Tuesday, January 19, 2010


New thread.


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Mits said...

spit soon

Mits said...

well, got conflicting statement...spit happened

Mema Jo said...


Mema Jo said...

LOL Mits You Spit!

hedgie said...

Oh, my, Mits---it's only 45 here. And never a ray of sun all day.

Mits said...

lol....not again....I keep getting my spits and splits mixed up, my sister will be after me for this

Mits said...

it has been really warm here, with sun all day, funny how a few hours away, weather can be so different.

hedgie said...

Yep, Jo, gonna burn 4 DVD's.

Mits said...

So Cal., has been rainy for a few days

Mits said...

thought it never rained in So. Cal:)

movin said...

ZZ on cam, and she just woke up.

It does appear to be raining, but Pandas love the rain and the cold weather ... at least some of them do. I guess in captivity a few seem to avoid rain and head for the sheltered areas.



Mema Jo said...

Are the umbrellas at SD for rain or excessive sunshine

Mits said...


Mema Jo said...

Guess you are answered my question about umbrellas.....

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Afternoon, Everyone!
Seems like a century or so since I was here last! Still having trouble with this crazy computer!
Have SO much reading to do to catch up!
It's cold and rainy here--stopped raining for quite a while early this morning, but it's at it again.
Only about 48 degrees here right now. Was up to 55, but when the rain came in again it got much colder, really quickly.
Well, got Hubby off to work again this morning--sure was great to have a 4-day weekend!
Have REALLY missed talking to you guys, though! Gotta get caught up, and KEEP up!

Lynne2 said...

wow Andy, looks like you guys are in for a real cool, windy soaking.
It sounds like it's pouring at the hummer cam

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

It is 62° in Bedford today. Love it! Jo, I am still working. Took a little break and went to a meeting but came back to work some more.

Mema Jo said...

It is great that you can work your own schedule. That would be a benefit by working at home.
Andrew send you any pics yet????

ceil said...

Jo thanks you got her before I did.
The song is it never rains in Southern California. It pours yes it pours. Not the exact words but close to them I think.
Lynn glad you got it done.

Mema Jo said...

Andy Just read Judie's daily comments and you'll get caught up real quickly.
She does a great job of condensing all our thoughts!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Lynne,
Cool, windy, and soaking--that's putting it mildly! I feel really sorry for our birds--we've had so MANY at the feeders on the patio!
Poor things can't really land on the patio itself--the water's about 4" deep! A whole flock of doves on the patio table where there's seeds, though. Some house finches and sparrows, too.

Lately I've been going online to look at the cats available at the county animal shelter near here, and for the last couple of days, the new additions to the 'Lost & Found' listing look muddy, and TOTALLY wet! Poor babies! You'd think they'd blow dry them before taking their picture!

Mema Jo said...

Ceil - Mits said you would be after her!

I can't believe you would take a
'Slow Boat to China' instead of the
Big Bird! I sure hope you can be
convinced to go.... do you have time to
sit down with the shrink to know why you fear the Big Silver Bird?

hedgie said...

Hey, Mits, the only thing you need to remember about SPLITS is all the ingredients in a BANANA Split!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

No pics, probably going to have to depend on Alice, Kelsey's mom, for that.

Ms Bookworm said...

Thanks, Jo! That's a good idea! You're right--Judie does a good job of condensing everything!
BRRRRRR! I'm nearly freezing right now--my fingers are getting numb!
Think I'd better go heat up some soup for lunch, and put on something with long sleeves! Will be back in a bit!

Mits said...

lol, Jo that would take years of therapy

Mits said...

there ya, go Lynn, will have to remember that.

ceil said...

Jo I know the reason. On a flight coming back from Vegas we were leaving Denver we got called back to the gate for problems with the aircraft. Guy gets on jiggles some knobs and off we go. At about 20,000.00 feet the plane almost shook apart. Promised the Lord I would not get back on if we made it safe.

Mits said...

Andrea, I think the poor pathetic look might work faster for adoptions...pull at the heart strings:).

Mits said...

that's called turbulence, and means the plane is working, if it didn't shake, it would snap apart:)

Mits said...

do we really want to hear of a disturbance at BWI of a woman screaming at the top of her lungs, yelling NOOOOOO!, I don't think so:)

ceil said...

They can have their turbulance. My son was on a plane with MM when he was about 7. They were coming back from Florida and he got scared. He ask the flight attendent if they were having turbulance. She said no it was turkey. She thought he meant the food.

Mits said...

lol...love that one, Ceil

ceil said...

quite a few people have already offered to drug me

Mits said...

I'll help:), what are sisters for:).

ceil said...

No thanks.

Mits said...

eagle just landed in the nest at Hornby...

movin said...

wOW! It's getting dark as dusk out here at 1 P.M., AND I just heard a largish clap of thunder with a long, drum roll-like trail off.



Judie said...

Ceil, you don't need years of therapy to go up in the big bird. Just ask Jo to give you the unfinished bottle of cognac!

Hi everyone. Just home from school. Later.

Oh, Andy, all you need to catch up on is that Jo never made it to Poe's grave last night because she drank half the cognac, ended up between the SHEETZ, had weird bear dreams, and missed the TRAIN to Baltimore.

Mits said...

lol, Judie:)

Mits said...

off to store...bbl

Judie said...

Lynn, congratulations on completing the project for you Mom. She is truly going to be touched. I just so wish I could have found the hospital information for you. Forgot to mention that I got a call about 3 weeks ago from a woman saying she had tried again but was unsuccessful. I'm sorry.

ceil said...

Jo pass the cognac.

Mema Jo said...

Ceil, I don't know why Judie thinks there is some left in that bottle....

ceil said...

Jo you were only suppose to drink have of it

Steve Chase said...

After viewing the photos, one of our ornithologists confirms the owl last night was a Great Horned Owl. He also said don't worry, the eagles will keep the pesky owl away.

Ms Bookworm said...

Thanks for the update, Judie!

It's thundering like crazy here now, too, Jim!

Jo, pass the cognac! I need a warm-up!

Here's what it looks like in the back yard right now--no birds except in our big trees. It's pouring! It is INDEED an 'El Nino' year this year!

Lynne2 said...

oh Ceil, my sister said she'd never fly....but she did, with the a little help from some atavan the Dr prescribed. She said it was the best flight ever! And you KNOW you are more likely to be killed in a car. Steve said he won't fly either (this coming from a man who spent 2 years in the 82nd Airborne!)

Jim, like I mentioned to Andy, what a mess you all have out there! Stay safe!

ANDY....wet kittens look more pathetic and people want to help them! Are you thinking what I'm thinking you're thinking?

Ms Bookworm said...

EEEWWWW--yuck! It just occurred to me that I have SCHOOL tonight! Think I'll take surface streets instead of the freeway.

ceil said...

Andy Jo drank all the cognac. As we were going down the BW parkway today I saw the eagle near the nest from last year. I only always see only one. Jim said it is a bachelor.

ceil said...

I also forgot that I have to go somewhere. BBL

Ms Bookworm said...


You're thinking what I'm wishing would work--but Hubby's not on the same page. He absolutely doesn't want another pet of any kind! Oh, well--at least I have the birds that show up outside. AND my houseplants. Guess they'll have to do for right now. I DO say some prayers for the kitties & doggies to find good homes, though. It's the least I can do.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Thanks Steve!

Mema Jo said...

Steve - thanks for pursuing the picture and letting us know about the owl. Hopefully we won't get another chance to get a better photo!

movin said...

Heavy, heavy rain with high gusts of wind is coming down now in sunny, So Cal.



Ms Bookworm said...

Boy, am I glad I got cable internet instead of satellite! The DirecTV reception is pathetic right now. Hope it's better tonight, so I can record NCIS!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hey, Jim!

Couldn't get a TV picture if my life depended on it right now--do you know how high the waves are at the beaches? BTW, Saturday we were seeing huge numbers of seagulls flying inland--they ALWAYS know when a big storm's coming!

Mema Jo said...

Latest Mason Update

Mema Jo said...


Mema Jo said...

Really looks like Lib

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

We have an eagle in our nest!

Ms Bookworm said...

Wow! This really makes my day!

Mema Jo said...

Can't tell if he is going to take off or if he is waiting to welcome Belle in

Ms Bookworm said...

Oops--POOF! Oh, well, at least I got my eagle fix for the day!

Mema Jo said...

He decided to Poof!

Now maybe they will both come in.......

Mema Jo said...

Glad you have something good Andrea to brighten up your gloomy rainy day!

Ms Bookworm said...

Have been watching the hummer nest, and that poor dear is looking really bedraggled from the rain right now! Awwwwwwwww!

Ms Bookworm said...

Jo, I LOVE it when it rains! This is the kind of stuff I wait for! Gotta say, my lawn and patio plants seem pretty happy with it, too.

Ms Bookworm said...

I think of it as liquid sunshine!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Mason sure is a trooper! That kid has been through so much. Thanks for posting that Mema Jo. The Dr. B they refer to is Dr. Russell Biundo, great doctor and "Ruby" is the hospital of WVU. Just a little FYI! :)

Ms Bookworm said...

Gonna go get some hot coffee--BRB!

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the update, Steve!

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle alert! Nestorations!

paula eagleholic said...

Lib still in the nest...down by the egg cup now

Mema Jo said...

Just brought in some branches I think

Mema Jo said...

He has had a busy day here at the nest..

Mema Jo said...

Paula Has your modem arrived?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I think Lily is moving the camera.

paula eagleholic said...


Wish the cam pic was a little clearer!

glo said...

2 gorgeous eagles in our nest. That is as it should be. Beaking as I type. Thanks for the iD Steve I felt by its size and the presence of the ears which were much more pronounced when I first spotted it that it was the GHO. They have certainly made their presence at "Their" nest very known today.

paula eagleholic said...

Yes it did Jo! Michael called to let me know....will work on setting it up tonight.

One poofed!

Mema Jo said...

That was fast

1 poofed!

movin said...

Eagle at BWE too.



Mema Jo said...

I am getting some pics...

Lynne2 said...

oh my Lily is moving the camera!!! I hope she doesn't move it too far!

Lynne2 said...

I haven't actually seen her out of the den for days....has anyone else?

Mema Jo said...

From the distance - you think that is Lib or Belle...... The one that poofed went so fast I couldn't tell.

Mema Jo said...

I think that from the tail feathers, it is still Lib........

Hope Lily settles down!

glo said...

Did you get the "beaking" picture MeMa Jo Or shall I send it?

Mema Jo said...

WHOA! Where is Lily?

Mema Jo said...

Please send it - think I was typing over here and missed it..... Thanks

Mema Jo said...

LYNNE - is Lily still in that log......
or did she come out to go to the loo....

Mema Jo said...

Is anyone watching Lily as to what is going on right now. Guess I best go to FB and try to find out from her fans.

paula eagleholic said...

I kinda think that's Belle in the nest right now...

hedgie said...

"Poe No Show" headline on the news.......:(

paula eagleholic said...

I've got to scoot...hope to see ya'll later tonight.

Eagle still in our nest!

Mema Jo said...

See Ya Paula

Mema Jo said...

MT Nest

Wonder if they will quickly return to turn on the light ?

I still don't know if that is Lily way back in that log or if she took a walk.

Mema Jo said...

Oh my IS that Lily returning......?

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Looks like she is sitting ON the cam!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Great shot at NBG!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

That eagle looks hot, panting. What is the temp in Norfolk anyway?

Mema Jo said...

Lily returned and brought in something to eat - veggies

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

It looked like leather straps! I thought she was eating the camera!

Mema Jo said...

I am watching Lily and I am over on FB with Sissy and Glo right now......

Lynne2 said...

my Firefox keeps crashing....getting really annoying. I'll have to go back to IE.

I see Lily is back and busy with "denorations"

Mema Jo said...

Really digging back into that log...

Lynne lol Took me a minute to get the

Lynne2 said...

I just borrowed from Nestorations!

Lynne2 said...

these are not good Denorations if she's going to block the camera~

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

From Twitter:

Pulled a rubber band off the camera setup, and brought balsam branches into the den.

Mits said...

last time I looked it was 63° at Norfolk, down to 57° right now

Lolly said...

Lily, is really active.

Lynne2 said...

gotta go fix dinner. BBL

Lolly said...

Heard a bird for the first time on the Lily cam. They were trying to name it. Someone said "Is that a cheeseburger bird?" Never heard of that kind of bird.

hedgie said...

Thanks for trying so hard, Judie. Wonder what in the world happened to it??? I may have to make some phone calls. Thanks again, dear girl. I really appreciate your efforts.

Ceil, I think the Lord would gladly allow you to break that promise in order for you to see more of His beautiful world and PANDAS!

I stand corrected.....sorry, Glo! GHO it was then! Sure would liked to have seen a full-frontal!

hedgie said...

I bet that Steve or crew ran video from last night for a BIG cam view!

hedgie said...

Jim and Andy----don't wash away out there! I'm sure that the rain is appreciated----and will be in the month s to come in that it will hopefully prevent such awful fires. Just have to pray now that there aren't landslides in the burned and eroded areas.

Mema Jo said...

Lily the Black Bear: From Twitter: LilyBlackBear Pulled a rubber band off the camera setup, and brought balsam branches into the den.

Sharon posted that on FB for us.

Dinner time here


Mema Jo said...

Night light is on - glance at our nest every once in a while to check out any GHO intruders........

hedgie said...

Gee, a tornado warning was issued in Long Beach this afternoon...did you CA folks hear it?? How unusual....

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

And if somebody climbs the tree, it is Nustorations!

hedgie said...

Andy, your patio is lovely, even in the rain!! Don't worry about NCIS---repeat!

Lynne2 said...

Nice nose, Lily!

hedgie said...

Ceil, ask Jim why a bachelor eagle needs a nest....is it a Bachelor Pad????

Jo, thanks for Mason update---I had just checked this morning and it wasn't there. Sharon, did you do transcription on Mason????

glo said...

LOL Hedgie np I did see it full frontal. It was eerie and shicking ot be honest but I knew I needed pictures. I am on firefox which doesn't give me a picture option so had to open up some photo software by then view and owl head had moved slightly. BUT we do know itsin the neighborhood and needs to stay away.

glo said...

LOL not shicking, shocking I will take spidey back to be honest. Heck he is a nice little snack if they or the kids want it. No owls.

hedgie said...

Sissy, Norfolk home page said 68 earlier this afternoon.

hedgie said...

Next Shuttle launch date has been given: Feb. 7th!!! Let the countdown begin.

T-Bird said...

Good evening eagle momsters and dadsters.

Mits said...

that's Super Bowl Sunday.....Hello Thelma

hedgie said...

That's right, Mits, it is!
Hi, Thelma!!!

hedgie said...

Where are they playing the SB this year?

ceil said...

Lynn Miami

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

No Lynn, didn't do transcription on Mason but my first transcription job was for HealthSouth and we did transcription for MountainView in Morgantown.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Another Twitter report from:
I know you're all wondering where I went and what I did when I left my den... just up to a bit of mischief, that's all !

T-Bird said...

Miami is where the super bowl is this year.

hedgie said...

Thought so, but I wasn't sure! Can't see launch from Miami! Would make a nice half-time show, tho'!

Mits said...

hummer chat is saying 2nd egg is hatching or has hatched....really windy there...Phoebe has to hang on...they are deciding names for the two

Mema Jo said...

E_M album ready for viewing of today's pics.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Sharon for the Lily comment...
I just know she went to the loo....

Mema Jo said...

Anxious to hear about Dana's Eye Dr Visit. I hope she was ok driving herself and doesn't have the psychedelic vision I had yesterday.
Maybe she will check in.

ceil said...

Mits I don't watch the hummers too often but she is pretty.
Jo She doesn't take as long as some people who leave and don't come back. You will never live that down. LOL

Mema Jo said...

Wanda - it was a beautiful description you gave us about GG sitting in the Church - like waiting for you! Very touching and I'm sure you felt very emotional when you saw her.

Mema Jo said...

Yep I learned my lesson on that one.
I even tell everyone now when I am going to put my feet up!

Ceil - Jenny left behind 1 suitcase at the Baltimore dock from the cruise. She & Jimmy went down the next day and picked it up. I guess with the 2 girls she thought she had them all.... She enjoyed the cruise - mainly the stops. not the sea time.......

Mema Jo said...

One moose on the cam
Lying in the snow & behind a tree
Can't see well enough to guess which one it is!

ceil said...

I'm glad she enjoyed it. They had good weather didn't they. It does get hectic because they come in mornings and leave in the afternoon. Quick turn around.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang!

Gee, found out just a while ago that there was a tornado warning in Long Beach earlier! My satellite TV was not working, so didn't know.
They showed a picture of a waterspout off of San Juan Capistrano--pretty, but kinda scary.
The rain has stopped here, which is good--gotta get ready and go to school. Hope it's still not raining after class! Will be back later tonight. Have a great evening! :o]

Mema Jo said...

Last night it was 6:24pm when Mr GHO appeared at our nest. Well he is either an hour late or he's not coming at all. I go for the 'He's not coming at all"..........

paula eagleholic said...

Howdy, all! :)

Well, I have to say the technology has improved! Just hooked the modem up, and off it went! Of Course, it had to download software, blah blah, but once I hooked it up and it finished that, well here I am! Much better than 3 years ago!

Only thing i have to figure out is how to secure the wireless portion...I got a modem that can wired and wireless...

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Oh, I do remember that neverending trip to the loo! That was too good!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, Andy, your rainy weather is on the national and local news....

paula eagleholic said...

Wow SB is on Feb 7th?

Love the Lily twitter!

Lolly said...

Have finished dinner. Jack called so it will be after 11 before he is home.

Guess I will work on slides.

Mema Jo said...

Glad you can spend the evening with us, Paula.

I am going to catch the half hour show on TV....


ceil said...

Off to watch TV

paula eagleholic said...

Well I think I have it all secured...now all I need is a wireless laptop!

Mema Jo said...

Going to catch an hour show - it's a repeat but one I haven't seen...


NatureNut said...

Evening Everyone! Wanted to check in before we settle in to Idol.
Something exciting must have happened from the large #s today. Scanned, but only noticed that Poe's cognac was slurped by Jo, the bear tried to dismantle the camera, Ceil won't fly & has no booze now & oh yes, several eagle sightings!
This AM when entering Park an eagle was perched on a branch IN FRONT of the nest. (But 2 pics are blurry anyway:>( Will work on them during commercials)Around noon saw eagle flying downriver. Went out & spotted TWO on the osprey platform! Of course as I walked that way, they flew upriver. Several speedy crows were in that osprey nest~~~must have been nestovers. Did see one far up on a stick. They are making me frustrated~~tried replacement telephoto lens & get blurred pics. Something isn't right. Doesn't want to focus.
Gotta go for awhile~~~think I have carpal tunnel~~typing is OK, but mouse is cheesey.

magpie said...

Oh Cognac, such a beautiful name for these laughter moments.
Was it regular, or VS...?

Glad you all saw the eagles again, must go check pictures, and open up still cam to watch for GHO.

Bet you're right about them bringing up last night's action on their videos....think that was you Hedgie...

magpie said...

Great Paula, you are back with us in the evening!

Judie said...

Okay, you guys got me. What is GHO? Good Housekeeping Organization?

magpie said...

I haven't been on a plane since 1996 - lots of things have changed since then.
Have a wonderful nephew who works for United, has for a looooong time, is an attendant or steward....
keeps wanting to fly me out to Californy! I really would like to do that, before his two boys turn into teenagers !
He lives in Sonoma.
xo Good Evening to Everyone....!!

magpie said...

Great Horned Owl, Judie..

Hello !!

magpie said...

lucky I am on here same time as you for change!

saw a great little ceramic planter at goodwill, a siamese cat....
thought about you !!
I could go back and get it....you could put just about anything in it, paperclips, plants, rubber bands...what say, should I try ?


magpie said...

when I first started flying in 1967 - the planes I flew on were turbo props....lots of things have changed since then also !
Love the take-offs, kinda worry during the landings

magpie said...

Would like to see some Shirley, Wanda and Dana here...and others that I have not seen on the afternoon posts....

I just get lonely for everyone....

Mits said...

Margy get on that plane and go, girl

Mits said...

BTW there was a big storm almost 2 weeks ago and Sidney has been done since then...Hornby was down for about a day, it came back on , but people in that area were without electricity for a wile

Mits said...

I read where you were looking for Sidney

magpie said...

Thanks, Mits, I try to check the Western Cams when I can...
appreciate the updates.
Yes, told nephew, would have a look at things come Springtime.

Life will pass me by if I don't just Do It!

xoxo ☺

magpie said...

bet if I tried to get on a plane, half of what I pack and wear, will get rejected...
maybe I can go barefoot
and forget the hair stuff and nail files ☺

magpie said...

time to throw some chow together for work Wednesday , am packing tuna salad for four...hope they like olives in their salad....


magpie said...

sent you an email....if that program is up and running....
xoxo ♥

Mits said...

fascinating new update on the North American Bear site from Dr. Rogers

Judie said...

Aw, sheetz! I'm not even going to cheat to see if anyone answered my stoooopid question. I was watching Smarter Than a Fifth Grader and figured it out: Great Happy Outing to Conowingo. Jo, got any leftover cognac?

hedgie said...

LOL, Margy....I won't come eat lunch with you!!
See Wanda is on Yahoo.......wonder why she hasn't chimed in here?!?!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh yeah, Margy, email is fine...I don't use verizon, have had my yahoo account forever...

hedgie said...

I am just going through Yahoo mail.........hope you all caught on to Karen Kinsaul's message, and have added her to your prayer lists. Amen.

magpie said...

thanks for the alert, Hedgie, I haven't been over there to that program yet, must do so now, and
check Dr. Rogers's information on Lily that Mits mentioned
AND check the afternoon pictures.
Gee, am going to run out of time here soon.

I'll let you know when I make cheese salad, Lynn...it rocks!
I can leave out the olives if you like.

magpie said...

I keep wanting to see an eagle at BWE before the cam closes up at 2200.
Won't be long

hedgie said...

Love cheese salad, Margy, without olives and with lots of mayo!!!
Email coming to you in a minute.

Judie said...

The absence of Poe's annual visitor was a news item tonight. Wonder if we'll ever know the story behind the story?

Paula, glad you got the computer up and running.

Well, if Jo won't share her cognac, or at least the aroma of what was her cognac, I think I will turn my light off. Leaving the night light on for others. Andy, hope school was good tonight and the driving wasn't too awful. Please set the security when you get home.

Pleasant eagle dreams.

Mits said...

cheese salad, I don't think I have ever heard of it, what goes in it....I love olives:)

paula eagleholic said...

I haven't heard of cheese salad either. Love olives too!

Mema Jo said...

WHoo HOo! I'm Back. 2 TV reruns that I had not seen.
NOW who wants that Cognac because like I said the bottle is no more - it is out in the recycle bin! Believe me Judie I would share with you!

Where is Megan? There are a couple Where is's .......

Mema Jo said...

Maybe Margy means 'cheese spread'
My cousin made the bestest creamy cheese spread - yes with pimentos!

I have not had any snack ----- :<(

I don't think that Lady Blackwater is quite ready to spend the night in the nest.... but I do think by next week it is going to happen. AND when that happens NCTC Belle is next! (Not counting NBG nest)

Mema Jo said...

I just read Lily's update and I am
ROFLMBO because she really did go to
the loo!

magpie said...

Well, my cheese salad, is grated cheese, usually Sharp Cheddar, mayonnaise, mustard, a little onion, some finely chopped celery, sometimes olives, sometimes not,
and some seasoning, Crazy Jane's Mixed Up Salt usually.

magpie said...

I like the pimiento spread too...

Costume Lady said...


Had a meeting at church and hurried home for WHAT!? RERUNS!

We are starting a SOUP KITCHEN and it will take a lot of planning, but Gene and I are very excited about it. So many need help, right here in our own community. This is a good chance to help out. We had a great turn out for our first meeting...about 25, which is a lot for our little congregation.

magpie said...

Yes, that update, is a GREAT READ, a truly literary and informative article.
Thanks Mits for mentioning it.

The daily pics too, also are great!

magpie said...

And thanks Lynn for the alert on Karen's response on the E-M page regarding the "Extraordinary" email that Cindi had sent out.
I have to find a way to squeeze more time of my day, many important things to read and keep up with.

magpie said...

hope Jack gets home soon.

Hope all that we have not heard from this evening and other times, are doing okay....

The Night Bandit has struck, alarm clock set for 4:00 am, work Wednesday looms.

Good Night to All, Prayers continue from this Roost for all our needs....

God Bless Us, Every One
Love you...All !
xo ☺ ♥

Mits said...

hmmm cheese salad sounds interesting....Wanda what a great idea, much success...wish I lived closer, told hubby when he retires we can volunteer together at maybe someplace, like So Others May Eat....SOME

Mema Jo said...

Just read the update on Lily's site.
It is very interesting and really the exact opposite of what we think about a bear. Very educational.

magpie said...

Hi Wanda...sounds great, there is another one that my boss is involved with that I want to start spending time at, would like to help with YOURS too.
I have aprons, to go with my bibs.
Hate to leave this good fellowship.

Mits said...

yes, all the misinformation of black bears out there...now with that said, I'll not be going looking for one anytime soon;)..Good night everyone, prayers for all.

Mema Jo said...

That sounds very rewarding Wanda.
It is so gratifying to give to others

Mits said...

spit....coming soon...I mean split

Mema Jo said...

15 hrs on this thread and already for the 2nd split...... We are GOOD!

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6/6/23 bella field cam

  Time stamps on these or about an hour off. So, if it says it's 5 something, it's 6 something field can got messed up in the last s...