Thursday, November 19, 2015


New thread.


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magpie said...

Good Morning, Every Body....Hope this finds everyone doing and feeling well,
and Enjoying this Day.....Carpe Diem!

Thanks, Steve for the New Thread.....

God Bless Us, Every One

xoxo Magpie xoxo

JudyEddy said...


yes I am screaming HELLO MARGY

thanks for the new thread STEVE and the wonderful to hear from you call over

JO the Still is stuck from Wed night again at 1204

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


Good morning my eagle budlets.


glo said...

GM once again Hi Magpie So good to see you. I posted on old thread before new thread. Too busy to repost. hagd everyone

Mema Jo said...

Good wet morning to all ♥
Very good to have you here Margy - Hoping all is well and life is good for you ♥
Thanks Steve for the fresh new thread

Judy email sent for Still Cam. The server download did it again..

Nothing planned for the day - I need to rest up a bit from all my activity yesterday.
I was proud that I was able to climb those 2 flights of stairs at the school - lucky for me when we entered the classroom there was the Rocking Chair waiting for me and calling out my name - lol

Mema Jo said...

Lynne2 - hope you are feeling better today - Sure hope and pray you and Steve get some extra reliable hands to help with your workload at the farm.

Lynne1 - Prayers for your son Dave - Praying for his healing and recovery from his health problems. Seizures are so scary to see because you are really helpless to do anything. With Michael's TBI he now has a medication (very small pill) to take when
he knows a seizure is starting. He has only had to use it once and Thank God it worked.

Well Glo is putting me to shame with her Christmas cards. It used to be a contest between us as to who mailed their cards first right after Thanksgiving. I love sending cards but have noticed that beautiful e-cards are available on line. I still like to have Card-in-hand.

JudyE - thanks for updates to EM album. I still like the albums - I know all pics are on FB but I like to go back a year or more to see what was happening.

Well it is Pill and Paper time for me

JudyEddy said...

No problem JO with the album I don't mind and do enjoy doing pic as you already no
can we say overkill LOL

I am on hold with the SSN office making sure they got my new bank info This month just got deposited in the old acct and that is why they left it open for that reason The bank did send the info but just to be safe advised me to call also. I really rather not have to drive down there so will stay on infamous hold only 10 min now but I will hold 50 million people get benefits so I may be on hold for a long time I should have said YES to call me back in a half a hour LOL

and the music they have is terrible LOL

JudyEddy said...

already know not already no
on the first sentence above

JudyEddy said...

I also like the ablums compared to FB because you can view each month in the EM album

Mema Jo said...

Prayer and good vibs please for Robin and Tori

....Heading out with Tori to see the transplant coordinator fingers crossed .

JudyEddy said...

ssn all done and yes they did get the info

JudyEddy said...

Tori has been on my mind of late and I will be keeping her close to heart as well as her family Bless the family in highest

JudyEddy said...

16 more sleeps until vacation

Mema Jo said...

Sons are visiting - I missed the Cam Tour - Glad it covers the same areas daily..
No sightings of Sep and Belle yet today..
Maybe they are waiting for the nest to dry out........

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

Many thanks to STEVE for the new thread and to MARGY for showing up just in time to scoop up that pretty new feather.

MARGY, hope all's well n' swell with you and The KIDSTER! I miss hearing about your interesting life!

LYNNE1, Mega-prayers for your dear David and those who love him!

ROBYN, also Mega-prayers for Tori as you meet with the transplant coordinator. I do so hope they find she meets the criteria for another transplant and soon!

JO, JUDIE and I are so grateful for your FaceBook Reporter at Large expertise! I love the avatar--Alexis is so pretty and you are justifiably proud of that precious great granddaugher!

LOLLY, glad JACK's sister has a clear diagnosis now so that a treatment plan can go forward. Nice image of Joseph as The Man in Black! Jazzy!

SHIRLEY, returning from Bridge to two gleeful kittens had to make your day!

GLO, hope Patches recovers quickly, ear infections are no fun.

SHAR, how was last weekend with the Riffe Women? If you've already reported on this, I missed it.

JUDY, thanks for the album pics!

JUDIE, happy foraging to you. Will you be fixing the full bore T'Day meal next Thursday? Julie is doing the honors here, with some help--I'm making the dressing and providing rolls and centerpiece. Beth will honor us with a couple of her fabulous pies. She, my son and grandson are due in from NJ Wednesday, but Eileen and Bill won't be joining us til' Friday. At least, that day, I'll get to see all three of my kids together. I love when that happens!

SANDI, thanks for your good wishes--I'm getting better with each passing day and expect to be 100% for the holiday week. Hope you're have a good day and that Janey the Greythound and her doxie companions are enjoying themselves, too!

Prayers as mentioned and for all in need!!!


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Kay, I don't know if I reported on it or not but we have an awesome time. The Biltmore is huge. 250 room house. Cannot even fathom. It was beautifully decorated for Christmas. Our cabin was really nice and had an awesome view of the mountains. So glad I had the opportunity to go.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

We "had" an awesome time, not have.

Judie said...

Good afternoon.

Thank you Steve for the fresh Thursday thread. Yes, Thursday. I checked the calendar.

Congratulations to Margy on her pre-Thanksgiving feather. Hope she will stop by more often with reports on James the Wise. Wishing her a wonderful Thanksgiving.

So many comments today. Prayers for all in need and for their families, friends, and furbabies.

Kay, just a modest Thanksgiving for us. Turkey, dressing, cranberry sauce not from a can, and sweet potato bourbon mash. Will be preparing a couple of dishes for our police officers who are working. Got the turkey today and fixins' are ready fix.

Kay, glad you will have your family together.

Need to put my feet up for a few. No scullery duty tonight. Darth has a meeting.


JudyEddy said...

EAGLE in teh nest

JudyEddy said...

still in the nest sitting at 12 looking out on the world

JudyEddy said...

zipping feathers

JudyEddy said...

I hear dog barking

JudyEddy said...

wow been in nest over 20 min again and still there

I was heading out the door when she landed going to Home Depot to buy my Scouring Sticks I google and found they have then I am a happy camper

JudyEddy said...

strobe light on nest

JudyEddy said...

finally working on cup and not getting comfy

JudyEddy said...

moving sticks

JudyEddy said...

stopped messing with stick and now sitting pretty looking around

JudyEddy said...


Mema Jo said...

Still cam hasn't been reset yet
NCTC replied that there is training and just didn't get to it today.
No Problem when we have the Live feed going.

Janet said...

good evening to one and all.

THANKS STEVE for a fresh new thread.
HI MAGPIE! Miss you!
LYNNE1: holding your son close in heart and thought.
LYNNE2: feel better. I am concerned about you….
GLO: I have my cards addressed as well! I will mail them next week I think.
MEMAJO: most people don’t send holiday cards any more, but I love to send and get them. Mail is so “junky” now…for the most part…..a nice card is always welcome!
JUDYE: so glad you are getting your bank stuff straight….what a Pain!
Sounds as if everyone has had a good day.
Our weather is getting ready to take a deep dive…..20’s over night over the weekend…..but up to about 60 by thanksgiving again. That’s good, gkids can play outside if it is warm enough!
I have some happy dance news….so about 2 months ago a friend of mine told me about myfitnesspal which is a free app. And its not magic, it’s a calorie counting app. I thought, well, I’d love to loose weight. I’ve gained a lot of weight over the past 10 years, since moving to Tennessee. Hmmmm. So I’ve been working on it. I’ve noticed that my pants are getting much looser. So today I went to buy myself some new work pants and I bought a FULL SIZE SMALLER! Woot woot! Talk about motivating!!!
And I bought a new belt too cuz my jeans are getting looser! I can tuck shirts in again!
Okay, need to get onto making dinner.

Hoping everyone has a lovely evening! Hugs and love to all.

JudyEddy said...

the second eggs has been laid Congrats Romeo and Juliet

grannyblt said...

Nice visit by one of the Eagles this late afternoon as reported by JudyE.

Dave is doing a bit better. Deb says he is grouchy, a good sign. Thank you for your prayers.

Sandi said...

Hi all!

Thanks Steve for the new thread and thanks Margy for the call over! It's so great to see you on the blog Margy - please visit more often! I miss hearing your stories about James and trips to the swinging bridge!

Janet, congrats on the weight loss - it's nice when you can actually see that your hard work is paying off, right?

Lynne1, how is Dave doing? Still in the hospital?

Glo, enjoy that first snow! I hope Patches likes playing in it! My 2 short-legged girls hate it!

Spent the day checking special ed. files for issues that need to be fixed prior to the state audit and only made it through one teacher's caseload - there are 8 special ed. teachers in the building. I suspect I'll be doing the same thing tomorrow and next Monday and Tuesday and won't get my new assignment until after Thanksgiving.

Almost time for Grey's Anatomy. Goodnight all - I'll see everyone in the early AM.

Mema Jo said...

Whoo hoo, Judie - did you see that - Jack and Ms Fisher had their
first kiss! Tonight's program seems to wrap up all the loose ends.

Going to eat piece of cherry pie - watch Dr Blake Mysteries and soooooooooooo

This is Goodnight to All

Judie said...

Whoo hoo back at cha, Jo. Tonight's Miss Fisher was a good one. Could not believe that kiss finally happened. Now, you watch Dr. Blake and I head for First 48. Either way, crime is our menu tonight.

Then headed for the pillows. Tomorrow is a splurge for me. Manicure! Yep, a manicure. We're headed to an official awards program tomorrow night. Need lovely nails for all that handshaking. (:

Checking files may not be exhilarating Sandi but it has to be better than coping with Sam.

Wishing everyone a night of restful sleep.

stronghunter said...


Bowled this morning. We won two of the three games and had the most total points. We were very happy.

Allie is sleeping nearby on my bed. She is such a little cutie. She has a large vocabulary of cat sounds. Little chirps and meows.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. I really needed to sleep until the minute the alarm went off at 5:35am. Too bad the dogs only needed to sleep until 5:07am. Once one gets up, they're ALL up!

Judie, enjoy getting your nails done - my day was yesterday.

Prayers for all of the needs on the blog, especially Jo, Lynne1's son Dave, Lynne2, and Tori.

Have agreyt day all.

Janet said...

good morning. 35 degrees at my nest as the school bus rolls out of the driveway. sounds as if she objects this morning!

THANK YOU SANDI. I am excited about wearing new pants today!

Have a great day everyone! Happy RED Friday!

Kay said...

Good RED FRIDAY Morning Eagle Buds!!!

Just checkin' on things here before going to the mail and newspapers. Need to get crackin' on some household chores. Five days before company hits town and that means I can pace myself well from now to then. Watch out dust mites, here I come!

Prayers for all in need---highlights right now seem to be JO, LYNNE1's son, Dave, Tori and ROBYN and LYNNE2. Of course there are a couple on furbabies who remain on the mention list!


Judie said...

Good morning everyone.

Reading Sandi's wake-up time, I rejoice that with retirement I no longer have to set the alarm and go out into the cold. Staying in on cold frosty mornings is the best part of retirement. Soon Sandi will be joining us retirees and after doggy duty can return to dreamland.

Forgot last night to congratulate Janet on her new clothing size. Enjoy the new size.

Kay, pace yourself. It's family and they love being with you more than worrying about those "dust mites." If all else fails, put socks on Penny's feet and have her follow you around.

Shirley, congratulations on the two wins and most points. Must check the tv schedule for Bowling for Dollars to see when your team plays.

Bei Bei sleeping. Berry two nestorating. Barn Owls sleeping. Our nest MT.

Wishing everyone a wonderful day.

Mema Jo said...

Good Red Friday morning to all ♥
Wow it is only 45° with 10 MPH winds. I had about 12 squirrels at the Peanut Pot this morning and my share of Blue Jays. Mr Newt hesitated at the open door but did go on out for his morning walk. He sometimes plays (runs with) the squirrels -= never hurting them and really never catching up with them.

Our Thanksgiving will be at our daughter Jenny's home this year with her family. Our
responsibility was to bring the pies. Well it has been a challenge purchasing a pumpkin pie that I felt had enough spices! We even got some small pie samples from our local and Cherry was very good - when hubby ordered it he told them I didn't have enough spices in the Pumpkin - they said ok we'll spice them up for you! Problem solved! I am just not a pie baker anymore.

Going to take a trip up the road a ways to a Christmas House. I love browsing and maybe picking up a few small items.

Everyone stay warm!

Mema Jo said...

Here is a new one of my soon to be 1 year old great grandson Elliot

glo said...

Good morning or early afternoon everyone.

6 to 10 inches. I have been to the grocery and Patches and I now will head to the bank and then to Petco. I also picked up a couple of movies at the library. Soon we will be good to go.

Prayers for all in need and those unspoken as well. Those are always there too and I get it.

Sandi I am sure the furbabies knew you needed time for another sip of coffe. They are so thoughtful.. :-)

Mema Jo Grands and great grands are all so very cute and my they grow up fast. What are you all feeding those kids/ I am still waiting on my adoption papers. Already to sign :-)

Lolly said...

Hi all! Wow, absolutely fantastic to see our Margy stop by!😀♥️

Jazz band was awesome last night! They are really blessed to have that director. He has done an awesome job with those kids. Joseph looked handsome indeed in his all black and purple tie! He loves jazz band!

Tonight we go to the HS football again to watch the band. 70 right now but front comes through tonight and a low of 31 Sunday morning. That means tomorrow we take the hanging baskets to the greenhouse! I always hate bringing in the ferns from the front of the house.

Went to a craft show this morning. Bought Christmas bracelets for Laurel and myself, a new Christmas shirt, and some potpourri! Really mostly enjoyed looking.

Judie said...

Good early evening.

Glo, you will just have to stand in line. My adoption papers were filed some years ago. Hmmm, maybe I better check on that. I still say I'm going to sneak across the State line and scoop up Elliot for myself. Ah, the days of snow preparedness. I remember them well. Power out? No problem. Food into a cooler and put outside. Candles and a good book. Gosh, I sure don't miss those days. Seriously, so glad you're prepared. Just snuggle up with the furbabies.

Lolly, glad you enjoyed Joseph's band and will enjoy the game tonight.

Jo, did you find anything or things at the Christmas Store? When we first moved here, I loved going to the Christmas shops in Old Town and in Occoquan. Maybe this time next year I'll only be a few blocks from the Occoquan shops. Yippee! Pies? Well, frozen pie shells and canned filling, doctored a bit, is the best I can do. Can cook. Cannot bake.

Nest was empty when I checked. Need to get ready to go out and show off my manicure. Boring!

Prayers for all in need.

grannyblt said...

Evening all. There was a short visit probably just after you checked Judie. One, then two eagles. One had another fat stick. They came and left from the left side and only stayed about 5-7 minutes.

Mema Jo said...

Good evening - Thanks for the eagle report Lynne1. Just got home and missed them.
The Christmas shop is so full - it is a 2 story house with many many rooms filled with items. It is where I had gotten by Cardinal Christmas cards last year....... I was really disappoint=ed at their selection - came home with Chickadees.
I still look for eagles or cardinals. May need to order on line.

GLO - Patches boots are going to be so helpful against the snow... She handles them very well. Loved the video.

I suppose I am going to be entertained by a Hallmark Movie 8-10 and then watch Blue

So everyone enjoy their evening and have a great weekend.
This is my Goodnight for Friday......... SED & AOYP ♥

Judie said...

Evenin' all.

Well, the manicure must have helped as this year's awards program was streamlined and two of my favorite people were there for hugs and happy holiday greetings.

Jo, sorry your visit was a disappointment. Just a thought - you might look online for Smithsonian gift shops.

Tired now. Wishing everyone a restful night of sleep.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. Dogs woke up at 5:20am - Bella first, then the rest. I held them off until 5:45 but then I was afaid there would be a puddle of dachshund pee on the floor if I didn't get them outside.

Nest is currently MT.

Lynne1, how's Dave? I hope he has continued to get better and will be home soon.

Jo, any news on Tori?

Property owners association meeting this morning - changing bylaws - what a yawn! Sadly, I must go since I'm the treasurer. I will allow 1 hour of my time!

Have a greyt day all.

Sandi said...

1 eagle in!

Sandi said...

Now both.

Mema Jo said...

Good Saturday Morning to All ♥

Where are all of you? Don't tell me you all got to get extra long shut eye this morning

Sandi I am happy you saw our eagles' early visit. Still cam is still down - Probably until Monday.

Robyn and Tori were at Hospital in Baltimore on Thursday. Here are her comments:...
Tori met with the transplant surgeon, send everything her way please. Tori said she feels positive after meeting with Doctor, now the wait..

Glo's pics on FB are a White Winter Wonderland - still snowing and starting to blow.
So happy Patches has her own boots if needed.

Judie said...

Good sunshiny Saturday morning.

Good grief. Headed for a massive dose of depression. Turned on Pioneer Woman who is preparing turkey day dishes for about 5,000 people. Serious misstep for me. Ms. Drummond is preparing 5,000 dishes all to perfection and all ahead of time. Can't speak for others but I do not have five ovens all the size of Lolly's Texas and ten refrigerators all the size of West Virginia and five freezers all the size of California in my kitchen. As I speak, she is pouring "luscious" cheesecake filling and everything will taste yummy. Okay, I exaggerate but not by much. Oh, I do have a cardiologist.

Prayers that Tori's meeting with the coordinator was successful, that David is continuing to respond to treatment, that Lynne2 is feeling better and the farm animals are getting proper care, and all others are feeling well.

So now, to ward off my depression, I will enjoy another cup of coffee and read the Saturday/Sunday paper.

Wishing everyone a lovely day.

Judie said...

Hi Jo. I was just here.Opened the door too quietly as I didn't want to wake anyone getting extra long shut eye. Returned because I forgot to mention Bei Bei was sleeping and mom was in the other room eating; Barn Owls Dottie and Casper were sleeping; adult eagle in Berry nest, bears are denning for winter; and our nest MT.


JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

late night at Angie house We watched GA and she had me watch the I Love Kelly Pickler show with her I don't like reality tv but it was cute
been up and out for breakfast already

Its a misty light rain out right now with more to come later with front and guess what they say our low is gonna be in 40 for two day and high in lo 70 but I am sure won't be long but better than nothing

JO thanks for info on TORI

TWO More weeks till my cruise

got to figure out what to bring to wear need to do that now
I put on a pair of pants haven't wore in a while and YES they fit so feeling good about that and guess what I found a $10.00 bill in the pockets so double greatness on my part Angie suggested 2 outfits per day shorts and pants for evening I guess

Keeping all those in need close to heart

glo said...

Well good snowy morning everyone. Patches does not like snow. She pretty much just wants to be inside. Has used her little potty place twice but we have not taken care of "business". I even shoveled off the patio for her. so far it's a no go. Still snowing but letting up. Going to replace it with cold and blowing. Down to like 9 tonight with wind chills below 0. Ahh but 50ish by Thanksgiving. I just need to get out for church tomorrow as am part of a special for Thanksgiving.
Think I shall make a cup of tea and then head to the kitchen to do some baking. Time for comfort food :-)

grannyblt said...

Good morning eagle monmsters. I was too lazy to open laptop this morning to see our Eagles. Maybe this afternoon.

Reports from Maine re/Dave are so-so. Had a bad morning yesterday, but better in afternoon. They are doing more tests to determine the cause of his problems. I haven't heard from Deb since then, so that is a good sign. I'm sure he will be in hospital for several more days and they are trying to get insurance approval for some in facility rehab. Keep the good thoughts and prayers coming. Thanks.

Mema Jo said...

Concerning Bei Bei, our Little Prince will make his debut on Jan 16th. I so want to be there!

Lynne! - Praying for Dave and for his doctors to have success in diagnosing his problems.

JudyE - I would be checking out some more pants' pockets! lol

Judie - turn off Pioneer Woman please and be happy.

Mema Jo said...

Cam tour has completed
Beautiful blue sky

Judie said...

Just stopping by.

Jo, you have to know I was not really serious about culinary depression. I've got my plan and I'm stickin' to it. Darth and the local cops know better than to complain. (:

Lynne1, your update on Dave is appreciated. Prayers that the tests will be definitive. Also a prayer that insurance will approve any needed rehabilitation.

Glo, I'm with Patches. Business or not, I do not like snow. Safe travels to church and home.

Off to look for trouble. Well, maybe my book.

Sandi said...

Hey Jo & Judie, no one is allowed to mention getting extra long shut eye in the mornings - got it?????

Glo, Patches is so smart and so talented, maybe you can train her to use the toilet! I know I sure wouldn't want to sit my tushy down on a pile of cold, wet snow!

Denny and I just tried getting Janey into and out of my Honda again. And again, she was fine with the getting out but getting in required manually putting her front paws up onto the floor of the SUV and then manually lifting the back end into the vehicle. Janey offered very little help. She DID ride nicely once she got in - we took her up into Bethany to the pet store, where she got a bandana and then for a stroll on the beach and up and down the "main drag" in town.

Lolly said...

Good afternoon! Making a praline encrusted cheesecake. Letting the shortbread crust cool at the moment. Friend could not be at the auction last Sunday so I sold it to her to be delivered tomorrow.

Game last night was fun but the football team lost so over for this year. Band was great! Joseph had his first HS basketball game yesterday afternoon. Laurel said he started and played over half the game. They lost. Joseph is the tallest on the team. Hopefully they will win some! Laurel had to hurry to get him to the football game and since traffic was so horrible she did not get there until the second quarter.

Joseph is going to the movies with a group of band friends. Hmmmmm?? Wonder if there will be some hand holding? Lol

Presently 51, the high for today. Freeze predicted for tonight. No snow for us, yet but a rainy week ahead. Hang in there, Glo!

Sandi, is there a special treat Janey likes? Could you coax her with that. Or, better yet, have hubby build a ramp!🙄

Was really lazy this morning, but i needed it after the last few days!

Ok, back to the cheesecake!

Judie said...

Dinner prep over. Now a few minutes for me.

Sandi, I'm sure you and Denny have thought of this but would a ramp, maybe a wide board, work so she could keep all four paws on at the same time to walk up into the back? No matter, you all must have had a lovely afternoon stroll. Is the bandanna color coordinated with her?

Now to put my feet up for a few.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


Mema Jo said...

Light show is also on ........... OUR beautiful COUPLE

JudyEddy said...

belle is in cuppractice

Mema Jo said...

Belle is comfy sitting in the egg cup
I wish that one protruding stick would be replaced. May not be as close as it appears.

glo said...

lol Sandi I will not be training Patches to use the toilet. I am sure we walked a mile today after getting the sidewalks cleared before she got down to business. We will freeze to death this winter if that is how that one is going to go. I must think think think lol. Hoping she is smart enough that when it is brutal cold she will know to hurry. "sigh". Need to bake cookies. hage everyone

Judie said...

Good evening.

Glo, must say I do not envy those who must patiently await furbabies doing business in the cold and snow. You, and all the others, have my admiration.

Going to watch what appears to be a new Midsomer Murders than will dent the pillows.

Wishing everyone a night of restful sleep.

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

So good to see a message from our dear Margy. Hello back at you, friend. We do miss you greatly.

Thinking of Dave and Tori this evening. Prayers and good wishes for both of them.

Glo, Luna does not like snow either. Not sure what the kitties will think, but we will not really be letting them outdoors anyway. They are much too fast for us should they decide to take off. Years ago, Will made the mistake of putting Soleil down in the snow. She went into a panic, ran off, and hid in a neighbor's car port. She cried pitifully when she heard me calling, so we were able to rescue her, but we won't be putting any more kitties down to see what they think of the snow.

stronghunter said...

Oh yes, those days of waiting for a pet to do business when it is terribly cold. I used to tell Ingrid, our German shepherd, that her human was freezing. Unfortunately, that did not help. I am thankful for the fenced backyard we now have. We are able to let Luna out, although she is getting stiff and sometimes going down the back steps is hard for her.

I saw a mention of snow for Ohio, Kay. Have you had any yet?

stronghunter said...

Kathryn is off to Richmond with her friend Keshia, and Hunter is with his dad. Luna is not accustomed to having them both gone at this time of night. She's complaining because I have not yet gone upstairs. It is funny how pets control our lives.

stronghunter said...


Time for me to say good night. I found the message above waiting when I returned to my laptop just now. Kitties are running about. Luna has come downstairs, but I do not think she is into blogging.

Just changed the litter boxes. It is interesting when Allie Cat does not even wait for me to finish before she hops in and uses it as I am scooping litter into it.

I shall see you tomorrow. SED.

Mema Jo said...

Goodnight to all ♥

Stay Warm and have a good night's sleep

Kay said...

Good early Sunday morning, Eagle Buds!!!

Can you guess which Momster fell asleep in front of the TV about 8 last night?

SHIRLEY, one of those kitties is brilliant---looks like it was a plea for litter box changing and it worked! I suspect it was Allie and that she had a unique way of saying "thanks for taking care of this detail for us". Luna's communication skills are notable, too! No snow here so far, but northern Ohio and on in to Michigan have had their first of the Season. It'll be here soon enough!

Penny will be happy when she can bound through the white stuff--hates rain, loves snow. Nothing much cuter than a short legged doxie bounding through snow! If the temps are much under freezing she will take care of bizness very quickly and we'll head right back to the warm house. If the weather is nice she will dawdle in order to make sure we stay outside as long as possible. These animals are Not dumb!

Enjoyed catching up on Momster activities---see plenty of sage advice has been given where needed and so, I can be more concise than is usual!☺ Thanks to those who reported on nest activities!

Prayers for all in need, with extra emphasis on the needs of Dave and Tori!!!!


JudyEddy said...

Good Morning eagle buds

JudyEddy said...

eagle in both

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends.

Have been online Christmas browsing for Freyja - I find things I think she would like and then send the links to Lynnis to see if she agrees and to make sure it isn't something Freyja already has. We want her to be able to open gifts on Christmas Day so we will buy things for her to open and play with and then ship them to Mexico after they go back.

Tennis for me this morning and I am 100% certain there will be a nap this afternoon. Last night I decided to keep both littles in bed all night - normally they start the night in bed with us and then I put them down in their beds during the night. I thought keeping them in the bed rather than letting them get up during the night to roam might result in more sleep for me - that didn't work!!

Prayers for Jo, Lynne's son Dave, and Tori. Have a greyt day all.

CarolAnne said...

Good morning everyone. Wishing an early Happy Thanksgiving to all. Have been keeping all in thoughts and prayers. Winter has arrived here. Pic in 2015 blog. Spring to be back by Thanksgiving: 50 degrees. Then real winter to settle in. Winding up on Mom's estate. She had offered her house to fire dept for practice burn training. That's to happen in January.
Take care all.

DanaMo said...

Good morning all!
Love seeing our royal couple this morning. Drinking my coffee and snuggling with Boomer and Java. I guess many have heard by now that my beloved Frisbee died in our arms 2 weeks ago of unknown causes. He had fluid building around his heart and what appeared to be tumors in his liver. My sadness is so deep. I keep catching myself telling people I have three Labradors and then the tears start flowing.
He was a good boy and will forever be in my heart. Not sure how Aric is going to be when he comes home this week and for the first time his dog isn't here. Makes me so sad.
Sorry to be such a downer.
On a better not, we just returned from Asheville NC to visitUNCA with Annemarie and got to go to the Biltmore as well. An amazing place.

DanaMo said...

More on the Biltmore...can you imagine a pool and bowling alley in your basement. I wish the pool had been filled with water. They said it hasn't had water in it since the 70's but it sure was cool. Of course the gardens would have been better in the spring, but it was still quite a site to see!

Sandi said...

Good morning CarolAnne and Dana - what a treat to see you on the blog!!

It sounds windy and looks cloudy in Shepherdstown. Nest is MT now but the eagles just left.

DanaMo said...

I was doing good getting on in the morning for awhile, then got busy, I guess. Then with Frisbee I just wasn't up to it.
Miss hearing from everyone.
How is Tori? Any updates?

Judie said...

Good morning.

Shirley had a lovely quiet evening with the critters. That was a favorite thing for me.
All of us with pets, I think, has experienced the anxiety of an escapee. Horrible feeling.
Sandi is spending sleep-deprived time shopping for her Freyja. How's Janey?
CarolAnne has welcomed Winter - did ja see Chicago has 17" of white stuff.
DanaMo is looking to send Annemarie to the land of tar heels and Aric is headed home.
Judie is planning to plan for turkey day.

Beautiful view of the nest and looked like Belle was enjoying the sunshine and doing some rearranging of furniture.

Decorah nest filled with snow. GA nest filled with sunlight. Bei Bei sleeping.

Hope everyone has an enjoyable morning.

JudyEddy said...

good after eagle buds
on lunh naturally

welcome DANA AND CA
you have been missed

can't wait to see the snow pic love looking at them but don't like the snow to be in

WVJerry said...

Good afternoon. It's been a while since I've posted and a lot has happened to us. First - I am so glad I can see the nest without buffering. The new cam is great. Thanks to all involved in making that happen. Second - My wife has had multiple health problems since late April/early May. Most due to diabetes I'm guessing. The latest involved six days in hospital. Congestive heart failure, thyroid condition, severe kidney infection and severe anemia requiring two pints of blood. She says she feels some better and most likely couldn't feel any worse. We lost her brother to lung cancer in late October as well. Third - I have been working a lot especially lately which is good with medical bills coming soon. Third - I am looking forward to the new nesting season since I can view better with our new internet. It was part of cost-cutting measures plus our son is going to help with expenses. Just wanted to stop by and say hello and I hope to post more frequently. I have kept up with some on Facebook as my schedule allowed. Take care all. Thanks for letting me be a part of the Blog. It means a lot to me.

Sandi said...

Good afternoon all.

Jerry, it's good to see you on the blog! My my, you and your wife sure have had a lot on your plates! It sounds like you both could use some prayers - well, you've come to the right place!

Rainy and cold here - yuk! Perfect day for a nap, which I would love to take if I could just get this greyhound of mine to pee! She won't pee on-leash and she won't pee on the stones under the house like the littles do. So I keep taking her out in the yard but she just stands there, and then I bring her back in and put her back into her crate. She hasn't gone since 5:45am - surely she can't hold it too much longer! Why oh why do Denny and Kevin have to be allergic to cats????

Mema Jo said...

Good afternoon to all ♥
This morning is my Jenny's Morning visit.
I just missed the cam tour - :(
Hoping all are doing well...

Dana I think of you often with Frisbee not being there - Prayers for you and your other furbabies and their side kicks.

I started this post hour or so ago - As Jenny was leaving, Kristen was arriving...
It has bee a beautiful day - cookies and Christmas tapes ! Then phone call from d-i-l & from Michael. - I am so very blessed.

Now I will take time to reflect on my joys!

Mema Jo said...

Pot Plant Owl News ....
Little chick has fledged. It's in the stone water feature on the house

Judie said...

Good afternoon.

My goodness. What a surprise to find Jerry has been here. Please come back as often as you can and know that all your blog family understand your reasons for being absent and all of us send prayers that your wife will continue to improve. May you and your wife and all the family enjoy Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Sandi, has Janey shown any behavior that is meant to let you know when she needs out? I mean other than a puddle on the floor, of course.

Jo is basking in the love and warmth of family and, I suspect, enjoying a few of those Christmas cookies while she listens to the tapes.

Headed to watch a bit of the 'skins game and hoping for a win.


JudyEddy said...

Hello home from work

JERRY thanks for stopping in and come back anytime
So sorry for all the medical woes hope things turn around for you pronto

So sorry for your loss also

Mema Jo said...

Just received a FB video from gs Aaron of Elliot taking about 17 steps.
My little man is not a baby boy anymore. He did really well - Next week he will be running. He will be one year old on Dec 2... ♥

Mema Jo said...

Jerry it is good to see you here with us.
Prayers that all starts to get better for you and your family ♥
Come back whenever you can.

Janet said...

Good afternoon to one and all. Hey to CarolAnne, Dana, and Jerry! Good to see you and hear from each of you.
Its been a busy week. I worked 5 days straight, which is something I seldom do. It was a very good week, just busy.
We slept in this morning and then, after I revised my grocery list, went and did our grocery shopping.
It was cold last night, 30 at last pee check about 4 a.m. Tonight, I believe will be colder, 20’s. It has been such a lovely day, so sunny and bright. Chilly, to be sure, but it rather puts me in a holiday-esque mood.
I have today and the next four days off. I’m going to space out my baking and work on a project each day.
Watching the final NASCAR race of the season. Tom and I used to go to the final race when it was in Atlanta. Some great memories from those times.
Will check back in later. Hugs to all.

NatureNut said...

Good, good afternoon my special Eagle Buds. Since I haven't been able to get on here for awhile, I won't change my avatar until posting this!---another saga!
The new "Windows 10" computer we got after Labor Day showed Frank one AM a lovely light blue screen saying it was missing a couple parts in the boot area! That part starts it! DUH It was about 6 or so weeks old and was named DellDude 3--3rd Dell we've had. It was taken to the Best Buy Geek Squad who eventually documented it's trip to KY and back! It had to get a whole new hard drive!!!!!! Since Fubby was there at the store, he bought another tower of the same kind! to have something to use!!!!! This one is called DellDude 4 !
DellDude 3 returned & I plugged it in over on another cabinet in the 'puter (Sherry's) room.
It had some multi-color Apps, but no Start, shut down or toolbars. Turned out it was pretty much Windows free! We had a disc that came originally, so I asked the techie on the phone if I should install it. He said it didn't matter----just bring it back in. So of course, I had to install it! Didn't help much, but I did see some file names that said Windows 8.1!!?? Fubby just took it back and the lady called me. She said that the original hard drive was an 8.1 that was upgraded to 10! That's why they put in a NEW 8.1 hard drive! She's going to replace everything! You never know what you're getting!
Bless you for listening-----hopefully the anxiety is over!
Back to Football and Nascar!!

JudyEddy said...

eagle in

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

and poof poof both

JudyEddy said...

LORETTA so sorry about you puter WOES WOW you bought a 10 and didn't get it I would have asked for another one being it wasn't 2 mths old and not one that was repaired just doesn't make sense to me that Dell rebuilt it and sold as new Sounds shady to me Bad Bad Dell
I was looking on line on Blk Fri and there are some listed as refurbished but I am steering away from them

may wait till after holidays with all the after holiday mark downs

JudyEddy said...

I am seriously thinking of just having this one rebuld the monitor and key board are ok just the inners in the tower are shot Will get with Eric

Is everyone that has Window 10 are you happy with it???????????????

He said he would put in W 7 or 8 if I wanted it instead of 10

grannyblt said...

Quick visit that I see Judy already noted.

My goodness Loretta, that computer experience was something. My new computer is a HP with no problems. I'm figuring out Windows 10 a bit. So far so good.

Sandi, Jenny doesn't have an old doggy bladder and may not have to go as often as your little girls.

Jerry, glad you stopped by. Sorry you have had so many problems lately. I hope your wife sees great improvement soon.

Deb tells me that Dave is doing better today, but he still has the heart monitor. Thank you for your continued prayers.

Off to fix some dinner, then PBS for the evening. SED to all

grannyblt said...

Judy, I'm learning Windows 10 and think I will like it. It has helped that I have an iPhone and IPad because Windows 10 seems to do a lot with apps.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

I've been missing for a while again! Everyone's OK here--just very busy. We have almost all of our Christmas shopping done. I still have to shop for something for Ken, but at least the kids, grandkids, and the great-granddaughter are taken care of!

Have tried to catch up here, and see that Jo needs prayers for inflammation in her lung, which needs to vamoose, pronto! You are always in my prayers, dear lady! Prayers also for Dave, Tori, Robyn, Jerry's wife, Lynne2 with that pesky cough, and everyone else!

Heard from our daughter Jen, and in 2 weeks they will be picking up a new puppy!
They're getting a female, black & white ticked German Shorthair Pointer! She is just adorable. They haven't decided on a name yet. Will keep all of you updated on that situation!

We have had some crazy hot weather for a few days again--high 80s & low 90s. Santa Ana winds again, too. Supposed to be nice and cool again for Thanksgiving Day, though. Should be able to roast a turkey without developing heat prostration!

Shirley, with the awful tragedy in Paris, I've been thinking of you a lot, and I'm mighty glad you're home from France! Have been praying for the French people non-stop.

Had breakfast with my Sis-in-Law today, and will have breakfast with Ken's friend Chuck tomorrow.

It was good to see that Margy and Hoda (HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY, HODA!!!) have been here! Also Jerry, Dana, and Loretta!

Well, I need to go put my feet up for a bit. Hope everyone has a good evening.
I most likely won't be back after dinner, so goodnight, God bless, and SED, everyone. I ♥ us!

Lolly said...

Oh,my! How much fun to see Hoda, Margy, Jerry and Dana sticking their noses in! Miss several others, too!

Has been a busy day! After church we had a soup lunch and then decorated the church for advent. We decked the halls., I am now in the mood but ticked with Andy who has most of her shopping done! Really???? Must be nice!

We did freeze last night. Down to 30!

Have a nice fire going tonight. Going to put my feet up and read. Routine doctor appointment in the morning then tackle my day to day plans for cooking for Thursday.

Mema Jo said...

Goodnight to all ♥

Found a Hallmark NEW mystery

Prayers for Tori and Dave and all of our needs.

Sleep well - Sharon said is is snowing in Bluefield...

Nite ♥

JudyEddy said...

good morning eagle buds cold front made it 50 out high today 68 nice

JudyEddy said...

lots of buffering this am

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning to all ♥

Wonderful to see both in the nest this morning - Not just one sitting pretty.

Mema Jo said...

I meant to say that one flew out -

Just filled the peanut pot for quite a good many awaiting squirrels.
It is chilly out there - Hoping that all who received the snowfalls are safe/warm.
Somewhat breezy here and at the nest...The final leaves are falling.

Sandi said...

Morning all! I forgot to check in this morning but I am alive and well! Working on special ed. files here at school, hoping to finish up tomorrow. It's a 2-day work week for me - YAY!

Have a greyt day - later!

Mema Jo said...

Sandy - sure hope Janey made potty for you! Outside that is ♥

No recent word from Robyn concerning Tori on FB

Judie said...

Good morning.

Sunshiny 39º here. Brrrrrr.

Only item on the agenda is acquiring last minute items for turkey day.

Happy dance for Sandi's two-day work week. I'm with Jo hoping Janey was successful outside. Thinking of shorties racing through snow reminded me of former neighbors with a tea cup terrier who looked for all the world like a worm making pathways in the snow. Very funny to watch.

Always nice when Andy stops by. Congratulations to Jen on their new furbaby. Enjoy that nice warm weather. How's kubby?

Poor Loretta and her computer trials and tribulations. Hope all is resolved or soon will be.

Wishing everyone a lovely afternoon.

JudyEddy said...

Hello on lunch 1206 punch time

LOL so many people are dressed as if it really cold I only put on a long sleeve and comfortable with it silly Floridians

JudyEddy said...


I am watch the Fl nest

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds!!!

It's grey with 31° here. Today I brought all the winter wraps out of the closet for both Penny n' me.

JUDIE, wishing you a lovely afternoon, too. Echoing your thoughts re:SANDI and the greythound, ANDY and the new granddog, LORETTA and the puter woes.

Echoing LOLLY's comments on how much fun it was to see HODA, MARGY, JERRY and DANA sticking their noses in! Would love to see more of each one of them as well as LORI, WANDA, JIM, RED....the list goes on!

JO, glad you were there to report on the nest activity earlier!

I'm happy to see the landscapers here cleaning up the last of the fallen leaves while I'm cleaning up the last of the dust mites inside. Everything is going to look nice for Thanksgiving! Am so excited to be having our family together in Columbus. I arrived in Columbus to stay on Nov. 14th, 2007 and everyone came here for that T'Day. Since then I've always gone to Lee's in NJ for this holiday, while Julie's family went to see Hugh's mom and sis in WI. Our clan is constantly adjusting as losses of dear ones occur and as the grands grow up, launch and spread out around the world and as this ol' gal ages. I know those kinds of things are happening in your families as well.

Prayers for Tori, Dave, Robyn, Jerry's wife and all in need. Thinking of Aric Hillmoe as he returns from college and adjusts to no Frisbee to snuggle up with. Hope he has sweet dreams of the fun they had together when he was still a kid at home!

May God's richest blessings abide on each and everyone of you!!!


Mema Jo said...

NCTC IT said about the Still Cam :

It's on my list to do before I leave today, thanks for the reminder though, I almost forgot

glo said...

ga everyone. Big week ahead for so many. Mine is kind of bitter sweet I have taken my neighbors out for Thanksgiving the last couple of years but sadly this year Alzheimer's has taken it's toll on the lady and she is not up to going out. I will bring over a small turkey roast made by butterball. it is boneless and supposedly has white and dark meat. She doesn't eat very much these days. Mostly drinks ensure and enjoys custard pie. That will be there too. After dinner I will go to be with some friends at my Pastor's house. I am looking forward to that.

I put a couple of photos and short video of Patches in the snow on fb this am. She tip toes through the snow, sort of like Tiny Tim tiptoed through the tulips :-) haga everyone.

Mema Jo said...

Still cam is up/running

Loved the videos of Patches, Glo.

Mema Jo said...


Robyn just said on FB:

I just received my yule present, Tori is going to be listed for a transplant,
now let's hope she recovers from whatever she has and doesn't need one.


Judie said...

Prayers for Tori and giving thanks for being placed on the transplant list.

Janet said...

Good afternoon to one and all!
JUDYE: windows ten is just fine. There are a couple of quirks that can happen, but nothing really big. I lost my icon for the apps for a bit, but in my trying to figure stuff out, I found it again. Could have been user error on that one.
LORETTA; wow what a story! Glad you are back with us.
Its been a busy “day off” in these parts. I did sleep in, which I intend to do each and every day off. It went into the 20’s last night and I could see no good reason to leave my nice warm bed before 8 a.m.!
Took Olivia for her allergy shot. This round of serum is giving her reactions: that is swelling and itching at the site. Last week was pretty severe, this week, reacting, but not as badly. Benadryl oral and spray on help.
Ran a couple of quick errands after. Went by publix to get my meds. Tricare in all their wisdom is pretty much forcing us to get their pharmacy by mail. Granted you get a 90 day supply each time and prices can’t be beat….but I really don’t think I like the idea o fgetting my meds via mail. May have to consider a PO box. ….. not sure. Thinking about it. I spent some time on the phone getting that set up and then talked to the doctor, got them to fax the info Tricare needs, then talked to the pharmacy to see what they need to have done. If we do not switch to their meds by mail, we will have to pay full price for all of our meds. (maintenance meds). Things like antibiotics we can still get locally.
When I came home, it was time to get to baking and doing a few chores done. I have completed the chess pie. The 1st pumpkin is almost done, to be followed by the 2nd pumpkin. More baking to come tomorrow.
Hope everyone has had a great day! Hugs and love to all.

Judie said...

Foraging is over and complete. I am in for the duration.

Tomorrow will begin preparation of items that can be done ahead. Must allow time for feet to go up, also.

Nest is MT. Thank you Jo for the NCTC update on the still cam and for the welcome news for Tori.

Kay, so glad you have demolished the dust mites. Your excitement is infectious.

Wonder where Shirley is? Perhaps she's been busy interviewing for Bowling for Dollars.

Glo, no doubt your neighbor will appreciate the turkey and the pie even if it is only in the moment. Having been a good and gracious friend, your evening with the Pastor and friends will be especially rewarding.

Jo, I so miss feeding the squirrels peanuts and the birds their seeds. After Darth spent a small fortune to replace the grass, I do not dare provide reasons for the squirrels to dig holes so I love having you do that.

Sure hope Sandi stops by with an update on Janey and the two shorties.

Now to the scullery. Grilling chicken tonight.

Sandi said...

Hi all!

Jo, great news about Tori getting placed on the transplant list but I echo Robyn's sentiment about being hopeful that Tori recovers without needing another transplant.

Yes, Janey finally did pee outside in the rain yesterday afternoon, she just took her good ol' time about doing it! Lynne1, you are absolutely correct that Janey has a much healthier and a much larger bladder than the 2 little old ladies, plus she has lived her life in an environment where the lights went out at 6pm and the crate doors didn't reopen until 6am, so she is used to going a long time between bathroom breaks. That just doesn't seem healthy to me!

We are continuing to work on hopping up into my SUV - I refuse to use a ramp because she is capable of jumping that high and I know it's just a matter of her understanding what we're asking her to do and feeling comfortable to try. Today I took her for a weigh-in at the vet to make sure she hadn't gained or lost any weight, so I could determine if we're feeding her the right amount. She has actually lost 6 oz. in 2 weeks so I can start feeding her more (much easier than cutting back on the food).

Anyway, I slid the front passenger seat all the way forward and opened the back door so she could hop up onto the floor of the back seat and then onto the back seat. She did that with just a little coaxing but it's not as high a jump as the floor behind the back seat. One obstacle at a time.

We also tried taking the crate apart over the weekend - just not a fan of a huge wire crate in the living room. But Janey seemed very sulky and kept going to where the crate had been and laying down on the floor, so I set it up again. I guess after +1800 days of living in a crate for 20-22 hours, it has become something she's very fond of. We don't shut her in anymore but she self-kennels for part of every day - it's her comfort place.

I also realized yesterday that we have another training obstacle to deal with - and quickly!! Since we have a fenced yard, we always just let Janey out in the yard and tell her to, "Go pee, go poop," and she's pretty quick to start trotting along the perimeter of the fence and taking care of business - unless of course it's raining. BUT... my sister doesn't have a fenced yard, and neither do any of her neighbors! Yikes! So when we go to Baltimore on Thursday, Janey will have to go to the bathroom on-leash. If she won't, then every time she needs to go to the bathroom, we'll have to load her into the car and drive her 15 minutes to the dog park!! Last night, she did go to the bathroom once in the yard on-leash. Today, both Kevin and Denny tried and tried but she wouldn't go. Eventually they got tired of waiting and unclipped the leash; as soon as they did, she found a spot and went to the bathroom. CATS, I NEED CATS!!!! Cat owners don't have any of these struggles to deal with!! Stop gloating all you cat owners out there!!

Time to fix food for people - I've already made dog food so the people food will be something very easy - I don't like to cook enough to make 2 meals. Goodnight! See you in the early AM!

Mema Jo said...

Celtic Thunder Christmas - 8:00 PM on WHUT 28, 1 hr 30 min 2010 TV-G

Hoping everyone's day went well - I am relaxing now and will soon watch

Going to say Goodnight to all ♥

stronghunter said...

Good evening.

stronghunter said...

Stopping by to say a quick good night. SED. Take care.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. But it's my Friday!! It's also a whopping 24 degrees outside this morning - good grief!

Today I start my new gig at school - working in the ILC (Intensive Learning Center, aka self-contained special ed. classroom). One of the paras who had been assigned there and the special ed. teacher in the room had a personality clash so someone asked for a reassignment. The coordinator knows I get along fine with the special ed. teacher (she's been teaching for 30 years and we're good friends) so I was asked if I would do it. Fine with me.

Outside pottying with Janey on-leash is making progress.

Prayers especially for Jo, Lynne1's son Dave, and Tori. Have agreyt day all.

JudyEddy said...

good morning eagle buds

Jordyn had gym lasst night 6-7 and also today since none on Thurs

healing thought for all those in need

and hope everyone has a great day

JudyEddy said...

nest is mt

Judie said...

Good morning.

Two beauteous eagles in the nest. Think it was Shep who flew out and returned with some fresh flugg. Lovely sunshine on them.

Need to read back.

Judie said...

Congratulations on the new assignment Sandi. Sounds as if this could be a workable solution for everyone. Is this something ongoing, as in the remainder of your school year? Any word on what is happening with Sam? Maybe I missed a comment.

Off to refill my coffee cup. Browse the newspaper. Then to the scullery for turkey day prep.


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Opened the cam to 2 beautiful eagles!! It's still hard for me to believe that our cam is so clear. :)

Good morning my eagle budlets. How's about everybody making a great day! I think I will.


Mema Jo said...

Good Good Morning to all ♥

Gripes - they brought in the whole tree ! lol

It is so wonderful to watch these two with their nestorations.

Be Back when they fly out ......... ♥

Mema Jo said...

Belle is still in the nest - perhaps waiting for some brunch delivered by Shep.
I really wish them a successful season this year.

Sandi - your assignment sounds like it is right up your alley. Question--Is that one teacher still there that drove you up a wall last year? I forget what finally happened.

Squirrels are feasting - Judie sorry you have to ban them from your yard but I can understand Frank's concern. One of our friends up North of us said she had a dozen deer on her property yesterday and it wasn't an uncommon things to see. I would love to have my deer come back to my yard - only had the one doe and 2 fawns. Once I had the biggest buck ever with all his does come up onto the yard - Before the golf course of course.

Mema Jo said...

Do any of you think the eagle in the nest is Shep ???????????

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Jo, I honestly cannot tell them apart unless they are side by sid.

Judie said...

Ah Jo, good morning.

Yes, we have regular visits by Bambette and her two yearlings. Haven't seen Bambi in about a year but he must be somewhere nearby, at least in the Fall. We have squirrels galore and I really miss feeding them. Had several some years ago that would sit on my hand to happily eat peanuts. Had a chipmunk who would also sit in my hand to eat sunflower seeds. I miss those days.

Really nice long visit by the eagles this morning. Crib rails are looking good. Sure hope they have a terrific fish-fest for Thanksgiving.

Now to the scullery.

Judie said...

Jo, I think it was Belle and Shep because they were working together and there was some bickering once or twice. Was there something specific that looked different?

Mema Jo said...

Definitely it was Belle and Shep together doing Nestorations
Now there is only one in the nest and like Sharon I can tell them apart when
together - Belle still has the inverted "V" on her neck feathers.
I'm thinking it is Shep still standing guard in the nest.... That is my educated guess
due to looking at his tail feathers....... lol

Mema Jo said...

Judie - I was just trying to see which of our eagles they thought was still in the nest. No concerns....... ♥

Judie said...

Well, now that I've been watching, my only thought about something different is the length of time this eagle has been in the nest. I think I started looking at about 9am so this is unusual. Okay, just thought you might have noticed something different.


grannyblt said...

Good morning all. I just caught the very last minute of the visit this morning. I've been in the scullery making cranberry sauce. Used a different recipe calling for oranges. Well, it is the tartest stuff ever. The oranges weren't very sweet and I thought just add more sugar, but that didn't help. I should have just gone back to recipe that I was familiar with after tasting the oranges. I've vowed to not go to the store another time for this meal. Hope that is the only failure for this meal. I did remember to take the turkey breast out of the freezer. Have a great day.

Lolly said...

Good morning! The marathon of three days of cooking starts today! On the list for today...cornbread, cinnamon rolls, dinner rolls, cranberry sauce, and sweet potato soufflé! Tomorrow dressing and three pies. Thursday will be turkey, mashed potatoes, and green beans.

Sandi, your new assignment sounds perfect for you! Hope it is enjoyable for the rest of the year!

Had to chuckle....yes, cat owners have it made. We have major rain coming Thursday and Friday. Fritz family, with dogs, arrive tomorrow and stay til Friday. Our yard is only fenced on two sides. (That was to block the view of those yards). Luke does fine taking him out to potty, but huge Cosmo will have to be on a leash. Also, have to put up a gate to the utility room to keep the dogs out of the cat food and (yuck) the cat box. The gate also gives Miss Skippita a refuge! She sits behind it and stares at Cosmo. She and Luke the Bishon get along fine, but Cosmo is intimidating! Will have carpet cleaned after they are here!

Had doctor appointment yesterday. All numbers good, I am healthy! Knock on wood!

Okay, gotta get busy!

Lolly said... cranberry sauce has maple syrup, an apple, and pecans in it! Love the recipe! Of course, for Jacob we have to have the canned jellied cranberry sauce and it is tradition to leave it can shape! Lol. He loves the stuff!

JudyEddy said...

Good afternoon eagle buds

I also had to chuckle SANDI on the cat comment

so happy you all got to see the eagles this am I got stood up LOL

NCSuzan said...

Judie for you and others interested, I posted the latest PPO pics. The little one is now out and about exploring. Hard to believe he is old enough to leave the pot!

Janet said...

SANDI: hoping you will continue to have Janey potty while on leash. She seems to be so smart, I just know she will get it!
Another busy day here. After breaksfast was made and served, tom headed to work (2nd job) and I headed out. I dropped a pumpkin pie off @ my SIL’s work for him and the family tonight….(daughter says that I rock!) then to the chiropractor and one last run to Publix.
The pecan pie is done. Pumpkin is finishing up and then I am making the autumn cheesecake. Tom asked me to make sausage cheese balls for him to take to work in the a.m. sure no prob.
Hence a 2 p.m. coffee break.
Its is nice out, 60, or close to it and I have windows open. House smells good with all the cooking going on. I’ve had Olivia helping with some cleaning chores. She is done for the day now.
Third day off. Feeling pretty nice. Relaxed. I enjoy cooking. I might work on a project later. I have this walking stick I want to “finish”….sand it, varnish it, add some leather strips, semi precious gems….maybe a feather or two? Not sure exactly. We shall see.
Will try to pop by later. Holding all close in heart and thought.

Sandi said...

Hi all - yay, it's my weekend!!!! 5 days off!!!!

Can I just say that I loved being in the ILC today?? The kids are pretty needy and many are low-functioning some are in 6th, some in 7th, and some in 8th grade. But I felt really "needed." For now it's only certain that I will be in there until after the first of the year, b/c an autistic student who started the year on a regular 7th grade hallway with a one-on-one para was recently moved to the ILC. His para stayed with him but the para and Patricia (the teacher) just didn't mix well. The special ed. coordinator is hopeful that once James is more comfortable with the ILC program his one-on-one won't be needed anymore and I'll be reassigned again. But I would be content to stay in there for the rest of the year. We shall see what happens.

Jo, the teacher who drove me crazy last year who I referred to as my BFF is no longer at our school. She is now teaching at the district alternative school.

Janey is making good progress with using the bathroom on-leash. I think we'll be fine on Thursday at my sister's.

Time to feed pets and then people. Later!

JudyEddy said...

EAGLES in nest

JudyEddy said...

poof both

Judie said...

Ah, stopped by to say hello and what a lovely sight to see first one, I think Shep, and then two eagles. Kind of funny to watch as the one already in the nest was just hangin' out, lookin' around, pickin' at flugg. When the second arrived, the first one just got busy doing housekeeping. Almost too human. lol

Sandi, so glad you had a very good day. Bet the student had a good day, also. Now, look forward to time away from school and time with family and furbabies.

Got much accomplished today. Will make dressing tomorrow. Then, turkey day will be roasting the turkey and warming up sides for us and for the police.

Feet going up for a few.

DanaMo said...

Ah...5 days off for me too! I'm so ready to just hang out at home.
Is it spring yet?
Aric comes home tomorrow. Early flight in. I will leave Hagerstown at 5:30 am. Hopefully air travel will go smooth for him. Andrew is not coming home, although he only lives an hour away. Makes me sad.
I will be cooking and mom and dad will be joining us here.
Happy Thanksgiving if I don't get to check in again.

Lolly said...

All tasks for today accomplished! I was I the kitchen all day! That leaves three pies for tomorrow as well as dressing. The turkey is ready to plop into the oven. We do dressing, not stuffing! Easy dinner tonight and tomorrow Jack is grilling ribs.

Judie said...

Just checking in.

Headed to my recliner to point my toes toward the ceiling. Then I think I'll dent some pillows.

Restful sleep for all.

Mema Jo said...

It is a great night to look up and say GOODNIGHT MOON
It is brilliant and looks so close when it is so full

Sandi - I thought that your BFF had left or at least I hoped she was asked to leave.
Glad you had an excellent day at school and are now ready to start your free time!

Just watched NCIS and it was enjoyable. Not sure if I'll watch anymore TV ..

Going to close down for the day - Hope our Royal Couple is there when I tune in tomorrow morning.

Goodnight to all ♥

stronghunter said...

Hi all,

Crazy day today.

Will try to explain in a bit.

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Snuggled in my bed with the laptop. Kittens are messing around nearby. Cheeto already knocked a lamp over trying to catch a fly. Cheeto and lamp went flying. Fortunately, I was there to grab the lamp before it hit the floor.

I was at the bowling alley this morning when I got a text from Keshia that she had driven herself to the ER, but would need someone to take her home. So, as soon as bowling was over, I went to the hospital where she was resting after having been given pain meds. (Another colitis flare-up.) I waited while she was given more meds. I did know when the meds were working because Keshia actually stopped talking for awhile. Eventually, I took her home--just in time to beat her daughter who was getting off the school bus. Then, we went to get prescriptions filled. By the time I got home, I found that I'd missed taking Hunter to an appointment. Kathryn explained to them that it was an emergency, so maybe we won't have to pay the $50 missed appointment fee.

stronghunter said...

On the good news side of things, my bowling team had a fantastic day. I think we may be in first place next week.

Read back a bit and saw that Judie had asked if I was in a new bridge group since I was meeting new people there. No, it's not a new group. I think the hostess got confused or carried away inviting subs. She invited more than necessary, including a couple of ladies I had never met before. Nice to find people who play the game. They are becoming rare.

stronghunter said...

Nice to see that Jerry checked in. Sorry to read that there has been such serious illness in his family.

It's also good to hear from Dana, Loretta, and all of the regulars on here.

Thanks for the concern about me regarding Paris, Andy. I am most thankful to be safely home. My friend Jeanie just left for Amsterdam yesterday. I hope that she has a safe and enjoyable visit.

I just gained five pounds reading the lists of goodies being cooked in various kitchens where all of you bloggers live.

I will be accompanying family members in traveling up to Northern Virginia where Susan's boyfriend Vince will be preparing a non-traditional Thanksgiving dinner for our enjoyment. I have been asked to provide a salad. I think Kathryn will take a birthday cake for Hunter, as he turns 15 on Saturday.

stronghunter said...

My brain is wearing down, so I will say good night. SED, everyone.

I did enjoy seeing Bindi win DWTS tonight. She is a remarkable young lady.

stronghunter said...

Tomorrow I will gather ingredients for the salad. I've also told Keshia I'll be available if she needs help getting her car from the hospital parking lot.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. Day off you say??? Not here - the 4-legged alarm clocks went off right at 5:30am. All dogs have now been fed and are in their beds sleeping. And here I am at my computer typing. I would probably try going back to sleep but Denny will be getting up in a half hour and I have a dermatologist appt this morning to discuss and schedule the removal of the basal cell carcinoma on my face.

29 degrees outside here - sure did get cold fast!

Shirley, do you know what you'll be eating at this non-traditional Thanksgiving dinner?

Kay, you sound excited to be playing hostess tomorrow.

Jo, will you and Ed be going to a son or daughter's house tomorrow or is everyone coming to you? Can the entire Lennox family even fit into any one house??? I would think not.

Lolly, will both of your kids and their families be at your house tomorrow? You may have said but I don't recall.

Judy, is Walmart open tomorrow and, if so, are you working?

Janet, have been meaning to ask you, what is a chess pie? Never heard of it.

Prayers for all in need, especially Jo and Lynne1's son Dave. Lynne1, will Dave be spending Thanksgiving in the hospital? I hope not.

Have a greyt day all.

JudyEddy said...

good morning

eagle is in the nest

JudyEddy said...

yes walmart is greedy and open there excuse is for people that need food
and NO that is one of my NA days

JudyEddy said...

just sitting there looking out at 12 and I will be leaving in a few probably waiting for the other I think it is Belle

Sandi said...

Both eagles in the nest now. Camera is still in black and white.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Shirley, certainly hope Keisha is better now and also that the $50 no show fee is forgiven. No doubt she is grateful that you could help her out. I remember days of lamps and other items being knocked off tables. I also remember years and years ago that our boy Koko stole a raw shrimp from the counter (I carelessly turned my back) and raced upstairs to devour said shrimp underneath the bed - just out of reach. Anxious to know what will be included in the non-traditional dinner.

Sandi, I admire you for accommodating those furbabies' early schedule and then having the nerve to go back to sleep while you stay awake. I'm sure they are ever so appreciative of your sacrifice. lol

JudyE, glad you don't have to work. I do so dislike the commercialization of Thanksgiving.

Janet, let us know how the Chess pie turns out. I made one some years ago but didn't think I did the best job.

Sandi, Chess pie is a true Southern concoction.

Headed to the scullery. Today's task is dressing and bird brining.

Have a wonderful day everyone.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥ Looks like the weather is going to be wonderful for tomorrow's
festivities. Sandi you are right in wondering how I could get all Lennox family in my house for a meal. Wall to wall persons for sure

We are going out to Jenny's and will be with her family for turkey day early afternoon meal - then we will stop at youngest son's late afternoon to visit. Today we are having
lunch with gd Christine and her family. On Saturday early aftenoon we'll travel towards Catonsville for early turkey dinner with daughter nd her family and Michael & Donna will be there also. Remember we already had turkey dinner with oldest daughter and her family last week. I think we have all the kids covered.

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

Wow, JO, another benefit of having a large family---it takes several different days and households to get a holiday celebrated the right way! Enjoy each banquet to the Fullest!☺

SHIRLEY, so glad you were there for Keisha and hope Hunter's missed appt. won't be costly.

As I recall Chess Pie is kind of a blond version of pecan pie---no nuts, a custard pie with a crust that is very short n' tasty with some cornmeal in the mix. It has nothing to do with the game, but comes from some old England saying about pie chests???? We'll see what JANET says--I'm sure there are several different variations on the theme, depending on what part of the country one lives in.

SANDI, Julie is the hostess tomorrow. I supplied the centerpiece and will be taking fresh rolls and my family recipe of cornbread dressing as my contribution. This evening I'll be at her house when Lee's family arrives from NJ and we'll all enjoy a Burrito Buffet together. I kind of hope we get into one of Beth's pies ahead of time, too. My dil can sure bake a pie and this is one of those occasions when I allow myself a wee sliver. I am excited, that's for sure!

JUDY, glad you won't be expected to go in to work Thursday or Friday.

JUDIE, are you fixin' turkey n' all the trimmings for you n' Darth?

Time to get a move on around here.....

Prayers for all in need and prayers of thanks for all I've been blessed with!!!


Janet said...

Good morning to all.
SANDI: Chess pie (I had never heard of it til tom wantedone) is a very southern, very sweet pie. The “innards” are : eggs, sugar, 1 T cornmeal, 1T white vinegar, vanilla and evaporated milk. It is similar I am told to a butter milk pie, which is the next one he would like for me to make.

Personally, I think its an old recipie that says: hmmm, I’m plumb out of ingredients, what I can I make with this? I have made it but never tried it… just doesn’t appeal to me.
Well, my pies are complete and the autumn cheesecake is done. Today is prep the bird, dressing, make the deviled eggs, and start the collards. Not too much. Oh and make a batch of sausage cheese balls for uis in the a.m. I do like to watch the parades and goodness knows I don’t want to be bothered with people wanting breakfast…lol JK
My fourth day off. It has been nice. I have to admit though, I used to do all this stuff in about 24 hours. Now I am glad to spread it all out.
Tom is going to start working on my mazda tomorrow. The PCV valve looks to be a bear to get to…..and then hoping that it INDEED the issue.
I got a text from my oldest last night. I sent a pumpkin pie home with her hubby….he works almost directly across the street, so its easy enough to send things home via him. Anyway, she texts me last night (again) to say thank you and I love you and mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yum.    I love making my kids happy.
Michael and niki also got a pie Monday night and each ate 2 pieces of it Monday night. Lol.
Not a lot going on at the moment. Its warmish, in the 50’s so windows will be open again today as the oven goes on for the long haul. I have enjoyed these days off, the weather has been cool and beautiful and I have taken my time and enjoyed my time.
JUDYE: I had to laugh yesterday. You know I never learned to fully speak German via mom. I have a few phrases that comes to me now and again and a few words. In fact, I don’t even understand much of it anymore. But yesterday when I was looking for my glasses, guess what popped into my head, for the first time ever, I guess? IN GERMAN: where are my glasses? I could almost hear mom saying it and I laughed and said it out loud myself. Tom looked at my and said what? It was funny.
The brain is a marvelous thing.
Love and hugs to all. If you are traveling, be safe today. Lots of crazy distracted folk out there.
Holding each of you close. Will check in later!

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Slept in really late this morning. I had difficulty sleeping during the night, and I was surprised how late it was when I finally woke up. Both kitties were snuggled in my bed.

Vince's dinner includes a lamb dish. I will have to check Susan's message for more details on that. I think I will pick up some Suddenly Salad packages, but I am thinking that I would like to make a Waldorf salad as well. I know Hunter and Kathryn really like the Suddenly Salad. The Waldorf is something my mother made and I have continued.

In past years, back when we celebrated Thanksgiving with Tom's family, I used to fix a turkey on the Sunday after Thanksgiving, so I think I might get a turkey breast and fix my usual dressing dish for Sunday. I do like to have leftover turkey for sandwiches.

Reading Lolly's comment about the canned cranberry sauce, I will have to say that I like it as well. In the past, my children haven't been fond of any kind of cranberry dish, so I would pick up a small container for myself. I have already bought a can of the stuff. I like the sweet-tart combination with turkey. Also like sliced dill pickles for turkey sandwiches. Another favorite of my mother was Russian tea, so I usually fix that for this time of year.

stronghunter said...

The nest looks like it is becoming more and more ready for new babies. Lots of buffering right now.

JudyEddy said...

Good afternoon eagle buds 1221 punch time and oh my the store is a mad mad mad house

hope everyone is having a good day in no matter what they are doing

JudyEddy said...

SIS I think that was mom channeling to you with the words
I am the same don't know to many words just a few I sure wish it was taught in school Mom was mad that we took French or Spanish but like I told her they didn't teach it then

JudyEddy said...

If I would work on the holiday you can get 25% of the total of one purchase (items unlimited) But to me its not worth it some people do it
As a bonus for Christmas we get 10% off everything till Jan 1 from Nov 18 that is nice especially on food Normally we only get it on produce not other foods and naturally on everything else is 10% all year

JudyEddy said...

11 more days till the cruise

JudyEddy said...

silly question

I have a new debit card and it has the chip in it

OK DO I slide it of insert the chip??
Yesterday I inserted it and it ask for my signature like it was a charge, no problem but when I just returned some lights I bought the service desk person said we have to put it back on your card But then she said no it says you get cash back I showed her the card says DEBIT just wondering The bank told me to use the chip part but thought odd had to sign Any input would be appreciated

JudyEddy said...

I have to get dinner rolls dern it forgot last night and I was going to get soomething else but left the list at the house I guess not in my pants pocket like I thought hope it comes back to me since I don't want to go to a store after I leave here Funny at the neighborhood markets they aren't as busy as we are I went the other night and there were only maybe a couple of people there

Sandi said...

Hi all - home from the dermatologist. he explained the Mohs surgery he will be doing to remove the basal cell on my face. He does the removal and then a plastic surgeon who works in the same practice, does the closing up. He also took a look at the basal cell that my previous dermatologist removed from my forehead (this is the guy who was still practicing while he was on probation and who has now lost his license). This doctor pronounced that he did not think the entire cancer had been removed so he did another biopsy! If the biopsy comes back positive, then he will do the Mohs surgery on both spots at the same time.

The surgery is scheduled for January 5th, which means I'll go back to work for 1 day after Christmas break and then I'll take the rest of the week off. I have been warned by a friend who has had Mohs surgery on her face that I will look like "a bothched facelift" for several days afterward (her words) so I'm not going to school looking like that! Thank goodness I have all of these sick days, right??

Took Janey out in the yard and left her on-leash until she took care of business, which she did pretty quickly. Then I unclipped her leash and let her run a few laps in the yard, then clipped the leash back on and took her for a walk as her reward. The temps now are in the upper 50s and it's sunny with no wind - a beautiful fall day!

And now I think it;s time for me to do what all 3 dogs are doing - taking their early afternoon naps! Later!

glo said...

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. No matter how you spend it or who you are with, take time to count your blessings on that day. You all are among the blessings I count all year through. Truly.

stronghunter said...

Judie, I think that some stores do not have the chip reader yet, so how you use the card depends on their equipment.

stronghunter said...

Sorry--I meant to say Judy.

grannyblt said...

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.

Shirley, I'm not familiar with Russian tea. I am familiar with turkey leftovers. We always had the big meal at my In-laws house, but I always made a turkey dinner for us so we could have leftovers. I'm not sure exactly what my plans for tomorrow will be. My guest is not feeling well, so I'll wait until morning to know. I may just go ahead and cook and deliver to her. Glad I wasn't planning the usual variety of desserts and side dishes this year.

Missed any nest visits this morning but will try to catch anything this evening.

Dave may be coming home from the hospital today if they can find a visiting nurse for tomorrow. Thanks to everyone for their prayers.

stronghunter said...

Russian Tea Recipe

Never have used cardamom, but the other ingredients are the same.

Sandi said...

1 eagle in the nest.

Mema Jo said...

Looks like Belle in the nest

Mema Jo said...

Egg cup being filled with our eagle........ ♥

JudyEddy said...

DID you notice that when Shep flew in to attic she started to work

JudyEddy said...

got home and one was in nest been doing snips and I got his fly in to the attic


Mema Jo said...


Mema Jo said...

Our lunch with the Christine and family from VA was a great get-together.
Lots of photos on FB for you to enjoy. That's one bunch down and about three more
bunches to go! Blessed Be.

Hallmark has NEW 8-10 movie I plan to watch. Sounds like most of you have your dinners
well planned if not all those sweets finished. Prayers for all to enjoy your day and count your many blessings. So happy to be thankful for all my friends.

I won't return so I am wishing all of you a Goodnight ♥

JudyEddy said...

we lost another associate at work to cancer she was only 58 and had pancreatic cancer I had worked with her for 20 years to many have gone at work Count your blessing and your friends keep close to heart

I got street signs to prove I am not a robot but I just clicked publish without proving So many I am a robot LOL I took a snip of it ODD

Judie said...

Dinner over. Scullery in order. Only a few things for tomorrow such as roasting a turkey. All things ready for those who serve and protect.

Tired now. Headed to my recliner. Feet going up after shoes come off.

JudyE, condolences on the death of yet another coworker.

Lynne1, hope Dave is home and a visiting nurse has been scheduled. Hopefully, your friend will feel better by tomorrow. If not, a delayed turkey day is perfectly fine. It's the being together that's important.

Shirley, I had never heard of Russian Tea. Sounds good. Please be sure to save some energy to let us know how the non-traditional dinner tastes.

Jo, so happy you had a lovely time with Christine and her family. How are they doing in their new home? Happy I hope.

Sandi, seems as if you have the basil cells headed for oblivion. Prayers, of course.

Oooooh, I bet Kay is having fun with all the arriving family. She's going to have a lovely day of thanksgiving.

Should my eyelids fall down asleep, restful sleep for all.

Janet said...

good evening to all….

JUDYE: I thought the same thing. Lol. I took Spanish, only because I didn’t want mom correcting me on whatever the teacher taught me incorrectly in German. *sigh* to say she was angry with me was a massive understatement……
And, btw, I stunk @ Spanish. I can ask where the bathroom is….and I can order food.
So sorry about your co worker. Everyday is a gift…..
I have finished up what I need to do for tomorrow, but managed to drop the 3rd pumpkin pie UPSIDE DOWN on the floor…..oops. Well, durn. I’ll bake another one next week. We have pecan, chess and the cheesecake. Chelsea is bringing chocolate cup cakes.

I have stollen baking. I have made jello shots.

I feel accomplished. Hope everyone has a good evening! hugs

Hoda said...

Happy Thanksgiving.
Wishing you the knowing of gratitude and wellness.

Did anyone else get a spam note from this site about a destitute woman who had her money stolen? A link is provided to a person who helped her?
Be aware.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends - Happy Thanksgiving!

Hoda, good to see you on the blog but why were you up so early?? Yes, I got that same spam email.

I am going to try going back to sleep, just like the dogs have done.

We are headed to my sister's in Baltimore - if I don't hop back onto the blog before we leave, I will wish everyone a wonderful day filled with good food and great time with family, friends, and/or neighbors. We all have much to be thankful for, today and every day

DanaMo said...

Happy Thanksgiving to all my eagle friends! Have a great day. Safe travels and don't eat too much!

DanaMo said...

1 eagle in the nest. Not sure which one it is.

NCSuzan said...

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

What a spectacular visit we are having this morning.

Judie, were you able to see PPO pics?

Shirley, I love Russian tea. I add a box of apricot jello to my mix. Yummy!

Have a great day all.

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