Thursday, March 06, 2008


New thread. Looks like the video is not stable enough yet to go overnight without hanging. Working on it.



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wvgal_dana said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
wvgal_dana said...

Well we have a new page to start filling up...( :

Carol_in_WV said...

Hi eagle & eaglet lovers. Nice sunny day here on this mountain. What is that black thing in BW nest. Hey, Dave - I figure that you are gone, but wanted to let you know I looked up your black astralop chickens. They are very pretty. Have you ever seen the Murray McMurrary Hatchery catalog? There are lots of rare breeds of chickens and other fowl in it. Check it out at I order a calendar from them some years. It has pictures of beautiful rare breeds of chickens.

paula eagleholic said...

No, eagles don't pee. The poop shoot contains both.

MITS said...

good to know:)

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the notes on raising cain!

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like she chased something off

floralgirl said...

Hey thanks, Carol, that is a cool website.

normabyrd said...

I want to ask PAULA??---HOW DID SHE RAISE CAIN???----------------My MOTHER raised 3 'CAINS'---ME--MY BROTHER & SISTER!!---ho!---CAIN is my maiden name!!---Yeah!--we started it all!!-----(back to check writing)

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Carol still love your pic gal

paula eagleholic said...

Norma - She will be raising "3 Cains" as well! HO!

paula eagleholic said...

Hummm what is the new brown thing at BWE?

wvgal_dana said...

I agree with the answer that was given. It is included with the "poop shoot".

Jill said...

2 for 1 Dana? LOL

Carol_in_WV said...

Dana - I'm in the mood for Spring - so it was time to change the polar bear to flowers. Since the rain on Tuesday, I can see that my grass is getting green and is growing. Nice to see, but I hate mowing!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, I sort of figured it was in the poop shoot but just had to ask! You never know until you ask!

wvgal_dana said...

Is Norfolk still down?

floralgirl said...

Norfolk is working now.

MITS said...


Carol_in_WV said...

BW eaglets visible. Norma - they do look like little bandits with their black eyes. I don't remember past eaglets having such black eye markings.

MITS said...

egg turning our nest

wvgal_dana said...

humm Megan I have a black screen for Norfolk.

MITS said...

Norfolk ok here.

MITS said...


paula eagleholic said...

both our nest

MITS said...


MITS said...


paula eagleholic said...

Nope leaving with a snack

MITS said...


floralgirl said...

That Norfolk cam goes down a lot... eagle sure is focused on something in the sky right now.

Sunny said...

Two at BWE!!

movin said...

Female eagle has flown into Norfolk nest again.



Jill said...

Both in nest at BW. One left. Looks like something was brought. Can't tell for sure. Feeding now.

Jill said...

Back on eaglets now.

movin said...

Hey, everybody, I don't know if you know it, but I just found a fresh news article, blog entry and video on Bai and ZZ at the SD site.

Check them out.



movin said...

I see at least the front part of Dad eagle is perched at BWO, and if I'm not mistaken, there a feathers in the bottom of the box that weren't there earlier, so maybe he caught a water fowl for the family dinner.



movin said...

She was at Norfolk nest for quite a while. She flew out, looked like for the night. Now both are at the nest again.



movin said...

BW chicks are visible and might be getting fed soon.



MITS said...

our eagle looking around

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I still have 5 1/2 hours until I have to give up on my eaglet birthday present. I have to go out for a while. I will be back a little past 9, so keep a close eye for me and get pictures in case my birthday present is hatched!

MITS said...

looks really antsy tonight, Sharon

MITS said...

well, not so antsy now, sleeping

IrisF said...

I must report that Genie(Jewell) and I had a really GREAT time and I enjoyed meeting her hubby Rudy too!

Even Gertrude and Ralph came to the back door to meet me. She said it was the first time they have been there together since Jan. 27th. BOY, do I feel special!!!

More later, time to have some supper.

Mema Jo said...

The #$%&** Goggle Guy got me!

And all I said was the Mits you have your evening planned out for you - at least until 9:00. If the egg were laid on the 1st or 2nd, I'd say it really could hatch.

Ok trying to get past the Google Guy

Mema Jo said...

Iris If Gertrude & Ralph came to greet you -
Who was on the eggs?

aj said...

how do you save a pic on the video

MITS said...

ok Iris, I know you mention some type of bird this a.m., but can't remember who Gertude and Ralph are?

MITS said...

our eagle is awake

MITS said...

that was a big egg-roll

MITS said...

she is calling or she has a furball caught in her throat

MITS said...

Hi, aj, I don't know, all the knowledgeable people aren't here right now, sorry

MITS said...

our eagle asleep, and, now BW is awake

Mema Jo said...

Mits: Gertrude & Ralph are the 2 sandhill cranes that Genie (Jewell) has had around her home for quite a few years down in Florida. Little General was the last little one she kept us posted on & did a good many videos.

MITS said...

nope BW went back to sleep

Mema Jo said...

Hi AJ I'm here but not knowledgeable on the Live Feed pictures. I think you have to have a special program. Paula or Glo could give you the info you need. Paula should be on later.

IrisF said...

Well Jo, that is the 64,000 dollar question.

Genie and I stopped by the place where the nest is and guess what?
At that time Ralph was on the nest! We may never know what is going on there, but the eggs are way past the date for hatching. As Gertrude and Ralph left Genie's back yard they did a fantastic "dance"! I swear they look like ballet dancers - so graceful. MTBR I guess concerning the eggs and if they will hatch.

IrisF said...

We had a terrible storm when we were coming back to Genie's house after our lunch. High winds and buckets of rain. Had to wait awhile to leave so it would be safe to travel home (usually about an hour) Today it took nearly 1hour and 45 minutes!

Anyway, when it slowed down a bit, Genie went over to the nest site and one of the Sandhills was on the nest and the other was no where to be seen.

Hope they are both OK and that they have another clutch of eggs if these fail to hatch.

I was so thrilled to see them up close and in person - they are soooooooo beautiful.

MITS said...

Good luck t G & R...our eagle awake again

IrisF said...

Helen, I'm sorry, Gertrude and Ralph are the Sandhill Cranes that Genie sent pictures of last season. Their baby was Little Gen. or Little General...

They had two eggs this year, but so far neither one has hatched and they are past due by about 4 days or so.

glo said...

AJ I use Snag It. I bought the full version but I there is a trial version you can test out.

I am not sure what Paula uses, But I think I have read that its not Snag It. Perhaps she will be in later to give you here suggestions on how to get captures fromt he live feed.

MITS said...

oh dear.....:(

Mema Jo said...

Iris - You got to see their dance!!
I remember the video of them dancing!
I loved it. Like you and Genie, I hope they are wise enough to know if those 2 eggs are NOT going to hatch so that they can get on with another clutch or even just 1 good egg would do the trick!

Mema Jo said...

Mits: I wonder what is keeping
our eagle awake! Talking Eggs?

NatureNut said...

Hi all. I have a question. I have some current eagle and osprey pictures I'd like to share.Is there anyplace to email? How does that work? I saw Paula's info about videos & pics on Eaglet Momsters. Would that be the place to go to do this? Thx
P.S. My B'day is the 10th & I'm hoping for a chick too!! :-)

Mema Jo said...


Danelle said...

Good evening everyone and thank you sooo much for the many Birthday wishes! :) I just got back from a shopping trip with my husband to Dulles Town Center. I had a blast. :) Too bad I have to go back to work tomorrow. :(

Thank you for all your cards too!:)

I'm so excited about the hummingbird! I didn't know she would lay another clutch of eggs.

Danelle said...

Does anyone else get an error message when you click on the link for the live feed?

Jill said...

Danelle, Happy Birthday. Love Dulles Town Center. You know that is where somebody saw an eagle last week. Well about 2 miles from there.

I have had my live feed up all day, no problem.

MITS said...

holy toledo!!!! did our eagle lose its head??

MITS said...

gee, I haven't been to Dulles Town Center in years...glad you had a great BD, Danelle.

MITS said...

ok see the head now, But Jo, its been a tad restless tonight

Danelle said...

So to get the live feed, you are just clicking on the link?

MITS said...

That is the way it is supposed to happen, have had my up all day.

Mema Jo said...

Hello Naturenut! We would all love to see your pictures - especially of the eagles & osprey! I am not certain where Paula would suggest them to be placed. I know that Bob Quinn has his albums on display on a separate site - Deb on this blog has us double click her name & go into her blog page to view her photos. You may wish to do that.
I would invite you at this time to join up to the Eaglet Momsters site

Click on this link & sign up as a new user

Danelle said...

maybe my version of real player is old. I'm installing the one they recommend right now.

Sunny said...

Hey naturenut! My b-day is on the 10th, too. We sure have a lot of March b-days on here.

Sunny said...

I can't get the live cam. Are you all watching it? I don't see where anyone mentioned not getting it.

glo said...

Yes sunny I am watching it

Jill said...

Well after I said mine was up all day, something killed my internet explorer and now I can't get live feed back. If you have it up, don't take it down, might not work.

With my luck, an egg will hatch tonight.

Jill said...

Danelle/Sunny does it say "an error has occurred, network administrator will be notified"?

Mema Jo said...

My live feed is up Sunny.

AJ - if you're still on
I cheat & keep the eagle cam up along with the live feed. I snap pics from the regular eagle cam.

Anne-Marie said...

Jill thats what I am getting..

Jill said...

Jo has yours been up for awhile? MIne was up all day then IE shut down and now I can't get it back.

Mema Jo said...

Sunny & others- Can you put your real player up - then copy & paste the url address from the NCTC site
It may start then rather then click on the url address - I started mine the way I just described because I got the Error On Request & that
The details of this error have been emailed to the web site administrator.

It might work for you

Mema Jo said...

Here comes Spidey!

Is Sharon home yet?

Anne-Marie said...

Hi everybody, I'm home. boy I wish it were Friday. I have decided that as soon as I get this knee fixed I am going to retire. I will be 66 next month and its my turn.. I have worked since I was 16. Even through pg..

Anne-Marie said...

that man has asked me to marry him. A few months will give me time to decide.

Anne-Marie said...

Welcome natureNut. You would fit right in here . We are all nuts of different kinds. :)

MITS said...

does that mean I should keep it up all night.....Paula will be happy as we are....Mt. St. Marys' University won 80 to 70 in their 1st playoff game tonight, our son used our tickets tonight...GO MOUNT!:)

Jill said...

I would leave it up Mits. Going to try Jo's idea.

Jill said...

It worked. Thanks Jo.

paula eagleholic said...

Whoo Hoo! MT St Mary's just advanced to the NEC semi-finals!!

Go Mount!!

paula eagleholic said...

Whoo Hoo! Mits~

I forgot to ask you if he was going to the game!!

MITS said...

he would have, but he had to be in NY today, so our son took the tickets.....the Mount called the other day to see if we wanted to sell our tickets, we said h#$% no.

paula eagleholic said...

WOW Hedi!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Here is the direct link that you can copy and paste into your real player


Mema Jo said...

Oh Boy! Anne What You Gonna Do?
Are you nervous! How many months before you have to say Yes, Maybe or No?

You know you don't like ticks! lol

MITS said...

YES, ANNEMARIE, what is up with that?????

MITS said...

sorry didn't comment sooner, been cleaning out mail

paula eagleholic said...

Naturenut - A good place for your pictures would be Photobucket or Picasa....then you can post the link here, or join the momster group and send the link through the email

paula eagleholic said...

HA! I got WAX and I'll Take it!!

MITS said...

PAULA, just found out , my son, and d-i-l and the girls went to the game.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, I am back and I do not see any comments that we have an eaglet! :( Really thought it was too early for a hatch but a girl could dream, you know?

Birthday cake was wonderful. Yellow cake with buttercream icing and she even decorated it for me and Becky. It was nice!

MITS said...

sounds deelish

MITS said...

shutting down for the night, GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE

AJ said...

i guess i have 2 emails and am confusing how i ger on the blog but dont know what to do about it i guess you think i am rude for not answering , they may think i am a spammer

Mema Jo said...



The 2nd egg will be honor of Danelle
Shouldn't be too long before that happens.

Anne-Marie said...

Im here if just got dropped of the blog. geee . I am going to stall him for a while until I know what I'm doing. He is special and I dont want to loose him .

paula eagleholic said...

AJ - the easiest way to get on is user your email address.

Anne-Marie said...

Welcome AJ.

Anne-Marie said...

Mema what owl is that?

Bob Quinn said...

Finally processed Sunday's photos:

Sunday's Photos

Bob Quinn said...

Happy Birthday Sharon!

paula eagleholic said...

AJ - we know you aren't a spammer. Spammers post links with nasty stuff in them!

paula eagleholic said...

Howdy Bob!!

Have you seen the live feed yet?

AJ said...

do you have to sign in on each comment?

paula eagleholic said...

But some people do have that problem - is that what's happening to you?

paula eagleholic said...

Do you have a google account?

AJ said...

ok thanks thats how much i know about a spammer lol

AJ said...

yes i have a google account , but thats where i was doing something wrong

movin said...



paula eagleholic said...

Continual prompting to login, or "Session Expired" messages

If you repeatedly get bounced back to the login screen, with no message about an incorrect username or password, this is caused by your browser not retaining your login information correctly. You may also see "Session Expired" messages in these cases. To fix this you need to troubleshoot your browser, so try the following:

Clear your cache.
Delete your Blogger cookie.
Check your Cookie settings.
Check your JavaScript settings.
Quit your browser and restart it.
Use another browser.

Browse Happy—all the cool kids are doing it.

Note that if you have a firewall, you should check its cookie settings as well and make sure it will allow Blogger's cookies to be set. Check the manual or documentation for the firewall for information on this.


Your browser needs to accept cookies.

Here is the blogger help topic - copy and paste both lines into your browser.

paula eagleholic said...

Gnite, Jim!

AJ said...

bell checked her eggs several times by putting her beak on one of them havent seen that happen before i am going to watch her tonight i stay up till 4 am and watch dallas, i think her first egg may be close to hatching i will try and get a pic if it does

paula eagleholic said...

Egg rolling

Anne-Marie said...

AJ your the best. I have to hit the sack.

glo said...

Yes Belle is pretty restless. I don't know if there will be a hatch tonight BUT I do think we have some little ones letting MaMa know to get prepared as hatching is not at all far away. she hears them. JMHO

AJ said...

my security was blocking google io have that changed now . thanks

AJ said...

good night all i will be watching bell if a egg hatches i will put it on the blog if i see it

paula eagleholic said...

Glad you got that figured out aj!

paula eagleholic said...

Hitting the hay...happy watching, aj.

Good night, all!

Mema Jo said...

Thank you AJ for being our eyes throughout the night! Suzanne should be coming in around 4am... Rain won't start until tomorrow pm hrs so they said. Oh happy days of hatchings!!!

Good Night everyone in Eagle Land
Pleasant dreams & restful sleep
Prayers for all being said

Suzanne - Ms Owl at the WildWatch Hotel had a hatching.....

Link to Ms Owl

IrisF said...

Anne, that is fantastic news!!! You take all the time you need to be sure, but your heart will know!

Jill said...

Wow Live feed is great. I can go back and see what I missed.

Jill said...

Checking eggs @ 1:19 am

Jill said...

Egg check around 2 am.. (was reading mail, used rewind to see it)

AJ said...

bell has got off the nest twice and looked at the eggs i think she is expecting a little eagle any time

Suzanne said...

Good Friday morning, world. Morning Jill and AJ if you guys are still up. Lib just woke up, so guess he's still restless. BW eagle is sound asleep, head under wings. Wonder if we'll get a chick today? Wouldn't that be cool!
Not bad out, no wind. 36° in PA, 39° here in VA. But guess we're gonna get more rain today and tonight. They said about an additional inch on top of what we got the other day. So that should make for some nice flooding! What isn't already flooding, may be this time tomorrow. Sure glad it's Sat and I don't have to go anywhere.
Gonna go open cams, see what I missed. All have a great eagle/panda day. Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Suzanne said...

Ok, our eagle has head back under wings and going back to sleep.

Suzanne said...

Oh my goodness, Tai's up eating bamboo! Gives new meaning to midnight snack!

movin said...


I slept earlier, got up to visit the facilities, and I'm just about tired enough to sleep again.

I peeked in to say "hi" and see if our eggs have begun to hatch yet...

How are you doing? I forgot to ask how you made it home last Friday after getting off later..middle of rush hour, actually.



Suzanne said...

Just glancing back from yesterday, I see where Mrs Owl hotel had a hatching! You sure called that one, Jo! Few hours early, but very good call! How cool. Now we can watch baby owls. AT least for a little while, don't watch them after maybe the 3rd one has hatched. They're vicious to each other, I'd rather not watch.
OW, SHE JUST GOT UP, baby is laying over some eggs, and mom is looking up at the entrance. And out of the corner of her eye to the cam, that's wierd! "Do you see my baby?" 2:08 there.

Suzanne said...

She's keeping her eye on the entrance. May be waiting for a food delivery.

Suzanne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Suzanne said...

Both our eagles are sleeping well. Mrs owl in hotel is really keeping an eye on the entrance, but don't see any shadows on the wall, so maybe she hears hubby getting breakfast..

Suzanne said...

Wow, good morning, Jim. Hope you sleep well when you go back to bed. I was really sleeping well when that ol' alarm went off this morning! Didn't want to get up, but kinda had to.
Oh, last Friday I got home at 1930! Through the parking lot!! But it wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be, only took an extra 45 minutes or so. Less than I thought it would, so was grateful for that!

Suzanne said...

Egg turning our nest. Could see 3 beautiful eggs!

Suzanne said...

Blogger ate my last post. Lady BW just got up off her babies, and they're both sound asleep. Too cute.

floralgirl said...

Morning, Suzanne;) Ican't get the live feed going this morning- do you have the same problem?

Suzanne said...

Morning, Megan. Can't get the live feed here at all, never could. But the 30 sec is not always refreshing at 30 sec's either. Takes 60-90 sometimes.

Suzanne said...

Tesoro chicks are up, and there is now an eagle in the NBG nest. Nest was MT when I first brought it up, so guess we don't have an egg yet.

floralgirl said...

I see there is an eagle in the Norfolk nest, not sure how long it's been there.

Suzanne said...

Tesoro eaglets are feeding themselves and doing wing flaps. NBG eagle is up and looking in the nest now. Wonder if she's ready to lay an egg yet? She should be!

floralgirl said...

Both eagles at Norfolk now

Suzanne said...

Mate just arrived at NBG. If that's was the Mrs in the nest, she's sure wiggling her butt. Standing over egg cup now, and hubby looking in it too. Did she lay an egg? Looks like she's pulling grasses in around the egg cup. They're not too zoomed in, so can't see what's in there. Oh, he has his head down in the cup. Sure hope she laid an egg! Now they're both looking and moving grasses, and there are our BW babies, parent just got up!

Suzanne said...

parent arrived in Tesoro, parent BW left, babies snuggling and sleeping, and one eagle flew to the left branch in NBG. Oh, parent in Tesoro just took off. One NBG parent still working around the egg cup. Now the other eagllet in Tesoro has whatever the food is. They're still in silhouette, so can't see who is who.

Suzanne said...

Well, that answers that question. Both NBG eagles flew off, nest MT. So guess no egg at the moment.

Suzanne said...

BW parent back and feeding chicks.

Suzanne said...

Deer are coming out in PA, wing flaps in Tesoro, wow, beautiful! BW chicks still eating, and Mrs owl still waiting for food. Oh, the Tesoro twins are funny, one flaps as big as he/she can, then the other one does it. They are each watching each other doing flaps, how cool. Oh, now first one's turn. NBG eagles are in and out of nest, and BW kids still getting fed.

Suzanne said...

Our eagle flying off, eggs visible!

Suzanne said...

Our pic is stuck, but what an awesome shot to get stuck!!

Suzanne said...

Well, Megan, they are looking for the NBG eagles again...

floralgirl said...

yep, they're gone again, those eagles are keeping us all guessing...

Suzanne said...

Megan, look at the buds on the trees! Spring is coming!!! How cool. Oh, NBG I mean, they're still looking for the eagles.

floralgirl said...

#@*%*#@-why is the cam stuck.... we're to close to an egg hatch for this problem.

Suzanne said...

Eagle at BWO.

floralgirl said...

I see thta, Suzanne. They are a little warmer than us, my sister in law lives near Norfolk, she always has stuff blooming in the spring before us. My daffodils have really shot up in the past couple of days. We are expecting some heavy rains today and tomorrow.

floralgirl said...

cool, I see lisa says osprey have been spotted in southern MD, that's definitely a sign of spring.

Suzanne said...

Did you see the pic of the osprey she posted? It's beautiful!!
With this warmer weather, and rain, lots of things are going to start shooting up! Hope we don't get another severe snow storm, though. The forsythia down here has been out (last warm spell), then died off when it got cold again. Some may start coming out again, not all of it was out couple weeks ago.
Something is really flying aroudn the Tesoro nest, you can see shadows as it goes by. Sometimes the eaglets watch it, other times they ignore it.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning everybody. I guess I didn't have a birthday delivery last night! Overslept this morning so I have to get my butt in gear and work!

floralgirl said...

Norfolk cam is down again:( Hello Sharon! no live feed this morning.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Sharon. I coulda overslept this morning, but then I would have had to deal with traffic. Amazing what a motivator that is to get you up!

floralgirl said...

both parents at BWE.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Megan, I have had live feed all morning.

MITS said...


«Oldest ‹Older   201 – 375 of 375   Newer› Newest»

6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...