I've given up trying to get a view deep into the Finney-One (Land)nest to see if there is an egg...but the osprey is roosting and acting like she is egg-rolling so I am thinking there IS.
I peeked at Hilton Head SC nest sometime or another today and believe I saw three eggs there
Better say Good Night....I had my nap but am going to be night-owling it for a little bit, off Sat and have lots on the to-do list
Prayers for all with ailments Prayers for comfort of the heart God Bless This Nest, and God Bless Us, Every One xoxo ♥
Hellooooooooooo! Dan and Sharon have returned to their RV. They will be here again tomorrow. Sunday they head out for six weeks. First OK and then on to Wisconsin. I really am not sure where all they are going. We had a great dinner. Loaded our plates and then sat on the patio to eat.
I see I'm not alone in my insomia--hi to you lurkers out there !
Lynne2, thanks for the heads up. WVEC rocks ! Sorry to hear Steve has Tennis Elbow, but glad he knows what it is and is getting treatment. Had it years ago, very painful--I never have played tennis and thought it a dirty trick ! ☺
Lynn, you certainly have a promising young artist in the family. Thanks for sharing !
Going to give sleep another try as I want to be up with the SSCC gang. Hope we get a nice long visit out of Belle and Truder like you evening Momsters did !
Oh, and now a Towhee! This mockingbird has been around ! Nw if it would just belt out some Wood Thrush and an Eagle, I'd really be happy
Spent some time adding pictures to my Wildflowers link and Feathers, Fur and Miscellaneous...come visit West Virginia !
headed for a nap, aka bedtime, might be up early for a nest visit.
If skies are clear, check for Crescent Moon in the East pre-dawn, it might be near Venus and also Mars, Mercury and Jupiter! But the planets will be pretty low on the horizon, might be hard to spot - I will get up for a look at that in a few hours
Belle still just sitting, Truder arranging sticks Don't know about sound, have the volume down, everyone else is sleeping in my house. Gotta get to work,- later:)
My still cam is frozen too. I see Ringma and Belle. Belle is at noon and he is noon position. Now he is digging at the egg cup and she is watching him.
Watching him now I'm kind of Worty-ed about his skills during the first mating/brooding/hatching season of his young life. Will he step up to the plate as provider and protector ? What a hoot watching him struggle with that limb !
Fl is fantastic no bad weather Shuttle rescheduled till Mon All the hotels are booked over there was on the news everyone that came is staying for the Mon launch Good for our economy
Whoa, she must have been watching him struggle with the limb and decided "if I want something done I'll just have to do it myself"--"get out of the way Truder, I'll do it myself !"
Just walked in to the Sycamore Cafe and poured my coffee. Boy I've been spoiled this week. Talked about getting up early today and heading over, now I wish I would have!
Good morning, Lori, Kay, Megan, JudyE, and Sharon.
Someone fill me in on the meaning behind this name "Ringma?" I missed something somewhere and couldn't find it.
Yesterday at Biff Burger when leaving I got in my truck to leave and all of sudden my phone rang it was my daughter Jordyn was crying her little eyes out crying OMA kiss Oma Kiss I guess she wanted another kiss so Angies called me while I was pulling out of the parking lot and off course I pulled back in to give her a kiss and hug she kept Saying I luve you over while sobbing That was so sweet I felt so good and sad in a way I love that kids sooo much Ok got to get ready only have a few min before I leave BBL I hope all has a good day see you at lunch Forgot to say OMA is German for Grandma just in case someone didn't know it
oooh, now I get it. Thanks. I knew there was something funny there but when I went back into all the posts I couldn't find it!
Lori-these cabinets are almost finished. Did you see the pics I posted on my blog? I can't remember if you were on the other morning when I posted them. I'm beat though, it was a lot of work, but I love the new look.
Have a good day at Wally World, JudyE, aka Oma ! Lori, it's so nice to have you here on a day off and without being pressered by work duties. I wish your employers would get with the program and realize the SSCC is your top priority ! ☺
DANA love the cabinets! I'm sure the work has been exhausting! Kudos to you for even starting it -that's what I would do - start & not finish!
I saw your blog pics! They're beautiful. Mine cabinets are already dark, so I want to do the opposite and make them lighter. Did you have to do a lot of sanding?
I still have the final "protective" coat to put on the cabinets, but I didn't do anything yesterday. Just plain lazy. I do not like projects. I am hoping that I get it done this morning and my hubby will hang them tomorrow afternoon. He is out camping with the Boy Scouts this weekend.
There is no sanding involved. The first thing you do is a "deglossing" process. I think that is in place of sanding. It takes the finish off (my cabinets were so old I don't think there was any finish left on them), then you put 2 coats of your color, then there is an optional glaze (I think it helps bring out the wood tone so I used it.) then the final step is the protective coat. There is alot of drying time between each. After the first step it's an hour, after each coat of color it's 3 hours. Then the glaze dry time is 8 hours and the protective coat dry time is 12 hours. That's partly what makes it so time consuming. It really helped to do it in sections because at least I got to see something that was complete. All new knobs and hinges helped as well.
My neighbor is completing one of MY dreams. Pulled in yesterday and saw a really big contractor size dumpster in the driveway. Talk about spring cleaning!
LOL! I'm not good at projects, so I am proud of myself for doing this one on my own. My husband also pointed out that it was very "green" of us to refinish rather than replace. I think he just liked saving all that money.
Have a good day, Dana ! I'm heading for a coffee refill and a look at my newspapers, four on line and one hometown hard copy. There will be much "news" about THE wedding, I'm sure. Did ja ever notice how little notice the press takes of world events when something like that happens ?
Sniff Sniff Waaaaah... I missed being with the Early Birders !
I WAS up around 0500 to see if the skies were clear to check out the moon and the planets, and they were not... so I went back and zzzz'd... and I missed the EB's AND the visits to the nests - GREAT NESTCAPADE REPORTING by the way, thanks to all
I'm thinking of brining back my Super Lib avatar just to remember that he would have been tough to the bitter end. That if he went down he did it with pride.
I can do that Lori, help you with the ISS flyover sightings... BUT - at the times it flies over, you are OFTEN already inside, in the mornings, OR, on the pillows at night time...but I will send you some info by email sometimes this week-end...it won't be out for us to see for a few days anyway...
and Mars, Jupiter and Mercury have joined the morning sky with Venus - and this morning, they were to have been clustered up pretty close - in the Eastern sky
Wow that is something to see this morning, the Loon Cam... no eggs on nest last night, guess it could be any day now and they are some kind of beautiful golden eggs
basically you find the rise times and transit times, and train your eyes to the portion of the sky it will rise from, like WNW - and then, just wait for a yellow-white object to start sailing across the sky...it has NO blinking lights...whereas airplanes do... sometimes it has a "low rise"...and won't be visible all that long... it depends on the sun's glare to light it up! It will go "poof" before your very eyes when it gets out of the angle of the sun's rays
Good morning everyone. Soon to head over for coffee and dog treats but after that I am heading to a local State Park to watch a teen friend I have taken out to do some photography with occasionally, get her prize. She entered a photo from the park in the Youth division, and received a call to be sure she could be at the awards program this morning. Happy to see this unfold for her.:-)
Paula must be sleeping or walking the beach with Nugz.
Lynn-Hedgie gets Liesl today. How exciting for her. ( :
Lori I like your avatar. Just can't talk about situation yet.
Margy I hope you have a wonderful day. With me being back to having no camera. I am not going to buy another one. Just feel badly I didn't take pictures off of daughter and trip but have memories in my brain.
Hope no one was injured in the dark last night. Fell asleep and forgot to turn the night light on.
Lovely day with sunshine here. Two of my baseball playing students wanted me to come to at least one game this season so am going to take a break to watch them play this afternoon. I think they are playing U. Dayton.
I don't know if Margy was able to get pics this morning. They are not in album. I have to go get a shower. Then head into town. My 84yr old Mother is going to help me with getting my groceries. I think that is wonderful but terrible. I should always be helping her!!
So need to get started.
Will check in before I go.
Filly back laying down.
You might want to check out that Goshawk cam live ... that Margy gave us. I will reput the link Live Goshawk UPCLOSE in UK
Good GORGEOUS Morning all! Been up and busy but lurking, too. Heading outside to have a cup of coffee before embarking on more chores but will be checking in from time to time.
Morning all. Visit done! All A-OK. Called foster mom to arrange pick-up over in Boonsboro---she's out til noon. More waiting!
Yes, Jo...the pic is Jenn's.
JudyE---I know an Oma and an Opa. Friends whose grandchildren call them that...he is 2nd generation German-American with the name of Johann Gerhardt.
Dana, so glad you see the light at the end of the tunnel on your project. You can feel SO proud. 18 yrs. ago after divorce and moving in here, needed a hutch. Just couldn't afford much so got an unfinished one and did it myself! It's kind of my pride and joy. Good feeling of self-satisfaction!
I still have another male Bluebird hanging around. He's been singing his tail feathers off all morning and going in and out of the house, but I've seen no mate for him yet :(
%*#*&### Stubbed my toe! Judie did not turn on the night light!!!!
Only kidding! Good morning! Getting ready to go out and water a few pots before Dan and Sharon come back this morning.
Here is a link for an Osprey cam in Maine. Last Fall we stopped at a restaurant Taste of Maine. I was wanting a lobster roll for lunch. The restaurant is right on the water, has an osprey platform right in the parking lot. Has a cam and when you walk into the restaurant they have a big screen TV showing the nest. Really cool!
Judie, perfect weather for a ballgame!!! Where do they play? Their ownn stadium or do they use RFK? Enjoy...;.and BE CAREFUL!!!
DanaWV---don't feel bad---Mom's are born to help, and yours wouldn't do it if she didn;t want to!! Sorry about your cam, but I just refuse to believe that it's truly lost!!! Think positively...you WILL find it!
Oh, Lynn! I am so happy for you! Now, what is the story about Liesl? I am so surprised she has not been adopted before now. She is certainly lap size. Going to be one spoiled little pup!
Good morning everyone. Diane and I are still living at her brothers house just across the state line in Tennessee. We are doing fine. She has gone to Huntsville to our house to pick up some more clothes and a few items. Madison County Alabams is still without power and will be a few more days. They are talking about getting some businesses (pharmacys and grocery stores) up Monday and starting residental then too. All of our county get its electricity from Browns Ferry Nuclear facility and the transmission lines from there are down. Several of the big towers got mangled in the tornado. over 300,000 homes in the county are without power. Diane and I are very very lucky to have someplace to go. Thanks for all your prayers.
My niece, Danna, Sharon's daughter kept a lab puppy that someone found dumped. She already had a puppy and was looking for a home for the lab. She posted pictures on fb. Well, you know what happened. After a week they were in love with the pup. So, now two dogs. The two love each other. The lab is proving to be very trainable. Love happy endings!
Don't remember who else (Christine maybe?) besides Lynne have a dog who is deathly afraid of thunderstorms....sw this ad on TV last night---might be worth checking out! Thunder shirt
It takes a couple of minutes for the page to load.
Hedgie-Lynn soon you won't even be bothered about that loon cam lol ( :
I put in some prayers for you lady (wink).
Red so good to hear again from you and Diane. Yep I know Diane will probably clean out any food supplies. That could go bad while she is there. It is so so so such a Blessing you two had somewhere to go. God is Good!!
Well need to take walker and go outside. See if I'm dressed ok. Then head for town. Pick up Mom.
Yes we cleared the freezer Thursday when we left home. Just didn't plan on it being so long and needed more clothes mainly. Might be the middle of next week before we get power back on at home.
Good Morning! The morning commentary from all you early birds was exceptional! Love the Extra Kiss story JudyE.
I did twist my ankle going back the hallway, Judie! Good thing it wasn't my bad ankle or I could have knock my screws lose! lol
The Itchy Withers Farm: Today is the big day! Lilly and Lacey will be going out about 2:00. Watch as we will switch over to the outdoor cam at that time! YEAH!
Lynn - Thanks for the link to the Thunder Shirt!! I was the one who has a border collie that is deathly afraid of rain, thunder and lightening!! Thinking about trying it.
RED----thanks for keepin gus posted. My heart just goes out to all affected down there. SO bad and sad. Is Diane able to go to work? Bet it makes for a longer commute for her. Do you mean that the nuclear towers were damaged???? Oh, my....STAY SAFE, my friend!
Jo...I am so jealous that you can get the horse cam. :( Did you honestly sprain your ankle? Ouch! Be careful!!!
Okay, Lynne----have you tried it with a shirt of some kind???
I did learn that the puppies (yes, she has a sister!) were rescued form a puppy mill situation on Ohio...that rescue could not handle them all so others stepped up to help out! NOPE----not getting both! They said that female doxies sometimes don't do well together in adulthood.
Lynn, just 15 minutes ! My heart is racing right along with yours !
Red, thanks for continueing to check in. Saw a couple of reports last night showing the unbelievable devastation. It will take years for those folks and the community to recover. :(
Have just done a tour of my favorite eagle and osprey haunts. Nothing all that new and notable, but it's sure good to see the NBG triplets in their new and awesome habitat !
Home for lunch saw we had another visit by RingMy or is it RingMa I like both Hey I also just noticed I got waxed last nite going to bed and I didn't even know if When and where do I pick up my wax LOL and Ouch ahead of time BBL
Okay, Lynn. To family pics blog I have added carpet pictures. Have Easter pics on my computer now as well and will add to my blog later when I have more time.
Lolly, love that sage green, so easy to live with ! I can see why you opted for blue in the bedroom ! Looks nice. Looking forward to seeing your Easter pics--I remember your telling of the great time you all had.
OMG----cardinals are building a nest in my pyracantha bush....close to chimney. I haven't cleaned the winter wind-blown leaves out of there yet. What to do? Rake instead of blow? Help, experts!
Just posted by Ed Clark at NBG eaglet cam at WCV... Ed Clark, WCV: Hello everyone. I'm dropping in just for a quick announcement. As much as you are enjoying the video feed, I need to warn you that the video feed will be dark tomorrow morning. We have a major equipment replacement project taking place that was scheduled before the eaglets came into our lives. We hope to have the work done by noon time, but that is not certain. We will get the video feed up as soon as we can, but since our telephones and company email will also be affected, we'll have to take care of that first. Don't despair!! Please spread the word to others. Mods, if you will keep this post and share it throughout the day, it will save us all a lot of grief tomorrow morning. This equipment replacement has NOTHING to do with the eaglets or the video feed. It was planned for months, so don't worry!! We'll be back as soon as we can.
Oh Hedgie Did they give you any idea how long you have to wait for this call. "Then you can go pick her up sort of sounds like well I have never done this so I don't know BUT they had already seen your home once. You knew you would pass the home visit. Maybe you just go get her now :-). Or do you need an address? Call and tell them you will sit outside the home and wait for the call to come on in and get your puppy :-).
Ok I know I been on a little over a month now and still not for sure where is the nite lite that Judie turns on and the Security lite are they on the nest property Just asking??
Finishing up my coffee Love Hazelnut the only coffee I drink then back to Wally World
Not forsure if I told you all but did you know that our store was THSE NUMBER ONE STORE IN THE WORLD IN 2003 but haven't been since We were the first supercenter in the area we were a DIV 1 store (reg Wmt) turned in to a supercenter justt thought I would throw that out there we all got rings with our name engraved in them Just like a class ring we had over 800 assocaites and now only have 497 active associates.
Oh, Linda....okay---sorry I got mixed up. With such a threatening condition, especially for an older dog, I think it's worth the price to try it. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Lynn, I'm so far behind, I'll never get caught up on all the news. Do I understand correctly that you are getting a new puppy today?!??!?!?!? How exciting!! I sent you email, too.
Hi to everybody at the Sycamore Cafe and hope everyone is healthy and happy today!
Happy Saturday Everyone! Been reading and reading! I'm almost as excited as Lynn, waiting for puppy call! Love the OMA story. My German grandparents didn't use those terms with us.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 556 Newer› Newest»Headin to bed God Bless the nest and all whom watch it Healing thoughts and prayers to all
Lynne, sent you an email. Let me look and see if I have one that is still any good! If so, I'll get it in the mail ASAP.
kickngbird....I think a lot of us have considered all those things you mentioned....any of them entirely plausible. :(
Linda, I try to help! Once a nurse, always a nurse....right, Glo??!!
Guess I got the WAX......
Wanted to say good night and God Bless to all. Prayers for all who need and want them.♥♥♥
Shirley, those kids just don't have a clue....grrr. Can't blame you for being upset.
Hope all who are turning in, rest well!!
Lynn - Prayers that things go well for you tomorrow morning and that Liesl will be home with you next time we chat!!
Your help and caring is always appreciated!! I'm healing, too, with less pain each day. Just sore!
Lynne...left a comment on your pics....and security word was PALIN!!
Thanks Lynn!
WOW, sure wish we would be able to see little Lilly Grace see the big wide world for the first time tomorrow!
LILLY from ATWT, the original....on Blue Bloods? Wow, she's come a long way baby!
Just found out that Jenn's picture was in the county public library---duh! I thought Carolyn meant the school library!
Not original Lily, Lynne. The most recent one.
Lynn Was that Jen's pic and not
Jess' ?
At the beach safe and sound...had a couple of stops to make
Breezy down here tonight and lots of stars out
Well, gang, will say goodnight now. Will need to set alarm for AM so I have time to wash hair (relax the new perm!) and be ready for apptmt. at 10!
Talk to y'all in the morning.
HUGS and LOVE to all of you from all of me!
Prayers for all in need and want.
Good to hear you are there safe and sound, Paula...
I bet the star-watching is stellar from there ! LOL ☺
things have been reallly quiet upstairs in the last two nights since the early morning scared-of-tornado-warnings visit from my young neighbors
I've given up trying to get a view deep into the Finney-One (Land)nest to see if there is an egg...but the osprey is roosting and acting like she is egg-rolling so I am thinking there IS.
I peeked at Hilton Head SC nest sometime or another today and believe I saw three eggs there
Better say Good Night....I had my nap but am going to be night-owling it for a little bit, off Sat and have lots on the to-do list
Prayers for all with ailments
Prayers for comfort of the heart
God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥
Hellooooooooooo! Dan and Sharon have returned to their RV. They will be here again tomorrow. Sunday they head out for six weeks. First OK and then on to Wisconsin. I really am not sure where all they are going. We had a great dinner. Loaded our plates and then sat on the patio to eat.
Headed to the 'recliner' pillows
It's been a busy day
Good night friends and my prayers are being said for all.
Hugs to you ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Lolly, sounds like a great evening
Margy don't stay up too late
Heading to bed...(((Hugs to all)))
I see I'm not alone in my insomia--hi to you lurkers out there !
Lynne2, thanks for the heads up. WVEC rocks ! Sorry to hear Steve has Tennis Elbow, but glad he knows what it is and is getting treatment. Had it years ago, very painful--I never have played tennis and thought it a dirty trick ! ☺
Lynn, you certainly have a promising young artist in the family. Thanks for sharing !
Going to give sleep another try as I want to be up with the SSCC gang. Hope we get a nice long visit out of Belle and Truder like you evening Momsters did !
Prayers for all in need. ♥♥♥♥♥♥
I am heading to bed. It is late.
Sweet dreams! (((Hugs)))♥
One Night-Chirping Mockingbird =
Cardinal, Phoebe, Killdeer, House Wren, and Blue Jay ♪ ♫ ♫ ♪
My avatar: May Apple Bloom...kind of looks like a Heart, don't you think? ☺ ♥
Oh, and now a Towhee! This mockingbird has been around ! Nw if it would just belt out some Wood Thrush and an Eagle, I'd really be happy
Spent some time adding pictures to my Wildflowers link and Feathers, Fur and Miscellaneous...come visit West Virginia !
headed for a nap, aka bedtime, might be up early for a nest visit.
If skies are clear, check for Crescent Moon in the East pre-dawn, it might be near Venus and also Mars, Mercury and Jupiter!
But the planets will be pretty low on the horizon, might be hard to spot - I will get up for a look at that in a few hours
Good Night, Good Morning !
xoxo ♥
Here's a Goshawk nest in the UK :
Mom is roosting, haven't had a chance to see about eggs yet -
I see some baby storks you have been talking about - maybe four at least
zzzzzzz for me now
Belle and Truder are both in the nest
Today's nest weather-Mostly sunny. Highs around 70. North winds 5 to 10 mph.
Have a great day everyone!
Truder is sitting facing the cam on back of nest, Belle is sitting by the egg cup.
Truder just flew out to the right, Belle still sitting in nest
Belle Ringing IN
Truder back with fluff
No sound on the nest again HUH
Belle still just sitting, Truder arranging sticks
Don't know about sound, have the volume down, everyone else is sleeping in my house.
Gotta get to work,- later:)
Is any body else still cam not working??? shows 943pm on the 29th
Good morning Megan and Judy.
What a nice sight to wake up to.
Sorry I didn't check in sorry but I was working on pictures I took of the flowers - before the heavy rain destroyed most of the tulips this week.
My still cam is frozen too. I see Ringma and Belle. Belle is at noon and he is noon position. Now he is digging at the egg cup and she is watching him.
Good morning Megan n' JudyE. Sure glad you were here in time for the landings and glad I surfaced before our beautiful birds poof !
Top o' the morning to Lori and Sharon, too !
Good morning Kay and Sharon. HUGS!
There's our color.
Imagine how funny Truder will be in his Handyman mode when it comes to making real nestorations for a purpose in the fall/winter.
returns he does
Nothing subtle about Truder ! The whole nest is available and he has to skid in for a crash landing right up against Belle. LOL
Ya think Truder thinks he's sneaky?
hes back again
tug of war with branch on top of nest he is having a field day with it
Coffee time or do we wait for him to come back again?
Kay so nice to know you're here this morning!
How are things in FL JudyE?
He's back, but I'm still getting coffee...anyone else need coffee?
Watching him now I'm kind of Worty-ed about his skills during the first mating/brooding/hatching season of his young life. Will he step up to the plate as provider and protector ? What a hoot watching him struggle with that limb !
BELLE ringing in
Fl is fantastic no bad weather Shuttle rescheduled till Mon All the hotels are booked over there was on the news everyone that came is staying for the Mon launch Good for our economy
Yes, thanks, Lori. Hot coffee needed, no cream or sugar !
He is having a great time with that one branch funny
almost waiting for him to fall on his butt from pulling on it so hard LOL
That is good news, JudyE. Do they say if the President will return for the launch ?
belle ack
looks like she says get out of my face
She did notice the branch he was tugging on back of dude she says
Whoa, she must have been watching him struggle with the limb and decided "if I want something done I'll just have to do it myself"--"get out of the way Truder, I'll do it myself !"
Nothing mention on president yets comin back to see launch
I have no idea how those astronauts go up in those shuttles after delays for mechanical problems.
Just walked in to the Sycamore Cafe and poured my coffee. Boy I've been spoiled this week. Talked about getting up early today and heading over, now I wish I would have!
Good morning, Lori, Kay, Megan, JudyE, and Sharon.
Someone fill me in on the meaning behind this name "Ringma?" I missed something somewhere and couldn't find it.
Belle reminds me of seeing QE yesterday, poised and putting in her appearance for all to see. :)
Hey, Dana ! Glad you're getting some good sleep ins this week !
Yesterday at Biff Burger when leaving I got in my truck to leave and all of sudden my phone rang it was my daughter Jordyn was crying her little eyes out crying OMA kiss Oma Kiss I guess she wanted another kiss so Angies called me while I was pulling out of the parking lot and off course I pulled back in to give her a kiss and hug she kept Saying I luve you over while sobbing That was so sweet I felt so good and sad in a way I love that kids sooo much Ok got to get ready only have a few min before I leave BBL I hope all has a good day see you at lunch
Forgot to say OMA is German for Grandma just in case someone didn't know it
Ringma was Sharon's idea for a Truder name as in Ringma Bell... you know the song.
How sweet Judy, Oma!
Good morning Dana!
It's so nice to be here with you guys and not have to work...to just be able to watch and talk!
POOF JUDY goes to work I want to retire I don't want to work anymore BYE
Much cooler this morning. MEGAN must be happy it's not going to be as warm as expected this weekend so her flowers last a little longer.
Drive safely JUDY.
DANA, KAY, I think this is first time in a few weeks all the Early Birders (including JUDY E) were together here this week. Cheers!
Bye JudyE, have a good day.
oooh, now I get it. Thanks. I knew there was something funny there but when I went back into all the posts I couldn't find it!
Lori-these cabinets are almost finished. Did you see the pics I posted on my blog? I can't remember if you were on the other morning when I posted them. I'm beat though, it was a lot of work, but I love the new look.
Now, waiting on Margy, Lynne, Sharon and Wanda, anyone else?
Have a good day at Wally World, JudyE, aka Oma ! Lori, it's so nice to have you here on a day off and without being pressered by work duties. I wish your employers would get with the program and realize the SSCC is your top priority ! ☺
It feels like it has been awhile since we've all been "together".
DANA love the cabinets! I'm sure the work has been exhausting! Kudos to you for even starting it -that's what I would do - start & not finish!
I saw your blog pics! They're beautiful. Mine cabinets are already dark, so I want to do the opposite and make them lighter. Did you have to do a lot of sanding?
I still have the final "protective" coat to put on the cabinets, but I didn't do anything yesterday. Just plain lazy. I do not like projects. I am hoping that I get it done this morning and my hubby will hang them tomorrow afternoon. He is out camping with the Boy Scouts this weekend.
LOL, me too, KAY! They obviously don't kow there are more important things going on in the Eagle world. :)
Dana - confused? Why does hubby have to HANG them? Are you finishing new cabs or just took them off to work on them?
Dana, what are the counter tops going to be---material and color ?
Little birds enjoying nest now, guess the big birds are out of sight.
There is no sanding involved. The first thing you do is a "deglossing" process. I think that is in place of sanding. It takes the finish off (my cabinets were so old I don't think there was any finish left on them), then you put 2 coats of your color, then there is an optional glaze (I think it helps bring out the wood tone so I used it.) then the final step is the protective coat. There is alot of drying time between each. After the first step it's an hour, after each coat of color it's 3 hours. Then the glaze dry time is 8 hours and the protective coat dry time is 12 hours. That's partly what makes it so time consuming. It really helped to do it in sections because at least I got to see something that was complete. All new knobs and hinges helped as well.
Dana I bet the new hardware really makes it look fresh and new! Great idea.
I did the room in 2 sections. The doors and draws are off to work on them and have to go back up. The second half of the kitchen isn't back up yet.
The counter tops are going to be beige with speckles, it's quartz. But I have to wait for Lowe's on that one. They are ordered.
Gonna check at Eagles4Kids and see what's up with Larry & the new Lucy. They usually show up around this time. BBIAM.
Nest is empty over there.
Very cool that you did all that work yourself and saved a ton of money vs. having a contractor come in a do it all. I'd kill for new countertops!
Well since the nest is empty I am going to walk away and get this last coat done so I can be a couch potato for the rest of the day:)
My neighbor is completing one of MY dreams. Pulled in yesterday and saw a really big contractor size dumpster in the driveway. Talk about spring cleaning!
LOL! I'm not good at projects, so I am proud of myself for doing this one on my own. My husband also pointed out that it was very "green" of us to refinish rather than replace. I think he just liked saving all that money.
Yeah...I need to spring clean too! I haven't gotten very far on that. Okay now I really am walking away! LOL
Keep up the good work Dana! You're awesome AND GREEN!
Have a good day, Dana ! I'm heading for a coffee refill and a look at my newspapers, four on line and one hometown hard copy. There will be much "news" about THE wedding, I'm sure. Did ja ever notice how little notice the press takes of world events when something like that happens ?
HAGD ♥♥♥♥♥
Sniff Sniff Waaaaah...
I missed being with the Early Birders !
I WAS up around 0500 to see if the skies were clear to check out the moon and the planets, and they were not... so I went back and zzzz'd... and I missed the EB's AND the visits to the nests - GREAT NESTCAPADE REPORTING by the way, thanks to all
Good M☼rning Eagle Pals ☺
Betcha Paula has her eyes to the tree limbs and skies at the Beach !
and my Still Cam is definitely asleep at last night's time of 9:43:59 :(
Oma-JudyE - love that grandchild story from last night ...
and I do know an "Oma" - my godson's grandmother
I was up late fussing with my wildflower pictures....like you and your garden pics this morning
DanaMo - Going Green! Right On! All your hard work....Girl Power!
Good Morning Margy. You're going to have to teach me how to spot the Space Station since I'm up at that time of day anyway.
Nice visits this morning. Truder was very funny playing tuf of war with a branch.
-- or tug of war!
I'm thinking of brining back my Super Lib avatar just to remember that he would have been tough to the bitter end. That if he went down he did it with pride.
I can do that Lori, help you with the ISS flyover sightings...
BUT - at the times it flies over, you are OFTEN already inside, in the mornings, OR, on the pillows at night time...but I will send you some info by email sometimes this week-end...it won't be out for us to see for a few days anyway...
I really wanted to see the Moon and the Four Planets this morning...not sure, maybe another chance on Sunday morning...
Oh Yay!
The "thing" at Blackwater Eagle nest cam lens seems to have taken a hike
and just in time, 'cause the eaglets there are starting to branch !
MARGY- What's the special celestial event this weekend of the four planets?
Both loons at tne nest Loon CAm !
both WERE now one on nest and one in water....
It's raining there ! :(
in case you don't have this form Megan's post Friday:
Minnesota Loon Cam
watch your volume....your dogs and cats might react
they are on Central time there
The moon, is waning, almost gone...
and Mars, Jupiter and Mercury have joined the morning sky with Venus - and this morning, they were to have been clustered up pretty close - in the Eastern sky
Wow that is something to see this morning, the Loon Cam...
no eggs on nest last night, guess it could be any day now
and they are some kind of beautiful golden eggs
Lori and others:
ISS does return, Sunday NIGHT and a few nights thereafter....
Here is the site to check YOUR zip code and area
ISS Flyovers
you find the rise times and transit times,
and train your eyes to the portion of the sky it will rise from, like WNW - and then, just wait for a yellow-white object to start sailing across the sky...it has NO blinking lights...whereas airplanes do...
sometimes it has a "low rise"...and won't be visible all that long...
it depends on the sun's glare to light it up!
It will go "poof" before your very eyes when it gets out of the angle of the sun's rays
Thanks Margy for the link. Can't wait to check it out.
I have to go....
lots to do,
like everyone else on here !
Need to make time to go photograph some Wild Red Columbines I saw a few days ago
Best wishes Lynn on your Liesl visit this morning, hope she stays!
Lynne hope your Steve's Tennis Elbow is less ache-y this morning !
Best wishes for a good day, everyone !
You're welcome Lori ☺
Good morning everyone. Soon to head over for coffee and dog treats but after that I am heading to a local State Park to watch a teen friend I have taken out to do some photography with occasionally, get her prize. She entered a photo from the park in the Youth division, and received a call to be sure she could be at the awards program this morning. Happy to see this unfold for her.:-)
Good morning Glo!
How nice of you to be a mentor for youth! Very admirable and she's so lucky to have you as a teacher.
Morning all
Windy here today but clear view...partly cloudy
Grass is long...think I had better try to find a lawnmower!
Morning Paula. Any eagles this morning?
Good Morning Folks
I see Sharon ask if any eagles.
I guess I'll have to read a few comments.
Dana, Paula is at the beach and I was asking if she had seen any eagles this morning.
Oh and God Bless Liesl Quick bowl of cereal and off to the park :-) Enjoy your time at the beach Paula and Nugz
Margy that Goshawk nest is sure
a lively sounding nest. ty
Thanks Megan always nice to hear
the weather from you. ty
So Truder was in the nest with
Awww JudyE that is so sweet.
Truder in nest moving sticks
He is working on the 10 and 11 area.
Poop shoot
9:22am Truder flew out
Hee Hee Sharon thats me..
Paula must be sleeping or walking the beach with Nugz.
Lynn-Hedgie gets Liesl today. How exciting for her. ( :
Lori I like your avatar. Just can't talk about situation yet.
Margy I hope you have a wonderful day. With me being back to having no camera. I am not going to buy another one. Just feel badly I didn't take pictures off of daughter and trip but have memories in my brain.
See person in barn with mare. Filly laying down sleeping.
She is rubing the mare. Bet that feels good to her. Certainly looks like the mare loves it.
Filly is nursing now awwww
Lady is putting straw everywhere.
Good morning everyone.
Hope no one was injured in the dark last night. Fell asleep and forgot to turn the night light on.
Lovely day with sunshine here. Two of my baseball playing students wanted me to come to at least one game this season so am going to take a break to watch them play this afternoon. I think they are playing U. Dayton.
Wishing a lovely day for everyone.
I don't know if Margy was able to get pics this morning. They are not in album. I have to go get a shower. Then head into town. My 84yr old Mother is going to help me with getting my groceries. I think that is wonderful but terrible. I should always be helping her!!
So need to get started.
Will check in before I go.
Filly back laying down.
You might want to check out that Goshawk cam live ... that Margy gave us. I will reput the link
Live Goshawk UPCLOSE in UK
All the bird sounds around it are beautiful singing.
Good Morning Judie ( :
Good morning,
Pretty day here. Breezy.
Blizzard in North Dakota today. Wow!
Good GORGEOUS Morning all! Been up and busy but lurking, too. Heading outside to have a cup of coffee before embarking on more chores but will be checking in from time to time.
Morning all. Visit done! All A-OK. Called foster mom to arrange pick-up over in Boonsboro---she's out til noon. More waiting!
Yes, Jo...the pic is Jenn's.
JudyE---I know an Oma and an Opa. Friends whose grandchildren call them that...he is 2nd generation German-American with the name of Johann Gerhardt.
Dana, so glad you see the light at the end of the tunnel on your project. You can feel SO proud.
18 yrs. ago after divorce and moving in here, needed a hutch. Just couldn't afford much so got an unfinished one and did it myself! It's kind of my pride and joy. Good feeling of self-satisfaction!
I saw that Shirley! BRRRRRRRRR
oh Lynn how exciting!!!!!!!!
I still have another male Bluebird hanging around. He's been singing his tail feathers off all morning and going in and out of the house, but I've seen no mate for him yet :(
%*#*&### Stubbed my toe! Judie did not turn on the night light!!!!
Only kidding! Good morning! Getting ready to go out and water a few pots before Dan and Sharon come back this morning.
Here is a link for an Osprey cam in Maine. Last Fall we stopped at a restaurant Taste of Maine. I was wanting a lobster roll for lunch. The restaurant is right on the water, has an osprey platform right in the parking lot. Has a cam and when you walk into the restaurant they have a big screen TV showing the nest. Really cool!
Osprey Cam
Not sure but think there are two eggs, could be more.
Glo, congrats to your young student photog!!!
Judie, perfect weather for a ballgame!!! Where do they play? Their ownn stadium or do they use RFK? Enjoy...;.and BE CAREFUL!!!
DanaWV---don't feel bad---Mom's are born to help, and yours wouldn't do it if she didn;t want to!! Sorry about your cam, but I just refuse to believe that it's truly lost!!! Think positively...you WILL find it!
Oh, Lynn! I am so happy for you! Now, what is the story about Liesl? I am so surprised she has not been adopted before now. She is certainly lap size. Going to be one spoiled little pup!
Good morning everyone. Diane and I are still living at her brothers house just across the state line in Tennessee. We are doing fine. She has gone to Huntsville to our house to pick up some more clothes and a few items. Madison County Alabams is still without power and will be a few more days. They are talking about getting some businesses (pharmacys and grocery stores) up Monday and starting residental then too. All of our county get its electricity from Browns Ferry Nuclear facility and the transmission lines from there are down. Several of the big towers got mangled in the tornado. over 300,000 homes in the county are without power. Diane and I are very very lucky to have someplace to go. Thanks for all your prayers.
My niece, Danna, Sharon's daughter kept a lab puppy that someone found dumped. She already had a puppy and was looking for a home for the lab. She posted pictures on fb. Well, you know what happened. After a week they were in love with the pup. So, now two dogs. The two love each other. The lab is proving to be very trainable. Love happy endings!
Red, thanks once again for updating us. The damage is just devastating. Prayers continue for all involved.
I guess you cleaned out your freezer and refrig?
Don't remember who else (Christine maybe?) besides Lynne have a dog who is deathly afraid of thunderstorms....sw this ad on TV last night---might be worth checking out!
Thunder shirt
It takes a couple of minutes for the page to load.
Still can't get the loon cam to play. ARGH!
Cute little stork-ettes at both cams I gave you yesterday!
glad you checked in Red!
Lynn, I've seen those, and the trainer actually told me that any tight fitting T-shirt would help.
Hedgie-Lynn soon you won't even be bothered about that loon cam lol ( :
I put in some prayers for you lady (wink).
Red so good to hear again from you and Diane. Yep I know Diane will probably clean out any food supplies. That could go bad while she is there.
It is so so so such a Blessing you two had somewhere to go. God is Good!!
Well need to take walker and go outside. See if I'm dressed ok. Then head for town. Pick up Mom.
Prayers for all needs.
Yes we cleared the freezer Thursday when we left home. Just didn't plan on it being so long and needed more clothes mainly. Might be the middle of next week before we get power back on at home.
Good Morning! The morning commentary from all you early birds
was exceptional!
Love the Extra Kiss story JudyE.
I did twist my ankle going back the hallway, Judie! Good thing it
wasn't my bad ankle or I could have knock my screws lose! lol
The Itchy Withers Farm: Today is the big day! Lilly and Lacey will be going out about 2:00. Watch as we will switch over to the outdoor cam at that time! YEAH!
Hi Red - I just can't imagine what
you and all the others are going
through. Prayers are with you for sure.
My still cam is down. Really grainy and dark..
Noon time is almost here, Lynn
Our Live feed has beautiful color
Of course it is MT right now
I do have the soft sound of the wind.
Going to check out cams.... and
there are a lot to check with all
the osprey, loons, horses, puppies, on and on!
Osprey still roosting on all Finland nests.
Getting some printing done for our open house...thank goodness I have two printers because one is NOT cooperating---doing business cards.
Lynn - Thanks for the link to the Thunder Shirt!! I was the one who has a border collie that is deathly afraid of rain, thunder and lightening!! Thinking about trying it.
A Late Good Morning to all ☺
Morning again...food break1
No eagles this morning...osprey and seagulls....hovering in the wind
Been painting and unloaded the truck
Red glad you and diane have a safe place to be
We're heading into another hot, desert wind period here in So Cal.
C(°ٿ°)D Jim
RED----thanks for keepin gus posted. My heart just goes out to all affected down there. SO bad and sad. Is Diane able to go to work? Bet it makes for a longer commute for her.
Do you mean that the nuclear towers were damaged???? Oh, my....STAY SAFE, my friend!
Jo...I am so jealous that you can get the horse cam. :(
Did you honestly sprain your ankle? Ouch! Be careful!!!
Okay, Lynne----have you tried it with a shirt of some kind???
I did learn that the puppies (yes, she has a sister!) were rescued form a puppy mill situation on Ohio...that rescue could not handle them all so others stepped up to help out! NOPE----not getting both! They said that female doxies sometimes don't do well together in adulthood.
Just lurking a bit this morning. LOL, Lolly, you stubbed your toe because Judie forgot the night light.
I will send you an ice bag for your poor toe.
Happy for you, Lynn. You deserve to have a pet you can enjoy.
Lynn...congrats on the puppy...bet you are excited!!!
My MIL had two adult females doxies....standards....they got along fine...but I think one dog is plenty!
Lynn, just 15 minutes ! My heart is racing right along with yours !
Red, thanks for continueing to check in. Saw a couple of reports last night showing the unbelievable devastation. It will take years for those folks and the community to recover. :(
Have just done a tour of my favorite eagle and osprey haunts. Nothing all that new and notable, but it's sure good to see the NBG triplets in their new and awesome habitat !
Home for lunch saw we had another visit by RingMy or is it RingMa I like both Hey I also just noticed I got waxed last nite going to bed and I didn't even know if When and where do I pick up my wax LOL and Ouch ahead of time BBL
Still cam sill down HUH?
Aww I just love seeing the eaglets they are eating right now Lunch for them Pretty cool that they are self feeding too
the picture they are still working on it but you still can see them
It's nice to know when to take a look and see some action:
MVK: Per Amanda at WCV - We feed the eaglets three times a day. So VERY roughly ... they'll be fed between 8-9, 12-1, and 5-6 ... again, very roughly.
Okay, Lynn. To family pics blog I have added carpet pictures. Have Easter pics on my computer now as well and will add to my blog later when I have more time.
Thanks, Shirley for the ice bag. It was very irresponsible of Judie to forget the nightlight. What are we going to do with her! LOL
Lolly, love that sage green, so easy to live with ! I can see why you opted for blue in the bedroom ! Looks nice. Looking forward to seeing your Easter pics--I remember your telling of the great time you all had.
OMG----cardinals are building a nest in my pyracantha bush....close to chimney. I haven't cleaned the winter wind-blown leaves out of there yet. What to do? Rake instead of blow? Help, experts!
Lolly, carpet looks lovely!!!! I'm sure you will really enjoy it for years to come!
Still waiting for call back.....on pins and needles!
Just posted by Ed Clark at NBG eaglet cam at WCV... Ed Clark, WCV: Hello everyone. I'm dropping in just for a quick announcement. As much as you are enjoying the video feed, I need to warn you that the video feed will be dark tomorrow morning. We have a major equipment replacement project taking place that was scheduled before the eaglets came into our lives. We hope to have the work done by noon time, but that is not certain. We will get the video feed up as soon as we can, but since our telephones and company email will also be affected, we'll have to take care of that first. Don't despair!! Please spread the word to others.
Mods, if you will keep this post and share it throughout the day, it will save us all a lot of grief tomorrow morning. This equipment replacement has NOTHING to do with the eaglets or the video feed. It was planned for months, so don't worry!! We'll be back as soon as we can.
Saturday April 30, 2011 12:21 Ed Clark, WCV
Oh Hedgie Did they give you any idea how long you have to wait for this call. "Then you can go pick her up sort of sounds like well I have never done this so I don't know BUT they had already seen your home once. You knew you would pass the home visit. Maybe you just go get her now :-). Or do you need an address? Call and tell them you will sit outside the home and wait for the call to come on in and get your puppy :-).
Ok I know I been on a little over a month now and still not for sure where is the nite lite that Judie turns on and the Security lite are they on the nest property Just asking??
Finishing up my coffee Love Hazelnut the only coffee I drink then back to Wally World
Not forsure if I told you all but did you know that our store was THSE NUMBER ONE STORE IN THE WORLD IN 2003 but haven't been since We were the first supercenter in the area we were a DIV 1 store (reg Wmt) turned in to a supercenter justt thought I would throw that out there we all got rings with our name engraved in them Just like a class ring we had over 800 assocaites and now only have 497 active associates.
Oh, Linda....okay---sorry I got mixed up. With such a threatening condition, especially for an older dog, I think it's worth the price to try it. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
MemaJoe don't forget the baby dolphin cam here in Fl BBL OFF to work I go
Wally took good care of you!
Night light started when Judie
missed the last few steps going down in the night. Then Shirley
kicked in to help out.
Judy I think I am correct in what
I have just said.........
Lynn, I'm so far behind, I'll never get caught up on all the news. Do I understand correctly that you are getting a new puppy today?!??!?!?!? How exciting!! I sent you email, too.
Hi to everybody at the Sycamore Cafe and hope everyone is healthy and happy today!
Happy Saturday Everyone! Been reading and reading!
I'm almost as excited as Lynn, waiting for puppy call!
Love the OMA story. My German grandparents didn't use those terms with us.
Fubby back already? from car show??~~~
Thanks Suzan - posting that will cause us to be calm when we can't find the cam.
JudyE - I don't have the link for the dolphin cam... When you get a chance.
I think the night light started when Judie turned off the lights before I came home late from playing bridge and cursed the dark.
It was after we had been doing a lot of cursing to support someone (maybe Loretta) who had had a really bad day.
At least that is what I remember.
Jo, hope your ankle is OK today. Gotta watch that last step and don't want to BLOW out any existing pins. OUCH
Feeding NBG eaglets
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