Friday, January 01, 2010


Happy New Year thread.


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magpie said...

Boo ! I think I made it through.
Quite a story that Ceil posted, Shirley too.

Guess I better check the one Eagle picture from today.....

xoxo back soon

stronghunter said...

Split time.

stronghunter said...

Hi Margy. Good to see you!

hedgie said...

Hi, gang! Catching up.....

Ceil, scary for sure. Glad everything turned out okay.
Shirley, hospitals don't evacuate like other places!!!!! Room doors are closed by staff; firedoors to each hall close automatically. Evac doesn't begin until fire dept. says so. Too many false alarms---sometimes a couple a day---and many are not mobile enough to ambulate to get out.......

hedgie said...

Had a nice gathering and lots of good food. There were only about 50 people there!!! Not much room to motivate for sure!!

Oops---think I saw that garland fly by when I was driving home! It must be headed on toward Norma's!!!

magpie said...

Nice picture Shirley, and I got to see YOU too.

Hi Hedgie...
It is dangerously cold outside hereabouts

magpie said...

I think I need a cat like George purring in my lap to warm me up !

Glad he only had to visit the vets today, Shirley.

Wonder how Lynne2 is doing/feeling today.

Brrrrr Glo, will be glad to see your pictures but think I will bundle up to look when you post them ☺

magpie said...

We always waited until Epiphany to start taking down decorations too...
think that is a good idea.
Sometimes I play Handel's Messiah into February ♪ ♫

magpie said...

I'm cold and cannot get warm sitting here so have to do something think a warm bath might do the trick

TTFN Good to read about everyone's doins' today. Sounds fun, Lynn, glad it went well.

magpie said...

OH I was watching a 13-point buck at Pix the other night. Might be a button buck there now, can't tell for sure

NatureNut said...

Evening Everyone in this frosty New Year!
At Park today, the stupid 'puter will NOT go online! You probably noticed I was very quiet!! And I was dying to tell you of my EAGLE sightings!(Sent a note to Div. Chief about how frustrating it is not to be able to go online. There IS work we could do!)
For the first time this season, I saw one standing tall in the nest in AM. Could see both legs & sky in between. Must have been nestorating (pics are crummy).
Later by the river saw a No. Harrier and then it flew down river followed by 2 adult eagles!!!Behind them was a small boat!!! Stephanie, our naturalist there today, saw one flying above the parking lot.
Our boss had called & said we could close early due to weather, but NO~~~people kept coming in to hike!!!Must be cabin fever!
Had a snack & Panda nap. Should eat dinner!

Judie said...

Hi everyone,

Good game today. GWU won so that made it extra nice. Quite close until after half time. It was nice to get out for a couple of hours.

Dinner over and very tired. Turning my light off now but leaving the night light on for others.

Mema Jo said...

Judie - glad you had a fulfilling day.
Good to get out and about. Hope Frank was the designated driver for you.

Loretta - your recent photos bypassed me - I just now viewed them. You should be a nature photographer!
Good that you have seen the eagle(s)
You can follow them through the upcoming season.

Lynn- Large dinner party! Glad you got to go and keep your promise!

Margy - It's today I think that Lynne and Steve pick up Daisy.. That should be why we haven't heard from her.

Mema Jo said...

Diego has been sleeping up in Bai Yun's garden room. I have yet to catch a glimpse of him going up the log or coming down the log!

Mema Jo said...

The Maine nest is filled with snow.

stronghunter said...

Overtime at my game.

Mema Jo said...

That is always so exciting.....
Best of luck for your team.....

stronghunter said...

It is very cold in Memphis, where they are playing.

stronghunter said...

Oh dear, the game is over. Arkansas wins.

magpie said...


magpie said...

Sounds like a great "Road Trip" Loretta....
will be glad to see whatever you pictures you took !

hedgie said...

Sure curious to know myself how Lynne and Steve and Daisy are doing!!!

Oh, T-bird, if you're lurking----you've been sick long enough. Time to go to the dr.!

Judie, yea! for GWU!!

hedgie said...

Oh-oh---WANDA----fire trucks coming past your house----fire alarm at at Marvin Chapel!!!!

Mema Jo said...

This really has been a long cold evening! Tomorrow Jenny leaves with family and hubby's family from the
Baltimore Port on the Carnival Pride.
Headed to the Bahamas for 7 day cruise.
So glad my kids get to do the things I never have done... 1st hand info is better then nothing. lol

Mema Jo said...

Lynn - Is that the same as last night
Chimney again???

hedgie said...

Nope, Jo---this is a church near Wanda on her road.

hedgie said...

Jo, why aren't you and Ed going on the cruise, too????????????????

wvgal_dana said...

Haven't read comment today. Been out in the cold running around.
Hope everyone is well.

Any prayers needs that anyone knows of?

Mema Jo said...

I pray you stay warm, Dana!
This cold will do you in! Good to hear from you.

Lynn - I thought Chapel was Marvin's last name....... lol

Mema Jo said...

Hubby and I are not going cruising!
We are Land Lovers !

Jenny's hubby's parents are taking their family members. Jenny will have expenses but not the cost of boarding.

Mema Jo said...

Another hour and I am going to be in my nice warm bed with my felines purring beside me! They get right in between hubby and me.

magpie said...

Making great progress here, finally took down five 2009 calendars down and have put one up for 2010...four or five more to go, they are all spectacular!

Sunday is my 7th day in a row of working. Maybe that has something to do with it, or maybe....who knows?
Going to take myself and my prayers to bed....including prayers for the homeless and needy tonight all over the world ...may God bring comfort where it is needed.

See you folks, Sunday sometime.
Hope all will be snug and warm tonight with the pillows and blankies and warm thoughts of all our loved ones...

God Bless Us, Every One
xox ☺ ♥

hedgie said...

Oh, thanks for reminding me, Dana....please add friends' sister Donna to prayer list---just diagnosed w/ breast cancer. And continue to pray for my dear Rick---he is not doing well at all. Thank you, all. Amen.

Oh, Jo---I would give an arm and a leg to go on a cruise!!!

stronghunter said...

Good night all. I will cruise up to my bed for the night. See you later.

stronghunter said...

Prayers for all who need them.

God bless.

Mema Jo said...

Two Harbors nest has a night light.

hedgie said...

Goodnight, Margy, dear-----do you have to work tomorrow yet???

Mema Jo said...

Almost ready to head down the hall

Good Night Margy and Shirley and Dana

Lolly said...

Hello all! We are home from the party/dinner. It was much fun! Lots of good visiting and laughs.

Now I have bathed and comfy in my pjs. Also under my TCU purple lap blanket!!

Mema Jo said...

Glad to hear you had an enjoyable time at your friend's party. You sound very comfy and ready to settle down.

Mema Jo said...

We are down to 16° with 16 mph winds

Batten down the hatches.....
I do hope all our find feathered & furry friends have found a warm refuge out there in & under the pines or where ever it is hidden from the wind.

Special prayers for the homeless not able to find shelters.....

Mema Jo said...

I think it is time to leave you all..

Good Night All
Prayers for all those in need!
((hugs)) ♥ ♥ ♥

Lynne2 said...

good evening all! I am so grateful to have woken up feeling about 70% back to normal!

Well, we picked up Daisy and got home at about 5pm...We would have been here sooner but there was a sudden wind shift and a big silver thing blew into the car's windshield! LOL!

She just now laid down for a nap!!! Waltzed right in like she owned the place!

She's a bit obsessed with the cats, and boundaries are being established! She wants them to play with her, it's so funny!

She know sit, wait (mostly) down, shake, and she plays with all of her toys...good grief I have forgotten how busy YOUNG dogs are! So things are going well. She is even housebroken already! That is a huge plus although I suspect there may still be an accident or three at first.

Prayers for Donna and Rick...and certainly for anyone not blessed with some shelter in this cold windy weather.

Lynne2 said...

we are all heading for's been a big day! Prayers for all of you and sweet dreams!

wish I knew why my owl doesn't fly anymore....

hedgie said...

14 degrees here already........windchill below zero........wonder what it will be like come 4 or 5 am?? Glad I'll be snuggled in my electric blankie!!

hedgie said...

Good night, Lynne! Glad things are going so well and that you feel better. Hope the metal thingy didn't smash your windshield!!

Heading for the tub---good warm soak will be most soothing and get me ready for a nice winters' sleep!!!

Prayers for all.

Lolly said...

Well, I posted and then fell sound asleep. I said I was comfy and sure enough!

Lynne, so glad you are enjoying Daisy. How much fun!

Lolly said...

Nite all!

Sweet dreams!

Costume Lady said...

It's so good to read about our friends on here going out and about and enjoying friends and family. That is what life is all about:)
LYNNE, really good to hear about your evening with Daisy...I can just picture it all in my mind. I think Daisy was filling that empty space in your heart, before you even saw her. Hope that you enjoy each other for many years to come. IS worth an arm and a leg to go on a cruise and not nearly as expensive as one would think!
I didn't hear fire trucks this evening. Probably the wind drowned them out!?

MARGY...dear girl, it seem forever since you have had a day off. You must be dragging butt:)
Don't forget to check your schedule for a Saturday off this month for our Road Trip! I have suggested a Saturday to accomodate those who work weekdays. We'll see how it all works out.


magpie said...

Good Morning but it is still really night-time!

Finland is a real snow palace today!

magpie said...

Last day of this work tour, usually don't work this many days in a and shift change is what it is this week.
Monday and Tuesday are off days for me. I'm ready !
But all of you on here work 7 days a week and then some, whether retired, or not... So I ain't really complaining, am grateful to have a secure job, really.

Be sure to check out Finland if you can...whew, they will need ice-cutter boats on there today!

Hope you all have a good day,
I'm adding my prayers for the needs requested here.

Lynn2 - am happy for you and Steve about Daisy ☺

Time to boogy.
See you tonight sometime.
xo ☺ ♥

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Am dragging in--woke up in front of the TV!
Adding Donna and Rick to prayer list, and prayers for all being said.
The security system is set.
Sweet eagle dreams; will talk to you when it's daylight.
God bless! Love you guys! :o]

glo said...

Good morning. I woke up really early and couldn't get back to sleep so decided to read back on the Blog some. I do think unless I settle down for a nap that I will bundle up and head back to the dam for a "shorter" while this afternoon. Got to go when the sun is shining. It was so dreary here over Christmas and then snow that it feels like I have hardly begun to enjoy the eagles yet this year.

Yeah its was Daisy Day Anxious to hear how things are going for her and her new family /feline siblings :-).
You all are sounding mighty cold. Its supposed to get up to 10 here I am thinking like Wed. We are all looking forward to being back in the double digits "above" zero.

Whenever its this cold and I venture out in ice and snow even just to take Dex out for a ahort walk or in my back yard I make sure I have my cell phone on me "in case" I should slip and fall. No one would know we were out there. I hope all of you , and especially those who live alone take the same kind of precaution. You have to find help quick. And I hope you all have emergency kits in your vehicles with those warm blankets, water, candy bar or few :-) flashlight etc. Candle and matches. It has saved many a life. Yours or osmeone elses you come upon who is in trouble.
Magpie enjoy your time off. Are you on days when you do go back to work. I get tired reading your schedule.

Off to see Loretta's pictures. I think I would love her job :-) Location location location.

Have a Blessed Sabbath.

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!---WOW! W0W!---It is a HOT 7° here in WILD & WONDERFUL WV!!---Now that is COOL!---Just a bit TOO COOL!---CONGRATS!--HEDGIE!--You are our 'BEST ALL AROUND EAGLE MOMSTER TODAY!!----(even if you haven't saved enough 'MOOLAH' to go on a cruise)---REMEMBER to HUG a DOG & celebrate with LYNN2 on the new member of her family!!---WELCOME DAISY!!----AAAH! LIFE IS GOOD!!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' MARGY & GLO!---Stay WARM GLO!---I haven't ventured out for a couple of days---The COLD WIND takes my breath away!!--

WHOA!!--A WHOLE LOT OF 'STUFF' going on to keep AMERICANS SAFE----

normabyrd said...

BWE---EAGLE in the NEST!!!

normabyrd said...

MARGY---WOW!!---You were correct in saying they are going to need ICE CUTTERS at the FINNY site!!---Looks beautiful!

normabyrd said...

Nothing happening at pixPA---wind & a few birds & a squirrel!!

T-Bird said...

Good morning eagle momsters and dadsters.

T-Bird said...

It is 18 in Bedford. The wind chill makes it feel like 4.

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

Well, I know it was cold last night. My laundry room pipes are frozen. It happens every time we have really cold weather. Doesn't seem to harm anything. We have a heater in there to thaw them out. Too bad I did not think to turn it on last night. We keep it really toasty in there on cold days.

Mits said...

good morning everyone....Eagle up in Maine...well it was, flew off but close by, can hear them calling to each other.

Mits said...

the Finland ground cam, which is near the Finland nest, has had a lot of crows, ravens and hoodies, feeding, also sea eagle flew by

Mits said...

Glo, if you fall and knock yourself out, does Dex know how to dial 911...?

normabyrd said...

T-BIRD---I hope you are feeling much--much better!---have missed you--

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning everybody!

normabyrd said...

OH SHIRLEY!---Our pipes did that about 20 yrs ago---& I HAVE NEVER FORGOTTEN---WHAT A MESS! They BURST!---Leave a spigit dripping works!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' BLUEFIELD SHARON!!---Our temp was 7°---now we are at a BALMY 9°--------(sometimes life is good) ho!

Mits said...

weather for nest.....

Wind Chill Advisory in effect until 10 am EST this morning...
Wind Advisory in effect until 6 PM EST this evening...
Mostly sunny and blustery. Highs in the mid 20s. Northwest winds 20 to 25 mph with gusts up to 50 mph. Wind chill values as low as 6 below this morning.
» ZIP Code Detail
Mostly cloudy. A slight chance of snow showers after midnight. Blustery with lows around 16. Northwest winds 15 to 25 mph. Gusts up to 45 mph in the evening. Chance of snow 20 percent.

stronghunter said...

Only the washer and dryer in there, so there isn't really anything to leave dripping, at least not easily.

The first time it happened, I talked to the builder and he said that since the pipes are plastic, they won't burst. I guess they expand.

T-Bird said...

Yes I am Normabyrd, thanks. Sharon is still feeling terrible.

T-Bird said...

Good morning MITS.

Mits said...

hey Thelma, good to see ya, sorry Sharon is still feeling yucky...Sharon when I was grocery shopping the other day, a "Train" came thru..."Calling All Angels" :)

stronghunter said...

We have an electric heater--one of those heaters that is a radiator-type thing. We can put it right up near the wall, so that is what we use. It takes a little while if the pipes are already frozen.

I think the cold air gets into the wall space there because the dryer vents from there. Sometimes I turn on the dryer to warm up that space, but the electric heater seems to work the best.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Mits, Andrew sent me a text the other day that "Calling All Angels" was on their radio at Staples too! Love it!

Mits said...

yes it was neat, was singing along with the "Train"....

Mits said...

both eagles at BWE

wvgal_dana said...

Blurrrrr Good Morning in the frozen times of Eagleland. Morning to ALL. Sorry Thelma and Sharon don't feel well and Hedgies friend Rick. Prayers for warmth and health.

I feel like getting back under the covers. It was warmer under there.

I was over at Halfway most know that is near Hagerstown. Lordy there were workers up in a cherry picker bucket trying to get this silvery thing down with balls on it. Couldn't see the stop light because of it. It was pretty though. When the Red light lite up the red christmas ball just glowed so pretty and bright. lol Ceil never know where that is going to end up.

Stopped at the Christian book store located near the Halfway Mall. Got to see and hug an old friend. When we went to Battlefield Bible Church on Sharpsburg Pike she went there too. Was so good to see her. Didn't find what I was looking for. But even better got to see a nice friend. ( :

Mits said...

eating at BWE, something bloody

Mits said...

I thought I saw something silvery fly by in Finland

glo said...

MitsGlo, if you fall and knock yourself out, does Dex know how to dial 911...?

Sunday, January 03, 2010 8:59:00 AM

argghhh Well I guess we will be in the hands of the good Lord at that point BUT he does have to go out and I do live alone and it is what it is. I will just have to hope I don't knock myself out if I fall. Maybe I need to add a padded helmet over those earmuffs I also never leave without these days.

paula eagleholic said...

Good Morning!

I see we are still "Happy New Year-ing"!

Cold and Very windy here!

glo said...

Norma Dex just got a big hug and he too says Welcome Daisy

Mits said...

helmet and a lifeline would be good Glo.

Mits said...

eagles still eating at BWE

normabyrd said...

SHIRLEY---You can leave your spigit in the kitchen dripping---I think it works that way----This is our coldest am---so we need to think WARM THOUGHTS too!--ho!

Mema Jo said...

Good "Down right Freezing" Morning.
I hope the wind soon dies down as it is about 17 mph with 15° temp.

I see the 2 BWE in their nest. Having breakfast - the cam is so clear!

Want to read back over this morning's comments.

Mits said...

both osprey at Cape Coral.

stronghunter said...

Be sure you take your cell phone with you when you go out, Glo. That's what the folks on here told me!

Pipes still frozen. Just have to wait.

Ceil, I bet you did not know that your pretty garland would travel so far!

normabyrd said...

GLO---love your EAGLE!!

stronghunter said...

That is a thought, Norma. I don't know if that would help, but it is worth trying. The water in the kitchen and everywhere else works just fine, though.

normabyrd said...

WHOA!---I am tired just thinking about lugging your phone -- each time you walked outside!---Can't remember my name sometimes!--would never remember to do that! ho!

paula eagleholic said...

Wow, made that last post and electric went off and then came right back on! Scared the crap out of me!

Mits said...

just one eagle at BWE now....they were hungry.

paula eagleholic said...

The cam is looking good this morning....shhhhh!

Mits said...

I'm surprised our electricity is still on...

normabyrd said...

I am most sure it works!!---I have done it!!--

glo said...

Mits by the time I get all that stuff together Dex might have wet his pants he is older ya know. LOL well he doesn't wear pants just a sweater and booties once its this cold.

I have thought about Lifeline to be honest with you but I guess I would have to push that button. I don't think I could do that knocked out either.
Norma Cell phone is very small. Just goes in my coat pocket.

normabyrd said...

SHIRLEY---If you are in doubt call a plumber & ask---let me know if he/she says NO!---ho!

normabyrd said...

GLO!---Ask the folks if they carry a phone each time they step outside of the house?

normabyrd said...


Mits said...

yes when the Lifeline commercials come on I think of the same thing, if you are knocked out you can't push the button...its like people who say they know how to swim and don't want to use a life vest...if you get thrown overboard and get knocked out, you are not going to be swimming???

normabyrd said...

PAULA!---That SCARES ME TO DEATH!----I have electric heat!

Mits said...

MT nest BWE....and Phoebe the hummer is on her egg,that she laid yesterday..

stronghunter said...

I will admit that I do not take my phone each time I go out, but that does not mean it isn't a good idea, especially on a cold icy day when you are all alone. Couldn't call if you're knocked out, but could if you fell and needed help.

On the pipes, I can try leaving the kitchen sink water running, but if I remember to do that, I will also remember to turn on the heater. Will be leaving the heater on through this cold snap.

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle out and back at BWE

Mits said...

chat room thinks Phoebe the hummer is trying to lay another egg now...

paula eagleholic said...

What is that dark thing at BWE?

paula eagleholic said...

It almost looks like a crow

wvgal_dana said...

Norma I do carry my cell phone almost every time I leave the house. Even after somehow I'll lock myself out. Take it especially when going somewhere in car. At cemetery when I get out on the snow I have it on me. Yep even when I made the "snow ANGEL".

Glo I know you know to dress warm when your out there snapping those great pictures for us to see.

Mits said...

looks like some kind of black bird...eagle left.

wvgal_dana said...

Been trying to figure that out myself Paula???

stronghunter said...

Pretty woodpecker at my suet. I expect is is frozen pretty hard. Probably some of the other birds couldn't get the seeds loose right now.

Mits said...

eagle mantling at BWE

paula eagleholic said...

Our and back again at BWE

wvgal_dana said...

Yep Mits so it must be food.

paula eagleholic said...

And out....must be some company around the nest...

wvgal_dana said...

Paula I don't think a crow. When I enlarge the pic that piece going across from the food to the right. It is a large bone.

Mits said...

moose on moose cam

Mits said...

eagle at Two Harbors

grannyblt said...

Morning eagle buddies. Watched the ME group eating a mid morning snack. Hope they nest there this year. I've always loved the view from that cam.
I always take my cell phone with me but rarely use it. I have zillions of carry over minutes. I kept my TX phone number so my friends from there can call without long distance charges. Some of them don't have those free long distance plans. My Mom has Life Alert. It only works from the house though, so you need to have something when you aren't at home--like a cell phone,CHARGED UP and turned on. With this bad weather so many of us are having now, I want every one of you to CHARGE your phone. You never know when the power may go out. We have one of those cable plans that has TV, broadband, and phone. When we loose power, it all goes. End of sermon.

normabyrd said...

KIDS---I think what I FEAR the most--- Would be to fall & could NOT get up!!
A few yrs ago--my close friend was watering her flowers on her porch & fell----she keep yelling & finally someone heard her---she lived along a street too!---NO ONE WOULD EVERY FIND ME---WHERE I LIVE!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Mits, that is a great place for a moose! :)

stronghunter said...

I have one corded phone. It comes in handy when I can't find the cordless ones, which does happen.

Mits said...

they are happy moosies...

Mits said...

second eagle just landed at TH, does not have bling on

wvgal_dana said...

I'm trying to email a picture at BWE of the large bone. It will be there sometime.

Mits said...

they are doing nestorations together..

paula eagleholic said...

Mits, the male at TH is missing one bling

Mits said...

my bad it does have a tag on, could not see it at first.

stronghunter said...

I was watching one of the end of the year programs in which they remember those who passed away in 2009. I did not realize that Kay Yow had died in 2009. I thought it was longer ago. She was a classmate and fellow English major at ECU (then ECC). Class of 1964. It was fun to watch her successes, especially the Olympics.

wvgal_dana said...

Mits, Paula check you mail for pic at BWE.

floralgirl said...

Morning all:) Holding at a balmy 18° here, soothing winds averaging about 20 mph.
There's a nice Mason update today if you haven't seen it already:)

ceil said...

Good morning all. Trying to clean up. Have a Christmas Party this afternoon and going to a friends house this evening. Glad everyone has seen my garland and silver ornaments. Lynne sorry about the windshield but weren't they pretty.
Jo the cruise ship is only a few blocks from me. Most of the time we will hear when the practice the fire drill and leave port. Celebrity line was in yesterday.

ceil said...

20 degress here and that wind is still a howling. Just heard a trash can fall over.
Shirley think you can put insulation around the pipes to help out. We are all so helpful with our suggestions.

ceil said...

I remember it has been almost 2 years since my neighbor feel in her house and could not get up. She laid there for 2 days until we realized we had not seen the dogs out. She is doing fine but has to go to dialysis but she had problems before the fall.

ceil said...


Mema Jo said...

I was thinking about your location Ceil when they said they leave from the harbor.

Mema Jo said...

BWE nest filled again with the Lord and Lady BW

T-Bird said...

Good morning Jo and Paula.

T-Bird said...

Good morning and bye Ceil.

T-Bird said...

Good morning Floralgirl. : )

floralgirl said...

Hello Thelma:) hope you're feeling better.

wvgal_dana said...

a panda nap is needed here bbl

stronghunter said...

Problem is that the pipes are inside the wall. It might be worthwhile sawing a hole in the wall from the garage, though. I guess that wouldn't be hard to do. Could replace it with an access door.

Good project for Will and maybe Tom--or for Hunter and Gramdma. I can saw holes in the wall! But will need to get warmer before I would want to do that. Problem is that we only think of it when it is cold.

stronghunter said...

Laundry room is tropical. Water is finally running again, so now I can do laundry.

T-Bird said...

Go Skins-I know it's futile but I can't help it. They can gain some dignity back. Sorry they play SD today Jim. Go Ravens.

NatureNut said...

Happy Frosty Sunday Everyone!!! BRRRRR
The sun is bright, But....
Our elec. went off for awhile last night, but on now. Went it's been off for long time before, we found we can still use gas stovetop, but not oven as the ON switch is elec!
Once our furnace croaked while we were out of town & got home on a weekend, so we had fireplace going & turned oven on low & opened the door. Slept next to fireplace under Army blankets.The log cradle warped! Fubby could get the broken part on Monday when store opened!

NatureNut said...

Glo, guess you saw I dide not have any pictures from yesterday on Blog. Have a couple very blurry eagle in nest & a cutie Carolina wren on suet, but that's all. I'll never top the Halloween eagle pics I don't think, unless we can tame one & have it pose! LOL

Mema Jo said...

I have been on the phone - Sorry if I missed you Thelma. I agree about the Skins going out in style.

Glad you are feeling a little better and hope Sharon will be doing the same soon.

ceil said...

Shirley just keep the heater going.
Jo the ship is right next to Fort McHenry. It is a few miles from the Harbor. We are inbetween the Harbor and the Cruise Ship dockings. Tell Jen to wave. They are probably there. They have a great set up. MM has left on Royal Caribean from there.

hedgie said...

Good afternoon all.
I always carry either cell phone or cordless with me when I go out of the house!!! A neighbor fell on ice and lay there with a broken femur for quite some time before someone saw her or heard her----and she lives right at the entrance to the development where anyone coming in or going out would pass! Since I am such a klutz......trying to be proactive!

hedgie said...

Learned early this am that we lost another retiree yesterday. He had been in bad health but it was still sudden and unexpected.

Mema Jo said...

It is snowing in Germany - just thought you all would want to know that. I told gd that it was too cold to snow here.

Hedgie - a good many acquaintances have passed on. I am at the age when sometimes not a week or two goes by that I lose an old friend or co-worker.

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley - when you gain access to the pipes thru the wall, then you could wrap the pipes...I had to do that to my kitchen ones that run thru my crawl space...haven't frozen since :)

Made some muffins for breakfast! Yum!

hedgie said...

Loretta, fireplace grates tend to warp and/or split much easier than expected! Can't begin to tell you how many we went through in our fireplace days! Have noticed that even angle-iron inside my woodstove now is warped!
Shirley, glad you got the pipe de-iced! Sometimes my bathtub drain freezes goes into a gray-water pit and is not buried as deep as septic lines. Then I am SOOL until it breaks loose, and have to shower whether I like to or not!!

hedgie said...

Glad that I won't be home to watch the last game of the season!!! It will be such a relief to have it over---and maybe the Skins will win if I don't watch!!
Hope the Ravens have a good game!

Norma---I could spring for the cruise, but don't have a traveling companion!!
CHristie keeps promising (it IS on my bucket list) but then her dad interferes with a trip to Hawaii every 2 yrs. And her hubby did a surprise anniversary cruise for them last year---and of course I wasn't invited!!!

Mema Jo said...


Late Lunch time

T-Bird said...

Sorry Hedgie for your lose.

stronghunter said...

I suggested sawing through the wall and wrapping the pipes to Will, but he thinks we could just put a blanket on the wall in the garage. I am not sure that is the source of the problem, or would work. Maybe a summer project for Hunter and Grandma. Hey, if we can fix the steps and paint the living room, we can do this little project.

This does not even happen every year. Just when it gets very cold and stays that way for awhile.

The wind had turned my bird house around. Hope it doesn't blow over.

stronghunter said...

Yes, Lynn, I am sorry for your loss, too.

T-Bird said...

loss I mean-one day I may learn to spell. Until then I guess you fine friends will have to put up with me.

NatureNut said...

Lynn, you might be4 glad to miss the Skins----could be the "Agony of Defeat"! I'm kinda numb about it anymore~~seems to be normal. But then we can root for some of our other fave teams!
Thelma, don't worry about spelling. I can spell, just can't type!!
Also Lynn, sorry for the loss of your coworker.
Just saw a great show on Science about geology of Meditteranean, Talked about earthquakes and volcanoes thousands of years ago & showed Santorini!3000 years ago they had one, but later did not find artifacts as people could tell it was coming and got out!
Now I'm thinking that for New Year I should work on Greece pics. I got a digital photo frame Last Xmas, & didn't use it yet!

hedgie said...

Thanks, Thelma and Shirley. Not a close association----in fact, he was probably on my "least fav" list! But, still feel bad for his wife, who I do like. LZike Jo says, it's become a fact of life. Almost all of the folks I worked with were at least 10 yrs. older than me---I was the baby of the to be expected. I know how my Grams felt a bit better now---she lived to 96 and didn't have any friends still alive and hardly any sibs or cousins. And my mom is there, too---only two friends left, and no relatives that she was close to.

normabyrd said...

LOLLY!---I am watching the VIKINGS now!----JUST WANTED TO SAY--


movin said...








hedgie said...

Time to finish getting ready to get out of here. Carolyn and I are headed for Christie's--dinner out and then bell choir concert at church. See you peeps sometime later tonight!

New episode of Brothers and Sisters tonight at 10, if you watch it!


paula eagleholic said...

Getting some snow flurries here!

Go Steelers! Good game!

paula eagleholic said...

Speaking of snow, the neighbor girls made a snowman the other day, looked kinda like this guy :)

paula eagleholic said...

Have a nice evening, Lynn!

Lynne - how is Daisy doing today? I like the name Casey, too. Was going to name our Lacey girl that name, but Lacey won :)

paula eagleholic said...

wow, Ravens and skins on at same time.

paula eagleholic said...

Steelers just intercepted...looks like they will win!

paula eagleholic said...


Mits said...


paula eagleholic said...

Checking out the egg cup

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like big Belle

paula eagleholic said...

Hi Mits!

paula eagleholic said...

She's right between the lines, LOL

paula eagleholic said...

Some wild looking pics!

Mits said...

lol...looks like a camouflage eagle, Paula

paula eagleholic said...

Which game are you watching, Mits, Skins or Ravens? Plus there is skating on!

Mits said...

sorta watching both,,hubby has a fire in the fireplace so I have been there all afternoon...

paula eagleholic said...

Do we have 2 now?

Mits said...

are there 2 there now or an optical illusion?

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, we have two! for a minute we had 3, lol

Mits said...

we had a bunch of eagles there:)

paula eagleholic said...

Back to one

paula eagleholic said...

Two again, Lib in and out

paula eagleholic said...

Back to one, not sure if this is real or Memorex!

Mits said...

well it hurts the eyes as well as raises the BP CULater:)

paula eagleholic said...

A fire sure sounds nice today.

paula eagleholic said...


NatureNut said...

Yeah, Pittsburgh won.Vikings won, Redskins are on now. Don't know what Ravens are doing.
Just had a great call from friend who retired from her Naturalist job at Park a few years ago. She became an RVer w/her boyfriend. They are staying in TX now. Weather is lovely! She still owns a beach house up here at Cobb Is. & sold her reg. home in Brandywine to her son.
Gonna turn off 'puter to plug in scanner.

NatureNut said...

BTW, went out awhile ago and something silver BLEW down the street!

stronghunter said...

Maybe it will blow to Texas or California or maybe to Iowa. Keep your eyes peeled, folks.

stronghunter said...

Skins got a touchdown.

Lynne2 said...

Hello all....IT's COLD OUTSIDE!!!! Whew but warmer here than poor Glo's town, for sure!

everything is going very well! We didn't sleep all that well last night, not because she was doing anything, but we were checking on her alot!

She catches on very fast...I'm very impressed with her so far! She has to have had some training at some point. Her obsession with the cats is beginning to lessen a bit. Mitzi and Brother are pretty much unphased by her but Joker won't come out...he tends to be a bit of a weenie. We even left her for about an hour today to go get some supplies. Put the baby gate up in between kitchen an living room to keep her in the kitchen. She did just fine! And so far she' had no accidents. She is so playful and today is much more settled and interactive with us. Plays like crazy!!In fact her and daddy are watching the Raven's game all snuggled up...and through CLOSED EYES!!

Only thing....she isn't eating. She has had treats, but won't eat either of the food we got for her. Hoping she'll do so soon...

After being outside for walks last night and today, any increase in the temp at this point will seem like spingtime!

Lolly said...

Hi All! Keeping an eye on the game.....NORMA how about those Cowboys!!!!!!! Would you believe my Joseph is at the game with his daddy and they are Giant fans. I have never been inside the new stadium!!!! Not fair!!! Foul!!!!

It has been a busy day. Had to be at the church early for training and new plans for children's church. Then came home and did a little house cleaning before the game.

Not so cold here, but the kind of day where the chill goes right through you.

DAISY, you got to eat girl! Did they tell you what she has been eating? So glad you are enjoying her!

T-Bird said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
stronghunter said...

Hi Lynne,

It is cold here, too. I was out at the grocery store, wishing I had buttoned my coat in the cold winter wind when I saw a girl walk by in short shorts and a short-sleeved t-shirt. Golly. I think it is some kind of new fashion statement with some kids. Flip- flops in the snow, short pants all year around.

Lynne, I'm so happy for you and your new doggie. I am sure the food situation will work out. I think some dogs just do not eat until they are settled. Kathryn and Tommy's Luna is like that.

Hey, Redskins just made another TD. They are ahead. 14-13.

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6/15/24 scout solo

Scout shows up and stays for a while