they started out at 6:36, just one first then two about 45 mins later, have them in the album, going to put the other ones up now, got quite a few will take awhile. Got the one you asked about Paula.
Exactly as it sounds, Shirley. Eagles touching beaks. A Sign of affection...and sometimes tension! They can beak at each other when affectionate or when they are fussing at each other.
HEY DANA!!---There is a PACE of DONKEYS at their site!!---I see a few dark ones!----Wondering how ED is feeling this am---give him my best!!---take care---
Hi Norma. The little owl is from an exhibit at open house. It almost doesn't look real, but it is a real owl.
Was talking with Kathryn about open house yesterday and she said that she really appreciated all of the attention and kindness shown to Hunter that weekend. She has some pictures Hunter took of the little monkey. Also one of the wolf's tail! Hunter is still learning about photography.
I had to get that link off the Puleston site..couldn't get the old one to open, and this one has a LOT of links I haven't even visited yet...
Yes, we need to see Ospreys... ♥
After careful review it seems the HP was not HP - as Paula mentioned she has a pic 15 seconds before mine, shows only one I am not going to post a false alarm, but bet it won't be long !
I remember seeing what I thought might be hp, but thought there was only the one eagle myself, so I think it just spread feathers. It is just a little hard to tell with the still pics. Along with everyone else, I am looking forward to getting back the live cam.
Today Areas of dense fog this morning. Sunny. Visibility one quarter mile or less at times this morning. Highs in the lower 70s. Northwest winds around 5 mph. » ZIP Code Detail Tonight Mostly clear. Areas of fog after midnight. Lows in the mid 40s. North winds around 5 mph. Monday Mostly sunny. Highs in the lower 60s. North winds 5 to 10 mph.
I'm still here, Paula! Fixed some breakfas, cleaned up from that, and was just watching a pileated carefully inspecting many of my trees.....didn't find a sick one to destroy!
Another reminder: Space shuttle Atlantis, its payload and crew are set to launch to the International Space Station at 2:28 p.m. Monday.
Both of my girls are working overtime shifts today, but eldest gets off at 1, so she's going to help me get in groceries. Guess I better go start getting ready. Seems like a lot of effort just for the store, but gotta look good in case I run in to somebody I know! LOL!
I was hoping Margy's pic and mine would be differnt times. If you say Margy's is 9:04:58 that is same time as my pic. So we won't have 2 pics to compare oh well.
I need to find out what the temperature is in this house. Ed now likes it cold cause he breaths better. I have gloves on and it's hard to type like this.
OH YEAH!---That's why I remembered STURGIS!----I also remember that at that time--I think MARGY found a BIKE parked in her area--that had the STURGIS sticker! (oh yeah--it's a small world after all)
Dana, my oldest daughter has to put up with the same thing. SIL says he can't breathe when it's he keeps house really cold. It's a wonder they all aren't sick!
I can't stand to be hot either!--We have always kept our temp at 68°---from the times the kids were small---when it gets too hot--I have a hard time breathing & start coughing!
Good Morning Everyone on a lovely sunny Sunday!☺ Was going to sweep leaves on deck into a pile & that clever Fubby is using a leaf blower!!!They be gone!
Hi, Everyone! Just wanted to say a quick "hello" before everyone's taken off in different directions. Out here we have mild Santa Ana winds, and about 53 degrees. It's not foggy where I am. Supposed to warm up to the low 70s later. Gotta go get a few things done before it gets too late. My Oregon Junco pal is back! Glad to see him again; I missed the little guy. He likes to hang out on our patio table and hop from chair back to chair back. Still have 3 or 4 hummers, too. There were about a dozen mourning doves here for dinner last night. Well, going to go get busy now. Hope you all have a really nice Sunday! Will check back later. Take care. Love all you guys! :o]
Lynn, I forgot he had the blower! Guess they will go into bed with magnolia tree and large azaleas.Oh well. We don't rake yard anymore~~~~he scoops them up into lawnmower bag. That rain really took a lot down, but more left & those trees are not in our yard!!!!LOL I remember that Cape Coral "ring" platform from last year.
Ok, I just finished reading about RSS feeds and Wikis for my blogging class. Am still trying to wrap my brain around all of that information. I wll need to understand it better before I try to teach it to my students.
I am now taking a break. This blog is easier to wrap my mind around. It was fun to see the eagles earlier this morning. Beautiful day here. I think I will go outdoors for awhile. Eventually I will need to get back to studying.
Well, Bookworm, I don't like Santa Ana conditions particularly, so I am very glad they haven't shown up around here today... 74% humidity with light and variable winds for us.
Some of the Hummingbirds in my area find enough to eat all winter here on their own, but if I leave my feeder out, most of the little beauties will stay the winter.
Shirley, it's all greek to me!!! Glad you've got a handle on some of the newer techie stuff. Have to in order to keep up with those teens, huh? Well, I'm ready to head out. Hope the store isn't crowded! BBL. Have a nice afternoon all.
Lynn, it is Greek to me, too. I read all of the other teachers' comments and many of them really know more than I do. I doubt that many of my students are on top of this info.
I learned this much--Wikipedia is the best example of a wiki. Readers can add and change information. If you subscribe to an RSS feed, you can get information on a topic fed to you so you don't have to go looking for it.
I went to Swinging Bridge, saw one hawk two different times or maybe same one twice, which I think were red-tailed hawks, seems when I am looking at hawks, they know it and fly further and further away out of view. Northern Flickers and Pilated WP's too and bunches of juncoes. It got so warm out there I could hear the ground waking up, little noises, maybe leaves drying out or little whispers...
Our nest looks sultry.
going to bed for nap before midnight shift tonight. Good Evening to all. xo
YEAH!!!! The Skins won! Didn't see much of game, but we won't have to wear a paper bag!!!! Trying to find a way to print pics in NOT a standard size. If I was good at making columns and a grid in Word, maybe could set up a sheet. Duh Gotta check on dinner fixins'~~~☺
Hey all you Eaglettes and Eagle Dudes...I am home!
Have not read the blog yet. Had a fantastic time. It was really great and had soooo much fun. Last night spent the evening on the phone getting up dates on the football game. How about them Frogs?!!! So, exciting! So..the weekend was just what I needed.
Forgot to tell y'all that yesterday we were going out Balto./Wash Blvd where I saw an eagle nest with an eagle in it. Saw the eagle by the nest in a tree. Jim is trying to figure out how we can get close for a picture.
Think I hear an echo. Sorry. I get so excited and forget to take pictures. Mits it is on the right hand side going south right before you come to the Beltway
Hi Ceil! Been scanning the blog quickly. If there is something I should know, please, someone, let me know.
Jo...will be anxious to hear your report tomorrow. Have my annual physical tomorrow morning with my gyn. More fun! Then Tuesday the wonderful mammogram. More funner!
I don't think anything of significance happened over the weekend Lolly...we are waiting for Lynne to report in on her trip to the Conowingo Dam up in NE Maryland, supposed to be a nice population of wintering eagles is 88 miles from where I live...would be about a 90 minute drive, but it takes me that long to get to Sheperdstown.
We tried our best to find an eagle's nest at Claytor Lake today. (Me, Sharon, Mattie, Justin, Becky and Tom) We didn't find a nest but we found a bear cub swimming across the lake. : )
Thanks! Glad it has been an uneventful weekend. The kind we need. So, Lynne went there this weekend? It will be interesting to hear her report. Have heard that area mentioned several times.
SOOOOOO worth the ride up! Beautiful weather....SO MANY EAGLES I couldn't believe it!!! We saw well over 20 adults and I have no idea how many I wish I had a high powered camera! Pulled into the parking lot at the dam and IMMEDIATELY spotted one in a tree....just followed all the pointing fingers!
There were a LOT of people there with amazing cameras. There were some people there who didn't even have BINOS...they just came for the drive so I was pointing out the eagles to them an letting them use my binos for a good look. Steve has been there in the summer for fishing but never at this time of year. He said he hadn't seen the water so low in a long time.
Good evening. Caught up on blog and mail. Groceries almost all put away. SKINS WON!!! Got home in time to see THAT happen....yippee!! Hey, Lolly, glad you're home and that your Frogs won last night. When I was in TX on semester break 41 yrs. ago....I brought a Horned Toad home with me and had him for a couple of years. He was a much pickier eater than my American Toad!!
There was plenty of parking, picnic tables along river near the damn, portable potties and closer to the dam itself there was a regular bathroom (down a small set of steps) and vending machines with soda. You don't have to walk far if you don't want to!
We packed a lunch and drinks. Most of the birds were on the other side of the water easily seen with binos, but there were 3 eagles "people watching" in the trees above the parking lot on our side. We saw cormorants and black vultures in droves as well. So many gulls...hard to identify the types. We had plenty of eagle fly bys and fly overs. We even saw an adult and a juvie flying side by side along the water! Ceil, I wish you had was a darn near perfect day for it!
Hey, Lynn! Yes, the weekend was wonderful and the fact that TCU is doing so great is awesome. I am pestering Jack that we will go to a bowl game, but it is going to take a lot of persuading. Yes, I played with horn toads when I was little. You do not find them now days. They are still around, but rare to find. Fun to have a unique mascot. I graduated from TCU in 1966. That's a long time ago!
So, it was GREAT!!!! In my whole life I have only seen 4 eagles (including of course the famous "bathroom" siting!!) so it was incredible to see so many! Steve's called 3 people already to tell them about it...he's never seen anything like it either!
Glad you had fun too, Lolly! I checked out the website of the place you went and it looks so nice! Hope everyone else had a good weekend! I better shut up and quit taking up so much BLOG space!!
How cool that you saw the eagle and the nest, Ceil!!! Helps that the leaves are off the trees!!!! Am so jealous of all of you. Bears and eagles, oh my!!!! So glad Lynne got to see a bunch!!!!
Ceil, Boyds is up the road from me we pass it, on the way N to Frederick , not far from Comus MT..must check that out, also the nest on the C&O canal out in Potomac MD
1 – 200 of 353 Newer› Newest»Good morning, everyone.
Have a lovely sunshiny Sunday.
Missed Belle & Lib but going back now to check again.
Hot dog Judie, thanks, and Thanks Steve
pile of Eagle action on the old thread...
and osprey at Cape Coral
Thanks, Judie and Steve.
Brought over my comment that just went through the split.
Paula asked about hp:
I was wondering, Paula. I thought Lib had left, but it is hard to tell. I kept hitting refresh, but it did not help.
Sunday, November 15, 2009 9:09:00 AM
Nice close-up view. Looks like wet feathers.
I'm pictured out, going to post from earlier and watch the new views at the same time..
Two beauties at our nest. Finally saw them.
Judie, they are still at the nest
I'm hollering for them on the old thread Judie.....
Thanks for the new thread Steve and I'm thanking the call over person.
The pics just recently weren't those eyes just BEAUTIFUL!!!!!
Looks like one poofed.
if I post duplicates I'll remove them later on
Belle is really showing off her thick beak and her white neckline.
Do you feel like you are being watched, folks? Getting the "eagle eye"? Well, now the back of the eagle head.
OH My have never seen that look before!!
I got that picture, Paula..
You all picked a GREAT time to be here !
I think Belle poofed and Lib is still in the nest. Lib is lighter than Belle
remember when Hidey started getting so close to the cam last Spring? New behavior....
Oh, oooops I thought Belle was lighter so I posted a mistake earlier, will go trash can it....
Let me go check my ID album brb
GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES, II---WHOA!--Isn't it WONDERFUL!--The ROYAL FAMILY is at home this morning---maybe they are expecting guests!!!!
MT nest!
MORNIN' JUDIE--MARGY--SHIRLEY--PAULA & DANA!---Surprise!!--a new thread too!!--
LOL, yea Norma, we whizzed right by that new thread post!
Got a few pics, but this computer can't hold many.
Did ya'll see Lib staring straight up at the cam?
Will check back later. Must get some things done.
MARGY---went back & checked---the EAGLES have been in nest since 7:56am---Notice the nest is M/T now!!---But we have certainly enjoyed the visit!!!
they started out at 6:36, just one first then two about 45 mins later, have them in the album, going to put the other ones up now, got quite a few will take awhile.
Got the one you asked about Paula.
I have to change my names for the pics near the cam. Liberty has a more straighter white neck line than Belle. From my ID album I looked at.
Where did Lynn go? She was on the other thread...
Thanks, Margy. I thought I saw some beaking....but didn't see any HP on my computer. Nice how we don't all get the same pics...
Nice and sunny here this fog...gonna head out to the yard soon.
Please define "beaking."
Exactly as it sounds, Shirley. Eagles touching beaks. A Sign of affection...and sometimes tension! They can beak at each other when affectionate or when they are fussing at each other.
kissing, lip ups together, smooching, all that leads to other things lol
morning everyone...beaking is like kissing, it is a form of bonding
Looked back at pics, don't have a beaking one from today...just heads near each other.
Yep and Paula has the 2nd part right too: "Put your dukes up", slap slap, take that which could lead to other things also lol
Paula - sent you possible HP'ing by email....
Osprey still at Cape Coral Fl
Cape Coral Fla Osprey Nest
HEY DANA!!---There is a PACE of DONKEYS at their site!!---I see a few dark ones!----Wondering how ED is feeling this am---give him my best!!---take care---
Oh my, I think I should finish my coffee before learning more about "beaking." Maybe blood pressure pill, also.
Margy they were fogged in for awhile. Sunny here.
Osprey at Cape Coral is beautiful. Good to see an osprey. Love that cam.
Thanks MARGY for posting the OSPREY site!!---
Margy, sent you a reply
Judie - HP (hanky panky) is what you need the blood pressure pill for!
Well, thanks for the definitions, ladies. I see lots of the human equivalent of beaking every day at school.
SHIRLEY---I haven't gotten use to your AVATAR!---I keep looking for a cat!---ho!---
Thanks for the FL link Margy...didn't have it here at home...
Did ya'll see the person in the background?
Glad they are mowing that grass in the nest!
Got dishwasher loaded. Need to check what is in Will's room. Need at least 8 matching glasses for bridge club on Wednesday.
Hi Norma. The little owl is from an exhibit at open house. It almost doesn't look real, but it is a real owl.
Was talking with Kathryn about open house yesterday and she said that she really appreciated all of the attention and kindness shown to Hunter that weekend. She has some pictures Hunter took of the little monkey. Also one of the wolf's tail! Hunter is still learning about photography.
I had to get that link off the Puleston site..couldn't get the old one to open, and this one has a LOT of links I haven't even visited yet...
Yes, we need to see Ospreys...
After careful review it seems the HP was not HP - as Paula mentioned she has a pic 15 seconds before mine, shows only one I am not going to post a false alarm, but bet it won't be long !
Thanks Professor Paula ! ☺
Margy did you put the HP pic in the album? If not can you send to me please? I want to see if we captured same pic or if we have to different ones. ty
that was between us on emails, sorry - that was not posted here...
Margy, the old cam for CC was replaced with this new version...
also, Margy, hope I did not refer to Annies' pregnancy as "a bun in the oven" have never liked that expression..if I did I apologize to my d-i-l
Good Morning All! Reading comments and checking out emails. Leaving in about an hour and will touch base when I return.
see ya, Jo.
I remember seeing what I thought might be hp, but thought there was only the one eagle myself, so I think it just spread feathers. It is just a little hard to tell with the still pics. Along with everyone else, I am looking forward to getting back the live cam.
Dana, Margy's pic was from 9.04.58
That's the pic, Shriley
One more cuppa coffee and I am heading outside...56° here already with sunshine.
MORNIN' JO!---The EAGLES were on forever this am!---ON the other blog!---Then STEVE gave us another!---when it rains it pours!--ho!
sun and 64° here..morning Norma
Get your coffee's and sit back and listen. Iris shared this and I know most will agree:
nest weather....
Areas of dense fog this morning. Sunny. Visibility one quarter mile or less at times this morning. Highs in the lower 70s. Northwest winds around 5 mph.
» ZIP Code Detail
Mostly clear. Areas of fog after midnight. Lows in the mid 40s. North winds around 5 mph.
Mostly sunny. Highs in the lower 60s. North winds 5 to 10 mph.
sent that to a bunch of people the other is all over the place FB, utube, twitter..TV
PAULA---Same temp here--56°--and the fog is gone!---SUN IS SHINING!!
I'm still here, Paula! Fixed some breakfas, cleaned up from that, and was just watching a pileated carefully inspecting many of my trees.....didn't find a sick one to destroy!
Another reminder: Space shuttle Atlantis, its payload and crew are set to launch to the International Space Station at 2:28 p.m. Monday.
hoping we can watch it together, Lynn...:)
Heading outside...catch ya'll later!
Morning, Lynn, Mits and everyone!
not too many of those birds left to fly...:(
Just added a capture from Mits to the album.
ROFLMBO....hope it is just the pic, you added...Lynn
DANA!---while watching the 'ITS CALLED CHRISTMAS'!---noticed a 'road sign' pointing to STURGIS!
that's in SOUTH DAKOTA---
For sure, Mits....will be watching!!!Beutiful mooses on CBS!
Fog has lifted and sun is shing, and there are lovely water drop jewels all over the trees!
Geesh, I sure can't type this morning---too many errors....please forgive!
Mits, made new caption for pic!!
And there is a pretty crazy shot at 8:10 am also.
Miss Jo---have fun wherever you're headed! Just don't forget!
Well I trash canned it anyway
Margy, that was not necessary to delete, no apologies are needed...I was just expressing my opinion.
Sturgis is where we followed Deb's adventures last summer, when she went to the motorcycle rally, and we tried to find her on the cams
Remember when Deb made the trip to Sturgis in '08??? i think she really enjoyed that! :(
OK I'll try to remember where I have been when I get back! Hubby is driving so I think I'll get home again. lol
I put my HP pic in the album but it isn't in time line with Margy's but that's ok.
Both of my girls are working overtime shifts today, but eldest gets off at 1, so she's going to help me get in groceries. Guess I better go start getting ready. Seems like a lot of effort just for the store, but gotta look good in case I run in to somebody I know! LOL!
I was hoping Margy's pic and mine would be differnt times. If you say Margy's is 9:04:58 that is same time as my pic. So we won't have 2 pics to compare oh well.
Back in for a break and some breakfast....what a gorgeous day. Lynne should have a great day for Conowingo!
Sun has broken thru at the nest...
Margy has the pic of Lib looking directly into the cam in the album...really cool pic
College kid went out last night...still sleeping...LOL those were the days. I feel asleep watching a movie...
I need to find out what the temperature is in this house. Ed now likes it cold cause he breaths better. I have gloves on and it's hard to type like this.
OH YEAH!---That's why I remembered STURGIS!----I also remember that at that time--I think MARGY found a BIKE parked in her area--that had the STURGIS sticker! (oh yeah--it's a small world after all)
The weather is just gorgeous!!!
Dana, my oldest daughter has to put up with the same thing. SIL says he can't breathe when it's he keeps house really cold. It's a wonder they all aren't sick!
With me it's the opposite---breathing cold air does me in. High humidity isn't good, either, but I do better in hot air than cold.
SARAH PALIN'S book is out Tuesday!Bet it will sell like crazy!!!
52° and overcast here in Santa Ana, but it will get better this afternoon.
What's new back there??
I can't stand to be hot either!--We have always kept our temp at 68°---from the times the kids were small---when it gets too hot--I have a hard time breathing & start coughing!
WHOA HEDGIE---I see ME & THEE would kill each other if we lived together!----ho!
Yep, Norma!
Jim, look at current month momster album---lots of nest action today w/ pics to prove it!!!
MORNIN' MOVIN'JIM!---Don't freeze!
Good Morning Everyone on a lovely sunny Sunday!☺
Was going to sweep leaves on deck into a pile & that clever Fubby is using a leaf blower!!!They be gone!
Nature - I am using the old fashioned rake! Not too many leaves, but enough to rake. Left the leafblower at Mom's - there's lots of leaves there!
Woke college kid up with the smell of sausage...time to put him to work, LOL.
Eagle at BWO...might have a fish...not sure...later!
Hi, Everyone!
Just wanted to say a quick "hello" before everyone's taken off in different directions. Out here we have mild Santa Ana winds, and about 53 degrees. It's not foggy where I am. Supposed to warm up to the low 70s later.
Gotta go get a few things done before it gets too late.
My Oregon Junco pal is back! Glad to see him again; I missed the little guy. He likes to hang out on our patio table and hop from chair back to chair back.
Still have 3 or 4 hummers, too.
There were about a dozen mourning doves here for dinner last night.
Well, going to go get busy now. Hope you all have a really nice Sunday! Will check back later.
Take care. Love all you guys! :o]
Lowreeda, blower is the only way to go if you have many leaves (like I do!! Did you know that??? LOL!)
Okay, Skins can take your signs! Snyder rescinded the signage ban!! What a dork.
Lynn, I forgot he had the blower!
Guess they will go into bed with magnolia tree and large azaleas.Oh well. We don't rake yard anymore~~~~he scoops them up into lawnmower bag. That rain really took a lot down, but more left & those trees are not in our yard!!!!LOL
I remember that Cape Coral "ring" platform from last year.
Ok, I just finished reading about RSS feeds and Wikis for my blogging class. Am still trying to wrap my brain around all of that information. I wll need to understand it better before I try to teach it to my students.
I am now taking a break. This blog is easier to wrap my mind around. It was fun to see the eagles earlier this morning. Beautiful day here. I think I will go outdoors for awhile. Eventually I will need to get back to studying.
Well, Bookworm, I don't like Santa Ana conditions particularly, so I am very glad they haven't shown up around here today... 74% humidity with light and variable winds for us.
Some of the Hummingbirds in my area find enough to eat all winter here on their own, but if I leave my feeder out, most of the little beauties will stay the winter.
Shirley, it's all greek to me!!! Glad you've got a handle on some of the newer techie stuff. Have to in order to keep up with those teens, huh?
Well, I'm ready to head out. Hope the store isn't crowded! BBL. Have a nice afternoon all.
Haven't seen any hummingbirds here for awhile, Jim. Would be nice to see them in the winter, but this climate is a bit too cold.
Lynn, it is Greek to me, too. I read all of the other teachers' comments and many of them really know more than I do. I doubt that many of my students are on top of this info.
I learned this much--Wikipedia is the best example of a wiki. Readers can add and change information. If you subscribe to an RSS feed, you can get information on a topic fed to you so you don't have to go looking for it.
Hmmm! Guess I don't need the blood pressure pill, afterall.
Hi Judie! Maybe that need will come later!
Don't get yourself overexcited too soon Judie.
can't wait to here from Lynne, about her outing to search for eagles today.
I went to Swinging Bridge, saw one hawk two different times or maybe same one twice, which I think were red-tailed hawks, seems when I am looking at hawks, they know it and fly further and further away out of view. Northern Flickers and Pilated WP's too and bunches of juncoes.
It got so warm out there I could hear the ground waking up, little noises, maybe leaves drying out or little whispers...
Our nest looks sultry.
going to bed for nap before midnight shift tonight. Good Evening to all.
Turkeys at Pix Pa - how rare !
they are invisible now :(
when I opened it up, four or five, when I posted, one, when I looked back, it strolled right out of view to the left
don't think they liked the chain saw
Great play for Redskins. Just intercepted in Denver endzone and ran the ball to 40-something yardline.
osprey at CC
hummers names are Jade and Julep
Howdy, all.
Got a ton of stuff done in the yard w/ Michael's help. Dinner menu is keilbasa and potato pancakes!
Thanks, Mits, heard Jade, didn't know the other. Seems he likes the J names.
Did the Skins win or lose?
Nice long branches right by the largest trunk
YEAH!!!! The Skins won! Didn't see much of game, but we won't have to wear a paper bag!!!!
Trying to find a way to print pics in NOT a standard size. If I was good at making columns and a grid in Word, maybe could set up a sheet. Duh
Gotta check on dinner fixins'~~~☺
Thanks, Lowreeda!
Paula I am coming to your house. Ours is roast beef, smashed potatoes and brussel sprouts
just salad and pasta here..
I think I heard the Steelers lost
Ravens don't play until tomorrow night.
poop shoot at CC
yeah, Cincinnati beat them again..Cincinnati is beating
Hey all you Eaglettes and Eagle Dudes...I am home!
Have not read the blog yet. Had a fantastic time. It was really great and had soooo much fun. Last night spent the evening on the phone getting up dates on the football game. How about them Frogs?!!! So, exciting! So..the weekend was just what I needed.
wow...CC has 468 viewers right now
guess it is getting close to osprey egg laying time down there.
spider web slowly coming in to view at nest..
sun has set at 4:56 p.m. at the nest today
Forgot to tell y'all that yesterday we were going out Balto./Wash Blvd where I saw an eagle nest with an eagle in it. Saw the eagle by the nest in a tree. Jim is trying to figure out how we can get close for a picture.
cool, Ceil, what is it near...
eagle in nest
looks like LIB, can 'tsee his feeties yet
maybe he just stopped by to check the light
Think I hear an echo. Sorry. I get so excited and forget to take pictures.
Mits it is on the right hand side going south right before you come to the Beltway
wow...can I see it from I95???
No You have to be on B/W Blvd going toward the airport. We will find a way.
I think you are right Lib was checking the night light
I was so excited about the eagle I forgot HI LOLLY
Now I will bbl
Hi Ceil! Been scanning the blog quickly. If there is something I should know, please, someone, let me know.
Jo...will be anxious to hear your report tomorrow. Have my annual physical tomorrow morning with my gyn. More fun! Then Tuesday the wonderful mammogram. More funner!
Watching the COWBOYS presently. Not so good.
me too...sorry Lolly, welcome home, glad you had a nice retreat:)
I don't think anything of significance happened over the weekend Lolly...we are waiting for Lynne to report in on her trip to the Conowingo Dam up in NE Maryland, supposed to be a nice population of wintering eagles is 88 miles from where I live...would be about a 90 minute drive, but it takes me that long to get to Sheperdstown.
Yup, Lolly, quiet weekend. Some nice pics from this morning's visit in the album.
Ceil, your dinner sounded pretty good, too.
Welcome Home, Lolly.
Someone also told me there is an eagle nest on Clopper Boyds..
Good evening eagle momsters and dadsters.
You all and Deb have been on my mind today.
We tried our best to find an eagle's nest at Claytor Lake today. (Me, Sharon, Mattie, Justin, Becky and Tom) We didn't find a nest but we found a bear cub swimming across the lake. : )
I'm back. I wanted to go to Conowingo today but did not ask if Jim wanted to go. He did some painting.
Paula where is Boyd's?
Bev and Sharon have posted some pictures on facebook.
Humpback whales on Nature at 8pm on PBS tonight
Thelma wow.
Boyds is north of I270
Thanks! Glad it has been an uneventful weekend. The kind we need. So, Lynne went there this weekend? It will be interesting to hear her report. Have heard that area mentioned several times.
Hey, Tbird, saw the bear cub cool!
How was your day, Lynne???
Oh okay. I know the area a little.Those eagles are getting around
I have the video uploading on youtube of the bear cub swimming. Will post the link if it ever finishes.
SOOOOOO worth the ride up! Beautiful weather....SO MANY EAGLES I couldn't believe it!!! We saw well over 20 adults and I have no idea how many I wish I had a high powered camera! Pulled into the parking lot at the dam and IMMEDIATELY spotted one in a tree....just followed all the pointing fingers!
Yes, hope she is typing up and interesting report.
Yes, the pictures of the bear cub are cool! My kind of thing!
Talked about the blog this weekend. Told everyone how WONDERFUL you are!
THELMA BEV SHARON!!! I an so jealous you saw a bear cub, swimming no less! Every time we head to western MD or WV I hope to see one....
Lynne that sounds great. If we had gone we could have met you there.
Good golly-I can't forget Beverly in the eagle gand. After all we used her boat.
Lynne, that is so great!
There were a LOT of people there with amazing cameras. There were some people there who didn't even have BINOS...they just came for the drive so I was pointing out the eagles to them an letting them use my binos for a good look.
Steve has been there in the summer for fishing but never at this time of year. He said he hadn't seen the water so low in a long time.
Good evening. Caught up on blog and mail. Groceries almost all put away.
SKINS WON!!! Got home in time to see THAT happen....yippee!!
Hey, Lolly, glad you're home and that your Frogs won last night. When I was in TX on semester break 41 yrs. ago....I brought a Horned Toad home with me and had him for a couple of years. He was a much pickier eater than my American Toad!!
There was plenty of parking, picnic tables along river near the damn, portable potties and closer to the dam itself there was a regular bathroom (down a small set of steps) and vending machines with soda. You don't have to walk far if you don't want to!
Shirley, you taught me something already....never knew what RSS was!!
We packed a lunch and drinks. Most of the birds were on the other side of the water easily seen with binos, but there were 3 eagles "people watching" in the trees above the parking lot on our side. We saw cormorants and black vultures in droves as well. So many gulls...hard to identify the types. We had plenty of eagle fly bys and fly overs. We even saw an adult and a juvie flying side by side along the water!
Ceil, I wish you had was a darn near perfect day for it!
I got some pictures but I'm not sure how they turned out. I 'll post them - probably not til tomorrow.
Hey, Lynn! Yes, the weekend was wonderful and the fact that TCU is doing so great is awesome. I am pestering Jack that we will go to a bowl game, but it is going to take a lot of persuading. Yes, I played with horn toads when I was little. You do not find them now days. They are still around, but rare to find. Fun to have a unique mascot. I graduated from TCU in 1966. That's a long time ago!
So, it was GREAT!!!! In my whole life I have only seen 4 eagles (including of course the famous "bathroom" siting!!) so it was incredible to see so many! Steve's called 3 people already to tell them about it...he's never seen anything like it either!
Glad you had fun too, Lolly! I checked out the website of the place you went and it looks so nice! Hope everyone else had a good weekend! I better shut up and quit taking up so much BLOG space!!
How cool that you saw the eagle and the nest, Ceil!!! Helps that the leaves are off the trees!!!!
Am so jealous of all of you. Bears and eagles, oh my!!!! So glad Lynne got to see a bunch!!!!
Lynne take all the space you want. Sounds like we have a new dadster
Lynn it is far off the road and we are going 65 mph. You have to look quick.
Split is coming
Lynne it is so refreshing to hear about eagle sightings on an eagle blog.. for a change,talk all you want about the eagles
Ceil, Boyds is up the road from me we pass it, on the way N to Frederick , not far from Comus MT..must check that out, also the nest on the C&O canal out in Potomac MD
Sure wish there was a nest near me.
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