Saturday, November 10, 2007


Long weekend thread 1.


Red said...

Good Saturday morning everyone.
Happy Eagle watching. Nice crisp fall morning here.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning, Red. Norma just alerted everyone about this new thread on the previous one. We just keep commenting away until someone hollers at us to Come On Over!

Mema Jo said...

Squiggles (soon to get an official name) is starting to fill up her den and just turned from one side to another without any problem. I think it is Tai roaming around the yard while the others take their panda naps.
Eagle still at Cape Coral - Really large beautiful eagles at that nest!

Mema Jo said...

Going over to check emails ... BBL

carolinabeachmom said...

GOOD EAGLE MORNING TO YOU RED. Thanks NORMA for the heads up about the new thread. Thanks Steve for the new thread.

I have been watching a beautiful bird at Pete's Pond come and go from it's hanging? nest. Beautiful colors. It is a strange looking nest if that is what it is.

Just Vicky said...

Good morning Red and Mema Jo! Fancy meeting you two in here this morning!

Enjoying some nest watching on this cool frosty morning in Commode Town.

Just Vicky said...

Ooooopsie, Hi Carolinabeachmom! You snuck in on me!

carolinabeachmom said...

The one eagle that is left in Cape Coral is truly a majectic bird the way she is sitting there on her branch, pretty as you please. It looks like a little bit of cotton fuzz in our nest this morning.

carolinabeachmom said...

GOOD SATURDAY MORNING VICKY. I am having a fun time on here today just watching all the activity on here. We had a loooong visit this morning from our two beauties, Liberty and Belle. One of these days I am going to retire so I can take a long look see each day. :) I am too tired and achey nights when I get out of school most times to get on.

carolinabeachmom said...

All is quiet on the western eagle cams so far.

Squigs is still napping all alone. Eagle still in Cape Coral.

NORMA where did you go. Are you checking out Suzanne's divers? :)

carolinabeachmom said...

Have to get the flag out and myself dressed in Carolina blue for the game at noon. BB

normabyrd said...

CANDY----WOW!---How did you know???----HE WAS JUST THERE----COMES UP TO THE CAM & LOOKS IN---SOMETIME GIVE THE "THUMBS UP"---Have you ever seem them?---It's fun!!--

normabyrd said...

CANDY---That was eeeerie!!---I just saw them--I logged back on---& you were asking if I was watching the DIVERS!!!!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' RED--JO--& VICKY!!!---I am a "HAPPY CAMPER" this morning!---I have seen our EAGLES several times this a.m!.---watched the 'LITTLE PRINCE' stroll & now I have just seen the DIVER!!-----Now CANDY we will cheer for the "TAR HEELS"----I need something blue on---right!!! ho!

Red said...

Sorry I didn't announce the new thread. Now I know.
Happy Eagle watching!!

normabyrd said...

NO PROBLEM!!---We all do it---all the time!!---JO was on the blog & had not noticed STEVEN'S new thread!!!----WHOA---NEXT TIME---you get 15 LASHES with JO'S CANE!!!----KIDDIN'

normabyrd said...

"LITTLE BEAUTY" is sleeping all alone!!---on a huge round pillow!!!

Red said...

I know better. Jo is too nice a lady to hurt me. She has given me much happiness lately and probably dosen't even know it.
Everyone here is SOOOOOO friendly.

normabyrd said...

HEY VICKY!!!---Have you been watching SQUIGGLES?----She is ADORABLE!!!----Do you folks have snow in "COMMODE CITY"?---we might get a "wee bit" today!!

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all!

Sounds like we had some major construction going on!

I need coffee!

normabyrd said...

WHOA RED!!!----She has you FOOLED!----BIG TIME!!!!----You haven't heard about her EAGLE CANE---She doesn't hesitate to use it either!!!------KIDDIN'---ho!

paula eagleholic said...

I got to see some flakes falling yesterday morning...

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' PAULA!!!----They may be needing to call CAROL for help!!---She has a degree in INTERIOR DESIGN!!---ho!

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Red, Jo, Candy, Vicky, Paula, Norma,and others coming in. Also to Eagle Watchers.

Today is Nov 11th which is Marine Corp Birthday 232 yr Semper Fi...

Monday Nov 12th is Veterans Day. I truly appreciate and thank our military people. Those that are serving now. Those that have served in the past. Helping to keep USA a free country. THANK YOU ALL !

normabyrd said...

2 SLOTH BEARS at NZOO!!---Oh, they are such beautiful creatures!!!

carolinabeachmom said...

Hey EAGLE BUDDIES, hi PAULA, AND AGAIN DANA. We all forgot to congratulate Red for being #l on the new thread. Congrats Red. You are the NUMBER ONE on the blog today!

carolinabeachmom said...

I finally got most of my summer clothes down under and still have to bring up gloves, sweaters, etc. for the winter months. It says it is52 here this morning, but the wind is really blowing up a wind chill. UNC flag is out and UNC slothes are on. Now just waiting for the starting of the game with NC State. It would be nice for a win, and I won't give up on them yet. :)

carolinabeachmom said...

NORMA So glad that you got to see your divers. How special for you to get the thumbs up from them. I guess Suzanne has lost her boyfriends. :)

carolinabeachmom said...

PAULA Am I ever glad that you saw snow flakes and I didn't. Just keep them up there with you all. If it so much as flakes down here, we all dash for our coats and head for the playground in Kindergarten to just run around in them and catch them on our tongues. :) That is about all the snow I can take.

carolinabeachmom said...

It clouded over here and we just had a small rain shower. We will have to start bringing in the house plants soon. :( My husband has a zillion plants and can't imagine where they will all go. They are sooo pretty outside during the summer, but I don't quite like to live in a jungle during the winter months. :):)

paula eagleholic said...

Candy - that sounds like fun with the kids!

Off to get a shower and wrap presents and head out to the big birthday bash!

Will be back later!

Mema Jo said...

I'm back - Look at the CapeCoral cam.. Eagle up on high limb.Gone now.. I took too long...

Also the Moosecam had 2 mooseies and then a closeup of 1 moose....

Fishing cat is on the prowl at the Nat'l Zoo Asia Trail..
Can't find otters, clouded leopards or the sloth bears.

Costume Lady said...

JO...I just read where Candy lost her photos. I sent you mine (71 of them). I have never sent that many before and don't know what will happen (my e-mail sender may explode!).

Mema Jo said...

Oh my goodness - Cam 1 B for the Slothbears is showing real close one of the bears....... He just popped right in view as I was getting ready to close it down

Mema Jo said...

Wanda - I got all of them - not quite certain what to do with that many!! lol Will let you know as soon as I do. lol


carolinabeachmom said...

PAULA You have a nice time at your birthday party. Enjoy and have a safe trip both ways.

carolinabeachmom said...

WANDA It is a good thing that I lost my pics of the mornings visits. I can't believe that you sent Jo 71! Poor Jo will be sorting through them for the rest of the day. LOL

movin said...


I hope you are planning to have a great weekend. I am.

First though, I've got a few puter probs, and some other trivial stuff ... like cleaning up around here so that I can at least walk through.

So, have good fun watching the cams, and I'll talk to you later..

Jim [:=)}

carolinabeachmom said...

Boy, those two pandas at the National DC Zoo are sure going at it. The play is getting a little rough.

carolinabeachmom said...

OMG they are wrestling up in a tree now. I am going to have to stop watching before I see one of them get killed.

carolinabeachmom said...

Where is Mits when we need her to let us know if it is play or serious.

movin said...





Costume Lady said...

Candy--I didn't think Jo would want to use 71 photos, but I didn't know which ones to choose to send, so I sent them all.
Hopefully, Paula will help her or she can choose a few of the Highlights. Maybe I should be more choosy of the ones I snap.
You have really been enjoying your day at the computer, haven't you?
I am sneaking in here when Grandson isn't playing a game.

carolinabeachmom said...

WANDA glad to see that you could get your computer back for a bit. Maybe you should get yourself a lap top for Christmas. Then you and Capt. Eagle could both have one and your grandson could pick which one he wanted to use. :)

Did you send all those attachments on one email? I tried to send my 15 and couldn't and lost all I had on there. You are right that now Jo and Paula can pick and choose.

carolinabeachmom said...

I was hoping that our eagles might make an appearance again this afternoon before their night appearance. So far, no show. I think the eagle at BW gave up for the day too.

carolinabeachmom said...


MITS said...


MITS said...


MITS said...

all gone, only got 2 pics

MITS said...


carolinabeachmom said...

THERE YOU ARE MITS. Been wondering where you have been today. Your Dc panda's have been really active this afternoon; even voicing their opinions. I thought that maybe they were going to hurt one another.

carolinabeachmom said...

Fourteen seconds left in the game with second and goal; carolina ball. Ohhhh.

MITS said...

Yes, was getting ready to put your mind at ease, Candy, they play rough sometimes, but usually the female Mei puts a stop to it.

MITS said...

I could not find your game on up here, Candy.

carolinabeachmom said...

It looks like we are going to lose again. ll seconds to go now. I can't look at the tv. We are playing NC State. We need a touchdown to win the game. WE lost :( Games over. We were so close yet so far again.
Oh well. Back to go WV Mountaineers for NORMA. We are out of contention for even a bowl game now.

carolinabeachmom said...

Hey MITS, you got to see a quick afternoon visit of our eagle. I must have been looking at the game, I missed it. Now they probably won't be back until 6 something. They made a long visit this am; back and forth and doing nestorations.

carolinabeachmom said...

The poor eagle at BW doesn't give up. I think I'll give him the name of Mr. Patience. He sat there for a long time alone this morning and now is sitting alone again on the soprey nest at BW.

MITS said...

Sorry about the game Candy, I did read about the nestorations this a.m., thanks for the running commentary...BW eagle may be Lonesome Louie, Jo has nicknamed him, and I think that is the name??

IrisF said...

Hi Everyone, Just finished reading and reading. Still looking for Lib and/or Belle to fly into the nest... I keep missing them it seems.

Hope it isn't as cold and damp where you are today - sure feels like winter out there!

Crisp Fall day in Red's country, but here in PA it really looks like winter - feels like it too.

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend! ((((((((((hugs to all)))))))

paula eagleholic said...

Iris - we have the cold damp weather here too!

Got home from the party just a little while ago, too late to see if our couple made an appearance.

carolinabeachmom said...

HELLO IRIS. I have been inside all day doing what I can't the rest of the week when I am working; watching our different sites and catching up on chatting. Hope you have a nice snowless weekend to celebrte Veterans Day.

MITS, so JO has already named that poor eagle...Lonesome Louie. That is a very appropriate name for him. The poor thing just sits there all alone for such long periods of time. Hopefully a female eagle will come along and it will be love at first sight. We can all hope. :)

carolinabeachmom said...

Hey PAULA. Hope you had a nice time at the birthday party. Did you bring any cake back for all your eagle momster friends? I could sure use a nice big piece if dark chocolate cake with dark chocolate icing on top to finish my day off with.

I hope we haven't missed the nightly appearance of our eagle couple.

carolinabeachmom said...

Mits caught them for a short visit this afternoon.

MITS said...

Dark chocolate cake with dark chocolate icing, Candy, I'm in!!!!

MITS said...

both eagles at CC

paula eagleholic said...

Sorry Candy and Mits! It was a Thomas the train cake, whie cake with blue, red, green, yellow, orange, gray and black icing!!

I did bring a piece home!

MITS said...

ok, not picky, I'll take it, did he have a great time.???

IrisF said...

Well, I've been watching since just a few minutes after 5 and haven't seen them yet!!! They may be off for the weekend - do Lib and Belle ever get a vacation???

Candy, that would be good - nice dark chocolate cake....ymmmmm, oh well....not today.

MITS said...

really pretty when the sun is setting at CC and you can barely see the pair

MITS said...

up away into the "wild blue yonder"...AIR FORCE 41....Notre Dame 24:)

carolinabeachmom said...

Well I have been sitting here for well over an hour trying to send a Veterans Day card to all of you and I can't seem to keep my site still long enough. I am doing a virus scan now and am callint it quits for today. You all have a restful night. Tomorrow brings a new day. Happy Veterans Day to you all!

MITS said...

we got it Candy, Thanks.

Mema Jo said...

Emails coming out to you with PowerPointPresentations of 3 AM visits.

movin said...

I hope you are having an interesting weekend.


Mema Jo said...

NO emails coming out just yet -

Costume Lady said...

JILL....Where are you? Are you AWOL? Took Grandson out to dinner tonight to his favorite restaurant (China City Buffet), and thought of you. We ate a ton of crab legs.

Costume Lady said...

Was watching Pete's Pond and saw CANDY'S "Eagle Stork". Squiggles and Bai are nowhere to be found.

Costume Lady said...

I'm going to turn in now.
JO...if I see Lib & Belle in the morning, I promise not to take 71 photos. Maybe only the interesting ones, or at least not the ones that look as if there has been no movement.

Mema Jo said...

Wanda - 50 is the limit!!!

Good Night
Peace to You & Yours
Prayers for all being said

carolinabeachmom said...

GOOD SUNDAY MORNING TO ALL THE PEOPLE IN EAGLE WORLD AND BEYOND. As usual, I woke up early, thinking it was a work day, so I got up to see our two beauties.......if they come that is.

carolinabeachmom said...

WANDA are you up yet? Come on girl, up and attem! It's Veterans Day!!!!

carolinabeachmom said...

Everything is MT, BW, Ours and Bai and Squiggles are fast asleep in their den. All is peaceful and quiet in the world on this Sunday.

carolinabeachmom said...

Going over to Pete's Pond to see if I can see anything.

carolinabeachmom said...

Oh, Bai just left and poor Squiggles is having to keep herself warm. She is such a cutie.

carolinabeachmom said...

That wasn't a very long absence. Bai is already back and cuddling Squiggles in. Both are back to napping again.

carolinabeachmom said...

Oh well, Pete's Pond is not coming on so I am at the other Africam. Still no birds in sight.

Costume Lady said...

I am here...not awake yet, but here.

carolinabeachmom said...

Mr LONESOME LOUIE is on the BW nest. Sitting on the other side of the osprey box today and looking at the camera. It looks like the sun is already up there. So JO your Lonesome Louie has checked in this morning.

Costume Lady said...

There's a beautiful eagle at BW, but I'm not sure it is live. It looks too light there for this time of the morning.

Costume Lady said...

Oh, so tht is Lonesome Louie? Yep he does look lonely.

carolinabeachmom said...

While I am awaiting our eagles to show up, I have to apologize to one and all for the numerous ecard notices you will all get from me. I was trying for over an hour to get one sent, and it didn't say it was being sent. Sooooooooo you all have numerous Happy Veterans Day card screaming at you this morning in your emails. I'll try to cool it next time. :(

Costume Lady said...

I'm going to turn the coffee pot on. Maybe if I leave the room, they will fly in... (Mits does it and it works. LOL).

carolinabeachmom said...

Pete's Pond is up now and birds are chirping. Still no Liberty and Belle!

carolinabeachmom said...

Sorry WANDA, I didn't see you come on. A cheery chilly good morning to you.

carolinabeachmom said...

WANDA I am so glad you are here as I will have to start getting ready for mass shortly. We have mass at 9am and have to leave earlier than usual as we have a marathon crossing our road this morning, and we may get held up.

carolinabeachmom said...

Pete's Pond is showing that strange object again that I watched the bird go up into last night. The bird had such beautiful colors. The nest looks like a beehive, but I did see the bird keep going up into it from the bottom different times.

Costume Lady said...

I'll be here for a while, Candy.

carolinabeachmom said...

Yes, there goes the bird into the nest

carolinabeachmom said...

I can see it's yellow tail sticking out the bottom. Strange.

Costume Lady said...

I saw that bird and nest at Pete's Pond once. I think the bird I saw was yellow & black. Maybe a "Weaver".

Butterfly Mama said...

Morning Mother and Candy,

carolinabeachmom said...

Come on Liberty and Belle. Wanda even went to make coffee and I want to sound the alert before she gets back! :)

carolinabeachmom said...

Good morning to you BUTTERFLY. It is nice to see you on so early this morning. I also see that Wanda is back, so I couldn't sound the EAGLE ALERT! :)

Butterfly Mama said...

Ok Candy it's all yours if you see them first. It's too early for me. My fingers and eyes aren't awake yet. LOL.

Costume Lady said...


carolinabeachmom said...

WANDA I don't know how anything stays in the nest the way it is hanging.

Costume Lady said...

What are you doing up so early?

Costume Lady said...

Candy, wouldn't it be interesting to see inside that hanging nest?

carolinabeachmom said...

WANDA It sure would be nice to see inside that nest. It looks like it expands as the bird gets in. Never saw anything like it. It just hangs there.

Costume Lady said...

KARLA, when do you want you son back?

carolinabeachmom said...

WANDA Karla is up to make sure that you don't take too many pics of our beautiful couple this morning.:):):):)
You got carried away like I did with all my e cards that got sent in error.

Costume Lady said...

I am assuming you still can't e-mail me.

Costume Lady said...

Karla, are you there?

Butterfly Mama said...

I am here - just watching - hoping to see Liberty and Belle.

carolinabeachmom said...

Lonesome Louie just gave up waiting on our eagles and went for coffee and fish for his breakfast. :) Then again, maybe it wasn't Lonesome Louie as it was sitting on the other side of the nest this morning. Could it be a mate for him? And the drama continues!

Costume Lady said...

KARLA must have gone for coffee.
I'm going to turn the heat up. Maybe L & B will come while I'm gone.

Butterfly Mama said...

Mother - SIL says Good Morning MIL.

MITS said...


carolinabeachmom said...

Well you two lovelies, I am going to have to get dressed for church. It all depends on the two of you if we get to see pics of our precious eagles. Keep those eyes open! BB

carolinabeachmom said...

GOOD MORNING MITS! Now there will be three of you to watch for our eagles. They are a no show so far. They must be huddled up together keeping warm somewhere.

Costume Lady said...


Costume Lady said...

CANDY...Have a good day. Hope the race doesn't hold you up.

Butterfly Mama said...

Morning to Mits.

Bye Candy have a nice day!

Butterfly Mama said...

I got a good pic yesterday of one of the eagles moving a BIG stick - did anyone else get that? I tried looking through the album - but my dial up moves too slow.

glo said...

Good Morning all. On my way to work very soon.

Wanted to stop in to say Thank You to all Veterans and their families My prayers is that those who currently serve in Harm's Way, remain safe and return to families. May you find comfort and peace in His protection.

Costume Lady said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MITS said...

Foggy at the nest..., but beautiful.

Costume Lady said...


Costume Lady said...

KARLA..when did you see the big stick being moved? Morning or Afternoon?

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Wanda, Mits, Candy, Karla and Glo, and Watchers.

May those that are serving our country USA at this time. Have God's protection. Returning home safely soon to their familes. May God give their families Blessings. Thank you and a thank you to those that have served their USA previously. In my mind I am shaking everyone of your hands THANK YOU...VETERANS DAY.

Costume Lady said...

What a wonderful greeting to our Veterans. Have you baked Ed's cake yet?

Butterfly Mama said...

Morning to Dana and Glo.

Mother it was in the am yesterday.7:30ish??

Butterfly Mama said...

Squiggles and mama are playing.

wvgal_dana said...

Wanda Ed had his cake yesterday. Saturday was the Marine Corp. birthday 232 years. He was a Marine. So that is the day he gets his cake. During the time we were going together he told me, "I have two birthdays". Since Monday is Veterans Day I will be taking him out to dinner.

Butterfly Mama said...

Quite a show in SD.

Costume Lady said...

Yes, KARLA, I think I got a photo of that. You wonder how the bird can maneuver around with a stick that big!

Costume Lady said...

DANA, you are a GOOD wife!

Costume Lady said...

Karla..Bai is rocking her baby. Sometimes she kisses her. She is a good Mother.

Costume Lady said...

KARLA, Dustin said to tell you Hi.

Butterfly Mama said...

Hi my Dustin!!

I'm really enjoying the pandas this am - since Belle and Lib are a no show.

Costume Lady said...

Looks like Squiggles is nursing now. She is so sweet.

Costume Lady said...

Bai is getting her breakfast now. Wonder when she will teach Squiggles to eat bamboo?

Butterfly Mama said...

Squiggles gets her name today.

Costume Lady said...

Did you vote, Karla?

Costume Lady said...

Today is the last day to vote. The zoo will reveal her name on Nov. 26.

Butterfly Mama said...

Okay - I'm done. Mother I'll call you.

Ladies have a wonderful day!

Happy Veterans Day to all of those have served and are serving OUR country! THANK YOU!!

Butterfly Mama said...

Yes - I voted for Zhen Zhen.

Costume Lady said...

That was my choice also.
See you later this afternoon.

Costume Lady said...

I have to go also. Hope our pair visits and someone gets pics.

"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God". Matthew 5:9 KJV

wvgal_dana said...

So far 915am our nest clock no eagles have showed for the day so far.

Looking at other cams Lonely was at BW for awhile not long.

Maine is beautiful but very windy.

Cape Coral we now have an eagle in the nest. Moving sticks around. You could see the stick in the beak. Beautiful

Mema Jo said...

Good Sunday Morning Sun has now come out and is shinning. Eagle at CC and my little critters swimming around at the NZ. I am still trying to send an email to everyone with a power point presentation. Going to try this am to get it going.
Thank You to all those who have served and are now serving this great country of our! Prayers for all of you

Anne-Marie said...

Good Morning every one. Brandon who is 7 is visiting with me this morning. We are nest hopping and fish watching.

Anne-Marie said...

Is anybody there. Brandon wants to say Hi.

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!!---COLD "FOGGY" a.m.--with the SUN peeking through---temp 35°!!---I don't believe anyone has seen the ROYAL COUPLE this a.m.---BW has a EAGLE (most of the time)----HELLO CANDY---WANDA---KARLA---HELEN & DANA!!!---have been watching the "LITTLE PRINCE" sleeping---legs in air & when the sun gets in his eyes---he covers his eyes with his "little black paws"---He is ADORABLE!-----check the small clawed OTTERS at NZOO!!---They are CUTIES too!!!-----ENJOY THIS GLORIOUS DAY!!!!!

Anne-Marie said...

Hi Norma, a cold morning to you.

Anne-Marie said...

Well its off with me. This isnt holding his attention. Its just not fast enough. BBL

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' JO--ANNE & BRANDON!!!---ANNE are you going to let BRANDON vote on a name for SQUIGGLES?---This is the last day to vote!!!

normabyrd said...

CANDY----Don't worry!!!---Basketball season is very soon!!!-----TAR HEELS will beat them all!!!!---ho!

normabyrd said...

JO---SLOTH BEAR at NZOO!!!---Those little OTTERS are a riot!!---fast little things!!!

normabyrd said...


paula eagleholic said...

Morning, Brandon, Anne and Norma and Hello to anyone else I may have missed!

Anne-Marie said...

We are back. We have been nest hopping. We watch the wood ducks video of them leaving the nest. He thought that was cool. He said"tell them we saw 12 of them"

Bob Quinn said...

Morning all. Haven't been by in awhile. Norma - I mailed your photos yesterday. Tar Heels? They'll beat everybody except my Hoyas!

Haven't posted any new photos. Hoping to get to BW today or tomorrow (or today AND tomorrow). Will let you know.

normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...

ANNE----Have you showed BRANDON your picture----& your granddaughter's too!!----Bet he would like to see them!!!

normabyrd said...

PAULA---Almost forgot----How was the BIRTHDAY PARTY?--I bet the CAKE was a big hit!!!

Anne-Marie said...

Brandon= I voted for Beautiful China for the Panda.

Hu Bob. I'm sure enjoying the new camera.

paula eagleholic said...

Norma - the party was great. I have a video to upload shortly!

Anne-Marie said...

We looked at pictures last night. He spent the night with me. We made cookies and I had this little warm body that crawled in bed with me. I guess the guest room was too cold. What a pleasure.

paula eagleholic said...

Sounds like a nice evening, Anne!

Bob - weather should be great for a trip to BW. Enjoy your long weekend!

Anne-Marie said...

He has held still as long as he can. Its off with us. Have a great day all.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' BOB!!!----I am a WV MOUNTAINEER FAN!!---CANDY is the TAR HEEL FAN!!---(they are not doing well on the football field)---I KEEP TELLING CANDY----Wait until basketball time!---TAR HEELS will be TOPS!!---She cheers for MOUNTAINEERS & I cheer for the TAR HEELS!!!-----I like the HOYAS too!!!

Bob Quinn said...

Off to Pickering Creek! Maybe I'll see the foxes!

Mema Jo said...





3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...