Sunday, April 06, 2008


Wet night thread.


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Suzanne said...

Belle is in and out of sleep this morning. Something wakes her, she looks around, then goes back to sleep. Lady BW is just steady sleeping, so far. Our sea eagle is still out and about. If she's true to form, she won't return until about 10ish our time.

Suzanne said...

Sea eagle is back.

Suzanne said...

And she's gone again.

Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi Suzanne pet,,


Girl your mad,, being up and out of bed at your time, Suzanne pet can't you sleep ???

Well it's a fine sunny but snowy morning here in Worcester, cold but very crisp and bright.

The owls have been driving me nuts all night,, and my Sparrow Hawk is purveying her super-market,,, no sign of Mrs Blackbird,, onlt hubby is about, she must be nest-sitting now,, an't wait for the eggs to hatch,, The robins ,,well are just being robins,, bad tempered and noisy,,, finches all well and nesting,, and found a new way of stopping the magpies and crows from getting to close to all my little birds,,I have put little strip of coloured clothe in the trees,,THEY don't like them,, but they don't seem to faze all the other birds thank goodness.

Done all the rounds that I can of all the webcams,
Belle seems to be sitting pretty and the little ones all comfy cozy under her,,Liberty must be out on the razzle.
Can't seem to get the cam up in Scotland to look in on the Ospreys,,just a black screen.

Watching Steenbok Deers at Africam,,and Zebra at Wavelit.

Well will have to go and make a cup of tea and have something to eat,ooooooooo mustn't forget the cats and their 11's,, so thats biccies all round then girls, tell me how many for coffee and how mant for tea please,, and choccie biccies for us humans.

speak soon
love and hugs

floralgirl said...

Morning Suzanne:) Belle just flew out of the nest, chicks are sleeping. Not too bad here, 42° but kinda misting rain out there. Looks like a cloudy week ahead. Belle just flew back to the nest.

Suzanne said...

ALRIGHT!!! Sea eagle male is in the nest!!! He's banded, she isn't. She's been there waiting for him, and now he is in the nest. I'm so glad to see he's alright!!!! Oh, he just flew to the edge of the platform. Wants a better view, I guess. Fog is getting heavier, but hope his mate comes home now. Love to see them both together again!!!

Lady BW flew off and left the kids alone a minute ao, and Belle is awake, but standing there with the kids.
Sea eagle keeps looking into the nest. Wonder if he's looking for an egg????? Wouldn't that be just too cool!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning Suz, Chrissy and Megan. Working and watching!

floralgirl said...

Hello Chrissy and Sharon:) looks like chicks are awake and having some breakfast.

carolinabeachmom said...

GOOD MONDAY MORNING SUZANNE,CHRISSY, AND MEGAN WELCOME BACK FROM VAC WANDA! GOOD TO SEE YOU ON THE BLOG AGAIN! I have missed being on here the last few weeknights and this weekend. We have been having the floors in our kitchen, living, dining rooms done this past week and we painted before the bloors went in. It has been a busy one and then the moving all the furniture back and clean up the yellow pollen that came in when the people working left the doors and windows open. Oh boy, betting to old for this.

Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi Megan pet,

Your an early riser too it seems..

How are you both,,well I hope..

just seen the closest of close ups of a beautiul Kingfisher at Pete's Pond.

love and hugs

Suzanne said...

Oh, morning, Chrissy! Didn't see you come in. Chrissy, I'm at work! I have to be at work at 4:00 AM. Do get up and come in early, but yeah, sure could have slept this morning! Nice and quiet for the most part at this hour!
Belle is feeding the babies, they're so cute. Sitting waiting for their turn.
Sea eagle just took off, darn. Lady BW left a while ago, BW chicks are snoozing.
Chrissy, I tried the osprey site you gave us in Scotland, and I got the black screen also. Bummer. Maybe it will be up later.

carolinabeachmom said...

CHRISSY Good to see you up with the coffee/ tea drinkers this morning. You know those at home are still in their PJ;s :)

MEAGAN We have had enough rain this weekend here to help your garden grow. If I could have figured a way to do it, I would have collected it and shipped it up. Rani, rain, and more rain.

carolinabeachmom said...

GOOD MORNING TO YOU TOO SHARON. You must have snuck in between my chapters in my nove.! :) Boy our chicks are surely growing in leaps and bounds; just in the few days I have been off the blog.

Suzanne said...

2 osprey in BWO.

carolinabeachmom said...

SUZANNE Is the sea eagle the BWO nest> Both are in there now. Doesn't seem like much progress has been made in that nest.

BWE chicks are starting to get their first black feathers in, it looks like. So glad to see they are survinging.

Suzanne said...

Good grief, I'm missing everybody! Morning, Megan, Sharon, and Candy! Megan, glad to know the live feed is working this morning! Couldn't see Belle fly out, but did see her feeding the kids.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Candy, the sea eagle is in Finland.

indiana nesting eagles dave said...

Good Monday Morning to all you
early birds.I have some great news,
We have (TWO) babys in the nest
here.I spent a lot of time watching
the nest on saturday morning and
saw the adults feed and i saw two
little heads bobbing taking food
as mom gave it to them.I went and
checked on them sunday afternoon
and the male brought in some fresh
dry grass for the nest and the
female went hunting and the male
took on nest dutys Boy those young
are real poop-shooters,i saw them
shoot two times WOW.
I hope everyone has a great eagle

Indiana Nesting Eagles----Dave

Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi Everyone,

Doesn't Belle know that overfeeding
fatty, will stop it from taking off when it's near fledging time [laughing],,and little tit-bit is such a fighter,, go on pet up and at em.. thats it little one push,,push.

Wonderful isn't it

love and hugs

carolinabeachmom said...

GOOD MORNING TO YOU DAVE. What SUPER news from you; TWO chicks in your nest. That is GREAT! Have fun watching.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Dave. How's your eaglets???
Candy, the sea eagle is in an osprey nest in Finland. Osprey were there last year, but were unsuccessful in having a family. Were in the nest off and on till they migrated. Beautiful views from this nest. I'll send ya the URL in your email. Haven't seen the ospreys return there this year, still early in Finland, but a pair of White Tailed Sea Eagles have sorta taken over the nest.

floralgirl said...

Morning Wanda and Dave:) Wanda, we have had a lot of cloudy days and showers, didn't have my rain gauge out-so I'm not sure how much we actually got. But I need some sunshine now and it looks like another cloudy week.

carolinabeachmom said...

Thanks for the Heads up SUZANNE. Is that the one we were watching last year? I haven't been able to read any of the missed blogs yet?

carolinabeachmom said...

Well, it is getting that time to head off to school. Maybe if I can get there and get the blog to come up this morning, I can get back on for a second. If I can't, again welcome back WANDA, and all other sleepins. I hope you all have a wonderful day.

Suzanne said...

No, Candy, not many folks were watching this last year. You're talking about Finney's nest!! That's not up yet. This is another one, not much activity last year, just awesome views, and a crow like bird called a Hoodie. The hoodies seems to be the majority of the visitors at this nest. They're also very pretty!
Both osprey back in nest, one took a short flight, but has now returned. Well make a liar outta me. One took off, other one went to other side of nest. Belle standing over kids, BW kids alone.

Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi all,,
Candy who said anything about PJ'S

I', sat here buck naked,,ooooooo sorry Dave.

No really still in my Nighty to [don't wear PJ'S]

Good grief Suzanne pet,, where to you work that you have to be up at 4am,, phew girl that would kill me,,so early... at that time I'm up on my 9 or 10th visit to the loo,, and then I go back to bed..

WORK, WORK, is the housekeeping never done,,Belee cleaning up and keeping everything tidy,Bless her.

Ahhhhhhh time for a nap,, do you think the chicks will listen ????

love and hugs

Suzanne said...

Speaking of hoodies, there is a hoodie on the nest now.

Suzanne said...

Chrissy, I live in PA, and work in VA, almost right in DC. ugh on the drive, but no traffic at that hour. Other wise, it's like Trafalgar Square traffic down here! Come in early, no traffic. Leave early in the afternoon, and I'm in front of the traffic. Not bad once you get used to it.

Suzanne said...

Just read back, congrats, Dave! Two babies!!! And congrats on seeing your babies poop shoot!!! That's so cool. Did you get a pic of the poop shoot? hehehe, that's too funny!

Costume Lady said...

You must be busy right now.
I havn't been able to see our babies for 2 days now. There's something wrong when you can view everything else on Real Player with no problems, but when it comes to our cam, it is extremly Hit and Miss. I agree with what Helen said....Someone has to know how to fix why don't they?

Suzanne said...

One of the Tesoro chicks is on a branch by the nest. Can only see a silhouette, so don't know which one it is. One osprey hanging out at BWO, Belle half way on kids, BW chicks alone, and hoodie still in Finland. Maine is MT, and NBG is getting a cloudy cam, but mom is on her egg.

Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi all,

I bet Suzanne pet,, but your made of stronger stuff than I pet.

I used to work with hundreds of students and I thought that tired me out, but it seems a doddle to your day pet, now I'm a " Lady of Leisure", I miss it,, typical isn't it,, but hey ho, thats life.

AHHHHHHHH Belle can get some sleep too now Bless her she really needs it.

love and hugs

Suzanne said...

Hey, Wanda, good morning! Wanda, can't argue with you there on that question! I don't get it at all, no RealPlayer, but from reading blogs, it is extremely hit and miss. Some have it, some don't, and that's not a guarantee you'll have it in the next half hour, either. Don't know what the problem is, but seems to me it could be fixed. It should be dependable. Guess there are a lot of folks that can't get the 30 sec cam, either. (Or 3 minute cam, whatever works.)

floralgirl said...

Hello Wanda- live feed is working good for me at the moment... can you open the 30 sec cam page? ANd did you try opening your real player and looking under file to find the live feed link?

Suzanne said...

LOL, Chrissy, not stronger stuff. I just like to eat, and have enough money to feed my kitties and all the birds that hang around! It's amazing what you can do when you want to eat.... hard habit to break! And not many jobs in Pennsylvania, that's for sure.

Chrissy Beahan said...

Suzanne,,I've E-Mailed the manager at the Loch of Lewes Reserve,, so waiting on a reply to see what the problem is.

I have this sinking feeling that something might be wrong,, but I hope I'm very wrong pet.

Whats it like being a granddad Dave, do you feel old ???? I hope you have set up a trust fund for the kids education, [joke]

love and hugs

Costume Lady said...

Oh my, I missed everyone on my GOOD MORNING GREETING: Candy, Megan, Dave, Chrissy and Miss Sharon. GOOD MORNING TO YOU ALL.

Costume Lady said...

Yes, Megan, I have done all that and for one whole day, I was able to see our nest...I think Fri. or Sat. and not since then. It is WONDERFUL when you can get it. It is like playing the slot machine; you may or may not win.

Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi all,

I'm so upset now,,,,

The sun is shining and all the snow is melting,, oh well it was pretty while it lasted,,I HATE MUSH !!!

There's a bit of a barney going on outside at the mo,, Ladyhawk is shopping,, and the other birds have set up a warning call, it's total bedlam here.

love and hugs

Costume Lady said...

I have not been able to get the 30 second cam since we got back from our trip. So if I can't get the live feed, I get nothing.

floralgirl said...

Well, darn Wanda, I don't know how to help you- I can't open the 30 sec cam page anymore either, the only way I can get the live feed to work is through my real player files.

Costume Lady said...

Really strange the CHRISSY can get the live feed all the way Across the Pond, and I can't get it just 3 miles away!

floralgirl said...

What is really strange is that only some people can open the 30 sec page, and some people are watching the live feed right now and others can't get connected at all. We need a computer geek to explain this.....

floralgirl said...


Suzanne said...

Oh Wanda, don't know about the 30 sec cam. So many people can't get it. I guess I consider myself lucky. I can get the 30 sec cam, but not live feed, but at least I get the cam almost every day! It doesn't update in the 30 seconds, but 3 minutes is definately better than nothing! At least I can see the nest!
Chrissy, I have a red-tailed hawk that does his grocery shopping around my house too! He's pretty good at catching sparrows! But have to say, these are European sparrows, and not native to here (US), and they take over, so no big loss for my birds. Rather have native birds in my yard, but sparrows are ALL over! And the hawks aren't afraid of humans when they're hunting, that's amazing to me! How much snow did you get today?

Chrissy Beahan said...

Sorry Megan,, I dont know what to say,,I'm lucky I think pet,,, but I only get it now and then and at times its like a time lapse picture,, but at the mo it's good.

Belle is fast asleep and there is a little couple of heads popping out from under here, nosey kids ehh !!!! WAIT till dad gets home !!

Righ everyone I'll be back later I have to go and eat and get dressed, can't lol about in my nighty all morning,,CAN I ?????

speak soom all

love and hugs

Suzanne said...

Chrissy, enjoyed talking to you. There is a new thread, heading over that way. Talk to you later.

Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi Suzanne,,

Only about 4 inches pet,, not much just a light dusting.

My Lady is the same, nothing worries her she is fearless and comes to sit on my garage roof in the afternoons singing but Opera Singer she ain't,, sits there with a full tummy telling everybody about it,, but I love her,, can't say the same for my cats though.

Sparrows are rare now over here, [I think you have all ours,,SEND THEM BACK ] laughing...

I have a couple of pairs nesting in my trees and its nice to have them back.

My Lady likes Starlings, we are over-run with them, they do the fan-dango every morning a 3am in the eves of my house, you just can't sleep for them, so in a way I'm glad of my Sparrow Hawk.

Right going now,, must get dressed and eat.

Speak later I hope

love and hugs

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5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...