Wednesday, April 16, 2008


New thread.


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MITS said...

I saw you mention that earlier, Jo, I could not get on that site either.....don't know what is wrong....they were working ok at the zoo.

MITS said...

all kinds of protein at CO

MITS said...

NBG is down...when is that egg due to hatch???

deb said...

April 26th on the NBG egg.

Mema Jo said...

Does anyone know where our adult
eagle is ???? I can't see one!

deb said...

It left a few minutes ago.

Mema Jo said...

That's great. It is dark out. Eagles don't fly well in the dark - remember

Hopefully up on the limb right
above the nest

normabyrd said...

Did anyone get the WOOD DUCK count?
Last time I could get in--it was still at the 7 hatches---that was taken this afternoon---pic has changed either!!!

normabyrd said...

JO---The EAGLE stayed longer this eve---She was cleaning up the the nest---picking up all the sticks, etc.-- cleaning up the "ROMPER ROOM"---They are messy little darlings--aren't they? ho!

Mema Jo said...

I didn't think the adult felt they were old enough now to take care of themselves OR they take up so much room she doesn't have any!

They will take a video tomorrow if the wood ducklings start jumping.
Not sure of the count now - don't think anyone can see all the heads!

deb said...

look now at the wood ducks, parent is gone.

Mema Jo said...

Looks like a lot more wood ducks have hatched

Link Wood Duck Nest TX

This might get you there - that site is slow tonight.........

deb said...

Parent duck is back.

Mema Jo said...

She just flops right on top of them all!

deb said...

It's amazing they all fit under her.

deb said...

Eagle in CO starting to get covered with snow.

Mema Jo said...

Raccoon is in the PA woods this evening. I have not see any deer for some time.

deb said...

It is a good sized one!

Osprey in Wildwatch.

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the wood duck link, Jo.

Evening all. Been out mowing the grass...gotta go do those monthly

MITS said...

I guess the kids are in their own room tonight, Mom and Dad are, for sure, close by.

Mema Jo said...

Yep! They are growing up pretty fast

paula eagleholic said...

Oldest will be 5 weeks old tomorrow!

MITS said...

Thanks, Deb, 10 more days for NBG, the cam is up and running again down there.

Mema Jo said...

Dawn is starting to break in Finland

You can see the outline of the land & water..........

MITS said...

dawn breaking in Finland, somthing in the nest:)

MITS said...

we must have looked at the same time, Jo

floralgirl said...

Tiny is trying to get comfy...

Mema Jo said...

So the first week of June could be fledging for our oldest - 11 wks.

We best get a nest visit end of May.

MITS said...

ok, maybe my eyes are not working, not so sure if something is in the nest....goong to turn off room light

MITS said...

MT nest, my eyes were fooling me.

Mema Jo said...

OK I agree - MT nest

One of something will probably fly in shortly.... Guess they are not ready to lay eggs or else they would be in the nest.

Scotland has 2 eggs now.

MITS said...

still is pretty to watch the dawn breaking there

Mema Jo said...

Where's the Ferry Boat?

MITS said...

don't tell me I missed the boat again....story of my life..

MITS said...

love the way the chicks are all lumped together

floralgirl said...

My ship is coming in any day now... nite all- tired-spring wears me out..

Mema Jo said...

Pearl was looking for a place to lay her head.. She was bobbing up & down.
I think she landed on Tiny...

The sky is so beautiful in Finland
The pinkish!

Megan When is full moon for us?

floralgirl said...

Full moon is Sunday, the 20th.

Mema Jo said...

Good Night Megan.........

MITS said...

April 20th, Jo

floralgirl said...

Oh, and it's the flower moon:)

MITS said...

ooppss, sorry Megan, thought you had gone to bed:)

MITS said...

ok, Flower moon...what does that mean?

floralgirl said...

That's ok, I'm moving slowly tonite.. nite all.

floralgirl said...

lol... lots of flowers coming into bloom now, suppose that's why they called it the flower moon. now I'm really out of here....

MITS said...

rofl...sorry poor Megan, go to bed...

Mema Jo said...

Hope Megan made it to the bed!!

Mema Jo said...


Mema Jo said...


Mema Jo said...


MITS said...

see the osprey, missed the ferry

Mema Jo said...


Mema Jo said...

I wonder where the sea eagles have gone. I really enjoyed seeing them.

deb said...

Just finished watching Men in Trees. I see two osprey in finland, an eagle in OR.

deb said...

Just that fast only one osprey in Finland.

deb said...

I miss them, too, Jo. They were so beautiful.

Mema Jo said...

Our guys are still sacked out!!
I think that is a good idea & so
I plan on closing down for the night!

Good Night Everyone
Pleasant dreams & restful sleep
Prayers for all being said

Mema Jo said...

Nite Deb, Mits & Paula

MITS said...

Well, GOODNIGHT EVERYONE Getting up around 4, hubby wants to be at Metro station by 5, stadium gates open 5:15 a.m., activities start at 6:30 a.m. Pope arrives at 9:30a.m. Mass at 10, lasting around 2 hours....I HOPE THERE IS COFFEE THERE SOMEWHERE TOMORROW, OR SOMEONE WILL GET THEIR HEAD BIT OFF....have a nice day:):):),,,Talk to you all sometime tomorrow when I get back....will say some special prayers for all of you and those with special needs

deb said...

Enjoy yourself tomorrow and I hope you find coffee!

paula eagleholic said...

NIte, Jo and Mits and Megan. Have a great day tomorrow, Mits. Buy one of those Pope bobbleheads!

deb said...

I am off to bed, too. Night, everyone.

I put some videos on today, some from our nest, one of the herons and one from Oregon.

Suzanne said...

Good morning, world. Not too bad out, 40° at my house, 49° here. Have my car back, that's always nice. The Nissan was nice yesterday, but I do like my car. Sorta like wearing a new pair of shoes, nice for a time, but always better to get old comfy shoes back on!
Our kids are sleeping alone, first time this season I've seen them do that. Getting too big for mom to attempt to be in the nest with them. BW kids are also alone, but that's not new for them. Finland nest is MT, but they have a beautiful sunny day there! One of the ospreys is on the eggs in Scotland, but facing other direction, so don't know if it's mom or dad. Off to open more cams and get some stuff done. All have a great eagle/panda day. Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Suzanne said...

Osprey just arrived in Finland. Our kids are sleeping in a triangle, heads all touching in the center, bodies are the points out. Too cute.

Suzanne said...

OMG, FINNEY'S NEST CAM IS OPEN!!!! Be still my heart!!! There is an osprey in the nest looking around, but the ground and nest are covered in snow! AND... when it loaded, it said please wait connecting...blah blah but in ENGLISH and Finnish!!!! How cool is that! Osprey just took off, nest is now MT. I am SO glad that's back!!!! BUT... can't take pics! Darn and double darn!! But it is up now, it's 11:42 over there and a sunny day. Looks cold with the snow. These guys must be a lot farther north of the other osprey nest. Ok, URL for Finney's nest is:

Saaksi is Finnish for Osprey.

So very glad to see this nest again, as I'm sure all of us that watched it last year will be!!! But darn, no pics. Darn darn!

Suzanne said...

Well darn, was watching Finney's nest and missed a switch in Scotland. Think that may be mom in the nest, she's pulling all the moss around her and fighting with a stick. She likes the moss, he moves it all out. And the 2nd Finland nest is now MT, and the one that was casting a shadow is also gone. Our kids are sleeping, spidey's web is moving, and the BW kids are still sleeping. Maine is MT, and eagle on egg in NBG. Man, Scottish girl is really fighting with that stick! Think that's the one they both have tried to move and couldn't get it to move. OH, both ospreys just arrived Finland, 2nd nest. Cool.

Suzanne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Suzanne said...

Looks like the male osprey is back in Finney's nest.

Suzanne said...

Darn, raining in Scotland. Wierd, just had a raindrop slide down the cam. Very wierd to watch. Mom just shook her head.
Both Finland nests MT. Our local kids are still sleeping.
Just had a switch in Scotland, could see an egg, but hard to see through the rain on the cam.
Ok, this was 2 posts, but blogger kicked me out and had to sign in again. Haven't said in a while how much I hate Google blogger, have I??????? Well, I do.
Sems our Scottish osprey is moving moss, but can't tell if he (I think) is moving it away like he usually does, or moving it toward him in the rain.
Oh, cool, Jackdaws are in the nest on cam 2 in Finland! First time I've got a decent picture of them.

floralgirl said...

Morning, Suz:) looks like chicks are getting an early breakfast.

Suzanne said...

Adult on Lib's perch feeding babies. BW babies awake but still laying there. Scotland osprey getting soaked. Maine MT, lost NBG, deer in PA in the rain. 2 ospreys in BWO, Tai (guess) sleeping on his side and back and has his legs in the air and over his head. He's so cute. Finney's nest MT. Beautiful stork in GE is just sitting on eggs, has feathers all fluffed out. Looks like a queen with her gowns all out beside her.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Megan. Yup, nice to see!

Suzanne said...

Male just arrived in Scotland, and Wonder Woman hasn't stopped yakking at him. She's moving sticks and moss in front of her and her mouth is going a mile a minute! Don't see him now, he might have left. They are still zoomed in on her.

Suzanne said...

Too slow, just missed an osprey mating in Finland.

indiana nesting eagles dave said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
floralgirl said...

That is an interesting cam,nice close up pic of the nest.

Suzanne said...

BW parent arrived, fish in foot. Now is she gonna feed the kids, or eat it herself!

Suzanne said...

Finney's? It's a beautiful nest. It's man made, as is the one we're watching that the sea eagles were using. Beautiful, aren't they? And yes, can see up close and personal when they lay their eggs and have babies. Just have to figure out how to take pics, now. Took beautiful pictures last year!

Suzanne said...

LOL, the osprey is hard to see in all that black and white, isn't he?

Costume Lady said...

And a good morning it is! I woke up at 5am and turned on RP and clicked it on and LO AND BEHOLD, THERE WERE THE CHICKS! Don't know how long it will last, but at least I know I have the capability of seeing them; nothing wrong with the installation of Real Player.

carolinabeachmom said...

GOOD THURSDAY MORNING SUZANNE, WANDA AND MEGAN. Finally got in early enough and could get on. Bright sunny day here and into the low 70's by this afternoon, but good winds are in the forecast for here.

floralgirl said...

Well that is good news, Wanda! the chicks already had some breakfast then adult flew out of nest.

carolinabeachmom said...

WANDA Glad to hear that you finally have our nest in your sight. That must have been very frustrating for you. I can only ever get the still cam up in school .

floralgirl said...

Hello Candy, supposed to be sunny and 70° here today.

Suzanne said...

Well, I'll be darned!!! Good morning and CONGRATULATIONS, Wanda!!! I'm so glad you can finally see the babies.

Morning, Candy, glad you're here too. Missed you the last couple of days, and was wondering where you were this morning. You must have heard me and came on!

Both have a great day.

Costume Lady said...

Finally caught you on here. Yes, it is a great feeling to get the nest up in view. I was begining to feel like the red-headed stepchild.LOL

Suzanne said...

There is a pretty little bird in finney's nest. Not sure what it is.

Suzanne said...

Maybe a Titmouse.

Suzanne said...

Not a Titmouse, but same coloring. Whole lot larger, tho, and fatter. Cute little thing.

carolinabeachmom said...

Yes, I finally got Finneys old nest on here and see a very smnall bird. Glad to see the nest on tho.

carolinabeachmom said...

Glad to hear that the BWE got fed this am. They are rally turning black with new feathers. And as usual, I am seeing well fed E chicks on our nest resting.

carolinabeachmom said...

That little bird is just sitting at the edge of the Finland nest like he owns it. He had betteer watch out.

carolinabeachmom said...

MEGAN, glad to hear the weather is getting warmer for you and your flowers up there. I wish I lived next door to you with all your beautiful blooms that you have or will have. I just love flowers.

carolinabeachmom said...

This time next week, my hubby and I will be close by as we come to Winchester to move our son to Greenville, NC. :( Now he won't be near the nest. He is moving his furniture down to the condo he will be living in with his bride in October. He will be staying with us on the beach for the summer months.

carolinabeachmom said...

Josh will be job hunting in Greenville during the summer months in between working at something beachy. It will be good to have him home again. I am hoping this will be the last move we have to participate in. We are getting too old for this.

We are using his future mil jeep to pull a UHaul. I just hope it all fits when we get up there. :)

carolinabeachmom said...

Well people are starting to come in, so had better close down and get ready. Now that I have talked your ears off, I'll say to have a super day, safe trip home SUZANNE to Gypsy and the kitties; Megan, keep those flowers blooming and WANDA, I hope you continue to get coverage of our nest. Later gators/

glo said...

Good Morning everyone. Wow I have live feed with sound this morning. What a nice surpise. I also have a Staff Meeting so won't be here to watch very long. Enjoy your day everyone. Saw good news from you too Wanda

Suzanne said...

Candy, at least Josh will be there for the summer. That will be nice for you! Have a good day, talk to you tomorrow, I hope.
Morning, Glo. Glad to hear you have sound and video for the nest! Seems to be working this morning, and that's a good thing!
Tai just crawled under a table, now he's half out and going to sleep. Too cute.
Scotland osprey is jut talking away. Guess you can do that when you get old.. sit there and talk to yourself. hehehe
Our kids are sitting around waiting for something to happen, and BW babies are sleeping. So what else is new?
Little bird left finney's nest, and nobody on the other Finland nest. Still have an osprey hanging out at BWO. Sure wish they would decide to nest there or not.

Suzanne said...

Mei found some treats she had stashed away, or just got, and she's chowing down!

Suzanne said...

PA and Finney's nest both MT.

Suzanne said...

Both ospreys are in HH. Sure hope those eggs hatch. Oh, egg turning in Scotland.

Suzanne said...

Still 2 eggs. She's so gentle when turning those eggs. Claws in, and ever so gently she moves them.

Suzanne said...

Oh wow, that must be the male. Took 2 huge chunks of moss and threw them way out from the eggs. It's so funny that she likes it and he hates it.

Suzanne said...

OH, there goes another clump. Too funny.

floralgirl said...

Hello Glo:) thanks- just restarted live feed and IT HAS SOUND!!

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!----I not only have RP up---I have the sound of the 3 EAGLETS!!---WOW!--TOP THAT!!!

normabyrd said...

NOW--ALL we need is a new thread!!---POOR STEVE!!---He will think we are never satisfied---ho!

Suzanne said...

Good morning, Norma. Sounds like you all have RP going the way it's supposed to this morning! Super!

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---I haven't seen FINNY or the nest yet-----When did you see him---much earlier??---I am so anxious just to see the nest itself---REMEMBER--It's a piece of ART!!---ho!

Suzanne said...

Norma, Finney was the baby that fledged. Remember last year they had 3 eggs, one didn't hatch, and then the other chick died. Finney was the only one that fledged from that nest last year. You won't see him there again, he migrated and will stay in Africa for about a year, I think. Returns to where he fledged at age 2, I believe. An osprey, not sure if male or female, has been in and out of the nest this morning. I posted the URL up a few comments, probably shortly after 4:30 when I opened the nest and saw it on!

Suzanne said...

Norma, URL at 4:44. Cut and paste.

normabyrd said...

WHOA!!!----CHECK the TX WOOD DUCK!!----She has hatched more ducks----20 eggs---(7 hatched yesterday)----You can see parts of many little duckies sticking out!!!---

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---I remember!---but that's how I refer to that nest!!--"FINNY'S NEST"--

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, just read where Normabyrd had sound. It is just lovely. Good morning, eagle buddies. Going to attempt to work today. I haven't been able to all week. I hope everyone has a wonderful day.

normabyrd said...

How's it goin' for ya!!---(WV lingo)--ho!---Thinking of you last night & this a.m.---

Lolly said...

Good morning!!!! Good bye!!! Just peeking in. SOUND!!!! Wonderful! Now gotta leave! Have a sick grandchild, gotta go babysit and my daughter's computer is down. :(

Maybe back tonight...maybe tomorrow nite. BYE!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Normabyrd, I am still amongst the living. Been having some stomach problems and rib problems but I think I will live! :) Have to go Monday morning for an EGD (endoscope) to check things out. We have a beautiful spring day here in Bluefield, squirrels and birds are busy and the leaves on the trees are busting out everywhere.

Suzanne said...

Norma, that's how I refer to this nest, too! Finney's nest.
Sharon, hope you feel better soon.

Suzanne said...

Oops, and hi and bye Lolly! Hope the grandbaby gets better quickly too!

normabyrd said...

SHARON---It's beautiful here too!!----Waking up to the sounds of birds singing----BRIGHT SUNNY day-----temp. is 41°!!!----awwwww a glorious day!!---LIFE IS GOOD!!!---SHARON--will keep you in my thoughts!!---ENJOY THIS DAY GOD HAS GIVEN US!!!!

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---I get so excited--I don't stop & think!! ho!---I am just so happy when we discover a site that brought us such JOY comes back for another season!!---We watched that tragedy!---Remember they climbed up & removed the little osprey!!---

deb said...

Good Morning, everyone. It is a cool rainy morning here. So nice to have sound!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN'LOLLY---Will keep you grandchild in my thoughts today!!---SORRY--

normabyrd said...

Wonder how HELEN is doing!!---WOW! she was to leave at 4:00 a.m.---I think---to go to baseball stadium to see the POPE!!---Isn't that wonderful!!!---Beautiful WEATHER too!!!!----Details---

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' DEB!!---Sorry--you have rain!!---It is almost a perfect day here today!!---Sunshine & temps to reach 70s---!!----YEP!--RP & SOUND!!---

normabyrd said...

HEY!!---CHECK TX WOOD DUCK!!!---You can see all 13 (i think) eggs have hatched!!---They are all around her & easy to count!!!
---Such an AWESOME sight!!!---W/never see that again in my life time!!!!! WAY COOL!!!!!

Suzanne said...

OH, I wondered if Helen was going to go see the Pope! We have a lady here at work that went also. Just saw the crowd on TV, gazillions of people are there. They have a beautiful day for his mass.
Norma, I just found Finney's nest location. He is on an outer edge of an island in Finland, right on the water. It looks beautiful. I'll send you the URL to find it.
Morning, all!!

Suzanne said...

Norma, that is so cool. The folks that are running the cam say 10 have hatched so far, and they will likely fledge today.

paula eagleholic said...

OMGosh we have sound!!!!!

NatureNut said...

Blessed Good Morning Everyone.
Been watching preps for Pope's Mass. Did not get tickets & figured it's better to see on TV, but a local newscaster just gave 2 tickets away to folks in the outside crowd!
Will give you Park eagle and osprey updates LL.
Pax vobiscum

deb said...

This is weird, I had sound, but lost it almost right away. I keep restarting, no sound.

deb said...

YEAH! I got it back, I had to reset the RP and that worked.

indiana nesting eagles dave said...

good morning I think steven slept
in this morning. no new thread

paula eagleholic said...

Wow, the sounds are really can hear them peeping at each other!

Suzanne said...

Dave, I saw your pictures of your new babies!! They are adorable! So cute to see the little ones sticking their heads up waiting for bites. Thanks for sharing.

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---Been on phone--(trying to get off)----But 7 duck eggs hatched yesterday---So that means 17 out of 20---GREAT!---Aren't they too cute!!---Would love to hold one!!!---awww!!

normabyrd said...

WONDERFUL SUZANNE!---I can get the site---but no pics!!

deb said...

Have either Belle or Lib been in the nest this morning?

movin said...


Ooorah! I'm watching the live feed and listening to the songbirds in WV at the same time!



normabyrd said...

PAULA---You have 'pull' with NCTC----Have you asked for a new thread?
They know you!!

paula eagleholic said...

Megan said one was in earlier, feeding breakfast

deb said...

Thanks, I missed that comment.

deb said...

Feeding in CO.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' EAGLE BUDDIES!!---I kept waiting on the THREAD---so haven't kept up with everyone!!---temp is 50° --- truly a PERFECT day!!--BRIGHT SUNNY DAY!!---LIFE IS GOOD!!---WE ARE TRULY BLESSED!!

floralgirl said...

Oh Norma, new thread awaits you!

movin said...




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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...