Tuesday, April 15, 2008


New thread.


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Mema Jo said...

Just came back online
In time for the SPLIT

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I can't believe how big they are and walking good around the nest. My, my, my!

MITS said...

It sure is noisy over in SCOTLAND at night....I hear all kinds of sounds, geese, frogs etc. Poor osprey can't sleep.

movin said...

Hey, my live feed also came on line, and it doesn't die every time I minimize it to do something else.... :~)))

Been watching the WE chick in the 'hatcher' off and on ... pretty interesting.



paula eagleholic said...

Mine went down but cam right back on too

paula eagleholic said...

Belle was first back, then Lib arrived

movin said...

Looks like both Liberty and Belle in our nest right now.



MITS said...

aww family photo op....

paula eagleholic said...

And Lib brought another fish too

paula eagleholic said...

Heading home see ya later

movin said...

You can see ZZ now on her mom's table rock.



movin said...

Feeding our chicks in a 3-2-1 order of preference for once. #3 is growing pretty well now.

Earlier I thought we had a F-F-M set, but as I see them today, it could be F-M-M this year again.



MITS said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...

Link To Wood Duck Cam

MITS said...

Thanks, Jo, my sister just informed me it didn't work:(:(:(

MITS said...

For some reason I thought if it came up blue it was ok....back to the drawing board:(:(:(

Mema Jo said...

The link just worked for me - the sight is very sluggish - Will you try it for me before I delete my comment?

Mema Jo said...

Here is the link to the Home page

Home page for cams TX

MITS said...

it works great, don't delete it, I deleted mine, because it didn't work

MITS said...

can't find the third chick in CO...?

MITS said...

the 2 CO chicks are side by side, and the third might be in a hole at the 1 o'clock position

MITS said...

where is Wanda??????

MITS said...

parent back at BWE, brought no food

Mema Jo said...

Did you find Wanda?

MITS said...

nope, Jo still looking:)

MITS said...

hubby just called, going to attempt to find his way home, with some of the road closings, because of the Pope, may be challenging for him.

Mema Jo said...

He may be in for a long trip home

My live feed is still up
Tiny isn't really tiny anymore..
All he needs now is dark feathers - then we won't be able to tell them apart.

Mema Jo said...

BWO has one on the platform.
Hopefully they will be starting their season's clutch soon.

paula eagleholic said...

I'm out cooking on the grill tonight...BBQ chicken...I swear that one thing Lib brought yesterday looked like a rubber chicken

paula eagleholic said...

Mits- did you hear that a Mount Seminarian gets to hold the Bible for the Pope at the mass

MITS said...

he said he would try to find his way home;)

paula eagleholic said...

Jo - I have been meaning to go back and look at the Osprey cam web log to see what the normal start date for a clutch is...I think it is about this time, or the next week or so...

Mema Jo said...

Ct Osprey is really beautiful
More brownish feathering...
Not sure how many eggs may be under her. WHOA! I just read there are
4 eggs.

MITS said...

no I didn't Paula, wonder who it is, we have a seminarian working at our parish on weekends, til he gets ordained

Mema Jo said...

Just read in Lisa's log that by the
end of April the eggs should be here.

MITS said...

well one step for the osprey at BWO I think is to spend a night or two, before egg laying....Scotland's did

MITS said...

not only can't I find Wanda, I still can't find the 3rd chick in CO, it was there during 4 o'clock still shots, their time

paula eagleholic said...

Going to eat, then file son's taxes. I mailed them over a week ago, but he still hasn't got them at school yet...pisses me off, don't know what's wrong with their mail...gotta file online now, should've done that in the first place....so, BBL

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, Jo. Hadn't read the log yet.

Mema Jo said...

CO Chicks seem to spread themselves all around the nest. I can't see it either - maybe under Mom? The other night they were all over the nest & then way off to the right & you really couldn't even see them.

Mema Jo said...

OK I went back to check out the wood duck nest box where we had seen the mother nesting on the 20 eggs....
So I can only see an empty nest...
I know they didn't all get hatched & out of there within the past hour.
So now I can't find the duck & her eggs. Reading the comments. Jen's hubby went out to check the eggs because the mother just left the box.
MTBR lol Nature is alway a mystery

MITS said...

ok, off to fix dinner and watch NCIS, if you see Wanda, tell her it is a new episode

deb said...

Just got home, the third CO chick is in the very bottom left hand corner of the cam. Mostly you see the shadow move.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for spotting him, Deb
Mits & I just couldn't find him

deb said...

He was hiding. After BC, no hiding allowed!

Mema Jo said...

I agree with that!
Now I don't know where the 20 wood duck eggs are hidden! lol

deb said...

I just read over there, that they aren't as far along as she thought they would be. They should hatch tomorrow.

deb said...

Osprey at Wildwatch.

deb said...

It must have been taking off, I thought it was landing.

deb said...

Two osprey now at Wildwatch.

normabyrd said...

JO---Was just walking by---I watch the wood ducks, 2 barn owl, etc. at the CORNELL BIRD HOUSE NETWORK---wood ducks may have started hatching to day!---Usually check it every day---

Mema Jo said...

Belle has head tucked & is sleeping with her 3 little ones.. Spidey's web is blowing. We have a frost warning tonight - Megan is out there firing up the GH I would think.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Norma - The wood duck earlier was incubating the eggs. She has taken a break from the nest and she has covered the 20 eggs so well that you can't even see one. I was reading their forum and they didn't report any hatchings yet. Remember last year when we watched they all jump out of their box...... No Fear!

normabyrd said...

JO---It's been a long day for me---need to put car in garage for a few days & a few bucks--ho!---I thought you couldn't find the site!!!!----ho!---I think hatching might happen tomorrow!!!-

Have you see the #1 EAGLET flap his WINGS-----LARGE WING SPAN---He is such a show off!!! ho! (that's ok by me)

deb said...

The duck is back in the box.

Mema Jo said...

Thank you again Deb for the duck news
I was over playing some card games...

Norma I hope they don't need to keep your car too long and that it isn't too many bucks! It can really get
expensive! Our grandson who is planning on becoming a mechanic has helped us out by doing the repair.

normabyrd said...

THANKS DEB----How would you like to be sitting on all those eggs now---they think they are hatching now!!---

normabyrd said...

JO---ME TOO!---Don't want kids to find out!!---WHOA!!---GOOD NITE ALL!

MITS said...

Belle must have the munchies tonight

paula eagleholic said...

I have 3 videos from today ready

Eaglet Momsters Blog

Mema Jo said...

I'll go check them out!

Checked on the Finland nest
It is MT right now

MITS said...


Mema Jo said...

Osprey in the Finland nest

Paula the videos were really good captures of those eaglet's actions!

Mema Jo said...

Going to close down for today. Frost
warning for tonight!

Good Night Everyone
Peace to you & yours
Prayers for all being said...

MITS said...


deb said...

Night, everyone, spent the day in the wind. It always makes me tired!

deb said...

Forgot it say, thanks for the videos, Paula!

Lolly said...

Paula, thanks for the videos. We were gone all day, so it is very nice to see some of today's happenings...the highlites!!

paula eagleholic said...

Ya'll are very welcome! :)

Lolly said...

Paula, I am excited. Next Monday we are flying into Norfolk. We are going to Norfolk Bot. Gardens before heading to Williamsburg. I know we will probably not be able to see the nest....but we will be close. And, I am sure we will enjoy the gardens.

MITS said...

Loved the videos, Paula

Costume Lady said...

Thank you Paula for the peek at our chicklets. They have grown so much since I last saw them. They all look healthy. Good Mom & Dad!

Costume Lady said...

My taxes are done..
My Mom's taxes are done...
I am done...


Suzanne said...

Good morning, world. Chilly out, had to bring my tomatoes in again last night, frost warning for this morning. It was 34° when I left, but think it's 35° here. Have a different car, not sure about the temp here. It's a loaner, mine is getting it's 5 week, 5K oil change, and I wasn't going to wait last night. Gave me a neat loaner, Nissan Sentra, 2007, red no less. But I still like my Camry!
Belle is sleeping right in the middle of the nest, kids are up by egg cup in front of her. Both BW kids are sleeping, and Finland is MT at the moment. Looks very overcast there. They sure don't get a lot of sun, it seems. Spidey's web is blowing in the breeze on our cam.
All have a great eagle/panda day. Off to open some more cams. Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Suzanne said...

Well, Belle took off, babies are sleeping all in a row. BW kids are still sleeping. We've had 2 ospreys in and out in Finland, and the BWO nest has 2 ospreys hanging out. Scotland osprey has turned her eggs several times, but can't see if she has laid a 3rd egg. They are zooming in on her, she sure is a beautiful bird. Oh, if you get a chance, read her daily diary. It's too funny. Evidentally the male pecked her on the head yesterday, seems she was getting too bossy. She was so surprised she shut up! Maine was MT, but black screen now. And adult on NBG nest. The CO owletts are really getting big. Nothing at the moment in PA, but the PA falcon is on her eggs. The little one on our nest is peeking at the cam. Other two are still asleep.

floralgirl said...

Morning, Suzanne. Looks like chicks are snuggling, it's 31° here.

Suzanne said...

The deer have arrived in PA.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Megan. Knew it was chilly this morning!

Suzanne said...

Switch in Scotland, oh, now they're zooming. Still looks like 2 eggs. Man, they are good! Oh wow, watch him turn those eggs, talons in. Now using head. Our kids are doing wing flaps, how cool is that!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning Suz and Megan. I cannot believe how these babies are growing and changing colors.

Suzanne said...

Ok, my 30 sec cam is now working on a minute and a half, soon to be 2 minutes before refreshes. Let's not start this again!!! Ok, refreshed at a minute and a half. Let's get back to the 30 sec refresh. BW kids are awake, and waiting in vain for breakfast, I guess.

movin said...


I crashed early, got up again and have been taking care of business elsewhere...just about ready to head back to the rack now.

Did you see that they had the incubator cam on the WE chick today, Suzanne. It had pipped through the shell on the wrong end to begin with....

Well, they watched it and removed shell fragments all day, and it did get a cut in the shell, which went more than half way around; but it came down to the chick being in somewhat the wrong position and being stuck to the membranes. So Dr. Sharpe and aids completely peeled the shell themselves and put the little guy back into the incubator on a little blanket.

As far as we could tell so far, it looks healthy. Looks like the WE pair will be raising a chick this year after all.



floralgirl said...

Hello Sharon and Jim:)

Suzanne said...

Oh, morning, Jim. I sure hope that little baby makes it! Thought that was very hard to do, help the chicks because they stay attached to the shell with the membranes. Guess they know what they're doing. You'll have to keep us posted. Hope you get some sleep when it's time to go back to bed. Both our nest and BW have had big wing stretches this morning. Very awesome!

Suzanne said...

Good morning, Sharon. Didn't see you! I think these guys grow overnight!

movin said...

The live cam is still up this morning...unusual lately.

No.1 looks a little funny ... there's some white fluff remaining patches on her head, and it looks like she's wearing Mickey Mouse ears.

She's getting a lot of dark feathers growing in now, and she's learning to preen them.



Suzanne said...

Our kids look like one big pile of fluff, don't they? too cute. Osprey in BWO cleaning house? Doing something. BW chicks are back to snoozing.

movin said...

Good morning, Megan, Sharon....

Are your feeds working this A.M. too?



Suzanne said...

BWO osprey doing nestorations! That's nice to see!!!

Suzanne said...

Osprey is standing on a stick, making it stand up. Too funny.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

So far, so good on my live feed this morning.

Suzanne said...

Zoomed in again in Scotland. Wonder Woman sure is pretty!

floralgirl said...

Live feed is working great here, unfortunately my computer is still having issues.

Suzanne said...

BWO osprey has been in and out. Can't feel relaxed, something is bugging her. And she's gone again.

Suzanne said...

Zooming in again on egg turning, Scotland. From what I can see, still have 2 eggs. Poor BWO ospreys are having fits, something is driving them nuts, they are both in and out every refresh. Wonder if it's the eagles?

movin said...

Paula's flicks

Did you folks see Paula's videos from yesterday? Pretty interesting stuff.



Costume Lady said...

COME ON OVER************************************************************************

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5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...