Thursday, April 10, 2008


New thread.


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Lolly said...

Well drat!!! Cam in and the cam was frozen. It is black and says it is playing but it's noooooott!!!

Mema Jo said...

Yes, be sure that when they get on the launch pad that you holler to Sharon & Me and all the rest & let us know who is there ready for take off
lol it better not be that way

My still cam is up but I haven't figured out how long it is between refreshes!

DANA I am glad you are on base with us! We missed (and worried) about you! I know what you mean by jungle vines in the brain! Take Care.

AJ I am so glad you pulled through ok! Will probably take you a while to feel all energized again.

Naturenut I am going to try again & again until it comes up!

Lolly said...

LOL Well, that's a first for me. I posted my message and could not figure out where all the other posts were. I'm 201!!!

Mema Jo said...

Hey Lolly - we made it through the SPLIT without anyone hollering at us! WHoo Hoo!

deb said...

Loved the osprey with the carp, Nature!!

NatureNut said...

Everyone's stuffed & relaxing. Loud, shifting truck sound---Belle flew away.

Mema Jo said...

You thought you lost me didn't you!

Lolly said...

Ahh, good to see the snow has melted in CO. Do not want those cute little babies to get cold!

Lolly said...

I thought I had lost everyone! lol

wvgal_dana said...

Hello Sharon ( :

I put a comment a 2:35pm today ty again for being one that emailed me.

Neck and back have to wait to see if it is going to require shots.

Boy what happened in Maine? Anyone see the picture there?

glo said...

Did those of you running Real Alternative uninstall your Real Player before installing Real Alternative?

NatureNut said...

I thought I might have to write a warning about the fish. But they are colorful. I don't think I'll fix any for dinner! LOL

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Jo ( :

I'll be going again soon fixing dinner.

wvgal_dana said...

With the help of Stouffers lol

Lolly said...

Went to Maine. It looks like a really close up picture of the nest with possible snow or ice on it.??????

Mema Jo said...

Deb I just watched your video
"Look how big, oops, down we go!"
That was so comical - I wonder what caused them to go down like that! lol

Mema Jo said...


Lolly said...

Yes, removed the real player before downloading the alternative player. Real Player was always saying loading, loading, loading and only getting on a couple of times.

NatureNut said...

Yes, Glo. Real had to go. They are not compatible. I found that out when I dwnlded Real again to get some pics from San Diego Zoo. Messeed up one I'm using, so had to start all over again. (Thank goodness for My Favorites--can save all these sites.)
Canada geese honking!!

wvgal_dana said...

Ok ladies time for dinner here bbiaw

glo said...

Maine cam That is the close up of the surgical mask one of the eagles was messing with a couple of weeks ago. They seem to have moved it around some more. Some are not convinced it ever was a mask but others actually saw the elastic and when the eagle carried it around the nest. There is a video BUT I can't find it right now.

glo said...

OK well Thanks for the Real Alternative info. I will have to think on it a little more before doing that. Especially since even those with the Real Alternative aren't getting their player to work either. Thanks again.

Lolly said...

Oh, that's funny! I thought it was snow or ice! :)

NatureNut said...

Just read Mits comment from last page. Isn't it amazing you can see Scotland & Finland, but not WV????

MITS said...

It amazes me, Nature;)

NatureNut said...

Floppsy, Moppsy, & Tinytail are zonked out in line from 10 - 12 o'clock. Belle standing behind in the back. She had her own dinner & looking around. Was a rustling noise very close to nest mic. Might have been Lib landing in tree somewhere.
Off to do dinner--NOT turning cam off! BBL

floralgirl said...

I just have the Real PLayer 10 on my computer. I wouldn't change a lot on my computer cause it's not us with the problem. It is so random as to who gets the feed and who doesn't, and it seems to change daily. I haven't been able to open any FWS site for almost 3 weeks, so I can't see the 30 sec cam, like a lot of others. My biggest problem is my computer is messed up and it will probably soon shut itself off and then I probably won't be able to get live feed back up.

MITS said...

I agree, Megan, I'm not changing anything because it is not my problem, why I can't get on to, is because someone or thing is blocking me, have never had any problems with it before, my sister can get onto everything....NatureNut are you getting live feed and sound?

Kathy in WV said...

Loading...loading...loading is all I'm getting today, too. Thought it was me but must not be! ;)

deb said...

Itty Bitty is getting fed in CO. At first I thought he was going to get missed, but parent moved to the side of the nest and is feeding him.

NatureNut said...

Yes, I was getting both!! Very rare. My hubby was on & now cam is turned off! DARN, hoping it will restart. Heard owls hooting---I had minimized Scotland osprey. They are really whoooing!

MITS said...

then you are probably the only one getting it, I guess...:)

MITS said...

ok you were getting sound and live stream from NCTC, correct, Nature?

NatureNut said...

Gosh Darn It!!!!! Now it won't come on!!! He's not getting any dinner! LOL I turned it on at 2:30 when I got home from Dr. & it stayed up 'til now. I've got to teach him how to minimize!!!!!

MITS said...

you need to teach him to keep his paws off your

Mema Jo said...

I missed the actual feeding in CO but
if you go to the daily pics at 4pm
you will see the precious little threesome! I hope their Tiny is as spunky as ours is!

Mema Jo said...

Did anyone report CT osprey having 2 eggs? I just saw them - Checking out the osprey nests...

Mema Jo said...

Both osprey in Puleston nest - looks like there is one egg there.

MITS said...

don't think so, Jo, I was watching it this a.m., but Momma would not move

Mema Jo said...

Big problem at Puleston nest
How to remove a stick without stepping on egg........ lol

Link to Osprey Nest

Mema Jo said...

Fire whistle going off at the Puleston site...... a little distracting to the osprey
That must be a hard shelled egg the way the osprey has been putting its foot on it.

Costume Lady said...

I was just reading comments about those with and those without Real Player Feed. Karla, (up on the Mountain in Va. and on Dial-Up) gets the 30 sec. cam and sends me photos so I can see the chicks growing. I would feel so much better if someone could explain to us why we have all these differences in viewing. I feel as if we are being ignored. I am glad we are not paying for this service! Or we would be marching somewhere!

glo said...

Pecky Pearl appears to be getting some of her darker feathers.
Pecky Pearl Picture

glo said...

Actually Wanda I eleive there is a huge cost for this service or lack of it. To the tune of like $5000, but no it didn't actually come out of our pockets on an individual basis.

Costume Lady said...

Puleston Mama has rolled that egg around so many times, the chick will be dizzy when it hatches.

Costume Lady said...

Did anyone hear her pretty voice? I thought it was a bird outside my window and wondered what kind it was!

Costume Lady said...

Glo, I meant the service that we are getting from Real Player. I feel certain that STEVE is doing all that he can. I guess I don't know who to blame, so I will just Grin & Bear it.

Mema Jo said...

Pearl would be 1 month old today..

I read where Lisa/BWE is setting up the rules for naming the 2 eaglets at the refuge. I imagine the rules will be the same as last years'. I think we know our 3 well enough now to Pick names - we best do it soon before our nicknames stick to them.

MITS said...

me grinning...:):):):)!

Mema Jo said...

OK No One has live feed now?

There looks like a feeding in OUR nest. Glo it looks as though both the oldest are getting their feathers!!
Little Tiny has not yet come to the dinner table - he is sleeping. I guess this is the bedtime snack as the night light will come on in a few.

Mema Jo said...

This is me grinning --

< :> (

NatureNut said...

OMG!!!! It's ALIVE, but mute.
I was going to retype the link in Open on the toolbar, & it came on before I could do that. Seems like sometimes when I just click into those top files, it will come on!

Mema Jo said...

Were you out in your flower garden today?

Mema Jo said...

Going to try mine again

Costume Lady said...

Yes, Jo. Getting out debris from the Winter and Gene planted our Snow and Snap Peas and some Lettuce.

Mema Jo said...



Adult is hollering something! No sound just can see the beak opened!

Thanks Naturenut! I guess you fed your hubby?

Mema Jo said...

Did everyone get the


Mema Jo said...

Adult had just flown out.

If you watch Deb's video - when they just drop! that is what they did - it is like they hide - Pearl is Peeking!\not pecking/

Mema Jo said...

Wanda - it was a beautiful day today!
I think someone was wishing that all our days could be like today - not too cool and not too hot! Just beautiful!

glo said...

OK Wanda I miss understood where you thought the issue was.

YesMeMa Jo I do think both the older ones are getting a few darker feathers.

deb said...

I got mine, I have been so busy working, I missed it.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I think Baby Littley is liking Spunky's old spot!

glo said...

Not sure if this will work but decided to try LOL

for those who want to see the Maine eagles with their surgical mask, here it is

Maine eagles with mask

Mema Jo said...

Sure is a cute little one! Sitting there all alone!

Mema Jo said...

You taking another walk tomorrow, Sharon? That would be so cool seeing you and Beverly waving to us on the corner.

Mema Jo said...

I remember that, Glo! Took everyone a long time to decide what it exactly was! lol Thanks.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jo, I think it will be raining tomorrow but we will see!

Costume Lady said...

Thanks, Glo, for the Masquerade of the Eagles.

Mema Jo said...

That's ok Tiny! You did good!

Mema Jo said...

That's ok Sharon - What color is your umbrella?

Costume Lady said...

Sharon, did you work your way up to 3 miles over time or did you just take off and do it all at once?

Mema Jo said...

Hey Tiny

Get him from behind.......

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I can't keep an umbrella, Jo, Kids always carry them off!

Costume Lady said...

I haven't gotten back to my exercise routine since I got back home. It is really hard to get back into the swing of things when you have been gone so long.

wvgal_dana said...

Hi everyone

I'm watching Co Eagle feeding 3 cute chicks so sweet ( :

Need to catch up on comments.

deb said...

Heron egg has a big crack now, instead of the hole from earlier today. Eagle spending the night in Maine, don't know which one. headed to Maine Forum to find out who.

NatureNut said...

Glo, the dust mask is a riot!!
Jo, Hubby ate something on his own---couldn't wait for my simmering soup.
AND,THE PLAYER SAYS IT'S TIMED OUT!!! 20 min???? (It's all his fault!!)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Wanda, that was the first time I have walked in over a year I guess. It was not the easiest feat of the day but I lived right through it.

MITS said...

well golly gee, the cam is up in time for the chicks to go to sleep, great....

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

And it is all flat so that helps!

deb said...

It's the female at Maine, come on, fool all the experts and lay an egg! Maine forum is afraid to get their hopes up.

MITS said...

yes, Jo it was a beautiful weather day today...this would be perfect all the time. Still 73° here

MITS said...

parent back in nest

NatureNut said...

It's BAAACK on. I wonder how long?
Parent just flew in---eating, yucky, furry looking thing at 6 o'clock.
Now she just went way back & 2 are up at attention. Pearl still snoozin.

Mema Jo said...

It's time to Fluff It Up in our nest.

Dana The live feed is working for most of us now........

Mema Jo said...

That's right Tiny
Scooted over by adult away from Middy who was pecking him.

Mema Jo said...

I am chuckling at Middy - trying to put the fluff around him or over on Pearl.

NatureNut said...

Are we playing pick-up-sticks again?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Did you all see that wingspan on one of our younguns??

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Jo got it up ( :

If anyone has the 30 sec cam up can you tell what food was brought in?

MITS said...

Belle is not happy about something

MITS said...

liked it better when they were in the egg cup, doing too much moving around in the dark

NatureNut said...

With the night light on, really looks like dark pin feathers on chick in the middle.

wvgal_dana said...


JohnNCTC said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MITS said...

mine just closed down, but got it to come back on...grrr.

floralgirl said...

does everyone have the live feed now??

floralgirl said...

I think John just reset it for you guys- thanks:)

MITS said...

John, thanks, why did you delete your comment??

MITS said...

I get all the posts sent to my e-mail, so I know what people have posted even though they delete their comments.

wvgal_dana said...

I just got to see the heron chicks couldn't tell for sure if is was 2 or 3....hee hee

wvgal_dana said...

Did most get their player back on?

floralgirl said...

It's working here:)

MITS said...

eagle is still in the MAINE NEST SO FAR TONIGHT....My cam is up, DANA:)

MITS said...

off to watch CSI and ER.....PAULA, ER is back with a new episode

wvgal_dana said...

off to watch CSI

Mema Jo said...

Going to take a break
My TV misses me......... lol

paula eagleholic said...

I saw that Mits! Thanks! I'll be watching ER too....

I love my live feed! (Especially when it's on!!)

paula eagleholic said...

The kids sure are spread out all over the nest tonight!

paula eagleholic said...

My live feed went down, but I reloaded and it came right back up

paula eagleholic said...

Dana - so glad to see you back online!

Lolly said...

Wa Hoo!! Live feed! Can watch Spidey's web blow in the breeze!

Been gone all evening to a meeting at Church.

Glo, thanks for the video on the Maine eagles with the mask. That is a riot! So excited to hear the female eagle is in the Maine nest tonight. Hope she is still there!

Kathy in WV said...

Well, I am finally in after watching Loading loading all afternoon. Of course it's after dark now so can't tell much about the nest. Seems like everyone is snoozing & that is what I'm off to do also!

paula eagleholic said...

Good night, all!

Mema Jo said...

Time for me to close down...

Good Night Everyone
Peace to You & Yours
Prayers being said for all...

Hi There Early Birders!
It's Friday as you read this!

MITS said...

GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE!!! Eagle still in Maine Nest

Costume Lady said...


Jill said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lolly said...

Good Night Everyone!

Maine Eagle still in nest!

movin said...


My live feed is down tonight too.

Better luck for us all tomorrow.



Suzanne said...

Good Friday morning, world. We made it to yet another Friday. Always a good thing. Nice out, 65° in PA, but 60° here. It's been warmer in PA all week than down here. Yesterday afternoon was absolutely beautiful. Hope we get another great afternoon today. Saw Jim's last comment, his live feed is down, so I'm guessing it's down all over. Will try to keep you posted if I can.
Belle is standing in nest watching the kids sleeping. Both BW kids are totally zonked out. Finland nest is MT at the moment, and no more cams open at this time.
All have a great eagle/panda day. Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Suzanne said...

OMG, there is an eagle in the nest in Maine! Now I'll have to find out if this is practice, or do we have an egg???? Cool.

Suzanne said...

OMG, we have our 50th egg in Scotland! She laid it this morning. Had to look, cause she was laying in the nest when I brought the cam up, and she's always been standing there, not laying. This is fromt their site:

11 April 2008: 50th egg laid - and the first this year in Scotland!
We ended the last diary entry saying that the next entry would hopefully bring some good news… and who are we (or should that be our ospreys) to disappoint?
At about 4.10 am our female laid her first egg of the season - and her 50th egg!! Let’s hear it for the old girl!! Right now she’s sitting on the egg looking understandably content and happy with herself, which is entirely understandable since most females lay 30 eggs on average in their lifetime!
We are all waiting for the rest of the clutch to arrive now.

Wow, what an osprey!!!! You GO girl!! Awesome. That is just amazing to me.

Suzanne said...

Maine eagle just flew to a branch, and man she's yelling at something! She's really screaming. Welll, must feel better now, she's just standing on the branch, but quiet.

Just have to say congratulations to Scotland, that just amazes me. Not only her 50th egg, but she also laid the first osprey egg of the year for Scotland. How cool is that! Little record breaker momma!

Suzanne said...

Well, the wonder woman just turned her egg, but darn, I missed it. Belle is awake, just looking around. BW kids are still asleep. Osprey has been in and out in Finland, and eagle in ME is still standing in the tree.

Suzanne said...

Now the wonder woman is moving moss all around her. Oh up again! Man, that egg cup is deep. She puts her head down there and it disappears! Now more moss. Guess we won't see that egg for a while, that is a very deep egg cup! Maybe they'll zoom in and give us a glimpse!

Suzanne said...

Well darn. wonder woman kept sneezing and couldn't get comfy, then she got up, they zoomed in but couldn't see the egg and now daddy is getting settled on the egg. Wonder if there is something in the moss, she kept moving it around her and sneezing. Dad is being very careful walking around the egg trying to find his spot. Mom is supervising, ok, no, she just flew off. Dang, cam keeps freezing when they try to get a pic of the egg. STOP THAT. OH, there it is!!! He's facing the cam and the egg is right between his feet. Looks like he's really covering it and trying to be careful. Now he's sneezing. Both of them, when they move the moss around the egg. Hope whatever it is making them both sneeze doesn't last in the moss! Don't want them getting sick.

Geula said...

Good Morning!I'm sitting here without being able to see our RP isn't even TRYING to load! BWAAAAAAAH!

Tell me, are we going to name our eaglets? They're big enough to name, right? 2 biggies and a littlie! I'm just glad they don't have letters and numbers...that seems to me so impersonal!

I watched the storks for 30 seconds at a stretch, but that site is iffy for me too! Maybe it's my real player that's at fault. Dunno...

Geula said...

Hi Suzanne.....I never found out where you live and howzit you're always first here with the blow-by-blow description of what's going on. LOL and thanks.....We feel like orphans some times: this cam is down, that nest is empty!

And WHERE is this Wonder Woman you're talking about?

Suzanne said...

Something very important:


Paula, I hope you have an absolutely wonderful day, where everything goes the way you want it to!!! Party Harty!!

Have many many more, girl!!!

Suzanne said...

Maine eagle is just now getting back in the nest. Not sure what she's doing, swear it looks like she's being careful around an egg. She's also moving grasses, but right now just standing in egg cup. Oh, think she moved something with feathers, and got one stuck in her mouth. Oh, that was funny, phet, spit it out. She got rid of it whatever it was, now she decided to go back to the tree branch.

Suzanne said...

Maine eagle is gone, didn't see her leave. Belle still standing keeping an eye on the kids. BW kids still sleeping. Scotland osprey still on egg and grooming. Finland osprey has been in and out all morning. Dang spidey's web keeps blowing in the breeze. CO owletts sure are getting big and fluffy! Mom stork is on her egg in Germany. Oh, Scotland osprey rearranging the egg and himself again. Dark elsewhere. That's all folks... oh man, that guys OH, there is the egg again! Started to say that guy does not like the moss that mom had all around the egg, he's moved all of it out. Oh, wiggle wiggle back on the egg. Oh my, sneezing again. ok, can't make up his mind, moving moss back around him again, and sneezing again. Oh, BIG sneeze! he grabs a clump of moss, puts in where he wants it, and sneezes! Good grief.

Suzanne said...

Oh, good morning, Geula! I'm not used to anybody being on at this hour, so don't usually read back! Hope you're still here. I live in PA, but work right outside DC. On the border of Alexandria and Falls Church, VA. Have a 2 hour commute, so come in early to miss the traffic.

The wonder woman is the female Scottish osprey. She laid her 50th egg yesterday, and the first one for the season in Scotland. Here's the URL:

Her hubby is on the egg now. Call her wonder woman, cause the site said 30 eggs is average for a female osprey. She's got to be at least 26 years old. Figure 2 eggs a year, and they don't mate the first year. I'm guessing here. She just came back, and he's up and ready to let her have it. But first he has to move this stick that's driving him nuts. And scratch. Here she comes gonna get on the egg.

Suzanne said...

Well wonder woman has moved all the moss back where she had it. Still sneezing tho. Now she's gonna pick on the same stick dad did. Guess they at least agree they don't want that stick where it is. Belle hasn't really moved, still standing in the nest watching the sleeping babies. BW still sleeping, Maine still MT, Finland MT at the moment, PA wildlife nobody visiting, and pretty much still dark. Belle's got the glowing eyes thing going on, as does spidey's web. It appears to be glowing too, but at least he's not on cam this morning!

Suzanne said...

Time for breakfast for our chicks. They finally woke up, and Belle went to the back of the nest, and is now feeding them leftovers from whatever she has back there in the pantry. At least 2 of them, anyway. One is still sleeping all curled in a ball.
Wonder woman now has all the moss back where it was. One large clump is closer, but not next to her. Too funny.

floralgirl said...

Morning Suzanne. LIve feed is down here again, and no 30 secd cam either, so I am grumpy. I really don't understand this. I'm sure it probably has to do with security issues, but good grief, it's just an eagle cam.

indiana nesting eagles dave said...

Good Morning suzanne;I finaly have
them,and if you ask what i have?
Well i have my photos of our nest
and an adult and TWO young eaglets
taken from the helicopter.I will
post them as soon as i download
them to my computer,pass the word
to keep watch for my post later.

Indiana Nesting Eagles----Dave

Suzanne said...

Morning, Megan. I agree, it's just a cam, but I have no idea what the problem is. Don't know why the live feed is down so much. And sure don't know why a lot of people can't get into FWS sites.
Belle is feeding all 3 kids now, and BW parent came in with a huge fish for once, but now she's taking it over on the side of the nest, under the date/time, but didn't eat or give the kids a bite. But is seems big enough that all 3 could eat from it. That's a feat, haven't seen a large fish brought in by them in a long while.

Suzanne said...

Osprey in BWO, appears to be a male. Think BWE adult is eating the fish. Light grey eaglet is right by her head, darker eaglet is sitting on other side of lite grey one. Can't get to food. Belle is finished feeding, and the babies are all watching her. Ok, now they're gonna lay back down.

Suzanne said...

Man, actually saw the dark chick get a bite from mom! Wow.

Suzanne said...

Wonder woman egg turning. Oh, and there went the head, disappeared. That's funny.
Wow, BW parent is actually feeding both chicks! I've seen the darker one get 3 bites so far. Gotta be a recond. Oh, yeah, guess so. He moved over, now the other one is being fed, but the dark one is all the way over toward the side of the nest. Our kids are sacked out, all in a row. Looks like middle, big 'un, and baby from the front to the egg cup.

Suzanne said...

Oh, good morning, daddy Dave! You have 2 babies!!!! That's wonderful. I'm excited, I KNOW you are!!! That is so cool. And pics from a chopper, how cool is that! Well congratulations again, Indiana Nesting Eaglets Dave!!!

Oh, Ospreys mating, BWO.

floralgirl said...

Hello Dave, sounds cool. Will be looking for your pictures.

Suzanne said...

Jeez, that's rude! Forgot about the 60 sec update, and one minute beaufitul shot of them mating, next refresh, just the female standing in the nest. Poof, male gone.

Costume Lady said...

Don't know why I woke up sneezing.:)


floralgirl said...

Morning,Wanda :)

Suzanne said...

LOL, good morning, Wanda! Athenaa isn't here with her bacon, but wonder woman and her hubby are still messing with that moss! You better stay away from that stuff, it appears to be pretty potent! BTW, God Bless You!

Costume Lady said...


Costume Lady said...

I don't see a fish at BWE...parent must have taken off with it. BAD PARENT!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...