Friday, January 22, 2010


Sleet, rain, snow thread.


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Mema Jo said...


Let's all split

Hurray for Lily

glo said...

congrats to MaMa Lily

Lolly said...

Cub for sure! You can hear it!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

She has a baby!! I wanna see it!!

Mits said...

definitely a cub

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Sounds like a little person baby!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Sounds like a real baby!

floralgirl said...

That is so coo1! can't wait to see it!

glo said...

shes not alone anymore

Mits said...

congrats Dr. Rogers:)

Mema Jo said...

Lily the Black Bear:
Will there be a second one?

How soon I wonder would it be...
Within minutes I would hope

Lolly said...

Congratulations, Lily!!!!!!!!

Lynne2 said...


Mema Jo said...

Dr Rogers was right on the date of birth!

Lynne - if you get a pic Please Holler

I am like you Hedgie
I can't get on

glo said...

happy nursing sounds

Lynne2 said...

just waiting for a peek Jo!!

paula eagleholic said...

OH I just heard the cub!!!

Lynne2 said...

I see it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mema Jo said...

Lily the Black Bear: Watch for more contractions/straining and another cubs voice. She may possibly have more. We are thrilled to be sharing this with 20,000+ viewers !

glo said...

I saw its little paw

Mema Jo said...

WHoo Hoo Lynne! I pray you were able to capture a pic......

Mits said...

just a little peek

Lynne2 said...

It's the scrawniest thing I ever saw....

Lolly said...

I saw hit little paw, but did not get a pic!

paula eagleholic said...

I wonder if she will deliver them all today? Boy, Dr Rogers sure called that one on the nose! Got teary eyes here!

Mits said...

yes he did!

Lynne2 said...

GOT IT!!! Just the paw reaching out, on my blog!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, I missed the peek! Darn telephone!

Mits said...

Paula, tell them it is your lunch time:)

Mits said...

I'm sure NABC will have plenty of good pics for the media, its probably on U tube already

paula eagleholic said...

Is she licking it or is that movement more contractions?

Costume Lady said...

Sounds like maybe 2 cubs to me!

Mits said...

could be the sound of cub nursing...or licking

Lynne2 said...

there is an even better pic on her FB site on the left side where the cub's paw is resting on the side of Lily's nose

Lisa said...

Hi all,

For anyone having trouble with my Tai Shan video, it is a large Windows Media Player file. Another way to try getting it is to open Windows Media Player and then click File/Open URL and put in the link.

I've shortened it here:

I'd put the video on YouTube, but it would take a while to upload.

Costume Lady said...

Thanks Lisa, you are a dear!

hedgie said...

Well, shoot....I had exceeded my bandwidth usage limit....that's why I was having trouble. BUT....with new perks, I had a Free toekn to get my rights back!! If I have to do it again this month, it will cost $5. Go figure! So will try Lily again.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

From Twitter:
Sorry, been too busy to tweet -- just had a cub!

hedgie said...

Only 24000+ viewers on---and so am I!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Guess cubbie is all cleaned up, Lily is resting :)

hedgie said...

Oh, Lynne, good capture!

Lolly said...

Have sunk to a new low. lol Have my computer in the bathroom while I do my face and hair.

Oh, just listen to that sweet baby!

hedgie said...

Are those suckling sounds? Or Lily licking sounds? If it's suckling, osunds like a good strong baby!

glo said...

48,000 on my link geeesh I hope it doesn't crash on us

Mema Jo said...

The Baby Squalls - Lily & Cub

Lynne2 said...

those are the most precious little noises!! I can hear Dr Rogers champagne corks popping!!

Mema Jo said...

On that link Scroll down to the video on the left - almost last one down.
I thought my link was the actual video.

glo said...

think maybe anothe ron the way mama sounds louder

paula eagleholic said...

Another one?

floralgirl said...

Jo, did you get the cam up? which site did you try?
WOw- listen to that! baby number two?

hedgie said...

THere comes another one!

Lynne2 said...

oh my could that be another screaming!

glo said...

I think number 2 is here

Mits said...

so much for the peace and quiet of her den:)

glo said...

she definately isn't alone now :-)

Lolly said...

Num two is really feisty! You go, Lily!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

No she sure isn't Glo!

Well, I had a huge misconception about hibernating bears for sure.

Mema Jo said...

WHOO HOO Wildearth just left me in as #22,028

NatureNut said...

OMG!! I tried to get cams open as soon as I got here, and No Luck on bear cam or our Live.
Thank goodness you're writing the happenings!!!!! I want to go home!!!!

stronghunter said...


I am trying to keep up. I do not have sound for some reason, but couldn't anyway as I have kids taking exams. Too bad I did not bring my headphones, but the students would wonder what on earth I was up to.

Costume Lady said...

I have recorded these two births on my camera. I can't see much but you can certainly hear what sounds like two cubs crying like a human baby. Loading to UTUBE right now. Anxious to look back at it to see if I captured a baby:)

NatureNut said...


floralgirl said...

Lily the Black Bear- Lily gave birth to one cub at 11:38am CST. So far we have been unable to confirm a second cub. We just haven't heard 2 cub voices.2 seconds ago

Lynne2 said...

that's great Wanda! Can't wait to see!

glo said...

MeMa Jo you have some email I think you need to know about but I am not at all sure what to tell you to do about.

hedgie said...

Geesh.....can't get anything done!!!

Mits said...

thanks, Megan

Mits said...

turning egg at BWE

glo said...

Well Megan I guess they didn't here the whimpering and the squalling at the same time. I do think many of us did though. Maybe one can whimper and squall at the same time but well I strongly suspect there are 2. As well as the loud vocal sound from Lily similar to what we heard just before the first one as well.

NatureNut said...


paula eagleholic said...

Lily gave birth to one cub at 11:38am CST. So far we have been unable to confirm a second cub. We just haven't heard 2 cub voices.

glo said...

some are saying they think baby squalled when it lost the nipple and the whimpers were Lily comforting the one. That is surely possible too. Awesome no matter what.

hedgie said...

Cool, Wanda....if so, you may need to send to the powers that be, cause Megan quotes them as saying only one!!!

glo said...

MeMa Jo are you at home I need to call you ASAP

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

And we have 2 very busy eagles in our nest!

hedgie said...

Well, I could have sworn I SAW it coming out!

floralgirl said...

Hey Jo- I just got a strange email from you....

glo said...

Just called her Megan She will be posting on the blog soon.

Costume Lady said...

Putting up a video on UTUBE takes a really long time. It's the only way I know of to get it on my blog, or anywhere else. I'll let you know it it is worth watching.
Getting ready to go to GGs and Dinner.

Didn't ask Margy if her Dr. appt went well when I spoke to her earlier...I am so scatterbrained, along with my blonde roots:)

Lolly said...

Glo, I am with you...I think I heard whimpering at the same time of the baby crying. Also, Lily was in that same position with her head down and heard her licking. But who knows.....could be wrong. First to admit...I have been wrong before. ☺

floralgirl said...

Lily the Black Bear-Lots of discussion about whether there are 2 cubs -- but we can't confirm it yet. Things to listen for are 2 high cub voices crying together -- or one high cub voice crying and one suckling at the same time. Be careful not to confuse Lily's grunting with the cubs voices.54 seconds ago

Mema Jo said...

Need some help from all of you concerning my email... glo said...

MeMa Jo you have some email I think you need to know about but I am not at all sure what to tell you to do about.

Have any of you had any email supposedly from ME asking for $$ to get to Spain? Glo & I were emailing about her publication & then Glo got this message about from Jo Lennox traveling to Spain for a conference.

I will need to change my email account - someone has invaded mine.

Mits said...

sounds like it, Jo...

floralgirl said...

Yeah, Jo I got that. It came to my inbox titled Hello- wasn't a re: but it had the messages you and I had just sent each in the message.

stronghunter said...

Cool to see our eagles moving.

Gonna to be very busy soon. I thought I had given a long enough exam that they would be working the whole time. I gave them a long piece to read and questions to answer. Forgot that most of them will read one word, but will figure out an answer and write it in. Doesn't take very long to do that. I needed to write my own detailed questions rather than use the ones in the book.

I did find my Microsoft Office. Had to search a bit.

floralgirl said...

Oh, and sorry, but I don't have $975 to send you to help you get home from Madrid.

stronghunter said...

will not read one word.

(They just go to the questions and write in vague answers.)

Makes me so mad. It doesn't work so well to do that--vaque answers aren't what I want.

Lynne2 said...

you could sell the dragon, Megan.

Seriously, Jo, that's not good.

Lolly said...

I have not received an email like that, Jo. Just went and checked.

Mits said...

neither did I Jo, nothing in spam either.

floralgirl said...


Mits said...

OK just got it, it looked like you were answering an email I had sent to you earlier.....otherwise, I would not have opened it.

glo said...

Well I definitely do not think this has anything to do with the emails a couple of days ago about my publication. I don't think it has anything to do with my email. Just don't want you all to think I have a virus going around I don't. But I have seen this one once before late fall. That person had their sheriff come and he took a bunch of info off her hard drive. She had to redo her whole address book and changed her email address. She runs a charter bus service and everyone on that service got a similar email to MeMa Jo except as I remember it wasn't from Spain.

Anyway its not about my email. But I do hope MeMa Jo can get it figured out and worked out quickly and easily.

floralgirl said...

JO you need to eliminate that account now. Any email you send someone has access to. I just sent you an email and got a reply from the same person.

stronghunter said...

Well, maybe I misjudged . . . some are reading. I tried very hard to pick something interesting.

Really interesting watching our eagles. Wow.

I will be looking at the videos of Lily later. I want to hear everything.

floralgirl said...

Yeah, it's not you, Glo. Someone has hacked into Jo's account I guess. The email says it's from Jo, and is a reply to an email I sent her. It's obviously going to some other computer, not just Jo's.

glo said...

yes Megan that is exactly why I called her on the phone. Read her my reply.

Mits said...

should we save the email..for evidence, where is Judie, we need a crime person here?

Lynne2 said...

the dragon in your yard in the snow...or is it a dinosaur? Either way, should get Jo home from from Madrid.

OK, I don't know why, but I watch the Bold and the Beautiful about once or twice a week if I am home and i have to say (for those who may watch) that this whole Ridge/Taylor/Brooke triangle is old and stupid. These writers ought to be fired for serious lack of imagination.

glo said...

I have saved mine for now.

floralgirl said...

Yeah, when I tried to email Jo someone else replied. she definitely has an issue.

floralgirl said...

Lynne, no can do, that green monster isn't mine. Kid would be ticked....have to raise Madrid funds some other way.

hedgie said...

Guess it happened to me, too.....I sent her an email and got a nonsensical reply back, responded to it and then got the Spain garbage! Think I'll run my virus scan now.

Mema Jo said...


Seems that everytime I send out an email that person gets the bogus email from me.........

You won't hear from me until I change my email address......
I am so glad we have the blog...

I think I had a bogus email from Chase!
I am contacting them now........

movin said...


GooD MorninG,



We are finally having some violent rain and wind squalls (thunder and lightening too) here in sunny So Cal ... and the high will barely break 50° this week.

Eagle action is starting I see. BWE might lay a second today. And what do you think our headless member of the NCTC pair is doing. Do you think they are ready to start this year too?



movin said...

I think it's an immature eagle at BWO right now.



Lolly said...

Jo, so sorry this has happened! We know you are not in Spain!

Just heard the baby/babies. Sounded like little squeaks!

hedgie said...

Okay, scan was okay. No viruses detected. Now what?

floralgirl said...

It didn't have an attachment, so you should not have gotten any viruses. I just blocked Jo's email address, so whoever is using it can no longer send email to me.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Well, Miss Scarlett, this birthing babies has wore me out! I think I am going to take a little black bear nap!

ceil said...

Jo I just got an e-mail Hello and did not open it

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

There you are Ceil. Did you get to see the birth? And did anybody know we have an eagle in the nest. Think it is Lib and think Belle must be on her way cause he just started working! :)

glo said...

Hedgie there isn't really anything we can do . MeMa Jo will have to fix it all on her end. I don't think its a virus. I think its a hack by human/computer into her address book. Blocking and deleting her old email is wise I would say.

Lynne2 said...

Well, Lily is resting, our eagle eagles are nesting and all is calm....oooo just heard a baby cry!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I just heard an eagle call but not a baby cry!

Lynne2 said...

OK, I have GOT to get away from here and do SOMETHING productive....

Bob Quinn said...

Hey Jo!!! How's Spain?

I got one of those emails from you too. Boy that's a pretty nasty scam/virus or whatever it is.

ceil said...

Lynn I did not get home in time but I did hear the cub.
Bob did you know we have a bear cub?

ceil said...

We have two in our nest

floralgirl said...

Not anymore, both just flew out.

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, I didn't get one from you, but I did delete your hotmail address.

Everyone, please keep on the lookout for any mail coming thru Eaglet Momsters...I will block Jo's account for now...

ceil said...

One gave a yell I think it was Belle. I had it minimized and it scared the h*#*# out of me

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, let me know when you get it straightened out...I have moderated your EM email for now...

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Okay, so I didn't make it for a nap yet. My Lily cam is not working.

Bob Quinn said...

Bear cub?

floralgirl said...

Lily is still quiet right now...
Talked to Jo, she says don't open any email from her from the hotmail address, she's trying to sort out the issue with her account.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Bob, you don't know about Lily the black bear who is a brand new mother?

Bob Quinn said...

No, I see you all have been discussing her.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Here is the website although I can't get the cam up right now! She gave birth to at least 1 cub today and there is speculation that there may be 2. She is a 3-year-old black bear in Minnesota!

Lolly said...

When you are able to get on the North American Bear Center site, be sure to go to Visit Us and then click on Meet our bears. They have three that can not be released. Lucky is the youngest. They have the cutest video of Lucky becoming friends with Big Ted, their 800 pound bear. It is priceless and one you will love.

ceil said...

Sharon I am sorry my eyes,hearing whole body is going. I have lost the Lily site. Can't get on.
Bob Lily the black bear just gave birth. First time a cam has been on to record a black bear's birth.

hedgie said...

Yep, Bob.
A 3 y.o. bear in a den in Ely, MN who just gave birth to first cub(s) about 2 1/2 hrs. ago. First on cam birth ever of a black bear in the wild. Lots of cool info on the site.

Carol_in_WV said...

I went on the Lily bear cam 20 or so minutes ago and there were around 8000 guests and I was able to get in. Then I logged off by mistake and now I can't get back in and there are 12,700 guests. I guess the news about the cub is getting out!

Lolly said...

Well, Lily cam is throwing folks off once again. Not happy here.

magpie said...

Here is a you tube postd for the birthing

Birthing of Lily's cub
took this off the site

magpie said...

No pirate emails yet here for me Jo...
Sorry to hear about this but I would help you get back from Madrid if you needed it.

magpie said...

there's a crook on every cybercorner

magpie said...

egg visible at BWE, parent nearby

paula eagleholic said...

Egg uncovered at BWE coz eagle is eating :)

ceil said...

margy thanks Noisey little bear

floralgirl said...

Cub crying on Lily cam. She's moving around a lot again.

hedgie said...

Carol, once when I was on earlier there were 24000+ viewers!!! Couldn't believe I did finally get in!

Judie said...

Jo, before you leave Spain, notify your server about the scam email. Others should do the same immediately. You might isolate it in a separate folder the server scam cops can access separately, if necessary.

Had to go get meds so only heard Lily's cub squealing at about 12:38pm ET. Trying to get the cam again now.

floralgirl said...

Lily sleeping again, with back to cam. Cub cried some when she was moving around.

stronghunter said...

Don't know if I can get into the bear cam again. Trying.

I am getting ready to head home. I don't know when I will be able to get on again.

Paula, Jo was going to shut down my Momster mail since I can't access it right now. I don't know if she had time to before she had trouble with her own e-mail, or if that makes any difference.

I'll hope to see you fine folks on here on Monday or before. It has been exciting hearing about the baby bear(s). Wish I could have heard everything.

magpie said...

Ok Shirley bye hope all goes well with you....


stronghunter said...

Hi Judie,

It's been awhile.

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Margy. I am ready to throw a few dollars at this problem if it's necessary. I did not see Will last night, so I am not sure of the status. I was in bed by the time he came home, and I am not about to attach my school computer to the system until I am sure it is okay. I try to keep my employer happy.

Lolly said...

Not sure of your weather, but it is 72 and sunny here! ☺ Leaving to go into town to run some errands.

Have Lily back up and guess I will leave the site up, though do not know if I will be able to get back on when I get home. Oh, well!


paula eagleholic said...

OK Shirley - I'll check your momster mail

NatureNut said...

Gotta tell you we are probably going to Wild & Wonderful Paw Paw, WV tomorrow and I will surely stop at a SHEETZ!!!

One other time we were there, we had closeby tour of the railroad tracks next to the Potomac. Hope I can go and look for Eagles!! ☺ I don't see why I can't~~will be driving my own car home!! LOL

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley - I set you for no email...just send me an email when you want it changed back.

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like the Lady at BWE

hedgie said...

Just watched a litte squirrel crack and shell an acorn in under 10 seconds. Then it took about 2 minutes for him to eat the nutmeat! Doves are here, too.

hedgie said...

Oh, Lynne, BTW-----I have been SO sick of Ridge and Brooke for years! And on ATWT's, Carly, too!

hedgie said...

Whoa! Judie is here! Just sent you an email, wondering if you were ok!!

magpie said...

Sounds like a good day to travel Saturday Loretta, Honk your horn when you get into WV !

I figure you are going 522 to Rt 29 through Slanesville, you might see a lot of deer !

Hope you seen an eagle or two or three also...

Judie said...

Hi Shirley, so sorry about the home computer problems. Sure wish you could see Lily as well as our nest and BW. Will send a puter prayer your way.

Did just get back on to see Lily sleeping. No cub(s) sounds so either sleeping or eating.

Checked Diego as I thought he probably felt neglected. Exploring outside.

I know it isn't Tuesday but it IS meatballs and spaghetti tonight.

Lowreeda, give a wave of the ole SHEETZ for me tomorrow. Hope you see some eagles.

magpie said...

Not sure what the Sheetz situation is in that part of the country...
might find a few along the way though in Winchester for example if you are going that way

Lynne2 said...

I know Lynn! It's sick!! And I have to also say that Hunter Tylo (Taylor) really ought to sue her plastic surgeon, or see a shrink herself. She was a beautiful woman and should have allowed her self to age gracefully. When she returned to TV, it was ghastly how she looked.

Lynne2 said...

well, this sucks, my stomach is in revolt and I have a slight fever. Came on pretty quick....almost reminds me of when I got the Norovirus last year (and I vowed to NEVER get it again). I've gone from feeling perfectly fine to pretty lousy in the last hour or so. UGH!!!!

magpie said...

crummy Lynne, sorry to hear this...
Hope it goes away as fast as it came on....

wvgal_dana said...

Happy Birthday Gwen.

Chrissy sorry about tooth ouch!

Lynne2 sure hope you feel better quick.


wvgal_dana said...

FULL SCREEN SHE IS BREATHING STILL HAVE CONNECTION....I did not see the birth of cub darn!!!!! Did see what Jo put up and went to that got to hear the crying - screaming cub lol

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle our nest :)

Mema Jo said...

Paula - per chance could you please send an E_M email out and alert everyone of my predicament and not to open of if they do/did just delete the hello email. Let them know I am not going to Spain...... lol
Golly I hope that Norma doesn't jump all over me for not asking to take her to Spain with me - we were really going to Alaska......

Mema Jo said...

I still have not recieved answer from Hotmail as to what I should do......
I will probably go to Google........

paula eagleholic said...

Make that 2 :):)

Lynne2 said...

I love my GMail JO!

PA Nana said...

Hi eveyrone1 What a day! Sharing the labor pains with Lily and trying to see the result but just hearing the sounds, and watching for an egg in our nest ...

Didn't get a thing done today and have decided I need some color in my life. Black bears, black& white eagles and pandas.... Didn't even see the blue sky today.

Hope eveyone is in recovery from the birth(s?) and we soon see an egg in our nest!

Waiting for a skype from Max, sure do miss the little guy who's now 2years old and with skype we were able to be at his party and sing to him. His brother will be 20 on Monday and my dad will be 87 on Tuesday. February will be just as busy with b-days!

Going to try and get back to Lily anbd hope she is resting when she can.News just announced that the old TMI generator will be making the trek down to MD. The new ones coming in were a sight to see.

... later

Mema Jo said...


magpie said...

Is it just me or is the live feed choppy...stop and start...
I have had that problem with every live cam I have looked at today.
Pls and Thanks.

Mits said...


magpie said...

Well! I was able to see and hear that little bit of hanky panky !

Lolly said...

Home from errands. Now out to eat! Yum!


Lynne2 said...

My live feed is also a little choppy today.

Can't get Lily cam up.

Hi Diann! Hope you and Max have a great Skype!!

This sure has been a wonderful day, watching the Royal Pair, the rest of the eagles, the moose, and of course the best of today, the birth of Lily's cub....Not to mention sharing it all with such wonderful friends!!

Lynne2 said...

HP!!!! I can't wait to see eggs!!

magpie said...

I figure it's mostly my computer

thanks Lynne..
Eagles sure look great no matter what !

Lynne2 said...

Ready for my close up Mr DeMille (probably spelled that wrong)

magpie said...

Helen - that's Belle with the little white spot, right? in front ?

Lynne2 said...

I feel like an arse because I have yet to know which is which in the nest....I think I know and then someone reports the other....UGH!

magpie said...

I hardly ever know Lynne....
don't feel bad....
I just don't have the Eagle Eyes for it yet !

One just left, don't ask me which one....

Mits said...

yes Margy, that was Belle....and the little white thing was a loose feather, could see it flapping in the breeze.

magpie said...

Thanks Helen...I am beyond frustrated with this machine right now...
guess when the Eagle leaves I will try to do some clean up...

Ha ha, got a message on live feed "Are You Still Watching?"

wanted to answer: Trying To!

am sure it is a problem here and not with the feed...


Mits said...


Mits said...

love it when they look like they are going to peck each other

magpie said...

that was beautiful, side by side like that ! got a pic for the album

paula eagleholic said...

Eagles still there...gotta go....later!

magpie said...

Bye bye birds, and bye bye Paula too....

still cam refreshes are a little goofy too....

heard those eagles calling too, that was nice.

bye bye from here to do something with this machine

Mits said...

sorry you feel bad Lynne

magpie said...

Hello and I hope Good Riddance Blogger Cop !

Mits said...

both eagles in nest NBG

Mits said...

both eagles at BWE too.

Mits said...

one just left egg in view, must be a switch

hedgie said...

Lynne, so sorry you suddenly got ill. Hope you feel better fast. PRayers for that. Agree about Hunter Tylo---in my book, she USED to be the most beautiful woman on TV....but not anymore.

Diann, hadn't heard about TMI----where is the old one going??? How did you see the new one brought in--in person? or on TV? Bet that was a sight to see!

Lowreeda, have a safe trip tomorrow---and some fun along the way! Holler if you decide to go Rt. 9!!

Jo, I sent an email via my AOL momster list to catch those not on the blog often/yet.

movin said...

Mema Jo,
A couple of my friends and relatives have had similar problems while using their hotmail accounts.

Usually, their problems were cured by simply changing their passwords..



hedgie said...

LOL, don't think any of us got much done today!! Housework can wait....cams can't!!

ceil said...

Margy mine just went for 4 seconds and stopped but started right back up and has been ok since then. I still cannot tell them apart. Lib does stand at the top most of the time and Belle at the bottom.
Just got back from taking hot rolls that Jim made to my neighbors. That is all I ate for supper.

ceil said...

We are going to split

magpie said...


«Oldest ‹Older   201 – 400 of 557   Newer› Newest»

6/15/24 scout solo

Scout shows up and stays for a while