Saturday, January 24, 2009


New thread for the weekend.

We are counting down the days to some nesting action.


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deb said...


Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I am gonna go in here and hang out with Tom for a while. This is the only evening we are both home together, gonna enjoy while I can!!

Have a wonderful evening my friends. Holler if anything exciting happens.

Lolly said...

I am thinking about reading for a while. BBL

Mits said...

hello everyone...long day everything went fine....plungers were very cold, said it was colder than last year...we had 2 heated tents set up, so that was a good thing...I spent all my time in the tent, because Molly fell asleep on my chest....and I was not about to wake her and drag her down to the beach....:)

Mits said...

that weird e-mail showed up in my spam detector...did not open it

Mits said...

going to watch some TV...later

deb said...

This is from Lisa at BWE:

We did see a couple photos today of one adult putting grass on the other in the nest. For those cam watchers who were with us in previous years, you might remember video clips we’ve posted where one parent flies in with nest material and puts it on the prone parent, and then just sort of stands there as if waiting for the other to get up. Usually this is when a switch happens, so the fact that we saw that activity today seems to indicate they’re trading off in incubation duties.

floralgirl said...

Sounds like today's Polar Plunge was a big success.
Thousands of people jumped in the Chesapeake Bay Saturday to raise money for Special Olympics Maryland.
Event organizers said at least $2.5 million was raised, though the final count wasn't in.

magpie said...

Deb Love your New Avatar!

Yours too, Sissy
and all the funny ones Just Vicky put on here today !

Golly so much Eagle Action at OUR Nest...going to view Paula's and Deb's Videos nest.

Back in a little bit.

Great Report MITS on the PB Plunge, how sweet that Molly took a snooze with you....♥

magpie said...

So glad you bounced back so just can't keep a Good Woman Down ! ☺

magpie said...

I'm afraid to go over to the Momsters email page.....

hedgie said...

Been lurking all afternoon and evening, but really nothing to report. No action on cams to speak of that I've seen since early am. Cold again here...already down to 20° is going "good" and I'm catching up on some TV.
Great news on the plunge!! Hope no one gets sick!

magpie said...

Hedgie, your Finney's Lunch pic was terrific! ...Wonder what it was....

floralgirl said...

Hey Magpie:) That's me, I'm bouncy, like Tigger....

magpie said...

Funny Megan, I was thinking the same thing, about Tigger ! ☺

deb said...

You will be okay on Momsters mail. I think I figured out why it thought I wanted off. When the e-mail came up from the UK scam, my computer said it was junk, did I agree and I confirmed that. So my computer told momsters I didn't want their mail. I turned it back on.

deb said...

I hope that made sense. :)

deb said...

Margy, my sister can look at that bird every day on the way to and from work--it was about 3 blocks from her house. There is a nest lower in the tree.

floralgirl said...

That makes, sense, I was signed up to get Momsters mail into my inbox, but it only came thru sometimes. I wonderred about Norma, though, beacause that email response she sent to the Momsters site says UK lottery instead of her name.

indiana nesting eagles dave said...

Good Evening everyone;
I went to cayuga indiana to eagle
days and had a ball.The eagle
foundation put on a great display
and i took lots of photos.I have
set up a new Blog Cayuga eagle days
2009 and i will post photos as soon as i go through them.I saw
about 8 young eagles and only 2
adults with white heads and tails.

Indiana Nesting Eagles----Dave

magpie said...

Whew, made it to Momsters and back, just deleted the UK thing and went about to the ones that looked normal and usual.

Great pictures from many, and I loved the videos, Deb and Paula Sure fills in the gaps when I am away from things all day!

The coloring on that Heron is spectacular, Deb, Lucky for your Sister! ☺

Well, I am going to park my hiney in a warm bed now and look over the eight rolls of film I picked up tonight, can't wait to get to the Open House Pictures. I will be back on after I feast the eyeballs a bit. ☺

Mema Jo said...

I had also deleted that email from UK lottery.... I have also gone into Momster site and deleted from our messages 10159 and also the 10131 & 10133. They didn't have Spam but same title so I took them out. Don't know what Norma needs to do.

Mema Jo said...

Glad to hear that Molly & Mits stayed inside the heated tent! It was really cold & I applaud all of them for the monies raised!

I am very tired from afternoon company, then Mass and then to dinner with daughter & grandkids.

I am going to relax a little - hopefully be able to keep my head up to come back & say Good Night.


deb said...

I think Norma knows something is wrong, she talked about it earlier today.

indiana nesting eagles dave said...

I have posted some photos


deb said...

I just got an update on my uncle and know I haven't kept all of you up to date. LONG story short, he had emergency surgery on his colon on Monday--took 1/4 of his colon. It was very dangerous surgery due to blood thinners and the infection from ruptured colon, but he came through fine. Today his white blood count dropped to 1/2 of what it was when the infection was bad. He will hopefully be back to rehab by Monday or Tuesday.

magpie said...

That's serious, Deb, sorry to hear to this development, but glad to hear that there is improvement.

magpie said...

Dave - trying to view your new pictures, I see, about five...can you help me out a little again? will that link you posted a week or so ago, be updated with these new pictures?
Thanks in advance...xo

deb said...

Great pictures, Dave! I love the wing pattern on flying juvenile eagles--it is so pretty. Is the hawk in the pine tree an eagle? The beak looks to small, but it could just be the angle. I see white tail feathers under the dark ones.

magpie said...

Hoping to see some PB Plunge coverage on the news...☺

deb said...

Margy, there are 8 pictures all together, including the title picture.

deb said...

OOPS, there are 14 pictures, there is a second page I missed.

magpie said...

Okay - Deb, Thanks! they ARE beauties...(guess I don't count too well this late at night ☺ )

magpie said...

Oh, Nice, Dave
I love the Kestrel!
Keep 'em coming ! ☺

deb said...

Make sure you check out the first bird on the second page!

deb said...

What kind of owl is it--I am not good with owls. It looks like a barred owl, but too many owls look the same to me.

Mema Jo said...

Calling it an early evening...
Love all those pictures

Good Night
Peace to one and all
Prayers for everyone's needs being said

((hugs)) ♥

deb said...

I am signing off, early day tomorrow. Mary, Roger and I are going birding at 7:30. I have multiple layers of clothes out to try and stay warm and broke out the down coat. I will probably be too warm, but that is better than too cold.

Congrats to Kevin and his team for raising $7,000 over their goal for the Polar Bear Plunge!

magpie said...

I wondered about that DEB -
just wasn't sure! Thought maybe it was a black and white Crow or Raven ! ☺

magpie said...

I've got to get to bed soon, just looked at some of the videos on WBALTV.COM and some on the Maggie's Mounties page. Pass along any other links you can, MITS, and congratulations to ALL PLUNGERS for a job well done!

Good Night All,
Peace, Love, and Prayers.
God Bless Us, Every One. xo

magpie said...

I'll tell you about my pictures another time. Got some nice ones! xo

hedgie said...

I managed to dose through 48 Hours Mystery! LOL! Hey, they're talking about Whitetail and the disabled and wounded soldiers ski program! Very cool. WHen there is snow cover, I can see the ski runs from the highway nearby.
Heading for tub. Will look at pics tomorrow...y-a-w-n!! Nite-nite. Prayers for all--and praise the Lord for the good blessings on Deb's uncle.

hedgie said...

Whoops--that was DOZE!!!

Costume Lady said...

So good to hear the good news about the monies brought in by the POLAR BEAR PLUNGERS:):)
I have posted a photo of one of the Plungers in action. It is on my "Just For Fun".


indiana nesting eagles dave said...

That was a hawk i saw on the hiway
outside the power plant and tried
to get a picture and it's not to
good.The owl is a barred owl.I was
on the news tonight,you might be
able to see it,go to google,
www.wthi and click on
eagle days video


carolinabeachmom said...

It is now 2:00 Sunday morning and our nest is MT.

carolinabeachmom said...

It is now 4:30 am and no eagle in our nest.

magpie said...

Hi Candy - I am looking too, no bird in the nest this morning...
It's just a matter of a very short time...( we all hope...!)

Good Morning to you...☺

magpie said...

Waiting on the BWE site to "wake up for the day."

magpie said...

I can't get Norfolk to open this morning to check that....

Work day here for me...hope everyone sees as much EAGLE as you saw Saturday ☺

magpie said...

The meal at Finney's Saturday, seems to have been a Duck...there are some picture links on the Puleston site.
"It Is What It Is...."

magpie said...

BWE is "awake."

Time to get ready for work.

Good Sunday Wishes for All ! ☺ ♥

Costume Lady said...

We did have an eagle in our nest, that looked to be dozing, then left a minute ago.

Costume Lady said...

Lib is back now, with a beakful of fluff.

Costume Lady said...

Both are in the nest now, putting some fine materials in their place.

Costume Lady said...

HP just took place.

Costume Lady said...

Belle just took off.

Costume Lady said...

Lib took some of the fluff out of the egg cup and is now sitting in the middle of it.

Costume Lady said...

He's still sitting there, like he owns the place;)

floralgirl said...

Well, technically I guess he does own the place, but if that's Lib, he's gonna have to get out of the way so Belle can lay an egg there.
Sure is all tucked in, looks warm.

Costume Lady said...

It is only 11° right now, it's no wonder he is snuggled down in that cup. Looks warm and cozy.

movin said...



I'm up in the middle of the night here, but I don't know that it will be for long.

L & B were both in the nest, but when he flew out, she 'got down' in the nest cup and gathered grasses around her as though she had laid an egg. But I didn't see one; has anyone else seen her first egg yet??



floralgirl said...

Well, I just got here, so I missed HP and don't know who is in the nest cup- cause we have two differing opinions now....

movin said...

Morning, Megan, Wanda.

I think most of us have troubles at times telling them apart.

I am planning to get my little tape measure out, measure each one and record their lengths.

But then you still have to contend with the times they are not in a pre-measured spot.



movin said...

My point was supposed to be: they don't usually get into the nest cup and draw straw and grass around them, unnnleesss they have an egg to incubate.

Anybody see any??



floralgirl said...

Howdy Jim and Wanda:)
When they are together in the nest, it's easy. I think it looks small, like Lib, but I'm just guessing, as I said, I just pulled the cam up and it was already in the nest cup. Your measuring idea is clever.

floralgirl said...

Now two in the nest

movin said...

Yes, and they are both standing and working on the egg yet.

They must be very close to the time though.



glo said...

Good morning everyone. Sure is a pretty sight on our cam this morning.

Costume Lady said...

Jim and Megan, I have posted the photos of the begining of this episode. Check it out, see what you think.

wvgal_dana said...

Neat one in nest and just flew out.

See there was 2 earlier

Good Morning Everyone

floralgirl said...

Ok, Wanda, will do.
Hello Glo:)
Eagle just flew-MT nest and egg cup- but we know it will be soon....

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning, is a pretty sight, isn't it:)

Costume Lady said...

It WAS a pretty sight...all gone now.

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning, Dana.

Costume Lady said...

Where did everyone go?

wvgal_dana said...

I always open the cam first. Nice seeing and eagle in the nest. Then I open this page. If I don't open other cams first.

Dustin still snoozing?

wvgal_dana said...

Can see egg at BWE has grass on it.

floralgirl said...

mama BWE is off the egg.

Costume Lady said...

The KID is up and is HUNGRY. He will eat a bowl of cereal now and once again just before we go to church. He is so thin, that I let him eat all that he wants:) Be back in the afternoon. Have a blessed Sunday.

wvgal_dana said...

Dave seen the video of you on tv. Good information you gave people. "Our Dadster tv star"..

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!----I have no idea what is going on!!---I received the UK LOTTERY from DEB sending pics of FINNEY!!----Remember JO!---You & I exchanged messages to see if my email would reply!!----HAVEN'T ATTEMPTED TO USE EMAIL SINCE I had the note from DEB!---

HELP!----(I had almost quit answering emails---because one receives about 6 emails on same subject, etc.)

normabyrd said...

THANKS!---Beautiful MEGAN!!

floralgirl said...

Hello Norma and Dana and Glo:)
Norma, send me an email- so I can see if it comes thru and what the address says.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning lovely Norma

Dave I got to see your pictures. Looks like it was a nice day at the Eagles Days. So many different birds. Made after I seen pics on the page I click older post. Where there was more pics of Eagle Days.

Thank you for sharing.

normabyrd said...

Do you folks want me to leave the blog??----I certainly will--if you think I have a virus!!!

wvgal_dana said...


wvgal_dana said...



wvgal_dana said...

I can hear it trying to move the big stick.

wvgal_dana said...

One flew out of nest the other is trying to rearrange stick at 12 o'clock position.

wvgal_dana said...

Nice fly back in so both again are in nest.

floralgirl said...

NO, Norma, don't go anywhere, just send me an email.

wvgal_dana said...

I think Belle is in the front then Liberty working on back of nest.

floralgirl said...

I wish the freakin' sound would stay on........

wvgal_dana said...

Could see the v on first on in nest as Paula said. So that is Belle first.

wvgal_dana said...

I know Megan I found a video of last season. The chicks were peeking so much. You could also hear the birds in the area. Well you know what they say. "We are lucky to have a cam". but grrrrrr sound

ceil said...

New thread come on over

wvgal_dana said...


wvgal_dana said...


wvgal_dana said...


«Oldest ‹Older   201 – 300 of 300   Newer› Newest»

5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...