Thursday, January 07, 2010


The cam is obviously giving us a great deal of trouble.  Yesterday afternoon we determined that the damage caused last week by the wind also impacted the power supply to the cam and perhaps the cam as well.  We are working closely with a top Fish and Wildlife Service Bald Eagle expert on the best time to go up in the nest at this late time to replace the cam and cables.  Right now, the window for doing this is mid next week.  More when we know it.

New thread.


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paula eagleholic said...

Margy you sound like superwoman, LOL

Mits said...

Dunch, that is dessert followed by Lunch

paula eagleholic said...

Maybe I'd better get this darn snowman off of here...

magpie said...

Happy to hear about John and his job, Paula..

you could change your avatar to you doing the Happy Dance ☺

magpie said...

You know Lynne2 if you don't get the veterinarian's receptionist job, you could make a fortune doing stand up comedy!

magpie said...

Conowingo on the 16th sounds good for me, got a day strings attached that day...
just so long as no ice falls off trucks and smacks the Eagle Express!

magpie said...

Oh, by the way...uh, er, um, shucks forget what I was going to post !

Oh, Mits, thanks for all the neat Panda information !

stronghunter said...

Susan is a very good chinchilla momma. She has two and will take one of the rescue chinchillas. They do have special needs and she works hard to take care of them. She also says that she is at her limit for pets.

Mits said...

your welcome, Margy, thanks for the card for Maggie...I'll get it to her as soon as I can.

Mits said...

thanks again everyone for all your prayers for "our Maggie", yes, she is a special needs child, but she is one special little girl too.:), but I'm biased for sure:)

Mits said...

not snowing here:)

Mema Jo said...

Wanda I will email you but I'm can't commit to Sat 16th yet. Hubby may be having a b-day dinner. The kids have not yet made a decision but 16h is the most favored date. MTBR

magpie said...

glad you have your man at your Roost...♥ ♥
I know there is a lot more I should be commenting on...sorry my brain is a little overcooked from not enough sleep the last couple of days....

stronghunter said...

I am wondering what you all are drinking tonight. . . dunch?

magpie said...

Oh Mits, Maggie is T♥ps in our books !!!

And we are not biased! Well, not much, anyway.....☺

God Bless You for the saga you have been through these last few days....

stronghunter said...

Will says it is snowing here.

magpie said...

I dipped into the dooking sherry, I mean cooking sherry.
just a wee bit, hiccup !

magpie said...

Lolly !
What did you do? go snooping and find your Birthday Present Early ?

What's up with that ???

magpie said...

I really need a haircut but I keep forgetting to make an appointment

Lolly said...

Mits, I would LOVE to really know your Maggie! In my kindergarten class I had a litle girl who joined us for circle time. She was something else! I really enjoyed her. I am so glad she is home and the family is all together again,.

paula eagleholic said...

Wanda - son that got the job, John, is going to be the Daddy again. Michael is the college kid!

Bob - wildlife kitty cam, what a hoot!

You guys had me LOL big time!

Maybe a zoo for the hedgehogs?

Margy - what is a sugar glider?

Lynne - chew toys, chew toys, chew toys.

If I could get Snoopy dancing on here, I would!

paula eagleholic said...

Margy - You sounds like me with the haircut. Guess when it really gets on my nerves, I'll call for an appointment. should be any day now!

magpie said...

This is the breeding season for Great Horned Owls....listen for them at dusk, dawn or dark...
a tip from my naturalist friend in NY who has been hearing them at his workplace and at home
♥ ♥

hedgie said...

Happy Birthday to Susan and Will!!!

Your eggs should be okay, Lynne!

Where did so many poor critters come from? From where Lolly is talking about? So very sad. No thanks, no captive critters for me. :( :(

Lolly said...

Glad you mentioned hair appointments, Margy. I keep forgetting as well. Need to call tomorrow and make an appointment.

Lynne2 said...

Got em Paula, lots of them, different kinds, some filled with treats, rope toys, kong. Getting lots of walks, lots of playtime and time to settle as well.

stronghunter said...

They were seized. I will have to ask Susan for more details.

magpie said...

I know it was someone besides me that posted about sugar gliders, but I have CRS and can't remember who or what about it :(
might have to google it...
okay, someone, fess up, help us out here

Paula, I also want to get some blonde streaks and feel 10 years younger again - maybe around tax refund time

stronghunter said...

I need a haircut too. Just got a perm before Christmas, and it seems a little soon, but maybe not. I haven't been too happy with the last two perms.

paula eagleholic said...

OK, here's the Happy Dance!

hedgie said...

LOL---confusion reigns! Lynne, it was Diann who fell. Poor gal---sure hope you didn't hurt your shoulder again!!!
Was it a slip or trip??? PLEASE be careful!

floralgirl said...

Lynne was talking about sugar gliders, they are realy tiny marsupials, from Australia I think. Saw a pet store guy with one once at a mall, big crowd checking it out, the poor thing was so scared.

Lolly said...

Have I mentioned I am enjoying having my jubby home? We cooked a delicious dinner and now enjoying the last of the wine in front of the fire watching the game.

magpie said...

I also cannot read...

thanks Hedgie for the fix up

Happy Birthday to your precious twins Will & Susan, Shirley...

And congratulations Shirley for bringing these two fine young folks onto the planet...
hope to meet Will one day....soon!

ceil said...

Margy glad to hear from you

magpie said...

That's a great one Paula...

Lynne2 said...

Happy Birthday Will and Susan!

They are "fad" pets. Very sad situation.

Hard to believe that it's it's warmer here than in your part of Texas...enjoy the fire!

magpie said...

Same to you Ceil!
Yes, beautiful silvery garland snowflakes here...

PA Nana said...

Lynn, it was a trip, only I wish it had been to an island somewhere. ;o)

My new shoulder is fine but my pride is injured.

hedgie said...

Miss Daisy is still going through an adjustment period, I'm sure......what kind of destructive stuff is she doing, Lynne?

Margy, don't know where you get your hair done, but Pam's on Rt. 9 is much less expensive that salons in town are.

Lolly, the scanner isn't hard at all!!! I was surprised! Hope I feel like getting back to it tomorrow. I did work for awhile on Tuesday---and did some playing around. Found that in Picasa, if I set the pics as a slide show, the captions appear on each screen. Wonder if it will copy that way on to the DVD, or only show if viewed through Picasa??

floralgirl said...

Well that snowman is still waving at me, but Snoopy is not dancing...
Happy Birthday to Will and Susan:)

paula eagleholic said...

OH, and I am really proud of John!

I have to tell you the story...He interviewed about 6 weeks ago. The company is expanding their distribution center and wanted to bring in supervisors early. He was one of two for the job. He had the second interview. But he didn't get the job.

So I told him, you never know! They might not like the guy, he could fail the drug test, etc.

So they called him yesterday to ask if he was still unemployed. He said he was. Then they asked if he might be interested in a different position. He said yes. They said he was at the top of the list, as they had a guy on disability that might not be able to return to work, but they wouldn't know anything for 60 days.

So, today they called and offered him the original position he applied for! He is thrilled! Apparently they let go the first guy they hired.

It's his first supervisory position...the company is Joseph A Banks, a retail mens clothing company. They have stores in 42 states. He will be (I think) a distribution center shift supervisor. They are out of Hampstead, MD, just north of Westminster. Not to far from Lynne.

He starts Monday!

hedgie said...

When people say they are going to "retire"---why don't they?? Word leaking out that Jay Leno is going back to late night, and Conan O'Brien is getting the boot.......what a bunch of baloney.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, and he gets a $6-7m increase in income over his last job! So YES, I'm excited and proud. He's a good kid! I know he's a man, but he's still my kid!

magpie said...

And, I am getting to ready to make up some Cream Cheese and Olives...wish you were here, Ceil ☺
and anyone else who likes ain't quite Chincoteague Oysters or Bacon Pasta...but it's good

hedgie said...

Snow is very fine, but everything that was showing some bareness is now covered over. Be careful out there----ice patches will be hidden now!!

floralgirl said...

That is great, Paula:) You should be real proud!

Mits said...

Happy Birthday, Will and Susan:)

paula eagleholic said...

And What was really cool, was I was talking to him on the phone this afternoon when they called him. He said he had to go, that they were calling. I knew then that he got a job with them!

Mits said...

Joseph A Banks, jubby has been buying from them for years

ceil said...

Please pass the cooking sherry.
Not just because Maggie is my great niece. She is such a happy little girl all the time. Even when she is hurt or sick.

Lynne2 said...

Paula, I go past there all the time, my friend Gail lives in Hampstead and my Vet (who happens to be Gail's daughter) is in Manchester! I LOVE that area!!!

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the happy birthday wishes folks.

They are fine people. I'm proud of them.

I will never forget when we found out we were having twins. I made it through the evening and the next morning. After I got hubby off to work and and kids off to school, and I was alone for the first time, I went in the living room, lay down on the sofa and let it all sink in. I stayed there most of the day.

paula eagleholic said...

Megan, you got to use your imagine with Snoopy!

Happy Birthday, Will and Susan!

Nana - glad no big injury and shoulder is OK.

hedgie said...

If you haven't looked at Lowreeda's pics yet, do! They are wonderful!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Lolly - are you enjoying Jack being home :)

floralgirl said...

Gotcha, Paula,I thought he was supposed to be moving...pass the cooking sherry, Margy, and he'll be dancing in no time at all.

ceil said...

Paula my husband buys a lot of his clothes from Banks. Good quality.
Snoopy is not dancing for me either.

magpie said...

That is magical, Paula...

And same with you Shirley, maybe that long sit was just what those kids needed to get a good start on life.

paula eagleholic said...

Cool, Mits.

Lynne - it's really funny, I happened to go right past it on my way to Conowingo back after that's when his interview was! I was taking a nice long back way up to there and took a wrong turn, and went right past it! Coincidence, huh?

Northern MD thru Carroll County and all is very pretty! I really enjoyed the drive!

magpie said...

I was checking my eyesight too to see if those Snoopy feet were moving....even went to your profile page to double check Paula ☺

ceil said...

Megan I thought he was suppose to move. Please pass the cooking sherry or any sherry

floralgirl said...

I have an unopened bottle of champagne left from Christmas....

magpie said...

My dream, is to someday meet ALL of the kids (big and little) we talk about on here....have met a few, but I want to meet them ALL ☺

Mits said...

I'm dying for a mojito here, but will settle for hot chocolate.

Mits said...

Wanda, I'm a no go for the 16th.

ceil said...

Pass the bottle Megan.

stronghunter said...

So happy that Maggie is home!

Paula, congratulations to your son John.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Well, my youngun is getting ready to board his flight to Ft. Lauderdale. He says he is not nervous but boy his mommy sure is!

magpie said...

Why I might even have to go shopping at a Joseph A Banks store sometime in the near future!
Have certainly heard of them and seen their ads in the magazines ☺
It's Jos A Banks, right?
doubt if they sell bibs though...

Oh Mits and Ceil...I really enjoyed getting my crayons out the other night to make up Miss Maggie's card....thinking, that it will remind her of her school day....☺

paula eagleholic said...

He's dancing now!

stronghunter said...

I did not just sit down. I lay down.

ceil said...

Wanda the 16th is not good for me either. If the weather clears might get there sometime next week.

hedgie said...

Paula---was that a $6-7 MILLION increase for John????? LOL!!!!! Jos.A. Banks advertises on TV all the time! But don't think I've ever been in one of their stores.

Shirley, thought you were going to say that you laid on the sofa and cried all day!!!! I'm sure you had lots of conflicting emotions, and know you've probably got scads of twin stories to tell, but all's well that ends well!

stronghunter said...

Lordy, is he dancing! He must be dizzy already. Has he been hanging out with the hyper snowman?

magpie said...

Yep, I am going to use my imagine all right !
Oh Paula, I can tell you are very excited! This is so nice...

paula eagleholic said...

That's the one, Margy. But they only sell men's suits and such, I'm sure they have casual too, but I doubt any bibs. Might have to take a trip over there, Michael wants nice work clothes for his birthday in March.

ceil said...

Sharon know the feeling. Man that champagne worked fast. That beagles is rocking.

magpie said...

Okay Sharon, Eagle and Angel Travel Prayers for Andrew and his Momma!

paula eagleholic said...

Meant m for thousand, should have used the K I guess.

magpie said...

Oh that new Beagle is a hoot, Paula!
I was laughing before now I am really laughing and I can hardly type!

Judie said...

Turned my light back on cause I couldn't quite get to sleep. Maybe need a glass of dwine.

Paula, Jos. A. Banks is beginning a test market for tuxedo rental as part of the business. If successful, it will expand to all of their 400+ stores. Hope John likes his new job.

Diann, sorry you fell but so glad it wasn't the new shoulder.

By-the-way, has Dana been on recently?

Hi Margy!

Lynne, I do so hope Daisy will settle down. How about a squirt bottle of water when she starts to destroy something along with a loud NO -- DUNCH YOU DO THAT!

Happy birthday to Will and Susan. Saturday should be okay. We're not supposed to get much snow.

Okay, I think I'll get a glass of dwine and try, again, for sleep. Lights out!

magpie said...

I think it would be fun to walk into the store and just smell new clothes! New, fancy clothes!

stronghunter said...

Didn't cry. Was thinking over and over, "there are two babies in there."

My mother kept saying that she just did not believe I was having twins. She came and helped me from the time I was put on bed rest until awhile after they were born. I finally asked her if she believed it yet. Oh, yes, she believed. It was real.

magpie said...

told you I coudlntl;s readyh or type


Lolly said...

I'll pass the wine.....uh, no, second thought....want to keep it for myself.

Have I told you how happy I am to have my jubby at home? LOL

magpie said...

Boy will Wanda have a lot of catching up to do...

and a lot of laughing also!

Lynn, I check Loretta's pictures every chance I get....!

stronghunter said...

I think the beagle is expressing the way Paula feels.

Lolly said...

Go to bed, Margy!!!!!!!!!!

Lynne2 said...

Judie, I think the destructive behavior is a result of her frustrated obsession with the cats. The distraction is so bad that I can barely get her to listen to me at all at this point. I am heartbroken, things seemed to be going well at first, but I think this will not work out. She'd be better off in a house with no cats. I've been in touch with the trainer that works with the rescue and we are doing everything right. We'll give it the full 2 weeks before we make a decision, so I am still guardedly hopeful, but only guardedly.

Mema Jo said...

Hang on Snoopy - Hang on....

If I click on your name Paula and go into your profile Snoopy puts on a good show.

Lolly said...

Sorry Judie, no dwine for you!!!
Tsk! Tsk! Tsk!

magpie said...

Nope! I am Oh-Eff-Eff Friday!
Can't go to bed quite yet...
But thanks for the suggestion Lolly
Hey, I wanted to ask you, are you enjoying having Lubby home, I mean Fubby Jubby Jack home ?

paula eagleholic said...

Watch out Jack! ;)

ceil said...

Loretta your pictures are great. Wow look at the water frozen that we took that wonderful trip on

magpie said...

Lynne2 - I do hope this works out for you, Daisy, Steve and the cats....please don't get discouraged...but I understand your realism about it....

Mema Jo said...

Time to surf the night cams........

floralgirl said...

Is Jack home? I hadn't heard....

ceil said...

Good night all. Don't stay up to late

Lynne2 said...

Thanks Margy, we are trying to stay positive but we knew she had no real experience with cats...only that they walked her by them at the shelter and she just ignored them.

I am going to have some dilk and go to bed so I will see you good people in the morrow.....

Lolly said...

Wow! Look at Snoopy go! He is celbrating John's new job. Wahoo!!!

Know you are proud,Paula, as you should be. Hab I tob yu how habby I be to hab my jubby home?

magpie said...

and I need to sop up some of this dooking sherry with a cream cheese and olive samwich....

bbs (be back soon that is)

But, first, Best Wishes for all Wellness to take hold tonight.
Prayers for all our needs, new and old...and ones we don't even know about yet.

Mema Jo said...

A deer in the PA woods and it is snowing hard there. Should be a feed
throw at 10:30 (10:33 our computer time) The deer will bolt out of there when the feeder starts. You think they could quiet it down.

ceil said...

Megan I think Jack went to Houston.LOL

Lolly said...

Hang in there Lynne. Hope all works out with Daisy.

Lynne2 said...

oh my poor Lolly is slurring and I sure hope she doesn't spill her wine creating a dangerous laundry situation in which Jack breaks a toe...

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

With all this drinking going on, I am wondering if we can rent out an entire rehab for you guys! :)

Lynne2 said...

oh yippe it's snowing.....good night!

Lolly said...

Nope, the jubby is sitting right here! Houston did not get him.

Lolly said...

Nite, Lynne!

Lynne2 said...

Sharon, I think it started early today with Judie....she was thanking Steve for the work on the PANDA cam....that may have been the fist clue. LOL!!

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lolly said...

Oh, wow! Just think of the fun we could have in rehab together.

No broken toes here. Only chance of a broken toe is if I kick Jack out of frustration of spilling wine. lol

magpie said...

headed over to Pix Pa to hear the marbles rattling in the coffee can...

Lolly said...

Fist clue????? Nite, Lynne!

magpie said...

that deer is licking at the tree bark again

Mema Jo said...

Sharon I mean are you feeling well yet
Has the medicine started to work?

stronghunter said...

Well, I'm having a glass of dilk, too, Lynne.

magpie said...

Oh man Jo, you called that one !

bloggers said she was going to get a snoutful when the feeder kicked off...

Lolly said...

Feed scared the deer! Love the snow coming down. I am ready for more snow here.

Mema Jo said...

Deer all gone
Feed throw all finished... Going to be
some rooting in the snow for the feed.

Mema Jo said...

Enough for night time blogs - there aren't many.

My little furball guy, Marvin, finally decided he would come in out of the snow. That means I am now going to head down the hallway.

Good Night All
Peace be with all of you
Praying for wellness and happiness for all
(((hugs)) ♥ ♥ ♥

Lolly said...

Have I told you recently how much I love you guys? This blog is the greatest! (Bet you thought I was going to mention jubby!)

Lolly said...

Nite Jo! (((hugs)))

magpie said...

Shirley: a quick teacher tale.
My older sister by four years, was a teacher forever, first fourth grade, then when her babies got older, she went to the younger grades. Eventually she opened a day care center, and then, finished out her teaching career teaching high school physics.

I was a substitute teacher, and when I went into her elementary school grades as HER substitute, her students almost hardly knew the diferrerence, (at first) as we looked so much alike.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Thanks for clarifying that Jo! :)

I am feeling better but this gut thing is still kind of rough. Started coughing in Walmart this evening and thought I was going to hit the floor. Process, not an event.

Deer licking the bark?? Did somebody pour wine on it?

stronghunter said...

Deer has returned at Pix Pa.

stronghunter said...

Maybe the deer licks the bark for the same reason Susan's kitty licks the Christmas tree.

stronghunter said...

Sharon, you probably should not be spending much time in Walmart. You should be snuggled in a recliner.

magpie said...

I think someone poured SALT on it Shar....

Hey! Lolly has hit the nail on the head! This is THE Place to be happy and sad together...needful and helpful...

Probably about time for me to "head down the proverbial hallway" too, (straight to the bathtub actually)

Good Night to all headed towards the pillows,
Tomorrow is RED FRIDAY
God Bless Us, Every One

I'll probably catch a few night owls in a little while, maybe?

xo ☺ ♥

magpie said...

and Sweet Welcome Home (( hugs )) for Maggie, and all her precious family

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

We have 2 recliners and a couch - Buddy is in one recliner, Mopsy in the other and Buphals stretched out on the couch!

stronghunter said...

From day care kids to high school physics? Wow!

I've done some subbing, too. It can be challenging, but it offers the freedom of saying "No--don't want to work today."

stronghunter said...

Sounds like you need to assert yourself, Sharon.

hedgie said...

You gals are so funny! Sherry and dilk and all of our recaps are hysterical. I think this is what happens with Cam withdrawal!

Conowingo on the 16 th sounds good to me, as long as I get over this cough and congestion!! Mits and Ceil-----we NEED you on the trip, as well as Jo....Lynne? Diann? Dana? Judie? Shirley? No classes on Sats., rights?

Sharon, don't fret about baby boy. All will be fine!!! How lucky he is---except that his mama doesn't like him now...:(

Going to check out momster mail, then dose up and call it a day.
Rest well, dear ones. Love you all!

Lolly said...

I substituted before I got the job I wanted. After I substituting for me. You just do not get respect. Laurel substituted for me once. Left me a love note. Still have it.

stronghunter said...

Waiting for my clothes for tomorrow to dry. I am expected to wear blue and gold on Fridays. I will put my American flag pen on, though.

That's if I go tomorrow.

stronghunter said...

I'm thinking, Lynn. Might see if some of my children can join me.

Lolly said...

Sharon, it is about time to show who is in control!!! Get to it, girl! lol

paula eagleholic said...

Sharon - do you hate Andrew too? LOL

paula eagleholic said...

I'm heading upstairs, catch ya'll in the morning. Drive safe! Still snowing here...very fine snow.

Love you all ♥

Hugs to all ♥

NatureNut said...

I had Linner~~~late dinner of shrimp w/lemon butter sauce & broccoli, & I forgot about dessert! Thx for reminding me, Megan! (I think)
Haven't read all of new page, but sugar gliders are flying squirrels. I know that now, because a toy one was sent to cats for Xmass!!!It got Binky's seal of approval & was placed in the food dish!!!

Lolly said...

Nite Paula! Sweet dreams! You have every right to be proud of John!

Costume Lady said...

Looks like a lot of HAPPY DANCING going on and a LOVE FEST.
HAPPY & LOVE is what we are all about!



NatureNut said...

Yes, Megan~~I looked up sugar gliders & they are marsupials that look just like flying squirrels. Ours didn't have a pouch!!From Australia & New Zealand.

Gotta get the bedtime act together, so Pleasant Feather Dreams & few snowflakes ;>)

PA Nana said...

Well folks, it's time for Letterman and some sleeep.

Someone asked for suggestions for reading historical novels/books. I recently received the 3 DVDs of the North and South tv series from books written by John Jakes.
Book 1 - North and South
Book 2 - Love and War
Bood 3 - Heaven and Hell
Excellent books about the civil war with friends from both sides. Loved it.

Until tomorrow. Blessings & (((hugs))) for all in want and need.

God bless!

PA Nana said...

Oh, one more thing .... am discussing the possibility of Jim & I going to Conowingo on the 16th. Can't give a positive answer yet. It's still under discussion and of course it would depend on the weather.

Good Night

stronghunter said...

Good night all. It has stopped snowing here and the roads are clear.

magpie said...

That's a very striking new avatar, Diann

wish there was a good day for All of us to get to Conowingo...16th is good for me, but there might be a day that is BETTER for More of you....depending on the Eagle Express Availability though...
and hey, how about those suddenly surging gas prices?? :(

You'll look great in the Blue and Gold and American Flag pin Friday,

Have really enjoyed each and everyone's comments today...
L♥ve to you all.
xo Guess it is bedtime now soon...
wondering about schools around here in the morning

Lolly said...

Good night all! I, too, am headed down the hall to the shower and then to bed.

Sweet dreams! God bless and (((hugs))) for all!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
I made it home from school OK. (No snow here sure helps!) Will go back and read some of today's blog to catch up on things. BBIALW. :o]

movin said...





magpie said...

Andy -
Glad you are home in your roost.
Hope school went well....
wish you could have been here to play with us earlier...

we had a silly spell ☺

Good Night to you...xox

Ms Bookworm said...

Oh, my! I read back on the blog, and I'm ROFLMBO!!! You guys must all have cabin fever, or you're passing the wine and cooking sherry around! TOO funny!

YAY!!!! I'm SO glad that little Maggie's home! More prayers for her recovery, and prayers of thanks!

Jo, thanks for Diego's debut video!
Cute doesn't begin to cover it!
Say, dinner at Outback?! LOVE their rib eye steaks! Yum!

BELATED HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Shirley's Will and Susan!

Prayers for Susan, that the chinchillas and hedgehogs will have a happy ending! Shirley, wish I'd had you for a teacher! Would have LOVED your class!

Paula, congrats to John, and best wishes for his new job! Yay!!!

Bob, hope Sarah's toe heals quickly! Enjoy your new camera--can hardly wait to see some new pictures!

Diann, hope you are OK after your tumble! Prayers that you won't be too sore! Hope, too, that you can get your glasses fixed somehow!

Judie, hope Darth can figure out what ails the car--wonder if the extreme weather caused it?! BTW, thanks for the night light--I got here without breaking any toes!

Lynne, prayers regarding Daisy. Hope she will get past this destructive stage, and get along with the cats! It took a while for her to start eating, maybe it will just take a little more time. I sure hope it works out.

Well, I'm getting kinda tired, so think I will set the eye scanner, turn on the porch light, and leave the night light on for lateniks.
Prayers being said for all of us, especially for those in need of healing, and those traveling (Sharon's Andrew, for one!). Sleep warm and cozy, and sweet eagle dreams, everyone! Talk to you tomorrow. I don't have school tomorrow! More time to talk! G'night, everyone! Love you guys!

stronghunter said...

Morning! Getting ready to head out. Lots of school closings around here, but not Culpeper nor Spotsylvania. There is a little snow on the road. Looks icy. Better get an early start.

stronghunter said...

Snowman wearing a snow skirt.

Mits said...

Good Morning everyone, about 2 inches here, schools delayed 2 hours...

glo said...

Sending out a good cold and snowy morning greeting to everyone. Read back a while from last night. Ya know coffee is NOT good for hangovers. Just in case this morning someone decides man I need to get "you know who" somemore coffeee or whatever. Oh what you don't know who? I owuld say if your name is on the blog from last night you more than likely have a hangover this morning :-).

Glad you are home Maggie

normabyrd said...

Our temp is lower than it was when I 1st logged on!!---Have had our 1-2 inches of snow---& WIND is starting to BLOW!!---BIG TIME!----temp has dropped from 20° to 18° since I started reading yesterdays's blog!!---MARGY---I received a new pair of jammies at Xmas!---RED!---thought of you when I opened the gift!! HAPPY! HAPPY RED FRIDAY!!!

glo said...

WEll speaking of coffee Dex and I are heading over for coffee and dog treats once I reshovel the drifted in path once again. Its a sobering thought BUT a warm experience once we get theri. Enjoy your day.

normabyrd said...


BET there is dancing at 'MAGGIE'S house!----Sending MUCH--LOVE & KISSES -- (on the forehead) for 'MAGGIE'!!----CONGRATS!--MAGGIE!--You are our 'OUTSTANDING ALL AROUND FAVORITE LITTLE 'EAGLE MOMSTER' TODAY!!----

normabyrd said...

BWO--Snow in nest at BLACKWATER!!

normabyrd said...

pixPS SITE---12° -- WINDY!---Birds--& more beautiful birds this am!

ceil said...

Morning Norma. One panda exploring the snow at the NZ and the ocean city cams look pretty with the snow. No hangover here.

ceil said...

Off to get breakfast

normabyrd said...

PAULA---CONGRATS! to JOHN!--There is a JOS A BANKS in Winchester, VA---have always have wished they sold women's clothing!!---

Mits said...

yes Ceil, that is Tai Shan roaming the yard, the beaches look pretty in the snow

stronghunter said...

Greetings from snowy Culpeper!

Shortly before I departed, Spotsylvania called a 2-hour delay. As I approached Culpeper, I noticed heavy clouds hanging in the western sky. And then the snow started. It is still snowing. Kids are wound up big time. It will be a day.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' CEIL!---I LOVE watching the PANDAS---They are 2nd to BELLE & LIBERTY!!----Of course--would love to 'HUG' ONE!!!! (just once)-----TAI is still my favorite--but ooh!---that new ADORABLE S-DIEGO is the CUTEST little PANDA -- EVER!!---such a little show-off!


hedgie said...

Good cold, windy, flurrying AM to all.
HAve been up for awhile---tummy upset. Don't know if from meds or just drainage. I am going to get bundled now and head out to get the papers. Cell phone in pocket......if you don't hear from me within 15 mins., please have Margy call 911!!!!!!!

floralgirl said...

Morning all:)
Two hour delay here.
22° and the wind is gusting AGAIN.

hedgie said...

Well that wasn't so bad! Wind actually stopped---at least for a few minutes! We only have about 2" max of new snow.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN'---HEDGIE---we must be related!---'I will crawl on my hands & knees through burning coals' to get my newspaper!!---
....not really!!---but have always wanted to say that!---ho!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' MEGAN!!---I think about 47 counties out of 55 are closed here in WILD & WONDERFUL WV!!

normabyrd said...

HEDGIE!---I hope you feel better as the day goes on!!---I can't offer you any info---you know tons more than I do---KIDS 'used' to get ginger ale!!---TAKE CARE!

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

Made it safely to work, road here are in great shape!

Pretty snow at BWO and BWE

paula eagleholic said...

Frederick County closed schools today...and so did Charles in Southern MD...everyone else is on a 2 hour delay...go figure!

normabyrd said...

BLUEFIELD SHARON is son still in school?---He is on his way to FL?

normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...

"CALLING ALL CARS---CALLING ALL CARS"----Didn't there used to be a show on TV named that??----I AM CALLING DANA!!---CALLING DANA!!---I just checked the DONKEYS---they were asking about you!!---Pray you don't have the 'FLU BUG'---

hedgie said...

Lolly, see that the Longhorns lost their game....too bad...:(

floralgirl said...

No, that means Bama won!!! Not bad news...

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Normabyrd, Andrew is in between semesters. They made it about 1 a.m. to Ft. Lauderdale. I remembered this morning that was not his first plane ride. When he was I am thinking 9, Daddy took him to New River Valley Airport and paid a guy to take Andrew up in his little prop plane. Andrew even did a little piloting himself! I told him that this morning and he said "It was quite different. That plane had a bit more kick to it and went a bit faster. LOL"

Mits said...

black bird at BWO

Mits said...

never mind, by the time that last remark was posted it was gone.

normabyrd said...

FINNY---Still frozen over!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

About 2 this morning I saw an 8-point buck out here emptying my birdfeeders again. Big feller!

ceil said...

Sharon we saw an 8 point buck at Kevin's yard the other day. It laid there for hours. I thought it was sick. Off to do errands.

normabyrd said...

WONDERFUL SHARON!!---I am soooo happy he is still in school!!---I hope he took a sweater!!---It has been a wee bit cool in FL!!---Bet he will have a BALL!!!

glo said...

Norma If you are going to be crawling through whatever to get that newspaper you best be toting that small cell phone along with you. silly gal. Enjoy your paper.

I have just finished shoveling out there as it is like 4 degrees and thats 10 degrees warmer than its going to be tomorrow. Trying to beat the gusty winds coming in later this morning. I need to get a few groceries in or I would be staying hime. Dex votes to stay home too so he won't be going to the grocery with me this morning. No more eagle viewing til Sunday when we are do for upper teens to low twenties. I don't think I could even get down the last road to the dam right now. Its sunny and gorgoeus here though if you just look out the window :-).

stronghunter said...

Sun is shining brightly here now. I'm sitting here alone listening to Iron Maiden sing "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner."

normabyrd said...

LYNNE2---Daughter has always had dogs--she thinks it works better to have 2---sounds scary--ho!---But it takes awhile for the dog to adjust--& her cats just ignore the dogs---guess I am trying to say--it takes time---With a name like 'DAISY'---she has to be a good dog!---

normabyrd said...

GLO!---We had a sunny---half-way decent day yesterday!!---SUN is out now---but it is freezing here today!---Keep DEX warm!!!

normabyrd said...


Lolly said...

Good morning! 19 and wind a blowing! Bundled up to go get the paper. I am with you, Norma, have to have my paper! lol

Enjoying my coffee, no hangover here! No hangovers from acting silly!!!

Sure wish I had our special nest to glimpse into. Having withdrawal symptoms.

Going to do a little house cleaning then settle down with new toy to work with slides. Hope I do not get too frustrated!

magpie said...

I see that beautiful eagle at BWE and I see YOU Norma !

Morgan County started with two hour delay, and then canceled for the day. Lucky James.

Good Morning Everyone ! ☺

magpie said...

We're headed for the SPLIT I better type fast!

magpie said...


I sure hope you feel better soon...

magpie said...

I crack up everytime I see Paula's Dancing Snoopy !

Jos A Banks in Winchester, eh?
Sounds like a road trip, still have gifts to buy for my son in law !

magpie said...


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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...