Hello Everyone in Eagleland!! Have a great day, & may it pass quickly for those who have to work! Thx Jim for WE report. We don't have too many visible juvies left to watch. Glad ours come to visit!
Hello all you fine folk! Great report from Dr. Sharpe...sounds like that eaglet had gotten itself into a real predicament! What a lifesaver Dr. was! Just saw a doe and fawn "near" tomato plants...went out to check, and sure enough, someone has been nibbling on limbs! Argh!!! Time for a bite of lunch and then out to mow. Later!
Send the deer over to Sharon She loves to see them & you could even send me one or two - I don't have a garden - just a golf course in my back yard.......... lol
Hello again and thanks for the welcomes yesterday AM. No, I do not have the other sites that were mentioned and secondly- I am speaking up, but I am a man, named Jamie, back when I was the only one! No problem!
Hello everybody:) hot one out there today! Welcome Jamie- www.beakspeak.com and www.eagletmomsters.com have links to a lot of the cams discussed on here other than the NCTC cam. Off to work- later all- Oh, Jo please let me know when you would like to receive your shipment of 10-15 deer- no charge....
Jamie, we have dadsters, too! Jim, Bob, Dave, Red post, too! Megan, any hints on the deer? Just read online to try dryer sheets, so just finished hanging some on cages! Guess it can't hurt...and might help--mighty potent scent!
Oh Hedgie- We've tried it all- sprays, soap, loud radio(they learned to love it) urine( I know, EW...)We now have electric fence everywhere- what a hassle- nothing is foolproof- they are hungry, and tomatoes are a favorite. You can buy sprays- anything with egg base and hot pepper usually works- you can look online for homemade recipes too. A paintball gun is great fun if you just want to scare them away- makes them very colorful(I use pink paintballs)- ior maybe you can borrow the eagle cane. TTFN!!
There's another eagle-like shape, which moves a lot about an inch above the left hand side of the nest about a third of the way from the edge of the nest.
OKAY- Up and At 'Em. Short Nap, and now I FINALLY get to make Vigil Mass at Saint James in Charles Town....
Welcome MR. JAMIE - Sorry for the faux pas, I was so excited to see a new Eagle Bud on the Blog...we got a bunch of favorites as you have probably noticed, cam-wise. I know a couple of "Mr. Jamies" - not to worry. Welcome Aboard, again!
MEMA JO: Thanks for the Tip on Moosie. Funny to rejoice at a Hind End Shot of such a Stately Mammal !
Any word from our Wright and Butterfly Buddies?
Well, time to try to make myself "bootiful" and presentable to the outside world.
He is really turning into a handsome eagle! I haven't heard officially (although I haven't really looked for it) if they have determined if Buddy is male or female.
Jim...got the impression from something I read that what you are seeing is the deceased eaglet that they weren't planning on trying to remove for autopsy until after fledge. Am I right about this?? I don't think I dreamed it! As I was watching yesterdays' video, I, too, could see what I think you are talking about,and there was a lot of wind movement of, I guess, feathers.
Yep, Paula...can't forget Captain Gene! I found the egg/pepper mix so will mix some up and try it. This is the first year I've had any success with toms. Had to have a lot of trees taken down last year in the back of the acreage (2!) in order to get my satellite internet reception, so it really opened up a lot of sky! WOuld hate to lose my fruit to the dear deer!
Hedgie... I don't think we are on exactly the same page.
The deceased eaglet, A-66 I think, was the one which survived a blown-down nest in No Cal, was put into the hacking tower on Santa Cruz with the recovered eaglet from the PH nest. They both fledged in short order, but A-66 was found dead near the tower a couple of days later.
The WE nest is on Catalina, and both female eaglets fledged yesterday, the second one was scared off the nest by a low flying plane.
Now, it appears the parents have lost track of the whereabouts of both fledglings, and everyone is worried about where they will get food, etc.
It's still ongoing and developing, and since it is far from the town, it's hard to keep track of.
As of dark last night Dr. Sharpe had located both eaglets near the nest, but there has been no sign of them so far today. C(°ﮡ°)D
I could be wrong but I think she look as if she is in labour,, she is sitting Aand she keeps licking and looking at the birth passage,, she isn't comfortable at all and she has just rolled over and her back legs are shaking,, oooo she is up again and licking again !!!
Mei now has a large bamboo stick and is chewing it,,, nope she has just snapped it in two and dropped it,,she ishiding her head in the corner now,,,,,very odd girl,,,,,,she has enough material in the den for 6 cubs,,such a flippin mess,,,,,, WHAT is she doing,,she is just standing there with her head doen in the corner motionless,,,
OK, it took quite a bit of rasslin with the url for some reason, but here is the clickable link to Hedgies site, which deals with Buddy's surgery this morn.
Thanks, Jim. I don't know how to create links! Hey Chrissy....welcome "home"! They still don't know for sure whether Mei is preggers or not. Mits has in-law company for the weekend so probably too busy to be on the boards! It IS your bedtime, girlfriend! Hope you are sleeping tight.
Just returned from attending Mass & having some dinner. I guess part of our miracle for Buddy is Dr. Avery Bennett! Like the article says There is still a long road ahead BUT Buddy's beak certainly looks great.
Jim, I have been watching non neo at work, and now here at home. I think Wray and 01 know exactly where the girls are, and are feeding them whereever they are. They will return to the nest all in good time! Look how long it took Star to return!
HELLO EVERYONE... We are finally back home and settled in with Dustin. We thought it best to bring him home with us because he is on a strict medication schedule (7 times a day) and with Karla working, it would be difficult for her. He has to rest and not get fatiqued. He understands that, so that won't be a problem for me. I really appreciate your concern of my where-abouts and sending out the POSSE to find me, to no avail. The e-mails and phone calls are precious to me. Glad you found me, Jo! It never occured to me that I would be missed...but, it sure is a good feeling. Your prayers are special to me and we need a lot of them. We won't know if we are dealing with Rheumatic Fever or Lyme Disease for 1 month. I expect Dustin will be on the 'puter a lot, seeing as he is restricted in his activities. So, if I am MIA again, it will be because Dustin is at the mouse.
Wanda, So glad you all are home safe and sound. You get to play Grandma and nurse! I'm sure you will have your hands full trying to keep Dustin down! Let me know if I can do anything to help! Get settled in and rested yourself.
WOW! Just checked back & I am so happy to have you and the Capt home. I hear you have a new First Mate amongst you! Karla is so blessed to have you to help her out.. I bet your mom was glad to know you are back. Keeping Dustin inactive when he doesn't feel too bad will be a challenge but with all the electronic gadgets he should do find. You best go rent some movies & games!
YAHOO! Captain, First Mate, and Little Butterfly Mate all in one nest! Welcome Home, Dear Friends.
WANDA: I had a nice talk with your neighbor Stanley, he told me ALL ABOUT the storm!
Good thing you are home for your beans and tomatoes..I thought of taking a few of the Green Toms for some Fried Green Tomatoes....and was planning on raiding the Bean patch in a few days if you had not returned.
Prayers for everything, and call on us Eagle Buds for anything, anything at all!
HEDGIE: Another reference to a Eaglet which had died, is at the Lake Washington Eagle Cam (Not Kent, but the other one...)and there was discussion about removing the deceased chick in a bit to do an autopsy...maybe that is what you are thinking about ??
Thanks for the post/http on the Buddy Link. Everyone takes care of all of us on this Blog...
(not counting, the Blogger Cop, he is just a nuisance of sorts..)
I bet the zucchini bread IS delicious..eat a piece for me, Paula. Margy...you are right...that IS the nest I had in mind...duh! Thanks for straightening me out! Jim probably thinks I'm crazy.
AWWWW!! I just ran Dustin off to bed and grabbed the mouse and everyone is going to bed...now I know how Anne-Marie feels. LOL It's just as well; bed will feel good tonight. Gene has volunteered to give Dustin his 3 o'clock meds. tonight...WOOHOO! Hope I can chat with you all tomorrow.
COSTUME LADY: I rarely really ever sign off when I say I am....I'm a BLOG JUNKIE ! So I am glad I'm a fibber 'cause I caught your sign-off greetings for the day.
So good to have you guys back, in large part because it means Dustin is well enough to BE BACK!
Did see a nice Buck Deer - at least a six-point at PA - maybe an eight - and today is definitely boating day at FerryBoat Finney's - saw one large one go left, and another go right, and a bunch of sailboats!
Time to get ready for work.
T-BIRD: We have a BUDDY DRIVE in Berkeley County! Thought of you when I passed it yesterday.
Thanks, Steve, It's a Beautiful Live Feed Morning....
Thanks for Everything, all the time!
There's a nice little boat motoring towards the Nest at Ferry Boat Finney's...
Wow - Solo Up Close and Personal tearing apart some fish....
Solo took his fish and took off...
Hope this is Go Home Day for Mama Butterfly and little Butterfly Dustin...Best wishes to all the family today that things go well.
Well, I'm glad that some seem to be sleeping in....Me - I'm headed for the pillows, been up all night at work.
Good Day to Those Working..
CANDI - Couldn't get North Carolina Ospreys up this morning...locked up my computer..
Take Care all....TTFN
xo xo
z z z z z z z z z
Sleep well, Magpie - Hope your night of work went well.
Just now up & about to say
Good Morning
Going to check out emails, previous thread & cams.
Out nest is MT
good morning mema jo
hope all is well across the land
Whoo Hoo! Good pics and write up from Pook.
Link to the Moose Cam
Good Morning T-Bird. I've been checking out some of the cams.
Not much action here this morning from the bloggers. It is a good day to be out & about!
Morning, all!
In at work for most of the day. Live feed is up - Yay!
Glad to hear all is well w/ the WE girls!!
Hi Paula - I am sure you would rather be doing yard work!
I am checking out the osprey cams.
WE girls are ok - just that noone has seen them yet but they hear them.
Going for another cup of coffee
going to visit with family good-bye all
Have a good day, Tbird!
Thanks John at NCTC for getting the live feed back on!
Appears to be eating
Looking around also
No white spot on head but some white
tail feathers
Must have brought something in on his/her own as I saw the fly in was just the one
Mountaineer in the nest!!
Sorry, I was so excited, I forgot to post!
I think the juvie brought some food as well!
Juvie has been able to enjoy the whole meal by itself. Ate the whole thing!
Looks like Tiny to me
Getting ready to take off from the launch pad I THINK.
Looking up at the branches above, now over at the launch pad, calling out...looks like gonna leave...
Calling out some more...looking around a lot
Wish we had sound so we could hear all the chirping
Back to the middle and looking up around 10ish...more calling out...something else must be around...and off we go!
Can't make up his/her mind whether to stay or ...........
He/she made up mind to beat it out of here!!!
I don't think we'll have any more sound this year... :(:(
Was certainly nice to see! Made my day!...Back to work!!
Sorry to say so BUT I think you're right! Just glad we still have Live Feed up/running.
Hello Everyone in Eagleland!! Have a great day, & may it pass quickly for those who have to work!
Thx Jim for WE report. We don't have too many visible juvies left to watch. Glad ours come to visit!
BTW, has anyone seen any eagles at NCTC in Oct??
Good morning everybody. Saw the baby in our nest a few minutes ago! YEAH! Looked like she found some nestovers.
Yes! Belle & Liberty will put on a short show for us! (I hope)
Hello all you fine folk!
Great report from Dr. Sharpe...sounds like that eaglet had gotten itself into a real predicament! What a lifesaver Dr. was!
Just saw a doe and fawn "near" tomato plants...went out to check, and sure enough, someone has been nibbling on limbs! Argh!!!
Time for a bite of lunch and then out to mow.
If you click on Home on the Moose page, there's a photo of the baby taken today!
Send the deer over to Sharon
She loves to see them & you could even send me one or two - I don't have a garden - just a golf course in my back yard.......... lol
WHOA! How about that little Moosie!!
I had just read about Scarface returning - that was also big news
But now this!
Don't really know that Pook will turn her cam on just yet..
Off to find some lunch.......
Adult in our nest! Looks like Lib
He checked the nest out for nestovers for a few minutes and left!
Any word on Buddy or the WE fledglings this morning?
They have started the surgery on Buddy last I read....
WE girls haven't been seen yet, except maybe in the lower right corner right now...not sure
And the WE fledglings are 12 weeks old!
Hello again and thanks for the welcomes yesterday AM. No, I do not have the other sites that were mentioned and secondly- I am speaking up, but I am a man, named Jamie, back when I was the only one! No problem!
Paula, are you talking about the dark shape against the rock in the lower rt. corner?
Hello everybody:) hot one out there today! Welcome Jamie- www.beakspeak.com and www.eagletmomsters.com have links to a lot of the cams discussed on here other than the NCTC cam. Off to work- later all- Oh, Jo please let me know when you would like to receive your shipment of 10-15 deer- no charge....
Jamie, we have dadsters, too! Jim, Bob, Dave, Red post, too!
Megan, any hints on the deer? Just read online to try dryer sheets, so just finished hanging some on cages! Guess it can't hurt...and might help--mighty potent scent!
Jim - Yes. And both parents just made appearances at WE - no eaglets yet, tho.
Welcome, Jamie!
Oh Hedgie- We've tried it all- sprays, soap, loud radio(they learned to love it) urine( I know, EW...)We now have electric fence everywhere- what a hassle- nothing is foolproof- they are hungry, and tomatoes are a favorite. You can buy sprays- anything with egg base and hot pepper usually works- you can look online for homemade recipes too. A paintball gun is great fun if you just want to scare them away- makes them very colorful(I use pink paintballs)- ior maybe you can borrow the eagle cane. TTFN!!
And Capt Eagle...when Wanda lets him on the computer! :)
Paula, the reason I asked about the dark shape against the rock (besides it looks eagle shaped) was that I thought it was a shadow.
However, the light has changed several times, and the clouds have covered the sun since then, and it looks even more like a juvenile eagle....
Probably is one of the girls as far as I can see.
Where were you reading about Buddy's surgery...if it was recent??
There's another eagle-like shape, which moves a lot about an inch above the left hand side of the nest about a third of the way from the edge of the nest.
OKAY- Up and At 'Em. Short Nap, and now I FINALLY get to make Vigil Mass at Saint James in Charles Town....
Welcome MR. JAMIE - Sorry for the faux pas, I was so excited to see a new Eagle Bud on the Blog...we got a bunch of favorites as you have probably noticed, cam-wise. I know a couple of "Mr. Jamies" - not to worry. Welcome Aboard, again!
MEMA JO: Thanks for the Tip on Moosie. Funny to rejoice at a Hind End Shot of such a Stately Mammal !
Any word from our Wright and Butterfly Buddies?
Well, time to try to make myself "bootiful" and presentable to the outside world.
Glorious Day to All...Everywhere, Stay Safe...
Jim - found info on Buddy's surgery at Norfolk forum
Norfolk Forum
Buddy got braces! Click on the link above!!
That's a Great Buddy Report, thanks Paula, can't wait for the pics later...
If you click on this link to the "Chat" section of IWS, you will find a step-by-step description of Buddy's surgery.
It's completed, and the details are worth reading.
Waiting for pictures of Buddy after the procedure now.
Buddy's surgery
Hahaha, now I read your comment, Paula.
I sure hope Buddy's youth and the new apparatus he's sporting point his beak's growth back in the right and natural direction.
It sure took a wrong turn while they waited to do surgery.
Hopefully the beak is still pretty flexible and growing rapidly.
I guess they trimmed top and bottom too, so they might have a better chance of coming together and allowing him to eat before long.
He is really turning into a handsome eagle! I haven't heard officially (although I haven't really looked for it) if they have determined if Buddy is male or female.
Does anyone else know?
Off to Chuck-Town.
Good Eagle Afternoon Everyone.
Both WE adults have landed on the nest...female brought food.
They are calling trying to lure the girls back to the nest.
One has left the nest, the other one is looking around.
Can't tell if they know where the girls are or not.
Jim...got the impression from something I read that what you are seeing is the deceased eaglet that they weren't planning on trying to remove for autopsy until after fledge. Am I right about this?? I don't think I dreamed it! As I was watching yesterdays' video, I, too, could see what I think you are talking about,and there was a lot of wind movement of, I guess, feathers.
Our eaglets turned 17 weeks this week, Tiny will be 17 weeks on Monday
Yep, Paula...can't forget Captain Gene!
I found the egg/pepper mix so will mix some up and try it. This is the first year I've had any success with toms. Had to have a lot of trees taken down last year in the back of the acreage (2!) in order to get my satellite internet reception, so it really opened up a lot of sky! WOuld hate to lose my fruit to the dear deer!
Blogger cop active today! Gotta remember to copy before I submit!!
I don't think we are on exactly the same page.
The deceased eaglet, A-66 I think, was the one which survived a blown-down nest in No Cal, was put into the hacking tower on Santa Cruz
with the recovered eaglet from the PH nest. They both fledged in short order, but A-66 was found dead near the tower a couple of days later.
The WE nest is on Catalina, and both female eaglets fledged yesterday, the second one was scared off the nest by a low flying plane.
Now, it appears the parents have lost track of the whereabouts of both fledglings, and everyone is worried about where they will get food, etc.
It's still ongoing and developing, and since it is far from the town, it's hard to keep track of.
As of dark last night Dr. Sharpe had located both eaglets near the nest, but there has been no sign of them so far today.
Okay, Jim...guess I WAS confused!
Check here for Buddy's post-op info w/ pics:
Trying again!
Hi all,,
Just a pop in before bed,,,,
IS anyone watch Darling Mei at the zoo ???
I could be wrong but I think she look as if she is in labour,, she is sitting Aand she keeps licking and looking at the birth passage,, she isn't comfortable at all and she has just rolled over and her back legs are shaking,, oooo she is up again and licking again !!!
love and hugs
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Animals and children,,,,,,,,,
Mei now has a large bamboo stick and is chewing it,,, nope she has just snapped it in two and dropped it,,she ishiding her head in the corner now,,,,,very odd girl,,,,,,she has enough material in the den for 6 cubs,,such a flippin mess,,,,,,
WHAT is she doing,,she is just standing there with her head doen in the corner motionless,,,
I don't think she knows what she is wanting ????
love and hugs
OK, it took quite a bit of rasslin with the url for some reason, but here is the clickable link to Hedgies site, which deals with Buddy's surgery this morn.
Hedgie's link
Thanks, Jim. I don't know how to create links!
Hey Chrissy....welcome "home"!
They still don't know for sure whether Mei is preggers or not. Mits has in-law company for the weekend so probably too busy to be on the boards! It IS your bedtime, girlfriend! Hope you are sleeping tight.
Just returned from attending Mass & having some dinner. I guess part of our miracle for Buddy is Dr. Avery Bennett! Like the article says There is still a long road ahead BUT Buddy's beak certainly looks great.
I need to check out the status of the WE Girls!
Evening, all!
Nest looks really inviting!
My RP is down!
Got the zucchini bread in the oven...don't have to cook tonight...time for a margarita!
Paula, my RP is down also.
Have you seen or heard anything that indicates the WE pair knows where the fledglings are and are feeding them today?
Jim, I have been watching non neo at work, and now here at home. I think Wray and 01 know exactly where the girls are, and are feeding them whereever they are. They will return to the nest all in good time! Look how long it took Star to return!
Wow, great pics of little Buddy! His beak looks so good!
We are finally back home and settled in with Dustin. We thought it best to bring him home with us because he is on a strict medication schedule (7 times a day) and with Karla working, it would be difficult for her.
He has to rest and not get fatiqued. He understands that, so that won't be a problem for me.
I really appreciate your concern of my where-abouts and sending out the POSSE to find me, to no avail. The e-mails and phone calls are precious to me. Glad you found me, Jo! It never occured to me that I would be missed...but, it sure is a good feeling. Your prayers are special to me and we need a lot of them. We won't know if we are dealing with Rheumatic Fever or Lyme Disease for 1 month.
I expect Dustin will be on the 'puter a lot, seeing as he is restricted in his activities. So, if I am MIA again, it will be because Dustin is at the mouse.
Heading out to the deck...BBIALW
Wanda - glad to hear you are home safe and sound with Dustin.
So glad you all are home safe and sound. You get to play Grandma and nurse! I'm sure you will have your hands full trying to keep Dustin down! Let me know if I can do anything to help! Get settled in and rested yourself.
WOW! Just checked back & I am so happy to have you and the Capt home. I hear you have a new First Mate amongst you! Karla is so blessed to have you to help her out.. I bet your mom was glad to know you are back. Keeping Dustin inactive when he doesn't feel too bad will be a challenge but with all the electronic gadgets he should do find. You best go rent some movies & games!
Going to watch TV for couple hours - hubby says there is a movie coming on that I might like......
YAHOO! Captain, First Mate, and Little Butterfly Mate all in one nest! Welcome Home, Dear Friends.
WANDA: I had a nice talk with your neighbor Stanley, he told me ALL ABOUT the storm!
Good thing you are home for your beans and tomatoes..I thought of taking a few of the Green Toms for some Fried Green Tomatoes....and was planning on raiding the Bean patch in a few days if you had not returned.
Prayers for everything, and call on us Eagle Buds for anything, anything at all!
Love, Magpie xoxoxoxoxo
Spidey has really been working on his web!
When was the last time a juvie spent the night?? Can anyone remember??
Hey Magpie, I'll help you out with some of those raided beans and 'maters!
Been out watering the flowers...lovely evening here...nice breeze
HEDGIE: Another reference to a Eaglet which had died, is at the Lake Washington Eagle Cam (Not Kent, but the other one...)and there was discussion about removing the deceased chick in a bit to do an autopsy...maybe that is what you are thinking about ??
Thanks for the post/http on the Buddy Link. Everyone takes care of all of us on this Blog...
(not counting, the Blogger Cop, he is just a nuisance of sorts..)
Yep Paula, we'll sneak in after dark! The Vegetable Bandits!
I lost Live Feed too, sometime after I left for church. Wahhh!
I FINALLY got some pictures developed: I have TWO from the Nest Visit on June 7:
One of the Eagle Express, all by itself,
and one, of the Eagle Express, with Paula standing outside talking to First Mate!
I'll get 'em to you somehow, Paula and Wanda/Gene....
We used to steal tomatoes when I was a kid...
Hey Wanda, got any zucchini to steal? Man, this zucchini bread is good!
Carrots? Bunny wants carrots.
OK, I'll take the facial!!
Oh, Wanda....
I bet the zucchini bread IS delicious..eat a piece for me, Paula.
Margy...you are right...that IS the nest I had in mind...duh!
Thanks for straightening me out! Jim probably thinks I'm crazy.
Will do, Hedgie.
Turning in. Tired tonight, for some reason! See you fine fowl friends tomorrow. Blessings on all.
Good night all!
Pleasant dreams!
Good Night All
Peace to you & yours
Prayers for all our needs being said
I think I am throwing my hat into the pillow ring too....Nighty Night all, back to work bright and early Sunday.
God Bless Us Every One...
xo xo xo
AWWWW!! I just ran Dustin off to bed and grabbed the mouse and everyone is going to bed...now I know how Anne-Marie feels. LOL
It's just as well; bed will feel good tonight. Gene has volunteered to give Dustin his 3 o'clock meds. tonight...WOOHOO!
Hope I can chat with you all tomorrow.
COSTUME LADY: I rarely really ever sign off when I say I am....I'm a BLOG JUNKIE ! So I am glad I'm a fibber 'cause I caught your sign-off greetings for the day.
So good to have you guys back, in large part because it means Dustin is well enough to BE BACK!
Catch you Sunday....sometime.....
zzzz and xoxo zzzz
Glad you and Gene are home with Dustin, Wanda:)
Hard to see, because of spideys web, but I believe there's a juvie in the nest.
Yes - There is a juvie in the nest...a long, sleek beautiful Bird...Hi MEGAN !
FLORALGIRL: I see you were the last one on...and the first one on....you DID sleep some didn't you?
Hope you have a Good Day....
...and we have each other as witnesses....the Eaglat has departed.....
Man oh Man - Computer is really pokey today..
Did see a nice Buck Deer - at least a six-point at PA - maybe an eight - and today is definitely boating day at FerryBoat Finney's - saw one large one go left, and another go right, and a bunch of sailboats!
Time to get ready for work.
T-BIRD: We have a BUDDY DRIVE in Berkeley County! Thought of you when I passed it yesterday.
Hmm.. sleep- S-L-E-E-P- can you use it in a sentence?? No rest for the weary:) Off to work I go- have a great day Magpie and everybody else!!
A fine morning to all my eagle buds. Magpie-I have a good picture of Buddy in Captain Gene's seat on the Eagle Express. :)
have there been any eagle(s) or juvies this morning Magpie?
Good morning all my eagle buddies! MT nest this morning.
I have been watching Mei Xiang. Bless her heart, it looks like every movement takes such effort.
Sorry for the redundancy Magpie-hadn't read your entry about the long, sleak juvie this morning.
guess most are snoozing this morning
Juvie in our nest
BIG juvie in nest!!
Beautiful Eagle AM Everyone.
Read all the VWildlifeCtr updates on Buddy's surgery & post op. of Sat. It is truly amazing! I was touched by Dir. Ed Clark's reference to miracles!
Glad to see Wanda & Family home. Best wishes for Dustin.
Good Morning Magpie, Thelma, Sharon, Megan and Loretta ( :
Juvie just left
Glad to hear Wanda is home and Dustin....prayers still.
Morning, all!
I was out on the deck enjoying my coffee and the birds and the breeze!
A juvie was spotted behind the WE nest this morning!
Good Morning Paula ( :
I am catching up on comments. Just read and seen pictures of Buddy and the surgery...Miracles ( :
For when NORMA comes in
NORMA not one donkey out...somebody stole the pace of donkeys. NORMA do you have the donkeys at your home????
2 adults our nest!!!
Duh - That would be Lib and Belle!
Cool Pic! parent is leaving and Juvie is mantling!
in case you missed the earlier message.
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