Saturday, January 10, 2009


Weekend thread 1



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Anne-Marie said...

thanks Megan. Hugs.

floralgirl said...

Sure, but that's VA warm, not CA warm. Can be anywhwere from 70's to 90's in May- one never knows. Maybe try June or later to be sure.

deb said...

I finally got outside and took care of yesterday's snow. It wasn't bad, about 2".

deb said...


deb said...

Nest work going on.

deb said...

Lib moved back to his perch spot.

deb said...

Rearranging sticks by his perch.

Mema Jo said...

Good Afternoon and thanks for the heads up, Deb.
Guess some more stick moving is going to be done........

deb said...

How are you feeling today, Jo?

Mits said...

if this posts, I see eagle again....

deb said...

Poof for Lib.

wvgal_dana said...

Deb what did you mean on the other thread when talking about bean soup. When you said " My
aunt always said to boil and drain them
twice to relieve the problems caused by
beans. It sure seems to work!"?

Mema Jo said...

I feel better - really no aches or pains just loss of energy!
Glad the snow didn't get you heavy!
I know you are just waiting for TUES
to get here - how long will you be gone?

deb said...

I will be gone a week, Jo.

Dana, beans can cause gassy problems.

wvgal_dana said...

Jo did you see Deb's pictures. The one "caught in the act". I'll to a Todd and dedicate it to you....hope that is ok with Deb.

wvgal_dana said...

hummm thank Deb I didn't know there was a solution to that problem.

wvgal_dana said...

1st married story: I could always cook and bake no problem from scratch. I had never done beans. So I wanted to do beans. Woke up next morning to beans all over my counter...."use bigger pot" lol

Mema Jo said...

Well Dana I guess I'll always be a
Poop Shoot to most! lol

Deb's pics were beautiful..I looked at them right after she got them up. The eagle couple is an eloquent shot.
I had the reddest cardinal out back in the shrubs today - Wish I had a zoom - he comes right before the precipitation - He is my warning sign.

Mema Jo said...

Deb a week in CA will spoil you big time! Soak up any sunshine so you have it to bring back to your winter wonder land. Do the pups get boarded?

Mema Jo said...

Mits - how was your train ride to & from NY?

Mema Jo said...

I guess that is the turkey on the snowman cam.......

Mema Jo said...



deb said...

Yes, Jo, the dogs go to the kennel. I will definitely soak up as much sun as possible.

deb said...

I love that view, even the backside of the eagle is beautiful. I hope the Kent view is just as good. I won't be able to see if for a week.

My niece asked me what I would do without eagles for a week. I told her wedding stuff!

Mits said...

it was great, Jo, took the Acela....2 hours and 45 minutes from DC to New York City...too bad we could not spend weekend, but Hubby has to leave for a week long trip to LA tomorrow

Mits said...

LW doing a very nice job, fixing up their nest

Mema Jo said...

Maybe the LW eagle is eating.. It is lunch time out there. Not too much movement - I will say that I like

Mits - I am sure it was an exciting event for you & hubby - I hope they gave recognition for your very supportive role! You sure deserve it!

deb said...

Hey, we will both be in CA at the same time!

The hummer cam in Ecuador is back up again.

Mema Jo said...

Deb - you lost me - who will be in CA at the same time........?

Mits said...

yes they a very nice heavy Chrystal glass vase from Tiffany's and some nice thank you's.

Mema Jo said...

There is a full view of the LW eagle!
Beautiful.. I just love feathered

Mema Jo said...

That was very nice - Let it out and get those weekly flowers!

deb said...

Helen's husband and me, Jo.

Mits said...

I always buy myself flowers,,,this year did the beautiful red tulips with the Christmas greens....lasted long and not as exspensive as using roses....and yet just a tad more festive than my usual carnations.

Mits said...

I love red flowers at Chrismas time.

Mits said...

unfortunately Deb, he will be working 12-14 hour days...:(

deb said...

Yuck, I will be going all day long, but it will be fun stuff, not work!

Mema Jo said...

Oops I didn't pick up on that LA visit!

Flowers can really make a difference in a room... and they always perk me up!

Nice long visit in LW...
I keep trying the Kent cams - just hoping!

floralgirl said...

Ha! I thought she meant louisiana..

deb said...

It won't be long now for the Kent cams, hopefully Wednesday afternoon.

Eagle gone at LW.

Mema Jo said...

Yeah these initials can sometimes go amiss!
Raining again here in the valley..
Are you getting rain, Megan?

floralgirl said...

Yeah, been raining here for a while, only 30°.

Mema Jo said...

Going to take a break..
Hubby getting ready for Mass..
I am still staying housebound!


Mits said...

raining here better stay home.....Jo....

NatureNut said...

Ravens vs. Titans has just begun. Should be good!

hedgie said...

Time for a break. My still cam is still down. Need to read back and see if anyone else is having trouble!

indiana nesting eagles dave said...

Good afternoon everyone;
The weather here is cloudy with
a little light rain that will
change to snow later tonight.They
were short handed at school and i
had to work 8 hours yesterday and
4 hours this morning.When i got
home today i had about 1000 crows
in the yard and all they do is run
all the good birds away so i got
my shot gun out and and made some noise and they left and my birds
returned to the feeders.
I hope that everyone has a great

Indiana Nesting Eagles----Dave
and drove them away,and

wvgal_dana said...

Raining here watching the Balt. Tenn game.

deb said...

I have that trouble in the spring with grackles. Luckily, I don't have any crows around here and the starlings pretty much stay away, too. They come in every once in awhile for water.

hedgie said...

Blog is acting up...look what it did to Dave's entry!
So since no one else is having trouble, guess I need to reboot before evening visit!
THink I missed soemthing along the way...Mits, what was the trip to NYC for? And what were you rewarded for (aside from being beautiful, kind, fun, etc.)?? Congrats whatever it was!

Mits said...

everything working fine here, Lynn, just waiting for late afternoon visit.....Hi Dave:)

hedgie said...

Raining here now but had started out as sleet. Temp holding at 34 so far.

Mits said...

Lynn, hubby came off his 3 year term of firms' Board of Directors, this past November, normally they have a trip for the spouses to go at their meeting this time of year, last year we were in Phoenix, but as with everything they are cutting they invited us up to dinner on Thursday night.

Mits said...

big blue Jay at okie nest

Mits said...

don't think the Ravens will win this weekend....time is catching up to them....had their bye-week the second week, and short prep week this week, but no matter, it was a fun year to watch them:)

Mits said...

Eagle back at Lake Washington

Mits said...


Mits said...


Mits said...


wvgal_dana said...

One in our nest

Mits said...


Mits said...


Mits said...


Mits said...

POOF, THOUGHT there was going to be some HP, but not this time

hedgie said...

Got cam up just in time to see one of our birds telling the other one off!!!

hedgie said...

And off she/he went!

hedgie said...

Helen, every place is cutting back...guess the trip to NYC was better than NOTHING!! But a warm clime would have been better, huh??
Well, congrats to you both!

hedgie said...

MT looks like housekeeping pushed the edges back a bit...or is it just the glare from the infrared?

hedgie said...

Mits, it ain't over til the fat lady sings!! The purple birds just might surprise you!
Time to mix the cornbread! Later, gators!

NatureNut said...

Refreshed Live to get sound & now it won't come on !#@&*%
"not responding"--had just saved a pic on still w/o0ne eagle's mouth open like squawking, but none will open now.

Mits said...

yes, Lynn, but it was a nice quick get is acting wacky like the blog one time looked like it was fast forwarding then it froze for a sec

NatureNut said...

Read back a little and see Anne-Marie's been here & Jo is back some, Dave's been chasing crows--good job.
Deb, your pics are GREAT, as usual & know Glo has new ones too.
Helen, great you got to go WAY out to dinner!
We had a lottle sleet too that's turned to rain.
Guess that's the end of today's visits from our birds. Saw some nestorations & got squawk pic before I lost cams.

Mits said...

geese are passing by

Mits said...

they have such soulful honks...

Mits said...

beautiful moose on moosecam

Mits said...

blackbird in LW nest

deb said...

That is a nice close up of the moose.

deb said...

The moose looks like it has a star design on its forehead.

deb said...

Dave scared his crows so bad they all went to LW! Three in the nest.

Mits said...

Dave needs to pay them a visit out to LW

deb said...

He must live in the country, I would be in jail if I shot off a gun to scare the birds. Of course, I don't have a gun anyway, so I don't have to worry about that.

Mits said...

they seem to have no problems shooting off guns here in DC, and sometimes that don't even get caught

Lolly said...

Been sitting here reading through the blog. Don't know what happened to the day...went by fast. Guess that is what happens when you sleep late, and read and drink coffee for a few hours. :)

Paula...anxious to hear about your Mom. Was hoping she was through with her problems and on the way to good health.

hedgie said...

Tennessee just tied it up. Nail biting time! Panthers and Cards up next...guess I'll root for Panthers..for Candy, and because Carolinians were usually Skins fans before they got their own team!

hedgie said...

I am slam wore out, to quote Sissy (bet Bluefield is rockin' today!)...still haven't finished putting away Christmas..but maybe I'll get a second wind after bean soup and cornbread settles a bit more!!

hedgie said...

Does anyone remember....wasn't Kerry Collins the Skins' 3rd string QB a couple of years ago?

floralgirl said...

Ok, that last call was definitely in the Raven's favor-time seemed to be up before they snapped the ball..I can't wait until this game ends-hubby is giving me a headache...

hedgie said...

Yea, Ravens!!!!! Congrats, Marylanders!!
Don't think I ever saw a game where so many helmets came off!!

NatureNut said...


Lolly said...

Well my Christmas is put away finally. We loaded boxes into the attic this afternoon. Now to get all the food out of the house and start a diet. Can not do it with temptation around! Talk of beans and cornbread has made me hungry! Left overs again tonight, then tomorrow eat at Laurels.

Best get with the warming up. ha!

Mema Jo said...



Lolly said...

Well, Jo, you are certainly sounding better. Great!

Lolly said...


hedgie said...

Agree w/ the post-game pundits, Megan...the Titans blew their chances over and over, so can't believe that a penalty on that delay would have made any difference.

hedgie said...

Jo, at least to the Divisonal Championship!!!! LOL!

Mits said...

Lynn, I'm surprised they said that...that the Titans blew all the good chances they had to win...we beat Collins when he was the Giants QB at the 2001 Super bowl....he is starting to look old

floralgirl said...

Yeah, too many turnovers for the Titans, but still thought they played a good game. No Ravens love in this house though.....

NatureNut said...

Well, there's another game tonight---Carolina Panthers & Cardinals. Guess Candy will be rooting!!!
Sun. Pittsburgh is playing. They and the Cubs are my other faves after Redskins & Ravens, as my parents came from those cities & I have relatives in both! My Aunt sent me a Steeler's crying towel.I hang it below the TV for special games.

Mits said...

Guess since I love the state of Arizona soooo much, will rout for them, but no one is picking them to win...they are usuually a terrible road team

floralgirl said...

Helen, you have mail.

Mits said...

back at you, Megan...

floralgirl said...

I don't see anything..

Mits said...


Friday, January 9
Friday morning, Xi Lan put a little smile on my face. Kate had given all the giant pandas some cardboard tubing to play with overnight, but Yang Yang and Lun Lun didn’t do much with theirs. Mei Lan destroyed hers while trying to get all the treats hidden inside. Around 9 a.m., Xi Lan started to play with the tube that Lun Lun had left. He was biting down hard, shaking his head like he was attempting to tear a piece off. He probably sat there for about 30 minutes doing all sorts of things with the tube, having a good old time. More and more we will be starting to expose him to different enrichment items. As he gets older and bigger, we are less worried about him being accidentally injured by enrichment objects. We are still limited in what we can give Lun Lun at this time, because we have to make sure we don’t give her anything too heavy or big that might pose a threat to Xi Lan if she plays with it vigorously. But the number of items is growing. That means there are more things for Xi Lan to play with, too. He has already found Lun Lun to be an enjoyable play toy; now he will have other items as well.
JT Svoke
Carnivore Keeper II


floralgirl said...

Very bright outside even with all the cloud cover, no full moon viewing for us here tonite, totally cloudy. Temp is 30° and it is getting pretty icy out there. What a bummer, I hate to miss the moon, maybe get to see it tomorrow.

Mits said...

Megan, DIDN'T YOU GET IT????

floralgirl said...

The Fw email with the pic? yes, is that my answer...

Mits said...

SENT IT AGAIN....MEGAN...I'm having problems with verizon e-mail...

Mits said...

oh ok.....thought you did not get it..

hedgie said...

Nope, no moon glow here, either. Margy will be disappointed...she must be taking a nap, since we haven't heard from her yet.

floralgirl said...

Got it that time, thanks, it didn't go thru the first time, they both arrived this time.

floralgirl said...

I was just outside again, and there are gaps in the clouds, and I can see the moon every so often, it is beautiful!

Mits said...

got to go look for the moonie

NatureNut said...

Saw most of the moon awhile ago---it was supposed to be largest for '09 (I guess up until now), but best view was after sundown which I missed.

NatureNut said...

Wonder if Margy saw it at work.She will probably be here shortly.

magpie said...

Holy Smokes! 312 posts! Better start reading them...☺

I can tell you, no Moon here, and yup, you're right, I am glad some of you can see it though! "Goes Full" at 10:27 pm - I'll go out and huff and puff and Blow the Clouds away!

Hi Everyone ♥!
I know I am going to drool when I read about all the Eagle Action !

Mits said...

clouds too thick here:(

Mits said...

lots of deer at snowman cam

NatureNut said...

Arizona's doing a number on Panthers....27-7!

hedgie said...

They sure are, Loretta!! Oh, well, I can't have two winners in one day! I'm never that lucky!
Hi, Margy!

paula eagleholic said...

Cool, Ravens won...last I saw was 10 all w/ 4:23 to go....

No moon here, light rain, not icy

NatureNut said...

And all the football guys said Ariz. never wins on the East coast & Carolina never loses at home! Course we have another half to go---it is what it is!

PA cam looks like rain or sleet coming down-no critters. Think the deets left Snowman cam.

Mits said...

lol...yes everyone picked Carolina....but still plenty of time...Warner another old QB

paula eagleholic said...

I am laughing about Dave scaring away the crows.

Mom doing OK...very slow recovery this time...she didn't sound as bad as they portrayed...She is still weak and a little confused...don't know any test results yet...she's got a ways to go...she did eat all the food I fixed for her...roast chicken, mashed taters and gravy and some chicken and dumplings...good to see her eat.

magpie said...

200 down and 122 to go...I am drooling like I said I would be...
and that doesn't count what goes with the food talk! Okay, back to where I left off....

Mits said...

that is because the food you bring has love with it, Paula

paula eagleholic said...

I see Mits and Jubby went to NYC for dinner...hope it was tasty and a nice time.

paula eagleholic said...

Have a lot to catch up on here at home...will try to check back in later...

Mits said...

Jubby and I did have a nice ok.....but the fact you can get to NY from DC in less than 3 hours is amazing....

magpie said...

Wow, sure was a lot of Eagle Action today, seems like every few posts there was Eagle Action.

Glad your trip to your Mom's went well, Paula...Weather cooperated, what a Blessing.

Maybe, I will see the Moon setting in the West in the early morning since I couldn't see it rising in the East...

Mits said...

signing off for tonight...have a good one:)

magpie said...

Congratulations to Jubby and His First Mate

Sounds like a nice neat little trip, MITS.

Sounds like Mema is percolating along, that's great.

Now, for everyone on her to complete their healing and mending...☺

magpie said...

Everyone on "HERE", that is.

Phooey! Just Missed MITS!

magpie said...

..waiting for Paula's link to show up for the Fun in the Nest from this morning...☺

magpie said...

Great stuff on the BWE links today...of those wildlife pics on the page, are at least two of OUR BOB'S PICS! No Wonder!

movin said...

Yeah, Paula, the Ravens kicked the winning field goal with just over 50 secs. to play.

I was kind of "watching" it on Yahoo sports.

Tomorrow San Diego will try mightily to beat Pittsburgh on their home field. Very difficult, but not impossible. It should be a very hard fought game.



magpie said...

Triple P's coming up soon:
Pajamas, Pillows and Prayers.

One more 12-hour shift then that's IT for a few days.

☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺

movin said...

I'm signing off now, Gotta get cleaned up and get dinner ... so,





magpie said...

Good Night, Movin'.
You are on a way different schedule for us today! xo

magpie said...

Well, Hallelujah, Hawaii!
I just saw the moon through a hazy break in the clouds!

Guess I can go to bed now.

You'uns take care, "see" you way late tomorrow night, headed to Morgan County right after work, got to get that Grandson Fix. ☺ ♥

Peace, Love and Prayers...xo ☺

hedgie said...

Goodnight Mits, Paula, Jim and Margy! Sleep well.

floralgirl said...

Glad Margy finally saw the moon- it is really bright out there.

hedgie said...

No sign of it here. But gotta get up early to get ready to go out for breakfast w/ Mr. Bill so maybe I can see it then if skies clear!
Calling it a day. Prayers for all. Goodnight.

deb said...

The moon is out here and very bright. It is reflecting off all the new and clean snow, so it is very pretty out tonight.

Night all. TTYT

Mema Jo said...

Good night everyone..
Peace to you & yours
Prayers for all our needs being said
((((hugs)))) ♥

NatureNut said...

Night All. Going out to check the moon & get my eyeballs off this screen. Been working on G'daughters wedding pics again.Edited a bunch--print tomorrow, then I get to slice & dice for the album she may get before she has children!! LOL
Pleasant Feather Dreams & Good Health to all. ☺ ☺ ☺

magpie said...

Good Very Early Morning...

Big lump of feathers at Finney's, just one right now.

And a HUGE Winter Ice Cold Moon making its way Westward...seems to be traveling with the "Twins" Castor and Pollux.

Not a bad way to start the morning ☺

magpie said...

Moon will probably set just before sunrise. Thanks for the Moon names, floralgirl ☺

magpie said...

Now Two at Finney's - ☺ ☺

magpie said...

Moon has slipped into the Clouds now.

And the Two at Finney's are still there...

Got to head out soon.

Hope everyone has a Wonderful Day@
xo ☺ ♥

carolinabeachmom said...

Good Sunday morning to everyone up in eagleland. Very cloudy here this am; supposed to get rain. The nest looks clear of any parcipitation and birds at this time. The wind is a howling.

carolinabeachmom said...

MARGY take care and you have a wonderful day. Sorry you have to work.

carolinabeachmom said...

BWE and BWO both MT. looks like a little snow or something on the ground at the osprey nest. The poor Maine nest is MT and looking like snow in it and might cold. Yep, it is still snowing there.

carolinabeachmom said...

Pa. Woods cam MT. One lonely deer at snowman cam.I guess that is about it for this time this am. Have to get ready for church this am. Hope you alll have a super eagle watching day. The cam is live and with sound right now.

Mits said...


NatureNut said...

New Thread...come on over....

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6 13 24 🌞

  The only thing that showed up in the nest. Today was the sunrise beautiful. Maybe we'll see them tomorrow. I'm sure dad will find ...