Thursday, April 17, 2008


New thread. My internet is down for now at home, so posts will be done as I can manage it.


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Mema Jo said...

LIVE FEED is up/running for me.
I can live without sound (for awhile)
Sound was great while we had it -

This comment will be over on the new page

Everyone went off to Survivor on TV

wvgal_dana said...

Got the comment John from NCTC thank you for the video reset. Thank you also for trying to get us sound. It was nice for awhile.

wvgal_dana said...

I got video on our nest also Jo. ( :
Thank you again John. ( :

wvgal_dana said...

I off for the night need to lay down awhile tc all ( : live feed working!!!

deb said...

Thanks, John, for resetting the feed for us. We really appreciate it!

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, John!

paula eagleholic said...

Just got home from dinner w/ my Mom...we went to Dutch's Daughter in Frederick...delicious!

Mema Jo said...

I hear you!

Mema Jo said...

Our eaglets have picked their spots and have been sleeping soundly for some time now.

paula eagleholic said...

Ok, so I will try to get my videos done with some sound on them! :)

paula eagleholic said...

I guess our babies are on their own in the nest at night...maybe unless it's raining, perhaps. I'm sure an adult is in the tree...

paula eagleholic said...

Cool, just read John's note...maybe reset tomorrow from NCTC will bring the sound worked really well today...

Mema Jo said...

I have been watching the new Wood Duck nest box - When Jen placed the cam in around noon TX time, it scared the mom & not sure that she has returned to the nest yet. Someone thought they saw her but it's questionable.

NatureNut said...

Thx John. Was away working on pics.
Put osprey cam (lame pics!)EGGS & a couple eagle shots on Blog.Guess
I'll have to start watching nest w/binocs, as leaves are taking over.
Hope Mits will give us a Pope report. I watched it on TV & didn't fight subway, etc. traffic.

NatureNut said...

I saw the wood duck box pic where they all had fledged this AM. Tried the video, but my QuickTime "needs update & Server is busy"! What else is new? I'm sure I'll see it eventually. I didn't know they jumped out that young. Guess that's only way they can feed.

deb said...

The time on the wood duck cam is stuck, 7:49, maybe the picture isn't updating either??

deb said...

Sun is coming up in Finland, I think the nest is empty.

Mema Jo said...

I am hopeing the wood duck cam is not updating like you suggested, Deb.

Looks like an MT nest in Finland
Wonder what time that ferry goes?

NatureNut - going to look at your photos!

I also hope Mits gets on here before bedtime & let's us know how it was..
If not - We'll hear about it tomorrow.

Mema Jo said...

Really good shots, NatureNut!

Lolly said...

Hi all!! Been gone all day babysitting with a sick grandson. Home now and we are having more severe weather.

Missed the wood duckling jumping. Missed the sound today...hope we have it tomorrow.

Mema Jo said...

Tiny is preening herself
Using her sibling for a pillow it looks like.....

Mema Jo said...

Lolly - I guess that is one thing that grandparents are good for!

Should be a video soon on today's
wood duck jumping.
Cam is now in another nest box with more eggs.

Sound from our nest was Music to your ears! Hopefully it will come back tomorrow.

Tiny is having a hard time getting comfy & back to sleep

Lolly said...

Yeah, woke up to poop shoot. :)

Lolly said...

I enjoyed my day with Jacob. He's three and a real hoot. Says the funniest things. Not too sick, mostly allergy congestion and cough. He slept three hours this afternoon!

Lolly said...

Sun up in Finland and the nest is empty.

NatureNut said...

Glad you liked pics, Jo.
Hi, Lolly. Sounds like you've been busy, but fun!
I was able to update QuickTime, but don't get any picture, DUH!?
At least there are more wood duck eggs to watch.

NatureNut said...


deb said...

Osprey in finland.

Mema Jo said...

Wonder where she spent the night..?

NatureNut said...

Out with another boy?? LOL

Since we've seen some mating there, you would think they would claim that nest.
Maybe there's hope for sea eagles to use it.

NatureNut said...

There went a ferry on far right.
How nice.

Mema Jo said...

The scene in Finland is really beautiful.

I am going to hit the hay!

Good Night All
Pleasant dreams & restful sleep
Prayers for all needs being said

paula eagleholic said...

OK - got 4 videos rolled out so far!

Eaglet Momsters Blog

MITS said...

just wanted to stop in and say GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE, The Mass today was beautiful, the weather was great, and the traveling to and from the stadium on the Metro was no problem, huge crowds, but everything ran smoothly on our lines

Costume Lady said...


Costume Lady said...

You'll have to tell us more tomorrow, Helen.

MITS said...

going to check on Finland before I head to bed, only got less then 4 hours of sleep last night, was up at 4 and at stadium at 6...took some panda naps when we got home..

NatureNut said...

Great videos, Paula!!!
Mits, glad your adventure went well. I was very touched and inspired by everything I saw on TV.

Work in AM, so Peaceful Good Evening to all

floralgirl said...

Thanks, Paula. Not able to watch a lot during the day, I enjoy the videos. Too close for comfort is right....

Suzanne said...

Good morning, world. We made it to Friday! That's always a good thing. Nice out, 47° in PA, but 56° here already! Supposed to be nice today and tomorrow, then rain Sunday. I'll take it. And the bugs are back, so spring must be here. My car is starting to look like the bug mobile again! Only decent thing about winter... no bugs!
Paula, I saw your last 2 videos, they're not on YouTube, and they were great! Love watching those guys! Our kids and BW kids are sleeping alone. I only see 1 sleeping in BW, will have to see some movement to see the other. Also see where Lisa has a link to the new DC couple, John and Abigail. Will have to check that out. Finney's nest has an osprey in it now. Thought at first it was the male, but now not sure. Think they both have necklaces over there, and this is a small one, so it might be the male, but want to get a better look.
Gonna open more cams. All have a great eagle/panda day. Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

movin said...


I was up kind of late watching the video of the Pope's Mass this morning, crashed for a couple of hours.

I'm up for a while anyway. Have a great weekend, Suz.



floralgirl said...

Morning Suzanne:) morning Jim (if you're still awake)- eagle is perched on edge of nest-just arrived. Looking around nest- chicks are waking up, adult just flew up to branch in tree.

Suzanne said...

OMG, Wonder woman has done it again! She laid her third egg Wed at 10 pm. So guess I wasn't seeing shadows yesterday when I thought I saw 3. Phew, good to know the old eyes are working.
Good grief, thought I posted this an hour ago. Guess not.
Anyway, now, 6:09, we have an osprey in Finland and Finney's nest. Both BW and our kids are still sleeping. Two osprey in the BWO nest and looks like more sticks. Looks like Mei is up and pacing and eating bamboo. Maine is MT, but a big ship or something going by in the background. NBG on her nest. PA falcon on her eggs, and PA wildlife MT. Wonder Woman or her hubby on her 3 eggs.

Suzanne said...

Good morning, Jim and Megan. Jim, have a great weekend also! I'm gonna play in the dirt, I think. Will have to wait and see, don't usually plant things so early outside here.
Megan, hope you have a great weekend, too. Didn't see anybody arrive in our nest, so glad you did.

Suzanne said...

Switch in Scotland. Can see the 3 eggsz. Oh, this is dad, LOL, yup, there go the moss clumps! Too funny!

Costume Lady said...

I lost my Live Feed last night, but got it back this morning. No sound, but I can do without that.
The little ones are picking through the Fluff, looking for bits of food. Have they been fed this morning?

floralgirl said...

Morning Wanda- fish breakfast has just arrived!

Suzanne said...

Wow, both parents in nest, and I see a fish!

Suzanne said...

Morning, Wanda. Think this will be the first feeding.

Suzanne said...

Both osprey in Scotland in nest also.

indiana nesting eagles dave said...

Good morning everyone; I just got
here and thought i would say hi.
I will be back later,i need to get
some paperwork done.
Indiana Nesting Eagles----Dave

floralgirl said...

Good morning Dave!

Suzanne said...

Morning, Dave. How's your new babies? Talk to you later. Enjoy Friday, and have a great weekend.

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning, Megan & Dave...
Megan, going to be a hot one today. Good for the flowers.

Costume Lady said...

Hope this heat will bring up my peas. They have been laying in the ground for a week and a half.

floralgirl said...

Yes, Wanda, gonna be another beautiful day. Plants are really growing.

Costume Lady said...

That fish is almost gone. Those chicks are piggys this morning.

movin said...

Yes, I'm still here, Megan, Suzanne, Wanda. [:~)]

I've been watching videos of Thursday's happenings. I'll probably try for sleep again soon.

Yes, the adult (Liberty?) really has a large fish and is partaking himself as well as feeding the chicks.


floralgirl said...

Looks like everyone is full, chicks laying back in nest cup. Adult still in nest.

Costume Lady said...

Chicks are full and Mom is having some leftovers. They are well-fed chicklets.

Suzanne said...

OMG, BW parent arrived and has a baby something for the chicks. Poor thing. But I hope she feeds the chicks!

Costume Lady said...

Jim, if you are still here; how much is gas now in California? A station up the road from us is $3.69.

Costume Lady said...

BW parent didn't spend much time feeding babes.

movin said...

$3.55--4.03 (tourist trap) for regular.

Wanda, most of those are Costco and Arco at the low end. I have to use premium in my turbo, and I think I paid $3.95 at a Union 76 last fill-up.



movin said...

Good news: my turbo is a 4-cyl, and it gets pretty good mileage for a performance car.



floralgirl said...

Have a great day everybody- gotta shut down computer-screen is all blurry again...sigh... may as well just get to work. c u later-

movin said...

Going to head to bed. Hope I talk to you later in the morning, but if not, have a great day and a great weekend.



Costume Lady said...

$3.95 a gal blows my mind. The Eagle Express will be sitting in our driveway for a long while!

Suzanne said...

C U later, Megan, and Jim, you sleep tight!
Wanda, I don't think BW parent fed the kids any of whatever it was. There is still some leftovers in the nest. I just wish they would learn to eat themselves, then at least they could eat parent's leftovers! What a difference in the feeding of our chicks and BW. Sure Thank God for such good parents as Liberty and Belle!

Suzanne said...

Osprey still in Finney's nest. Has been there most of the morning.

Suzanne said...

Oh, NBG eagle up and they just zoomed in on her. Egg turning.

Costume Lady said...

We wanted to visit parts of California while we were out west, but heard gas was $4.00 gal and decided to stay where it was $3.09. We only get 7-8 miles per gal.

Costume Lady said...

Just heard of an earthquake in Ill.
Wonder if Glo and Vicky felt it? It was 5.something.

Costume Lady said...

Taking my Mom for an Epidural shot this morning for her pain. Hope this works...
Have a good weekend Suz.

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!---TGIF--SUZANNE!!---Everyone seems to be waking up earlier each morning!!--Isn't it a beautiful SUNNY GLORIOUS day here in WV--HOME OF BELLE & LIBERTY---PLUS 3!!----EAGLETS are still snoozing--temp is 40° now & climbing!!-----LIFE IS GOOD!!!-----ENJOY!!

Suzanne said...

Wanda, I hope this shot helps your mother's pain! I'll be praying for her. You have a good weekend, too! Talk to you Monday.
Morning, Norma. Finney's nest is now MT, but there has been an osprey in and out all morning.

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE--MOVIN'JIM--MEGAN---WANDA & INDIANA DAVE!!-----WANDA--Wishing your MOM good health today!---JIM--I swear our gas prices are almost up with yours!!--BEAUTIFUL MEGAN---Do you have a tan yet?--That's a plus for your job!!!---------INDY DAVE---I was over whelmed with your 1st pic showing the EAGLETS in the 'bubble'!!----AWESOME!!

normabyrd said...


Suzanne said...

Norma, everyone here, we have a new thread for Friday! See you there.

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6/6/23 bella field cam

  Time stamps on these or about an hour off. So, if it says it's 5 something, it's 6 something field can got messed up in the last s...