Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Well we finally got some rain. We're waiting for a couple of cables for the audio hookup, and we should be set to reactivate the cam.

New thread.


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floralgirl said...

YAY rain!! YAY cam!! Thanks Steve! Good morning everybody!!

Robyn said...

Thanks Meagan and thanks Steven for the new thread. Exciting news about the audio and reactivation

Suzanne said...

Alright! Cool, Steven.
Thanks for the new thread, and thanks for the heads up, Megan. Won't have to water today!
LOL, Robyn, you're supposed to chill and sleep in in the rain.
Our eagle looks like he's gonna attack something.

Suzanne said...

Uh oh, Bai just picked up Squiggles in her front paws, but I think she's still asleep. Looks like she might want to go into roll the squiggles any minute now.
Right now, think Squigs is getting a bath...
Eagle still looking cool!

Robyn said...

POOF! he's gone

Suzanne said...

Oh man, he just left. Hope he comes back!

Suzanne said...

Looks like a linebacker, but eagle is back in BW!

Suzanne said...

Eagle still hanging out at BW, and Bai never did roll Squiggles, they both went back to sleep. Donkeys are getting breakfast, all lined up as if for a parade. Lots of fish in Bonaire, but the windsurf cam is down.

Costume Lady said...

The Capt. has a Dr. appointment this morning and I had to get him off and running. Did I miss anything?

Mema Jo said...

Good morning America, how are you?
Lights on while driving
Flags flying high
Nine Eleven is the reason why!

HI! all my eagle buddies:Suzanne, Megan and Robyn!
JIM I can't tell how long you have been up or if you even ventured to get some sleep since you have Pete's Pond up & running! I need my coffee! Saw the BW male eagle!!
Checked out Princess Dawn and the Norwegian Jewell.. Going cruising again today!

Costume Lady said...

Can't wait til daylight to see Anne-Marie's ship. Do we know when it is due to dock in Sitka?

Suzanne said...

Squiggles is nursing, and the eagle is back yet again.

Suzanne said...

Geesh, good morning Wanda and Jo. Sorry, didn't even look, just posted. Wanted to get the news out about our eagle, he's been in and out all morning.
Jo, headlights on while driving, too!

Robyn said...

Good morning Jo

rain is coming down steady

Suzanne said...

Bai rolling Squiggles! Funny to watch.

Robyn said...

Morning Wanda, I thought saw you there...

Mema Jo said...

Beautiful eagle! Waiting for female I think.
Wanda - I am not certain if she has a day more at sea before getting there.
Mits and Paula will be able to tell us. I am good at scheduling things, but not so good at following schedules lol!

Suzanne said...

Ok, I apologize. I saw you guys were here, but didn't read the posts, so just did that. Jo, you mentioned the headlights, sorry, didn't mean to parrot you!
Wanda, we had a trip to Africa this morning, Jim did a great job of the play by play of who was there and what they were doing.
Bai is rolling around with Squiggles, and rolling Squiggles too.

Suzanne said...

Bai got her hind feet involved with the Squiggle roll! Well, now she put them down. Wonder why she does this everyday now. Too funny.

Suzanne said...

Eagle left, Bai still rolling Squiggles. No, now Bai is gonna nurse the little one.

floralgirl said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Suzanne said...

Awesome, eagle back with a fish!

Suzanne said...


Suzanne said...

There are quite a few divers this time, one is taking pictures.
Waive to the nice lady...

Suzanne said...

Man, that was a closeup! Scary!!

Suzanne said...

Wow, guess we were meeting the diver team. Neato!
And the fish return.

Jill said...

Somebody said Anne Marie docked in Sitka tomorrow but I dont' remember what time.

floralgirl said...

Man, I always miss the divers!

MITS said...

GOOD TUESDAY A.M. EVERYONE Anne is at sea today and arriving in Sitka tomorrow.

Costume Lady said...

Me too Megan

MITS said...


Costume Lady said...


normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNIN' EAGLE BUDDIES!!!---and OUR #1 FLORAL GIRL!!---THANKS STEVEN & MEGAN---It's RAINING here in WV, temp. 70° and GOD is smiling on us!!!!---HELLO ROBYN--SUZANNE---WANDA---& MEMA JO--What's the update on our "PRINCESS ANNE"---I bet she is having so much FUN--she has forgotten that we are all waiting for a WAVE from her!!!---Isn't she COOL!!!

Costume Lady said...

I just had a thought. Wouldn't it be great if we could all go on a cruise together. That ship would never be the same!!

Mema Jo said...

Great news in the original post this morning - I think I was so excited to get back to the ship this am that I almost missed reading Steve's most important message: ...We're waiting for a couple of cables for the audio hookup, and we should be set to reactivate the cam.


Costume Lady said...

Good Morning NORMA--
"Princess Anne"----Priceless.

normabyrd said...

HI MITS & JILL!!!---Isn't it a BEAUTIFUL DAY!!!

floralgirl said...

Hey Suzanne, Robyn, Wanda, Jo, Jill and Mits:)

MITS said...

Anne arrives in Sitka, at 10 their time tomorrow, that will be 2 east coast time, and they leave for Juneau at 6, their time, 10 our time.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Mits and Norma.
Eagle in BW, just finished his fish.
Getting daylight on Anne's ship's cam... at least you can almost see a horizon now. It's not totally pitch black, so that's something.

normabyrd said...

WOW!---I SEE AN EAGLE AT BW!!!---Isn't that GREAT!!----

Suzanne said...

Hey, Megan, I got one pic of a diver, VERY close up. I'll send it to me at yahoo, then send it to you. You're still not getting mail from me here, right?

floralgirl said...

Hi Norma:) Um, I don't know Suzanne, mail from your work address wasn't going thru before for some unknown reason.

normabyrd said...

The "LITTLE PRINCE" is taking his PANDA NAP on his grate!!!!!----He learned that from our LEADER---"MEMA JO"!!!!!

normabyrd said...

WHOA SUZANNE----Are you exchanging phone #s with the HANDSOME DIVER!!!---That's pretty COOL!!!----Haven't gotten to see SQUIGGLES this a.m.---just BAI'S body!!!!

bobbi said...

good morning, suzanne,wanda, jo, jill,mits and robyn. If you want to see more of where anne will be go to welcome to alaska.com and you can bring up all webcams for each port of call or land in alaska. You can even see where her ship will dock in ketchikan which will be downtown. Hope this helps

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning BOBBI--
Thanks for the info.

MITS said...

Thanks, Bobbi.

normabyrd said...

MITS---Catching up on blogs--piece by piece----I read that "BABY MAGGIE" is crawling----AAHHHH!!---She is on the MOVE!!!----Bet she is proud of herself!!!!!--

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' BOBBI!!!----I had forgotten you have taken this cruise!!---Certainly envy you & ANNE---Would love to go to ALASKA!!
Thanks for the info!!!

bobbi said...

I think I am addicted to the this site. Love all the cams. Think Jill was mentioning daylight up in alaska. In winter there is darkness. Not sure how many months but know that in May there are about 21 hours of light and 3 hours of dusk. Really need those room darkner shades.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Bobbi. Thanks for the info.
Megan, sent the pic to my yahoo acct, then sent it to you. You should have it by now, as should Wanda.
Norma, Bai was rolling Squiggles earlier, too funny to watch her do that!

Suzanne said...

Look at the ship cam now, looks foggy.

Suzanne said...

Or maybe it's not quite daylight yet...

Mema Jo said...

Hi Bobbi! Thanks for the info.
When they reach Sitka tomorrow - is that where she will see eagles - where is the Eagle Lady we had read about? I have too many senior mometns lol
I did google Sitka - scenery around the town looks awesome. What do you remember about Sitka?

paula eagleholic said...

Great news, Steve! Thank You!

Mema Jo said...

Our BW eagle is still there for us!!!
I see one panda outside in yard - think it is Mei
AND I see one panda climbing up onto the cages and I thought it was Tai BUT the eyes look more like Tian's.

paula eagleholic said...

Oooh, isn't he pretty!

paula eagleholic said...

Good Morning!!

Mema Jo said...

PANDA CORRECTION: Tai is outside!
Mei & Tian are inside their den...
Yep! I wish they had wing blings! or paw claws! something for ID'ing them.

MITS said...

A voulunteer friend from the zoo has her own web-site on pandas, "all pandas all the time". The address is www.pandapoly.com

Mema Jo said...

Morning Paula. Daybreak at Sea

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, the eagle lady is in Homer.

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle gone at BW

Suzanne said...

Morning, Paula. Eagle back.

Costume Lady said...

Good Morning PAULA--
JO & NORMA....You are both a work of art this morning. Norma with her PRINCESS ANNE and JO with her PAW CLAWS.

Suzanne said...

Megan, did you get the pic?

floralgirl said...

Got it Suzanne, thanks. Freaky close up shot. Hello Paula!

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like Rain in Maine...

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, Megan. Enjoying the rain?

bobbi said...

Jo, there are so many eagles in sitka. When we took the tender in from the ship, in a tree right by the dock there had to be at least 100 eagles. No kidding. Once in town they are all over. Flying, sitting on lamp posts, etc. Never realized how big they were until we were right next to them. Not afraid of the people at all. Not sure where the eagle lady would be. Didn't know about her when we went there. Sitka has a great russian influence. Really pretty town. Nice buys on jewelry also.

MITS said...

yes a nice rain in Maine

Suzanne said...

Wow, Bobbi, sounds as if Sitka is definately the place to go if you want to see a lot of Eagles! That must have been awesome!
Hope Anne sees eagles like that!

floralgirl said...

Ok, put me on a plane to Sitka pronto. Hello Bobbi:) Definitely enjoying this rainy day, Paula. Working inside today.

Suzanne said...

Pink dawn on board ship...
Cam zoomed in on Squiggles, and eagle still just hanging out.

floralgirl said...

The eagle lady is in Homer, Alaska. Her name is Jean Keene. Look at www.eaglelady.com

normabyrd said...

MITS----Thanks for the PANDA SITE----Have been watching it & the site BOBBI mentioned---Welcome to Alaska----BIRD SLIDE---LOTS OF EAGLES!!!---The PANDA people in ATLANTA don't publish a whole lot of pics----but delightful stories about the LITTLE BEAUTY---"says she is a little thief---can't eat the little leaf cookies yet---But she sneaks in behind LUN LUN & steals them---then hides them!!!---SHE IS LIKE COUSIN "TAI"----She's a "LITTLE IMP" too!!!!

bobbi said...

hope anne takes lots of pictures.It is awesome. Lets all go. Can you imagine all going on the trip there especially by ship. The ship would never be the same. lol. Trying to read here and watch 9-11 on tv. It is really moving to see the film even after all these years. People should never forget what happened on 9-11. Reminds me that I am still a New Yorker even after all these years. God Bless them all.

Suzanne said...

Poof, eagle gone.

Suzanne said...

Wow, it's pouring on Peggy's Cove. Guess they closed the place, well, no, door is open at the lighthouse, but no people hanging out in the rain.

Mema Jo said...

Paula & Megan - thanks for the info on the Eagle Lady in Homer.....

Bobbi - glad to hear that it is Sitka where she gets her eagles' fix. I sure hope she figured out her new camera by now! Hope her brother is able to follow her like we are online.

Mema Jo said...

Lun Lun is playing all by herself this morning......Having fun with one of her daughter's new toy

floralgirl said...

Oh, check this out. I'm dreaming. www.baldeaglefestival.org

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like rain for Anne. Hope it gets out of the way before tomorrow.

Mema Jo said...

Someone on the Kent forum was talking about Haines AK They had a friend who had gone AWESOME!

Suzanne I love that exercise
I can do it! lol

paula eagleholic said...

Wouldn't you just love to be up there when all those eagles are there!

floralgirl said...


normabyrd said...

WOW MEGAN!!----I think you just found the site for "HEAVEN ON EARTH"----Let's all go there in NOVEMBER!!!-----You certainly are #1!!!!!!!!!!

Suzanne said...

Wow, Megan, that looks awesome!

MITS said...

ME TOO :):):)

Suzanne said...

LOL, Jo, I can do that one too!

Suzanne said...

Uh oh, who said rain? Raindrops on the Dawn Princess cam. Bummer!

paula eagleholic said...

He's baaaaack!! LOL

MITS said...


paula eagleholic said...

He's goooone!! LOL

Must be touch and go day.

paula eagleholic said...

Osprey at BW now!

Suzanne said...

Cool, Paula, 2 of them!

paula eagleholic said...

Now 2 osprey

paula eagleholic said...

Sitka AK weather - Looks good for Anne tomorrow

Today: Chance of a morning shower. Partly cloudy skies early will give way to mostly sunny skies this afternoon. High 64F. Winds NNW at 5 to 10 mph.
Tonight: Mostly clear. Low 51F. Winds N at 5 to 10 mph.
Tomorrow: Mainly sunny. High 62F. Winds light and variable.
Tomorrow night: A mostly clear sky. Low 52F. Winds light and variable

Mema Jo said...

BW is really a busy station today.

Lisa has put up the Heron's pictures from yesterday. She got some really good ones - we could only see it's body most of the time....
Also put Bob's butterfly pictures up that we had seen a while ago.


Mema Jo said...

Thoughts for our friend Sharon at this time

normabyrd said...


MITS said...

thought they had left for the season.....BBL:).

Jill said...

osprey at BW. 2

Jill said...

Squiggles alone.

Suzanne said...

Squiggles is alone, and osprey still hanging out. I thought they left also, Mits. Maybe these guys are migrating from the north and this is a stop off for them.

normabyrd said...

MEGAN----Are you in charge of making the RESERVATIONS for our NOVEMBER TRIP to the "BALD EAGLE FESTIVAL"----Put me down!!!

Mema Jo said...

Looking at the underground weather sight for Sitka Anne is probably going to see some sea otters! I love those little devils!

Suzanne said...


Suzanne said...

There are 5 of them.

glo said...

Good Late morning all. Goodness my days go bye way too fast. So many cams, so little time LOL..actually though I haven't even opened a cam yet. anyway I did hear from Iris she has arrived safely in Istanbul. Has been to the Blue Mosque. I told her we've been there too LOL. She also told me where she will be on Wed, so I plan our curise will also be sure to see some of how she spent her day.

Cruise times will be 8:15 Eastern this Wed and Thurs night. We're having fun. The only thing missing is you...so come on along. get there early though to get set up if you haven't come before. Ask any of the newer cruisers it does take alittle bit to get good to go!!!! Once the cruise starts I do my best to move us right along for the sake of others who have other things to do like Study

normabyrd said...


(lunch date)

Suzanne said...


paula eagleholic said...

Did you get to see him this time, Megan?

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like rain has cleared up and sun is coming out for Anne :)

Mema Jo said...

Found a picture that I am taking the time to email to some of you.... can only do one addressee at a time. Maybe I'll put on momsters.......

PAULA I don't know how to attach a pic onto Momster's email DUHHHHHHHHHH

When you get the pic of Sitka's port full of eagles - will you try to post with message on Momster.. THANX...

paula eagleholic said...

Osprey must be taking a rest from their journey.

floralgirl said...

Well, of course not! Every time I walk away from the computer to answer the phone, the divers appear. Sorry, Norma the only reservations I'm in charge of are for field trips to the pumpkin patch. But, boy would I love to go to that eagle festival.

Suzanne said...

Wow, I hope that's what Anne gets to see! How cool is that!!

Lisa said the ospreys may be out of towners! Sort of looks like they may be banded on left foot, but can't really tell.

Lisa said...

Yeah, I'm not sure where the ospreys came from. I doubt they're our platform birds. Probably passing through.

By the way, someone asked about the flowers behind the nest -- our ranger says they're tickseed sunflowers.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Lisa! Great pics of the heron you have put up! We really have a busy platform today! Great to be watching it!

Suzanne said...

Hi Lisa! Those flowers are pretty changing colors now! Sort of gives that fall look.
Squiggles is nursing. Oh, zooming.

floralgirl said...

Wow, Jo that is a cool pic. Hope the eagles are waitng for Anne when she shows up.

Suzanne said...

Wow, they are awesome pics of the great blue heron. Beautiful.
Squiggles is alone, and squiggling. wonder if he/she is making noises? Zooming... oh yea, now she's still as a mouse!

movin said...

2 Ospreys on BW nest...


movin said...



wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning All Eagle Friends

Thank you Steven for the GREAT information about the cam/audio. WOW !! ( :

Suzanne said...

Good morning again, Jim. glad you could go back to sleep! Enjoyed your African commentary this morning! So.....same bat time, same bat channel in the AM.
hee hee
Time for me to hit the road. All have a great eagle/osprey/panda day. Nice to see the ospreys again, even if they are just passing through.
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

movin said...

I see you knew about the Ospreys.... Oh well, now you know twice.

By the way, Lisa, I asked about the 'golden blooms' the other day... I looked up "Tickseed Sunflowers" in Wikipedia...no entries, but they do have "Tickseed" which is not actually a sunflower, but
"Tickseed is the common name for the plant Coreopsis."


movin said...

Have a great one, Suzanne. See ya tomorrow.


Mema Jo said...

Good Morning again Jim! Isn't retirement great when you can do what you want to do when you want to do it? lol

If someone tells me to 'get a life' I get highly insulted at their comment!
I love my life!

See you tomorrow Suzanne! Take care!

Mema Jo said...

Hi Dana!
Glo heard from Iris (check out her comment up around 11am)

floralgirl said...

Bye Suzanne! Hello Jim:) and Dana! I believe I have that flower from BW blooming in my yard right now, it's a native flower in our area, looks like a sunflower, hubby dug some up along the road in WV and planted it in our field. Not sure of the latin name.

Lisa said...

I looked on the Web, and it's also known as bur marigold (Bidens coronata, Bidens trichosperma).

Here's a nice close-up photo of the flowers. This was taken by refuge photographer Mary Konchar. She often sells her work at our festivals and open houses

wvgal_dana said...

Yes I got to read it Jo so Iris knows we are following her lol

We'll be cruising again neat ( :

wvgal_dana said...

All those Bald Eagles in Alaska and I can't find a live webcam. You would think you could find many live webcams there.

floralgirl said...

Thanks, Lisa. That looks just like what I have blooming in my yard right now.

movin said...

It's a beautiful, golden frame for the nestbox whichever of those names it goes by, don't you think?

Does it actually produce a seed like the sunflower, Mega, Lisa...anyone?


floralgirl said...

No, JIm, not quite like a sunflower, the seed is long but much thinner.

movin said...

Check out the entry in Wikipedia on sunflowers if you have time.

The seed is actually a fruit, the flower is actually a "head" which combines many flowers....???

I just looked at a pic of one type of tickseed, and it does have something like a sunflower's center area.


Mema Jo said...

SitkaRaptor Rehabilitation Ctr
The Alaska Raptor Rehabilitation Center cares for dozens of bald eagles and other rare birds that have been injured. Once nursed back to health, the rehabilitated birds are released back into the wild.

There is where Anne will think she is in feathered-heaven! lol

paula eagleholic said...

Nice 9/11 memorial page


paula eagleholic said...

There are lots of varieties of tickseed, I believe. Some large, some small.

paula eagleholic said...

Incoming at BW!!!

paula eagleholic said...

LOL, poor kestral still hanging in the air!!

movin said...

I picked up the Kestrel, but next refresh shows the visiting Osprey female... Hahahaha.


floralgirl said...

If you Google bidens coronata it shows you a pic. It's actually in the aster family.

movin said...

By the way, Paula, I've been meaning to ask you how you people post pictures to the blog at IWS, and do you know if we can do it here?

Come to think of it, Lisa might know that one too.


paula eagleholic said...

Jim - you can't post pics here. AT IWS you post them in photobucket and then put a link on the forum and that's how they show up there. That's how all the forums work.

You can check the technical thread, it is pinned at the top on the questions section.

paula eagleholic said...

LOL. I got the osprey too. Lots of nice variety.

paula eagleholic said...

More rain in Maine. Looks clear for Anne.

movin said...

So, Paula, those pics of the SC nest on the forum are actually captured from something like FRAPS??


movin said...

Thanks, Megan, opened another result to that search and found another name for it...Tall Swamp Marigold.


paula eagleholic said...

Yuppers, Jim.

paula eagleholic said...

Check your email folks. Chrissy from across the pond has sent us a lovely card.

Mema Jo said...

Time for afternoon break!
Maybe Panda Nap - not really certain!


movin said...

Check Bai Yun and little un right now.


paula eagleholic said...

Another osprey at BW

normabyrd said...

I see the ATLANTA BEAUTY is asleep!!!----I cannot see SQUIGGLES or BAI---they are off camera!!!---probably taking PANDA
NAPS----When is the next hook up with ANNE?

movin said...

Hi, Norma,
it's good to see you today. I hope you are well...

I was just shutting this operation down for a while. I've got to get busy around here.

Everyone remember to say a prayer for those who lost their lives on 9/11.


Costume Lady said...

Bai and Squiggles have not been on camera for a while. The last time this happened, Squiggles was getting her exam. Maybe we will learn her gender today.

Costume Lady said...

No one home at BW and Princess Anne is in the middle of nowhere right now.

Costume Lady said...

"PRINCESS ANNE" Norma's name for Anne Marie's ship. Love the name.

paula eagleholic said...

I hope they can tell us this time, Wanda!

MITS said...

squiggles is there by herself

MITS said...

squiggles turned over from her back to stomach

Jill said...

closeup squiggles alone

Mema Jo said...

Squiggles and Bai together now.
The last exam was on Sept 6, last Thurs. No word of any today.. Guess we'll wait until this Thurs & then she/he will be 40 days old.......

Costume Lady said...

I guess he/she has its eyes open now. I am so anxious to see it romping around Mom and playing.

Mema Jo said...

First steps don't come until 4 months, I think? I looked in at ButaButa before their cam closes - still sleeping! DC pandas are coming in and eating now.

I wonder what Anne is doing on the ship-there must be sooooooo much to do and see. I think I am starting to think that a cruise would be very nice, Wanda. How about you?

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle at BW!!

Jill said...

Could somebody as Lisa to move the camera up a bit. Then we could see whole birds on the far side of the nest, instead of the boards at the bottom.

paula eagleholic said...

Jill, they do move it back usually, may have forgotten.

Mema Jo said...

Norma I sent you some links in an email........

Mema Jo said...

Oops! That eagle sneaked in on me!
Looks like the adult male from the Bottom Up! lol

Mema Jo said...

I still love it that the Blue Heron was on the platform yesterday!!

paula eagleholic said...

I'll send Lisa a chopped off head pic to remind her :)

paula eagleholic said...

He's a handsome one.

Mema Jo said...

Do you see a band on his right leg?

paula eagleholic said...

2 eagles now, one screaming

paula eagleholic said...

Can't tell, Jo.

paula eagleholic said...

I do see some white, but it looks too far up to be a band.

paula eagleholic said...

See ya , heading home.

Jill said...

TO the right would help too. Maybe we should just go over there and fix the camera to our liking. LOL

Lisa said...

haha...my camera technician is getting testy with me. A couple times I've pointed out that I would like him to move the camera so we can see the background again and so the eagles' heads are not chopped off. The last email I sent, he didn't even reply to. So I think I'm in hot water. :-)

The problem is that he put up a new cam earlier this year and the specs on the cam were such that it changed how much of the background we could see. In order to get the old view back, he will have to actually redesign the camera arm and get the bucket truck out there so he can install it. So it's not as easy as just pointing the cam up.

He says it will be fixed before next season, but I sent him a photo of the headless eagle to prod him into fixing it sooner. Unfortunately, I don't think it will be a quick fix.

Mema Jo said...

Looks like a light rain in Cambridge

See you later this evening, Paula

Mema Jo said...

Well, Lisa, we can tell by the legs and talons just what bird is visiting us lol
Did you happen to converse with Steve yet on exactly WHAT new equipment we have up in our Sycamore tree? I am anxious for an explanation of
REMOTE camera... I hope we have night vision like yours.......

MITS said...

So, Lisa, what is your cam techs job description, isn't he supposed to follow your instrutions:).

Mema Jo said...

Son just came for a visit (dinner really lol) Spotted a very large owl in the tree over in neighbors yard. He said a screech owl - he heard it.
I am deaf - all I know is that he was very very large & there may have been 2 originally

Lisa said...

My cam tech is a volunteer (like me), and he's the treasurer too. I can't make him mad since he gets the money we use to run the cams. haha

The overriding issue with both cams is they are hard to reach. The Eagle Cam is 80 feet up in a tree, and the Osprey Cam is on a tall pole (I think 40 feet high), so getting up there requires the use of a tree climber (eagles) or a bucket truck (ospreys).

We have to get those services from outside the refuge (for a fee), and we don't normally do that unless it's an emergency or the start of a new season with new equipment.

I'm usually ready to do the fix before my cam tech, as I get more impatient and I want it to be perfect for the cam watchers. He's more laid back about it all.

Regarding Steve -- he forwarded my email to the person who actually got the camera. I haven't heard back yet about what equipment you all are using now.

Mema Jo said...

Lisa - did you see Steve's comment the beginning of this thread?

floralgirl said...

Well, thanks for trying anyway, Lisa. I'm just glad the osprey cam is still up and running.

Lisa said...

Yeah, the audio will be great. Even if you pick up some of the wind, it will be cool to hear all the chirps and calls from the eagles. And the other birds too.

Mema Jo said...

When we were at the nest last time, the lower part of the tree was really crowded with Baltimore Orioles
Maybe one day, Lisa, you will come up
What is on your calendar for Oct 20, Saturday. That's the open house! Would love to have you come......

Mema Jo said...

You could bring Bob, his wife and his camera with you! That would be cool.

Mema Jo said...

Mits Is it afternoon hour on the ship? I have the GMT sight up, but I just can't get it together in my mind. Another DUHHHHHHHHH for JO

floralgirl said...

Oh, don't feel bad, Jo. I can't figure out that time difference either. I'll sit in the back of the short bus with ya.

Mema Jo said...

You're good company, Megan!

Both eagles have returned to
BW Platform...... They are such a handsome pair!

Megan - how about an update on daughter's hand?

Mema Jo said...

Something is really distracting the 2 adult eagles on BW platform... Maybe the heron is trying to land...


Costume Lady said...

I don't know what the time is wher Anne is right now, but, it is 2:57 in Juneau, Ak. if that helps.

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...