Tuesday, September 24, 2013


New thread.


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paula eagleholic said...

Oh, didn't know there was and eagle in the nest!

You go for it Sharon! And keep up with the walking!

JudyE, I would do your wires if I was closer!

It's weird to call the IT guy at work...I used to be the IT gal!

so nice of Sandi to offer her bikes to Aaron and Val.

Good news on your SIL's eye, Jo.

Lori, I hear ya about living in the boonies. The marina/grill is great when it's open, but other than that, it's 30 minutes to get anywhere...but I still love it! So I eat in :)

Jo, how is Michael doing? Is he back at work yet?

paula eagleholic said...

Bob, how long will you be off work and joining us?

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, the heat pump is in, but the extra room is not yet finished. He cut a hole in the foundation to go from under the house to under the room. He thinks there are snakes in there! He found a big snake skin, and saw something moving under some insulation that had fallen down. He said I don't do snakes! Not sure if it's a snake or some other critter. I'll get an exterminator to check it out, then he'll come back and finish. I am not crawling under there to check it out! And don't worry, they can't get in the house. He covered the hole up with a big piece of wood, so they can't get under the house.

Hoda said...

Oh I held my breath PAULA!!!
Snake not so exciting!

Bob Quinn said...

Paula - I will probably start teleworking byt Wednesday next week and hopefully be back in the office the week after but I'll play it by ear.

Lori O. said...

Oh, dinner in Punxsy, it's never exciting GRANNY! Wish I had a tip for you, but I haven't found anything yet. Gosh, you were so close and I didn't get to see you.

PAULA, snakes! Is there anything scarier? YUCK. Be safe!

BOB, sounds like you're doing fantastic! Don't over do it. Good luck with PT tomorrow.

Thanks for all the well wishes on the pill switch. I'm really scared about it. What I was on worked so well. I really appreciate the prayers.

Love you all!

Off to study for tomorrow's test then to bed. Up at 3! See you in the morning.

Mema Jo said...

Just had a call from Jenny - washing dishes - coffee pot must have broken - Hands in and wow a
cut with glass on right hand ring finger - 7 stitches.........OUCH !

Not a good day! for others that is - I have done well
Thank you Lord ♥

stronghunter said...

Oh my gosh, Jo. At first I thought it was you who got cut. Upon reading again, I realized it was Jenny. Not good for either of you to get hurt.

stronghunter said...

Well, the blogger cop just got me and made me sign in. At least the post did not get lost.

paula eagleholic said...

Tired tonight...must be cause I'm working!

Gonna grab a book and head to bed.

SED, love and hugs for all!

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

stronghunter said...

What happens when you have a group of middle-school boys practicing
football on the same field with a group of middle-school girls practicing soccer?

Well, Hunter complained that "They keep kicking the soccer ball to us, Grandma."

I saw soccer balls being kicked to football players. In addition, there was much squealing and girls rolling down the hill with even more squealing.

Boys were still practicing, but I am sure they were distracted.

I don't think much soccer got practiced today. It looked more like some kind of splendor in the grass to me.

There was also a baby celebrating everything; he kind of scooted down the hill. And then there was a dog--a very large black lab who was most friendly to us--but decided to bark and growl at a poor old man trying to walk across the field with a cane. The old man did not seem to notice, but the baby got scared.

It was a wild evening at football practice. I felt like I was at the circus.

Mema Jo said...

Yes, Shirley it does sound like you were very well entertained this evening.

Paula I know what your repairman meant about crawl spaces under houses. None of my crew will venture under. Sounds like a good size snake skin - It will mean no mice will bother you.

stronghunter said...

The madness of the evening is hard to describe. I was tempted to bring out my phone and make a movie, but I was afraid some parents might not want me recording what their children were doing, so I just watched.

There is a very steep hill between where we were sitting and the practice field. This is where these girls were rolling.

At one point, Hunter turned around and looked at us as if to say, "See what I mean about these girls?"

Mema Jo said...

I know it is early - but I am closing down for the evening.
I am so tired - it must be from catching/killing all those stink bugs

I hate to miss Judie but I am going to beat the sandman tonight and fall asleep without any dusting....

Everyone take care and have a sound sleep with pleasant dreams.

stronghunter said...

Yeah, I would not crawl under your house, either, Paula. Not just snakes but spiders would be a big problem for me.

stronghunter said...

Good night, Jo. Guess you posted before I tried to. Got a "conflicting edit" the first time I tried. Long time since that happened.

stronghunter said...

Good kind of tired, Paula, when it comes from working hard at something you enjoy.

stronghunter said...

I am getting sleepy, too. The day started very early. That happens when you have a cat who thinks he should be fed at 5:00 AM.

But I can see that it did not start as early as Lori's day. I guess the habit of getting up super-early is in her blood.

stronghunter said...

Maybe I can check out the brace at some point soon. Getting there is inconvenient because the pro shop does not open until about the time Hunter gets home from school and my mind is on other things then.

I am going to wind it down for the night. Not able to wait for the Sandperson, either.

Hoda said...

Good night

Prayers for All

Lori O. said...

Good morning all my eagle friends!

It's RED FRIDAY, as MARGY has long proclaimed it.

So glad the weekend is upon us.

I'm starting the big medication switch today - though it'll likely take at least 4-6 weeks to get through it. I pray it goes smoothly and works.

Speaking of prayers, please say some prayers for Kate. You know she lost her sister, Annie, this year and now her 92 year old mother is not doing well, deteriorating quickly. Kate is having a very rough time. I'm so sad that I'm not there for her.

SHIRLEY, sounds like you had quite the fun time last evening at football and soccer practice. All that squealing - too funny.

Yes, getting up early must be in my blood after all those radio years. Now, I must get off to study and get ready for this morning's test - Respiration and oxygen assistance for the patient.

Love you ALL, very much.

Big Hugs!!!

Happy Friday.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Yes, it is Red Friday.

Having my morning coffee in my bed. Made a pot right here in my room and gave George a handful of cat food.

He is not entirely satisfied, but the canned food is downstairs. And if I go down there, it will likely get Luna all wound up. I just want to linger in my bed.

Sandi said...

Good morning Lori and Shirley and all my eagle friends! Yay Friday!

Lori, so sorry to hear about kate's mom - she will be in my prayers.

Shirley, you're up early this morning - did you ever find Hunter's missing phone?

Bella seems like herself this morning thank goodness.

Have a great day everyone!

stronghunter said...

Oh, yes, Hunter found his phone. It wasn't missing. I just didn't know where it was, and it was beeping somewhere in the house. Quietly beeping when I wasn't near. Silent when I was close to it.

stronghunter said...

Yes, Lori, prayers for Kate's mom.

And good luck on your test today. Wow, they have so many tests that one bad grade should not hurt much. But you have really good grades, so that is all the better.

How many separate classes are you taking? Or is it just one big class?

stronghunter said...

All the squealing was really something, Lori. I probably could have gotten away with making a video since I could have been just making a movie of the boys practicing. I could not have missed the girls because they were right there.

Janet said...

good tgif/red friday!

feeling better this moring. was really tired yesterday afternoon. fell asleep sitting in the car waiting on olivia to get out of school!

as soon as we got home last night, i was showering ad in the bed @ 8:50 p.m. no problems sleeping!

definately feel better this morning. first cup of cofee consumed, but abou time get get the day rolling.

busy weekend ahead. thankfully i took wednesday off to do next to nothing.

hope everyone has a great day. keeping all close in heart and though, love and healing energies or those in need/furred or not furred.

ight and love, smiles and hugs to all!

Hoda said...

Good morning

Sunrise is now 6:35!!!
We are headed to the shortest day for sure!!!

I hope it is clear in Castlegar so the plane from Vancouver can land. I will await notice from Air Canada that it left Vancouver before I head out from Nelson.

Enjoy the day everyone!

stronghunter said...

Attic empty this morning.

Lolly said...

A quick GOOD MORNING, and then out to mow. Dan is at meetings today, Sharon is sleeping in and just hanging at their RV and we are mowing and doing yard clean up.

They are eating out tonight with this alumni board Dan is on but we are up early tomorrow to go to the game. It's at 11, but we are tailgaiting with the Frog Club. Alumni football players, etc. Yep, we will be with the big wigs! LOL Dan was an athletic trainer when he was at TCU, so he is a member of the Frog Club.

Ok, gotta run! Have a great day!
Have not read back hope all is well!

stronghunter said...

Have fun, Lolly.

Mema Jo said...

Good Red Friday Morning to All ♥

Lori - prayers for Kate and her mother. 93 years of age is remarkable and I'm sure this is very sad for Kate after Annie just passed on.

Michael on Oct 1 will celebrate his anniversary of the injury - He said to him it is just as important if not more so then his recent b-day. He has been doing some work with his younger brother's Construction Co. Painting and fixing up houses. He is still plagued with head pains off and on. He must have a strong constitution to live with it. I always welcome prayers for him ♥

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds
LORI so sorry about Kates MOM and I know it has to be hard on you not being there She is so lucky for having her MOM 92 yrs

JudyEddy said...

WOW been a year already JO amazing MICHAEL

Mema Jo said...

Called Jenny and the 7 stitches on her finger cut is not too uncomfortable except trying to remember it is there and that there are quite a few things she can't do.... Not throbbing or painful

Aaron and Val's car injury (lol) may not be as bad as they had thought.
Thank the Lord for looking over them. They might be able to pick it up today.

With Christine's forehead cut having 2 staples and Jenny's finger cut having 7 stitches and Aaron/Val's car injury That is my 3 events for this week - No More

JudyEddy said...


Mema Jo said...

I don't know if I mentioned this about the albino caterpillar on my mums....I just read that ...A young man did pet a white caterpillar this weekend and within 10 minutes his finger swelled up and welts were all over his stomach area. These caterpillars are poisonous...alive AND dead so please caution your kids and tell them DONT touch caterpillars. Goes double for all of us. I always had picked up the Wooly Bears !

stronghunter said...

The Sycamore is blowing in the breezes and small birds are flitting about. No eagles in sight, though.

stronghunter said...

Called Miss Utility to be sure I don't cut any wires, pipes, or cables when I plant my trees. She asked if I planned on using any dynamite or other explosives.

Oh, I think probably not. Would be interesting but probably overkill.

stronghunter said...

Susan recently got attacked by some kind of caterpillar, Jo. Not sure what it was.

I remember vaguely from my childhood days being told that some caterpillars will sting or some such thing. My mother knew plenty of good things. She must have told me that.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn all wrapped in her new stadium blanket is now featured on my blog. I think she might get lots of use out of that blanket. The weather has definitely gotten cooler.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley I just saw FB pic of Kathryn and her stadium blanket - Sure looks like it will be good and warm. ♥

Hoda said...

Well plane delayed and I just got home!!!
The airport does not have a beacon for commercial flights.
Low cloud cover yes, but not do low that a bush pilot could not have landed! I think they can fly circles around the commercial pilots. I know! I used to live with one!

The Dragon Boat Team Mate seems very fragile. They wheeled her off the plane. We had a good flight home. She does not know the receiptian of her kidney. She did save a life though. Bless her heart.
Her Mother arrives to Nelson this afternoon.

The team seems to be plagued by ill health of late!!!
Our fellow Texan Team Mate Kelly Simpson sent out a heart breaking email saying her husband Rob Crawford took sick and was in emergency all day yesterday. They can not figure it out. She was homesick for family and for Texas. We have rallied around them and told them the Team is their Family away from family. We sent a Yellow Rose.

God Bless Us All

Hoda said...

Drive not flight!!!
Yes I went the speed limit or below as I worried about jarring her!!!
I certainly did not fly home!!!

Hoda said...

Receiptian not whatever it is I spelt earlier

paula eagleholic said...

Afternoon all!

I am home!

Boss told me to leave at 2...I had plenty of hours in. Found out I get paid for lunchtime as well.

Came home...took a long walk on the beach. Sitting out back now with chip and dip.

Going to themarina grill for dinner :)

paula eagleholic said...

OMG eagle just flew over the yard!!

Hoda said...

Eagle flew over the yard!!!
Do they stay the winter?

paula eagleholic said...

Found a pest removal guy in the yellow pages. He does mice snakes and bats :) that outta cover it.

paula eagleholic said...

Hoda the eagles come around the house more cause the osprey have migrated. They are year round eagles.

paula eagleholic said...

Snake guy just called back. He's coming Tuesday morning

Hoda said...

Fantastic about the eagles coming closer to the house. I like osprey too but incredible to have resident eagles.

Glad you found a snake guy...

Enjoy your supper PAULA at the Marina.

grannyblt said...

There is some sort of caterpillar in TX the common name is Asp. It is light grayish white and stings like fire and can cause a bad allergic reaction. If any were found on the playground at school, we closed the playground until the exterminator could come.

stronghunter said...

asp caterpillar

Wow. Sounds like a wicked critter, Lolly. The article is a bit confusing about whether the moth is venomous as well.

stronghunter said...

A little time off--sounds like a great way to start the weekend, Paula.

paula eagleholic said...

Had a nice long chat with Michael. They found a venue for the reception. They are both delighted. Now to find a place for the rehearsal dinner...but there are more places to choose from for that.

Gonna feed Nick and head out for dinner.

Lolly said...

I can deal with snakes but NOT in close quarters like under a house. Oh,...gross!

Worked in the yard today and then after showering went over and spent a couple of hours with Sharon sitting outside by their RV. Very pleasant outside. Also, Ally, her dog was happy to see me. Funny how Ally remembers me. She barks at people and dogs, but never at me. I am honored. LOL

Paula, more and more I realize you are really living in Paradice!

Jack and I have left overs to dine on this evening!

JudyEddy said...

Helloooo eagle buds just got home for dinner at Chili with the kids Poor Jordyn ate and then fell asleep in the booth

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

my delete double posted

stronghunter said...

I can deal with non-poisonous snakes, but not random snakes in the dark underneath a house or any confined space.

Spiders of almost any kind give me the creeps.

stronghunter said...

I still remember the black widows Will and I saw on an ATM one night.

Janet said...

good evening everyone. and with that.....its friday evening.

its been a pretty good day. fully booked at work...busy, so that is good.

weather has been delightful.

went out and ordered tom's bday cake today....from a place called nothing bundt cakes.

i will pick that up tomorrow.

white catterpillars. i will watch for those. i have seen green ones, wooly worm...but not a white one nor do i wantto! nor do i want to see an asp caterpillar! egad. enough to give someone bad dreams!

hope everyone has sweet dreams! goodnight.

paula eagleholic said...

Dinner was good. Softshell crab, onion rings and a glass of wine :)

Waiting for my neighbors to get here. Haven't seen them since Labor Day, cause I haven't been here on the weekends.

Oh and ther are spiders under the main portion of the house. I DON'T DO THAT EITHER!

This portion where the snake is, is just under one room that was added on....underneath the main house is good.

Lolly said...

Sitting here thinking about my shingles shot. Woke up this morn with my arm red, warm, and an area with a hard lump and swelling. Just great...just great! It is just uncomfortable and slightly itching.

stronghunter said...

Oh, Lolly. I don't remember having any reaction. Maybe you should call someone.

Although at this time of night . . .

Did they give you instructions about what to do if this happened?

Hoda said...

I second SHIRLEY's concerns LOLLY.
Keeping you in prayer.

stronghunter said...

I am sure it isn't particularly unusual, but keep an eye on it, Lolly.

JudyEddy said...


Are There Side Effects With the Shingles Vaccine?

Similar to a flu shot, the shingles vaccine is given in the back of the upper arm. Side effects of the shingles vaccine may include redness, soreness, swelling, or itching at the site of the injection. Less common side effects include headach

JudyEddy said...

so your symptoms are normal this is the link if you want to read more

symptoms of a shingle vaccine

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

stronghunter said...

Looks like Judy has found good info for you, Lolly.

I am ready to sign off for the night. Was pretty busy.

Had contacted Miss Utility so we could get our yard marked before planting the two new trees, but when I got home this afternoon, Will had planted the trees. No problems. We have had the yard marked before, so we have a pretty good idea about where the lines run.

The trees did look a bit stressed. I am sure they are happier with their roots in the ground. I had been watering them and spraying their leaves.

Hoda said...

Well I am glad there was no need for dynamite or Explosives SHIRLEY!!!LOL.
Sounded a bit extreme to me!

Well done JUDYE good use of Google.

Mema Jo said...

Snakes spiders and wooly bears -
I did watch 2 shows this evening on TV - We did meet up for dinner at Paneras with Jenny and Hubby and our granddaughter Taylor! Had fun - soup sandwich and sugar cookie ♥

I am going to close down for today.
Everyone enjoy your weekend - Lots of Festivals being held.

Love to all ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Got to visit with my neighbours ..having dinner with them tomorrow night

Sed love and hugs for all

stronghunter said...

Hey Paula, you've gotten the Hoda influence. You spelled neighbor the British way. Love it.

stronghunter said...

I tried to sleep. Eventually had to get up and feed George. He must have gotten into too much food earlier, which caused the usual reaction. So, his tummy was empty.

When his tummy is empty at night, he sits two inches or less from my head waiting for more food. I took the chance of giving him a few pieces of dry prescription cat food.

stronghunter said...

George is now curled at the foot of the bed.

Hoda said...

I noticed that too SHIRLEY and smiled thinking maybe PAULA is practicing for a possible trip across The Pond!!!

I hope you can get back to sleep.

Good night All

God Bless Us All

Lori O. said...

Good Saturday morning all!

Sitting here in the motor home waiting for fellow campers to get up and start a fire!

Didn't have time to get on last night, so probably didn't say I was going camping with the folks...will go home either tonight or early tomorrow morning because Cynthia is coming over to the house so we can practice the 28 nursing skills that we have to perform for the instructors on Friday.

Paula, glad you had an early weekend yesterday, and that they are treating you so well! I don't do snakes either!

Shirley, funny about George sleeping so close to you head! He knows how to get what he wants.

Hoda, so nice of you to pick your friend up at the airport. You are sensational!

I didn't have a very good day yesterday on my first day of tapering off my medication...I need the Lords help with this. Asking for prayers that I can get off these pills without severe side effects, before clinical rounds begin; otherwise I won't be able to finish school. It really bothers me that they have had these test results since May and only bring it to my attention now.

Love all of you...I Love us!

Excuse typos...I'm on the iPad.

JudyEddy said...


72° out now NICE outside feels good

JudyEddy said...


♫♪ ♫♪[̲̅̅H̲̅][̲̅̅A̲̅][̲̅̅P̲̅][̲̅̅P̲̅][̲̅̅Y̲̅] [̲̅̅B̲̅][̲̅̅I̲̅][̲̅̅R̲̅][̲̅̅T̲̅][̲̅̅H̲̅[̲̅̅D̲̅][̲̅̅A̲̅][̲̅̅Y̲̅]♫♪ ♫

JudyEddy said...


Sandi said...

Good morning Lori, Judy, and all my eagle friends!

Nest tree looks MT.

Lori, explain again why you have to change meds? When you originally posted the reason, I was speed reading and don't recall what you said. Was it that you're taking a drug that the med school doesn't allow its students to be taking?

Nothing on my agenda for this weekend - still can't play tennis, though my eye seems fine - I still see the same "cobweb" in my peripheral vision but no more flashing lights. But the weather is supposed to be nice.

Have a great day all!

Hoda said...

Prayers LORI
it is do upsetting that you are having a hard time adjusting to new medication.

Hoda said...

Will paddle twice today.
Regular practice in the morning.
Fund Raiser Practice in the afternoon.
We are taking the school Administrators out for a Team Building activity for the School District. They are giving us 500$! We in turn donate it to Cancer Research.

Will also go to the Market for some Ethiopian Food.
Red Lentils. Delicious and a very good protein source.

It is 5:30 in the morning and it is still pitch black!
So hard for me to take as the days get shorter.
I am fine on December 21. Really tough mid November till December 21!!!

JO said her area had Festivals. Yay. Do say more JO what is happening.
Saw a car from Vermont yesterday. Visitors are getting scarce though.

Janet said...

good sat mornng. do not wish to be up yet. :P but pool school at 9 and i think it is good for us to o and learn how to properly winteize the pool.

beautiful morning here.

LORI: light, love, healing energies and comfort to you..

love and hugs to all

happy birthday ! BILL!

have a super day!

Hoda said...

After festivities question comes a ? NOT A .

Hoda said...

Enjoy the coming year.

Hoda said...

SANDI very happy to hear improvement on eye flashes...

Lolly said...

Good morning! Dressed in my purple and ready to head to the tailgating and game! Rif Ram Bah Zoo! Waiting for Dan and Sharon to arrive soon.

It is cloudy with 100% chance of rain this afternoon! Have been so busy that I did not have a chance to tell you!!! Today is our watering day and we are NOT. It better rain!!!

Lori, will certainly keep you in prayer.

Arm is still red and sore this morning but I think a wee bit better. It bothered me in the night. Jack googled it too. You know, I react terribly to insect bites and I am allergic to wasp stings. Jacob is the same way. Laurel says it is when he gets a shot to the fatty tissue that he has a reaction, not into muscle. Well, this shingles shot is into the back of the arm, into fatty tissue. I had no reaction to the flu shot. Hmmmm? Laurel blames me for Jacob's problems! He's my boy!!! LOL

Judie said...

Good morning.

Lori, very sorry the medication is causing you problems both physically and for the job. Also sad to hear about Kate's mom. Prayers.

Paula, sorry about the snakes and spiders.

Hoda, hope you all raise lots of money.

Shirley, enjoy your new trees.

Happy Birthday, Bill

Today is test-making-up day.

Wishing everyone a wonderful Saturday.

paula eagleholic said...

Have a grand time Lolly!

You to Hoda.

63 and cloudy here this morning...and windy. Might get the boat ready...but noot sure if I will go outg today.

Gonna have a nice breakfast and then head to Lowes. Have a lot of small projects planned for today.

Lolly said...

If Joseph's soccer game is cancelled because of rain they are coming down for hamburgers and to see Sharon and Dan. Tried to get to Dallas but Michael flew out with friends going to the OK/Notre Dame game.

Have a great Saturday!

Hoda said...

Glad you are better LOLLY

LORI prayers for KATE and her Mom.

VERY GOOD to see you JUDIE.

PAULA be careful when you go out on the boat alone. Watch the winds and make sure the locals tell you what is what with tides and such.
Do you have a radio? How far out do you go? Do you have a small repairs kit just in case???
These are all considerations I was given when I lived up North and ventured out on my own on a skidoo/ Yamaha

stronghunter said...

Wishing Bill a happy birthday.

Lori--George was not sleeping that close to my head. He was hovering there watching my every move. It gets to you after awhile.

I think Judie is creating tests today. Wonder if the evil Jufie is suggesting questions to flummox the wannabe adults?

Rain for Lolly! Yea! I think we're supposed to have a dry spell. My new trees would appreciate a bit of rain, but I will enjoy watering them.

stronghunter said...

Must find food. BBL.

Kay said...

Good Saturday Morning Eagle Buds !

LORI, prayers being said on all counts for you, Kate and her mother.♥

PAULA, glad you've scheduled an exterminator--snakes may be helpful micers, but that's a little too close for comfort !

LOLLY, I also get such reactions at injection sites, but as long as you aren't having trouble breathing or feel light headed, I'd say don't worry. These are the times we think of LYNN and her wise medical advice, aren't they ?

Happy Birthday to BILL---have a good one !

HODA, God Bless you for helping your generous kidney donor friend and may He bless her as well !!!!

SHIRLEY, loved reading about antics of the middle schoolers and those of the baby, etc.. I always think such times are as delightful as going to the zoo. We humans are very interesting subjects !

JUDIE, good luck on making up those tests ! Make em' sweat a little ! I just don't want LORI's instructors to take that advice. ☺

I'm getting set for lunch and a matinee performance of Jerzey Boys in the company of Julie, Hugh and Seth. Expecting to have a grand time !

Love and prayers for all !!!!


Mema Jo said...

Good Saturday Afternoon to all ♥

Happy Birthday Bill aka Red
Enjoy your day and Celebrate You

You may get double the amount of wishes Bill as our Momster Calendar
notified us all twice! Can't figure it out yet but better more then none

Mema Jo said...

Lori Prayers for the med transition!
I agree that they sure picked bad timing on their notification now that you are mid stream!

Prayers continue for Kate and her mom.

Mema Jo said...

Enjoy your afternoon Kay with the family!

I posted on FB a link to the Africam Black Eagle... 1st egg has hatched

Black Eagle Cam

Mema Jo said...

My only plan for today is to attend Mass at 5:00

It isn't sunny here today but doesn't call for rain.

Enjoy the game and may your team win, Lolly.


JudyEddy said...

Hellooo Eagle Buds

Here is a video for PAULA and one and all

A little diddy for the blog
Smother Brothers show

JudyEddy said...

EAGLE in the attic

JudyEddy said...

sure wish we had sound I think she was just calling out from the looks of her

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

and we are back

JudyEddy said...

POOF for the second time

Mema Jo said...

Hello - it sure chilled down this evening........ Came out of Mass and had to run to the car!

Going to check out some TV shows - Not real sure what is on as I don't know the new season's scheduled.


Judie said...

Evenin' all.

Progress on the exam and yes, the evil Jufie has made a number of tricky contributions. Watching Miss Marple. Then headed to point my toes to the ceiling while denting the pillow.

Hope everyone had a wonderful day.

Sandperson is dallying outside the closet door. Mumbling something about having to go online to order extra sleepy dust (Sandperson is joining the electronic age). Scheduled to depart at 11pm.

Restful sleep for all.

stronghunter said...

Good night, Judie.

Quiet and peaceful here. It is just me and the fur children.

NCSuzan said...

Happy Birthday, Red! Hope you blow out all the candles!

I have read where several of you are blinded by the light of your computers. Changing the brightness will not affect the change you are looking for. A program was suggested to me and I can't believe how much relief it is to my eyes. It is called f.lux, it runs in your tray and softens the light.

stronghunter said...

I did buy a wrist brace for bowling, then did a bit of practice. We will have to see how this works. Nothing magical yet.

stronghunter said...

Was fascinated by some bowling ball names--

"Torrid Affair"
"Endless Nightmare"
"Defiant Edge"

Then there is the "Hello Kitty" ball.

Lori O. said...

Shirley, so happy you're trying the brace...hope good things come for you with it.

Thank you all for the prayers. I will count on them to pull me through...today was better than yesterday. Two days down, five weeks and five days to go....unless I can come off the meds faster...this is the safest and sanest way to go, the rate I am currently doing.

Sandi, yes...actually they won't allow me to do clinical rounds while I am on any meds in this classification. Total change required, even tho this is what has worked best, and with no ill side effects, for the last ten years!

They're playing music out at the campfire tonight. It's so nice to be with family, except for my younger brother who was here earlier. Seems every family has someone like him. Urgh! He's so stubborn and drinks too much!

Lolly, hope your arm feels better!

I tried to get the Black Eagle cam but forgot I need that other program that works for Flash since I'm on this iPad.
Thanks for the link, Jo.

I will go check it out now.

Goodnight everyone. Sweet eagle dreams, and again, many thank yous for the prayer help. Love you all.

paula eagleholic said...

Had fun at the neighbors.

Got a late start today. Went to Crisfield and walked Nick around the Dock. It was their first ever Dock Day on the Bay. They had some crafts, crab picking demonstration, fish displays and food. Nick got lots of petting. He is a little nervous in a crowd of people, so I want to continue to expose him to crowds. This was not really crowded at all, so it was good.

Then went to finish my shopping. Have to find new skirting for the house, since there is a big hole where the old AC came out. Found the wood, but will have to either order what I need from Lowe's or go elsewhere.

Will work on getting the boat out tomorrow. Have to learn to do it all by myself.

Hoda, I don't go out too far, and never when it's too rough. I always carry my cell with me also. It's a small aluminum boat, only 12 ft long, with a 6 horsepower motor. Larry has helped me rig up a winch so I can get the boat up on the beach by myself. Haven't set it up yet, which is part of what I want to do tomorrow.

paula eagleholic said...

Lori, glad today was better than yesterday. Do you have to transition off of one med before you start the new one?

stronghunter said...

So, Judie, are you going to tell your students about Jufie???

stronghunter said...

The pro shop guy was very helpful. He let me try a couple of different braces and got me to try rolling my ball to him with each one. The first one did not work at all.

I asked him if the brace might irritate my hand, and he did not think so, but I do have a place where it rubbed the skin off my knuckle. I picked up a roll of tape to use for protection.

I already know I will have to change my approach because of the way the brace makes me hold the ball.

Was in the mood for steak tonight, so I fixed myself a nice t-bone with some salad and a glass of Merlot. It really hit the spot.

stronghunter said...

Prayers, Lori. I hope you get everything worked out. Maybe you will find that after ten years you can handle the change okay.

stronghunter said...

Have had to make some medication changes in my lifetime, too. It can be challenging.

stronghunter said...

Can just picture you and Nick walking around together in at the dock in Crisfield, Paula. Lovely.

stronghunter said...

Going to get beneath the covers now. I am yawning already. SED, everyone.

Hoda said...

Thank you PAULA about explaining the boat. Important that you stay safe.

Had a wonderful day paddling.
We went out twice.
Last paddle of the season.
Next weekend we rush the beach and pull our Dragon out for repairs and a rest over the winter.
It was a good season and I will miss it.

Rained all day. Bailed the boat out several times.
Very happy with the performance of my rain gear.

Hoda said...

Am very tired so will say goodnight
God Bless Us All.

JudyEddy said...

Jordyn is having her first sleep over in the new house with Charlie she is 2 years older than Jordyn They have know each other for I think 3 yrs now went to the same school and Charlie adopted her as her little sister and so sweet she is 7 1/2 now She told Jordyn you grown since I have seen you Jordyn goes well I am 5 1/2 now so yes I am bigger Angie suggested to take the mattress in the playroom and they could watch movies but Charlie said no that's ok we will just go to bed in a few min we are tired Angie asked Jordyn awhile back when she spent the nite at another friend and Jordyn response was the sleeping mom LOL she loves her sleep LOL

JudyEddy said...

Forgot to say the Question was What is the best part of a sleep over?? Forgot the question Silly me

JudyEddy said...

not much on TV watchin 48 Hours

JudyEddy said...

I guess my brain is telling me to go to be forgetting my train of thought while typing and forgetting the major part LOL

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Lolly said...

What a day!! I am ready for bed! Up early and off to the game. Letterman's club had a great buffet at the alumni center, which is right next to the stadium. First time to go to a game at the new stadium. It is awesome. First have of the game it was dry, then the rain came. We got soaked, but so did everyone! TCU won so that was good! Came home, Laurel and the boys arrived and we had a fun evening. Rain came down slowly the first half inch and then it poured and we ended up with a hair over an inch of rain!! Everyone has gone home now and I am tired.

Time to close the eyes!! Night all!


Lolly said...

Shirley, Laurel enjoyed chatting with you on fb about the lightening warning system. She knew you were from the blog and I told her you were the one with a 12yr old football player. She then knew who you were. lol

Again...night all.

Mema Jo said...

Goodnight to All
Too tired to read back - will do it in the morning when my eyes aren't crashing.......


Great pics of our eagle Judy Thanks

Janet said...

good evening to all.
It has been quite the busy day.

We did go to pool school over at family leisure. It was quite educational, actually. We bought the stuff that we will need to close the pool, but it isn’t time quite yet. Closing the pool is based on the water temperature! This I did not know! When it is at 65 degrees, then we close the pool opening is also based on temperature, but I don’t know what temperature that is…yet.
After, we came home and I had to clean the pool the water temp is just about 80 degrees, and so it is quite chilly.
We had Tom’s birthday dinner tonight. We had 25 people there, all family! Even his sister came over from east TN. This pleased him. I am very glad we did that. I am also very glad I did not have to cook for everyone! Dinner out is a grand thing in this case.
Well it is way past my bedtime and I am sure I will turn into a pumpkin soon if I do not go to bed.
Good night to all. Pleasant dreams and I will chat at ya in the a.m.

magpie said...

Good Night, Eagle Pals...
It's tomorrow already.
but in some locations it's still

Do not like late notifications...
Lori: I totally agree, you could have and should have been notified in May....
You are on my prayer list, and have been...and also Kate and her Mother, AND your parents....
big piece of paper,
lots of names

Just take one day at a time...
and try to get enough REST and try to EAT WELL and drink plenty of
good water xoxo

Prayers for Wellness all Around...

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxox

stronghunter said...

Well, I am awake. I might have slept a bit.

Lori, I agree with Margy. They should have told you about the medication issue long ago. Prayers and good wishes.

stronghunter said...

I enjoyed chatting with Laurel, too, Lolly. I feel like I know her. :)

Interesting about the lightning alarm. She said you all have a lot of lightning there. I don't know how amounts of lightning here and there compare, but having an alarm sounds like a good idea.

stronghunter said...

Top 5 Lightning-Prone States
1. Florida
2. Louisiana
3. Mississippi
4. Alabama
5. (tie) South Carolina/Oklahoma

...According to the Weather Channel.

But it looks like your part of Texas has more lightning strikes than my part of Virginia, which might explain the decision to get an alarm there.

Lori O. said...

Good Sunday morning!

Shirley, you were up pretty late. Hope you were able to get some sleep.

Jo, are you going to the market today...or is it over now?

JudyE, very cute about Jordyn's sleep over with her adopted big sis. Hope you have a good day at work today.

Margy, happy day off! What are your plans?

Lolly, so happy you got all that rain...sorry you had to sit outside through it. How is your arm?

Hoda, I'm certain you have at least one good cause your working for today...what's on your agenda today? Bless you for all your contributions to making this a better world.

Kay, how was your time with the family? Best wishes for another great day...big hugs!

Sandi, how is your beach weather? Hope you get to be outside and enjoy it today.

Paula, no...I'm transitioning off the one med and have already started the new one. My body is freaking out. It's basically a detox getting off the one med, and withdrawal.

Janet, glad that Tom's party was such a hit...sound like you did a fantastic job putting it together.

Everyone, thanks for your prayers and support now. It means so much, and I know I will get through this because of your love and faith.

Bless you all! Have a great day. : )

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

Sandi said...

Good morning Lori, Judy, and all my eagle friends!

Wow, Bella didn't wake me til 7am - that's really sleeping in, for her and for me!!

Kay, how was Jersey Boys??? I'm envious - I would LOVE to see that show! I adore musicals - when Kevin was younger, he was my live theatre companion.

Lori, prayers continue for you and your meds change and for kate and her mom.

Suzan, I downloaded f.lux and will give it a try - thanks for the heads-up! I spend a lot of time on the computer in the evenings doing school stuff.

Lolly, congrats on more rain!

It was a beautiful day here yesterday! Sunny and breezy - too chilly for me to go to the beach but perfect for being outside. I took a long bike ride with Bella in her basket, and worked in the garden. Also got the upstairs dusted and vacuumed and the 3 upstairs bathrooms cleaned.

Today is laundry and I'm switching out my closet - putting the summer clothes away and getting out the fall and winter stuff. Unlike Hoda, I am not a fan of this time of year or what;s coming. Hate dark and hate cold.

Nest cam is all blue - can't see if there are any eagles in the tree. Have a great day all!

paula eagleholic said...

Morning all

Slept well

Going to work on my to do list today

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

It looks pretty and sunny out there. I will eventually check it out.

Slept in a bit or kind of slept in. George got confused about when I should feed him and thought: "Maybe 3:00?" "Maybe 4:00?" and so on . . .I was cat-trampled several times.

My new trees do seem much happier with their roots in the ground. I sometimes wonder how long a nursery keeps trees sitting with their roots in balls.

Will has mentioned sealing the driveway. Hmm, I think I might go buy that tar stuff and have it ready. Such a messy job.

stronghunter said...

Wow, Sandi, sounds like you accomplished a lot yesterday.

Mema Jo said...

Good Sunday Morning to all ♥

Jenny is here decorating my home with her fall items as she doesn't want to use them in her home because of Mr Blizzard - the new kitten. He is so very playful.

Paula - the new skirting for your home in paradise - do they have 'snake proof' ?

Lori - are your home from the camp site now . How long do your parents stay? Getting really good weather for the camp fires.

magpie said...

Good Morning, Eagle Pals.....

view is visible at the nest now...
we had lots of fog this morning, I think there is still some at NCTC

we decorated our "Christmas Tree"
for fall yesterday at work :)

magpie said...

Baltimore Ravens play at 1,
in Buffalo
Washington Redskins play at
4:25 - in Oakland. CA....

magpie said...

Leaf change colors
or "colours" as Hoda might prefer,
are really kicking in hereabouts

Janet said...

Good morning to all.
I am holding you close in my heart and thoughts as you come off of this medication. I want you to know how powerful your mind can be in this….picture your world with you in it doing well on a different/no meds. I have read many books and have seen this work. My way of putting it is “your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions and your actions become your reality”….you can do this. We are all rooting for you, holding you close. You can do this! Drink copious amounts of water, perhaps look into doing a juicing cleanse to help your body?

Sounds as if everyone else is having a good day.

Around here, quiet. One of my favorite groups, Tuatha Dea is in concert this afternoon and we are going to see them. I am very excited to see them again! They do a celtic tribal style of music.
Bowling tonight. Stronghunter: how’s the brace ? Do you like it? Hopefully it will produce the results that you are looking for. It sounds like you had a good person helping you to pick one.
We have bowling tonight, of course. And on to another week tomorrow.
All right. Everyone have a great day . Light, love and smiles to all!

magpie said...

(( MEGA HUGS...))

really praying for this transition
time for you.....
Do your best to treat yourself
like your own best friend...
and take those serenity breaks whenever you can...


magpie said...

wise words, Janet...
enjoy YOUR busy busy day
as in the Richard Scarry books...
you always have those busy busy days!

to answer your question:
Today is James Day....coming here pretty soon...I am in the mood for some Frisbee and Goodwill...
and we'll fill my water bottles at the Springs in Berkeley Springs...
now that's some Good Water !

magpie said...

And to all....
Best Wishes for a Very Beauteous
Inside [yourselves]and Out...[side in the weather ] !

xoxox (( All Day Sunday Hugs ))

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxox

magpie said...

two medium sized birds in the nest..just don't know what they are!
and now there is only one

Mema Jo said...

My cam finally came on - MT Tree - It really took a long time

Outside fall decorations are up! Something is taking nibbles out of my
real pumpkins on the steps..... I am sure it is the squirrel because he left me a peanut shell.

Mema Jo said...

Today is National Coffee Day
Help yourself to that 2nd cup ♥

magpie said...

I'm at least on my third cup, Jo!

I got all the equipment for
using a coffee press....
grinder, water warming pot,
the press and all that jazz...
I had this in Germany and got
quite enamored of it....
so now I can do it one cup at a time,
but I haven't started yet !

ta ta for now...

Happy Day ! xo

magpie said...

and coffee beans of course !

the whole arrangement costs less than a Keurig, but we do have a
Keurig at work...someone donated it...
it is quite the rave too

okay, I think I said "bye."

Mema Jo said...

Morning Margy - Enjoy your James Day
Remember that Market is open until 1:00 and Megan has some beautiful small bouquets........ Or you and James also get your pumpkins...... ♥

Lolly said...

Good morning!!

My are is better but still red, swollen and sensitive. Did not bother me in the night for the first time. Glad this is a one time shot!!

Have to hurry off and eat a bite before heading to church. A wonderful 65 here this morning.

Later Gators!

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the info about football games, Margy. I sometimes forget.

Enjoy your James day.

Coffee press--do keep us posted about this.

magpie said...

oh good Lolly...
hopes for continued less-discomfort with that arm.....

and thanks Jo...unfortunately I cannot make the turnaround up and back by 1...

stronghunter said...

Glad the arm is better, Lolly.

stronghunter said...

Blue sky at the Sycamore Palace. No eagles in sight.

Hoda said...

Good morning.
All sound well.
LORI JANET is wise. Great suggestions.
Bravo JANET.
Enjoy your to do list PAULA.
MARGIE enjoy your day sounds full.
Take pictures JO of the autumn decorations.
Sorry you did not sleep soundly SHIRLEY.
I know what that is like. Have an easy day today.
LORI I have a meditative Day. One stop grocery shopping in between.
LOLLY so glad you had rain. Also that the visit went well with your sister. Also that the arm is better. Blessed Be.

stronghunter said...

Sky is still blue behind the clouds now gathering at the Sycamore Palace.

stronghunter said...

Going to grab some food and then check out the bowling scene.

I see a large bird soaring above the Sycamore.

Mema Jo said...

Margy from what you had said I thought James was being brought to your placed - didn't know you were picking him up.

Mema Jo said...

Ravens are up one point
Ravens 7 & Buffalo Bills 6
This is only the 2nd quarter

NatureNut said...

Happy Sunday to Everyone and a belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO RED!!!!
I think I just saw my first monarch zoom by here at home. Didn't stop at flowers~~was heading SE.
Good Grief---several ailments, med. events w/our group. Prayers for all. I love hearing about Bob's sock puller!
Lolly mentioned possible shot reaction & Frank just talked to Jr. in TN and he had dental trouble. They gave him novocaine for a filling and he got swollen and now has sores!
Paula, I could stand snakes as they usually run away from folks, but spidies are AWFUL!!! Glad you're getting help.
Prayers for ALL, as I didn't want to forget mentioning anyone ☺

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds and ditto to HODA's comments in her 12:50 post. HODA, hope it's been a blessed meditative day for you !

SANDI, The Jersey Boys were fantabulous !! If they come your way or if you can get to the Big Apple, do see !!

Afterwards Seth came home with me for our traditional Sat/Sun. He'll be returning to the college this p.m. after a couple of days of intensive French tutoring. It seems to be the only class he's struggling a bit with and since his mom taught French before switching gears and becoming a Biologist, she's the perfect person to pull him through the course.

Rain is coming in and we sorely need it, so I won't complain. We're having a beautiful Autumn !

Love and prayers for all and Happy Birthday to RED !


Mema Jo said...

Baltimore Orioles 7
Bostopn Red Socks 5
bottom of the 7th

Baltimore Ravens 17
Buffalo Bills 23
4th qtr

stronghunter said...

Redskins 0
Raiders 14

Oh, good grief!

Mema Jo said...

Ravens 20
Bills 23

Orioles 7
Red Sox 6

Mema Jo said...

Lily the Black Bear Report

June Killed – UPDATE September 29, 2013 - read more here


:( :( :(

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - good grief is right!

stronghunter said...

Oh, very sad about June.

There seems to be a huge conflict between the DNR and Dr. Rogers.

stronghunter said...

Score now 14-10 at halftime. Raiders still in the lead.

paula eagleholic said...

How god awful about June. Sounds like the hunters are. Targeting the research bears

stronghunter said...

I was thinking the same thing, Paula

paula eagleholic said...

Got the hole in the foundation boarded up and ready forthe skkirting...which is basically sideways siding :) have to order the skirting from Lowes.

This is not where the snake got in...he got in thru one of those vents in the foundation oof the front room. I can see the screen that covers the vent has been pushed through. When Mr Snake is removed I will repair the screen

Made a dent in the to do list...but ther is always more to do. Still figuring out where to put stuff.

stronghunter said...

Flock of geese just flew by close to the cam.

paula eagleholic said...

Been listening to the Skins game while working insixde the house...it is on my local channels today.

Meeting up with the family for Colorfest in 2 weeks...can,t wait.

JudyEddy said...

HELLO home from work and I saw the flock also SHIRLEY

Hoda said...

Indeed very very very sad about JUNE!
Am surprised as Minessota has the reputation of being very protective of wild life. The apparent hostile attitude from the Dept is confusing and upsetting!

stronghunter said...

Bet they were honking, Judy.

Hoda said...

How isolated is Paradise PAULA?
I wonder about services and amanaties.
You said TV does not get you the channels you are used to. Glad you are able to listen to the Skins.

JudyEddy said...

we may have a tropical depression later this week they don't think it will turn into a hurricane Hope it stays that was

JudyEddy said...

RAYS won today Hoot Hoot

stronghunter said...

Hunter's friend Anthony came over awhile ago wanting to borrow the pickaxe so he could dig a garden for his mother.

Anthony is about two years younger than Hunter . . . Kathryn told him that he couldn't use the pickaxe without adult supervision.

He is such a cute kid. The other day he was rolling sideways on his skateboard while munching on a slice of pizza. I asked if that was his supper, and he said it was.

JudyEddy said...

so sad about June I haven't been watching any other cam

stronghunter said...

More geese.

JudyEddy said...

Supper on wheels LOL I guess they don't have the table old fashion dinner

stronghunter said...

I saw last night that there was a tropical depression, Judy. Guess this is the same one.

stronghunter said...

We are almost to a split, folks.

Lynne2 said...

for SHAAAAMMMME DNR of MI....OMG what AWFUL NEWS about June. I think, too, that they are targeting Dr Rogers bears. And why wouldn't they be straight up with him???

JudyEddy said...

Well starting next week unless I can talk one of the manager change it I go back on the different schedules 8-5/9-6/or 10-7 Like the system was doing with my schedule but my asstmgr changed it He is now on nights and I emailed him and talked with him this am he told me just ask one of the other mgrs So will do that I don't like the different hours one day 8 then 9 then 10 PIA I only have one 10-7 days in the next two weeks but still don't like it But may have to live with it like I did before Will find out this week wish me luck!

JudyEddy said...

Watching the news BBIALW

stronghunter said...

Well, the Redskins are getting the ball after a failed 52-yard field goal. Gracious. 52 yards. Quite an attempt.

JudyEddy said...

OH need to find some my station has football

«Oldest ‹Older   201 – 400 of 457   Newer› Newest»

5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...