Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Messages Received

Thanks to all for your support and kind comments. We plan on starting the cams all over again next nesting season. While there is a small chance the adults would move on, that is unlikely--they will probably be with this nest for many years. As far as I know we will keep the still cam on. If it shuts down for a time I will let you know.

It is truly amazing that the three eaglets fledged and are all still around several weeks later. These birds have beaten tremendous odds. We have all observed and experienced a rare event in the natural history of bald eagles.

We'll keep the blog on and rolling, and we'll all be ready when the action starts again at the end of the year.


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Anonymous said...

Yes, Steven it is amazing that will still get to see them.

Anonymous said...

Thanks to everyone at NCTC for you patience with us. Can't wait for the new season to begin.

Anonymous said...


glo said...

Hi Mits I'm home for lunch LOL

glo said...

Sharon Do you have a nice recent FRAP from this weekend and/or yesterday to add to the Blogsite I have been doing the videos on. I think that will be it for the live this season. ALSO any and all please save any still pictures you get of any of the eagles now and fromt his point on as that too is just a matter of time I am sure. Nice to get the last captured still of whoever if we can.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I'm home, Mits. Just found you here.

To Steven and everyone at NCTC, what an amazing experience this has been! One that has truly changed my life for the better - much better. Not only do I have a little (or maybe a lot) more knowledge about eagles and their offspring, but also I have gained quite a few new friends. Who woulda thunk it? You truly have been so patient (at least as far as we can see) with us when we were raving maniacs because something wasn't working just right. God Bless You all for this most awesome experience.

Of course, I am not going anywhere. I will be blogging and watching as long as I possibly can!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo, I need to go through my videos. I think I have some pretty good ones from the last few days.

glo said...

When I get off tonight I will try to get a thorough explanation on here about how the bloglines I mentioned this morning works. very easy to get this url as a subscribed feed. I am sure there are a few other url's you will want to add as well.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo, they haven't sent me my confirmation email yet. So, I am still waiting.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo, I have several videos from 7/15 and 7/16 but none from yesterday. I will try to go through them sometime tonight.

glo said...

OK Sharon thanks No rush with the fRAPS "We will get a nice one on there. Did you check your spam and junk mail. We'll get the Bloglines thing up and running for any and all who want too. I joined that way back during the adoption too, so ya know jsut can't quite remeber the whole process, but it wasn't hard and I love it!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Sharon are you going to remain on this blog or are you going to be using a new kind of one?
Steven you seen I'm sure what I wrote on other page. Everyone at NCTC knows I much I have experienced and grown. Appreciating as I said their patience with me calling ty all of you at NCTC. Plus the many many prayer that went up and still go up for these three young eaglets. To be placed in God's hands to grown into America's wonderful and proud "The American Bald Eagle".oops a tear drop on my page sorry

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

WV Vicky, I am going to stay here as long as somebody else does too.

Mema Jo said...

Sharon This is what I read from Glo:Oh and ITASGFPWCSWLWC well I am not going to need one after the last Thurs of this month. I quit my job!!! Of course I will be busy working at an old favorite job of mine which involves a little at home preparation etc. I have 7 more days to work. I am releived and especially happy to have yesterday done!!!
Doesn't that mean what I took it to mean? I haven't read all of this morning's comments - you may have found it by now.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mema Jo, I missed that blog. That is what that means. I am so happy for her. Life is too short to work in crap!! I am so grateful that I love my job, my co-workers - Buphals, Mopsy, Hairy and Scooby, and of course my mother and son and niece and her husband. Yes I have an absolutely full house. Well, that was rambling a little bit, huh!

I am really sad that the live feed is gone for the season but am so grateful they are keeping the live cam up!

Anonymous said...

STEVEN---"I THINK I LOVE YOU!---(sorry, I am too old for you)--Seriously, you have been more than kind to us eaglet momsters---- I know we "bugged" you to death---Thanks, Thanks, I hope our eagles come back for YEARS & YEARS----I watched your program for the middle schools---GREAT---those calls came from all over US---I have learned so much about eagles (more than my friends want to know at times)-----I thought Sen. Byrd had agreed to get funding for us next year---should we write letters?----If we can be of help, please call on ALL OF US--

Anonymous said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Steven, ditto to what Norma said (except the age thing as I am a very young 44). If there is anything we can do to help this process, I am more than willing!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

The reason we still get to see these babies is because they know we love them -- it is that spirit in the sky thing!!

Anonymous said...

Good Afternoon Eagle People----Just when I am catching up on all the posts---I SEE MORE INITIALS & Nilla hasn't checked in---MITS & SHARON---There is a spell check on the Google task bar---helps me---& here I thought the spider was deleting all those comments---

wvgal_dana said...

I sent through momsters-group at site to see gorillas. You drive the cam. There are other people that drive it too. That way you may get to see other gorillas that you missed. Don't want to drive be a passenger; sit back and let someone else drive lol. Hope you enjoy.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Is that an eyeball laying at 10 o'clock?

Anonymous said...

SHARON---I can't keep up w/you---Must be all that LEMONADE you drink down South in the air-conditioned city----

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

We missed lemonade by 6/10 of a degree. It got up to 89.4 at the Mercer County Airport.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, will somebody tell me what the round thing is at 10 o'clock position in the nest. The middle part looks like it is glowing sometimes. (I am sure it is not but it looks like it).

Mema Jo said...

I am happy to know who has been deleting comments- I looked above the delete instead of below it. I do the same thing if I catch an error in my writing... So much alike I can't believe it sometimes.
NCTC/FWS An enormous thank you for all you have given this season. Mainly your time, patience and concern. I really look forward to another season with Liberty & Belle. I just know they will return and we will be waiting!

Mema Jo said...

Sharon It is a magic button. Whoever climbs the tree and pushes it will Soar Like An Eagle

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

It really is scary, Mema Jo!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Are you going soaring today, Jo?

paula eagleholic said...

Live cam is Up!

Thanks, Steven!

paula eagleholic said...

It's a sea shell that Mits had a pelican drop off! :):)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I had given up on the live cam!! Thank you so much!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, now we need visitors. I have Fraps ready!

Anonymous said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, I am with ya on that. That is a strange looking object!

Anonymous said...

SORRY, DIDN'T CHECK MY SPELLING, I'll TRY THE GOOGLE BAR NEXT TIME. AND JO,, you thought it was little "ole", me, MITS, doing the deleting. I'm as innocent as a baby panda cub.

paula eagleholic said...

"Eberyone" - sounds like you been hittin' the G&T again!

Mema Jo said...

Paula Any update on T-Shirts for all us Eagle_Momsters & Dadsters?

Steve C or Steve W Any update on a seasonal CD of videos?

Todd H. Any more thought given to your beautiful photos being placed in a booklet?

Just a few questions before these eagles get away from us...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Yeah, Mits, I have seen just how innocent a little baby panda cub can be!! :)

Anonymous said...

LOL, not yet Paula, I know its 5 o'clock somewhere, but not here.

Anonymous said...

OK!!!! BUSTED!!!!

Mema Jo said...

Paula Did you intentionally misspell that word just to see who would catch it?

BEACH BUM MITS I am sorry I made an assumption! Sometimes we just jump to conclusions..My little ball of clay!

paula eagleholic said...

I am working on the T-shirts - I am in the process of locating someone who can not only do T-shirts, but some other items as well. I thank everyone for their patience in waiting....

Mema Jo said...

Sounds good, Paula.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Paula, who said we were patient?

Anonymous said...

I checked in on the gorilla site Vicky----It was fun---Just as I learned to drive---someone else wanted a turn---COOL---only a mother could love that face though!

JO---wish I had thought of the magic button, for that I would climb the tree---(that would not be a PRETTY SIGHT)---

paula eagleholic said...

If I was there, we would be drinking....although I prefer margaritas :)

Anonymous said...

As they say in the islands or Ocean City...NO PROBLEM, PAULA.

Steve Chase said...

I don't think we'll be able to put together the viudeo until the fall. We have an extraordinary video production facility, but our video folks are all out in the field (mostly Alaska) shooting until the end of August. We'll let you know when we know more.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thank you Steven.

I have quite a video collection I could put together if I just knew how! Definitely want to buy a recording program before next year that doesn't have FRAPS.COM across the top. But I am so grateful to have had that program this year. We would have missed out on a lot!

Anonymous said...

GLO---It's very ironic---I had you on my mind all night, thought something was wrong--no comments about new TV, etc.--I can only imagine how hard it was to just make the decision--I retired a yr. ago---couldn't decide---my friend told me I would know when & she was correct---you feel so much better after decision is made---I feel sure you made the right decision-----Besides you are too COOL to be wrong---remember LIFE IS GOOD!---wish you the BEST--Take Care--

Anonymous said...

Well, Beach Bum Mits is here closely watching the weather, since I just found out that there is a Tropical Depression forming off the coasts of North and South Carolina. You just never know and since I live on a barrier island, I will be real careful. I do have a friend who lives a few miles inland that I could probably stay with, if not, depending on the forcasts I will go back to D.C. I have been here a few years ago during a Nor'Easter in the month of March. It lasted for 6 days and had sustained winds of 50+mph, 24/7, when the winds and rain finally stopped, I could not sleep, too quiet. Sorry, long winded, never know when I will get banned again, so I'm talking alot :):):)

Anonymous said...

Someone is jumping on the cam. I bet its that Spunky.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Yeah Mits, Spunky is just letting us know he is there!

Anonymous said...

JO I think I'm more of a LUMP, than a little ball of clay, but thanks for being nice to me!!

Anonymous said...

Gotta love the Spunkster!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

MITS----I wonder if you could share some of your Gatorade with me---FED-EX & UPS both know where I live---and now you are not mispelling any words----or better yet the EMS (eaglemoms) could drop in this weekend----OK? We will BYOB----

Mema Jo said...

Steve Thanks for letting us know that it is being considered! That's great news. So what are they shooting in Alaska? Did they set up a cam?

BeachBum It's easy to get attached to a "lump"!

Sharon & GLO I received my offical email & am now a blogline blogger.Came in under Junk Mail. http://www.bloglines.com/ OK everyone - subscribe!

Anonymous said...

MITS---We don't want to ban you---we just want to share your beach house w/you----KIDDING----but I'm DEAD SERIOUS about the GATORADE----
Leave as soon as you get more info on any storm----

SHARON---something is staring at you----I see it---

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I see it too, Norma. Maybe it is BIG BROTHER!

Anonymous said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

4:28 p.m. MT nest. Forgot to report that today!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Lumpy here, I tried that blog thing-a-ma jig, haven't heard from them yet

Anonymous said...

NORMA BYOB is that bring you own blanket???:):):)LOL.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mine would have to be BYOIT! but not long island!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I have yet to hear back from bloglines. Not in my junk mail either. Maybe we are being censored Mits. OOPS, used that word!

NillaWafer said...

<~~ Louise is sneaking the door.. I think Thelma is planning her next pelican drop on the nest...LMAOOOOOOOOO Hey Gang God i read each and everyone of the blogs and here i stand with tears justa rollin down my cheeks.. You people have became such a great part of my life with your humor and heart felt love for this Eagle family we all have shared.. Geeee Thelma hand me a tissue please.. By the way my middle name is Louise..lol To Steven and everyone at the NCTC You will never know the how deep in the hearts of us Thank You.. Jo you are so special to me, always calling keeping me posted on news when i wasnt here.. Just to many to mention Hugs to all, we are a rare bunch for the internet NOT once was an unkind word spoken in anger here. Wow rattlin on.. Mitssss my partner in crime.. Wuv Ya... I had a thought maybe we should plan some kind of get together for next year????? Oh and Jo my Verizon DSL came today will set it up tonight.. Ok off to check all the critter cam'sss

Anonymous said...

Pandas in for the night , if you get a chance go watch how Mei Xiang kicks Tai Shan away when she is eating something

Anonymous said...

Sharon, speaking of censor, look who is back, its Thelma.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, its Louise, I'm Thelma.

Anonymous said...

Somehow,Somewhere, we have got to get together!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thelma and Louise, together forever! :)

Anonymous said...

GREETINGS NILLA LOUISE----You arrived just in time---SHARON is using initials that I don't understand----Help?

MITS---what did you think I meant--other than blanket----

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Sharon, I think we are composing a song. Ya Think??? Tai is in his cubby eating a cardboard box, must be his daily fiber??

Mema Jo said...

Boy oh Boy - do my eyes deceive me?
1 adult 2 eaglets
Adult out 1 eaglet out(That was BigBoy)

Anonymous said...

1 left---very black--Spunky

Mema Jo said...

So, I guess there wasn't any food??

Watch out! Don't push that button!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Did you all know that you can change the rewind time on RealPlayer. I changed mine to 2 hours and it really works.

Tools, preferences, under category click on playback settings and then change under LivePause!

Mema Jo said...

Norma BigBoy is the black colored one.

Spunky & Inbetween are the lighter shade but I think that is Spunkster in the nest. His White shoulder markings which I don't think Inbetween has any.Could be incorrect.

Wait to see what Sharon thinks...Then we'll go from there.

NillaWafer said...

Well i reckon it means BYOIT= Bring your own ice tea??? Make mine Long Island Ice Tea...lol only got to see 1 in the nest.. i think the kids are having just as much of hard time letting go as we are letting go..

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Mema Jo said...

4:55 Launch pad position... Thinking about getting his own or going to find mom or dad. I sure wish we had sound!
I've yet to hear an eagle..even on the other sites.
Sharon I know you're frapping!

Looking for another visitor - with food

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am with ya, Jo. I think it is Spunky too! NILLA - YOU WIN THE PRIZE. Iced Tea!

NillaWafer said...

Dang Jo i told you where to go to hear them.. hang on let me find it again.. actually they make terrible noises sorta like amoose in heat...lol

Anonymous said...

4:54---That's Spunky still in nest-----I think he comes in & poses for us-----



This has made my day----THANKS STEVEN--

Mema Jo said...

Remember that little Fuzz Ball

Live feed is not fully cooperating!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Live feed not fully cooperating but it is still up! Thought it was gone forever!

belle_wv said...

Sounds and looks like storms are rolling into the area... grab a perch everyone!

So much to say, so glad to have been a part of this. So thankful to everyone for making this possible and a great experience!

Mema Jo said...

Since I have never (nor do I wish to) heard a moose in heat - when you find the site I'll... OOPS! I almost said kill 2 birds with 1 stone...WASH MY MOUTH OUT!!!!! I don't believe I even thought of that odd saying....I am so ashamed. Forgive me Liberty,Belle, BigBoy, Inbetween & Spunky.

Did you see that? Quite a shake down he did. Don't know what brought that on.

NillaWafer said...

I am searching but i do so much surfin .. just like Thelma.. Hey there is an adult in the nest on live cam at Santa Cruz Island...LQQKIN LQQKIN

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jo, I frapped the shaking thing!

NillaWafer said...

Is there away of bringing up all the post you have put on here? Be nice.. Jo cant find it but think of this the female was on the nest of eggs.. she thought something was near.. and all at once she threw her headback and squerrrreacheddd and belloweddd strange sounds..like a moose.. No kiddin, now i am picturing Jo doing that... roflmbooo ( being nice today)

Anonymous said...

JO---You are always right---soon as sunlight changed I could tell--bar on shoulder, right?

I like this pose---now you really see the bars---bet it's getting ready to storm---TV news forecasting same--
WONDER why a parent zips in w/them---then flies off so fast--might ask Steven---or let Sharon ask (an age thing) ??? That article I read stated that when they were on their own---parents force them out---

NillaWafer said...

Still in nest at 5:20 pm just fantasic

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Norma, Steven will answer your questions, even if you are old! :)

NillaWafer said...

General Facts about the Bald Eagle
The bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) is a member of the sea and fish eagle group.

Color - Both male and female adult bald eagles have a blackish-brown back and breast; a white head, neck, and tail; and yellow feet and bill.

Juvenile bald eagles are a mixture of brown and white.

Size - The female bald eagle is 35 to 37 inches, slightly larger than the male.

Wingspan ranges from 72 to 90 inches.

Bald eagles can fly to an altitude of 10,000 feet. During level flight, they can achieve speeds of about 30 to 35 mph.

Bald eagles weigh from ten to fourteen pounds.

Eagle bones are light, because they are hollow.

The beak, talons, and feathers are made of keratin.

Bald eagles have 7,000 feathers.

Longevity - Wild bald eagles may live as long as thirty years.

Bald eagles sit at the top of the food chain

Lifting power is about 4 pounds.

Diet - Mainly fish, but they will take advantage of carrion (dead and decaying flesh).

The eagle is a strong swimmer, but if the water is very cold, it may be overcome by hypothermia.

Hunting area varies from 1,700 to 10,000 acres. Home ranges are smaller where food is present in great quantity.

All eagles are renowned for their excellent eyesight.

Nests are built in large trees near rivers or coasts.

An eagle reaches sexual maturity at around four or five years of age.

Fidelity - Once paired, bald eagles remain together until one dies.

Eagles lay from one to three eggs.

The 35 days of incubation duties are shared by both male and female.

Nesting cycle - about 20 weeks

Today, there are an estimated 7,066 nesting pairs of bald eagles.

Eagles molt in patches, taking almost half a year to replace feathers, starting with the head and working downward.

The Eagle became the National emblem in 1782 when the great seal of the United States was adopted.

Causes of death - Fatal gun shot wounds, electrocution, poisoning, collisions with vehicles, and starvation.

The bald eagle is closer to being delisted. The USFWS issued guidelines on how the bald eagle should be protected by landowners and others, once it's no longer safeguarded as a "threatened" species. There are proposals which prohibit disturbing the bald eagle, which include disruption of its breeding, feeding or sheltering practices, which could cause death, injury or nest abandonment.

NillaWafer said...

http://www.wdfw.wa.gov/wildwatch/eaglecam/index.html This is the live cam #2 has a kid in it looking right at camera..

Anonymous said...

JO go straight in & WASH your MOUTH OUT----
Do not pass GO-----It looks like Spunky is on a ship in an ocean storm---rain covers & then you look & she is still there-----

Anonymous said...

What a nice surprise, got out of shower and here he is.... Norma, I was hoping it meant BINGO. Ok I'm out of here for awhile. CU Later. Keep that eagle in the nest for me.:):)

Mema Jo said...

What does this mean?
Bald eagles sit at the top of the food chain

NillaWafer said...

There Big Boy sets in all his splendor... Looking out over the land he calls his own.. With those majestic wings he will fly away... Down to thr river for a big fish to eat today.. He is talking to someone near by saying come see me we can fly high in the sky...

NillaWafer said...

Prolley Jo that they are very good hunters and nearly always catch they prey..

Mema Jo said...

Adult appeared & Disappeared
Mantling going on
Fighting going on
How many eaglets in the nest ? Too much wing motion - I thought there were 2....
Don't see any eating yet..I hope there was some food but I'm not sure there was..If not-Why do they mantle?
Yep! I see some yanking going on..

Better see what everyone else wrote..

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I have been a frapping the fighting!

Anonymous said...

5;34 WOW---DID YOU ALL SEE THAT? MUST BE FOOD---WINGS EVERY WHERE--HOW MANY IN NEST NOW---1---now we know what she was waiting on---

SHARON the "eye of the tiger" is still there--

NillaWafer said...

Big Boy is listening to the rolling thunder and winds picking up here. I think are in for a storm

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

There was food brought in. The parent didn't even get in the nest I don't think. Then another one came in, one was mantling the food and fighting while the other was hanging on the side of the nest and away he flew. AGGRESSIVE little boogers!

NillaWafer said...

5:45 took off from launch pad

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

It surely looks like a storm is rolling in there. Getting really dark there. Standing at the launch pad. Looks to be talking to somebody. Now at the tree trunk. Must not have been much food or else it doesn't take them near as long to eat it. Couldn't have been Mr. Turtle.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Didn't take off. Just moved over to the tree trunk. Get with the program, Nilla! :)

Anonymous said...

NILL LOUISE---Great--very informative----One question???


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Mema Jo said...

OK I'm rolling back my live feed to see it all again...................
That was a great show.....

Bird Girl said...

bald female cardinal any number of things could cause a bird to have a bald head -- moulting, could be a juvenile, could be her "suitors" have pulled her feathers out when mounting (my female quail has a bald spot from this)...

keep the blog going I'm going to do the Bloglines thing, too... but I am willing to offer my own blog, Nest Watchers, as well! I'd be happy to write more for all of my friends here :-)

back pain Waiting for Hubby to come home from getting my Rx filled, will start new meds tonight. Back is painful today but surviving...

Steve You have been so wonderful! I bet everyone at NCTC was absolutely flabbergasted at the response to the live & still cams, and the daily blog. It's amazing how so many people from all over the world (Geula I hope you're okay) have banded together in friendship, admiration, hope and love.... Maybe you could come to Phoenix some day and I'll take you around my rescue center!

Hafta go, hubby home with groceries (I'm starving!!)... I'll check in later

NillaWafer said...

LOL Sharon he did fly away..MT nest

NillaWafer said...

The bank had a temperature of 100 here this afternoon when i went by going to Cracker Barrel for lunch.. Just starting to rain alittle but so humid air is heavy.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Nilla, he is still at the tree trunk. I am watching him right now. Don't you see him?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Wind is whipping. He brought up part of the nest trying to hold on!

Mema Jo said...

I just finished watching the exciting event again & again. That was awesome to say it mildly. Oh, Boy! That had to be the excitement for the day.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Wonder if Spidey is getting wiped out!

belle_wv said...

OMG - serious winds, one just landed and could barely get a perch for the wind trying to blow him off again... leaves I have never seen before in the way of the camera lens a good bit of the time... hang on Spunky!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Now that is a show! Wind is blowing him all over the place. I bet he is gone now! Is there a hurricane going through there or something. No he is still there. Couldn't see through the leaves.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Oh my, this is awesome!

belle_wv said...

Hard to tell if it is lightening or the reflection of the light on the leaves so close to the cam, but it is looking pretty wicked out there.... Hang in there everyione!

NillaWafer said...

WOW WOW i rolled real player back and that was something to see.. So much strength and power.. Your right the parent didnt make it in the nest and the other kid looked like was pushed out by Big Boy... Awsome

belle_wv said...

Bet spidey's web is getting damaged by all of this, too

Mema Jo said...

Oh, Please! Get down in the nest - it's got to be safter then a limb. I see him every now and then. Still in there. Quite a storm Hope Floralgirl will let us know just how bad it is. Still in there... Hope no matling goes on or she's out of there like a hang glider.....Still pic cam shows better...not so scarey! You've got to be a goner-Spidey!

NillaWafer said...

I see him now Sharon but i am telling you he took off from the launch pad roll back real player..lol Mits hand me a Biggg G&T will ya...LMAO

NillaWafer said...

Ok he is setting at launch pad right now and spidies web is blowing in the wind

NillaWafer said...

If he takes off now that really would be "The Wind Beneath His Wings" lol

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am frapping this storm. It is awesome!

NillaWafer said...

Now is he gone??????????

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Did you all see her lift up those sticks out of the nest when the storm first started?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Spunky took off about 6:07 p.m. It is still storming but looks like it might be calming down a bit. Spidey's web sure has took a whipping but it is still there!

Anonymous said...

NILLA (spelled correctly) Sorry mispelled your name-----NOBODY LIKES A "SMARTY PANTS"-----But I just couldn't let it go-----

JO---which eaglet is in Spunky's sleeping place? TV News--storming in area---Hancock has hail storms------She is a TROOPER---hair is a mess---get back in trunk---this is awful----rain maybe---5:56---bless her heart---looks like she is winning---never seen the leaves blow like that---I can't tell if she is still there----

NillaWafer said...

OK i am happy to report if my eyes are decieving me again we have an MT nest.. Right Eagle-Eyes?????????

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

My eye of the tiger is not there anymore or at least not in the same spot.

Mema Jo said...

Didn't see the 'stick moving' but you're right - they have been moved.

How about Spidey's web? LOL
Isn't that ball of light mysterious looking? I guess it part of Spidey's catch from the night before.

NITS BERYL just hit Shepherdstown & now I see it coming into my valley....... Can you sleep in the wind?

Mema Jo said...

Sharon Eyeball is not looking at ya anymore!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Definite MT nest. I saw Spunky fly off this time.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I frapped where she pulled up those sticks hanging on. That is going to be a video all by itself - Spunky's Storm!

NillaWafer said...

Norma where are you from? Didnt you say Romney? Oh thats right we all are coming up for a train ride..lol Lord the thunder is terrible here almost black outside..By the way i am in Martinsburg

Mema Jo said...

OH, SHARON, I'M SORRY. YOU ALREADY SAID THAT about the eyeball-eye of the tiger

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jo - Great minds think alike!

Anonymous said...

I was writing the last post before storm started--so the post may be confusing----I cont. to write & during all that called daughter in Shep.---said it wasn't storming where she is---but she said it was N of her where NCTC is located----I kept yelling to get under the trunk----I aged a few years & Sharon I don't want to do that----

NillaWafer said...

Sharon the letters are GMTA= great minds think alike..Well the storm we are having will head that way.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I forgot to use the abb. Sorry. GMTA!

NillaWafer said...

Where Oh Where is our darlin Mits.. Perhaps setting on her deck watching the dolphines and fish... Sipping a cool G&T wont be long she will be coming to blog and torment me... But with much love i say Mits.. your one of kind .. now set your butt down and pour me a wine..

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

The most amazing thing to me (besides Spunky staying in the nest during the storm) is that the live feed is still up!

NillaWafer said...

Hey Sharon get with the program as you say ,,, I gave lessions yesterday,,, didnt you take the notes in a little book?? For you to learn go back and take alook...LMAO j/k i blame mine on redhead moments arent you a blonde?????lol

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Nilla, that was toooo good!

Anonymous said...

NILLA LOUISE---Yes---I live in Romney---Please come anytime & ride----Potomac EAGLE Train---it's great---email your add. & I will send a schedule to you or anyone else-----


Mema Jo said...

Ok, you two!



belle_wv said...

We lost power 3 times - then the 4th it has stayed out. Amazing that the video is staying - ahh there's our power back was only out for about 2 minutes - love having battery back up - spidey's web is still there! Amazing!!

Mema Jo said...

Lightning is a flashing & thunder is a booming.........May lose me for awhile.

NillaWafer said...

Everyone here has my e-mail address it is hipnoticredhead@yahoo.com I use to be a real LQQKER in the earier days.. Now when i find a man all he will hollar is "GET DA BAG--GET DA BAG".. PS figure that one out ya'll....lmao

Anonymous said...

Thank you guys .... for sharing your eagles with us..

This is by far the most amazing nest and wildlife experience I have viewed .. ever.. ....

We look forward to next season..

See you in February/March

Katie from New Zealand..

NillaWafer said...

Katie from NZ Thanks for being here and next year dont be a stranger make aname and join in the fun for here we have become family.

NillaWafer said...

BEWARE OF GOLDEN LION TAMARIN MONKEY CAM.. i just viewed and got a lession on what monkeys like to do...lol

glo said...

Ok Well I guess I missed quite a storm, but bless her heart Sharon has it Frapped!!!

I was playing with making a couple of different mugs for us at a place called cafepress. You can all go there and play with making your own if you like or if I can figure out how to get the info to you you can get one of the 2 I made. I really don't want to open up a shop or make any money on this. I just wanted a mug to enjoy and remember the season. I think perhaps I will send a picture of what both mugs look like to those on my eagle people list. And also the link to order them from cafe Press if anyone else wants one.

If you don't get an email from me and would like to see these pictures I have put on mugs let me know by email.


I am not opening a store on Cafe press, so I think if you click order you just pay for the mug and shipping and Cafe Press keeeps the money. I purposely stayed away from T shirts and tote bags to wait and see what others are up to. They might even have a nicer mug BUT I want something ,now to remember the season and the friends I blogged chatted and emailed over coffee tea, soda or whatever.

Remember I am not trying to sell you something I am trying to share with you something I enjoyed making and am sure I will order for myself.

I won't know what quality it is myself until it actually gets here.

NillaWafer said...

http://puleston.osprey.bnl.org/OspreyFund/ospreycam.php this is a Opsrey cam with sound.. they are so pretty

NillaWafer said...

thats php at the end of url

glo said...

Well because I don't make decisions well I ordered myself one of each. it only takes credit cards, does offer a 30 day money back guarantee.

glo said...

ooops and has a flat shipping rate of $5 so all of you in W VA near our eagles could get together and ship to one address and practically get that part free. LOl

See what happens when I quit my job, I turn into a slaesperson for some company I don't even know LOL.

Anonymous said...

Well darn it, I missed all the fun! Went out to dinner and then to the store, But the bar I was at had the weather channel on and I knew the storms were a-coming. Going to read the blogs more closely. Is my partner -in-crime behaving herself tonight, hope not? BIALW.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


NillaWafer said...

Mits i am behaving as you can see from the blogs.. It has been mightly lonely here guess everyone is having storms and not on. We are having storms and alot of lightening but my electric hasnt went out or bleep my back up power boxes on..Hmmm i dont get the security warning Mits... LOL they got your number babe.... Now you stomped me whats BLIAW??

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Shoots, missed the Tamarin Monkey action, only big black ants there now EEEWWWW!!!

glo said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
NillaWafer said...

I am deslexic as all get out..lol true.. So whatcha up to?? Was outside and its really cooled off here the air is breathable once more, but still storming.. Beleive me i didnt hang around watching the monkeys Mits.. been listening n watching the Osprey cam i added link on afew blogs up.

Anonymous said...

Nilla, I have been staying close to the condo, the breeze on the balcony has been great the last 2 days, so since I am down here for the bulk of the summer, I really pick and chose the days I spend on the beach. My favorite time is late August thru September, les crowded. Where is your shop located?

glo said...

Ok Think I got me a new picture...let's see

glo said...

OK so if you click on the new picture I have and then click on view larger size, you can see one of the two photo collages I made for the Cafe press site. I like it...think i'm keepin this one for a while.

NillaWafer said...

Yes Glo your have the mug picture you sent in e-mails now.. Oh i got to see the CHEETAS Mits they were running in the field in the rain..Elephants are inside eating and awake.. Pandas sleeping for now..Nekkid Mole Rats are busy busy...

NillaWafer said...

Glo they didnt get very big but i will d/l them when i get home and the DSL set up. Looks like the nest and family?

Anonymous said...

Nilla, the cheetahs are beautiful. Havn't seen them much since the warmer weather, but all winter they hung out in the litter box and at night I swore when I put the cam on they knew it, they would lift their heads and look at the camera

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am back now. In reviewing the nest over the past 2 hours, I see there was no more action. (Yes, I have it set to save for 2 hours and it is lovely. That way I don't miss anything during my evenings out!) Can't see anything now but leaves and a web. We have a storm moving through Bluefield now too so I think I will shut down my computer for a while. Good night all.

NillaWafer said...

Well teh storm didnt damper spidys web any cant even see the nest with the glo of the web all over the lens. Nighters Sharon.. im sure you will be back later..I was outside and the lightening show is spectacular in the sky at a distanse.. Mits i have been waiting on seeing them in the litter box..lol

Anonymous said...

Nilla, might have to wait for cooler weather.

NillaWafer said...

Evening Janet, No havent seen nor heard a word from Angie and she sure has been on my mind alot.I remember she said her brother that was over at NCTC with us that day moved to Texas i think it was surely she didnt move there. Just pray she is ok and shows up, not like her, she loved these kids way to much to leave without a word.. Good seein ya hope your weather has cooled off alittle with the storms..

NillaWafer said...

Ooops Hugs, Janet (aka Nilla) (aka Louise) yeah Mits im am Janet Louise and my nickname use to be Weeeezieee and dont you dare..lol

paula eagleholic said...

Are you talking bout Wheezer in Steel Magnolias?

paula eagleholic said...

Wow, I can't believe Spidey's nest, now I know what ya'll were talking about last night....the storms that rolled thru here were pretty good, tons of wind (as you witnessed), sheets of rain, and hail in some places....spiders (although I hate them..Yuk!) are amazing...look at that web still there!

paula eagleholic said...

Anyone here? or did everyone go to bed.,...

I can bring the margartia mix!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

You were right Nilla, I am back. See the live feed is down again. Spidey's web just shows up beautifully on the stills. Sounds like we got another storm blowing through here. I had a friend once named Weezie! Don't know whatever happened to her.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, I will bring the cold brew tea bags and splenda!

paula eagleholic said...

Someone asked earlier about Eagles being at the top of the food chain....that means that there are no animals that eat them, they eat other animals that have eaten other animals, etc....that is why they were so suseptible to DDT in the 1960's, because of the build up of the chemical in the animals they ate, that ate other animals that were affected by the DDT.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thank God they are not at the top of our food chain. Might not would like them so well if they carried off people to their nest (but it would be some interesting watching). OOH, I guess that is pretty sick thinking.

paula eagleholic said...

Do you have a Mr Coffee iced tea maker? They are wonderful.,..I go thru a pitcher of iced tea a day, year round...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Paula, I use the cold brew tea bags, love 'em. 10 minutes I have iced tea. I also go through a gallon a day year round.

Is anybody having trouble accessing the NCTC web site. Can't get in.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, it finally went. I thought it was frozen up.

paula eagleholic said...

Can't see a thing for the spidey web on the Blackwater Osprey cam at night...

BTW, if you haven't seen the videos of the chicks fledging, they are wonderful!

glo said...

Well good night all. Sounds like last nights storms here have all headed east. Stay safe. Hopefully you will get more rain than we did.

paula eagleholic said...

I can get in ok, must be doing to you what it did to me last night....

paula eagleholic said...

Night, Glo!

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3/10/25 PM CAM .12am to 12pm

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