Sunday, April 13, 2008


New thread.


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wvgal_dana said...

I see them Deb

Parent is feeding chicks on CO

floralgirl said...

Sorry Dana, had to walk away for a little- close up Gh- start heater, etc. I didn't understand your question about salvia?

deb said...

The egg cup in CO must not be very deep, because even Itty Bitty is out of it already.

The heronettes are cute, aren't they, Dana. They already have long necks.

carolinabeachmom said...

Deb you saw 4 chicks in the heron nest? They must be really entangled, I kept watching earlier and finally picked oit three.

MITS said...

Megan, I think Dana wants to know why the salvia stinks.....rofl:)

carolinabeachmom said...

Now that it is dark and everyone is sleeping, I see the live feed is up again. :( No action on the nest; only moving spider webs.

floralgirl said...

That's just it, Mits- I don't think it does...

MITS said...

oh dear....:)

deb said...

It is very hard to see all 4 of them, Candy, they get all jumbled up. I saw 4 eggs, so have been watching for 4 heads..

carolinabeachmom said...

I have had Salvia and I don't think that it smelled; it didn't have any smell at all. I didn't realize that the hummers liked them, tho.

carolinabeachmom said...

DEB, they are cute kind of ruffly chicks; different from the eagles and osprey.

floralgirl said...

Many salvia have fragrant foliage. Most of them smell good. Hummingbirds love salvia blooms.

carolinabeachmom said...

Chicks out in SC/PH are asleep in their parents shadow. They are flat out.

MEGAN The salvia I have seen are usually red or greenish yellow. Maybe I am thinking of some other flower. They are on a stem with many bell shaped flowers on them kind of.

carolinabeachmom said...

Just as I was talking about SC/PH the parent got up, chicks got up and looks like dinner time in california.

floralgirl said...

Many ornamental salvias have tubular or toothed flowers. They can be red, blue, purple, yellow, white, pink, etc..... Some are grown from seed- many must be produeced from cuttings. I grow both kinds, probably around 15-20 varities and counting..they are my favorite types of plants.

carolinabeachmom said...

IT is sooooo good to see two chicks on that nest this year. Poor Limew was all alone last year.

Mema Jo said...

I'm Back! You may not have even missed me... HI CANDY! Saw you over in the emails - Hope your new floor is beautiful (don't slip on it).
Hubby said let's go out to eat & I hit the door and didn't leave any message of a BBL for anyone.

I need to go over & read early eve comments to see if I missed anything.
I realize the LIVE FEED is up on the sleeping nestfull!

paula eagleholic said...

PH feeding 2 noisy chicks.

belle now up and glancing around

Gonna go get some dinnner, BBIALW

wvgal_dana said...

The hummers really do love them Megan. For some reason the purple I got had an unpleasant smell. Maybe I'll get a different color from you this year. I love them !! Glad you grow them ty ( :

MITS said...

MAMA CALI's owlettes are getting big....

floralgirl said...

Sorry Dana, I don't remember exactly which one you got from me.

deb said...

If you have Neokast, they have moved the WE egg to the incubator cam.

Mema Jo said...

MAMA CALI's Hooties - I saw on another forum a pic of the 3 not so little anymore hooties - on had actually jumped up on the ledge &
the comment with the picture was


wvgal_dana said...

It's ok Megan when I come to get them. I'll set it up with you and you'll have just what I want ( : You always make a gal happy with your flowers ( :

MITS said...

aww, that was a cute comment, Jo

Mema Jo said...

New Cold Case is on


carolinabeachmom said...

Oh gosh, Cold Case. Almost missed it. School tomorrow, You all have a wonderful week. Have a peaceful and restful night. Tomorrow brings a new day with new things.

Mema Jo said...

TV shows delayed..... I'm back!

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Jo I want to see it...yes it is New starting tonight....

Oh Heron just stood chicks chicks!!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Howdy Candy!

Lolly said...

Hi Everyone!!! Been catching up on all the blogs for the last two days! Daughter, Laurel, and grandsons Joseph and Jacob have gone. :( We had a fun weekend as the weather was beautiful and we were outside a lot of the time. Now I am TIRED! Funny how a 7 and 3 year old can do that to you.

Looks like Belle and babes are asleep. Now I need to open more cams.

MITS said...

COLD CASE is delayed because the MASTERS finished a little late..

wvgal_dana said...

Did Woods win the Masters?

Lolly said...

CO eaglets are in view!

MITS said...

no he didn't, thank heavens....a nice young man from South Africa won....

Mema Jo said...

Hi Lolly - I was thinking about you & the boys yesterday. Glad you had good weather & were able to be outside.
They do let you get a lot of exercise

I watched the Masters Golf - Was wanting Tiger to win again - The young man that did win played a very good game

Mema Jo said...

Starting to rain in the valley

better not sleet!!!!

MITS said...

Trevor Immelman is his name, I'm not a Tiger fan, don't like his attitude on the course, in my opinion is not a gentleman.

Lolly said...

Hi Jo! We really did have fun. When they say "Grandmommy" my heart melts. Going to see them again Tues. as we are driving up to see Joseph play baseball. Have not seen a game this season. It will be fun.

Lolly said...

Oh, that was fun!!! Just got a good view of the four heronetts. Could count all four easily, but what a wiggly nest!

wvgal_dana said...

Ok Cold Case getting ready to come on now. See you all tomorrow take care. Nighters I'm getting my feet up.

Mema Jo said...

WOW Beautiful sunrise at
Finland.......... MT NEST

Mema Jo said...

Osprey just arrived at nest..

Mema Jo said...

Ferry boat right on time....

Mema Jo said...

Osprey flew out....

paula eagleholic said...

Wow, where has the day gone. Had to do the inside chores and finally got a hot shower, took 2 advil and I'm ready for bed. Hope everyone had a good day and evening.

All is quiet at our nest.

Nite all!

Mema Jo said...

Good Night Paula- hope all those muscles you used today don't tighten up overnite!

Mema Jo said...

Good Night Everyone
Peace to you & yours
Prayers for all being said
Pleasant dreams & peaceful sleep

deb said...

Looks like Kent had some rain, Eagle in OR nest doing nestorations.

deb said...

Night, Jo and Paula.

deb said...

Eagle at Kent 2. Loraine says there has been lots of activity and that is has been fun watching how they build the nest.

deb said...

OR eagle left.

deb said...

Both osprey in Finland.

deb said...

All is quiet and most nest are dark, Night all!

Costume Lady said...

House is nice and quiet (took grandson home). Nice weekend with him here.


MITS said...

Looks really windy in Finland today......or is it tomorrow:):), anyhow, GOODNIGHT EVERYONE!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning!! Where is Suz?

I can't believe how big our eaglets are getting!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

and Megan and Wanda! Live feed is working so far this morning.

floralgirl said...

Hey Sharon:) That's a good question, where is Suz? Cold morning here, 32°. Chicks are all snuggled up together.

Costume Lady said...

I can't think of anything Suz might have said about not being at work today. I hope she is OK.

carolinabeachmom said...

GOOD MORNING SHARON, MEGAN AND THE NOT YET ON WANDA. SUZANNE, MITS, JO, NORMA ,PAULA, JIM, GUELA, CHRISSY AND ALL OTHERS (I could go on for ever and ever )THAT WILL BE ON HERE TODAY WATCHING AND BLOGGING; a good morning to you when and if you get in. You all have a super day. Was going to have a little chat this morning with you all, but it took so long to get the computer back on, hubby turned it off last night, that it is now time for me to head for work.

At least, the live feed is up and running for you all this morning and hope it stays on for you to watch.

All have a wonderful day watching and blogging. No action in our nest early, I gues, so I'll be on my way to work. Later gators.

carolinabeachmom said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Costume Lady said...

I am here...see me? I'm right in front of you. LOL

floralgirl said...

Adult flew into nest- brought no food- looking around, maybe breakfast is on the way...

Geula said...


But Good Morning to all!

floralgirl said...

What Geula? It won't load for you? This is crazy, live feed is working perfectly here.

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!---I--too-- wonder where SUZANNE is this a.m.----Maybe she had an early appt.---HELLO--SHARON---MEGAN--WANDA--& CANDY---Cold---Dreary a.m. her in WV---"HOME OF BELLE & LIBERTY---PLUS 3"!!----temp. 37°---
Pray that STEVEN & family are doing well this a.m.----Thinking of you all!!----looking forward to another GLORIOUS DAY watching all the hatching happenings!!---LIFE IS GOOD!!

normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...

WHOA!!---My REALPLAYER is going around & around----Anyone else having that problem?---Can't see "PLUS 3" !!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

My live feed was working all night and now it is LOADING, LOADING, LOADING!

floralgirl said...

Weird- I have had the live feed up since 6 am and it's still working..probably not for long..

normabyrd said...

Anyone else having problems?---Has there been a new thread???---

floralgirl said...

No new thread yet-these are the same old problems, they just haven't figures it all out yet, I guess. How come I can get it to run right now and others can't?

normabyrd said...

HEY MEGAN---Be thankful!!---I guess it's the little "HALO" over your head that allows you to keep the live feed!!---ho!---

floralgirl said...


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6/14/24 crow woody

 We do have sound on the camera I was sitting here watching TV and all I started a crow and I knew I didn't have a crow in my house lol ...