Friday, January 29, 2010


New thread.


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paula eagleholic said...

Anne Frank book banned? the diary of Anne Frank? tell me you're kidding.

Lolly said...

I googled it too. It is the unedited version that has been banned.

hedgie said...

Well, several phone calls after Jeopardy later....I made it back.
Watched Maggie on the website---she is one precious angel, for sure!
Wishing all of the Mounties a great day tomorrow!
Moon is vaguely shining in a snow sky. And, darn, it is cold! Down to 16 already.

magpie said...

I couldn't open the video Paula...little square in upper left with some colors....
things are looking grimmer and grimmer on this machine for me

Lolly said...

Snowing and a blowing at ESPN. Thanks Crunch!

magpie said...

Well that was a seamless split didn't realize it had happened

magpie said...

I keep going out hoping to see Mars peeking through the go, but the Moon looks pretty good through the haze
The Birthday Moon...
'cause it is not really full until January 30

hedgie said...

Hi, Crunch! How are you and Doris doing? Have you been watching the cam? It won't be long before we have an egg!
I can't get anything but blackness on the ESPN cams....are they infrared??

Anonymous said...

Lolly This one is to miss us,butt not the case next week end. We'll see. Could be a big snow then.

magpie said...

I'm slam wore out to borrow one of Sissy's expressions...going to dent the pillows here soon.

Best wishes to all for a good night...I'll be checking the nest at 4 am...

Good to see those we saw today, missing the ones we have not

God Bless Us, Every One
xo ☺ ♥

stronghunter said...

I hope Glo will stay with us. I would miss her.

Anonymous said...

hedgie I have been on and off here. Yes it wount be long now. Doris is doing good now. Still alot of problins in Martinburg yet.

Lolly said...

The bad weather was just north of us here in Texas and headed east. We are sitting at 32 but all precipitation has stopped. However, guess there could be ice on bridges as we have had 3 inches of rain earlier.

I am going to sign off for the evening. We are going to Denton in the morning for a basketball game and THEN we are bringing the boys home with us. Wahooooo!!! Going to give Laurel a peaceful weekend. Boys really can not play outside, so if they were home they would be right behind her messing up any cleaning she does. We will return them to their home Sunday evening.

Anyway,I have few things to do around here.

So, I am saying Good night! Sweet dreams!

hedgie said...

Sorry to hear that, Bob. Hope Gene has a firm grip on the situation.

stronghunter said...

From what I have read, the full version will not be taught. Anne had written some things about her sexual development that had been removed from one book, then replaced in a later edition which is what is not going to be used in the classroom.

The book will be in the library, though. I am sure all of the 8th graders are getting that book and reading the section that has caused the controversy. I googled Anne Frank Culpeper and got a lot of interesting stuff. To tell you the truth, I had not heard a word about it at school. Might hear something next week, though.

stronghunter said...

Hi Crunch. It looks like we're going to the the snow this time. The grocery store was crazy this evening.

hedgie said...

A week is a long way off, so no one really knows, but for now they are saying lots of rain starting next Fri.

Anonymous said...

Hi You keep the snow.

eaglecamfan said...

was not able to get on today to see our Eagles but i took a nite view and seen no Eggs... But did i miss anything today.. :)

eaglecamfan said...

And also is there another cam to watch i see everyone chatting about one. and if so what is the web site..thx..time to pull the sheets up for a cold nite..

Anonymous said...

Hedgie Sorry I didn't anser your question. Yes espn is like our cam. You can see at nite. I guess it's your puter

Anonymous said...

Well I'am going to check other web pages.
Still hanging around 16 here.

Mema Jo said...

I am watching Numbers - just finished The Medium....... Normally I am not a TVer.


hedgie said...

Yep, Crunch, it probably is...have been having some trouble with videos. Probably need to re-install flashplayer again!
Eaglecamfam.....there are are two that we mention alot:

BWE This one has two eggs. It is near Cambridge,MD

This one is in Norfolk,VA

Costume Lady said...

Where did everyone go? TV, maybe?
Didn't go out to dinner this evening. GG's not up to that yet. Had a bit of a set-back today, but after eating some supper, she felt better. A visit from Denise perked her up also. I'm sure she gets tired of seeing me every day and Denise was a good change for her:)
I used the chicken that I cooked yesterday and made chicken and drop dumplings.
Not calling for snow here tomorrow...only a 10% chance the next 3 days:)

Sleepy again so early tonight.


hedgie said...

Goodnight, Wanda and Margy, and anyone I missed! Glad that GG is better, but wise not to eat out. Chicken soup a very good thing for her!

Costume Lady said...

Tried to watch it at GG's but channel 11 is Hagerstown in town:(

Judie said...

Back for a quick visit.

Hi Wanda. I didn't really disappear. I went from dinner to food coma. It's good that GG enjoyed a visit from Denise. Sure wish she could be quickly on the mend. I know this is a difficult time for you.

Hi Crunch Bob. Where you been these last few weeks?

Goodnight, Lolly. Have a good time in Denton tomorrow.

Goodnight Margy. Stay warm and sleep peacefully. Hope tomorrow is a quiet 911 day.

Time to turn my light off but will leave the night light on for others coming in later. Andy, will you please set the alarm for us when you come in? Thanks.

Good night and sweet eagle dreams for all.

stronghunter said...

Good night, Judie.

I am going to call it quits, too. It will be nice to turn off the alarm when I crawl into bed tonight. George will be my alarm when he comes meowing for his breakfast. Wonder if it will be snowing?

hedgie said...

Well, our nest is MT, so doubt that there will be any action tonight. Calling it a day here. Sleep well, dear friends. Be careful if you have to be out in the weather tomorrow. Prayers and peace.

hedgie said...

BTW---we are now in the 1-3" area. Hope it doesn't keep creeping up!

Mema Jo said...

Oh My Bay temp is 35°
If I were plunging I would be like Flash Gordon - In and Out like a flash!

Hats Off to all plungers!

Mema Jo said...

It is too cold for me to even walk out to see if the full moon is still hazy.
My windows don't let me see high in the sky.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good evening folks. The snow has started in Bedford so let the games begin. I tried to find a Wii so I can get a Wii Fit Plus and no Wii to be found. I will keep looking though!

Mema Jo said...

Checking out some cams - there is a blizzard on ESPN......... WOW

Mema Jo said...

Sharon - tell me what tags you got for the van - VA or WV

Mema Jo said...

LAKE WA eagle is on the limb - looks as thought his head is tucked under.
Something very dark is lying in the nest itself (10 sec image) Have no clue what it could be..... Not an eagle

Mema Jo said...

Close to 6 pm today the Ft St Vrain eagles were at their nest.

Mema Jo said...

It is snowing in BLUEFIELD WV

Mema Jo said...

I am almost ready to go back the hall

New Orleans LA has 63° temp
That sounds so nice!

Mema Jo said...

Good Night All
Prayers for All
(((hugs))) ♥ ♥ ♥

Happy Birthday to my buddy Megan
I wish for you to have a wonderful
year ahead filled with all things

PA Nana said...

Nite all and happy birthday to Megan.
Catch you all tomorrow.
God bless

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...

This one will get your birthday

movin said...

I don't see the female waiting in the nest at Norfolk tonight, but there sure is a well-formed and deep egg cup visible.



movin said...





movin said...


Good NighT, friends.

Have a great weekend.




Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!

Meant to get here sooner than this, but better late than never!


Had a quiet Friday here--didn't do much. Just rested up, mostly. Am feeling better, and my sinuses are starting to clear up, but still have an occasional hay fever attack.
Much better than this time last week, though, so guess I just need to let the meds do their work!

Need to be getting some sleep, because will be running around tomorrow morning getting weekly shopping out of the way. Hope to get more caught up on the blog tomorrow, too, if at all possible.
Sis-in-law called, and she has a total of 4 wedding shows this weekend, so I guess all the tux shop employees will be working. Hope she gets some rest!

Well, prayers being said for everyone. The night light is on, the porch light will see you coming, and the eye scanner's ready to go. Will try not to be so scarce this weekend! I miss talking to you guys. Sleep tight, and have a great weekend! Love you guys! :o]

hedgie said...


No eagle in our nest, and I'm sure no expert on its appearance at night, but there is something there thst was not there at 11:30....a "log", I guess----running from 10-4 position....wonder what daylight will reveal?!

hedgie said...

Hi, Andy...night, Andy!! You and Chrissy and Jim and Anne Marie should start your own "nightline"!! Don't want y'all feeling left out!

Y-a-w-n.......back to bed I go! BBL!

magpie said...

Good Morning Everyone and especially

Happy Birthday Megan xo ☺ ♥

Hope the day has lots of birthday magic for last the whole year through

magpie said...

Sorry I missed you Hedgie...I was up same time as you, peeking at the nest, but not ready to blog yet...

nest still empty right now

magpie said...

I see Finland nest is stuck on the 29th at 1914 hours

I can finally barely see Mars through the haze, at about 2 o'clock to the Full Moon's position

magpie said...

Best wishes and all love and prayers to the Polar Bear Plungers today at Sandy Point State Park, Maryland today and Most especially, to Maggie's Mounties ... (( warm hugs ♥ ♥ )) being sent to everyone there

magpie said...

The Eagle is still roosting on the branch at LW and that black thing is still lying in the middle of the nest

magpie said...

Guess it's time to shake a leg and get ready for work

Best wishes for a Good Day to everyone...

See you much later on tonight
Prayers for wellness, joy, safety and serenity


Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning eagle buds!! Lots and lots of snow here in the big city this morning! Hope everyone is doing well, haven't had time to be on here or catch up, will try to later!


Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Magpie, I am sorry I missed you! Have a great day!!

NatureNut said...


Gotta hit the road soon. I don't wanna go, wwwaaaaa! To the land of no internet unless I can borrow someone's. Snow supposed to start before noon---I'll want to bail. Hope they let me, or I'll spend the night on the River!!!
If the Plunge is still going on, good luck to them!
So long, xx your fingers ☺

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Our nest is full of little black birds, can't tell what they are, though!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Just all flew off, maybe Belle and Lib are coming!!

Costume Lady said...

SISSY, those little birds are probably starlings. Hope Belle and Lib get a few for breakfast...they are really a nuisance. They come in flocks and poop-shot all over my rock gardens:(

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning Wanda! Yes, starlings are a nuisance. I can't stand em!!! Eat up Belle and Lib, eat up!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

How much snow ya'll got Wanda? It is really coming down here!! We have about 6-7 inches so far!!

Costume Lady said...

SORRY, I wandered off.
No snow at all! Don't know if we will get any...doesn't look like it. Fingers crossed!

stronghunter said...

Good morning! Six or seven inches already, Sissy? Yikes! It has started here, but the ground is not completely covered yet. It is snowing seriously, though.

Costume Lady said...

Be careful if you go out, Sissy. Hope you have plenty bread and TP:)

Costume Lady said...

Morning, Shirley...glad you can stay at home today!

Costume Lady said...

Oh my, just went to the Bedford cam and it looks like a White-out!

stronghunter said...

Starlings! I always think of the the poor woman I saw running down the street holding her purse over her head trying to protect herself from starling poo. It was raining poo.

The starlings were attracted to all of the bradford pear fruit on the trees in town, and after they ate it they flew around in huge flocks giving everything below a shower of poo. People called them "poo birds."

Guess it still happens, but the trees are dying off and not being replaced. The city had planted the pear trees along the streets in town. A misake.

stronghunter said...

Hi Wanda. Yes, I think I will be sticking around the house today. Glad I went to the grocery store yesterday.

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Nest empty right now but I did get to see both when I first got up. Happy to get out and over to the shelter for a while yesterday. Dealing with some cabin fever this winter. Eagle count looks a little better this week at local dams and sun is shining. Dex and I will be there as much as possible the next 2 days before the snow comes back in.

Hey Lib and Belle, as long as weather is OK for you I will be keeping a close watch. Several special days this next week and we all want an egg for ours. Now thats lots of eggs but we will share the celebration.

Have a good day everyone.

stronghunter said...

Good morning, Glo!

stronghunter said...

I see no snow in the nest. It looks like snow in that area is not reaching the ground--according to Ch. 7.

floralgirl said...

Thank you all:)
Hard to sleep in with all the singing going on here!

floralgirl said...

Yep, no snow here yet, radar shows it just starting to creep in...

Costume Lady said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SWEET MEGAN. HOPE YOU HAVE A WORKLESS DAY AND CAN HAVE SOME R & R:) I assume that Mr. Megan is going to fix the meals today?;)

Costume Lady said...

BTW, for those of you who have never seen Mr. Megan, he is very cute!:)

Costume Lady said...

I heard on the forecast that Norfolk is expecting up to a foot of snow today:( I can't get their cam this year, I think me and this 'puter are going to part ways VERY soon.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning ALL in Eagleland.


Are we expected to get any snow?

stronghunter said...

Happy birthday, Megan!

normabyrd said...

MITS!!---Wonderful photos of your BEAUTIFUL MAGGIE & family!---You must be proud!!---WISHING YOU A 'WARM' DAY!!---ENJOY!!!

normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...

LARGE SNOW FLAKES are falling here in WILD & WONDERFUL WV---temp 17°--'we weren't suppose to get this SNOW until SOUTHERN WV is snowed in! ho!

pray this snow misses our nest....

Costume Lady said...

NORMA, if you haven't seen it yet...go back to Megan's comment at 6:49 pm last evening and see MAGGIE on TV! It is so sweet:)

Costume Lady said...

18° here, Norma and no snow yet.

wvgal_dana said...

I'm trying to catch up on the blog.

Thanks Hedgie-Lynn for postion the Baltimore 11 channel so we could see Annie, Kevin and Maggie.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning everyone. We have about 5-6 inches of snow in Bedford, so no trip to WV for me today! :( Snowed in and can't even take my van for a spin!

Happy birthday Megan. I sang to you on Facebook and you wouldn't be able to stand me singing to you more than once! :)

Birds are out here trying to dig up some food. Think I am going to through a tote lid on top of the snow and pour some seed onto it!

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Megan see where you posted Channel 11 also ty both

normabyrd said...



Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

OH WOW, I just watched Maggie's video! That was absolutely wonderful and that family is so gorgeous! Of course, we know most of that comes from Kevin's beautiful parents! :)

wvgal_dana said...

On our live cam for me I click the "yes" only runs a little while. Then stops...can't do anything by clicking the start-pause button..have to either refresh or hit Conservation EagleCam. grrrrr

wvgal_dana said...

Eagle in nest brought in a stick

Judie said...

Happy Birthday, Megan.

BW eagle has a blanket of snow. NBG nest snow filled -- eagles roosting elsewhere.

Off for coffee.

Shirley, glad you're home today. Margy and Wanda, sorry you have to go to work.

I'm with Jo. IF I were taking the plunge, it would be in a flash. Again, hope they are very, very successful.

Ooops, just seeing the first flakes falling here. Definitely coffee time.

stronghunter said...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


stronghunter said...

Hi Judie! Ground is covered with snow here. Many birds have come to my feeder. I went out and filled it awhile ago. Scared a whole flock of birds that were hiding under my back porch.

stronghunter said...


normabyrd said...

WHOA!---Missed the EAGLES---talking to CARM--GS in FL!!---Wishes he had some of this SNOW!! ho!---How much should I ship to him???

normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...

I bet this will be 'EGG DAY'!!

paula eagleholic said...

Happy Birthday to Yoooou
Happy Birthday to Yoooou
Happy Birthday Dearest Megan
Happy Birthday to Yoooou!!!!

movin said...


Good Morning, aLL ! !

**Happy Birthday, Megan**




normabyrd said...

MORNIN' PAULA!!---Are you folks getting SNOW?

stronghunter said...


paula eagleholic said...

Eagle has landeded!!!

movin said...

Did you see all that snow coming down at NBG??!!



stronghunter said...

Doing nestorations.

paula eagleholic said...

Norma, If we get any snow here it would be a light dusting....

paula eagleholic said...

Head in the cup, digging

paula eagleholic said...

Lib arrives with a branch!

stronghunter said...

Both. Very busy.

paula eagleholic said...

Now Belle is messing with the branch, it's hanging over the side

paula eagleholic said...

now she is eating nestovers!

T-Bird said...

Hello fine eagle momsters and dadsters.

T-Bird said...

Happy birthday Megan.

T-Bird said...

MITS, just watched that take the plunge special. Good looking family!!

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, TBird.

Lib left a couple of minutes ago.

Belle just took off.

paula eagleholic said...

I can take screen shots of the live feed with the new snipping tool in windows 7.

Going to find a new video program today so I can do videos...

paula eagleholic said...

So far, I have no complaints on windows 7!!!

Donnie said...

Good Morning everyone,
Just checking in on a very cold Sat. AM. Made it in tme to see both in the nest. No Eggs yet? !
It's probably for the best... It's way to cold for all that right now.
What a wonderful nest... I'm so lucky to have stumbled on this site. Thanks everyone.

And thier gone....

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' T-BIRD!---Have you gotten to take a drive in the BIG BLUE?
It's so COOL----

normabyrd said...

PAULA---We weren't supposed to get this snow either----I bet you are so enjoying your computer!!---Wondered how you like the lap-top!---When I was working the state sent me one---I didn't like it much!!---

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' DONNIE!!--must ask if you are from WV?---see you like BLENKO?

hedgie said...

Good morning all. I've been lurking. Saw our pair for a short visit. No snow here yet, but it must be upstairs, so to speak, since radar shows it!! NBG is lovely, despite the snow. They have been panning the cam around, and in and color there today for sure!!
Surprised tosee BWE covered in snow already...but neat pics of switch and roll! Best of luck to them---hope they don't get too much snow.

Happy Birthday again, Megan! Don't forget to check your email!

Hi, Donnie. How's everything on your side of the river?

hedgie said...

Hope the Mounties are dressed warmly (and wear wetsuits when plunging!). Bet Mits will keep Maggie warm! Hate having her out in this cold so soon after the pneumonia.

Donnie said...

good Morning Hedgie, Norma,

It's very cold over here. I don't want to leave the house to water the chickens. The river has retreated to a safe level and the diveway did not get washed away. I'm happy about that.
Yes Norma, I do like the blenko glass. I have several peices of it. Some of it might be by the rainbow glass co. but i still like all of it. I get it off ebay mostly.

Bird Girl said...

Morning evertone! I see our nest is empty-- of eggs AND birds. :(

Lots of snow coming down at the Norfolk nest. Hope if they laid an egg that one of them is on it.... Their camera being in a moving tree is giving me seasickness!

Last night's wolf moon and peek of Mars was so beautiful! So bright out I could read in the backyard!

Hope everyone has a good day. Speedy healing to those who need it.

Bird Girl said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Donnie said...

oh no.... I just looked out the window and it's snow!!! very little fluffy ice ball snow...

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn - I think they have heated tents there...

hedgie said...

Snow has much for wishful thinking.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' HEDGIE!---I checked out MIT'S HANDSOME family!!---Such good looking kids!!---MAGGIE is a DOLL!---Lots of personality!!---Is there any place we can watch today?

Lolly said...

Good morning! Just a moment to get on before we leave for Denton. But had to get on.....

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthay dear Megan
Happy Birthday to you!......and many many moooooooorrre!

Special day here too! 41 years ago today we saw Michael for the first time and brought him home. He was 12 days old. It's "Gotcha Day!!!!!!" That day is forever in my mind. So special!

normabyrd said...

DONNIE!--I used to collect it ---they really have some beautiful pieces---I have given most of mine to my kids!!---Every now & then PUBLIC RADIO gives a piece when you support WVPR---

hedgie said...

Glad to hear that, Paula! BTW---just found a strange quirk in my netbook. Keep getitng low disc-space warnings, but can't delete anything else. Well, I did a windows search on the subject...followed one of their suggestions, and found LOTS of powerpoint files on the C drive. Don't remember saving them, so it's as if opening them stored them! So will delete those, and hopefully be back to better operation!
Donnie, so good that your driveway didn't wash out! One less thing to worry about, huh??

normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...

CHECK BWE!!---SNOW in nest & on EAGLES too!!

paula eagleholic said...

Aww, Lolly, like that description!!

paula eagleholic said...

snowing at our nest now...

hedgie said...

Oh, Lolly, that is so appropriate! Happy Gotcha Day to the whole family!!

Norma, don't imagine there is any way to watch Plunge activities unless you can get Baltimore stations on TV---not! But website will probably post more this afternoon, so just check my link from yesterday periodically. Imagine that Megans' link will just take you back to the video again, so use mine.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning All! Whiteout Whiteout
in the valley - just started. I was foolish enough when I got up to think the snow had missed us completely. lol
The PA Woods cam has close up of turkeys resting on the ground.
BWE has my warmest thoughts going their way.

Happy Birthday FloralGirl

hedgie said...

Oh, this is just so typical....2 of our soldiers were killed in Afghanistan by their interpreter. You would think the military would have learned by now not to use nationals to assist our troops.

hedgie said...

Missed you, Delphia! Hi there. So glad someone got to see the Moon/Mars conjunction!! How are your babies?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Snowing at the nest. So grateful no eggs are there yet!

Mema Jo said...

Sad news Lynn.

Ditto Sharon!

Delphia - I just know the moon and mars
last evening must have been beautiful.
Our area had haze.........

Hi Donnie! You better water/feed those
chickens or no eggs for you!

hedgie said...

The National Aquarium has been completely revamped and is once again a living exhibit. Looks lovely. Haven't been there since I was a teen!

Mema Jo said...

The plunge has quite an elaborate schedule for today - goes up to 3:00.

Polar Bear Plunge Time Schedule of Events

Mema Jo said...

Temps should rise the rest of next week so hopefully the snow in the nest will disappear.

Mema Jo said...

I still question as to why don't they let the penguins out in cold & snowy weather at the Baltimore Zoo?

Mema Jo said...

BWE & BWO cams - I can't get either one of them up right now. Lisa gave us forewarning about them going down with the weather as it is.

normabyrd said...

I watched LILY a while---she has her nose out---her PAWS are HUMONGOUS (?)----really big!

normabyrd said...

JO---I have checked them with in the last hour!!---SNOW on her & the nest!

Judie said...

Happy gotcha day, Lolly. Hugs for Michael.

Still snowing, of course. Heaviest not here yet according to news.

Oh good grief. Watching not too bright neighbor trying to get his car up the driveway. Ooops. Just got out, walked behind the car, car started rolling backward -- he jumped out of the way and back into the car just in time. Why not just put the car at the curb? Duh! and Double Duh!!!


Mema Jo said...

I don't have the Bedford VA live cam link anymore. The one I have isn't working. Could someone send me the link to the cam.

Mema Jo said...

I found a few webcams but not the one that I originally had -

stronghunter said...

Hello again!

Will left for work about an hour ago. He called a bit later and said that he got there, but he's coming back home because the roads are awful. It is only going to get much worse. He called again from the grocery store to see what we need. I said bring some fire logs. Hope he gets back soon. It is coming down like crazy.

My pipes--we are just keeping the heater going in there. If the power goes, the pipes will freeze, but that won't be the worst problem we will have at that point.

stronghunter said...

Hi Judie. Your neighbor reminds me of my neighbor who stood under a leaning tree in a hurricane. I finally told him that he had to move.

paula eagleholic said...

Snow really showing in our nest now...flurries have finally started here

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, I wonder why they wouldn't let the penguins out in the snow either!!

stronghunter said...

Snowing and blowing now. Looks like a blizzard.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Here is one of the D-Day Memorial but I will have to look for the one in downtown.

Mema Jo said...

Large snowflakes covering everything.
Peaceful as long as you can stay inside

stronghunter said...

I see the very fine flakes coming into the nest.

stronghunter said...

Okay, now I am waiting for Will to get home. Saying a little prayer.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

The one in town must be down right now.

wvgal_dana said...

I went back to bed and just woke by the dog. What is all this "white stuff" on my porch and ground.....who done it????

Lolly Happy Gotcha Day (that is cute)

paula eagleholic said...

Really snowing at NBG

paula eagleholic said...

Very quiet at our nest birdies chirping

Costume Lady said...

Jo, I have Bluefield, but have never had Bedford.

Costume Lady said...

Snow is coming down pretty heavily now...we have about a half inch. Think we'll run into GG's before the roads get too bad.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Sharon - It may just be down.

Paula - are you at work today ?

Last night on ESPN it was a blizzard.

Wind isn't too bad here -it is just a whiteout. My beautiful red cardinal is at Okie Bird Feeder.

Mema Jo said...

WOW Now there is a big ole' gobbler roosting up in a tree on PIX
Really a fat one.

Donnie said...

it's really snowing fast amd hard right now. I hope it's just a passing cloud. It's very pretty to look at but friends were going to come over today for a visit. It's not snowing in Chambersburg PA where they live and I did not say it was coming down really fast.
The cardinals get a brighter shade of red in the snow, don't they...

Mema Jo said...

Big turkey stretch.
He is pretty far up in that tree
Guess he will be flying down

stronghunter said...

Will made it home! He said that there are lots of people out there.

Mema Jo said...

WOW! Panda at NZ are out in the snow!

I don't know which one(s)

stronghunter said...

Liquor store and grocery store very busy according to Will. Oh my. I hope they get home safely.

Mema Jo said...

One panda is on the cam2 and is inside.

paula eagleholic said...

No, Jo, I'm at home...still in my PJ's :):):)

paula eagleholic said...

Hey Steve, we need a SNOW thread!

Mema Jo said...

Yes, Donnie The cardinals do look more red against the snow. I usually see a few right before it snows... Didn't this time.

Donnie - I saw a flock of robins yesterday down in Frederick - and I mean a large flock. They were all together...Hope they found shelter today.

paula eagleholic said...

wow eagle in the nest!!brought food?

floralgirl said...

THANK YOU ALL:) If I start naming names, I'll surely miss somebody.
Had to run out to get eggs and meat and went to hell mart...on my birthday of all days...but I don't like to be snowed in without food.
This is the funniest thing I have read so far today per Wanda- " I assume that Mr. Megan is going to fix the meals today?;)"

paula eagleholic said...

no, it's fluff

paula eagleholic said...

now 2!!

Mema Jo said...

WOWSIE! Look at PIX PA woods

Turkeys galore!

paula eagleholic said...

Bellle landed second, Lib is digging in the egg cup

Mema Jo said...

I wish Norma would be looking at those turkeys!

paula eagleholic said...

Belle i smunching on something now

paula eagleholic said...

Lib is working on sticks...

crunch crunch

paula eagleholic said...

Split coming

wvgal_dana said...

Crunch Crunch Crunch

paula eagleholic said...

Man, Lib couldn't wait till she was done eating! HP!!!!

wvgal_dana said...

He was almost side ways lol

floralgirl said...

Dang... that was intersting, poor Belle almost did a forward roll... and she must've had a beak full of food.

paula eagleholic said...

Now Belle is working in the egg cup and Lib is working on picking twigs off branches...

paula eagleholic said...

Wish I had a video of that one....

paula eagleholic said...

Look at the snow on Belle's back

floralgirl said...

They sure have cleaned the snow out of that nest cup!

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6/6/23 bella field cam

  Time stamps on these or about an hour off. So, if it says it's 5 something, it's 6 something field can got messed up in the last s...