Monday, March 31, 2008


New week thread.


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deb said...

Lisa has it up on BWE site already with another picture.

Lolly said...

Hello all! That is so funny to see heads popping up out of the fluff! lol Under the weather here so just lurking a lot today! Have a great week!

MITS said...

what is that french "phrase" for a threesome, not going to attempt spelling, minage something somethig

deb said...

I wish there was a SPLIT alarm when it is split time.

MITS said...

feel better soon, Lolly

Mema Jo said...

Deb - thanks for the picture of all 3 osprey. I forwarded to Bob for you.

Mema Jo said...

WOW! That gal is FAST! And on the ball!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits - "menage a trois"!

Mema Jo said...

Take it easy Lolly - Hope it is only a virus and will leave as quickly as it came.

paula eagleholic said...

My feed just reset...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


paula eagleholic said...

OUr sound is back!!!!

Mema Jo said...

Man Mits! I can only think of the
word TRIANGLE! lol
I know that is not what you are trying to think of!

MITS said...

thank you, Sharon, I knew you would know how to spell it:)

deb said...

Menage a trois! I had to look it up!

paula eagleholic said...

Yuppers, a threesome!

I sent Lisa the pic too, probably after she had it up already....

deb said...

I see Sharon beat me to it. I searched threesome and got triplets, not quite right!!

Bob Quinn said...

Got your email Jo with the three osprey. I was afraid of that. What are the odds of this happening two years in a row? Do we know gender? Two females or two males?

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like an eagle cam at went at our nest....

Lolly said...

Thanks!!! Think I just caught what Jack had last week, cold with sore throat. Yuk!

MITS said...

BOOYAH!!! Thanks NCTC...

deb said...

Thank you, Steve and John for the sound!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


deb said...

I can't tell on either of the pictures what the third osprey is.

Mema Jo said...

My Real player went off - now it is buffering - now it is with SOUND!


Thank You
Thank You

I'm always the last to find out
Just read all your comments
I am a happy nester

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Babies are busting out!

Mema Jo said...

Like Deb said Bob - You can't really tell from the pic that Deb got or the one that Lisa posted. I bet Lisa has
the Ranger out with his binoculars!

Mema Jo said...

OK Enough is enough! I'm getting up here where it is safe!

paula eagleholic said...

LOL - Did parent get pecked? Jumped off the chicks with a start!

MITS said...

is the Ranger's name Rick????:):):)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Baby Littley does a superb job of getting up there and getting food!

Mema Jo said...

Where is the 3rd eaglet? There she is. It was Pearl that was the last to come. I LOVE THE CHIRPS
Late Lunch Tiney and Middy getting the most

Mema Jo said...

That's right - Just stand on the kid's head and you can reach higher!

paula eagleholic said...

I hear peeping :)

Bob Quinn said...

I wonder if there's a possibility we could be talking about 4 osprey - two pair competing for the nest. From what I could tell it is one of the last platforms at the refuge that hasn't been definitively claimed.

paula eagleholic said...

OUr nest is full of a ton of fresh fluff!

Mema Jo said...

I guess when she isn't being
Pecky Pearl
She is being
Piggy Pearl


NatureNut said...

Happy SOUND Day to all!! My player had stopped, too, and when I started again heard PEEPS!!! All is well!

floralgirl said...

Has anyone mentioned that the live feed with sound is really great!!

Mema Jo said...

Now we all need to root for the
middle eaglet to get his share.

paula eagleholic said...

Anyone else's feed all herky jerky? Or is it me with too many cams up? :)

Mema Jo said...

Megan, you may have been the 1st to say that - at least for today!

Where is Norma????

wvgal_dana said...

I just love SOUND at our nest ( :

Tesoro is getting air again.

wvgal_dana said...

Jo Norma is all ok....she got her Real Player up and working. She is bridging it for another player.

Mema Jo said...

Well, yes
I am wondering if Tesoro fledged
I am wondering if PH/SC hatched
All kinds of thought racing through
my mind....
But for now I just wish the Middle Eaglet had gotten more food.

Tiny is falling!!!

Mema Jo said...

Taking a break

MichiganBird said...

Hello All
Just got a good look at the 3 little ones getting fed. Too cute.
Does someone have the website for the PH/SC area you were all talking about. Thanks.

Mema Jo said...

Click On Link for PH/SC Site

Then save it in your bookmarks

Mema Jo said...

A few comments up - I meant that the adult eagle was taking a break --

Now I mean that I am taking a break


Geula said...

hi! do we have the sound back?

deb said...

Yes we do!! Hi, Geula.

One osprey at BWO.

MITS said...

yes, Geula we do

glo said...

A video for you.

Tesoro this morning from sunrise to branch

Lolly said...

Glo.....that was just beautiful! Brought tears to my eyes! Thanks!

MITS said...

parent back st nctc nest

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Undivided attention!

deb said...

Eagle just arrived at OR nest.

deb said...

Flew up into tree on the little branch. You can see the tail.

glo said...

Ya know every now and then I get the urge to go to the nest and smack someone's tail end...goodness Pearl be nice!!!!

Geula said...

I thought that I wasn't hearing the sound very loudly, but I hear the geese and a plane.....

deb said...

Back with another stick at OR.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo, I threaten Pearl with a switch all the time.

deb said...

That eagle is in a drop off and get up on the branch mood. and there it goes, probably off for another stick.

glo said...

well she is certainly acting like "Alpha Eagle"

Geula said...

kinda windy, too!

Mema Jo said...

YOU MUST VIEW - The Tesoro clip Glo put on a couple comments up

You should be very proud of yourself Lady - the video clip is an award winner. Looks like Tess is directing the music with her wings!

neweaglewatcher said...

I just signed on and am only seeing two babies. Please tell me I'm wrong.

Mema Jo said...

Deb - they said eggs in April at OR
so they are getting ready.
Did the snow at your house disappear yet?

ALSO - 3 eggs could start to hatch this first week of April in CO

glo said...

Aww MeMaJo You are sweet tells me you liked the video. Thanks I loved making it.

deb said...

All three babies are there, it is hard to see them because of all the grass and fluff at the nest.

No, Jo, we still have snow coming down. :(

Jill said...

I can't get into the live feed. Tells me invalid socket error. Tried going into real player and loading from files but got nothing. HELP

NatureNut said...

Glo, Just saw your video. It is Gorgeous!!!! THX :-)

glo said...

Jill Under File in Real Player go to open then paste this in


Good luck

NatureNut said...

Blogger cop shot my message down!
Was going to tell Jill if she continues to have problems, she may need to use the Real Alternative.
And what is a socket error? Sounds like something from the garage to use on that motorcycle! LOL
Hope you get back on.

Jill said...

Trying again. Can't post half the time, can't get into yahoo.

Jill said...

SHEW That took some effort.

Don't know what a socket error is but it is bad, won't let me see the babies. Going to try Glos link now.

paula eagleholic said...

Is that sunshine or just white out at our nest...still drizzling here...

Jill said...

Crap still invalid socket error.

floralgirl said...

No rain here, still cloudy though. Sun is trying to shine thru, but clouds are pretty thick.

paula eagleholic said...

Guess that was white pic looks more normal now....chicks are snoozing, parent keeping guard on the back of the nest

paula eagleholic said...

Sounds like a problem with your pc or internet connection Jill. Have you shutdown and restarted?

KarenInCali said...

OMG GLO!!!!!!!! I just caught your video! That literally made me cry it is sooooooo beautiful!!!!! And to think those babes are ready to fledge already! Where did the time go?? *cry*

deb said...

If you have OR nest open, look how beautiful the eagle looks with the sun on it. Both.

Eagle at BWE.

paula eagleholic said...

Feeding at BWE

MITS said...

where do they get those tiny fish at BWE, the minnow pond?

paula eagleholic said...

Osprey at BWO

Still feeding at BWE

Still sleeping at NCTC

Jill said...

Been there done that Paula. Tried to click help on Realplayer when the message came up, can't access help right now. Makes me think there is a problem there. So far I have gotten yahoo open again and hopefully will only have to hit enter once on this post.

MITS said...

loved the video, Glo, have always loved that song.

MITS said...

off to store...BBIALW

deb said...

Both eagles in CO nest.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Pearl is already trying out those wings!

paula eagleholic said...

LOL was that a wing flap??

paula eagleholic said...

MOre little flaps!

glo said...

Well if Pecky Pearl fledges soon there will be lots more peace in the nest ...

She is kind of comical to watch WHEN she isn't being mean!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Oh that was close. Baby Littley just about got a poop shoot in the face!

paula eagleholic said...

LOoks like the kids are ready for their afternoon snack!

deb said...

Paula, can you watch the incubation site from IWS?

paula eagleholic said...


Middley sat on Tiny's head while he was trying to do a poop shoot. The shot went straight up in the air and back down...

paula eagleholic said...

No Deb, not from work...I can from home...there is a video if you want the link...

paula eagleholic said...

They just put this neokast cam on yesterday...Jann did a PB video of the incubation cam from IWS

Incubation video

deb said...

I watched the video, just wondered if you could see when the egg hatches. That was great that you can hear the peeps before the eggs hatch. I bet others would like to see it.

deb said...

You are so fast, I was just going to get it so everyone else could see it.

NatureNut said...

Looks like appetizer time!
Just put my humble eagle pics on this blog. Called Eags. of Pax, March 29. Have some other Big birds from the Park to put on hopefully tonight. :-)

deb said...

I enjoyed your pictures, Naturenut. Thanks for sharing them with us.

MITS said...

wow, love the incubation video, I turned that site on last night and nothing was there.

paula eagleholic said...

Nature - those are great pics!

Parent flew in from the back...brought MORE FLUFF!

deb said...

They are putting up more videos, Mits. One that shows the chick trying to break the membrane in the egg and another one that shows the egg moving because of the chick in the egg.

Carol_in_WV said...

Came back to this thread to tell you all that there is a new thread and I'm over there talking to myself. Come on over!!

paula eagleholic said...

Here's another pipping video. It is the TH chick trying to internally's from Harpo, she's still there on her tour.

TH pipping video

deb said...

Egg movement

NatureNut said...

Hi, again. Just finished attaching pics here for another set entitled "Other Fishermen". LOL
Enjoy & remember I am NOWHERE near Bob's league!

Looks like babies are getting a forced nap.

glo said...

Last but not least Tiny is having a nice peaceful supper.

glo said...

Well Now Both adults there and a family meal is happening. How special to enjoy

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6/14/24 crow woody

 We do have sound on the camera I was sitting here watching TV and all I started a crow and I knew I didn't have a crow in my house lol ...