Sunday, March 23, 2008


Hppy Easter thread. My internet access has been bad for several days, glad I was able to get through to start this new one.


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MITS said...

I was thinking you had xray vision to see thru sidey, Paula

floralgirl said...

Phew! I was wondering what you were seeing, Paula. All I see is spider..

paula eagleholic said...


wvgal_dana said...

No eagles don't eat "spidey". Ok we don't have any other acting parts spidey. You are what you crawl on away. Be a good spidey and protect the chicks from the other side of the nest...

paula eagleholic said...

LOL, had to turn it off for a you can see it was hanging up my posting!!

MITS said...

yeah, Candy, instead of Web of the Spider

Lolly said...

This is not what I wanted to watch!

paula eagleholic said...

Mits - Was really nice having him around this week w/o the GF...she had her break 2 weeks ago...

wvgal_dana said...

Ok maybe being "nice" is the wrong way here.


carolinabeachmom said...

I kind of feel for you PAULA. I hate it when my son goes back home still at 32. The house is so quiet and all the life seems sucked out of it. Then I get by by planning for the next visit.

Lolly said...

Yeah, I was wondering too, how you could see anything but Spidey!

wvgal_dana said...

Spidey Jill is coming down there with her big bad badge and a warrant for your arrest !!

carolinabeachmom said...

Han anyone got a feather? Maybe we could tickle him away. Did I see where someone wondered if eagles ate spiders. It would be nice, wouldn't it? dI find it hard to believe that he is just sitting there.

glo said...

Well the picture sure is clear and sharp right now. Gives me heebie jeebies too. I don't want to watch it...I don't want to watch it move, and I want to watch the family I worked all day long :(

MITS said...

wonder what a spiders natural enemies are????

MITS said...

I think Dana has some feathers:)

carolinabeachmom said...

He isn't moooovvvvvvinnng. :(

floralgirl said...

What we need is a bug on a string to lure him away from the lens..

Lolly said...

I have sat here for an hour, waitng for our babies to be fed....and then THIS! Ahhhhhhhhh!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Well, Dana that helped for a moment!

glo said...

I don't think this is a hungry spider..looks like a full tummy to me

Lolly said...

I think I could hear everyone cheering when he started to move, but I think he realized we could still see the eagles head and wanted to move to block more!

MITS said...

hope it is not pregnant spidey....may be in for a long night.

paula eagleholic said...

We need a bird that eats spiders!

Or a fly swatter works well, too!

NatureNut said...

Probably lots of predators would eat Spidey, like birds that feed on other insects, frogs, toads, lizards, etc.Anything larger!! Too bad none of them are up in that tree. Maybe we could hire a bat!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Hummmm I think it likes the heat the night light is giving off...

Jill said...

Just got off teh phone with Shep PD. had I known I could have sent them over to take care of the problem. Sorry. Next time.

Lolly said...

Well, I am going to leave. Maybe that will make him move. You can thank me later, if this works! :)

MITS said...

I'm right behind you Lolly...

wvgal_dana said...

I'm following Lolly and Mits out the door....BAD SPIDEY !! :(

paula eagleholic said...

Spidey gave us a peek...eagle on the chicks..

Lolly said...

Just checking.......ahhhhhh!

Spidey still there!!!!!!!

KarenInCali said...

I just came on and thought something was wrong with the cam LOL! Then I realized it was Spidey! Someone needs to tickle his belly to make him move out of the way. I can just barely see an eagle eye shining LOL!

Happy Easter all!

MITS said...

I think I see spidey's heart beating....calling it a night..GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE

NatureNut said...

HOORAY, he's gone!!

Mema Jo said...

LOL Remember whenever Mits would leave that Lib & Belle would come visit the nest! Now we know how to get rid of Spidey!

Mema Jo said...

I had a very very good day and hope all of you did too.
I was anxious to see the nest around 9pm but of course Spidey was still there. I wanted to see if anything spooked our eagle this evening as it has the past 2 evenings... We have had wing flapping and Eagle Alert going on for 2 evenings.

Not really quite certain what I am seeing at BWE. Earlier I know they didn't have a parent beside them but looks like they might now.

Lolly said...

Well, Spidey finally left!

And, we will never know if any food was delivered while he sat there!

Jill said...

Maybe we had a wing flapping incident and that is what got rid of Spidey. YAY he's gone.

Jill said...

Looks like Spidey crawled around the lens then left. Belle was vocalizing something just as he cleared teh lens.

paula eagleholic said...

She just tucked her head back

Mema Jo said...

OH NO! Not again!!

Mema Jo said...

Spidey - You're twitching
my nerves

Mema Jo said...

Would you give me an idea of what you see in the BWE nest?

MITS said...

so sorry it was me, coming back in the room to shut down computer, saw where he was supposed to be gone, but he was still on my screen...I'm really shutting down lie:)

MITS said...

yes, Jo the 2 chicks are sleeping next to their Mom tonight.

NatureNut said...

OH NO! He's back & just one leg blocking some of the view!

Mema Jo said...

With it only being 39° at Blackwater, I was surprised they weren't covered. However their feathers are coming in great. Lady Blackwater knows best!

Mema Jo said...

Ho Ho! His one leg is blocking the best part of the view. I may need to close down soon for this evening

NatureNut said...

Checked BWE a couple times & they seem to be curled up next to Mom. How fast they are growing up and able to be out of cover!
Hope everyone had a Very Happy Easter Day!

Mema Jo said...

Time for me to say Good Night for this Easter Sunday. Praying that all of you had a blessed day.

deb said...

Belle is up looking down into the nest.

deb said...

Dang Spidey just came back. I vacuum spiders up, I could bring mine over, but don't know if it will reach that high.

Anne-Marie said...

7:45 my time. BWE covered and sleeping. everyone sleeping in our nest. Time to put Master Brandon to sleep. tomorrow will be a big day. My daughter will be back next tues. from cabo and already I am a tired Nana. Easter Hugs.

deb said...

That #$#@$@ spider won't move. Thumping him on your computer screen doesn't work. Next summer or fall when they go up to work on the camera, we'll have to remind them to take up the bug spray and clean out any egg sacs.

Jill said...

Deb unless you have a 70 foot hose on the vacuum it ain't gonna do no good. LOL. Just glad it is on the lens and not on me. Last spider bite almost caused an ER visit.

Lolly said...

Well, have ruined our evening!!! I wonder if the camera produces warmth that he likes. He has really stayed on the lens all evening.

Yes, it looks like the BW chicks are covered. Wonder whats going on in this nest?! Ahhhh!!!!!!

Jill said...

Yes Lolly he likes the heat, although he stayed there most of last summer too even on hot nights. Guess spiders like it really hot.

Jill said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
paula eagleholic said...

Hitting the hay, hope everyone had a nice day!

Lolly said...

One last peek at the cam. Spidey has managed to keep one leg blocking Belle. Nite!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, Spidey just moved around again and is blocking most of the screen with his whole body again. Breaking out the glock probably would not work as it would take out Spidey and the camera! :)

Suzanne said...

Good morning, world. Monday rolled around yet again. Hope everyone had a nice weekend and Easter! I did, just too short.
Cold at my house, not so bad here. 26° in PA, but 39° here already. And bright cool looking moon, but no stars that I saw.
Will have to go see what I missed. Loved Steve's video, awesome!
Looks like Belle on the babies, head under her wing, and Spidey's web has a line right across the cam. Darn spider!
All have a great eagle/panda day. Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Suzanne said...

Just watched Deb's videos on Lisa's webpage, and they are awesome! Some huge LIVE fish, and those siblings look like they're gonna kill each other. I sure hope they're not hurting each other with those pecks! Least the bigger ones are leaving the little one pretty much alone, so that's good. Awesome video's Deb, thanks for sharing!!! Loved them.

Suzanne said...

Big ol' fat racoon was on the PA cam. They've also changed the refresh rate back to 2 secs if you desire, down from 6 secs which they had for a week or so. Glad of that.
Now we need to change our cam rate from 3 minutes back to 30 seconds! Was hoping it would be magically done when I came in this morning, but no, still at 3 minutes plus.
Belle was awake and looking around, but head back under wing. No, head popped up yet again. Something is keeping her awake and alert.

Suzanne said...

Coon is still there, Belle is still awake, Mei is pacing, and Tai is sound asleep. Don't know what's bothering Belle, but she's been awake more than asleep since 4ish.

movin said...

Good morning, Suzanne.

I was going to wish everyone "good night," but it doesn't make much sense this late in the morning.

Except for a short lie down, I haven't been to bed after coming back from a great Easter celebration at my sister's in No San Diego County.

Hope you had a good Easter weekend too.



movin said...

You probably read that Norfolk laid a 3rd egg to her second clutch, and she is now industriously incubating it.

Nobody knows if there will be more eggs from the matings after the first two were broken.



Suzanne said...

Good morning, Jim. I'm glad you had a good Easter at your sisters! I had a nice Easter too.
No, I did not know that Norfolk laid a 3rd egg!!!! I sure hope nothing happens to this one, and they can raise a baby successfully!!! They are trying so hard, love to see them succeed!!! Thanks for telling me.

Suzanne said...

Think the chicks might be getting breakfast. Parent got off the babies, flew over to back of nest, now looks like they're getting fed. Must say, refresh is down to a little less than 3 minutes, so at least it's going in the right direction for a change.
BW chicks have been peeking out from under parent all night. They're getting big!

Suzanne said...

There are deer and turkeys on the PA cam! Neat.
See we also have an egg in the PA falcon nest. Will hav to go back and see when it was laid. Not mentioned on the site, so I'm guessing it was laid this weekend and they don't know it yet.
BW chicks are getting big and dark. They're so cute.

Suzanne said...

Eagle on BWO nest. Parent just returned to the BWE babies. Our eagle hasn't moved much, just head. At least as far as I can tell.

Suzanne said...

Mei has been pacing since I logged on at 4 this morning!
BW chicks are doing wing stretches, now cute is that!!!

Suzanne said...

Parent off chicks.

Suzanne said...

Kids are getting breakfast. Hope all 3 get bites, can't tell on this cam!

Suzanne said...

Wow, Tesoro eaglet branching! How cool. On that branch flapping those wings like he's used to it!

Suzanne said...

That is Birdie doing all the branching. She flies to the branch and back to the nest. Then she just goes straight up. Can see her antenna. That is so cool!
Our kids had breakfast, and looks like Belle on them now for warmth. BW chicks along, snuggling together to keep warm.

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6/12/24 1

 She doesexist! LOL. What a nice surprise to see Bella on the lop morning when I awoke. And got a few minutes of her in the nest m Boys he l...