Tuesday, April 22, 2008


New thread. More rain today?


«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 370 of 370
MITS said...

AND IT IS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!11

deb said...

Look how Tiny is stretched out.

MITS said...


paula eagleholic said...

Live feed is up!

deb said...

John fixed it for us from home.

paula eagleholic said...

All this rain and I had to wet the grass to put the fertilizer on...geesh!

paula eagleholic said...

Thank you John! You're a sweetheart!

paula eagleholic said...

Gotta feed the dogs and myself...BBIALW

paula eagleholic said...

parent just arrived!

Hang on doggies

Costume Lady said...

Was that Pearl picking on Tiny? It is really hard to tell them apart now.

paula eagleholic said...

No food, just a chick check I think

paula eagleholic said...

Parent gone

paula eagleholic said...

I think biggie is on the far left, Wanda...then middy then tiny

Costume Lady said...

Chicks are really restless tonight...can't seem to get settled down.

paula eagleholic said...

Chicks have settled into a comfy pile in the middle of the nest

melvsmom said...

Hi, I guess I am what ya'll call a "lurker". I've been watching and reading for a few days. I've only managed to catch them at meal time once. Is there any sort of "schedule" they keep?

MITS said...

Hello, DEBORAH, no real schedule....feeding up to Mom and Dad, when they bring it in or they have leftovers.....welcome, hope you are having fun watching them.

MITS said...

Hope this works, Ann Marie sent out this peregrine falcon nest in San Jose, California...3 chicks have hatched, and 1 egg to go.


melvsmom said...

Thanks, Mits, it doesn't really matter so much. I just love watching them flap around and "talk". I even listen at work; my boss thought it was the ocean until I explained what it was. They certainly keep me on the edge of my chair.

paula eagleholic said...

You got it Mits, keep doing 'em :)

MITS said...

Yes, Deborah, they do, glad your boss doesn't mind you watching them. In about 6 weeks or so, they will take there 1st flights and they will be doing alot of wing flapping to practice before the big event....it is a bitter sweet time, because you want them to fly, but then you will not see them as much.

MITS said...

I'm so happy:):):)....been waiting for something to come along so I could practice it again:)

paula eagleholic said...

We have a big moving eaglet pile in our nest!

MITS said...

they are too funny...all is quiet and one moves and wakes up the others, still remind me of Larry, Moe and Curly

MITS said...

yea...the sun is out in Oregon

MITS said...

oh wow!!! just saw the "heronettes"!

deb said...

That is a beautiful to see the sun out. I hope the snow starts melting soon.

deb said...

I haven't been able to get the Heron cam open all day, and I still can't. The wind is really blowing in San Jose.

MITS said...

Deb, I still have it up

deb said...

It is weird, I have Kent and the osprey open, just can't get the herons.

MITS said...

osprey in FINLAND nest

MITS said...

off to watch BOSTON LEGAL:)

deb said...

The falcon chicks are getting dinner.

MITS said...

BOTH osprey in FINLAND

MITS said...

WELL 1 just took off from FINLAND

deb said...

The sun is just coming up on this cam for sea eagles, but I think they are going to look like the ones that were in the Finland nest. This cam is in Norway and there is an eagle in the nest.

Sea Eagles

deb said...

Eagle in Kent 1.

deb said...

The sun didn't last long in OR, it is snowing again. :(

MITS said...

that was a really dumb Boston Legal, did not like it at all.....GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE

deb said...

Just lost our cam again, so that must mean it is time to shut down for the night.

Mema Jo said...

Good Night everyone

Pleasant dreams & restful sleep
Prayers for all our needs being said

deb said...

The sun is up in Norway and it is a very pretty eagle in the nest. I was hoping the mate would come in, but nothing so far.

Night all. I didn't e-mail about the cam being down as John was going to reset it for sound first thing in the morning.

Costume Lady said...

No cam here either. I think that is John's way of telling us it is time to go to bed. OK, John, but don't forget to turn it on early in the morning.


movin said...


Hope you have a good day birding ... The live feed needs to be reset.



Suzanne said...

Good morning, world. Beautiful night out, bright big moon, warm just very nice. 58° in PA, 56° here in VA.
Spidey himself is on the cam lens, can't see a thing but him and his legs. UGH, not a pretty sight at this hour....or any hour, for that matter! Both BW kids are sleeping, osprey is in the house in Finland, Finney's nest is MT, and osprey on eggs in Scotland. Jackdaws are also in the house, so guess they're gonna be laying eggs too. Cool.
OH, this is my babies birthday today! Gypsy's kids turn 4 years old. Good grief, seems like they were just born yesterday. Time flies! I'll have to give them extra pets or something. But we have a big birthday party for all of them together, so just extra pets today.
All have a great eagle/panda day. Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Chrissy Beahan said...


Hi Suzanne pet,

PARTY,,,PARTY,,,, Can I come please !!!!

I can't get the cam still,,,, realplayer still going round and round,,bit dizzy really,,,,,

At the moment I'm in Africa,,,,,
I bet you didn't know I could travel so fast,,,did you ???

Pete's Pond:::::
FATTY sitting sunning himself on the bank,,
Deers and birds are just lovely,,,,
Warthogs doing what warthogs do,,boy they run like clowns.

Zeebra's having trouble with Water Buffalo's [they are nutty creatures] Zeebra's couldnt care less.Quite a dry thunder storm going on at the mo,,doesn't seem to affect the animals though.

Isla, sitting on the nest in the sunshine looking magnificent,,,
ooooops, sorry,, she just flew off,,Angus turns up and plays a little with the nest,, he looks at the eggs,,turns them and sits with his usual wiggle,wiggle, pulls moss and whatever he can reach around him, tucks it all in and he looks so comfy now,,Bless him,,,I wonder how long it will be before Madam returns.

My cats are out in the garden,,, watching the birds,,I'm surprised today as we have SUNSHINE !!!!!!!
Ladyhawk is shopping,,she loves her supermarket,,,,Mr and Mrs Blackbird are nest sitting and being very noisey,,,starlings driving me up the wall.
BAD NEWS about my owl family,,, only 4 babies left now,9 were laid, I think you all know where the other babies went ????

ooooooooooo Madam had returned in Scotland,now that was a sort trip,, oh dear,,, I think she has only come back to nag at Angus,,poor old bloke,,he does suffer, boy has she got a mouth on her,,,,,,

Well thats all I can think off so far,,,

I hope you are all as well as you can be today !!!!

love and hugs

Chrissy Beahan said...

Pete's Pond:::::::
A pair of beautiful black and white kingfishers, just had a bath and now preening on a branch,,brilliant close up !!!!

Zeebra nap time,,lying down and streaching in the sun and playing rolly polly's,, but it's the hottest time of day there 12..13 p.m. in the afternoon.

Madam has returned to the Scotish nest,, she is still shouting her head off,,what she finds to complain about only heaven knows,,, nothing seems to please her,,,,,if Angus is there he get hen-pecked, if he isn't he still get shouted at from afar,,,,I think at their age they should retire and go and live in a nice old folks home somewhere and rest,,, at least she would have more birds to nag at there,,wouldn't she !!!!

love and hugs

Suzanne said...

Hi Chrissy! Looks like you're a world traveler! I am too, at the moment. I'm in Scotland with Isla, who I call Wonder Woman, and in Finland with 2 osprey nests. Very cool indeed. I know Isla talks a lot, always see her beak moving! Someone said she was very loud, so makes me kinda glad I don't have a sound card here. Love watching them, though! Seems she always pulls moss in around her, and he gets in the nest and moves everything out. They are a trip!
Sorry about your owls! I don't like barn owls, they are cannibalistic, and it's hard to watch. Found that out last year, so only watch them till the babies start to hatch, then stop. Guess that's nature, only the fittest survive, but with barn owls, that can be as many as only 1. Hardly seems fair, does it?

We have a Momster Birthday today!

Chrissy, might want to cover your ears...


Ok, I'm finished singing,you can uncover your ears now.

Happy birthday, Anne, hope you have the most wonderful day!

Belle just arrived with something, and one of the chicks has moved over to it and has her foot on it! other 2 are watching. Think we're trying to mantle, how cool.

Suzanne said...

Both ospreys in Finland nest, Finney's nest is MT.
Oh, that was a shadow chick had foot on. Looked like Belle brought in a fuzzy something, but guess it's a fish. Chicks have walked over to her for breakfast!
Parent is also in BW, but only see 1 chick nearby. Wonder if parent is gonna share the food??? Ok, another refresh, how come only 1 chick??

carolinabeachmom said...

GOOD MORNING CHRISSY AND SUZANNE. I haven't been able to get on the last few days or catch up on the blog; too much going on. Just wanted to say "hi" and let you know that I will be moving Josh from Winchester to Greenville, NC. tomorrow, Friday and Saturday. Sooooo I wanted to say hope all you eagle momsters and dadsters have a super end of the week, and a very GREAT WEEKEND!
Josh will be staying the summer at our house, working here on the Outer Banks and looking for work in Greenville. Keep on that blogging so I can try to catch up when I get back and see what has all been going on. Tomorrow it's UHauling to Winchester! :)

carolinabeachmom said...

And a special

I hope your day turns out with all that you want it to be. Later gator. Have a GREAT DAY!

Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi Both,,

Sorry I've been surfing,,,boy I'm wet !!!!


I'm not going to sing,,,I'll break the blog !!!

Suzanne your better off not having sound,,Isla has a mouth on her only a mother could love,,and poor poor Angus gets it in the ear everytime.

Still can't get the eaglecam,so please keep on coming with all the up-dated news !!!!

I'm also in Ecuador at the mo too watching all the tiny hummers, they are so sweet. I'll put the thingy below


I hope you can get it to watch.

Darling Mei is sitting by the door waiting to go out, she has been given a paper sack with some treats in,, so she is happy for a little bit. If she gets any fatter she will burst,,, but I'm hoping she is preggers and we will have a cub come July. Bless her to bits.

Isla still shouting,,whats her problem ?????
Those chicks will hatch with a complex !!! or ear muffs.

love and hugs

Costume Lady said...

Chrissy, you are a trip! Loved your commentery.
Candy, you have alot of work ahead of you. Have a safe trip and don't work too hard.
SUZ, you have a beautiful singing voice. LOL

Suzanne said...

Morning, Candy. You're gonna be busy moving! Don't work too hard. Be careful!
Chrissy, here's a towel for you...
Morning, Wanda! Thanks, but be very glad you're where you are, which is out of earshot!
One of our chicks just flapped his wings, how beautiful!
And looks like one of the CO owls fledged, not ledged. Other one is on the ledge.
Think both our kids and BW had breakfast this morning. Started to see both parent in each nest, but then got busy.
Osprey in Finland, oh make that both in Finland, and you can see the jackdaw on cam 2 for a change. Looks like Wonder Woman is quiet for a change. Guess I should use her real name, ISLA, I guess. Have to write that down so I can remember.
Be in and out today, mostly out. bummer.

Suzanne said...

Forgot, osprey in foggy bottom BWO!

Costume Lady said...

I can see two chicks at BW now. I could only see one for awhile.

Suzanne said...

OMG, look quick. We have 2 eggs in the jackdaw nest!

Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi all,

Thanks for the towel Suzanne pet,,and shhhhhhhhhhh if Isla hears you he will start off again,, the peace is wonderful !!!!

Take it easy with the move Candy pet,,get the men to help,,or is that a silly comment ???

Please keep up all the info on the eaglets Suzanne, I still can't get the cam !!!

Right,,, I'm starving and I'm going for food as it's way past lunch time here.

speak later I hope..
love and hugs

Suzanne said...

Me too, Wanda. I was getting worried for a minute there! Then one was up and standing in the middle of the nest, and it made him look twice the size of the other one. I'm glad they're both there and seem to be ok.
Jackdaw eggs still visible, she's standing looking out the entrance.

Suzanne said...

The jackdaws are kinda pretty. I thought at first they looked like the Hoodie Crows, but they don't look anything like the Hoodies!

Suzanne said...

She's turning her eggs with her beak.
Our kids are all huddled in one big fluffball!
BW kids are sorta snoozing, looks like.

Costume Lady said...

Where are they Suz?

floralgirl said...


Suzanne said...

Oh, sorry, Wanda. on other computer. The jackdaws are in Finland, on cam 2, Kohde 2.
Osprey in nest on cam 1.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Megan!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning eagle land! Glad to see our live feed is up and with sound again today.

I am watching excitement around here with my birds. I had my first rose-breasted grosbeak at the suet feeder just now. Robins and blue jays are fighting for the same tree to nest in. Mourning doves are doing hanky panky on my roof. Getting ready to start working now. I hope all have a wonderful day!

Costume Lady said...

Megan, it's going to be a perfect day to work in you flowers.
Sharon, now I know why we haven't seen our RB Grosbeak (from what you said), we don't have any suet in our feeder. Hope it isn't too late to fill it and lure him here.

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!---Thanks GOOD NEWS MEGAN!!---It's just too EXCITING!!---What to check out first!!!---Is that #3 standing on HER own??---

Costume Lady said...

Sharon, our Mourning Doves seem to do the Hanky Panky all year long! They have a one track mind. LOL

normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO SUZANNE'S 'GYPSY'----If I had known GYPSY---I would have baked you a 'TUNA CAKE'----You know you are my favorite!!!!!----don't tell the others---

normabyrd said...

It's a FOGGY a.m. here in WV--"HOME OF BELLE & LIBERTY--PLUS 3" temp. 47°---and the sun is rising!!----birds are singing & MEGAN'S flowers are blooming!!---ENJOY THIS GLORIOUS DAY!!----LIFE IS GOOD!!!

Costume Lady said...

NORMA, I know for a fact that Anne-Marie is not 30...she is 39! She has been lying about her age!

normabyrd said...


MITS said...

GOOD WEDNESDAY A.M. EVERYONE cloudy here right now,62°, supposed to go up to 72°, but when the sun comes out sure it is going higher....CEIL said to say good morning, won't accept the password again and she is off to work.....

normabyrd said...

Thanks WANDA----for setting me straight!!----It's EARLY!! ho!

Costume Lady said...

I wonder what you will do today to celebrate? I know you do exciting things and today should be no exception. Have a wonderful day and tonight, PARTY, PARTY, PARTY.

Costume Lady said...

Your welcome, Norma!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' HELEN & CEIL!!---It's a cool 50° here & sunny!!

MITS said...

JACKJAWS IN FINLAND have 2 eggs, such a pretty bird....

Costume Lady said...

I hope all this crazy stuff doesn't discourage Ceil. BIG BLOGGER must be watching her. LOL

normabyrd said...

WHOA---Did I just hear #1 EAGLET taking off on his motorcycle?
DID YOU ALL HEAR IT?-----Maybe it was STEVE checking out our nest???

MITS said...

heard that, Norma, thought maybe it was Jill:)

normabyrd said...

HEY HELEN!!---Isn't that our 'LITTLE PRINCE' down by the screen window----acting like he is 6 mo. old!!---bless his little heart!!----the LITTLE IMP!!!

MITS said...

Wanda I can't believe after 2 years, she just decided to jump into the blog.....I stopped bugging her along time ago.

MITS said...


normabyrd said...

Could be---Maybe she was picking up a felon that was hiding in the nest there!!---ho!!

Suzanne said...

Morning, Sharon, Norma and Helen. Norma, it's Gypsy's KIDS that have the birthday today! But thanks for the thought! Gypsy thanks you too. But her kittens are 4 today. Guess they're not kittens, are they?
good family pic of CO eagle family. Both parents, and kids are lined up eating a fish. Adorable.

Suzanne said...

Awwww, look how the CO eagles are lined up...one two three, like ducks heading out. That's adorable.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

RP says connecting and I hear sound but no pic!

MITS said...

Mine still working here, Sharon

Costume Lady said...

Sharon, I don't have LF either.

TroubleInWVa said...

GOOD MORNIN ALL! Our babies are sunbathin... sigh... I remember when they were just lil white powderpuffs! Have a great day all!


TroubleInWVa said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
normabyrd said...

VA LADY looks so serene this a.m.----Don't think egg has hatched!!!

Costume Lady said...

Wish I could go out and sun-bath.
My bathing suit doesn't fit anymore. LOL

Costume Lady said...

NORMA, if you go to my Wanda's Wishes blog, you will see what I used my "Eagle Cane" for. I love it; it carries many fond memories of the fun we have all had together.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Duh, restarted the RP and have pic and sound. Yeah!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' MERINA---Won't be long until they start trying to fly----THEY ARE A RIOT!!---Love watching them----Reminds me of my own kids---when they were young!!

MITS said...

The beautiful and multi-talentd Megan is having troubles with getting on the blog.......

I have live feed but no sound. I can't post on the blog- my computer is so screwed up, it won't show the page correctly, I can read, but the posting space is blank. Soo- can you tell everybody I am not being rude, and that I said hello- I just couldn't get back into the blog. Have a great day, it is beautiful outside:)

MITS said...

I will have to tell her she got WAX:)

MITS said...

God Bless You.....one just sneezed

normabyrd said...

KIDS---Study Group today---W/be in & out this a.m.----HELEN do you go to ZOO today!---Love Pats to TAI!!!

MITS said...

no zoo today, Norma.....I'm just doing 2 days a month for awhile

MITS said...

Biggy is eating that tough leftover from a few days ago

Anne-Marie said...

Good Morning all, thank you so much for your cards and sweet emails. yes I'm a year older and not liking it. I'm broke, my love life stinks,my house is messy, its raining,my job is shakey, but I have the greatest friends and family in the world. Your wonderful....

deb said...

Good morning, everyone. Happy Birthday, Anne.

MITS said...

listen.....Mom or Dad nearby

MITS said...


MITS said...


MITS said...


paula eagleholic said...

Morning all!

Brought up the live feed just in time to see Pearl moving the fluff around...too cute!

Wish I could stay and play, but have a busy day...

Anne-Marie said...

thank you all, its time for me to take these hot rollers out and hit the road. I will be lurking from work. Lots of Hugs. Anne.

MITS said...

Don't forget your eggs, Annemarie

Anne-Marie said...

Thanks Mits, I took care of them. Your great!

movin said...


Happy Birthday, Anne-Marie. Don't let your computer crash before you read the eCards.

Did you see and hear that fuss when Liberty flew into the nest?? Left again, probably to get brunch.



deb said...

It is foggy at the wildwatch osprey nest. The sea eagle is laying in the nest in Norway. Best of all, it is not snowing in OR.

Mauley said...

Happy Birthday Anne, welcome deborah, so glad to have you. I lurk all the time. Post some, too. Good mid morning all you dear ones, and Be Still My Heart . . . . . . can you believe our little bit of fluffly is TINY? They are growing up too fast, and will be gone before we know it. Hasn't been that long ago, Jill and I were counting Little Bit's bites. Oh, the empty nest syndrone. Gotta keep my favorties up to date on other nest cams so the withdrawal pains will be not be so difficult to handle. You gals and guys have a blessed one in the name of our Lord. donna

glo said...

Good Morning everyone. Its wednesday so that means No rain for the nest area. I am happy to read its to e a beautiufl day. Glad to have picture and sound to enjoy when I have a chance to watch the nest.

Happy Birthday Anne Marie

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am going to say it is Pecking Pearl at 6 o'clock, Middy in the middle and Baby Littley at 11 o'clock.

paula eagleholic said...

Happy Biiirthday to Yooouuu!!
Happy Biiirthday to Yooouuu!!
Happy Biiirthday Dear Anne Marie!!
Happy Biiirthday to Yooouuu!!

MITS said...

it is fruitcicle time at the zoo, pandas are in heaven

MITS said...


This Afternoon
Partly sunny with isolated showers. Highs in the lower 70s. Southeast winds around 5 mph. Chance of rain 20 percent.
» ZIP Code Detail
Partly cloudy in the evening...then clearing. Lows in the lower 50s. Southeast winds 5 to 10 mph...becoming southwest after midnight.
Mostly sunny. Highs in the upper 70s. Northwest winds around 5 mph...becoming northeast in the afternoon.
» ZIP Code Detail
Thursday Night
Mostly clear. Lows in the upper 40s. East winds around 5 mph in the evening...becoming light and variable.
Mostly sunny. Highs in the upper 70s. South winds 5 to 10 mph.
» ZIP Code Detail

MITS said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I was getting ready to ask! :) Thanks Mits!

Suzanne said...

Hi all. Stopped by for a sec. There is an osprey in Finney's nest. Finally!

MITS said...

Why, yes there is.....wonder if they will lay eggs this year??

deb said...

It snowed in Montana, the eggs should be hatching any time now.

MITS said...

more mating in Finland osprey nest

indiana nesting eagles dave said...

Good Morning all great eagle watchers, I have been busy this
morning and i see there isn't a
new day,it takes some time to
catch up.

Indiana Nesting Eagles----Dave

MITS said...

adult eagle at BWE

movin said...

Safe trip, happy day, Suzanne.

Does anybody have Finney's url? Lost it when Windows crashed a couple of weeks ago.


Carol_in_WV said...

Good morning, eagle lovers! Whew - seems like forever since I've been on here! Been toooooo busy, busy, busy!! Welcone Merina. I live in Upper Tract and work near Franklin. Our eaglets are really growing. Altho I haven't blogged for a while, I have been watching them. Well, I have finally been seeing ospreys along the river on my way to and from work! I've been watching for them for about a month and started seeing them last week. Haven't seen any eagles since last fall, though. Yesterday morning, gas was $3.56 in Franklin - in the afternoon it went to $3.75!!!!!!!!!!

TroubleInWVa said...

Where, oh where are Belle and Lib? If they don't bring food soon the two bigger babies are going to start eyeballing LittleUn's drumsticks! LMBO


MITS said...

Jim, you have mail...

TroubleInWVa said...

Wow Carol! Nice to meet ya! I live in Petersburg. My husband and I own Mt State Realty, Inc. Stop in sometime when you can and we'll have a cup of coffee and watch the babies! It's such a beautiful day today! We have about twenty deer in our backyard and about that many squirrels on my back deck (we feed them, I have one called Bubba who has triple chins.. lol).


movin said...

Wow, one of the older chicks just really exercised the ole wings.



deb said...

Fly in in OR for a nest switch. The sun was shining a few minutes ago, but still no new snow.

Suzanne said...

Hi all, and bye all. Another busy day. Have to go home and pet the kids. My catnip is growing nicely, I'll have to cut some and give them some nice fresh catnip! That'll make 'em crazy for a half hour or so!!!
All have a great eagle/panda day. Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly! One of these days, I'm gonna be able to blog and watch cams again! I just know it! Outta here.

Carol_in_WV said...

Merina - you must be feeding Bubba good! Not sure when I'll get to Petersburg next - I'm really trying to limit my use of gas - but thanks for the invite.

MITS said...

Candles for Sharon's Patty.....


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Baby Littley is sitting at the launch pad. That will be here before we know it!

NatureNut said...


deb said...

I am off to SF for tonight and then to the Black Hills until Monday. I hope live feed stays up for you all. Talk to you next week.

MITS said...

have a good time, Deb...

MITS said...

does Tiny have a stick caught in her wing?

MITS said...

nope she doesn't

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Oh my, what wing flappin' a-happenin'!!

MITS said...

I think they are hungry!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MITS said...

lunch is served, looks like a do it yourself lunch

MITS said...

oh alright, I'll feed you!!

MITS said...

plucking going on...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Either plucking fur or feathers off before lunch can be served.

MITS said...

well guess they are on their own to finish lunch

Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi all,,

I hope your all as well as you can be today,,,,,,,,,

Just a pop in,, got to go and feed my monsters.

Sharon pet,I've sent you mail..

Does anyone want to swop Isla please !!!!

She is driving me nuts,,,she never shuts up,,,imnd you I could always switch the sound off couldn't I !!!

I've got the live feed back,,but can't watch it,,,my tummy keeps doing woopsies, looking at the chicks on the edge !!!

Well better go and feed the hoards.

Speak soon
love and hugs

Carol_in_WV said...

I know what you mean, chrissy. Tahat one is right on the edge. She was even looking down, over the edge a minute ago. Didn't Belle & Liberty have the edges built up better with their last bunch?

Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi Carol,

If that chick gets any closer to the edge, I think I'll be sick !!!

Do we know what sex's the chicks are yet ???

Thats it,,I've had enough,,,I'm going to get a Haggis and bung up Isla's mouth,,FOR GOOD !!!

Righ,,I'm off, must feed them now,, or I'll get the sack.

speak soon,

love and hugs

MITS said...

my live feed is not streaming, just refreshing:(

paula eagleholic said...

My feed looks good here, Mits.

Would ya look at the beak on our chick! Huge~!

MITS said...

shut mine down...looks like slo-mo-cam

paula eagleholic said...

Chrissy - We won't ever know their sex, because they won't be banded..it's all a guessing game, unless we can see them all at 10 weeks or so, all lined up...female will be bigger than a male.

MITS said...

osprey laying in that spot in the nest again at BWO

MITS said...

my live feed just went down

MITS said...

took 4 tries, but it is up again

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mine too, Mits, but it just came back up!

MITS said...

now what are we eating???

MITS said...

tiny better watch out....too close to the side

MITS said...

man, one slip and it is over the side

TroubleInWVa said...

EEEEKKKK! Get back lil eagles... GET BACK! The littlelest and middle one are right on the edge! I may need a stiff drink after this! Or at least strong tea... lol!

Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi all,,,


come over the waters fine.......

See yah all there,,,,

love and hugs

«Oldest ‹Older   201 – 370 of 370   Newer› Newest»

6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...