Tuesday, November 25, 2008


New thread.


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normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!---Why is STEVEN only giving us a new thread about every 500 comments??
Just checking!!---ho!----SO HAPPY to see that the BLUEFIELD KIDS are all improving---PRAISE THE LORD!!-----SISSY--TOM & SHARON seem to be healing---how about MATTIE?---Hope she improving too!!---GOD BLESS--will keep prayers going you way!!!

paula eagleholic said...

New thread!

normabyrd said...

Have been talking with SUZANNE---she has to WORK on FRIDAY!---That's a BUMMER!!---I was attempting to give her the latest on SHARON--TOM--SISSY--& MATTIE!!
Have they named the new baby yet?----What JOY!!---BABIES ARE CUTER THAN PANDAS!!---ho!

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6/9/24 hawket info

 He was winger sizing and got a little bit too much air and then depression, I guess into the ground and his rescued and taken in here is th...