Monday, April 06, 2009


New week thread.


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Costume Lady said...

I have lost track of Hidey's age. Was it three weeks last Friday? Someone know?

Costume Lady said...

I'd love to compare Hidey with our chicks from last year, at this time, to see the difference (if any) in their sizes. She/He seems enormous. Feet are so big, might it indicate it is a female?

magpie said...

Saturday Afternoon, March 14, Wanda.....
☺ Welcome back, we lost you for a few hours !

magpie said...

Put a couple of Braving the Wind together pics on Magpie's Roost, going to add them to the Momsters album shortly

magpie said...

I'm trying to figure out whether to call him or her, him or her also, Wanda....

magpie said...

Tough reports coming out of Italy, regarding their earthquake. Epicenter was 60 miles east of Rome, heavy loss of life and destruction.

Prayers for those people... and the rescuers...

magpie said...

Can't get on the Momsters albums...says error 999 - high traffic on the Yahoo network I suppose...

magpie said...

NatureNut has two sets of great new photos, eagles and Osprey...

Back to "work" for me....haven't chipped much off my list except a few emails, some camming, and a nap!

TTFN xoxo

Costume Lady said...

Margy, these earthquakes disturb me so much that I try to avoid the details. Years ago, when there was an earthquake in Mexico, and all those babies were lost, I couldn't cope with reading about it. It's like it scared my mind and that is the first thing that comes to mind when I hear EARTHQUAKE! Such a terrible thing to happen and nothing can be done to stop it. I guess when we are so far away, all we cam do is pray!

paula eagleholic said...

Wanda - Chick is 3 weeks old this past Saturday. The Size of the feet aren't an indicator at this point...they all have huge feetsies at this age.

They do however measure the back portion of the foot/leg as an indicator of male/female, along with beak measurements. They are accurate most of the time, but have to be done after 8 weeks of age when the chick as reached it's full size.

magpie said...

I understand Wanda...
I can't bear to think about the police officer tragedies either.
One, a natural disaster, the other, an unnatural disaster.
Praying brings the only relief in both cases.

Costume Lady said...

Hidey does have BIG least a size 12:)

Mema Jo said...

Enjoying my 3:00 cup of coffee an hour late... Opening day at Oriole Park is on TV - Quite a showing! Mits & Ceil should be loving it! Very colorful! Many many color guards - Must go Stand..

movin said...

hA ! My cable went down for a couple of hours...had to shut everything down and wait. It finally reset and connected again.

Anyway, you might not be aware of updates on the "Buddy" and the Loch Garten sites.

And earlier this morning, after reading the blogs, etc., it appeared that PH's 3-day-old chick has not been accepting food, and everybody was worried that it might not make it.

It has appeared strong through yesterday, just feeding on its yoke sack, but it should be feeding soon .....



deb said...

The family that disappeared has been found. The parents turned themselves in. Husband under arrest, wife is being held on a detainer.

magpie said...

Glad to hear all are safe...
hope there is a good safety network for the children..

Deb, thanks

paula eagleholic said...

It appears the PH first chick has not survived. It has not been seen today and there haven't been any attempted feedings.

Cross your fingers that egg #2 is day 37.

movin said...

Wow, that's some fish Liberty brought in for the family.

Both Panda sites seem to be functioning normally, if unexcitingly, today.



deb said...

I hope so, too, Margy, but they didn't mention the kids in any of the articles here. Hope they are with family and not Child Services, they must be pretty upset.

paula eagleholic said...

Margy, you have mail!

paula eagleholic said...

Guess they finally came to their senses. Poor kids.

magpie said...

Yes, hope with family or some really special foster parents that can keep both children together.
Always had a dream to do that...

Tough news out of Pelican Harbor...
but thanks for the updates, no sense not knowing what is going on :(

northof49 said...

first time viewing eagles, great site,

Mema Jo said...

Welcome northof49 up there in Canada
Really good to have you join us

magpie said...

Well, northof49, you have picked a good week to start watching...our new cam is top notch! and our Eagle family has always been top notch !

North of 49 - as in, north of the 49 states with Alaska being More North?

Welcome ☺

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Welcome northof49!! We kind of like this site too! :)

magpie said...

We're pretty chatty on here! Our Momsters Dads will be glad to have another Dadster on board !

We have so much to share with you.

magpie said...

Or maybe that is north of the 49th parallel....not too sure of my geography these days ☺ Been out of school too long but I think I can scare up a Geography book !

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, I just went out to fill up my bird feeders and am now officially froze to death! It is so cold out there, snowing . . .

And when is spring??????

magpie said...

Hey there Double E-S - !
didn't mean to forget my manners a little while ago. Wish I could have feeders and fill them....
You know, my squirrel problem....

magpie said...

Oh that was Rich! A poop shoot swirling in the wind ~

Go Hidey ! ☺

magpie said...

Great site at Connecticut Paula, sent it to my brother, asked him to let me know how close he is to it.

Thank you !

Safe travels the breezes..." both hands on the wheel, eyes locked on the road," as my grandson says when we are out together.... ☺ ♥

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Right now I have yellow finches, white-throated sparrows, cardinals, house sparrows, mourning doves eating out here and by teh time I publish this, there will probably be a couple other kinds. My finches are in various stages of getting more yellow.

magpie said...

Looks like Hidey is sucking on parent's talons...maybe there is some fish juice on there ☺

Okay, I', disappearing into some tasks now.

TTFN xoxo

magpie said...

I could safely hang a finch seed feeder, have in the past, and got those Gold Finches and House Finches, Sharon... think I will try that ...
Happy Bird Watching ! xo

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Hidey is working on some nestorations!

paula eagleholic said...

LOL Margy, maybe Hidey was sharpening his beak!

And it doesn't matter if you call our chick a guy or a gal...could be either!

northof49 said...

thanks everyone for the welcome, i do live in canada, on the shore of lake superior in northern ont. we have three pairs of bald eagles near here,,,

paula eagleholic said...

Welcome Northof49....

How cool is that!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

And now I have chipping sparrows and juncos. I so love my birds. I will be glad when this weather breaks though. This is nuts.

paula eagleholic said...

Belle fed a good bit of yesterday's dark fish to Hidey, and is having some now, too...looks like all that is left is the head :0

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Fish juice, that sounds so appetizing! :)

Mema Jo said...

I see your snowflakes on your cam, Sharon

I have not had but a few drops of rain here in the valley today.

Parent in nest with Hidey

deb said...

Both eagles, now.

Mema Jo said...

I'm off to dinner time


magpie said...

Ha Ha power of suggestion, Jo
dinner time at Eagle Roost, dinner time at YOUR Roost ☺

magpie said...

Almost looked like one bird was asking the other: Do you need a break? You can go first if you want to....

magpie said...

Three pairs or Bald Eagles, northof49 - you got our attention on that one !

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

That wind makes for some lively poop shoots! That is too funny!

magpie said...

Team tagging against the wind, shift change coming up I guess

magpie said...

I think the wind makes them more hungry..

Belle seemed worried about her spouse taking off into the wind...

That fish must be delicious, and she is taking care of Hidey....

Great viewing here, but I have to go work on something...

See you all later...☺ xo

magpie said...

That baby must feel so loved !

Two parents...again...setting up for the night...

Mema Jo said...

Hidey does NOT want to be under the Fluff - Came right up out of there

magpie said...

"okay - I'm leaving, and taking a little snack with me, see you later, Honey..."

magpie said...

Camoholism...there is no cure ...

magpie said...

Okay, Mema Jo, we're loading up the New Album with lots of pictures! 45 so far...several contributors ....
Getting a lot of those "999" errors thought but I got all mine in for today so far.

Okay, bye, really, I mean it...bye.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Is that the sun shining on our nest??????

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mr. and Mrs. Towhee, titmouse and chickadees to add to my list now.

Mema Jo said...

NBG eaglets are all alone!
3 little bobble heads!

Mema Jo said...

OKLA Nest - adult just arrived with fish
Both eagles in nest
BOY THAT Eaglet is sure growing!!! And ready to eat!

I only see one eaglet - I thought there were more eggs..... Can't keep up with these nests!

Mema Jo said...

ME nest has one drenched adult eagle incubating egg

Mema Jo said...

Our skies are cloudy but it is still light out. Guess our night light will come on soon though.

Has it stopped snowing in Bluefield, Sharon?

Costume Lady said...

Sharon, we saw our first TOWHEE this morning, but he disappeared and hasn't come back:(

Costume Lady said...

Miss Jo, did your doctor have any comments on your taking a Road Trip?

deb said...

Only one of the three eggs in OK hatched, Jo. :(

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Deb - I lost count.
The eaglet is really large and looks as though he/she is going to jump in on that fish if it doesn't get fed soon.

Mema Jo said...

Wanda - Didn't really ask him direct about the trip.... I think it is going to be up to me! I'll be in touch!
Try to tell me an estimated overall time for the trip. WHoo Hoo

Costume Lady said...

WELCOME TO OUR BLOG Northof49! I think you are our first Canadian to join us. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

Mema Jo said...

Going to catch some news


Costume Lady said...

Jo, just a guess: 2 hour to get there, 2 hour visit and 2 hours traveling back home. We will have sandwiches and snacks and drinks for everyone, so we won't have to find a place to eat. Now if someone knows of a fabulous restaurant on our way and wants to stop, we can do that.

Costume Lady said...

Jo, we will accomodate you in every way we can. You can even take a Panda Nap in the EE if you want!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mema Jo, we have a fine snow falling right now. We just got a winter weather advisory for 2-4 inches in the higher elevations. Never know if we are higher elevations and never know where the western facing slopes are.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Wow, that was some major fight with a stick!, still working on it.

Mema Jo said...

I am back - watching our nest where a
very long stick is trying to be moved by the adult! It is going to whack Hidey if he/she doesn't stay down in that egg well

Mema Jo said...

Trying to settle down over Hidey is like putting a square peg into a round hole!

Costume Lady said...

Jo, Gene said to tell you that we have electricity (generator) in the motor home if you need it:)

Costume Lady said...

Jo, how does Ed get your X-Rays? I had my head X-Rayed a few years ago and would love to have it so as to prove I have a brain;) I guess, you just ask.

wvgal_dana said...

Evening All in Eagleland ( :

Comcast just left and I have a new modem.

Xray's huh Wanda...if it was like say City Hospital. Just go out there to the medical records. File out a form and they will call you or tell you when to come back to get them, it will also have the report with it. I think you need the date or year they can possibly look it up.

wvgal_dana said...

Wanda I haven't read all of comments yet but Middy was hatched on March 14th last year. Our 2nd eaglet.

Costume Lady said...

THANKS, DANA...I never knew you could do that. I have to take GeeGee to the hospital Wednesday for her Carotid Ultrasound, so I will ask then.

Costume Lady said...

Got her report back today on her Echocardiogram...A OK!

Costume Lady said...

Middy has the same birthday as Hidey:)

Costume Lady said...

I was going through papers here at my desk today, and found Hidey's birthday information. I couldn't remember. Now I will have to try to find a photo or two of Middy.

wvgal_dana said...

Nice flyin by parent with a stick.

wvgal_dana said...

Great news on ECHO for GeeGee still prayers.

Mema Jo said...

I see both in nest with night light on.
Glad Hidey is holding still!!

Costume Lady said...

Wonder what Lib just flew out with in his beak?

Costume Lady said...

I think maybe Hidey is getting a little common sense. It is 47° and very windy, so she is staying put:)

wvgal_dana said...

I would think with the wind blowing like it is up there. It would be cold enough for chick to stay under Belle.

wvgal_dana said...

I see we had a nice visitor from Canada. Welcome northof49 hope he comes back to visit more often.
He can share information on his 3 pair of eagle maybe with us...awee 3 pair.

Sorry to hear about PH chick hope that 2nd egg does hatch Paula.

Will have to try to catch update on Buddy and Loch Garten.

Mema Jo said...

Wanda - I have my x-rays at the CRA lab and they will give me my film before I leave. I always need the Lung CT to take to the pulmonary Dr.

However! When I was in the hospital for the leg they did the Lung CT there as I was due for one and it was more convenient to go ahead & have them do it.
My pulmonary Dr has access to their network so he looked at them right there and then! I may start going to the hosp as I just hate lugging those large x-ray sheets!

wvgal_dana said...

I see Bob was at BWO and seen mating of the usual lady and the new boy. Hope that
Monica Osprey leaves the pair alone so they can have eggs and chicks this year. Be nice I always love his pictures.

wvgal_dana said...

Oh boy CT Osprey Kidd and Lola have their 1st egg I have just read on earlier comments this AM. ( : I too hope they can get the cam regulated.

deb said...

Both Osprey are at BWO still.

Mema Jo said...

That should be a good sign.... unless it is the 2 females waiting for the male to fly in.

Did you watch the video clip Lisa has up on the page........

deb said...

I did watch it, it was a good video. I can't remember what time the cam shuts down for the night now.

Mema Jo said...

Really windy up at the nest - out in my back yard also.
14 mph wind gust at the nest and it is
45.9° Reads as though the wind will be there all week......

Mema Jo said...

BWE & BWO should both shut down at 11pm

deb said...

Female osprey at WW.

Mema Jo said...

She is really a beauty! I like the angle
of the cam's view this season.

wvgal_dana said...

Mema Jo so happy your leg is coming along very good ( :

Mema Jo said...

Is there only 1 osprey at BWO platform now. I mistook the weed blowing in the wind for an osprey earlier I think.

deb said...

I was just sitting here laughing because the second Osprey was a weed. I see you already found that out!

Mema Jo said...

Hi Dana - It really was remarkable what they did to my old body to keep it
up/running! lol

With my cane in one hand and the oxygen cylinder in the other - I am Out The Door

Mema Jo said...

Hey Deb! You think we need a break! lol

Mema Jo said...

Adult eagle in the nest with BWEaglets

Mema Jo said...

Going to get my low-carb snack!!!

No ice cream or chocolate chip cookies for me!

deb said...

It's funny how part of that weed looks like a beak. Finally noticed that it never moved! I thought it was strange that both Osprey were in the nest at night.

wvgal_dana said...

I also thought when I brought up BWO that was 2 osprey lol

Jo what is the low carb snack you are having?

Lolly said...

HI brings you up close and personal with a bald eagle!

musky said...

I just recently started enjoying the live video of the eagles. Fascinating! However, I was stunned that you light up the nest at night. The eagles deserve to experience the darkness of the night sky, as well as the light of the moon and stars, unencumbered by artificial light.

Lolly said...

The eagles do not see the light.

deb said...

Welcome, Musky. The eagles do not see the light, it is infrared.

Costume Lady said...

The light is INFARED. Cannot be seen by the Eagle Family. We have the utmost respect for our feathered friends and would do nothing to harm or hinder them.

Costume Lady said...


Mema Jo said...

Dana - it is 5 small wheat crackers with cheddar cheese with bacon gonked on them! I'm allowed 15 carbs.

Muskie It is an infrared light and it's correct that the eagles cannot see any light. Check out this cam -

BlackWater Eagle Nest

NatureNut said...

Hooray for Jo! Healing & getting better every day!
Cooked an easy but time consuming dinner, watched some TV & BBall w/ NC & Mich just started at 9PM.
Hope all good little eaglets are fast asleep ☺

Hope you Bluefield ladies aren't getting much snow. We will get freezing tonight, but no more precip.

Mema Jo said...

Sorry me too ...INFRARED

Glad you joined in with us Muskie

NatureNut said...

Still one osprey at BWO. That's encouraging--maybe spending the night & claiming the nest! :>

Mema Jo said...

News Release: FRESNO, Calif. -- Federal officials confirm they found traces of salmonella in a central California pistachio processing plant that sparked a nationwide recall of the nut. The plant temporarily shut down after recalling more than 2 million pounds of nuts last week.

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...

I don't think I got the cam when it was open... can't open it now.. Sorry.
Anyway it was really coming down out there in Bluefield.

deb said...

I checked the Osprey questions at BWO and the female will sometimes spend the night at the nest before laying an egg. They better start getting some nesting materials in soon.

Mema Jo said...

Maybe we could send Liberty down with some fluff!

wvgal_dana said...

Muskie it is like you are out in total darkness. You can't see anything. Then you put on a pair of night vision goggles. That allowing you to see.

wvgal_dana said...

I'll check back in going to watch a tv show.

Mema Jo said...

Checked out the Raptor Cam with the Red Tailed Hawk on the fire escape landing
Reporting that ...5 PM on Monday, April 6 and Still No Hatch

Mema Jo said...

I'll be back - also going to check out TV show........

Mits said...


Currently At 10:24PM[ More ] 43°F
Winds: WNW
at 23mph
Mostly Clear
Humidity: 53%
Dew Point: 27° F Pressure: 29.43 in
Visibility: 10 Miles

paula eagleholic said...

Deb, that's what I said about those osprey at BWO, too much HP, not enough nest building!

Lolly said...

I am watching Castle. I have seen several programs of this new show and I like it.

magpie said...

My eyes are tired, and I can't tell: what is at BWO Osprey on the right side of the platform? Are these the weeds?

All help would be appreciated for this old antique.... ☺

magpie said...

Two adults at Blue Heron cam...still do not see the egg...

magpie said...

Well! That was some serious mating at Heron Cam

deb said...

It is a Weed Osprey, Margy. Jo, Dana and I all thought it was an Opsrey, but it is a weed or branch of some sort!

Mits said...

good night everyone:)

deb said...

Night, Mits, I was just going to ask how the game was, but will wait until morning to find out.

magpie said...

Thanks Deb....I need super power glasses right now to see much, I did chuckle at the Osprey Weed comment from earlier...but I CAN SEE see those adult herons grooming and preening each other, it is very fascinating

hedgie said...

Hi, gang! Didn't get home until almost 9 and then have had a horrible time getting online. Don't know why. Finally did, and have caught up on regular email but not blog or momsters' mail!
By the time I've read through blog, everyone will probably have turned in!
Drs. report good--xray and labs fine. 4 yrs. next week since I was diagnosed and told 1-2 yrs.!! Beating the odds , so far!!!!

deb said...

Hidey was just giving Belle a ride. Of course now that I am recording, it probably won't happen again. That wind is really blowing the feathers.

deb said...

Great news, Lynn!

magpie said...

Great Lynn...nice way to end the night, with your good news...

Wild Video of the three Blackwater Osprey!

Looks like Mother Blackwater is spending the night with the kids tonight.

I think it's time for me to hit the sack and rest the eyeballs.

Hope everyone is doing well tonight, and best wishes for a good night's rest.

Peace, Love and Prayers xo

Mema Jo said...

You are a winner!

wvgal_dana said...


deb said...

I am signing off for the night. Sleep well!

Mema Jo said...

I just sent out notice of all the April birthday on the Momster email. Mine landed in my JUNK MAIL
Please check yours!

Mema Jo said...

Headed in to bed - calling it a day

Good Night ALL

Prayers for all needs being said
((((hugs)))) ♥

NatureNut said...

YAY for you, Lynn!!!Great news!

Gotta shampoo hair & hit the hay.
NC is winning big time. Candy should be happy!
Nighty nite! ☺

paula eagleholic said...

Good news, Lynn!

hedgie said...

Thanks all!
Welcome to our new bloggers.
Looks like the Tarheels are going to WIN!!! Bet Candy is one happy momster! Wonder if they are on Easter break down there, so she doesn't lose too much sleep!?!
Sad about PH chick.
Jim, we had seen the update on Buddy this AM.
Had a nice dinner out w/ daughter and SIL...we ate at Glory Days--I had never been there b4--good meal--watched both ballgames while we were there---Nats were losing and O's lead was diminishing....don't know how either one turned out...waiting for news after BB game ends.

paula eagleholic said...

Gnite all,

Hugs to all ♥

hedgie said...

They say it's snowing in Detroit where the game is.

hedgie said...

Wanda, glad that GeeGee's report was good. Were you at the Drs. office today? I was there at 2.

hedgie said...

Found the most perfect privacy fencing at Home Depot today...exactly what I had in mind to solve the problem of the ugly mess new homeowners have in my view. Not cheap...but not a bank-breaker, either, soon as other SIL's brother is ready to install, will get that accomplished.

Lolly said...

Fantastic Lynn!!!! Could not end the day with any better news!

Lolly said...

Isn't it wonderful to have neighbors that have you out buying fence. We have great neighbors now, but on two sides we had to put up fence because of messes. Actually, had to put one up because of mess and dogs. Dogs that barked everytime we were in the yard. Fence worked!

hedgie said...

Yea, Tarheels!!! Way to go! Did I mention that my dad was born in NC?? DIdn't move to DC until he was 7.

hedgie said...

I have that along with the mess, too, Lolly. 2 of them....bark, bark, bark. I used to love it here...for 16 yrs. Then they built and moved in last Sept., and now I hate it here!

wvgal_dana said...

Nite all
Prayers for those that need them

These eyes are tired

hedgie said...

If the market wasn't so awful, I would sell and is really that bad!

movin said...

** good nIght **

** everyOne **



hedgie said...

Night, Dana...and everyone else who has called it a day. Guess I'm going to, as well....I am tired, but do want to listen to news. Hate to hear update from Italy...think it's going to be worse than what I had heard at noon.
Sleep well, fowl friends. Prayers!

Costume Lady said...

Fences make good neighbors;)

Costume Lady said...

Lynn, the trip is on for the 21st!

Costume Lady said...


Lolly said...

We have a 6ft fence on two sides. The third side has been our neighbor for the whole 36 years we have been here. Their yard is lovely and well kept. But, I now like the fence on the other two sides. It makes a good back ground for my landscaping.

I want to go on the field trip, too! Waaaaa!!!

Costume Lady said...

You know that we would LOVE to have you come along, Lolly! We will have many pictures to share with you:)
Nite, Nite

Lolly said...

Nite Wanda!

Nite all! Sweet dreams!

NatureNut said...

Good Chilly Morning Everyone!
Somebody better go sit on Hidey!

Costume Lady said...

Yes, Loretta, Hidey needs some is only 36° here.

floralgirl said...


KIT said...

ok ... night viewing is new to me ... how is the nest luminated?

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6/9/24 hawket info

 He was winger sizing and got a little bit too much air and then depression, I guess into the ground and his rescued and taken in here is th...