Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Wednesday Night

Looks like a catfish in the nest. Fresh thread.


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Lolly said...

Paula...LOVE the fish. Where's the one with the little star? Nite one and all! Belle is asleep, time for me as well.

Jill said...

I know Lolly Zach used to make me read one of the over and over. Only part I remember is "Do you like my hat" "Why yes I do" Two things in cars. Can't remember the name.

paula eagleholic said...

Jill, I think you are going to be the only one left, unless aj is still with us...I gotta go to work in the morning

NillaWafer said...

oh oh just came back from getting clothes out of dryer n she was up.....

Jill said...

Paula, I am going to watch tv but I will check back in. Since a certain police dpt thought it was good to wake me up last night even tho I wasn't working, I slept most of the day.

paula eagleholic said...

I thought thing 1 and thing 2 were in the cars, Jill!

paula eagleholic said...

Ah yes, the fish with the little star...that's what a couple of beers will do to ya!

Jill said...

I believe Suzanne will have a new little friend by the time the sun comes up tomorrow

Jill said...

Not sure they had cars. That was Cat in the Hat and Cat in the Hat comes back. Maybe they did have cars. Ran around the house tearing things up

paula eagleholic said...

I guess the morning light will tell....just too hard for me to tell tonight...

Jill said...

Is it possible for 2 eggs to hatch the same day?

NillaWafer said...

Im here Jill , but folding Jazzy's clothes on the couch but within typing dist...

paula eagleholic said...

Belle is back asleep, and that's where I am headed as well...hope you get to see something, Jill!

Jill said...

One of them definitely has a spot Paula. I have seen it several times. Same place on the egg everytime and it moves with the egg.

Jill said...

I am going to watch tv for a while. Maybe I can go to sleep and nobody will bother me.

Jill said...

SUZANNE If I don't check back in tonight take a good look at the eggs, one seems to have a hole in it. Course in 3 hours in might not be there at all, might be a little bobble head. She was up a few minutes ago and there were 3 eggs.

Mema Jo said...

Look at those bright white eggs that won't fit too well under our eagle.
What now?
Wiggle wiggle big time to try to get

IrisF said...

Well at 12:38am still cam time I saw very clearly 3 whole eggs - if there were any cracks or holes they were on the bottom of the egg/eggs.

What is the hold up Belle???

IrisF said...

But I must Say She does not look very comfy right now...

Mema Jo said...

I should have been in bed long ago..
Started playing my computer card game & I guess I am a gambler at heart.

Headed in for sure now......

You're right Iris
Doesn't look comfy!


NillaWafer said...

Howdy Iris... well got all of Jazzy's clothes folded up smell so good and clean...Cant tell if she is asleep or not with the way her head is...Nancy Grace is coming on always watch her except if its all about the Gov Spitzer.. tired of hearing about that .. Hopefully she will have something on as to the killer of the student in Chapel Hill i think they got the guy who was trying to use her credit card... Nope Belles still awake

movin said...

Mema Jo, are you still up?
Did you see the latest egg turning?

There is definitely one with what looks like a hole in the side of it... I should have checked that it was in the area of the end where chicks usually cut their way out!

Belle turned them all, but she paid particular attention to that one, checking it closely, perhaps calling back and forth to it.



NillaWafer said...

Belle was asleep but suddenly woke up(1:15am) she got 1/2 way up and stuck her wings out...Wigglin back in nest bowl...

NillaWafer said...

Jim you seeing this?? She got up could see the back egg is hatching... She rolled it alittle, back down now...

NillaWafer said...

UP again rollin eggs... man looks like 2 eggs hatching ?

movin said...

I agree, Belle is acting differently now. There is a hole in one egg, she is not wriggled down on them as much now...she was mantling or tenting for a while. She keeps shifting and opening her eyes frequently now.

The first hatchling is probably cutting its way out of its egg now. [:~D]


NillaWafer said...

Oh i WISH our sound was working... she is wide awake looking around.. backing out of nest now.... Cant get settled.... big wiggle...

movin said...

I missed it, Nilla, but she's tenting again, and her eyes are open.



IrisF said...

Night night Jim and Nilla, can't keep my eyes open any longer...

It is what it is and we will probably know in the morning!

Hugs and Prayers for all...

See you later this morning,
HiSuzanne, safe travel to and from...

NillaWafer said...

Yup Jim she definatly knows the egg or eggs are hatching.... I watching Nancy Grace and Belle...

movin said...

Do you think she has enough fish to feed the youngster(s)??



NillaWafer said...

Yes Jim thats what she did when she woke up suddenly jumped up looked and tented her wing out... Niters Iris sleep well..

NillaWafer said...

HAHA those fish been in there for while now i said earlier about if it was hot they be stinkin but since they eat anything dead i dont think they can

Jill said...

I said earlier it looked like spots on two eggs but couldn't tell if one was a hole or shadow. We will definitely have one chick by sun up. maybe two by noon

AJ said...

i think 2 eggs are almost ready , the last time she got off it looked like both had creacks in them

Jill said...

I agree AJ. One definitely. The other I was a little unsure about but if you saw it then must be right.

NillaWafer said...

Oh boy she has been up and rollin eggs she cant get settled.. doin wiggle now.. Oh big poop shoot over side

Jill said...

NILLA I swear I just saw a broken egg. About 1-2 minutes ago on the rewind. That egg didnt' look whole. Do you think she has a baby in there trying to let it dry and keep it warm at the same time?

NillaWafer said...

Yup Jill she has been rollin the eggs alot and up and down alot... Now if we had sound we could hear her talkin to the egg i bet and it back.. Grrrrrr Up again...

movin said...

It's sure not a neat, white set of three egg-shaped objects in that bowl anymore, is it?

One is definitely hatching, and while I can't see details, it looks like a second egg is not the size and shape it was before.



Jill said...

That is what I am seeing too Jim. And she has been up and down like this all night, seems to be getting worse now.

NillaWafer said...

Did you see her tenting her wings awhile ago? She is looking under her now rockin back n forth..well quiet now til next movement....

movin said...

Or "better," Jill. Probably no chance that all three will hatch today, I guess.



Jill said...

Seems to have settle down for now but I bet it won't last

What time does Suzanne come in?

Jill said...

Jim I don't know what the earliest date was on the 3rd but I guess anything is possible.

NillaWafer said...

head back takin a eagle quik nap...

movin said...

Suzanne usually gets to work about 4:30 a.m. ET.



Jill said...

I was just checking that Jim Thanks.

Jill said...

Almost looks like it is raining there. I know it isn't bugs. HUMMM I will go check outside.

Jill said...

Nope, dust on my car is very very dry.

Unknown said...

Where do I find the live cam feed?

Jill said...

Go back to the main page of the blog, scroll down on the right hand side. Video Feed. Click on it.

NillaWafer said...

No rain here neither Jill... Sandman is throwing sand in my Gettin sleepy..Belle seems pretty quiet right now...Opps she is upp.. move Belle we want to see!!!Back down alil waddle.... Back outrollin 1 egg wait i only see 2 eggs whatcha see Jill?

Jill said...

ITS HERE> I swear, two eggs and in between I do believe ther eis a bobble head.

NillaWafer said...

Welcome looks like it Jill ... but i thought i saw an egg buried deeper than the others Hmmm ..

NillaWafer said...

SEE HER CALLIN Jill???????????

Jill said...

Tried to make a video and lsot live feed. Saw her calling thought Lib would be here but not yet.

NillaWafer said...

she seems to be callin and lookin for Liberty i wonder if he could fly in at night this late?

Jill said...

Sorry Welcome Dion. Came in at a very exciting time.

Jill said...

HEY somebody said the other night chicks wouldn't hatch at night. So I guess anything is possible. He is probably right up in the tree above the nest.

NillaWafer said...

This is as bad as the birth of my Oh look Jill up again.. small wiggle

Unknown said...

I am watching the live cam now, very interesting. I have never seen her move this much late at night.

Thanks for the welcome.

NillaWafer said...

Is she pickin peices of egg shell out?? Looks like it cant see baby

AJ said...

i think one chick hatched i saw it move she covered it

Jill said...

Definitely only half shell hard to see but she is moving somthing that blends in with the nest.

Unknown said...

I see a chick!!!!!!

Jill said...

I Saw it I saw it. It is moving a little bit.

NillaWafer said...

3 eggs BUT 2 look like babys coming out the end? whatcha think? Rollin eggs waddle

movin said...

Belle's going around and around, trying to clean some of the litter out of the way and perhaps clear the way for the chick. I still can't see for sure if the second egg is hatching, but I think it is....

It's all going to be over by the time the morning crew gets on-line..



Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

OMG - I saw it moving too!! This is so exciting.

Jill said...

I am recording it, don't know what the heck to do with it til Paula gets here but I am recording it.

NillaWafer said...

Ohhhhhhhhhhh yessssssssssssss we have ababyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

AJ said...

egg shells in nest cup

movin said...

I saw at least one chick move too, Dion.

She's picking wet stuff, even shell fragments, up and moving them out of the way.

It's almost freezing there tonight, so they don't need wet stuff messing up the egg cup.

Still not sure about second egg with all the fragments and the short time she's been standing up enough to see.



NillaWafer said...

OMG i have cold chills this is so eggciting !!!! To see this mirical after the heartache of last year!! Now since we saw it first we should name the chicks Nilla-Sharon.. Jill and not in that

Jill said...

Sent out an announcment. Sorry if I missed anyboyd that was here. (I got you just in time Sharon).

NillaWafer said...

Oh sorry Jim and Jim

Jill said...

37 degrees right now Jim

NILLA Think we should run blankets down to them? I am sure we wouldn't look like a couple of nut cases at 3 am taking blankets in. LOL

Unknown said...

This is truly exciting!

NillaWafer said...

Well they wont go hungry thats for sure breakfast is waitng all lined up in the

Jill said...

How about Star or Midnight or Lucky since it was born on the 13th?

NillaWafer said...

HAHA Jill you said earlier you could not get committed i think that would be grounds for both of us to be headed to City 3rd floor...lollll

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, I have to try to go back to sleep now. Got to get up in 3 hours. I am so grateful my dogs had to potty! Have a good night, you all, and aren't we the lucky ones today!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I personally like "Bob" for bobblehead!

NillaWafer said...

Dion you have no idea how eggciting it is for us who have watched this nest for 3 years.. She lost all 3 eggs last year and we didnt have any babies .. Sooo this is special time for all of us!!!!!! But so glad you joined in to see the wonderful birth of OUR BELOVED BELLE AND LIBERTY'S babies

Jill said...

Trust me Nilla, I have done a lot crazier things than that to get committed. Shep PD would just shake their heads and say Let her go, it's another attempt to get out of work. LOL

remember Klinger on Mash? I think he was the one, always trying to get a mental discharge.

Jill said...

Bob works. I wondered why you were up. Won't Suzanne have a nice welcome to work in an hour.

NillaWafer said...

Such a good mom protecting the baby from the cold... Niters Granny

Jill said...

Guess I better try for some sleep too. We still have two eggs to go, could be a long rest of the week. That was soooooo great. And to think I almost went to sleep and missed it. Somebody remind me tomorrow to ask Paula what to do with this video.

Unknown said...

I have been here the last three years, this is my first time contributing to the blog though. I was mentally sick after last years lost. I view all the time, very seldom do I post. Doing so tonight because this is the first time that I witnessed the hatching.....a wonderful feeling!

NillaWafer said...

She was up again rollin eggs i could not see the baby... Back up Jill Dion you see the baby??? Jill i beleive ya remember i spent the afternoon with you last week at NCTC

NillaWafer said...

Well so glad you shared this special time then Dion and welcome be sure to blog because today will be buzzin with many excited eagle momsters.. Where are you from? Jill and i are in Martinsburg WV about 15 minutes from nest...

Unknown said...

I see it!

Jill said...

Dang Belle is rearranging the whole house isnt' she?

Unknown said...

I live in Martinsburg as well....Thompson St.

AJ said...

2 eggs hatched , she is moving shells now

NillaWafer said...

Yes Yes i saw the baby that time... now Belles movin sticks what a mom !!! Niters Jill im going to head to bed soon also i work at 4pm til 10pm today then off til next thursday and will have Jazzy some this weekend... Belle just can not get relaxed and settled...

Jill said...

Cool Dion right between Nilla and I.

Unknown said...

Spring cleaning?

Jill said...

Hubby is gone all weekend but I have to work so ifyou want to have dinner or something call me.

NillaWafer said...

Thats great Dion in on Winchester Avenue in Pikeside.. i swaer more than 1 hatched she certainly is busy moving egg shells

Jill said...

I can't tell for sure Nilla, one time it looks like 2 hatched then then looks like 2 are whole.

NillaWafer said...

Im hungry for seafood Red Lobster has Lobsterfest going on Jill.. or better yet i could get together with sister's and we could head up to Dave & Janes in Thurmont on the mountain...

Jill said...

Going to try to sleep again. Suzanne will be here soon, she can tell us.

NillaWafer said...

Oh you cant go that far away Duhhhh forgot ur working ...

NillaWafer said...

Ok talk soon... get some rest

Unknown said...

Belle will be up all night tending to the nest.

Winchester Ave., small world that we live in. I work at Outback, the bald bartender.

Jill said...

Sounds good but I can't leave town. DArn it.

Jill said...

Hey I think I know who you are. Seen you at the bar. Does Jared still work there? He lives donw the street.

NillaWafer said...

Belle seems all tuckered out now.. Hope she gets some rest.. I am going to crawl on the couch and lay down but only few feet away and cam is up... Niters Dion dont be a stranger to the blog...

Jill said...

She has had arough nite NIlla. Been at it since before dark. Looked at the rewind, still can't tell for sure but might be two in there.

NillaWafer said...

love Outback Dion.. Ya thought about that Jill after i said it duhhhh... Belle has not moved... Yawnnnn Niters once again.. Good Morning Suz WE HAVE BABY!!!!!!

Jill said...

I looked again. 90% sure there is two. But one egg could be real close to the side of the egg cup making it look hatched.

NillaWafer said...

Psttttt Jill you think stayin up all night watching eagle eggs hatch constitutes being committed ?.lol Night!!!!!!!!!Some people would think so... LOL

Unknown said...

Jarred does still work at Outback, a good friend of mine.

Belle seems settled for the night, she does have breakfast in front of her to restore her energy.

movin said...

Well, I guess I crashed for a while, and I think I'm going to do it again.

Have fun, girls.

I'll see you in the morning.

Congratulations to Liberty-Belle ... a new brood again.



Suzanne said...

Wow, morning, world. Saw Jim's last comment, do we have a chick in our nest???? See our eagle is awake, and there are 2 fish in the nest waiting to be eaten, so that's a good sign. Will have to go back and see. Just put head back under wing, didn't get up, just woke up and went back to sleep.
Cold out, 29° in PA, and 38° here. Guess this is still March, so it's to be expected.
Eagle awake again and has something by beak, but it's glaring in the light and can't see what it is.
Ok, excitement is killing me, have to go read yesterday's blog.
All have a great eagle/panda day.
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Suzanne said...

Ok, guess we had a night hatching! AJ saw a chick this morning at 2:39, and Dion saw it the next minute, then everybody saw it!!! How cool! Eagle up now, but still waiting for my first glimpse of the new baby. Jill, most probably don't hatch at night, but BW's first chick came out in the evening. Not the middle of the night, but it was dark. Guess they're like babies, they come when they're ready and not one second sooner! I hope this is chick is from egg #1, and not egg #2!!!
Congratulations Liberty and Belle!!! Way to go, eagles!

Suzanne said...

Darn 30 sec cam updating every 2 1/5 minutes now!!!

Unknown said...

Belle is eating.

Unknown said...

She is wide awake.

Suzanne said...

Haven't seen chick, but Belle is sure fussing with the egg cup! Head down there quite a bit, but now she appears to be sitting on them again.
Our BW eagle just woke up.

Suzanne said...

LOL, head back in egg cup. Sure must be watching that new chick!

Suzanne said...

Hi Dion, welcome. See you saw the chick last night, or rather this morning. Belle sure can't get comfy, can she?

Unknown said...

She is working the nest!

Suzanne said...

I give up. My 30 second refresh went to 2 1/2 minute refresh, not pic is frozen. Been same pic for over 5 minutes. NOT A GOOD TIME FOR CAM TO FREEZE!!!! Darn.

Suzanne said...

Must have heard me, pic is updating again, though every 2 1/2 minutes, but at least updating!

Suzanne said...

OMG, there is a huge racoon eating the bird seed on the tray on extreme birdfeeding dot com! How in the world did he get up there? Dont' know, but there is another one waiting on the grond. How cool. Darn, can't take pics.
Belle has her head back under her wing trying to sleep.

Suzanne said...

Something scared them. The one jumped down and took off, and the other 2 that were on the ground under the feeder took off too. Now want to see what chased them...

Suzanne said...

One of them is back. Under the feeder, where s/he was before. Belle still sleeping, bless her heart!

Suzanne said...

Never mind, she's awake again.

Suzanne said...

Now I see how they get up there. The snow has been shoveled and is deep there, easy jump.
Belle up, see some white under her, want to see if I can see the baby. Well not at this refresh rate! She could be up and down a half dozen times before pic refreshes. Darn, she just got back down. After being up for over 2 minutes.
Coons just took off again.

Suzanne said...

Well, Belle has been in the same position for quite a while now. Only head moving, so all the hatching that was going on, or chick getting settled must be over for now. She's been settled down for about a half hour, and that's the longest she has been still since I brought up the cam shortly after 4. Now glancing back, want to see if we have 1 chick or 2. Wouldn't that be just too cool!!!

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Waiting on sunrise and a nice view of our new little one , or two LOL. Whatever. I was up watching til midnight but fell asleep. Maye I will see it very soon as its gonna be daylight there soon I hope. Maybe if I lay my head down it will be a lost cause.

I am so thirlled to have new little life in that nest for Liberty and Belle and jsut a little excited for all of ua too.

Suzanne said...

Belle is awake and looking around, but she hasn't gotten up to tend eggs and/or chick(s).

floralgirl said...

Good morning :) waiting patiently for Belle to get up so we can catch a glimpse of the eaglet(s).

Suzanne said...

Morning, Glo. I've caught a couple glimpses of "white" under Belle when she was up earlier, but can't see well enough to know what it was, chick or egg. You're right, be able to see much better in the daylight.

glo said...

she is nodding off Suzanne head slowly sinks back down and then pops up again. I want her to get up LOL

glo said...

Good morning Megan

floralgirl said...

Morning, Glo. It'll be light soon, Lib will show up to check things out.

Suzanne said...

Sea sure looks rough in Maine, and I lost NBG already. Bummer, but nest was MT earlier.

Robyn said...

Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen :)..

I read the good news, I was awake at 2:30 wish I new the eggs were hatching as I haven't allowed myself time to be here but with me taking a break from classes this 8 weeks I may have more time till I get back up and around. Then it is back to packing the hacienda up...

Hugs to all and I will try to spend some time here today...

Suzanne said...

Morning, Megan. Bet poor Belle is pooped, from glancing back, she hasn't slept very welll this night!

floralgirl said...

Howdy Robin:) morning Suzanne!

glo said...

tucked her head ack in her wing. Its still snooze time

Suzanne said...

Morning, Robyn. We're all waiting.

Head just went under wing, maybe she'll sleep a while now.

glo said...

yes I am thinking Lib will be here very soon too. Making tea. I need a wake up call LOL

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

It was absolutely thrilling to see that little eaglet wiggling around. Been holding my breath this year.

Suzanne said...

BW eagle waking up, Belle still sleeping.

glo said...

I know Sharon I hear you. Have been nearly glued here for 3 days barring a little sleep now and then.

Robyn said...

Hey Megan, Suzanne, Sharon and Glo

Spring is finally in the air, hopefully this clutch will fair better then last years clutch. Though the nights will be cold we are almost out of the snowy season, yet warmer days and NOT so cold evenings, fingers still crossed.

Mom has been frustrated as another dove was devoured by the hawks, she turned around, looked back and poof nothing but feathers around and no dove.

Suzanne said...

BW parent checking chicks. Ours still sleeping.

glo said...


floralgirl said...

Good morning, Sharon:) Looks like Belle is talking to somebody. Wish we had sound. Now she went back to sleep.

glo said...

back to sleep

Suzanne said...

Morning, Sharon.
That little cat nap didn't last long for Belle.

indiana nesting eagles dave said...

Good Morning all you early birds.
It's good to be here and the
weather is getting a little better
here,yesterday it got to almost 60
out and i did some needed work in
the yard.I'll be around here off
and on today.I am glad your eagles
are doing good.Ours here have been
sitting on eggs sense the 21st of
february so it won't be to long.

Indiana Nesting Eagles----Dave

glo said...

well as much as I want to see what is going on under elle, there is something so beautiufl and peaceful just watching her head tucked under her wing looking like All is well at the nest What a Super Mama and PaPa we have at that Sycamore Tree. Rest up Lib and Belle, some very busy days and weeks are ahead.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Dave. We're all waiting to see if we had a hatching last night, and whether it was one or two chicks. Waiting for the sun to rise, it's getting pink in the east now.

glo said...

OK picturing that pink in the eastern sky. Its gonna be a brand new wondrfully exciting day. Wake up Steve Your BLOG is about get even busier!!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Suzanne, Glo, Megan, Candy, Robyn, Sharon, and Dave.

glo said...

Sharon You reading this? What are your dogs names? I know one is Bufils "How does he spell that? LOL

glo said...

good morning Dana. Go get some coffee and pull up that chair.

floralgirl said...

Morning, Dana and Dave:)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Dogs' names: Mopsy, Buphals, Scooby, Hairy and the inherited one (Mommy's dog) is Peedab.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Dana.

Belle is awake again.

floralgirl said...

It's starting to get light here, bet Lib will show up soon.

floralgirl said...

She's up- there's one chick.

wvgal_dana said...

I see 2 eggs we must have a chick !!!

floralgirl said...

ANd it's moving

Robyn said...

Morning Dana and Dave

glo said...

Cutest litle fuzzy bobble head I have seen. hours old. Belle did a little housekeeping

floralgirl said...

Yep, one chick, tried to get a pic, but the 30 sec cam is having issues..

Suzanne said...

Well, what did you guys see? I saw some white, too fuzzy for eggs, but then of course can didn't update again until she was back down.

floralgirl said...

One chick Suzanne!!

wvgal_dana said...

Glo can't have coffee till 9:30amEDT. I take my sugar level then. After that it's food or/and coffee or tea.

Suzanne said...

Ok, shoulda read back before posting. Then I guess I did see the chick, it was too fuzzy for an egg. Megan, the 30 sec cam is now a 2 1/5 minute refresh cam!

Suzanne said...

Oops, that's 2 1/2 minute!

wvgal_dana said...

Anybody able to get a pic off the 30 refresh cam? My darn refresh hasn't been working well for pics for days.

glo said...

I filmed the little bobble head as Mom cleaned up around and rolled the other two eggs.

carolinabeachmom said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE WORLD. WE DO HAVE A HATCHING. Belle just got up and could see one little chicklet moving. I still don't know about two. Did anyone else see?

wvgal_dana said...

We have one chick and 2 eggs now.

I wish they would have left the refresh cam at 30 seconds. It is better at that time for pics.

carolinabeachmom said...

Oh Geez. I have to get going or I'll be late for school. All enjoy the exciting day. BBL

floralgirl said...

one chick Candy:) The 30 sec cam is a mess, sorry if that's all you can watch Suzanne, glad I can get the live feed now, or I would've had to move into the lobby at NCTC.

wvgal_dana said...

Morning Candy ( :

Suzanne said...

Megan, that's a thought! May camp out there this weekend!

Morning, Candy! At least one chick, I believe. Hatched during the night, first seen about 0239 this morning by AJ.

Suzanne said...

BW chicks are visible. They sure are growing, they're adorable!

glo said...

A video for you

Welcome Little Bobblehead

Robyn said...

Does anyone know how to get the live cam I can't seem to download the real player

floralgirl said...

She's up again!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


glo said...

Robin you need to download the Real Player to get the cam

wvgal_dana said...

Jim, Nilla, Jill and AJ saw cracking in one of the eggs around 12:something.
2:27 Nilla said I see only 2 eggs.

2:27 Jill says I see a bobble head.
2:39 Nilla says is she picking egg shell out.
Dion on with them been watching for years.
2:39 AJ says think one chick hatched i saw it move she covered it.
2:39Jill says Definitely only half
shell hard to see but she is moving somthing that blends in with the nest.
2:40 Dion says I see a chick!!!!!!

WOW thank you our early morning group (: ( : ( : ( : ( :

wvgal_dana said...

I will take this comment over to NEW THREADsee all over there.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, at least we have gotten farther than we did last year, thank God. Also, 2 years ago when Big Boy, Ms. InBetween and Spunky hatched, we didn't have live feed, so this is new to us, getting to see our baby move around like that.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Oh, I just about forgot. Mits said to say hello to everyone this morning. She is going to babysit the girls for a couple of days.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, that looks like Belle that just came in with a tree. Did you all see the tug of war?

«Oldest ‹Older   201 – 398 of 398   Newer› Newest»

6/6/23 bella field cam

  Time stamps on these or about an hour off. So, if it says it's 5 something, it's 6 something field can got messed up in the last s...