Sunday, January 17, 2010


Wet day thread.


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magpie said...

I wonder how Wanda is doing today, with her bundle of energy Dustin visiting...maybe he will relinquish the computer for some
"Good Nights"

Mema Jo said...

I watched Cold Case and it was good.
Now I am almost ready to go back the hall.... Saying good night to all those already on the pillows that I missed.... Going to go surfing a few cams......


magpie said...

deer at snowman cam

Mema Jo said...

ESPN - something really scared off all the deer.....Off to the right of the feeders.

1 deer on the snowman cam

No deer at USee cam

Nothing in the woods in PA

Lily is sleeping quietly.

Lynne2 said...

evening all who are still up!

I'm so glad everyone had a great time at Conowingo yesterday and I am trying to catch up on everyone's pictures....there are some really great shots! Wish I could have been there.

Steve and I are watching our neighbor's almost 3 year old little girl, Kelsey today and overnight until late tomorrow afternoon. She is such a trip! She love to do EVERYTHING! We made a cake, and she helped me do dishes, take care of the cats and she loves watching the birds at the window feeders!
My mother in law, her husband and her best friend Kathy and HER husband all came over today, too. Daisy did really well with all the new people in the house and I was so proud of her! some point, someone left the door open to the back porch, and Daisy got onto the porch. Steve was just walking out the porch door to the outside, not knowing she was there and she bolted right past him outside. He tried to call her back but she took off running. Well, we couldn't find her anywhere. We ran in opposite directions around the property and I came back and he took the car all over looking for her. No luck. It was hard not to have a nervous breakdown in front of everyone. Steve came back about a half hour later and we could do nothing but wait, and go back out an look in a little while. Shortly after, everyone left and he was getting ready to go out again and look. I went out the back door and tried calling her once more and sure enough I heard her bark and I called again and she came running out of the woods in back!!! She came in here, soaking wet and so happy like she hadn't seen us in a week! I think she scared herself out there. I can' tell you what a relief it was to have her back. We were worried that if she took off running (and she is FAST) that she could have gone MILES before she realized she was lost and couldn't find her way home.

Anyway, it was a horrible experience. And it put a huge damper on our visit. But thank God she wasn't hurt. And that she was only gone about an hour and a half and managed to get back home.

magpie said...

Time to call it a day AND a night here.
Hoping that everyone is okay in all our Eagle Corners.
If anyone finds a little extra energy send it this way, please.

Prayers continue for many in need, here and around the world

so Good Night, friends.
God Bless us, Every One
xo ☺ ♥

magpie said...

Oh, Lynne, just read your post...
glad Daisy found her way back home to her roost
Enjoy the sleepover with Kelsey.
Kids are a lot of fun at first light, when "It's the Morning, It's the Day."

magpie said...

I hope she likes Eagles, and maybe she can see a morning visit to the Sycamore Palace

Good Night.....

hedgie said...

Margy, so glad you found your article!
Can you send me a link, pplease?

Andy, I am dubbing you the Movie Queen!!!! I only know one other person who sees movies like you do----and it isn't me!

Lynne, SO thankful that Daisy found her way home! Know what you were going through, for sure. Whew!!! Sounds like your weekend has been really busy. Relax now!

Well, dear ones, I'm giving this puter a rest now, and go listen to the news.
Talk to you all in the morning!
Prayers and peace.

Lynne2 said...

Good night all!

Oh yes, Kelsey and I will be checking the Sycamore Palace in the morning...she'll love it!

Mema Jo said...

Quite a run for your money Daisy gave you all! So thankful she came on home with the sound of your voice!

I agree that Andy is a movie queen!
I know whom to ask before spending money to go to see one.

Good Night All
Peace to all and Prayers for all
((hugs)) ♥ ♥ ♥

Lynne2 said...

I have a black screen instead of a nest shot.....uh oh

NatureNut said...

Sorry, getting back here after many have hit the Feathers. Got lost wandering around Estonia, chasing piglets! What's even wilder was that Fubby had a show on this afternoon about Estonia!! Showed markets & stores of local art. They've only become independant for 70 years. They sure are advanced in wildlife/environment.
Margy, you are too kind as usual re:blurry pictures. I only put them on to document that 2 eagles were there. I've got to get someone to check my replacement telephoto lens & sleeve. Haven't used it---looks blurry to me!
Need to go in to work for an hour or 2 tomorrow, so will say Good Night All ☺

Lynne2 said...

Lorettta are you still here? Can you see the cam?

Lynne2 said...

I don't have a picture on NBG either...UGH.

I have Lily and BWE though. I'm going to bed, I am sure it will all be OK in the morning.

NatureNut said...

Good Grief Lynne! How scary about Daisy. So glad she came home!!
Were you talking about NCTC cam being black?? I just opened a tab to bring up site & it said IE can't
open!!!! aarrgghh

NatureNut said...

Gonna try Lily. I have trouble figuring out what body part we're seeing! And the cam is so close.

Lynne2 said...

Yes Loretta, NCTC. UGH. I use Firefox for internet and it's just a black picture, also tired IE just to see and it's saying just what you saw on IE.

It's hard to tell what Lily's position is....I usually can't until I see her actually moving around!

Lynne2 said...

IT IS BACK ON!!!!!! whew!

Lynne2 said...

Going to bed now before my poor husband starts thinking I'm having a cyber affair!!! Well, I guess I am, sorta, with eagles and a bear!

Costume Lady said...

I doubt anyone is out there, but had to come on to say good night.

Had such a great day. Started out wirh GG sitting in church when we got there! She hasn't been able or desirious of coming to church in a looong while. The light from the stained glass window shone on her and she had a glow like and Angel!
It was so good to have her sitting beside me once again.
At her house, later, we had a really nice visit...she was HEARING well for a change!
Came home and had supper, built a fire (no smoke alarm this time) and settled in for an evening of football. I really wasn't rooting for anyone team in particular...just nice not to have to worry about the SKINS doing stoopid plays! Dustin didn't think they were giving enough camera time to the cheerleaders, so he took over the computer. Now he is in bed and so are you all:(
I will see all of you tomorrow.


Costume Lady said...


Costume Lady said...

Can't help but wonder what happens to the FWS sites to shut us down?
I got up early for THIS?
I guess it does no good to email Steve...he can't help, at this point:(

Costume Lady said...

Late last night, cam went black, but came back on. I went to bed, rest assured, that I would see OUR EAGLES this morning...was not meant to be:(

wvgal_dana said...

I am but where is the CAM???

wvgal_dana said...

O too was hoping for an enjoyable sight this AM also since I've had a bad night.

There are eagles at BWE. 2 was in nest now 1.

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

George insisted I had to get up this morning. I got Will to feed him, but that was not enough. My presence was required.

I can't get the cam either this morning.

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Haven't read blog this am yet so not sure if our royal couple has made their morning visit. Hoping this is a good day for all of you in many ways.

Mits said...

good Monday morning everyone...have a good week:)

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning Eagle buds!! I see we are having still more cam problems!!! Very disappointing to say the least!!! Hope everyone is well out there in Eagle land!!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Dana, I hope your days and nights get better!!!

glo said...

Awww well darn cam is off I see. So sorry for all of us. 3 day weekend so I guess we all know what that means.

Mits said...

Bev, all the Fish and wildlife services are down.

Mits said...

2 eagles at BWE

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Sharon

I too am disappointed in not getting to see our eagles. I so much needed to see Lib and Belle.

Hope Hedgie is feeling better and any that have been feeling poorly/

Mits are you going somewhere?

Steve Chase said...

I too need access to other FWS sites and can't get in because of the whole network being down. Yes. it is frustrating, but completely beyond the control of NCTC and my pleadings to the National powers that be.

Mits said...

no Dana, not going anywhere.:)

Mits said...

just 1 eagle at BWE now.

Mits said...

bad weather up in Maine, wind blowing, looks like snow on the lens

wvgal_dana said...

Steve you now sound like ONE OF US. Sorry you can't get into where you need to be. That is bad because yours is for work!! What's up with that? Maybe they need a BIG SURGE PROTECTOR.
Sorry Steve :(

carolinabeachmom said...

GoodMonday morning to Wanda, the late blogger and early riser, Dana, Helen, Beverly, stronghunter and glo and all other eaglemomsters and dadsters out there

carolinabeachmom said...

No school today, so thought I would check in and see if the nest had visitors. Oh well, poor Steve having to explain again about the mess

stronghunter said...

Off to the story. Hunter wants cereal and I have no milk. BBL.

stronghunter said...

That's off to the store.

carolinabeachmom said...

There is still one eagle left at BWE

Mits said...

still waiting for Lily:)

Today we checked on Lily’s aunt—7-year-old Juliet. We radio-located her deep in the forest under a big white spruce that blew down a couple years ago. She’s far from electricity and telephone, so there’s no way to put a web cam in her den. Opportunities for den cams are very rare!

We found that Juliet hasn’t had her cubs yet this year, either. As a 7-year-old, she has had 2 previous litters. She had 2 cubs as a 3-year-old and 3 as a 5-year-old. She’s was one of the 10 (out of 14) 3-year-olds to produce cubs in this study. Juliet is featured in the upcoming documentary ‘Bearwalker of the Northwoods’, along with Lily and June.

We are now into the prime birthing time for bears in northeastern Minnesota. The latest we know of a bear in our study giving birth was Lily’s Aunt Blackheart at the age of 3 on about January 25, 2000—and January 25 is just a week away. Lily could give birth any day now. We’re listening and looking for cubs along with all of you.

Many thanks for your generous donations to the North American Bear Center! I hope many of you can visit the Bear Center to see the many wonderful things your dollars are helping support. We’re paying down our debt one donation at a time! –Lynn Rogers, Ph.D.

Mits said...

reminds me of when we are watching Mei Xiang...

Mits said...

Hi ya, Candy...:)

carolinabeachmom said...

Now two back at BWE

Judie said...

Good morning!

Steve, thank you for letting us know we're not in the dark alone.

Lynne, happy Daisy returned safely. Wanda, happy Miss Gee Gee was out and about to get to church. Shirley, go back to bed. Andy is now our oficial movie queen. I tried using the technical instructions for NBG but still can't get it to open.

Later, much much later.

carolinabeachmom said...

Maine nest looks very windy with nasty weather yet

carolinabeachmom said...

Well guess it is off to FB for awhile

Mits said...

Judie, NBG is down right now

Mits said...

I'm getting nice music on the Lily cam now, no buzz:)

Mits said...

never mind, nice music is coming from another site I have up, might keep it up, drowns out the Lily buzz

Mits said...

eagles very busy at BWE this a.m.

magpie said...

Holey Moley....what a trip through computer land. Saw the FWS sites were down, went to Momsters link to get on the blog, got a Virus Alert....)(don't think it was realted to Momsters links) -

computer scans for 2.5 hours and restarts, report says no virus detected
I've been waiting a looooong time to say
Good Morning, Eagle Pals !

magpie said...

Great report from the Lily Bear cam, Mits, thank you!

magpie said...

If I am not mistaken, I think this is Lolly's son Michael's birthday today

If I am right:

Happy Birthday Michael !

If I am wrong, oh well, Magpie Boo-Boo, won't be the first time

magpie said...

it's also my Prairie Dog Brother John's 61st...

magpie said...

Thanks Steve....
knew it was an FWS quirk and not NCTC - sorry you have to have the inconvenience of it....

magpie said...

What a lovely report regarding GG, and your day with the family.
Funny comment about Dustin and the Cheerleaders, guess he is ALL BOY ! ☺

Woke up with energy, maybe it is good the cam was down and my computer was scanning viruses, managed to move through the debris field here a little

What fun....

magpie said...

Hope this is a good day for everyone in our Eagle Corners....
Especially hope that all who were not feeling so good at bedtime, woke up feeling lots better !

Better catch up on some business, didn't want to email anyone if I thought my computer was infected.


floralgirl said...

Morning all:) beautiful day here, 43° and sunny. If it wasn't so wet, I'd work outside in the gardens.
Good grief, Margy, 2.5 hours to scan your computer? what virus program are you using?

hedgie said...

Good morning, Eagle dudettes and dudes!
Sunny, temp 42----looks like a nice day!
Good to see you again Candy!! Wow---two days in a row! We have missed you!

Too bad cams are down.....federal holiday weekend (Steve shouldn't need to get on work sites on a holiday!) so guess the cams want a day off, too!

normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...

it's not easy being green....WOW!!

normabyrd said...

WHOA!---What a GLORIOUS day!!---I haven't seen this many MOMSTERS up this early in a long--long time!!!

magpie said...

it is Verizon Security Suite, and I guess I have too many d&#n files on here too...
could have just isolated the issue about the Virus alert, but I hit scan first like a dummy....then I went to another instruction page which said I had to restart the computer to remove the virus, so I quit the scan, did the restart, and here I am, virus-free I guess but I need to find out what it WAS!

Woof !

magpie said...

Good Morning Norma and Lynn and everyone else here...
someone please post boldly when a new thread goes up.

Oh a beautiful day in the neighborhood alright! But you are right, Megan, soggy and wet....
one wet rainy day sandwiched in between two beauties

magpie said...

A lot of the technical stuff with the FWS sites takes place in one of the Mountain States....
I guess a federal holiday is a good day if there has to be one for maintenance

magpie said...

I hear you are on Facebook!
Well, you are way ahead of me, because I will probably never make it there !

Got to disappear again, use up some of this energy while I have it.
I have been up since 5:30....
might have to go Nap College pretty soon

normabyrd said...

GREAT FOOTBALL WEEKEND!!---WHOA!---I WON EITHER WAY!!---My two favorite teams played each other!!!--BET 'DEB' likes BRETT FARVE now!! ho!----She LOVED the VIKING'S team--but not BRETT!!---LOLLY!---I don't know what happened to the COWBOYS!!---WHOA!--they played great ball last week!!

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

Finally on a computer! My modem at home broke last night! No internet! Just got a new one ordered, hopefully will be up and running at home again on Tuesday or Wednesday!

magpie said...

It's not a great week for computers is it !!!

Hello Paula....
Hope your work day zips along fast

normabyrd said...

LYNN2---Loved your DAISY story!!---Those EYES & TAIL WAGGING can make us humans forget anything!!---ho!

paula eagleholic said...

And I see the FWS websites are down again...guess that really plays havoc at NCTC!

paula eagleholic said...

Duh, that does at least make sense! Do the work on a holiday!

normabyrd said...

MEMA JO & HUBBY!---Sounds as if you folks enjoyed your BRUNCH!!---sending ED a Belated 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!---

normabyrd said...


Mits said...

eagle back at BWE, they have brought some fresh pine sprigs in this a.m.

magpie said...

You're early Norma, ☺

I thought it was Saturday, so I started the singing from the EE when Ed brought Jo to the rendezvous point....
It's next week-end I think....
yesterday was just a good day for family to gather I think

okay, check book time :(
Listen for the sound of the DRAIN

paula eagleholic said...

Whoa, HP at BWE nest from Friday...just saw the pics

Mema Jo said...

Good Monday Holiday Morning! So good to see all of you here and Steve thanks so much for letting us know about the NCTC/FWS site being down.
I am hoping that everyone enjoys their day off - I have an afternoon eye appointment - guess there are those who can't have a day off (Drs)

Do you think the daffodils are going to bloom soon? I wish!

paula eagleholic said...

Eagles there now, BTW

Mema Jo said...

Mits - I still only have the Buzz on Lily's cam at the North American Bear Ctr. Is that where you are?

hedgie said...

Well, HAPPY BIRTHDAYS to Michael and John!!

That Bear documentary is scheduled to air until Apr. or May....sure hope I remember to watch for it!

Norma, from what Margy said yesterday, I think Jo's Eds birthday isn't until later this week.....right, Margy?

Mema Jo said...

Eagle just went Poof at BWE

Watching the Baltimore Zoo - one lonely little penguin is out and 2 large seagulls are there. Then there were about 5 or 6 other birds/ducks standing there flapping and flapping.
Now they have gone and more penguins are there.

normabyrd said...

THANKS HEDGIE!!---At least I won't be a week late wishing him a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!---ho!---

YOU ARE FEELING BETTER?---RIGHT!--I am so glad!---

Mema Jo said...

Right Hedgie - this upcoming Saturday
We celebrated early with one daughter & family because her daughter (our gd) and hubby's is a week apart.
Kristen is getting the rest of the family together Saturday.

Mema Jo said...

Do you all think our Spidey went over to Lily's log ?

normabyrd said...

PAULA!!---did i miss you?---wish i had SNOOPY'S energy! ho!

magpie said...

I think Spidey went over to Lily's log, Jo...

magpie said...

big month for birthdays...
lots of special people were born in January ☺

Mits said...

Jo, my next post after I heard the music was to explain that I had another site up...still buzz on Lily's cam

magpie said...

I'm beginning to feel more like a snail right about now Norma, but that Snoopy helped for awhile!

back a little later.
Everyone...good day wishes, hope there is some unexpected magic today

TTFN xo ♥

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...



Mema Jo said...

Thanks Mits - I still have the 'buzz'
Wish I could hear some little squeals coming from Lily's cam!

magpie said...

Wellk, Hallelejah Hawaii Jo,
Nothing wrong with YOUR Eyes !

Thanks for the alert...


magpie said...

that word is hard to type

Hallelujah !!

Mits said...

snowing up in Maine, windy too, part of the cam lens is iced over.

hedgie said...

Sun has disappeared in my end of the valley.

Mits said...

just read this on Hornby Island chat, re: Barton's Cove eagle cam...

January 14, 2010 - Update on the Status of the Eagle Cam for the 2010 Season

Although the eagle cam is not functioning at this time, we are coordinating work efforts with two of the partner agencies, the Massachusetts Fish and Wildlife Department and Comcast Cable to try to get the cam working for the 2010 season. The Massachusetts Fish and Wildlife Department is optimistic that they will be able to climb the tree and trouble shoot the camera issues by late January or early February. If we are unable to coordinate work schedules, suitable weather, and access to the island prior to February, the cam will not be operational for the 2010 season.

this is the tree that fell down.

Mema Jo said...

Now to me, it looks like new fluff in the center of our nest.

Mema Jo said...

That is great news about Barton's Cove, Mits. I always loved viewing the old Heart Shaped nest. I always remember the crows coming into the nest for the nestovers at times.

Mits said...

would be nice to see it again:)

Mema Jo said...

Mits, have you checked out the Xcel eagle and owl cams? They are becoming active about like ours. The eagles were the ones who lost all 3 of their eaglets last season due to snow - right?

Mits said...

I was just at Decorah, and stopped by to see LV, but she was not home...didn't look at the eagle cam, hmm, maybe they did lose all chicks due to the weather.??

Mema Jo said...

Mits - Quinn told me that in basketball the other evening - Mt St Joe's beat Calvert Hall. He was very excited about that He doesn't play bb but said those seniors on both teams were hugh and a lot of scouts were there.

Mema Jo said...

Pook just this minute turned on her Moose cam.......

Mits said...

well, good for them, Hubby is a graduate of Mt.St Joe's

NatureNut said...

Happy Sunny Day to everyone. Since I waited awhile, got cam up w/no problem today. Of course it's too late for anyone to be there!
Gotta get my act together & go to work to finish something.
Maybe there will be animals there. Oh, the pond started to melt on Fri., so may have some waterfowl again.

Mema Jo said...

Dad at the Dunedin Osprey cam just flew in with a talon full of nesting materials.

Lynne2 said...

Hi all....just a quick check of cams and wanted to say hello before Kelsey (my neighbor/landlord's almost 3 year old daughter who has spent yesterday and overnight with us) and I go off for our walk with the dogs.

Poor Daisy, she was SO exhausted last night that she passed out on the floor! I had to actually pet her to wake her up! She ate a good dinner but refused breakfast. I'm a bit concerned that she may have eaten something unsavory on her escapade yesterday, but she seems OK otherwise.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day and the everyone is feeling GOOD!! Sunny and 47 here already with a high of 52 expected!

Lynne2 said...

wow, the wind is HOWLING at Delta...was hoping to show Kelsey some eagles but no luck so far.

Lolly said...

Good morning, Eagle Buds! I am on my second mug of coffee and have been watching our Lily and reading the comments on her fb page. She is quite famous! Do hope she delivers cubs. There will be a lot of disappointed fans if she doesn't.

Yes, today is my Michael's 41st birthday. Can not believe my baby is that age!!! He is home today, but leaves to go back to San Antonio this afternoon. His BIG case went to trial Monday and he says it may last as long as 6 weeks. That means he is home only on weekends for the next 6 weeks. Yuk! Will have to squeeze in time for his mommy and daddy on some weekend! Understand Zach stuck on him like Velcro this weekend.

Mits said...

Happy Birthday Micheal:)

Mema Jo said...

Xcel eagle cam 7 and 8am daily pics

Mits said...

I spent the 20 bucks to get, have it on Birdpoint most of the day, so have seen tons of eagles of all ages, worth the money.

Mema Jo said...

Lolly - Give our best to Michael on his special day!

Mits said...

looks like a busy a.m. for them at Xcel

Mema Jo said...

Sounds like it is well worth $20 for an entire year.

Lolly said... sorry Daisy scared you like she did. Apparently though she is bonding with you! That is great!

Jack is getting ready to head to Houston. He has decided to return home tomorrow, no matter how late. And he only decided to actually go this morning,soooo I am not going.

I do hope they get Hornby Island back up. I love that cam. I want to visit there!

Mema Jo said...

Mits - Lolly

If Lily awakens, is she curled up facing us?

Lolly said...

Thank you, Jo, Mits, Margy, Lynn, and all. I will pass on all wishes to Michael. His response should be "interesting". He is a riot!

Lolly said...

I think she is, but it is hard to tell. Not until she stirs and lifts her head am I sure of her position.

Mema Jo said...

Lynn - I hope you get your sunshine back. Mine is brilliant! Nest looks sunny also.

Lolly said...

She has been sound asleep since I started watching her this morning. She stirred and lifted her face before I got on.

Mits said...

Lolly Hornby Island cam is working I was talking about Barton's Cove cam.

Lolly said...

Wahoo! I am feeling very smart. LOL Followed directions from fb on how they were saving pictures of Lily. I was successful!!! Old dogs can learn new tricks!!!! Anyway, I posted a pic of Lily on family pics. Not a special picture, but one way to see if I could do it.

Mits said...

think her head is facing us, I don't keep Lily up, because it interferes with the live cams with sound that I watch.

Lolly said...

Oh, Mits! Got it! Little slow here.

Lolly said...

I guess the way I saved the pic of Lily will be a way we can save pics from our live feed when we get it!

Mits said...

no worries, Lolly, knew you would get it:)

Mits said...

NBG is back up.

floralgirl said...

Yes, Lily is laying with her head on the right, if she lifted her head she'd be looking directly at the cam.

Lolly said...

Leaving for a while. Need to eat a bite of breakfast.


ceil said...

Hi everyone. Had dentist appt this morning. Look Ma no cavities.

Mema Jo said...

Lolly - Lily's pic is great. You'll need to give me the 'how to do that'
instructions on pic taking.

Mits - you can turn Lily's sound off with the lower middle button - just take it to 0%.

Thanks for telling me which way was up with Lily!

Mits said...

eagle back at BWE....I go to the dentist tomorrow, told the girl, thought I was just there, she said yeah 6 months ago...time flys;)

Mema Jo said...

Megan - those flowers are so beautiful!

I was afraid you were going to say
Look Ma No Teeth! Oops that is my
saying. lol

I am going to go get street clothes on!
Eye exam will be here before I'm ready.


hedgie said...

Lily appears to be sleeping soundly. Yep, see a spidey filament or something waving in front of the lens!

ceil said...

Nope got all my teeth excep the wisdom teeth that were impacted and had to come out. They did leave one but that did not make me any wiser.
Have a great day.

Mits said...

well that works, thanks Jo.

hedgie said...

Jo, I think maybe the fluff in our nest is fur....zoomed in but can't tell for sure because zooming makes it fuzzy.....but might be some squirrel parts....???? What do you think?

Mits said...

weather for Lily's den....

Rest of Today
Decreasing clouds. Highs 25 to 30. Northwest winds 5 to 10 mph.

Mostly cloudy in the evening then becoming partly cloudy. Patchy fog after midnight. Lows 4 to 9. Northwest winds around 5 mph until early morning becoming light.
Partly cloudy. Patchy fog in the morning. Highs 23 to 28. Southeast winds around 5 mph.

ceil said...

Eagle still at BWE. So clear.

ceil said...

Lynn how are you feeling? The sun is great here. Going to go out in the back yard just to feel the sun.

Mits said...

temp here is up to 54°...:)feels good....

Mits said...

lol, Ceil:)

hedgie said...

Glad you had a good exam, Ceil. Did you read back to yesterdays comments about the China trip????? Mits, call your sister!!
I will not volunteer to take your apptmt., Mits! Sorry....I HATE going to the dentist.

Jo, which way are you using to take pics? I have a way that I've shared before but wonder if yours is easier...???

Mits said...

Lynn, she will never get on a plane, told her I would go with her:). I used to hate flying, but would rather fly than drive, especially in this area, these people are crazy.

Mits said...

both e's at BWE

Mits said...

nctc nest always looks clearer when it is cloudy, at least to me.

Mits said...

dryer man just called on his way to see why dryer is not working, d@#$ thing is only 3 yrs old.

hedgie said...

Still putting away Christmas decorations! Think it's time for some fuel!

Donnie said...

Good Afternoon eveyone. Hope everyone is feeling well so far this year...
Have they been "spring cleaning" at the Shepheardstown nest yet? When do they usally start? I missed it last year and I'm determined to catch everything this year. I'm also having trouble getting the cam to play. Is there a problem today or is it just me?

hedgie said...

Mits, if you go with her and give her enough vino, Jim can just carry her on to the plane!!
48 here, but breezy.
Think the nest is clearer when cloudy because there isn't the glare reflecting off the barn roof!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Hello Donnie! How ya been?

Mits said...

Hi Donnie, how have you been??? is up, action for eagle laying should be soon. stay turned

hedgie said...

Mits, appliances sure don't last like they used to. Sure hope it's fixable!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Donnie, the live feed is not up yet, just the still cam. It was down this morning but is up now.

Donnie said...

I've had a great winter so far. Looking forward to the Spring... Wnter is not myt favorate season of the year. My settings are all off I can't get the small profile pics beside everyones name to come up either. The old computer is messed up and the new one is not set up right... It's slways something wrong with them. Now that I know it's working I'll try harder to get it up and running then.

hedgie said...

Hi, Donnie. Welcome back! Streaming cam is not online yet.

Mits said...

well guy is here, a coil burned out and the thermostat went wacky, my interpretation, not his, anyhow, going to let him fix it, never know if they are telling the truth, but really don't want to buy a new one, when hopefully we will leave it when we move

Mits said...

egg laying, not eagle laying...

Donnie said...

Ok... thanks
I just found out tht if I open this site with a secure conection, I don't get the profile pics. If i open it without a secure connection they come up.

Mema Jo said...

Out the door


Mema Jo said...

Whoops! Hi Donnie Gotta Go!
Hope you're watching Lily cam.....

Mits said...

Lily just peeked up

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

And Donnie, do you know how to change the settings so that security thing doesn't come up?

Mits said...

Lily scratching her nether region.

glo said...

I see we are still plotting how to get Ceil to China. LOL You best start packing your bags Ceil . Or I am afraid somemone else will be packing them for you. I have a sense you could be going by hook or by crook :-)

Mits said...

What was that show, where Mr. T was on and he did not like to fly, so they would knock him out and get him on the plane, maybe we can do that Glo, but she may be little, but she is strong, and she can run fast too.

Mits said...

we could liquor her up, one drink and she is a goner

Mits said...

maybe we can wrap her in shiny silver garland with green balls and ship her Fed Ex

Mits said...

Lily is awake.

Donnie said...

Where is the Lily Cam? I don't think I've been to that one before>

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


magpie said...

Looked like Sissy's Wooden George at first

Donnie said...

Is the address for Liberty and Belle is still the "" ? Thats where I've been going.

magpie said...

still does !
I just got here Sharon
Way to go Double E-S ☺

Carol_in_WV said...

Hello from a long gone eaglet momster! I had a few extra minutes and thought I'd check-in to let you all know that I'm still alive - survived the big snow, the holidays and the arctic temps! I was also wondering if Lib & Belle have been caught messing around yet for this season?

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Looks like Lib to me! What a site for sore eyes!!!

magpie said...

Donnie we are down on that live feed, another one is in the words

Go to STill Cam, NOW !

floralgirl said...

Hey CArol!:) There is an eagle in the nest right now. Still cam only currently, no live feed.

magpie said...

another one is in the WORKS

long time no see, hello again

Hello Carole in WV !!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Hello Carol. We've been missing you! No Donnie, outdoortv is no longer active.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

They are taking the egg cup for a test ride!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I bet there is HP getting ready to go on!

Carol_in_WV said...

Hey - looks like I checked in at a good time. It's good to know that our eagles are still around!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

She is fussing at him about something!

glo said...

Did you catch when they were both looking right at us well the camera :-)s ..

magpie said...

I hate to even mention this,
but is the image a little not clear anyone else?

magpie said...

as far as the resolution of the eagles....guess that 'splains it

glo said...

nothing is quite as clear as it used to be these days Magpie so guess I will let someoene else respond to that :-)

magpie said...

We're going to SPLIT if we havn't already

hedgie said...

Donnie, Lily cam is at

Mits, that was The A-Team, wasn't it?!

Hi Carol!! Welcome back to you, too!! Everyone is tuning in at a good time!
Yes, we've witnessed some HP in the nest. Time is getting closer!! First egg was laid on Jan. 30th last year.

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6/14/24 crow woody

 We do have sound on the camera I was sitting here watching TV and all I started a crow and I knew I didn't have a crow in my house lol ...