be careful.
Well, Lynne, we are thinking along the same lines tonight.
Shirley, I have a mental picture of you in a Keystone Cops costume. Happy shopping tomorrow!
How about that diving rs hawk that was protecting it's nest. We did not have that problem here.
ah, great minds Shirley!
oh, the one at the FLA golf course! I saw that!
Going now....
here comes the budget announcement
Getting late already!Time sure flies when you're trying to read all these posts!!
Leona, great pics on NBG Escape. How funny---piggies that young!
Lynne, thoughts and prayers for your friends' family. And for all those under the weather.
Gonna watch news & hit the hay---work (boo) in AM. They better not close the Gov't!!! Will cost US in many ways.
If I don't return, Pleasant Feather Dreams to all ;>)
Goodnight, JudyE.
Shirley, make the sandperson go ahead of you into bed.
I will keep you posted, Judie. I do need a table with a bit more space, but it cannot be very big. Not enough space.
Hmmm, politicians made an announcement, but I am not sure what they really said . . .
President about to speak . . .
I will do that Judie. And I will take my cell phone.
Everyone I am calling in a day. Night all!!!
Good night, Leona.
Got a voicemail from Suz.....she is safe if the gov't. shuts down. Her company's gov't. contract is apparently pre-budgeted, so she will be at work as usual Mon.
One week shutdown for the time being.
Sounds like budget issues are working out okay, Lynn.
Well, the sandperson and I are going to head upstairs. If you hear a loud crash, call 911.
Glad Suz is secure with her job.
Lynne, yes, I carry an Epipen. Have only had to use it a couple of times.
Was just googling blue heron nests. I find it interesting that there is a nest here. I know we have herons, but their nest is not near any large body of water. Closest thing is a tiny little lake, more like a city pond. Going to take the binocs tomorrow to look at it.
Night Shirley! Got your phone in your hand?
Get us some pics, please, Lolly.
LOLLY! SO funny you mentioned that! I just found out where there are heron nests very close to me and I am going to check them out tomorrow if I have time!
Will be very careful, Lolly. Do not want to hurt the Sandperson.
Well, what a shame, Lynne! Wouldn't we have fun going to look together. Oh, well, you go and Jack and I will go, and we will compare notes tomorrow night.☺
I am thinking of down loading a new book to my kindle and putting my nose in it for a while.
Have enjoyed the evening with you!
Night all!
Sweet dreams!
Shirley, instead of a table, how about an over sized ottoman?
Also, Shirley, if the bed collapses, please don't call 911 -- might get routed to Margy.
Hi Margy. Sorry about the 12 hour day. Sure wish you all had more people to help out.
Well, Shirley, I just don't know. Have to ask my office mate who deals with sex stuff.
Christine, how about we send you some stink bugs? We have way more than we need.
PammySue, adult eagles will not attach but will circle above the nest area while the eaglets are carefully placed into an insulated bag, weighed, blood sample taken, measured, and banded. The eaglets are then returned to the nest and the adults will continue to circle for a while and then return to the nest. No harm is done. It is fascinating to watch. Do so if you can.
The sandperson has been waiting impatiently outside the door for quite some time now.
Goodnight Margy and all others who have turned in.
Am turning my light off but will leave the night light on for others coming in late. Restful sleep for all.
Gee, missed a lot.....goodnight to all this hasn't been a good evening for your furniture/accessories!!! Hope you find a sturdier table.
Christine....don't worry. You will see stink bugs. They are now in 39 states, NC included! You may not get plagued til late summer...but mark my will. :(
OK Lolly, Heron Reports tomorrow!
Lynn, Family Friday was one of the best that we have had. Finally got GG feeling well enough to go to China City and had a plate of Crab Legs. Jayden was with us but didn't want anything to do with a crab leg:) He ate shrimp, green beans, chicken, french fries and sucked on and chewed ib 4 lemon halves and devoured a plate of orange quarters. Karla had to take him to the restroom to wash him off before she put him in the car.
He and GG both ate very well
Nor will adult eagles "attack"
In Bluefield. Nice storms rolled through. Going to bed. Good night and sweet eagle dreams, my friends of fine feathers and fur.
I think Judie's sandperson is coming up our sidewalk...better get to bed!
Thanks for the answer to my question about banding the eaglets, Shirley and Lynne.
Not what I expected from eagles.
Wanda, so really happy family night was so nice and both Jayden and GG ate so well. What a boy Jayden must be to enjoy such a variety of food. Say hi to Father Capt. Gene.
Okay, I am really going to sleep now. Really! Goodnight! I mean it!
Check this out, compliments of Mits:
Russian Bear Papa
Jo, had to chuckle.....a friend on FB posted a pic of a card one of her grandchildren made for her. Her name is Martha Jo...and card said I love you, Mama Jo!!!
Wanda sure sounds like a great evening!
Hoda didn't make it over to this page.
I hope she comes back and I'll get her into the albums.
Christine - I hope your questions were answered this evening.
Gee, everyone is turning in.
Guess I will head for the tub, and then see if anyone is still here when I get back!!!
Sweet dreams all!
I'm saying good night and pleasant
Prayers for all those is need
Hugs for all ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Today's Bear Report
Ah, now I see that Judie also answered me, so thanks, Judie.
I did some skimming, but basically got caught up.
I am going to my parent's tomorrow. We are having a family dinner to celebrate Craig's and my sister Angela's birthdays.
If the weather is nice, I will be outside with my nieces all day. I am their playmate, and I love every minute of it. ♥♥
I changed my avatar to a picture of my nieces, Hannah and Olivia. They are 6 years old, and are the sweetest, funniest, cutest, smartest, most lovable little sweethearts.
I love those 2 little girls more than I could ever explain. ♥♥
Hello Mema Jo and every one...I just caught up with the reading of this blog. I tried to get to the pictures and did not have much luck, so I tried to watch the White Rock BC eagle cam and it was down. So I spent my time getting in touch with the Hanckock Foundation as the eggs are due to hatch next week and I do not want to miss it.Two eggs 11th and 17th due dates. It is now working and I feel very happy. Thanks for HP explanation. I never learnt acronyms very well. I was born in Egypt and immigrated to Canada in the seventies after some University work in the USA and I still have low memory for acronyms. So thank you for explaining HP...I should have remembered it.LOL Good night and sweet dreams to all of you back east.
Hoda, welcome back. :) It does sometimes take a long time to get caught up on here.
I hate to abandon you as soon as you have returned, but I am heading to bed. Busy day tomorrow.
Good night, everyone. Sweet dreams.
Sorry....something that was just on extended news forecast:
Deer and Goose
Time for sleep at this nest.
Wish everyone a pleasant rest and prayers for all needs and wants, especially those in pain of body or soul.
Welcome to all newbies today.
Great pictures Leona.
Getting sleepy..... goodnite and God bless.
Evening all..or should I say morning :)
Chatty crowd tonight...will ttry to get caughtt up
Paula, was reading in tub and was kind of rushing to get back here to see if you and Nugz had made it to your roost! Glad to see that you did.....hope you found everything hunky-dory there.
Will say my last goodnight.....prayers for all the many needs.
Wow I'm not usually up with the night crowd. Hope I'm not up again with the morning crowd in a few hours! LOL
Night all!
Glad to see someone else asked what HP was, I felt foolish when I found out the other day. Wonder what tomorrow will bring...
Hedgie, Thank you for the links to the cute stories about the bears and the deer & goose. I forwarded those to some friends. One of them rehabilitates deer and geese so he will really enjoy.
I do believe the goose's mate is probably nearby. I work with wildlife rescue, and know that you will often see nests with no male around. The male usually stays away some distance to prevent predators from noticing the nest.
If the deer "moved in," the gander may actually be afraid of the deer! It happens, some ganders are quite timid. They are usually the ones with nesting sites in strange places, as they often aren't aggressive enough to secure prime nesting territory.
I really enjoyed these articles. Thanks again!
Good Morning Kay, DanaMo, Wanda, Lynne, Lynn, Jo, Margy, Judie, Shirley, Paula and all.
Welcome to Hoda!
Wow, lots of questions and pictures to question here. Wish we had a GPS on Lib so we'd know he's okay and where he is. Sure hope Belle doesn't have another beak injury. Geez. AND the HP I read about yesterday. I'm with Paula who said YUCK!
Gotta get in the shower - will miss the visit this morning. Going to the Cherry Blossom Parade.
Glad the the political posturing is over and the bugdet is set with 38 trillion in cuts. Just hope they're in the right places!
Good M☼rning Eagle Pals
Hope you have a great day today Lori at Cherry Blossom
DanaMo if you make your trek to Shepherdstown...hope you have a nice visit also
and Welcome (back) to West Virginia this week-end Sharon
I'll do my best to be watching the nest before worktime this morning
Osprey nest site cam in Finland, the "Land" nest is back up and running -
don't see any birds there yet
Best wishes for a good day, play, whatever is going on for each of you..
glad we got some rain here yesterday, good for the crops, and holds down on the brush fires !
But NO rain on a Saturday would probably be nice ☺
enough light on the nest now to see
Eagle in the nest not sure which one yet
I'm thinking it is Belle
Working in the middle of the nest a little mostly just "sitting" there
now down to the five and looking out
It was Belle cuz Truder just arrived
Truder tired H-P Belle resisted it did not happen
Truder flew out
I can't watch and blog, gonna take notes and post later
Truder is back
I'm almost afraid to get up and get my coffee that I may miss something good. But I NEED my coffee, so I will make it quick
Belle left from the 11 spot
Truder left also for now ! did not see which way out
And back in from the 11 - Truder
I wish I would have drove over! My fellow eagle watcher had too much going on today so she didn't want to go. I am dying to get over there early on morning!
takes me so long to publish a post that I'm missing stuff
will add more notes later...
Hi DanaMo
Good morning Margie
Truder flies up and out at the 2
For Now !
And Already Back Again
LOL Margie, I guess the face of my clock is a little off...
and out again from the 5
I'll let you post the position :)
not to worry, it's all good DanaMo
We are going to SPLIT here real soon
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