Thursday, March 13, 2008

Thursday PM

Two fish, one eaglet in the nest thread.


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floralgirl said...

Whoa! looks like it was raining fish today! Thanks for the video Glo, That feeding was precious.

Mema Jo said...

IWS egg switch at WE nest

Link to Cumbrian's 3 youtube videos

Mema Jo said...

Do you think that everyone
fell into the SPLIT?

floralgirl said...

Yep, Jo, lost them all.

deb said...

Thanks for the link, Jo. I wish they could work it out so Mac users could watch those nests. it's fun to see the video of what the nest looks like.

Female is spending time on the branch beside the nest at NBG, maybe this is a good sign.

Mema Jo said...

This is from GLO from the older thread..........

First Feeding

Just don't want you to miss seeing it

I think Paula will also have some daily videos for us to view a little later.

KarenInCali said...

OMG I need to retire! Just so I can stay home and watch the eagles LOL! I miss everything! WAHHH!

Steven..yes video is much better than just sound :-) We know y'all are working hard on it. Keep up the good work all of you who bring this website to us! It's awesome!

Lib is sure a great provider!! Someone needs to send him over to BWE to help momma there LOL! I feel so bad for her and the babes.

Someone mentioned how can the eagles see stuff at night...that's cause they have "eagle eyes" LOL!

Mema Jo said...

I am headed for an ice cream snack

Maybe that will get somebody's
I think some new TV shows are on...

I need to practice my eagle patience.
Someone will come on the blog soon..
Sleeping eagle just popped head up with eyes glowing at me..........

Jill said...

I want ice cream. WAs off making a card for Stephanie to send with hubby tomorrow.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Deb & Karen
I am headed out to kitchen for
ice cream......... BRB

It may be time for another feeding very soon...

I think these are Mama Cali's
Hooties under her looking out...

Bakersfield CA Great Horned Owl

Anne-Marie said...

Hi everyone just checking in after I got home from work. I am going to dinner but I want to request prayers for momster Chrissy tonight. She has been very ill and she is such a sweetie.

deb said...

I was watching Survivor. Now I have on the State Boys BB tournament.

Mema Jo said...

Scarface is back sleeping in the

Looks like raccoons at a carcass

Ice Cream Here I Come

deb said...

Chrissy, hope you are feeling better, you have my prayers for a quick recovery.

Mema Jo said...

Will do Anne -
Remember that Candy also has the flu
Robyn's dad's surgery...remember also Bobbi along with Robyn & Tori

KarenInCali said...

Thanks for all the video links! at least I get to see things that way. Is there any other place to see them other than YouTube? Can't get that site on school district's computers..they have it blocked. Would love to show my kids! Was able to see the ones from BWE that Lisa posted as they are not YouTube.

KarenInCali said...

Hey Jo...can you bring me some ice cream, too, please? LOL!

Mema Jo said...

Hey! You're the Baskin Robbins gal.
I only have vanilla tonight.. I'll get the first flight out! lol

deb said...

I don't think Paula's are on youtube. I'll check.

floralgirl said...

Thanks, Paula, just watched 'first taste of fish'..

deb said...

sorry, I was wrong, they are on youtube. Darn.

glo said...

KarenI think you can watch the videos right my on the BLOG without going to You Tube. Just click on the embedded player.
Lib and Belle Videos

Mema Jo said...

I was hoping that Wanda would pop in and get the news about our bobblehead

Maybe tomorrow - they should be in Vegas now. Jill may know.

Mema Jo said...

Megan - Can't find Paula's video of
First Taste of Fish......???? I checked out eaglet momsters........

KarenInCali said...

Thanks, Glo! I will try that at work.

Sunny said...

Okay, I'm usually a day late and a dollar short, but is this the video clip that was on NBC, about the Tesoro eaglets??

paula eagleholic said...

OK, got 3 out of 4 videos uploaded and ready at youtube!

I have really enjoyed watching this eagle pair today!

Eaglet Momsters Blog

paula eagleholic said...

Karen - I can upload these 4 videos to photobucket as well and email the links to you....send me your email address at

Mema Jo said...

Yes, Sunny That is what I saw on tonight's news.

paula eagleholic said...

Karen - you have mail.

paula eagleholic said...

Deb - they have a non-neokast link set up for the West end and Two harbors nest - although they do hang a lot...just go to the cam page and look for a link on the right.

deb said...

Eagle at Kent 2. Brought in a stick.

paula eagleholic said...

Last video link has been posted ont he eaglet momsters blog...see link a couple of post up!

deb said...

I didn't know that, thanks, I just went and looked--duh--its dark, but it came up. Thanks, Paula!

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Paula! Loved the videos.

deb said...

Both eagles at LW. I am halfway through the videos.

Mema Jo said...

Both eagles at Lake Washington...

I remember when Lib & Belle always came into the nest right at dusk & then would both leave. We always wished it were the night that she would stay & give us those beautiful eggs.

Mema Jo said...

I think I had the most enjoyment watching Belle, Liberty & Baby.
Just like a real family!

I would hope for another hatching this evening( early morning 3/14) I left my Live Feed on throughout the entire night & then I slept throughout the entire night & didn't get up to check anything out. However, the live feed is still running strong. So it is staying on just in case I get up tonight!

deb said...

Judy's list shows around March 20-25 for fist eggs in Washington. I wish we could see Cam 3 at kent to see if they are building the nest the other way this year. I hope that is it, the alternative isn't any fun.

Mema Jo said...

It was really beautiful weather today. Good day for bobbleheads to come out of their shells. Another couple good days are also headed our way. So keep those bobbleheads coming!

I am going to sign off for the day

Good Night Eaglelanders
Peace to you & yours
Eagles head is tucked under wing - All is well & Life is Good

deb said...

Night, Jo, it was beautiful today here, also. Unfortunately it isn't supposed to last. Rain turning to snow tomorrow. At least snow now doesn't last long.

deb said...

Paula, I finished all the videos, thank you. I love the one of them feeding and tending to the new eaglet together. I saw it happen live, but had to laugh again when I watched the video.

paula eagleholic said...

AND I think we are going to get your rain on Friday night into Saturday...hope we have a second eaglet tomorrow.

paula eagleholic said...

That was my favorite of today, Deb.

deb said...

At least it is rain forecast for the nest area, not snow. Oops, have to watch half-time performance from Winner.

deb said...

Me, too, except for Spidey. The girls did good. It is always hard for them to be on TV when they come from such a small town. (2600 in Winner)

Jill said...

Paula & Jo check your mail. I changed the format on th video. See if that works.

Jill said...

Never mind didn't work. Trying again.

deb said...

Belle is awake again.

Lolly said...

Belle is not restless like she was last night at this time.

paula eagleholic said...

No, she has at least been able to snooze tonight

I'll be up a little while longer, Jill.

deb said...

It took me forever, but I finally got my Real Player with the rewind back. Belle up, checking on babe.

deb said...

Belle seems to be getting restless again. Maybe it is just the first eaglet. I didn't see anything when she got up.

deb said...

It is 12:15 and Belle is still awake. I am off to bed, maybe bobble head #2 in the morning. She can't seem to get comfortable, wiggling right now.

Lolly said...

Nite all! It certainly is quiet after last night. Everyone is exhausted!

movin said...

Good evening, everybody...

Who's staying up all night tonight watching nestcams??

Didn't Blackwater have a late 1st chick and then hatch the 2nd one a day later?



movin said...

Belle just turned the eggs, but it's really hard to see the way she does it sometimes.

Her feet are showing as white as the eggs tonight besides. I think I saw two intact eggs, but there is no certainty.



paula eagleholic said...

Jim - BW hatch was two days apart. First eagle was 37 days - within normal range.

paula eagleholic said...

Good night, all!

Robyn said...

Good evening/morning all

Thank you for your prayers and well wishes. Dad was in surgery for almost 3 hrs but they cleared him up good. He should be home by afternoon, me Dan and Tori will be heading to florida next weekend so we can see him and mom.

I took my pain meds and it knocked me out it was a nice nap, I go to the neuro tomorrow hopfully they can help or driving to Florida is going to be a royal pain in the butt, literally. Sciaticas are not fun, ouch

I missed the chick :(

deb said...

1:15 and Belle is awake. Hasn't gotten up, just looking around.

movin said...

I found an interesting new entry in the SD Panda blog. Just click on the link below.


ZZ blog

movin said...

Hi, Deb. She's a lot more calm and placid tonight, isn't she?


movin said...




AJ said...

i dont think bell is loking for another chick tonight, she isnt excited , but i am going to keep watching for a while

Unknown said...

But she is awake and looking around.

AJ said...

the parents are bringing a lot of food to the nest for some reason,

AJ said...

that may be a good sign

AJ said...

that may be a good sign

Unknown said...

She just settled back in. Sleep tight Belle.

Stephanie said...

Good Morning Eagle Buddies,

Couldn't sleep so lurking like I often do and I think live feed went down at 3:47. I have rebooted, cut and pasted, nothing. I was watching, Belle was awake and looking around and all of a sudden the screen went blank and it tried to restart. Hopefully it is just my machine but thought I would give a heads up.

Head back to the pillow!

Stephanie in Parkersburg, WV

Stephanie said...

Still camera doesn't seem to be refreshing either. Hopefully a glitch that will fix itself or there may be mutiny on the bounty!

Stephanie said...

Oh I take it back - finally refreshed but seems really far behind.

AJ said...

hi stephanie i am in wv and also a cpa but retired now

Stephanie said...

I'm self employed and don't do many taxes other than family and friends. My clients are primarily non-profits. One in DC getting ready for 2 weeks worth of auditing starting Monday so I won't be able to watch much after that. boo hoo! I do love the ability to work from home though. Used to live close to DC and moved back here to be close to parents but never missed a beat as far as work.

Stephanie said...

Sorry I should have said "Good Morning AJ! Nice to meet you!"

Stephanie said...

Are you getting the live feed?

Stephanie said...

Well good night all. Hopefully things will be on track by morning!

AJ said...

yes i am getting live feed, it times out sometimes , and have to get back on

AJ said...

i am having trouble getting coments i just now got yours and had to log off and back on i think i am not doing something right

AJ said...

goodnight all

Suzanne said...

Wow, hi AJ. If you're still up. Morning, world. Running a few minutes late today. It's Friday, and I'm ready for the weekend, and not have to do this drive for the next 2 days! Yeah! Nice out, 41° in PA, 47° here in VA. Supposed to be nice and warm today. I'm ready for spring!!
Just brought up our cam, looks like tons of leftovers and one fish untouched so far. Wow, these kids sure aren't gonna go hungry! Liberty and Belle are such wonderful parents, just love them! And love the pic of the two fish, one eaglet Steven has posted. Too cool!
All have a great eagle/panda day. Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Suzanne said...

Lisa has a pic posted of the first Osprey of the season on the BWO webpage!!! Hoooray!!!!
Our eagle just woke up, glowing eyes going on.

Suzanne said...

There are 3 racoons on the extreme birdfeeding site! Wow, they're chowing down on the seed, I guess. All 3 are on the ground, though, none on the feeder like one was yesterday.
Our eagle has head tucked under wing sleeping, as is BW eagle.

Suzanne said...

Ok, now they'res 4 of them, and they are all huge! Fat little buggers, so they sure are eating well.
Both our eagle and BW are still asleep.

Suzanne said...

On my, one coon found something good, and another one chased that one off and is now eating whatever it was he stole from the first one. Cool watching these guys.
Belle just woke up, glowing eyes..

Suzanne said...

Eagle in nest and one in tree in Maine. One in the nest is laying down. There are also both eagles in the nest at NBG. Both NCTC and BW are snoozing, but I think BW may be waking up.

Suzanne said...

Yup, BW is up, chicks are sleeping.

glo said...

well Good morning everyone. Guess cams are being a pain this morning. Hopefully that will get taken care of soon. I am sure all is well at the nest this am, and hopefully we will see it soon. I have a veru busy day here so not sure how much watcing or even recording if the feed isn't consistent, that I will be getting done. Have a good day, a very good day indeed.

Suzanne said...

Wierd, both at the exact same time, eagle in nesst in Maine got up and is now standing in nest, and one of the NBG eagles moved to the right branch. Almost like puppets moved at the same time.

glo said...

Suzanne are you able to see the You Tube videos. Can't remember and am curious.

Suzanne said...

NBG eagle on branch just flew off. Eagle in nest watched him go, and there she goes right after him, nest MT. Both still in Maine, BW parent still gone, chicks sleeping and snuggling, and our eagle still sleeping.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Glo. No, the network folks here have YouTube blocked, can't get it at work.

Suzanne said...

Eagle that was in nest in Maine just flew off. One still on branch. He's either talking or yawning, but since I don't have sound, can't tell.

Suzanne said...

Never mind, there he went too. Maine also MT.

Geula said...

Good Morning to ALL! I'm REALLY messed up here! Really and Truely Messed Up! I'd use stronger language but that's NOT NICE!

I can't get the Live Video NOHOW! I get a General Error! on Both computers and my dd in Holland gets the same message! Oh my, oh DEAR!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning all. No live feed here at hatching time! Hopefully just needs a restart in Wheeling. I still think they need to let one of us volunteer to do these restarts. We would be Johnny-on-the-spot with this stuff! :)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning Geula. Yeah, I am with you on that stronger language!! It won't come up in WV either!

&*%)#$)$+#$%*#@#@!!!! Now I feel better!

Suzanne said...

Morning Geula and Sharon! Don't get all excited over the 30-sec cam either, it's still refreshing about 2 1/2 minutes, not 30 seconds! Hate it when that happens, and ESPECIALLY NOW!!!

BW chicks are getting breakfast.

Suzanne said...

Our eagle must have heard something, sitting up very tall and watching.

Geula said...

Gee, at least I'm not the only one that has problems! But it worked earlier this morning (your night, like at 4am or there abouts! and when I came back from shopping the whole thing was kapoot! or kaput!

Suzanne said...

Egg turning, our nest.

floralgirl said...

Oh, good grief...*#@*&$#@*##$!!! no live feed! and my computer is dying.. a slow and annoyingly painful death... TGIF!!

Suzanne said...

Eagle back in NBG nest, and the Tesoro kids are up. BW kids still getting breakfast, and our eagle is up and listening to something. Tesoro kids are doing huge wing flaps! Now NBG is panning around the garden! Wow, look at that white tree in bloom, that's beautiful.

Suzanne said...

That's the Navy Yard in NBG! Look at the ships.

Suzanne said...

I didn't know they could do that! Breakfast over the BW, wing flaps contest still going on in Tesoro, and back on eagle in nest in NBG. Maine still MT, our eagle still standing over eggs and looking around.

Suzanne said...

Uh oh, good morning, Megan. Don't ya just want to shoot them sometimes! I do. Or throw them out the window. But it may not be your computer, others are having cam issues on here.

NillaWafer said...

Good Morning i see a new thread is up... Yup camera is down but maybe Steven is working on the sound part also.. makes sense i think... But im not awake yet and heading back to bed.. Hopefully it will get fixed.. BBL

floralgirl said...

new thread

glo said...

Suzanne Did you try just staying on the BLOG page and watching through that embedded player. I think it will load without going to you Tube if you do it that way. Just click once and little circle starts loading the feed....well maybe anyway. At least I can get it here like that. I am goign to see on Sunday if I can get it at work without loading You Tube page.

glo said...

Suzanne Did you try just staying on the BLOG page and watching through that embedded player. I think it will load without going to you Tube if you do it that way. Just click once and little circle starts loading the feed....well maybe anyway. At least I can get it here like that. I am goign to see on Sunday if I can get it at work without loading You Tube page.

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6/6/23 bella field cam

  Time stamps on these or about an hour off. So, if it says it's 5 something, it's 6 something field can got messed up in the last s...