Thursday, January 21, 2010


New thread.


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Mits said...

LOL....CEIL, yeah that would really be awful for that poor man:(

hedgie said...

Thanks for more moral support. She will be able to collect UE after a 2 wk. wait. Guess I better get my taxes filed this can get refund in 10-14 days.

Mema Jo said...

I'm off
Let me know if anyone gets it when it comes back.........

hedgie said...

What???? Inclement weather has forced the cam off the air??? What kind of garbage is that???????

hedgie said...

I think I called Lynn Rogers a she earlier----He's a HE!

Mits said...

well radar does show rain in the area, Lynn...tee-hee...

Mits said...

well went right thru the spit and did not know it.

hedgie said...

No luck opening Lily again, either....and only 4600 viewers

Check my blog---article is up. Sorry it looks so sloppy!! Hope you can enlarge it big enough to read it.

ceil said...

Lynn I thought it was a woman also.

NatureNut said...

Read most of comments. Some of us discussed at Open House possibly making a T-shirt of Deb's eagle pic. But if it's too expensive to pay up front to sell them thru E_M, then we could order some for ourselves & pay in advance. I also asked Paula to send me the pic so maybe I could mat & frame one for next year's raffle.

Mits said...

there is a pic of him on one of the sites I think, can't remember where

glo said...

well I would say try in about 3 hours for Lily as some start to go to bed etc etc. Well unless there is something really great on TV tonight. :-)Might get back in then. who knows. Sorry to hear about the inclement weather near the outdoor tv or whatever. The cam has done well for us overall though. With your weather that is coming in though well we can only hope for tomorrow viewing.

hedgie said...

Did You Know.......consuming 74 grams of fructose (what is in 2 1/2 sodas) a day raises your risk of high blood pressure 36%...and women who drink 2sugar-free sodas a day are twice as likely to have decreased kidney function, which can destroy the organs.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!

Gotta go get some dinner and head out to school. It's still raining here, but not as hard as earlier.

Lynn, I'm so sorry to hear that Carolyn lost her job! Sounds like it wasn't ideal, though, so I'm praying that a better one will turn up. Know how you feel, though. Doesn't matter how grown up they get, they're still our babies!
I'm heading to school tonight, hoping that my allergies won't bother me. I already take 2 Claritin every morning, so can't do much more. Wish it worked better!
Will BBL, after school. :o]

NatureNut said...

BTW, re: cam--Is there inclement weather in nest area??
Read Lily might have cubs Friday--aarrgghh I'll be at work!

Also, Lynn, prayers for daughter. Think she's better off getting out of that place!

hedgie said...

Hi, are on spot with both ideas!

NatureNut said...

Andrea, good luck at school w/allergies.

floralgirl said...

I'm not really sure what the inclement weather thing is about. Trust me, currently we are not having inclement weather here.

Costume Lady said...

Inclement weather where? Whatchu talkin bout Willis?

NatureNut said...

Din din ready~~BBL

Costume Lady said...


floralgirl said...

Well the radar shows it will be raining best to plan ahead..haha ha anyway, sure they are just having some issue and it will be fixed soon.

ceil said...

Lynn no problem. Nice article.

Mema Jo said...

Moose cam is active and has some action

hedgie said...

No bad weather here yet, Loretta.
Thanks to you all for the support. Yep, she is better off out of there, but it sure doesn't help her resume or her spirits. She hasn't called me yet....guess she's still crying with Charlie. He is HOT...but more about the mold situation than anything. I gave him a mask this morning to take in to her, but she wouldn't let him bring it.

hedgie said...

Lowreeda-----you have MAIL!

Mits said...

that was a great article, Lynn, thanks.

hedgie said...

Time for Jeopardy. BB.

hedgie said...

So glad you could read it, Mits.
Maybe we need a field trip to the Mississippi. At least we'd have free lodging between Mom's and Gail's places!

hedgie said...

Oh my, 911 call: dresser fell over on a little girl. APPEARS to be okay, but sure they will transport to be checked out at ER.

Mits said...

who would have thought that St.Louis would be the mecca for eagles in the lower 48

Mema Jo said...

Holy Smoly! Very large Buck

at Pix PA woods looking right at ya.

Mema Jo said...

Majestic he is.......

Mits said...

he has been there for awile, Jo, they say he is an 8 point

Mits said...

ok, thought I had read somewhere when the cam came on it was coming thru Elkins WVA, if that is the case, then I think they are getting the weather, ahead of nest, most of the storm is coming from the south

ceil said...

Mits just saw a video on the weather channel about Flagstaff AZ and all the snow they are getting.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I have two 8 points that come out here.

Mits said...

and would love to be in Arizona...

Mits said...

Sharon, maybe you should set up an outdoor cam at your house:)

ceil said...

Off to watch tv

floralgirl said...

Just about to start doing something here, looks like it wil start as rain, still 43° here.

floralgirl said...

I mean 34°

floralgirl said...

Ok, it's mixed precip, gonna go light the heater in the gh

Mema Jo said...

8:00 BONES new show

10:00 The Mentalist new show

I'll be here inbetween and afterwards!

Costume Lady said...

Sleeting lightly here.

Lolly said...

I am back. We just finished a good dinner...turkey and dressing. Ahhh, the wonders of leftovers and freezers!!!

Mema Jo said...

No precip here yet...

Mits said...

cam back on.....

Mits said...

sounds like it is sleeting there....

Mits said...

sleet or freezing rain:(

Mits said...

you can see it bouncing off the tree.

hedgie said...

I keep saying OutdoorTV but it's actually Outdoor Channel. Mea culpa.
I have their channel on DirecTV--Ch. 606, if anyone else wants to check theirs.

Mits said...

keep calling it the same thing....

hedgie said...

Oh, yeah, sleeting here now----loud on sunroom roof!

Mema Jo said...

Commercial already - Glad I checked back
Sure is bouncing off the cam/tree/nest

hedgie said...

Thanks for your commentary on my blog, Glo. Sure is a precarious situation.

glo said...

Yes Hedgie it is precarious. It has bothered me all season. Many of us are really concerned. At first I thought they had poisoned the fish and was worried that waterfowl may have eaten them but found out they actually electrocuted them. So I don't think that is a threat. Just a need for fish and mice etc for the young. They have had to journey much further this year to find it for sure.

hedgie said...

Hope Judie didn't have a rough day at the U. today, and that Margy didn't get held over at work. Guess Shirley's puter is still down.

Mits said...

I hear the train going by:)

Mits said...

also here a siren right maybe a firefighters' volunteer siren

magpie said...

Wow I hear the train, and just heard the siren...
and the rain sounds like popcorn popping

Hello !!

magpie said...

I'm fearful to hit too many buttons, tried to check emails and got lost on la la land....

But I will try to see what you guys saw today...

Sleeting here in Mtsbg, Shep-town too I guess...

Mema Jo said...

I'm getting icy precip in the valley.

hedgie said...

Hi, Margy!!!! You're home safe and sound!

Mits said...

LILY is back on too.

Mits said...

hi ya Margy, how was work?

Mema Jo said...

Earlier when I sneaked a try I only had a black screen at Lily's but I had the hummmmmmmmmmmm....

Mema Jo said...

Sharon- hope you bring us a message from Lily's concerning her progress.

Mema Jo said...

Thankful you are home Margy
Roads fairly good I suspect!

Lolly said...

Shhhhh!!!! Lily is back up!

glo said...

LOL Lolly I was just about to say the same thing on here. Do not call your local news with that info.

magpie said...

Hi Ya Eagle Pals...
work, woof! Had to make some tapes, one made me cry....and the taping gizmo was not following commands !

But there were some bright spots.
Oh, I think the new cam makes things kinda freezy for me, have to punch the keys to type.


Lolly said...

She is sleeping and there is a little movement.

magpie said...

oh roads were okay, they were dry when I got home 90 minutes ago, taken me THIS LONG to get the computer rolling

I see there are important comments to read, be back in a bit...

Sure is nice to be home with my friends !!

magpie said...

Lady Blackwater is changing positions in her nest, sure is a beautiful egg on the link !!

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

New Grey's is on tonight!

NatureNut said...

See you folks are getting "inclement weather". Fubby said weather report indicated we really wouldn't get anything 'til AM. BUT early yesterday AM, large sleet balls were falling for awhile & nothing was mentioned about that! At least I could get them off deck & steps w/broom!

paula eagleholic said...

No precip here yet.

Is our cam up or down. Lily, up or down?

Mits said...

both were up last time I looked, Paula....I'm watching Grey's now:)

Mits said...

Loretta, seems like most of the precip will be west of DC, near I-81 corridor

Mits said...

but those wacky weathermen could be wrong.

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, Mits.

Lowreeda - I heard about the sleet down your way yesterday.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Going to bed now. Hope everybody has a restful night!

hedgie said...

Lily back up, Paula. Our live down, but still was okay last time I checked---MT nest.

Lynne2 said...

Hi all....

We just got some very bad news about my sister-in-law a little while ago. She has been diagnosed with a brain tumor. Steve is on the phone with her now.

Our family needs your prayers.

hedgie said...

Hey, our live feed is back up!

magpie said...

I have live feed at NCTC and now, should I sacrifice and stay away from Lily's site?


I know lots and lots of cops !!!

I am heartsick about Carolyn.....dirty
rotten b$$%&#rds. That's some lowdown childish behavior....
When one door closes...another one will open...You have my prayers.
(( and hugs ♥ ♥ ))

hedgie said...

But it keeps freezing...12-14 secs. at a time......

magpie said...

And Sharon! You have my vote of confidence too.

Yep, it's confirmed, live cam makes things freezy here...

paula eagleholic said...

Lolly - I am trying to find the article that explains the answer to your question! I have it bird mating. It explains it much better than I can.

magpie said...

So I won't be doing any of that mile a minute blogging like you guys can do

Wonder if Megan got that cake baked???

magpie said...

There is an awful lot of severe weather across the country

including tornados....near Atlanta.

high winds brought down a lot of trees is Los Angeles

magpie said...

Okay I am going to try email checking emails...hope I make it back
Oh I must go see album pictures too ! Got to see the Nest Porn !

hedgie said...

Oh, Lynne, SO sorry to hear that terrible news. Prayers definitely....what is her name, please?

ceil said...

Lynne prayers for your sister in law and the family.
Good night all.

magpie said...


thanks for alerting us about the update on the Cam Page...
that's a nice one ☺

magpie said...

Lynne -
I just backed up to your post....
I am so sorry as well, prayers for you Steve's Mother coming this week-end??

paula eagleholic said...

Lolly - in a nutshell

Copulation & fertilization:

For most birds, copulation involves a 'cloacal kiss', with the male on the female's back & twisting his tail under the female's . The male's sperm passes to the female when the Cloacae meet.

glo said...

Prayers for your sister in law and the family Lynne. Keep us posted as I am sure that you will

paula eagleholic said...

Lolly - The original website I had was realllly long, so here's a more concise description of reproduction in birds.

How do birds Mate?

magpie said...

Phoenix stands to get clobbered with high winds Bird Girl in my thoughts....

I am going to visit all these posted links at a time when I can navigate better with this old antique computer

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn - so sorry about daughter's job. There are better places to work out there!

Lynne - Sorry to hear about SIL. Will keep her in my thoughts and prayers.

magpie said...

Noisy yucky precipitation hereabouts.

Oh boy, not scheduled to work in the mornning ☺

Email program working slow, so if I don't answer some emails from some of you, I am sorry....
and I can't to the E-M page, that's what got me hung up this morning.

Great Pictures on the Eagle Album, everyone !!!

magpie said...

I think I better say Good Night before something crashes here....

Good Night Eagle Pals
God Bless Us, Every One...

and prayers, prayers and more prayers
xox ☺ ♥

Mema Jo said...

Turned off all my cams. May briefly check a few before going down the hall.
Watching Mentalist TV show now

Lynne - Prayers for you SIL


Mema Jo said...

I have a message on FB about an eagles' nest in Leesburg. I'll go over soon and read it...... That could be a field trip!

BBILW (Commercial)

paula eagleholic said...

Lily cam update

Thank you all for your patience when we lost our video feed at the source here in Ely, MN this evening. We had a power-surge and a piece of equipment needed to be rebooted. We’ll take steps in the future to prevent this from happening again. ...

Lynne2 said...

OK, I just talked to my sister in law, Wendy, myself to get all the details. Hard to get info straight from Steve and his mom in their current states of mind....

The good news is that it's a Meningioma (in the lining of the brain as opposed to the brain itself). Common, and usually easily her case it's large, the size of a 50cent piece. The other good news is that it's pushing on the left side of her brain which the neurologist believes is what is causing the lack of movement and control of her left leg and side which has been getting worse for some time. (it's a long story I won't bore you with but much of her problem is lack of health insurance) She will go for a consult with a neurosurgeon.

It was an incidental find after an MRI performed on her neck and head due to some other issues. She also has a herniated cervical disc.

We'll know more after she see's the neurosurgeon. We are so thankful that it is not a malignant tumor (in as much as can be assumed at this time)although she still has to have this treated.

Thank you for your prayers!

paula eagleholic said...

Lynne - thanks for the info...hoping for a good outcome!

paula eagleholic said...

I have to go shuck some oysters...having fried oysters tomorrow night...tonight was steak precip here yet...trying to squeeze in all the good dinners before Michael leaves on Sunday to go back to college...


Lynne2 said...

I'm sure there will be!!

Boy, sleeting like mad here....

Going to bed now, prayers for all of you!

hedgie said...

Lynne, thank goodness it's a benign tumor. Hopefully outcome will be very successful. Where does she live? Near a GOOD horsepital, I hope!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,

I'm home from school early tonight--when we have a test, we can leave as soon as we're finished.

Margy, good to see that you got home OK, and that you're not scheduled to work tomorrow! Hope you can find a way to speed up your computer. Does yours defragment your hard drive regularly? Takes a long time, so mine is scheduled to do it overnight one day a week. Not sure that's your problem, though.

Lynne, so sorry to hear about your SIL! Mighty grateful it's not a malignancy, though. Hope all will work out OK. Many prayers being said for her, and for you and your family!

Lynn, more prayers for your daughter! What an upsetting situation! But am sure God has a much better place for her.

Sure sounds like rain at the nest. Raining out here, too. Just had some thunder a minute ago. Not raining hard here at the moment, though. Was glad not to have to drive in it.

Think Hubby is hooked on the hummer cam! Our daughter, granddaughter, and great-granddaughter have been sent the website, too. That little Phoebe is habit-forming!

Mits said...

prayers for your SIl, Lynne.

hedgie said...

Ground is white with sleet and freezing rain here! Yuck! Accidents are happening, too. And Margy----whoever the gal dispatching tonight is: she sounds like she's sick!

Ms Bookworm said...

Well, think I'm gonna go watch some TV and unwind a bit. Doggone classroom got my allergies riled up again, too, so will probably have to blow my nose a bit to straighten it out. Doggone Claritin sure doesn't work well! Afraid anything else will make me comatose, so guess I'm stuck.

The night light is on, the porch light has a motion sensor, and the eye scanner has been enabled. Prayers have been said for everyone. Sleep well, have sweet eagle dreams, and I'll talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and goodnight!
Love all you guys! :o]

Costume Lady said...

Lynne, my father had a Benign Meningioma tumor. It was so large, it was like a goose egg on top of his head. I guess he was too old for surgery and had had a heart attack a short while before the tumor was diagnosed.
There are various treatments for the condition now that are very successful.
Prayers for the family.

magpie said...

Hey there Sneezy, I mean Andy... hope the evening was a good one for you....hope the weather is not going to bring any new problems for you.

Lynn.... I have a built-in excuse in the's app't and bloodwork...oh yea, nothing after midnight but water, better not sleep walk tonight !

and Lynne2 (now maybe asnoozin' away) - very glad to have this better report to pray over tonight.

Okay, will take all the computer suggestions coming my way to heart....just have to park my tuckus here with no cams on and Do It !

Paula - your son is a lucky man! All these bon apetite' meals ☺

xo Good Night once again....
Hope Sleep is Sweet and Restorative...

magpie said...

and Goooood Night Costume Lady !

hedgie said...

Margy, hope your apptmt. is early so that you don't get a headache from fasting!! Drive carefully----glad you don't have far to go---guess you could skate if necessary! LOL!
Heading for tub and a nice soak. Hope no one loses power. Don't want to miss out on bear cub and nest action tomorrow!! Sleep snug as bugs in rugs! Prayers and peace.

Costume Lady said...

Lynn, is Carolyn a people person?
The Panhandle Home Health Ctr. (I think that is what it's called...near GG's) would be a good place to work. I'm considering some of their services for Mom.
It is crushing to be without a job with the economy the way it is. Prayers that just the perfect job is waiting out there for her.


Costume Lady said...

Night, Margy:)
Capt. Gene has dr. appt. in morning too. Hope the roads aren't too bad.

paula eagleholic said...

OK, finally got some frozen precip coming down...

Lolly said...

Left to watch Grey's and PP. Left a message, but did not publish. lol It was still sitting here in the box waiting for me to tap the orange bar. Duh!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for my education tonight, Paula.

paula eagleholic said...

Oysters all shucked, will bread them up tomorrow night...had a grapefruit snack, doggies had their out and a biscuit...time for bed!

Safe travels in the morning!

Hugs to all ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Your welcome, Lolly. It was something we all learned a couple of years ago...we had questions too!


Mema Jo said...

I was looking at some cams - Moose #13 arrived today at Pook's. She sure has
a full house!

Mema Jo said...

Just making certain that our nest is MT right now.
Heading down the hallway... Safe travels to all who must go out in the morning.

Good Night All
Prayers for all
Sleep well and soundly....

((hugs)) ♥ ♥ ♥

Lolly said...

Nite Paula and Jo! I am maintaining a watch over Lily.

Mema Jo said...

Facebook:Diane Robey Flanagan
I finally found the bald eagle nest that is in Leesburg!! It's awesome! It's not easy to find, and you would never be able to find it without detailed directions. But Lacee and I took a drive out today. I can't wait till they lay eggs. It should be soon. I didn't see any eagles there today, but once the eggs are laid, they'll be there full time! Check out my wall to see pic.

PA Nana said...

Good night everyone and prayers for neeeds and wants.

Catch you tomorrow.


Lolly said...

I am going to be up about another hour. Jack is watching hockey and I am watching Lily.☺ I'll yell if anything happens.

Just checked the nest. Spidey has left his thread to wave faintly in front of the cam. Lovely, just lovely!

Anyway, I am saying good night now....unless I pull a Margy and come back. lol

Nite! Sweet egg dreams as well as cute bear dreams!

Lolly said...

Going to bed. Lily is definitely in labor. She has done some wild thrashing around in her den.

magpie said...

Well, Guess What...

there is an Eagle on the nest at LW -

just standing there looking around right now...
going to watch and see what happens next...

magpie said...

like watching grass grow.
Lady LW just standing there with her feet planted in the egg well...
not moving much at all...

magpie said...

Lady LW just hopped onto a branch...sure seems like something is about to be happening there

magpie said...

our nest view looks differenet a big white halo around the top edges

magpie said...

can't hold my eyes open any longer, leaving while Lady LW is perched in that branch beyond the nest, eyes glowing....

Lynne2 said...

3:30 am, been up about a half hour...had to potty, thought I sneek a peek at Lily. She has been resting this whole time but looks like I missed some serious labor a while ago.

Back to bed....

Lynne2 said...

I have to say....because yes, I'm still here....

That image at Blackwater of the Eagle in the nest is disturbing. Looks like the cam is hung up a 10:00pm. In that image she looks, uh, dead. I'm sure everything is fine, right? Just a weird placement of the bird when the camera stopped...

I am going to bed AGAIN. Lily still resting.

Lynne2 said...

I put a picture on my blog of BWE eagle so you can see what I mean because I'm sure by the time everyone gets up, the cam will be fixed and all is OK.

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Dex had me up in the night but he seems oK now. I just couldn't get back to sleep so have been in an dout of shower done a load of laundry anddhave Lily up as well. Guess I should turn on our cam and hear what the weather sounds like. As long as Belle isn't sitting there getting dumped on its OK. I will let someone else tell me about BWE when they get up. My guess and hope is that she is fine an dits just the way the cam stopped. The egg however definitely is a big job for her in this weather as we have learned the hard way in the past.

floralgirl said...

Lynne, BWE cam stops at midnight. Then keeps that pic on screen until morning.
Looks like we dodged most of the storm. 30° here, Icy out, but no snow here at all. School is on time.
MT nest, BWE eagle awake...Lily sleeping

floralgirl said...

BWE eagle is fine, she was just covering the egg from precip.

glo said...

:-) Always glad to hear that all is well.

floralgirl said...

BWE egg cup is uncovered, hard to find egg in the darkness.

floralgirl said...

Eagle is still off egg at BWE, nwo it is visible.

Costume Lady said...

OH NO! I JUST SPOTTED SPIDEY'S WEB! Can't get rid of him:(

Lynne2 said...

Good morning Megan, Wanda, Glo and anyone else lurking!

Thanks Megan, I was PRETTY sure nothing was wrong, but she looked so odd in that picture, and of course it was raining...I didn't think of that.

33 and a little icy here too...we had sleet like crazy for a while early in the night but roads OK, no school delays here either.

Lynne2 said...

Mama's back at a picture of egg for my blog.

Costume Lady said...

I haven't heard the school bus go by yet....could have a delay. Only one car out on our road, but doing about 50mph in a 35mph zone. IDIOT!

Mits said...

EAGLE in nest good morning everyone.

Mits said...

never mind it poofed

floralgirl said...

Berkeley and Jefferson county wv are on two hour delay...lucky....

Mits said...

today's weather for nest....

A chance of snow. Periods of freezing rain and sleet this morning...then a chance of rain this afternoon. Snow and sleet accumulation around an inch. Ice accumulation around a trace. Highs in the mid 30s. North winds around 5 mph. Chance of precipitation near 100 percent.
» ZIP Code Detail
Mostly cloudy. Lows in the mid 20s. North winds around 5 mph.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning in Eagleland Glo, Lynne2, Wanda, and Megan hope I didn't miss anyone if so Good Morning.

Got to see eagle in nest when brought cam up, in and out.

So is Lily in LABOR?

glo said...

YES Dana They believe she is in labor. Probably a baby or 2 sometime today. :-) How is Little Man?

wvgal_dana said...

Glo he ate for me this morning and I've given him his 2 meds. So he is back to sleeping right now by me in his bed. Yesterday evening and last night had to sleep with him and hold him on the couch. Poor baby. Thanks for asking ( :

wvgal_dana said...

Is there any way to turn the sound down on LIly's cam? I tried a couple of things but nothing helps. It is so loud you can't hear our cam.

glo said...

LILY comes with a nice sized hummm. YOu can turn it off or down just below the cam next to where you can make it full screen

Well Dex and I are going to try to get ourselves across the street this morning. Coul dbe some slip and slide but its better than yesterday. Actually since its not going above freezing today its as good as its going to get. He needs a walk. Hardly functioned or moved his feet outside at all yesterday. Too slick to get his balance poor guy. I know I got to get him somewhere with some footing but my driveway remains a skating rink argh.

Mits said...

there is a button next to where the viewers are, just move it down to 0%

Lynne2 said...

look at lily!!!!

Lynne2 said...

she was on her some pics on my blog. Now she's all curled up on her side, head in the rear with her front paw over it....and her rear in front which now has given me the song "I like big butts and I cannot lie" which, sadly will now be stuck in my head all day.
I thought she was going to push out a baby right then!

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!---SNOWY am here in HAMPSHIRE CO---SCHOOLS ARE CLOSED!!!---started snowing--sleeting yesterday evening!!---MORNIN' GLO--LYNN2--MEGAN--MITS---WANDA & DANA!!

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Mits I did up and down with that button but duh me didn't think about sliding it. Thank you so much !! ( :

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Ms. Norma dear. How's you weather?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning everybody. Sounds kind of icy at our nest. Love that - "sounds"!! That means we can hear what is happening there! :)

Lynne2 said...

Morning Dana! How is Little man?

Morning Norma!

Glo, you and Dex be careful out there this morning!

Mits said...

I did the same thing too, Dana:)

Lynne2 said...

Good morning Sharon! I IS nice to hear the sound!

hedgie said...

Good morning Eagle dudettes--any any dudes lurking! Still precipitating here, but no snow.....walk out driveway for papers was crunchy, but footing was okay---slow and careful, tho', for sure. Schools still on 2-hr. delay, but several others that started out with that plan have now decided to close.
Saw Lily sleeping. Our nest empty.
BWE sitting pretty. I looked at Lynne's pic from last night---I saw egg but I didn't see a bird! Looked like a pile of nestovers to me.
Dana, glad Little Man is doing well. He and Dex will both need skates today! So glad that Cinnamon has under-cover area---even tho' she did go on out in the open for part of her business.

Lynne2 said...

Hi Mits! I think I read somewhere, yesterday evening maybe, that they are trying to work on the buzzing at Lily's Den. I hate to turn the sound down because I might miss baby cub noises!

Mits said...

yeah Lynne, read that too, I usually put mine down to 6%, so I can still hear any cubby noises:)

Mits said...

that is I slide it...was trying to make it go up and down before I figured it out...Duh!

Mits said...

morning miss Sharon.

Lynne2 said...

Good morning Lynn...did you see the pics of Lily I got just a while ago?

Lynne2 said...

Me too Mits!!! hahaha!!!

Mits said...

well now I don't feel so bad;)

Lynne2 said...

that's a pretty headless fish at BWE

Lynne2 said...

obviously we are SMARTER than they are...or they'd have designed that volume control correctly!

Lynne2 said...

Beautiful egg and dead fish shot at BWE

Mits said...

both eagles at NBG, one in nest, one on branch

Red said...

Good morning all ya lovely ladies. I've been missing ya and as the eagle season begins, I'll be here more. Had a warm stormy day here yesterday. Almost 70 degrees and of course tornados around. Good to see the live cam going again.

Mits said...

hey there Red, good to see ya.

Mits said...

eagle mantling fish at BWE

magpie said...

Thank goodness Red, you checked in...was just watching the mess in Hunstville....

magpie said...

egg at BWE sure looks nice

Good Morning Everyone

Costume Lady said...

I don't know when Margy's Dr. appt. is, but just got a call from Gene and he got to the VA hospital without any problems. Said roads are good. Why school delay, don't know?! I don't recall school delays or EVER closing when I was a youngster. WIMPS! But, on the other hand, when my girls were in school, it was a great relief to know they could stay at home, safe and sound from the elements. Guess that makes me a WIMP, too! LOL

Lynne2 said...

Hey Bill! was thinking about you while watching the weather yesterday...glad all is well!

magpie said...

forgot to mention....


Red said...

Yeah, they got a little damage there but no one seriously hurt. I live about 20 miles NW of there.

Costume Lady said...

Hey, Red...glad you checked in with us...was wondering about you. Couldn't remember what town you lived in to know if you were in the T-ZONE.
School bus just went by. Roads are worse now than they were 2 hours ago. Not BAD, but worse.

magpie said...

Okay Red....good

Wanda, I am about to head out, only half a mile from here but have to make sure their office people made it in.

See you all later....

Best Wishes for a Great Day for everyone...
xo ☺

floralgirl said...

Lotta back roads which may have not been treated right away or are still icy...better safe than sorry. I wouldn't wanna be the ones to have to make the school delay decisions, thankless job for sure. I was surprised we didn't have a two hour delay.

Red said...

Hi Wanda, Good to see ya. I check out your facebook page occasionally and of course your blog.

Lynne2 said...

Hi Margy! There have been some great shots at BWE this morning!

Bill....Glad it was far enough away from you and that no one was seriously hurt in storm.

Delphia has had tremendous rain per her Facebook posts but so far no real problems....

Crazy weather everywhere this winter.

hedgie said...

Well, Surprise, surprise!! Hi Red!!!! Glad to see you. What's happening down your way, besides bad weather?

Okay, Lynne---I didn't scroll far enough to see the pic you were talking about---duh!! And yep, see your Lily pics!! I wish she'd get this show on the road!!

Costume Lady said...

Hey, DANA. Have you seen the CONOWINGO video on my WILD AND WONDERFUL blog? You are a STAR at the very end of it. Tee Hee ((Hugs))

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

It was a little icy here last night but wet and 36 degrees now. No school in Bedford County, although this county covers a really wide area.

And - I am so freaking grateful we don't have an egg yet in our nest with this weather!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


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5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...