Monday, June 29, 2015


New thread.


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JudyEddy said...

BUT I do hear the juvie calling out must be on stump or in attic

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. Nest looks MT but I think 1 is on the stump - I saw a glimpse of some feathers a minute ago before I lost the live feed and I can hear him/her calling.

Lolly, you're in a tough position. Plus you have Jacob by himself instead of with Joseph to keep him doing things. Good luck with Jacob this week.

Janet, how goes it with the grandkids at your house?

Glo, good news about Zoey; I hope she continues to improve. I know nothing about pancreatitus - is it curable or just treatable? How does it affect the liver?

Lynne1, a new litter of kittens at your house, eh? How exciting! What will you do with them?

Jo, prayers continue for you - how are you feeling?

We spent the day yesterday decorating the boat for the town boat parade. We had a rainbow made of foam pool noodles and a giant cauldron at the end with gold coins and everyone on board was dressed to be Irish - Michael, my almost 11 year old nephew was our dancing leprechaun. We took the prize for "Funniest" boat.

Tennis this AM and then we are headed to the beach. Have agreat day all.

Sandi said...

White tail is in the nest. Looking up into the tree occasionally and calling softly.

Janet said...

morning to all. I have had almost 30 min to myself so far! I like my morning bubble.

SANDI: saw the boat pix. it was awesome! great job!
LOLLY: hang tough. you got this. my theory, they may pretend not to hear you, but keep talking, they are listening.

HI JUDYE. and good MONDAY morning to EVEYRONE!

well, Tom has calmed down. he was quite a stress puppy for a few days prior to the kids arrival. he was my biggest stressor.

we had our moments yesterday; they are kids and they do bicker. but over all, on a scale of A to F, yesterday was an A-. everyone ate. everyone played. l managed a small nap on the sofa thanks to tom. and we made it with everyone in 1 piece at the end of the day.

today: after breakfast, we are going to watch the movie jack & I rented yesterday, then the plan is the park. probably the pool later on.

tom has PT today and Olivia has her allergy shot.

I made that oatmeal crème pie ice cream last night and it is really good, but really SWEET. Next time I will crumble up all of the pies as they freeze really hard and are difficult to cut thru. but it was yummy.

let's see, sat we did burgers and dogs on the grill. last night was pasta night (fruit always available and everyone is encouraged to eat a lot of it instead of doing the veggie fight) and so tonight will be pepperoni rolls.

hugs to all. have a super day!

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Been busy and away from home. Hope everyone is well. Will give details later.

Judie said...

Good morning everyone.

Seems as if most everyone had a fun weekend in spite of some hiccups along the way.

Wondered about Shirley. Hope she makes a visit today.

MT nest when I checked.

Wishing everyone the best day possible.

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

Happy to hear that most things went well for y'all over the big holiday weekend! Some grandchild challenges here and there, but love conquers all!

SANDI, congrats to the whole family---Funniest Boat is a great category in which to win!

SHIRLEY, looking forward to those details! Inquiring minds and all that jazz!

JUDIE, wishing you "the best day possible", too!

Penny and I are having a very laid back morning and I feel sure Malcolm is, too. Fun times together, but we're all happy to have our "normal lives" back at the end of these vacation times.

Prayers for all in need!!!


JO same sentiments go out to you with prayers included!

stronghunter said...

Good morning again,

Empty nest. Breezy there.

Went to Val's last night, as we were to see fireworks. Val had reserved a table on the deck of the club in her gated community. We thought we'd have a nice dinner and enjoy the show. Oh my, the good Lord had other plans. At first, it was only a bit of rain, and we felt okay under the umbrella. Then the storm hit. Val and I ended up spending the night at her house and dining on watermelon and popcorn.

Today is Hunter's first day of Y-Camp. Looks like there could be more storms, but they have a nice indoor area, so he should be fine.

Kittens are to be with us this weekend.

Will have to check out the boat pictures, Sandi.

Good that it was an A- day, Janet. With kids, that is a winner.

So, is there some foraging in your future today, Judie?

stronghunter said...

Expecting a visit from Val's son sometime today. He does home improvements, and I have some small jobs that need taken care of.

Hoping that I do not scare anyone today. I looked in the mirror a few days ago to see that one of my eyes is blood red. It concerned me enough that I went to a nearby emergency clinic. They said that it's just a broken blood vessel and will heal in 2-3 weeks, but that I should see my eye doctor. I did that and he said the same thing. However, in the meantime, I look scary.

stronghunter said...

Hearing juvie cries at the nest.

stronghunter said...

White Tail in.

stronghunter said...

Crying pitifully.

JudyEddy said...

On lunch and I see one in the nest

Lolly said...

Went out to water pots, pulled some fern and now I am drenched in sweat. 88 but high humidity!

Sorry, Shirley! Wear sunglasses!

Heading to the movie this afternoon.

Boat parade sounds like fun! Saw the pictures.

Looked at the nest. Looks like part of an eagle in view on the stump.

Judie said...

Good afternoon.

Nest MT. Windy there. Wind increasing here along with darkening sky.

Shirley, what fun. A girls' night sleepover replete with popcorn and watermelon. Yum!
Now, about that eye -- just what did you and Val REALLY get into? Back in the day, some disco bars had popcorn machines. lol Seriously, hope the eye heals quickly. Hoping Val's son is able to help with the jobs you need done and Hunter had a good first day of camp.

Sandi, thank you for pictures of "the funniest boat" and the really beautiful family. Gone into my "save" file.

Did a few easy chores today along with some laundry. Foraging is on tomorrow's agenda.

JudyEddy said...

HOME from work and I hear one juvie must be in the attic lots of calling out or crying out I should say and I hate the live feed won't stay up but a few min

JudyEddy said...

Got a nice letter from NCTC todays mail

JudyEddy said...

got the results of my mamo in the mail NORMAL always good to hear

JudyEddy said...

SHIRLEY so sorry about the eyeball and I have know several people with the same issue over the years x hubby as one of them

Mema Jo said...

Hi There! I can't believe that I forgot to come here this morning! Sorry I missed all of your comments. I did have dr appointment today and wow! as we rode to the office
the sky broke loose - I thought we were going to have to pull over. I guess it was about
5 miles worth of rain...blinding rain.

I do appreciate your positive thoughts and prayers as I have successfully finished off
3 days of chemo and today was the shot to help my immune system. ALL IS WELL

Shirley get your pirate's eye patch out ! Ok Matey ?

I do have a tv show tonight - Major Crimes. I'll be glad when some of my favorites get NEW ones.

Lolly said...

Disney's Inside Out was cute! Jacob attitude is still getting the best of me! Groan! I am too old for this!

JudyEddy said...

I hear a juvie in the attic making a ruckus again

LOLLY shall we say boys will be boys and glad the movie was good I want to take Jordyn this week I am off Wed also so will have 3 days to do something if she wants

glo said...

Well the blood tests are back. BUN Blood Urea Nitrogen level is going down and that is good.. BUT her liver enzymes are going in the wrong direction. I do not know what to think. She does seem to feel a little better to me. She did get fluids today and I will bring her back for more fluids tomorrow. She remains on all of her meds. I am trying to not feel discouraged but after a week I would think the liver would be responding too. Vet said she was going to talk to one of her friends who is a specialist and run the results by him. Thank you for your continued support and encouragement.

Judie said...

MT nest.

Jo, had a strong storm here this afternoon. Lots of rain and high wind. Have a limb down in the backyard. Happy to read that you are feeling okay and made it to "shot" time today.

Lolly, maybe Jacob just needs to be Jacob for right now? Maybe he misses his parents and brother?

Glo, we are all concerned for Zoey and are sending our strongest kitty wishes for her complete recovery. Hopefully, the vet collaboration will result in a successful plan for recovery.

Headed to watch some crime on tv. then to the pillows.

Sandperson will be on the way before 10pm. Restful sleep for all.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang!
Dropping in quickly to let you know all is well at this roost. Yesterday we drove up to Hollywood to see Grauman's Chinese Theater. Checked out all the foot-and-handprints. They have removed Lucille Ball's prints! Not sure why, or for how long. Minor repairs, maybe. We walked down Hollywood Blvd. about 10 or 11 blocks, and ate lunch at Tommy's Burgers. Found out that they started business when I was 6 months old! Delicious food! Then we walked 10 or 11 blocks back to where we parked the cars. Got over 12,000 steps in yesterday!

Better run--the kids just got home from a day at Newport Beach. They are going to Jen's friend Cari's in Corona for dinner and to see her home improvements. She and her husband & 2 kids had a slab leak too, and now have a remodeled kitchen!

Glo, still praying for Zoey, and hoping for more improvement. Good the BUN numbers are better.

Shirley, hope your eye improves quickly! Awesome that you have 2 kitties to look forward to!

Jo, glad the chemo is finished. Hope you're feeling fine. Prayers continue!

Better go now. Will be back when I can. Have a good day! I ♥ us!!!

JudyEddy said...

MT nest but we have eaglet squawking in the attic

grannyblt said...

Good evening . I was coming on the blog to say just what JudyE said. MT nest but nearby beggar

For those of you not on FB, my stray kitty had two gray tabby kittens this morning. This mama cat had been sleeping under my porch for a month or so and had figured how to use the pet door and would come inside to eat the dry cat food and use the litter box. When I realized she was expecting, I got her the Vet and she at least got a rabies shot and worm meds. I knew if she had the kittens under the porch, they would be somewhat feral and hard to place, so she's been inside for a week with no problem. My cat Wm isn't especially thrilled, but I've managed to keep them apart somewhat.

Reading all the posts and keeping up with everyone 's adventures.
SED to all.

stronghunter said...

Hopping on to say good night. Very comfy settled in my bed with the laptop. SED, everyone.

Hang in there with the 10-year-old, Lolly. I am sure you know he is taking in what you are saying even when he does not seem to be hearing you.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Shirley, you're right! Don't know HOW many times Ken and I have said to Jen, "Wow, you really DID listen to what we said, didn't you?!" She's passing it on to the next generation. Hang in there, Lolly. Maybe it's just a 'phase'.

Lynne1, congrats on the new grandkitties! Nice that your cat is tolerating the invasion of Mama & babies.

Oh, golly! I forgot to say this earlier: Happy Belated Anniversary to Bev & Tom! Hope it was a really special day for you two!

Well, have a couple of recorded TV programs I need to watch. Hope everyone has a spectacular night's sleep, with SED. Goodnight, and God bless! I ♥ us!! (Ken & Emma say goodnight, too.)

JudyEddy said...

Good morning adult landed to fast to get snip just as I was startting to type and of course pia live feed keeps going out

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. I see 1 juvie in the nest with his/her wings spread (protecting food) and I can hear #2 in the tree.

Judy, my live feed only stayed on for a minute but once I reloaded the page, it's been running fine.

Lynne1, congrats on the new additions. Too bad Kathryn has already selected 2 kittens or you and Shirley could hook up in about 8 weeks and give those 2 a home!

Jo, loved the article about Christine, Patrick, and Samantha's house - thanks for sending it out!

Lolly & Janet, how was your day yesterday with the grandkids?

I spent yesterday afternoon at the beach. Brian and Lynnis bought a pool for Freyja and she spent the afternoon playing in it with ocean water and sand toys. Then we went out to dinner in Fenwick with Brian, Lynnis and Freyja b/c Brian wanted some seafood. Today they head back to WV - we will hopefully drive to WV to see them one more time before they leave for Mexico.

Today is supposed to be very hot and humid - heat index near 100. Nothing planned for me, not even tennis.

Juvie in the nest hasn't eaten anything so maybe s/he is just cooling off with those wings spread. The other is still squawking in the tree. I also hear another bird that I don't recognize.

Have agreat day all.

Judie said...

MT nest. Tail feathers on the limb. Plaintive cries of hunger.

Lynne, congratulations. Hope kitty and family are doing well. You certainly have done much to care for them. Hope they thrive. Maybe William to take to being a foster dad.

Hi Andy. Glad you all are having much fun together. Enjoy!

Jo, very much enjoyed the article about Habitat. Thank you.

Sandi, glad you had a fun day yesterday and a nice dinner out.

Foraging on the agenda today.

Hope everyone has a truly wonderful day.

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

One dear Juvie basking in the sunshine--perhaps plotzt out due to big meal a bit earlier??? Occasional cheeping.

Hello to Tuesday's early birds! No need for me to add to your good comments on previous postings! Just call me Ditto!

Nuttin' new in these parts and that's a good thing!

Prayers for all in need!!!


Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all on this Tues - I think I need to purchase some Lotto tickets - I just could get Lucky for a change ♥
It is another Hot one today - I plan to stay inside. I am feeling well but I sure don't care for High Humidity
Jenny just stopped by with Red Raspberries for her dad. They grow wild on her property. The black raspberries haven't been too abundant this summer.

I had sent a magazine article link which was an interview with ggd, Samantha, to those not on FB. Here it is in case you missed it on my FB page.

Sandi the video of the boat parade was great - for sure your Boat Float was the Best!

Prayers for Glo as she is still nursing Zoey!

Lolly - no advice for a 10 year old - I suspect that he is missing his family and feels left out of their special events. Don't become too upset with him - Keep him busy but give him some free time...... Maybe ask him to plan one of your days.

Lynne - your 2 new kittens are very cute! Glad you were able to get her into the house.

Kay - Glad to hear you are going to stay inside except for dog walks today

Early this am we had fog here in the valley.

Judie - I think your storm was the one we were driving through yesterday. Hope there isn't too much yard work to do..

Lunch Time - BBL

JudyEddy said...

HELLO on lunch and I hear a eaglet crying out

Barbara said...

One juvie is sitting at 11 and hollering loudly! Hey, kid, it's time to learn how to do your own grocery shopping!!!

Mema Jo said...

You tell them, Barbara ! It is so time for them to do that!
I don't think we have ever had Juvies stick around this long waiting to be fed !

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Judie said...

Returned from successful foraging.

White tail is resting quietly in the nest.

Horribly humid outside today. Not going back out. Not even to teach the juvies how to forage!

Jo, glad you're feeling okay and also glad you're staying inside. You can amuse yourself by snitching some of Ed's raspberries. Next time you see Jenny, give her a hello from me, please.

Hoping little Zoey is improving by the minute. If Glo posts on FB but not here, please let me and Kay know.

Okay, salad and salmon for dinner. Soon to the scullery.

JudyEddy said...

my delete

Interview Q & A onOzzie fromCROW

there was a part one and two but I discovered part two is part one with 5 more min don't know if they were aware it was a dup

JudyEddy said...

our eaglets last year were at the nest but that was when we had the different camera view of the tree remember I am getting picture of them on the new Facebook feature ON THIS DAY which I love that feature brings back memories of all sort of stuff

JudyEddy said...

sure is making a big commotion calling for take out or home delivery

Janet said...

good late afternoon all.

yesterday was a little more stressful; think I was just really tired. we did go to the park and they played for a long time. we did the pool of course and for dinner I made pepperoni rolls. then we played ladder ball and washer toss.

everyone slept well and slept in; including me. tom got up with the dogs and let me sleep. that helped me the most.

amazing how tired I get! but I love making these memories with this young en.s

Chelsea called via Skype yesterday and chatted for a bit with the kids. they are having a blast.

today was stay home day. pancakes and bacon for breakfast. I made up some salt clay for a project later and some pico de gallo to go with dinner. livvy and tom mowed the yard.

the kids and I walked down to aldis to get a couple things for dinner. still have to go get milk and the red box movie.

I went to the chrio today.

dinner : taco/quesadilla night. jack is most excited as he loves tacos.

we played in the pool for a couple of hours. maybe more later? not sure. right now lorelei is sleeping in my lap. I let her take a late nap and stay up a little late, but she sleeps well and sleeps later in the a.m.

after reading comments, everyone sounds pretty well today. i'm glad. I need to get busy here shortly. i'll try to pop in later. (((hugs))))

JudyEddy said...

white tail is still in the nest and calling out

JudyEddy said...

big shake on cam had white one looks up with beak open yelling

Lolly said...

Just saw a Juvie in the nest. First time in a long time for me to be there at the right time! Auto correct just changed Juvie to Judie. Should have left it! 😜

Dinner is about ready. Had a good day today. We went to Omni to see the I ax movie on Robots. Jacob enjoyed it. Going to mow tomorrow and going to let Jacob do some of the mowing. He is looking forward to riding the mower. He rides it now but has never mowed.

A chance of rain tonight and I would welcome a half inch or so. Back yard is drying out! Yea!

Judie said...

Dinner is over. Scullery is restored to order.

Thinking of Glo and Zoey. Hoping all is well,literally.

Headed to put my feet up.

Sandperson is packing a satchel. Departure at 11pm.

Restful sleep for all.

JudyEddy said...

Juvie finally left the nest all is quiet was there for the longest time

Lynne2 said...

Evening all! Whew, been busy, and working lots of extra hours this week due to covering shifts for vacation takers.

Little excitement around here yesterday. For those who are not on FB we had a TERRIBLE storm yesterday evening, transmitter blew, flames, too close to the barn, frantic call to 911, thank God it was raining so hard because it put the fire out. Generator on for the kennel, generator off because the fireman said CARBON MONOXIDE in our apt. and the kennel!! Opened all the doors and windows, levels came back down pretty quick. Everyone is fine! BGE came in an hour, we have power again! But they did have to come back with a new transmitter which they replaced quickly.

Not sure about the sale of the's been postponed and I have not heard anything new. The new closing date is Thus.

Glad everyone has been having a good weekend! Well, mostly....

Lynne2 said...

Highlight of our day at work....coming in to find a cat, in a cage, on the porch with a note saying the owner couldn't care for it anymore. It had been left sometime after closing last night, and it was soaking wet from the rain we had. The cat is at least 13 - 16 years old.....

Mema Jo said...

I did watch some TV this evening with hubby.
Now it is time to hit the pillows after the News.

Goodnight to all ♥

God bless and keep you through the night ♥

JudyEddy said...

$3,750.00 75% on the cam fund

JudyEddy said...

Security system is armed please be sure to use your code if out past curfew

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Janet said...

made it thru Tuesday. stay at home day. its been lovely! good night to all!

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. Nest is MT but at least 1 juvie is in the tree or on the stump.

Lolly & Janet, keep on keepin' on. Babysitting grandchildren reminds us of why we're supposed to have children at a young age, right? They're exhausting!

Jo, healing prayers continue for you.

Glo, prayers for Zoey that her liver is functioning better and she is able to heal at home with you.

Brian, Lynnis, Freyja & 2 dogs departed yesterday. I spent the day indoors cleaning bathrooms, dusting, vacuuming, washing sheets and blankets and remaking the bed for our fiends who are arriving this morning with their daughter (Madeline's age). Sometimes it feels like owning a bed & breakfast!

Brian has gotten their departure date - August 3rd. He will actually leave for Mexico next week and start getting acclimated to his job, then return on 7/21. The pack-out dates for their house are 7/21-7/23 - we will see them one last time then and help with the packing. Then Brian will return to Mexico and Lynnis and Freyja and the dogs will live in a hotel until 8/3 when Brian will fly back and they all will fly to Mexico. They seem very excited and not at all concerned that Freyja will grow up without grandparents nearby. Brian keeps saying, "It's only a 4-hour flight to come and visit us." Yeah, but MUCH more than a tank of gas!! It's not like we will visit for the weekend once a month. Oh well, it is what it is.

Tennis for me at 8am - it's 80 degrees and about 90% humidity already! At least the tennis allows me to eat whatever I want b/c I burn off the calories! Then I guess we will hit the beach. I think that strong thunderstorms are coming through this evening.

Have agreat day all.

Sandi said...

Lots of squawking in the tree and white tail lands in the nest. Now 1 calling out in the nest and the other calling from the tree.

Judie said...

Good morning.

MT nest.

Sandi, for some reason I thought the Mexico move would be relatively short-term. No? Perhaps they are just caught up in the move and have not yet realized how difficult visiting may become. Maybe they think Skype will suffice? Well, enjoy the friends and the beach this afternoon.

Headed out t his morning to get the "do" did. Then staying inside. Humidity is dreadful and the sky looks stormy.

Thinking of Jo - stay inside if you can.

Thinking of Glo and Zoey. Hope Zoey is getting well.

Thinking of Kay and going out to walk Penny.

Thinking of everyone and wishing every one a wonderful day.

Judie said...

Oh, doing a Margy.

Hope all is well at the Lynne2 roost with an all clear for the apt. and the barn. Hoping the abandoned kitty finds a loving home. May the sale proceed with all due haste!

Hope Lynne1's mother cat and her kittens are doing well and making friends with Wm.

Maybe Shirley will check in with some Hunter-at-Camp stories.

Okay, bye

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

SANDI looking for the info on renting your BNB LOL

and I also concur grandkids are exhausting but fun and poor Angie she was 39 when she had Jordyn when she has gk she will be more exhausted lol

Day off today New boss doesn't believe in getting the holiday pay and the extra day pay 40 hr is 40 hr no xtra pay so be it
He is the boss
We have gone through I believe 13 store managers in 25 yrs of being open

JudyEddy said...

nest is MT 77° at the nest that sounds so nice doesn't it

naturally we are hot hot hot rain chance is slim to cool us off for the next couple of days bummer inland is getting most of the storms and rain maybe we will get another pattern change and get some rain Can only hope

heading out for a bit

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

JUDY, each store manager sets holiday and overtime pay policy for his/her own WalMart? Jordyn's birth was a blessed event for your family, but I can understand Angie's being tired a lot of the time. Yes, she'll find grands exhausting at times, but a joy always!

JUDIE, you always do a wonderful rundown on our Momster happenings and I agree with every one of your comments! I have the same concerns about the kitties at the homes/workplaces of GLO, LYNNE1 and LYNNE2, Hoping for updates soon!

SANDI, my heart aches for you as I think of Brian's family winging their way to Mexico for an extensive tour of duty. Of course, it is to be expected with his line of work, but so hard to think of Freyja being that far away. Hope you can get down there many times and as JUDIE indicated, SKYPE will help a lot. Twill be a great place to visit, especially with personal tour guides! Are Lynnis and Brian renting their WV place and animals out or have they sold it?

Yep, I'm going to be sticking close to my air conditioned home as long as the rains continue and there is no end in sight--forecast shows storms for the next 10 days. Sounds like JO n' JUDIE are in the same boat. The Welcome sign is out for others who may need to climb aboard!

I hope our Juvie's are out there learning to fend for themselves at last!

Prayers for all Momster's, Dadsters, Kidsters and Petsters!!!


Sandi said...

Home from tennis - very sweaty morning on the courts!

Judie ... Brian, Lynnis, & Freyja will be living in Mexico for 3 years. That's not long in the span of a lifetime but it's a long time to only be be able to hug and kiss your grandchild maybe twice a year. Once they move, we will see them for probably 2-3 days at Christmas time and then not again until after I retire and we can fly there. Maybe we can go during spring break next year.

Gotta shower - bye!

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥

I see one in the nest =- I suppose waiting for late breakfast or an early lunch.
Well as I watch I think there is something there already to eat - I have no idea from where it came! lol They are going on 16 weeks - WOW sure is time to fly off into the
blue thermals.

Thanks Judy for checking and reporting to all on the blog concerning the new cam equipment donations. We are only $250 shy of the $5000 goal.

Here are 2 links of our delightful juvies captured by Deb Stecyk

14 Week Old Juvenile Eagles Fight & Scuffle at Nest - July 7 2015 - NCTC Eagles

Juvenile Eagle Vocals & Calls - 14 Weeks Old - July 7 2015 - NCTC Nest

I'm not sure why I posted those links due to all of you having access to them in the comments of the Outdoor eagle Cam. ???????

Mema Jo said...

Here is Glo's Update on Zoey for today:
Zoey UPDATE: We headed in first thing this am It is Her Vet's BIRTHDAY but she was to get some fluids. I said I really think maybe a vet needs to listen to her. Other vet was in surgery so the fill in vet from emergency care was there and going to check her out as today she is running a fever. Not real high but enough to pay attention to. After checking her out decision is made to give her fluids and just watch. If increase congestion or seems to feel worse, bring her in later today for x-ray. Next thing I know MY VET is there. "I had to come and check on my Zoey, myself". So she was seen twice. Did I mention how much LOVE MY VET. We are home now having had fluids. She ate well when we got home so that is encouraging. I can call my vet anytime if something happens that concerns me. Otherwise continue meds as they are and see her Friday.

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

LOL JO we both had the same idea 2min while I was doing mine you posted yours SHOWS YOU GREAT MINDS THINK ALIKE LOL

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

I got my new shoes in the mail I went last week they always have buy one get one half off I really didn't want to order to deliver but no choice when they don't have your same style shoe or size
so I got them and I love them but I did order two different sizes just in case the style was differ from my last pair (half size difference) and the color not my choosing but I love the feel and the fit and that is all that count I just don't look down as often LOL
SO now I need to go to Shoe Carnival and take the larger half size back and order the right size OR JUST get $ back and see if the color changes in 6 months or so HMMMM decisions

Mema Jo said...

Well Judy I guess you just didn't read before posting. I've done the same thing and then I usually delete my comment. lol Are you off today? Doing something with Jordyn?

Has anyone seen the item that is being eaten - taking s/he forever and I really think
it must be something that needs de-furred or de-feathered. I really have not seen any meat come off yet - don't believe it is a fish or even a turtle.
Holler if you get to see it!

Mema Jo said...

Juvie is gone - I really don't think I see any food - perhaps s/he took it ♥

JudyEddy said...

KAY Yep each store is its own entity of sorts PAYROLL running expenses
IF store mgr can control its more in his pocket in the long run and the mgmt staff also
The next pay period every one was cut 2 hr 38 instead of 40
I know of lots of people being called in to office again and it seems its the long time people
trying to trim the fat as always
NEXT week I am turning in a change of availability to them taking Sat away so I will the off THUR FRI AND SAT
4 days 32 hours a week will be fine as I start getting my OLD LADIES PENSION in Aug LOL and I do believe the are not bothering me because they know I am retiring but the first of the year As long as I maintain 28 hrs I will keep my full time status

I do believe this SM is a AX man of sort as we had in the past They seem to be pulling files and looking for reason to write people up AGAIN
ITs just big corporation are running things only for the business as they all do now days- no family operated caring place left anymore

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

I saw a feather tip on the stump just as I was typing also

YEP JO day off because of the holiday pay

I haven't seen any food yet

JudyEddy said...

OK gonna head out to shoe store

and yelping still coming from juvie

Mema Jo said...

WOW WOW WOW This comment is from Deb Stecyk !

Believe this: The donation for the balance of 285 was just made ... i believe we have now reached our goal ... woo hoo thanks to everyone that donated ... we did it woo hoo!!

I say that I love being part pf a winning team

Mema Jo said...

The friends of NCTC in a phone conversation a few minutes ago said that their
treasurer will be updating their Donation chart this evening when they have a

Collected: $4,035.00 - 81% - Add on the $1000 donation from the community
Goal: $5,000.00

$5035 is the total that should be shown - check it out tomorrow

JudyEddy said...

Here are my plans Angie was suppose to call last night but just got the plans in motion
I will pick up Jordyn at 11 at camp tomorrow bring her here Can't wait remember she hasn't seen the Barbie doll house I got She knows I got her a Ken doll and some doll cloths so she will migrate to the couch where they are at I will then go to her room Door will be closed and call her in there to bring her new stuff in the room I will have camera rolling to capture her surprise then she will spend tomorrow night with me and we will probably go to Weeki Wachee to see the mermaids if she wants I will leave it up to her either Winter The dolphin or Great Explorations or WW or stay home it will be her call LOL any guess what she will pick last time she picked GE which is the least expensive thing to do but she loves it there

JudyEddy said...

and I am getting ready to head to Ft Meyers for sunset to see Harriett and Frankie Valli Just because I can LOL

our eagle aren't in the cell towers like the ones with nest in trees I have seen the adult on the tower near Jordyn dance last week and each time I go and off course its near sunset
I have only drove by the park on occasion at sunset When I do drive by during the day a osprey is always on the tower got some pic of it also So hoping the eagles show back up in the new saucer on top of the tower

grannyblt said...

Good afternoon eagle friends. Hope this day finds everyone well.

SANDI, I have a very poignant memory of dropping off at the airport my son in law, my daughter and 3 grandchildren leaving for Alaska in Dec of 2000. Kate and Pat and the 4 yr old and the 2 year old had backpacks, Katie was carrying the 4 month old in a snugli. Both Katie and Pat had suitcases in both hands and the two little ones were holding hands walking ahead. They looked like refugees. All that was missing was the kerchiefs on their heads. Their one year contract lasted nearly 15 years.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,
Dropping by quickly to let you know the kids are at Disneyland today--won't be home until late tonight. We, as an extended family, plus some local friends of the kids, all met at the Brea Mall at the Lazy Dog Cafe for dinner on the patio last night. Had a great time!

Got a boatload of reports to be transcribed yesterday. Working on them today, while it's quiet here. Hope to get more done that way.

Glo, glad to hear that Zoey is eating, and hoping that she will continue to improve! Prayers continue from this roost!

I'm really sore today--last evening while taking Emma out in the back yard on her leash to go potty after dinner, a sudden noise from the neighbor's spooked her, and she took off running full speed at a weird angle. She pulled me right off my feet, and I
fell flat on my face! Thank God I landed on the grass, not on the patio! I didn't have much in the way of scrapes (just one tiny one on my left knee), and no bruises. I forgot that it took a few months last year for her to get over the fireworks on the 4th. Other than being pretty sore today, I'm OK. I've taken X/S Tylenol, and it's working well. I had a talk with Emma, and explained that if there's any more of her shenanigans, you ladies will be after her with your eagle canes. She's agreed to cool it!

Gotta get busy now. Have a great day. I ♥ us!!

Mema Jo said...

Oh Andy - you disobeyed the rule of "NO FALLS" Thank goodness you hit the grass
and didn't wind up with any breaks or sprains. At our ages those falls seem to
shake our insides up! Feel better soon and I hope Emma has calmed down. Happy she
didn't get away from you!

Enjoy the family as they visit!

Mema Jo said...

News From Baltimore

BREAKING: Baltimore Police Commissioner Anthony Batts has been fired by Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake. The reason is the increased crime rate in Baltimore.

Judie said...

Good late afternoon.

Andy, Emma GOTCHA. So glad you were not seriously injured and neither was she. Please take care. Hope the family enjoyed Disneyland. Now just be careful, please and thank you. How's Kubby feeling these days?

Just got a brief but heavy rain fall. Sky is clearing.

Just watched the news conference regarding Chief Batts.

Lynne1, how's the kitty family? Everyone doing well?

Jo, thank you for the update from Glo. Seems Zoey is holding her own. Prayers that she continues to improve.

Very good news about the funding for the camera. Much appreciation to all the contributors and especially the towns people of Shepherdstown.

JudyE mentioning osprey, the three not-so-little babes at Loch of the Lowes have been successfully banded and two now have transmitters.


glo said...

Zoey has eaten pretty well today, and is out here in living room sitting in my lap, holding her head up I think she sounds less congested than this morning. In spite of her fever today I think she actually feels better than yesterday. I am starting to feel a little more encouraged. Thank you all once again. I posted this here instead of on fb. Will post over there later if her day continues in an upward trend. :-)

Mema Jo said...

Good news about Zoey - I think being in her own home is helping her immensely.

Hubby and I had pizza for our dinner - I know it has been a month since we last had it

I took one step out onto the deck and quickly took 2 fast steps back into the house.
WOW ! Heat Wave...

We didn't get any of your brief rain, Judie. I think the east end of Frederick may have gotten 23 drops !


grannyblt said...

Glad to hear that Zoey seems to feel better. How is Patches reacting ,to all the Zoey attention?

The momma cat and kittens seem to be doing well. My FB posting led to a neighbor who may take one of them in a couple of months. My sister in law will be visiting soon, and I hope she will claim one as well. I'll keep momma cat if she and Wm make a lasting peace.

stronghunter said...


Checking in. Need to do a few things. Will return later.

stronghunter said...

Checked the nest awhile ago and saw both juvies. One was mantling and looked to be eating something. The other was just sitting there.

stronghunter said...

Good to read that the momma cat and kittens are doing well, Lynne1.

Hunter is having a good week at camp. I think Kathryn will be signing him up for next week as well, then he will be going to Florida for a week with his friend Ryan. We will be meeting Ryan and his family in Charlotte--so that will give us a chance to visit Huntersville. From what I have heard, it has changed immensely.

Mema Jo said...

Coming in at this late time to read the latest posts and to say

Goodnight to All ♥ SED and AOYP

**Talk to you tomorrow Shirley ♥

Janet said...

Good evening to all.

SANDI; my heart hurts for you. I remember when Chelsea and chris strongly considered moving back to Va Beach after he got out of the army. My insides were screaming no no no, don’t take my grandbabies away from me…..but I knew it was their choice to make. How overjoyed I was when they decided to stay here in Nashville. Jobs were available in chris’ field here and not in va beach.

i guess there’s no chance they will change their mind ?? JUDIE’s idea of Skype is not a bad one…not the same as being physically present, but its something.
MSBOOKWORM: so glad you are okay! There is a no falling rule for a reason! Lol.

Its been a very very busy day. All the kids were bickering, fussing and feuding. After breakfast we went to another park and had a picnic lunch.

We stayed for a couple of hours and came home. I had to take a nap. I think one of them slipped me a cold germ or two … I feel one coming on. :/

Tonight was make your own pizza night. I put out the ingredients and let them choose, baked and everyone ate.

We played outside and in the pool after dinner. Tom put the badminton set up and jack discovered something he liked very much! Badminton!  love those happy discoveries.
It truly has been a fun week. Exhausting, but fun. I love the memories that we have made.
I hope everyone is well. Sweet dreams and pleasant sleep to all!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,

Dropping back here quickly to say goodnight. Kids are still at Disneyland. I feel guilty, knowing how energetic little Sierra our GGD is, that I didn't warn them they were spending the day there. Hope the place is still standing! They were going to California Adventure too.

I'm about to call it a day. Will be taking more X/S Tylenol at 9:30. Golly, tonight I really feel my age. No bruises have appeared yet, but I'm sore inside.
Think I pulled a couple of muscles trying to catch myself. Just glad there are no scraped knees or elbows!

Judie, I think it was you who asked how Kubby is doing. He is fine, and says
"Howdy!" to everyone. Emma says "Woof!"

So glad to hear that Zoey is holding her own! Hang in there, Zoey! Get better, little girl! Been thinking of you and Glo all day. ♥♥

Hope everyone has a restful night's sleep, with SED. God bless, and goodnight.
I ♥ us!!

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. One juvie - white tail - is on the stump - oops, now in the nest - and calling for breakfast.

Good news about Glo's Zoey.

Good news about the cam fund reaching its goal of %5000.

Good news from Lynne1 that she has already found a home for one kitten.

Good news that Janet has managed to keep all grandchildren occupied and happy.

Not good news about Andy's fall. I really hope you haven't injured yourself seriously.

Our friends from Baltimore arrived but not until last night b/c Joe woke up feeling dizzy. Today will be a beach day after tennis.

Have agreat day all.

Sandi said...

Dark tail landed in the nest at the same time as one parent. I didn't see any food in the parent's talons but there could have been b/c the juvie started mantling right away. Then white tail landed and the parent took off. Now both juvies are still there. Dark tail has his/her wings spread out but doesn't seem to be eating anything.

Sandi said...

Now dark tail appears to be eating at the 4 position. White tail is standing across the nest at 10.

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Guess who I tripped over heading to the kitchen this morning/ It was wonderful lol. Anyway Zoey has had her medicine and in an hour i will feed her. I even saw her at the water bowl this morning. A few sips but that counts. We don't go for fluids again until tomorrow. I might not know how to act this am. :-) grannyblt Patches is definitely paying attention to all the times she sees Zoey put in the carrier and taken out the door. She knows she came home in that carrier and most of the time it sits in the living room just to keep her comfortable with it. I hope it goes on an airplane with her in it sometime in the next year. I think Patches and I will head to a park for a walk today. It is sort of her turn.

Thank you all for your continued prayers. I don't want to speak to soon but I am beginning to think Zoey has turned the corner and I will get to keep her. Enjoy your day everyone. It's gorgeous weather here in IL today.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds One in the nest just went to the stump Gotta head out and do some stuff before I get Jordyn at ll

Judie said...

Good morning to all.

See the tip of dark feathers on the branch.

Glo, your update on Zoey is so encouraging. Yes, Patches will enjoy an outing with you. Prayers continue for Zoey.

Andy, glad Kubby is well and hoping you are just a bit sore. Take care.

Sandi, have a fun day with friends.

Janet, hope everyone plays nice together today. Don't hesitate to take a time out for yourself.

Good news about Hunter and camp and a visit to FL. Shirley, you should enjoy the visit to Huntersville.

Just a few catch-up tasks for me today.

Wishing everyone a glorious day.
Thanks to JudyE for ALL of her nest pictures.

Mema Jo said...

GOOD MORNING TO ALL ♥ Another hot one out there today - I will stay in until early evening when we pick up my 2 ggd to go to dinner. This should be fun due to them both being talkers !

We eagle lovers of the NCTC Royal Couple really did outdo ourselves on the donations for new cam equipment. We reached 101% with $5035.00 donated. Thanks to all

Sandi - I hope you have a breeze on the beach - have you seen any Man Of War jellyfish washed in? They are nasty.

Very happy news concerning Zoey - Love and prayers can create Miracles.

Andy I hope your aches and discomfort soon leave your body!

Janet you and Tom are going to deserve a medal let alone a vacation for yourselves ♥

Judi I hope your Do Day yesterday turned out beautifully....

BBL - Going to find Kay and Shirley

Mema Jo said...

WOW I got the big 300

I do think that Steve is Out-Of-Office for the week.......

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds!!!!

I'm right here, JO! Just finished with e-mail, newspaper reading, a couple of crossword puzzles, a couple of jigsaws.. Sometimes I visit here first and sometimes I get bogged down with all that first.....

I'm elated over the Camera Fund news! I knew we Friends of Sycamore Palace would do it!

GLO, the Zoey news is so heartening! As JO says, "Love and prayers can create Miracles".

JUDY, the picture you've painted of WalMart's current employee practices is disheartening----greed has consumed that corporation and I'm so glad you'll soon retire! Thanks, as always, for the nest pics!

SANDY, hope Joe's dizziness doesn't end up being serious and that you all have a lot of fun together!

SHIRLEY, happy news re:Hunter's camp and his upcoming trip to FL!

ANDY, that was a pretty hard fall if you're sore inside. Prayers!

JANET, you're going to have a beautiful set of memories out of these days with the grands!

LOLLY, I hope you'll end up with great memories of this week with Jacob---one on one opportunities with kids and/or grands are so special!!!

JUDIE with the new DO---you and I have matching agendas today---a few catch up tasks and lots of down time!

Prayers for all in need!!!


paula eagleholic said...

Juvie in the nest!

Howdy all!

It's Ms Whitetail

stronghunter said...


Testing, testing.

paula eagleholic said...

No parent or food, but juvie is calling out

paula eagleholic said...

Wow, up under the cam!!

Back down...too quick for a pic!

Hi Shirley!

stronghunter said...

Hi Paula,

On my phone and needed to post to get to the end of this long thread.

paula eagleholic said...

Eaglet flew up to branch under cam again and back down.

stronghunter said...

Yeah Kay, Hunter is so eager to go to camp each morning that he starts hollering for me if I'm not downstairs by 8:00.

paula eagleholic said...

Eaglet still in the nest...been resting in the shade.

paula eagleholic said...

White tail still in the cute :)

paula eagleholic said...

Where's Ducky? Did he finally fledge? :):):)

paula eagleholic said...

MT nest

stronghunter said...

One Juvie in the nest.

stronghunter said...

Not sure what might have happened to Duckie, Paula. Would have been an interesting fledge.

stronghunter said...

Grr. Not happy. I fixed a nice dinner--spaghetti, salad, garlic bread. Kathryn had to stop to get the air conditioning on her car fixed, so she will probably need to get something out, and Hunter said he isn't hungry for spaghetti. Frustrating. I would have been happy with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

stronghunter said...

Glo, so happy that Zoey is doing better.

Kay, I know what you mean about staying in the air conditioning. I do wonder how we got along without it.

So happy about the camera fund.

Andy, I do hope your aches and pains go away soon. It's surprising how even a small dog can throw you off balance.

Hoping that you didn't catch a cold, Janet, but I know that feeling, and it's usually not a good thing.

stronghunter said...

I still see one juvie sitting in the nest. Looks kind of depressed.

Judie said...

Oh no! Wait Shirley! Wait for me! I love spaghetti and salad and garlic bread. I'm on my way south. Wait for me! Zoom Zoom Zoom. lol I'm sure Kathryn wishes she could be home for dinner. Hunter? Probably hopes there will be leftovers in the frig later tonight.

Got a few things done today. Dinner was uninspired -- chef salad. Wish I'd gone to Shirley's.

Hoping Zoey is continuing to improve and that Andy is all better tonight.

Scullery in order. Headed across the hall to watch Miss Fisher and Midsomer.

Sandperson is preparing a satchel of sleepy dust.

Restful sleep for all.

stronghunter said...

Juvie now calling.

stronghunter said...

Would love to have had you come for dinner, Judie.

stronghunter said...

Yes, I am sure Kathryn would prefer to be home and not be dealing with a broken AC.

Janet said...

hi all. short note. I AM BEAT.

have had a fabulous week with the gkids. we spent the entire day outside save but for food and nap for lorelei. pool. badminton. bubbles. trampoline. do it all over again. (I stayed in the pool or blowing bubbles). I made sure they were tired out, fed and ready to hit the bed by the time the kids got home.

Part of me is a wee bit sad...I was SOOOO enjoying the hugs and snuggles......sigh....and part of me is happy to be back to my normal.
this cold has hit and I am so tired.

kids had a fabulous time in Jamaica. I am so glad they were able to go and relax.

Tom emphasized that I worked my tailfeathers off keeping everyone busy, happy, and well. I appreciated that.

Okay, ganna hit the bed shortly. work tomorrow noon to 5. SED to all. nite

stronghunter said...

Kathryn is home, finally. She happily found that the AC problem is under warranty. She also got a rental car at no charge.

On the way home, she was talking with me when she saw a person riding a bicycle on I-95. He was wearing all black clothes and traveling northbound on the shoulder of the southbound lane. She asked me if she should call 911. I said yes, so she called. She was put in touch with the State Police who were very interested and wanted to know the location. It seems Kathryn wasn't the first person to call.

stronghunter said...

You will probably sleep as soundly as the kiddies, Janet.

stronghunter said...

SED, everyone.

Mema Jo said...

Coming in late and I am ready to close my eyes
Watched some TV this evening after getting home from dinner
My ggd were very pleasant and fun to be around. It was a good evening.

Janet you deserve a medal ! It is a great feeling to know your were able to give the big kids some time by keeping the little kids occupied. ♥

Goodnight to all and Sweet Eagle Dreams ♥

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. Nest looks MT but I hear a juvie in the tree. I wonder if we will get a new thread for the weekend - it's been 9 days.

Joe's dizziness and nausea didn't get any better so our friends packed up and headed back to Baltimore at about noon yesterday. Joe called his doctor and described his symptoms and the doctor wanted him to have a CT scan done. All test results were negative for other things so the diagnosis is still vertigo, but he now has to go to an ENT.

Janet, congrats on a job well-done - you get the Grandma of the week award!

Glo, good news about Zoey - I hope her improvement continues today.

Shirley, how much spaghetti is left this AM? I bet not much!

Tennis for me at 8am, don't know what the rest of the day will look like.

Have agood one!

magpie said...

Good RED Friday Morning, Eagle Pals...

I see Eagle ☺ Juvenile Eagle !

Have a Wonderful Day !

God Bless Our Military

God Bless us, Every One
xoxo ☺ ♥

Mema Jo said...

I am very happy to follow your comments Margy and Sandi
There is a breeze out there today - perhaps the humidity will go away.
Nest is MT now - glad he came down to welcome you Margy.

Sandi as far as I know Steve is out for the week. No new thread for awhile.

I am going over to Fb AND CHECK OUT zOEY'S night.

BBL Everyone have a great Friday

magpie said...

Wheee : Jo on here, AND another Juvenile in the Nest.... ☺
same, or would I know !

so Hi Again Everyone !

Mema Jo said...

MOM and DAD were in the nest
One eaglet came down so Shep and Belle took off
They did leave food

Judie said...

Good morning.

Sunshine here and at the nest wherein is white tail who was mantling something and is just finishing up breakfast. Could hear plaintive cries so maybe bro/sis was in the attic?

Jo, not at all surprised that dinner last night with the ggd was fun. Glad you all had a fun time.

Nice to see Margy stopped by. Hope she has some James the Wise time this weekend.

Sandi, most unfortunate that Joe did not improve. Hope the problem is not serious.

Shirley, sounds like Kathryn's car problem was not too awful. A free rental is a good thing. Hope the man walking was found and taken to a safer location.

Hmmmm. Wonder if Kay and Penny are sleeping in this morning and enjoying a leisurely breakfast.

Thank you Andy for the update on Kubby. Glad he's doing well. Hope your "insides" are better today.

Have a couple of blouses to iron. That's all on the schedule today until Kennedy Center tonight.

Will check in later to see if there is an update on Zoey.

Wishing everyone a perfectly wonderful day.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Spinning arrow on Outdoor Channel.

Refreshed, and there is juvie eating something. White Tail, I think.

Oh my, loud chirping. I think the juvie sibling is above.

stronghunter said...

Hi Margy! So nice to see you here.

Juvie arguments taking place. One in nest. Other above.

Spaghetti--As far as I know, there is plenty in the refrigerator. I plan to have it for dinner tonight. Hunter drank lots of milk before dinner last night, so I think that is why he wasn't hungry. I might purchase some milk today and put it in my upstairs refrigerator. He gets hungry before Kathryn gets home, so maybe I will nuke it early tonight.

stronghunter said...

Circling arrow again.

Mema Jo said...

Video from this morning from Eagle Cam on FB from Christine Alber - it is great.

Glo reports that Zoey is doing better - no temp but will still be kept on antibiotic.
She still needs our prayers for her full recovery. ♥

Kay said...

Good Red Friday Morning, Eagle Buds!!!

Yep, JUDIE, you nailed it! Penny heads for her crate around 7pm--about 10 last night she was up, crying and alarmed about something she could hear and I could not. Shut the house down and let her snuggle in with me. We then slept til' 8:30 and I was the first awake!

JO, thanks for the FB GLO n' Zoey update. Prayer continues.

SHIRLEY, like JUDIE, wish I'd been there to eat Hunter's share of "sketti"---I love the stuff! Leftovers of that dish are great, so your labor will not go unappreciated, I'm sure. Glad Kathryn's auto A/C is under warranty and glad she called 911 about the mysterious man in black!

MARGY, goody, goody, gumdrops! We are sooooo happy when you drop in!

SANDI, sorry your friends visit was cut short by illness. It does sound like a problem for an ENT---hope there is a simple explanation and solution. On the other hand, you have a peaceful, quiet house. How long? You beach side people do attract a lot of company!!!

JANET, hope that cold is getting better and that you are getting some well deserved rest! So glad the "kids" had a grand anniversary in Jamaica and that you had such good time with their babies!

JUDY, looks like you slept in a bit, too. Good! Or did I miss something about your plans for today?

Glad STEVE is having a nice long getaway! It's no biggie to hit "newest" upon entering the blog, so we'll survive!

There is a pleasant cool down in progress here, though humidity is high and more rain is on the way in.

Prayers for all Momsters, Dadsters, Kidsters, Petsters and our beloved Sycamore Palace Family!!!


JudyEddy said...

SLEEPING in doesn't exist when Jordyn spends the night

so sleepy I am she woke up at 222 and informed me she didn't have her stuffies in bed I reassured her that they were there and to go back to bed and no she couldn't sleep with me she she is a bed hog
took me a while to fall back asleep
she was up at 7 so we got up went out did some thrift store shopping and park and now home waiting to go to see a movie Inside Out
she had a choice to make and that is the one she choose We could have gone to see Winter, Weeki Wachee, or Great Exploration First she wanted to go swimming at the rec center (Her camp) and Angie said to rethink that because she swims all week and is going to have a play date at the pool on Sat with a bunch of friends angie arranged play day a while back Nice that she does that

movie is at 1230
She is playing with her new Barbie house
She has decided she wants in on the floor instead of up on end tables I would have thought would have been easier to play with being its higher I thought easier on back and neck
What do I know LOL

JudyEddy said...

I hear and see wing tip of juvie and there was a big shake on camera also

Janet said...

morning all. I am sitting here with a cup of chamonmile tea and honey. I have no voice. yeppers, "grandma" of the week has nasty grandchildren germs that have taken over. bleech no work for me today. bah hum bug.

this too shall pass.

JUDYE: so glad JORDYN is enjoying her Barbie house. she is so lucky to have you.

hope everyone has a good day. I am on the sofa. (((hugs)))(germ free) for all

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Dropping by to let you know that the kids are on their way home. They left soon after 7 am today. Ken and I, and especially Emma, are bummed. We are REALLY missing them already. Poor Emma keeps looking out our screen door, hoping they are just at Disneyland for the day. She tried to pack herself in one of their suitcases last night when they were packing. Poor pup was panting and pacing in circles in the living room this morning while they were all getting dressed and eating a quick breakfast. Right now, Emma looks SOOO sad! We've already decided that we will allow her to lie on the sofa when she wants to do so. She LOVED being there with little Sierra! We sent one of Emma's clean blankets home with Sierra so she'd have something to cover up with in the car when the A/C was too cold for her. Those two are quite an item!
Well, I need to continue working on the stack of doctor's reports I need to finish. Zoey girl, you continue to improve, hear?! So glad you're getting better! Hope Joe feels better very soon! Janet, your cold needs to disappear, too! Feel better soon!
Have a super day, everyone! I ♥ us!!!

stronghunter said...


Interesting shadows playing across the nest, and lots of juvie complaining. No one is visible, but lots of cam shakes.

Guess what was for dinner tonight? Spaghetti. I nuked it and served it earlier--before he had time to get something else. Kathryn will likely be late again tonight because she will have to pick up her car.

stronghunter said...

Janet, I had some success with Zicam when I had a sore throat with a cold. I used the lozenges and my sore throat disappeared instantly. Not sure about how it might work with other symptoms.

Sounds like you get plenty of work, Andy. All of those classes seem to have paid off.

Jordyn probably does not have to worry about back and neck issues, Judy. :)

I suppose our dogs hear all kinds of things we cannot hear, Kay. Being blind, Luna seems to pay particular attention to sounds. Her head popped up a few minutes ago when the ice machine dropped a cube into the bin. you would think that sound wouldn't get her attention. We are wondering how she is going to handle having kittens around the house.

stronghunter said...

Time to wish everyone a good night. SED. see you tomorrow. Will prftactice bowling with Val and group.

stronghunter said...

Practice--strange words sometimes come from this tiny keyboard.

Judie said...

Good evening all.

Strangest event tonight. Driving home from the play, which was excellent, there was this intense rush of air around the car and as we looked around we saw a bright chariot-type vehicle racing across the sky just above the highway. We're not absolutely sure but are suspicious that Sandperson was off to begin delivering sleepy dust.

Restful sleep for all.

Mema Jo said...

Coming in late again just to say

Goodnight to All ♥

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

I'm dropping in quickly to say goodnight. Have spent quite a bit of time on the computer today, and now my eyes are rebelling. It's time to quit for the day.
Hope everyone has a good night, with SED. God bless! I ♥ us!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

I'm dropping in quickly to say goodnight. Have spent quite a bit of time on the computer today, and now my eyes are rebelling. It's time to quit for the day.
Hope everyone has a good night, with SED. God bless! I ♥ us!

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. Nest looks and sounds MT.

Today is the member-guest event at the tennis club I belong to and I am in charge. Everyone and everything is ready to go EXCEPT for the weather. There are showers in the forecast for this morning - GRRRR! All week long the forecast for today looked great and then yesterday it changed. Fingers crossed that that the rain goes north or south of Bethany.

Can't keep the live cam up and running this morning.

Have agreat day all.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

Had a nice day with Jordyn movie Inside Out was so cute

then went out to dinner with Angie and Carl

JudyEddy said...

I see no eaglet in nest and so no sound yet

and I also am having camera issues staying up

JudyEddy said...

I am hearing eaglets now

JudyEddy said...


Janet said...

morning all.

STRONGHUNTER: yes zicam has zinc in it. I just take zinc and l lysine. both work well. but this time I am out of zinc and you have to catch it at the beginning. and, I didn't. :p my error on that one. shoot. I just remembered I still have master tonic. didn't think about that either. too busy chasing kiddos. oh well.

staying home again today. its quiet. beautiful day out. not planning on much. downloading another library book. reading. sleeping. healing.

will check in later. hugs to all

Mema Jo said...

Good Saturday morning to all ♥
A large red tailed hawk was in the lower yard - answers my question as to why I don't have any small birds at my feeders.

Judy I don't know where you went - SYL ???

Nest is MT - lots of shadows

Judie - what was on at the Kennedy center last evening?

Sandi - Wishing you a day of sunshine

Last evening we had pizza and enjoyed youngest son and family

Glo said that Zoey met me in the kitchen for breakfast again = Some congestion but it does seem to be lessening some for her now. We just need more interest in fluids and we can totally beat this thing now is my guess.


Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

Whew, seems like it's "crisis averted" for GLO's Zoey, but prayers continue til' she's frisky kitty again!

JO, sounds like a grrreeeaaatt evening to me--pizza with son and family! Oh, yeh!

JUDIE, this inquiring mind wants to know, too. What was the KC entertainment?

JUDY, glad Inside Out was a hit for you and Jordyn---dinner with her parents was a nice wrap up for the day!

JANET, "feed a cold, starve a fever"---make the most of it and get well soon!

SANDI, my fingers are crossed in hopes that Bethany stays dry til' your tennis event is a done deal.

Moving on to mail, newspapers....have a good day all!

Prayers for those in need!!!


Sandi said...

Still raining here - event has been postponed until tomorrow morning, but now I am scrambling to find replacements for 2 guests who can't play tomorrow. RATS!! Thanks for the positive thoughts all!

Judie said...

Good morning.

MT nest when I checked.

Good news about Zoey. Do hope she continues to improve and is soon completely healthy.

Kennedy Center: play is Once. Set in Ireland. Star-crossed boy-girl comedy told mostly through music. Very entertaining. Best for me was seeing our "across-the-aisle" friends. Woman has been very sick over the past year. Illness resulted in loss of 60 lbs. She looks great but still recovering. We were very happy to see them.

Going to forage again today. Darth has a liquid diet for Sunday so hope to have a nice dinner tonight. Also need to pick up some "approved" foods such as jello, clear juice, etc.

Seems everyone had a good day yesterday so wishing all of you a wonderful day again today.

Mema Jo said...

Whitetail just dropped in

Mema Jo said...

S/he has food and may have brought it in without any help.

Kay said...

I'm having a hard time keeping the cam rolling today, but have seen moments of Whitetail with his/her meal. It's being well guarded as the juvie keeps looking around for any sign of a bro/sis eager to pop in for lunch!

Kay said...

I suspect the meal is a fish as the meat is so white. Nice to know Whitetail is getting "it" now.

Kay said...

JUDIE, glad you enjoyed the musical and your friends, too! What a relief it had to be to see your friend again!

Oh, poor Darth, a liquid diet. Must mean some tests or a procedure is in the offing for Monday. Sending positive thoughts his way!

Whitetail finished the meal off and poofed. Shadow appearing over the nest a couple of times and tree shaking big time before final poof.

JudyEddy said...

JO SYL See you later OTWIG off to work I go

haven't used those in a while

on lunch

watching the WR nest they just fledged the other day also

love love thatcamera man there

Lolly said...

Howdeeee! MT nest. Just took a peek!

We are once again childless. Took Jacob home early afternoon yesterday. Planned on staying until Laurel arrived home around 7. Then Joey received a phone call. The church bus broke down again! On the way to CO it broke down in New Mexico. All worked out well. An inconvenience but great folks helped the 11 ladies out. Then yesterday, 15 miles out of Childress it broke down again. Three husbands drove out to get them, bus was towed, and they got home about 12:30. I had taken pizza for dinner, so the four of us had dinner. Jack vacuumed, I dusted and folded laundry. We worked in the yard a little and Jack made a trip to the grocery store for breakfast essentials. We left about 10:15. We thought Jacob was asleep, but he was faking it. Joseph kissed us goodbye, thanked us for dinner, and locked the doors behind us. He took both dogs and the cat to bed with him. Lol

They got road side delivery of pizza, drinks, water, and ice. Tipped the Pizza Hut assist. Manager $50. Someone called 911 concerned about them and a sheriff checked on them. Then drove by several more times. Another lady stopped and gave them water. They did not have the bus towed until they were picked up so they had shelter. Laurel said it was not too bad as there was a breeze. They are going to have t-shirts made that say "I survived the 2015 Ladies Retreat!" On the back it will say, "sponsored by....".and list all the people
Who assisted them.

We keep Jacob again in August. From the start he will know the rules and the consequences! We are also thinking of a two night trip, another trip to Omni for Imax film on whales as well as a trip to the Perot Museum in Dallas. He is just so stubborn and too addicted to "screen time".

Time to dry my hair and run some errands!

JudyEddy said...

home from work and nest is mt but I do hear someone complaining on stump I guess

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY interesting story and nice that there were so many concerned and involved and the shirts sound cute

JudyEddy said...

forgot to say when I pulled up in my drive way there was a blue heron sitting of the 3ft fence and there was a mocking bird dive bombing him they have a nest in my front bush every year It was a dark blue one so pretty and poofed with mockingbird chasing in flight before I could get out of the truck and grab the tablet for pic bummer

JudyEddy said...

keep loosing the cam But still hear juvie when I bring it up So can't wait for a new camera this one this year is worse than its ever been on its last leg I guess

JudyEddy said...

lots of noise eaglet has landed and back to stump while squawking

JudyEddy said...

Security system is armed please be sure to use your code if out past curfew

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Mema Jo said...

Here I am and there I go

Goodnight to all ♥

Judie said...

Restful sleep for all.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

60° at the nest OH I am so jealous we broke a record in heat yesterday because of no showers 97° HOT

Nest is MT but I do hear one of our young ones calling out

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. It;s a sunny, cool morning to play tennis - thank goodness! Lots to do to get ready for the morning so I'm making this quick.

Jo, prayers continue for healing for you.

Janet, I hope you start to feel more like yourself today.

Have agreat day all.

Mema Jo said...

good morning to all ♥

One juvie in the nest when I opened the cam a minute ago... Chomping down on food!
Life is good - too good for our 16 week old stay at home feathered kid.

Today Jenny is coming over and then around lunch Mr Elliot is coming to visit -
He is getting so little man looking and since I haven't seen him in a month I'm
sure I'll notice a big change.

Good weather Sandi for your events today. Judy I hope your AC is working well.

I'll be back later today - Make it a good day. SMILE

Judie said...

Good morning.

Whitetail basking in the morning sunshine.

Sandi, enjoy the tennis and, if I remember, there is a group gathering? Have fun.

JudyE, I second the hope that your AC is working.

Hope Janet feels better. Summer colds are awful.

Looking forward to yet another positive update on Zoey.

Jo, enjoy the visit with Jenny and, needless to say, you and Elliot have a grand and glorious visit.

Wonder if Shirley & Co. are enjoying the fun of little furbabies? Maybe an update later.

Wishing everyone a really lovely day.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Trying to bring up the live cam, but not having any luck.

When I got home from bowling practice and lunch yesterday, there were two tiny kittens at the house. Hunter has named them Smokey and Bandit. We do not yet know the gender. There might have been a time when I could tell, but not now. Kathryn is guessing they're both little girls. I do recall there was a time when we thought George was a girl. He was originally named Georgia by his previous owners, but as he grew older, it became obvious that he was not a little girl.

Anyway, Smokey is playful and Bandit is inclined to hiss. Their mother is partially wild, and I don't know how much snuggling they have gotten from the family who was caring for them. They had brought the mother indoors to help her care for the kittens, so she is not completely feral. They plan to have her fixed now that the kittens are gone. I think she usually lives in their barn.

stronghunter said...

Wow, what an adventure for the ladies on the bus, Lolly. I do hope the appropriate fix is found for that bus.

I love mockingbirds, Judy, but they are quite aggressive. One here in Fredericksburg made the DC news because it was attacking people in a shopping center. However, I doubt that anyone has been seriously injured in a mockingbird attack.

Enjoy your tennis, Sandi. It does look like a pretty day out there, but I haven't ventured beyond the back door. I put out some peanuts for the birds a little while ago.

Glad you enjoyed the Kennedy Center and your "across the aisle" friend, Judie. I haven't been there for awhile. I do have plans to go to the local dinner theater here this month.

Jo, I do hope you fully enjoy your Elliot visit.

stronghunter said...

Hope the cold is under control, Janet.

Goodness me, Hunter goes through the milk. We ran out a couple of days ago, so I picked up a couple of gallons when I was at Walgreen's yesterday afternoon. When I went downstairs this morning, we were already on the second gallon. I did notice that Kathryn had gotten a bowl of cereal, but gracious.

Watching for updates from Kay and Andy. Hoping the day is a good one for Margy.

I'll be playing bridge this Wednesday at my friend Carolyn's. Will be good to see everyone again.

Janet said...

good morning from a semi alive me. sore throat is much less, voice somewhat better...still coughing and feeling drained. darn little kid germs! chels was puzzled as to why they didn't get sick and I did. tried to explain my immune system isn't attacked by those sorts of lovely bugs any more and I am more susceptible...

anywho, now missing my 3rd day of work. thankfully my boss is very understanding and said STAY HOME. she doesn't want this given to my co workers or clients. neither do I.

it is a beautiful day. tom will help me get a little light cleaning done. floors mostly needing to be vacuumed. we have tumbleweeds made of hair. Chelsea's one dog, Trixie is a long hair Papillion/maltese mix and goodness does she shed!

STRONGHUNTER; love the names Smokey and Bandit! Could be male or female. We had ferrets once. The first two were Gator and Weasel and the second set STroker and Ace.

I too love mockingbirds...and blue jays. Both known to be aggressive, but one sings so pretty and one is just plain handsome!

Livvy went to a pro wrestling match with her brother last night. We guided Michael to wrestling when we were so anti-Pokimon. (how ever you spell that )
He still loves it. Tonight she is going to a concert with Chelsea. Fallout Boy. I know nothing about theym, but they are both excited.

All right, gonna get off of here for now and drink some more coffee, peruse facebook and read my library book. Hugs for all!

Lolly said...

Good morning! Leaving for church soon. Sitting here with Miss Skippita. She is certainly a lover! Shirley, I imagine that with lots of loving and gentle care both kitty's will come around. Enjoy!

Church bus has only 30,000 miles on it. First problem was fuel pump. That was fixed. Second problem is a more serious problem. Joey thinks they got al lemon and definitely not a big enough engine. Church's problem! They do need to pay the guys for the gas to go pick them up.

See you later. Time to get moving!

Jo, enjoy Mr. Elliot!♥️

stronghunter said...

Yes, Janet. I love the feisty mockingbirds and blue jays. Both live in abundance in these parts.

We had a ferret once, too. She was extremely playful and very loveable, but I do not wish to maintain another one. They do like to poop in corners.

stronghunter said...

Yikes, Lolly! That is a shame about the bus. Was it bought new or used?

stronghunter said...

The kitties are young. Just 8 weeks. Kathryn wanted to give them plenty of time with their mother, so that should be an advantage for them. But they are still learning about people and how to be sociable, and we are working with them.

JudyEddy said...

AC is great remember I just got a new AC from Carl right before my roof was done so I am ready to rock and roll in the heat I won't melt lOL

SIS sure hope you get over the funk soon Summer colds are the worse you just feel it more in the heat I think

Watching the WR kids making a ruckus just like ours do Right now I see no one in the still feed don't have the live feed up yet being its a pia just may use the still at lunch

What cute names Smokey and Bandit

16 weeks are our babes now they sure do like to stick home but if you recall we had them hanging in the tree last year this time also But we had the tree view I have pictures almost daily in my ON THIS DAY feature on FB

JudyEddy said...

looking at the WR nest BOY it is so much smaller nest than our nest the kids don't seem to fit it in both anyway

grannyblt said...

Good Sunday afternoon. Sounds as though everyone is having a busy weekend with plays and tennis and bowling and grandkids, etc.

The soon to be owners of one of the kittens are coming over to see them this afternoon. As the feline family is in the laundry room, I wanted to get my laundry done before they came. It seems as though it is a little too noisy for momma cat, so they are in the bathroom for now. I put Wm outside so this atmosphere would be calmer. Don't know what it will be like when four little girls come over. That is two new owners and their same age visiting cousins. I am handling the kittens a lot to get them acclimated to humans. Momma cat seems ok with that.

Shirley, when is your trip planned? This month?

Hear the dryer buzzer, so all will be back to normal soon.

stronghunter said...

Going to North Carolina this weekend--but just for the weekend. Hope to visit the Carolina Raptor Center in Huntersville.

stronghunter said...

Our kitties are in their refuge right now--a large dog crate where they can be safe and quiet. Last night, Hunter slept on the sofa in the family room to be near them. When I went down to check on things, Hunter woke up and Bandit hissed at me.

stronghunter said...

I've noticed that other nests don't always look nearly as large as ours, Judy.

stronghunter said...

Speaking of laundry, Lynne1, I think I need to get mine done while Kathryn and Hunter are away at lunch and whatever.

stronghunter said...

Didn't hear any hissing when I passed by the crate just now. They both just watched me.

stronghunter said...

Still having issues with the pharmacy. They think I am supposed to take my medication at the rate of two pills 4 times a day, which would cost me more that $500/month. Doctor has said 1 pill 3x a day, which costs almost $100/month. I hate to think what will happen when I hit the doughnut hole.

Pharmacist said that I should get the doctor to call them. Again.

JudyEddy said...

Howdy home from work

Lolly said...

Never kept any kittens in a crate. Showed them their box and let them go. They adapt fast!

Going to have a big rollover soon, approaching 400.

Have been out watering but it is 97 and not pleasant. Cooling off before mopping floors. Predicted we will hit 100 tomorrow. Groan......

JudyEddy said...

not able to get up the live feed

JudyEddy said...

The selected items currently not available

«Oldest ‹Older   201 – 400 of 439   Newer› Newest»

1/7/25 PM matin🦅🦅fish 🐟

12:02:54 PM Scout. To the original nest with food and his talons.  It's a little fish. 12:03:17 He exits the nest with his fish.And to...