Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Icy day thread.


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Mits said...

eagles still there

Mits said...

Belle putting leaves in egg cup

Mits said...

looks like more precip headding to nest...34° there

Mits said...

Lib poofed

Mits said...

have not seen a food drop at BWE today, and leftover dove is gone

Mits said...

just checked Maine, Ceil your right is wicked up there

movin said...

Bai yun and ZZ are both on the ground on their backsides eating their bamboo.

First time I've seen ZZ copying mom that closely.



movin said...

Now, ZZ is trying to rassle a big piece of bamboo away from Bai.



movin said...

Both eagles at BWE now, but I can't see if any food was brought in.

Maybe it's "get your own" still.



Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Eagle feet look so strong!

ceil said...

Beautiful Belle I think. Great shot of her. Good one Jim.

ceil said...

Don't they Sharon. Amazing.

Mits said...

I just sent you 2 a pic....talons are dug in there

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

And I love watching the eagles flying in and out of the nest in Norfolk.

ceil said...

That's what I saw Mits. Them is some big feet on that bird.I better get supper started.

Mits said...

looks like the one ealge is trying to get the other eagle up and moving at BWE...the one that has been there is really wet, the other one is drier

Mits said...

ah, my dinner is cooking away in the crockpot.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

HP in Norfolk. Trying to hit a moving target cannot be easy! :)

deb said...

HP on a windy branch in NBG.

Mits said...

lol, Sharon

Mits said...

reminds you of the huge planes that get refueled in the air;)

Red said...

I'm staying out of this one. lol

floralgirl said...

Looks like we are finally out of the precip here, poor BWE is getting hit hard.
I have friends in NH, where I used to live, near Maine border, they were expecting 10 to 14" of snow, and they already have lots.

Mits said...

Hey Red, BRS is getting his windows washed now, maybe that other place was not working this a.m.

deb said...

BRS just washed his windows at the truck stop. I couldn't figure out what I was seeing at first.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Ah, come on, Red, join in with us crazies! :)

Red said...

When I lived in Canada this was about the time of year when my 4 ft. chain link fence got covered. Not so much in one storm but accumulation.

Mits said...


Mits said...

yes, BWE just looks pathetic, never seen him hover over her like this for so long

Red said...

His windshield needed cleaning. I was trying to figure out where he was and couldn't read the overhead signs. He's in Des Moines now though.

Mits said...

looks like sunshine at the nest

floralgirl said...

Yep, sun is shining here as it's on it's way down.

Mits said...

I wish BWE would get up and take a break

Costume Lady said...

The sun was shining just a little. The wind is blowing so hard that the ice chunks on the trees are flying all over the place. It is 39°.

Costume Lady said...

Red, it is very astute of you to know that the leaves will help melt the snow. What kind of school did you go to?? Or was that JIM? Going back to check.

Mema Jo said...

Look at BWE Both in nest

deb said...

EAGLE on my still cam.

Red said...

It was Jim who said that. But I think he's right.

Mits said...

good she finally moved and is turn ing eggs

Costume Lady said...

Eagle on both of my cams. Getting ready to spend the night??

Mits said...

eagle on my live cam

Costume Lady said...

Thanks, Red. I looked back, but couldn't find the comment. You and Jim are both so well informed. Kudos to both of you:)

Mema Jo said...

Windy up in the nest.
We are getting rain here in the valley

Mits said...

found it....

hedgie said...
Decaying leaves generate heat...they're maybe using them as de-icer!!!

Costume Lady said...

My BWE is still can that be???

Costume Lady said...

I find that leaf thing very interesting...have never heard that. Never too old to learn:) Might think about covering my house in leaves. We will be needing another fill of fuel oil soon. Last time, I thought we'd have to mortgage the house to pay for it!

hedgie said...

Actually, Wanda, I mentioned the leaves first!!! Just pay attention in your wooded area when we've had a light snowfall...the snow will always melt first there before it does on the grass!
Wicked winds=wicked ice was terrible...made me want to run and hide in basement. The noise was awful, especially in sunroom!! Temp never went over 32° here; little bit of sun when the winds began...can see some blue sky now!

Red said...

Jim mentioned using leaves to thaw ice in his comment at 2:39 PM. Maybe he read Hedgie's comment.

Mits said...

that wind at our nest is awful and eagle does not like it....yes Lynn knew you had mentioned that,(posted again for you) thought that was a really interesting tidbit

Mits said...

2nd eagle came in

Costume Lady said...

Lynn, you are WOMAN, YOU ARE WISE!!
Isn't it wonderful, the things we learn on here? Love this blog and our people!

Mits said...

poof poof

Red said...

I learn something new every day. Knowledge is great.

Red said...

I hope BRS had insurance to cover his living expenses while his truck was being worked. on. I think he was in a motel for at least a week.

Red said...

I'll bet they have loss of business insurance too.

Mits said...

yes, with the cat too

Red said...

He has a new video of the cat playing on top of the TV in the motel.

hedgie said...

In actuality, WORMS are the primary stimulus of the heat in the decay of leaves! Can't remember the info now but there is some fantastic amount of soil, loam, forest detritus, etc. that they munch on and expel every day that keeps rebuilding the forest floor!

Red said...

Yup. Forrest are full of worms. When I was a kid we would sometimes run out of worms when fishing on a creek nearby. Then we would fiddle for worms. Fiddling is done by cutting a small bush off about 4 inches from the ground then rubbing the stub with a flat rock causing the ground to vibrate. Big earthworms would then surface. Just pick them up. lol Now you know the rest of the story.

Mits said...

they are cute cat videos, Red

hedgie said...

Never heard of doing that, Red!!! Wish I had known...I've had toads and salamanders as terrarium pets most of my life...and often had to go buy worms and stuff because so often couldn't find any around the house!!

indiana nesting eagles dave said...

Good snowy evening; I posted some
photos on winter with the eagles
of the nest but no birds.we had 12"
on the ground and it made it look
great out.

Indiana Nesting Eagles----Dave

I will be back after while

Mema Jo said...

Red - Whenever I ran out of worms when fishing.. That meant it was time to go
home. I never ever knew that trick of
getting worms so easily. I need to tell
my grandsons - they love fishing.

Red said...

sometimes it's hard to find a flat rock. lol

Red said...

I suppose anything to make the ground vibrate would work.

hedgie said...

Went out to get wood, and power went out for a few moments (second time today!) and when it came back on I heard a transformer explode somewhere nearby! If power remains on--please!--outside sensor lights will be on all night...takes daylight for them to reset/recycle! Makes it hard to feel safe when they stay on all night...

hedgie said...

Guess it's time to get something for dinner. BBL.

Costume Lady said...

RED, have you ever fished with bloodworms? They freak me out when I have to put a hook into them! YUKKK! I like fishing with shrimp blood and no slime;)

Mema Jo said...

During the past seasons when rain or snow dampens the nest - Our very brilliant eagles have always brought in leaves to absorb the wetness...
We used to always joke about 'Belle's getting a new flooring for her nest!!'

Didn't know the science of it all but we just assumed they knew what they were

Costume Lady said...

Ham and Bean soup...crusty bread...all gone. Gene makes this dish. Very old fashioned and good:)

Costume Lady said...

They are so wise, Jo:)

Mema Jo said...

House passes $819 billion economic stimulus bill
By a margin of 244-188, the House passed the bill which features a mix of spending and tax cuts. The bill now heads to the Senate.

floralgirl said...

Now I never heard of fiddling for earthworms, I gotta try that this Spring. We have lots of big earthworms here.

Lolly said...

Good evening! We warmed up to 36 today and a lot of the ice melted. We drove into town and the roads were okay except for areas that were in shade, and of course bridges. Trip to babysit was cancelled. Drat! But a good thing, any moisture on the ground will refreeze.

JO.....thanks for calling Norma. It is like we thought, computer problems.....sure do miss her. HO!

Red said...

Never used blood worms for fishing Wanda. Have used grubs from wasp nests. Good for bream and bluegill.

deb said...

HO! Lolly, we got up to 36, too, if my pick-up thermometer is right. It was so nice to have some sun and not zip up the coat.

I have some exciting news! I am going to be interviewed for SD Magazine and they are, hopefully, going to use some of my Osprey pictures. I am not sure if the questions will be about the Osprey project, birding, or both. I am waiting on an answer as to the when and where.

floralgirl said...

That's great,Deb! congratulations.

deb said...

That is a lot of snow in the nest, Dave. It reminds me of the Oregon nest last winter--I pillow of snow, as Norma always said.

deb said...

It will be fun if they do use some of my pictures. The editor is a State Senator, so I will be dealing with his daughter. She isn't her dad, that is my politically correct way of phrasing it.

Lolly said...

That is really exciting Deb. Now, how can all of us see this mag. after the interview?

deb said...

"a" pillow, not "I" pillow.

Mits said...

fantastic news Deb, how exciting:)

deb said...

I just checked their website and since they want to sell the magazine, they don't post it on line--I didn't think they would. Maybe I can scan it and send it that way when it comes out.

Mema Jo said...

That is awesome news! You sure deserve
it and I do hope they publish some of
your fantastic photos in the article.

Mema Jo said...


Mema Jo said...

Wanda - BWE moved - cam not frozen

Lisa emailed me saying......

I think when it gets really rough, they don't move much.
I've been watching the radar -- the rain has left our area (up north) and it's about to leave Blackwater

Mema Jo said...

Now I'll be back later......

Mits said...

eagle just changed positions again at BWE

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Been reading back on the blog for this evening. So... we have a celebrity among us, huh Deb? That is really exciting. We will all have to get a copy when it comes out!

I tried to install Microsoft Office 2007 on my computer and made a mess. It is not compatible with the program we use at work. So, now I have to uninstall it and reinstall 2003, lost all my settings!! POOH!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

That is what I get for not asking first! But, I can get most of my settings from my laptop, so it is not a total loss, could be so much worse.

Me and Mattie went back to the Wellness Center today. She loves going with me and I love her going! WIN! WIN!

Mema Jo said...

BRT is in Council Bluffs, Iowa
Night time driving

Mema Jo said...

Hi Sissy! Love it that Mattie goes with you!
I had a post on before the split just so no one misses the info.

LISTEN UP NOW! Just called our
#1 Sunshine Girl
HO! you know who I mean?

Called NORMA - she is great but stuck up on her hill and her computer is in the shop but like I said she is stuck & can't go pick it up. The guy did come and clean her drive today. So she is making some GOOD SOUP and reading her Book!Having serious Blog withdrawal &Misses all of us

floralgirl said...

That is great Sissy, about the wellness center and Mattie- I just love that kid, she's so cute:)
As far as office- I have 2003, except it is somehow not installed properly, corrupted it tells me, and I can't uninstall it or use it-drives me nuts-

deb said...

I am not a celebrity, yet, I am just a "maybe" small-state celebrity! We will have to wait and see what happens.

NatureNut said...

Evening, Gang. Haven't been on today. Read some of this AM's Blog & printed the Panettone recipe. Almost identical to an Xmas bundt cake recipe I have called Gugelhupf.
Did a little text editing on new pics--experts, including Deb, have determined that my flying bird IS a juvie eagle.
Got some cute songbird/feeder pics to put on (they're not blurry! LOL), but gotta eat first...
BTW, I am also an avid fan of cream cheese & olive sandwiches!! My Mom would put a 1/2 sand. in my school lunch.

hedgie said...

Congratulations, Deb. Can't wait to see the article!!!
Wind is still howling here, and temp is going down. You were warmer, Deb, than we were here!
Sissy, glad that you are having fun at the Wellness Ctr. It's always easier when you don't have to go alone! Is Tom doing it, too? Has he recuperated enough to try, and is he back to work yet?

hedgie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hedgie said...

Megan, did Russ get home okay?
Loretta, did you get the day off, or did you have to battle the roads?

floralgirl said...

Yepper, Lynn, around 6-thanks for asking:)
Wind is really gusting here, around 22-24mph.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Lynn, Tom doesn't go with us. He is recuperated but he walks a zillion miles at work every night. He is the shop foreman, so he gets plenty of exercise. I, on the other hand, get none sitting at this computer all the time.

indiana nesting eagles dave said...

Welcome to the celebrity club Deb
That is so cool.I had a adult eagle
fly over the house this afternoon
while i was diging out my mailbox.
we had 12" of snow last night and
this morning.This afternoon the
sun came and it was beautiful out
with all the snow on the trees so
i went and checked my eagles nest
and took photos of it.

Indiana Nesting Eagles----Dave

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I am taking my self to bed!! It has been a very long, nonproductive day and I am glad it is almost over. You wonderful people have a great evening. I will see you in the morning light!

magpie said...

Hi Everyone.
I was checking cams and things and watching a wee little critter at Pix PA, too small to get a good screen grab, there were two of them actually. Maybe a mole or vole or chipmunk of large mouse. Very small. Watched three deer at one of the salt lick sites which is also a carcass site! Ugh, dont like that. Then the three deer went to the usual cam.

I see it was pretty much non-stop blogging today! Lots of lots of OUR EAGLES lucky dogs! ☺

magpie said...

Shoot I can't even type. I am glad everyone seems to have made it around safe and sound.

Great news about Dex, and Deb...
and thanks, Mema Jo for reportin on our NORMA!

And I see we have some more cream cheese and olive fans ☺

I'm on and off tonight if you can believe that! Long day, just want to find the pillows and blankie.

Good Early Night...but Sissy got a head start on me...
Peace, Love and Prayers xo ♥

hedgie said...

Pics are lovely, Dave, as always!

hedgie said...

Goodnight Sissy and Margy! Rest well.

Costume Lady said...

Nite, nite, Margy:)

Costume Lady said...

Congrats, Deb. We knew something like that was bound to happen to you:) We are happy and proud of you.

Costume Lady said...

Nite, Mrs. well:)

floralgirl said...

Nite all, too much ice scraping for me today, slam worn out, as Sissy would say...

Costume Lady said...

You rest well too, Megan:)

hedgie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hedgie said...

Goodnight, Megan. Hope you aren't sore tomorrow from all your shoveling.

Mits said...


Costume Lady said...


NatureNut said...

Put rest of my nature/snow pics on Blog.
Watchung somw TV----BBL

deb said...

Good night, everyone. Your sidewalks and roads will probably be slick again tomorrow morning, so be careful.

Dave, nice pictures, I had looked earlier before you added the eagle, beautiful!

deb said...

I had to check out Loretta's pictures before I closed down. Great pictures, the Carolina Wren is a beauty!

Mema Jo said...

Good Night All
Prayers for everyone's needs being said
(((hugs))) ♥

hedgie said...

Loretta, very nice!! You all have a cool the squirrels can't get to that!!
Goodnight to you, Mits, Jo, Wanda and Deb. I'm calling it a day, too. Prayers for all. Stay safe!

NatureNut said...

Sorry I probably missed most----
Lynn,I was off today because I had a dental (gum :>( yuck) appt., but they cancelled, so now I'll be working 3 days straight & going to dentist Fri. AM, then work. Hope I don't get dopey----they may have to keep me away from the sharp instruments we use!! LOL
Gotta go--Pleasant Feathery Snowflake Dreams ☺ ♥ ☺

magpie said...

It's a cold morning here in WV - watch for icy spots.
Hope some of you saw the Baby Crescent Moon last should be nice and close to Venus tonight, hope the skies are clear for it ☺

Hope everyone has a good day...
catch you all much much later in the day

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning my friends!! It is a whoppin' 28 degrees here in the big city this morning!

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning, Sissy. It is a little colder here in Martinsburg/Shepherdstown...24°
I can hear the ice crunching on our road as the cars go by, so that tells me not to go out this morning:)

Costume Lady said...


Costume Lady said...

They look like they are both sleeping now. I'm not sure if they are still there or the cam is trying to fool us??

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Pooh! My cam must have been frozen. Both there now!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning by the way. Eagle at BWO as well.

Costume Lady said...

Belle is down in the nest, maybe looking for nestovers and Lib is sitting at 1 o'clock. Cam seems to be OK now.

Costume Lady said...

Don't see Lib now. Gone fishing.

Costume Lady said...

Both gone, now.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Poof, both gone!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Cold squirrels at PA Pix.

Costume Lady said...

I had that same problem, Sissy. Seems the old pop-up needs to be deleted and a new one brought up now and then?? Works for me, but we know that's not the way it is suppose to be. Must be the cold weather.

Costume Lady said...

For those of you who would like to see our first visit of the's posted on my Wild and Wonderful. They look so loving:)

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Up close and personal at BWE.

ceil said...

Good morning Wanda and Sissy. Two at NBG One doing nestorations the other in the branch.

ceil said...

Thanks Wanda. Great pics of this morning

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

BBBRRR!!!! Had to go out and fill up my feeders. My fingers are frozen.


Mits said...


ceil said...

Morning Mits. I am off to get breakfast. BBL

ceil said...

Both eagles out nest.

ceil said...

that's our nest not out

ceil said...

poof one eagle

Mits said...

darn missed they other one, was hung up in emails.

Mits said...


Red said...

Good morning everyone.

Big Rig Steve is getting on the road. He'll be going around Glo's place very soon. Look for eagles as he crossed the river.

Mits said...

Walked out of room came back and poof poof

glo said...

Good morning everyone. I am off to coffee and dog treats. I will have to wave to the Big Rig if I see it. He will definitely see eagles going by.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Yep, he is moving on Red. Beautiful sunrise where ever he is.

Mits said...

Jubby made it out of the garage on the 2nd try this a.m., 1st attempt he slid back down the hill into the garage, held my breath, next attempt he put his foot on the gas and came flying up out of the garage:), but he made it to the road....

Mits said...

Sissy click on WHERE IS BIG RIG STEVE, and the map pops up of where he last was and where he is going

Mits said...

cool to see the sun rising

Red said...

Sounds slick Mits.

Mits said...

BWE UPDATE............

Nest Update

As of Thursday morning, we still have two eggs. Our parents did a great job of riding out the storm.

If a third egg is coming, it should be here by the end of the day.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Well, now, just how cool is that!! Thanks Mits!

Mits said...

it just this pesky ice, Red, he had cleared out the top part of the drive way last night, but could not break thru the ice at the bottom...usually we back into the garage when weather is like this, but we both forgot to do that...when he got up yesterday, he knew he could not make it up and out to street,,,they did come by and treat the streets last night

Mits said...

that is just one cool site, glad he is sharing can email him and he does answer you

Red said...

He's approaching the river now.

Mits said...

turning eggs BWE

Mits said...

eagle at BWO

Mits said...

both eagles at NBG

Red said...

Now I'm not sure if he is taking 80 or 280.

Red said...

Taking dogs to groomer. BBL

Mits said...

eagle on branch at LW

Mits said...

wish I could make out the road signs, Red

Mits said...


Mostly sunny. Highs in the mid 30s. West winds around 5 mph.
» ZIP Code Detail
Partly cloudy in the evening...then becoming mostly cloudy. Lows around 20. West winds around 5 mph.
Mostly cloudy with isolated snow showers. Highs in the upper 30s. West winds 10 to 15 mph. Chance of snow 20 percent.
» ZIP Code Detail

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Thanks for the weather report Mits. Reckon we will get an egg today?

Mits said...

would still like them to wait til next week, but who knows...Sissy are you still watching the Ecuador hummers?

hedgie said...

Good morning! Sun? Where? Still cloudy Need sun for melting. If I had ice skates, I could have skated out driveway...terribly icy. Road still looks a mess...I'm supposed to go out, but not sure if I'm going to attempt it. I'm just a big chicken, but sure don't want to tempt fate--I don't want to wreck my baby.
Saw our birds earlier, but MT nest now.
Off to read papers.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I haven't been watching them for a while Mits, forgot about em to be honest.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

i have 2 computer screens full of cams, hard to find room to work!! ☺☺☺☺☺☺☺

Mits said...

both eagles at LW....

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Wow, they have changed the view. Lots of bees there this morning.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Oh gosh, there's those anteater looking varmits!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Me and Sharon have decided to put our HDTVs on our desk and use it for a monitor since I don't have room for all the cams I need to watch.

Mits said...


Mits said...


Mits said...

heart pumping here...saw a young girl tie her dog to my tree outside, wondered why, looked across the street, my 94 yr old neighbor fell trying to get his paper and she was trying to get him up, got my boots and coat on and she had him up by the time I slid across the street and his driveway, he said he is OK, but she said he hit his head, didn't see any blood, but will check on him later

Costume Lady said...


Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

OMG Mits, hope he is okay, bless his heart. Thank God someone saw him and could help him up.

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6 13 24 🌞

  The only thing that showed up in the nest. Today was the sunrise beautiful. Maybe we'll see them tomorrow. I'm sure dad will find ...