Friday, May 17, 2013


New thread.  TGIF.


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magpie said...

oh Sundae! oops, not Sunday ☺

magpie said...

Someone/s in Florida are probably
seriously delirious this morning....if they have come out
Powerball Shock yet!
Like Judie, I also hope the winner/s really were in need....
it always seems happier that way

magpie said...

TAHT at the nest just a few seconds ago,
was, I think, a Yellow-Billed

Also hearing bluebirds, and the occasional Baltimore Oriole ♪ ♫

magpie said...

Oh my, another big long skinnny
fish...maybe a "Gar"

I think that is Belle that brought it in

magpie said...

or maybe an eel, or a big long slimey slug !

Mema Jo said...

Good morning - no sunshine again today - I'll need to make my own!

Today is Jennifer's birthday
Vincent actually shares the same date. Two very special persons in my life.

There are FB pics of yesterday's party. Jeff's mom has sent some over to my page. Love them. Will try to forward some of them by email to all my non-FB users.

Judy - Oh how awesome it would be if that 1 ticket was in your possession. For sure Angie would have that house she wants ♥

magpie said...

wow it might even be a snake!
Sure wish I knew more about these things

Sandi said...

Home from tennis - great fun, great exercise, and great competition! Won one set, lost one, and we ended at a tie in the 3rd.

Wow, that is one looonnnggg skinny fish in the nest!

Gray skies predicted for Bethany all day, but warm.

If Judy wins $600 million, I have no doubt she would share some of it with her bestest eagle friends, and still have plenty to buy that house for Angie!

Belle started working on the long fish/eel and one of the kids grabbed the other end and yanked it right away from her. Now Belle is working on one end and the eaglet seems to be begging to be fed. No, more tug of war - too funny!

magpie said...

I like that Jo, you will make
your OWN sunshine ☼ -
your sure help make OURS ♥

Happy Birthday wishes to your
dear Jenny....and once again
to your dear Vincent ☺♥☺♥

Enjoy !

glo said...

Good morning all. I have the cam on fullscreen on a small smart tv in my sunroom. Color and focus are as good if not better than I have seen it all season. One of the eaglets tug of war with Shep on long skinny eel kind of a thingy LOL. It is so nice to see a view that I can enjoy for a while. Hedgie or Shamrock have moved up to try to share in the long skinny thin. We'll see how that goes. Enjoy your day everyone.

magpie said...

yes it was comical Sandi
Mine, no it's Mine!
Almost like a taffy pull!

Headed out soon to see James
the Wise Kidster.....
Joyfulness on the agenda for me.

Best Wishes for a Super Sunday to
Every One...
xoxox ♥

magpie said...

right, a tug of war!
Good to SEE YOU ☺

Lovins' to you and the furbabies!

magpie said...

It's a Four-Eagles in the Nest
Event right now - Nice !

glo said...

:-) Still watching. Quite the event with whatever it is they are "sort of sharing" :-)

CarolAnne said...

Interesting day - have never been to an auction - Today there is one 2 houses down fron us. Just like on TV - rapid fire bidding, bids yelled out. Cool beans :o)

Sad part is it represents the end of a life :o (

Lolly said...

Helloooooo! We be home! Had to take Zach home early to go to a party!

I did not put pics on fb as Michael is very adamant about not putting Zach's pictures on fb. I do sneak them on occasionally! I do have lots of pics and when I download will put them on here.

Lolly said...

Had a great time. However, Zach woke up Sat morn at 3 AM. And did not go back to sleep! It made for a long HOT day. We ate supper but then he CRASHED big time!!!! We got him bathed and put to bed before 7!!! He then slept 11 hours straight. we sat out and enjoyed watching the hawk nest and wine! He was happy this morn. thank goodness!

Now we leave Tuesday morn for the hill country!

stronghunter said...

Getting ready to head out to the store for some food. Hungry. Not a good time to grocery shop, but it is necessary to have food.


Wondering what kind of glue they use for surgery patients, Judie.

Mema Jo said...

Headed out to celebrate Jenny's birthday - Aaron and Val will be there - have not seen them since going to Market a few weeks back.


Judie said...

Good afternoon everyone.

Missed the tug-of-war. Bet is was a a real fun event. Yep, the eaglets are beginning to practice being wannabe eagles.

Don't know what kind of glue is used but it was clear and real stick-to-the-skin stuff. Just dries up and peals off after about two or three weeks. Was also used on my carotid incision in year later.

Jo, know you are having fun and my apology as I forgot: ♪♫HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO JENNY♪♫ Could only be a wondrous day with her Mema Jo with her.

Glad Lolly & Co. are home safely and Margy is getting her James the Wise fix and Glo is enjoying her sunroom tv time.

So happy Sandi does all the exercise for us.

Judie said...

Okay, if anyone has any recent mattress/box springs experience, please share.

Went searching today. Found one Sealy that was pretty good for under $400 (full for the guest room). But sheesh, most were at or well over $1,000. May have to resort to a sturdy cardboard box.

Lolly said...

Judie, no new experience buying mattresses? Yep, that is what they are going for. However,since this is for the guest bedroom the Sealy should be okay. Would not recommend a sturdy cardboard box, unless the intention is to scare away unwanted house guests!

CarolAnne said...

WHY?? WHY?? WHY???? : (
From REG INC :
A few days ago we admitted a Canada goose gosling. His little wings were taped in an upright position with duct tape that then continued around his neck. He was found at a truck stop.

How can people be so horrible?

paula eagleholic said...

Good Evening from the Captain David Kelly house in Centreville, MA.

Hoda, I have found the ice cream shop! My cousin Cheri also recommended it. It is right down the street!

paula eagleholic said...

Today was great...went out to Race Point Lighthouse...they had free tours, the one day a year they do this. They drove us through the dunes in their vehicles. Went up to the top of the lighthouse ( it is a small one), and walked the beach, and dipped my toes in the Atlantic for Hoda (picture later).

Spent the rest of the day in Provincetown, had a great time. Had a lobster BLT!

So much to see and not enough time!

We are here at the B&B, freshening up for dinner, then we will have a quiet evening. It's been a whirlwind couple of days!

JudyEddy said...

Home from work and a visit with the cell phone tower only one eagle as the past couple of nights one in the nest and yeah he finally got up on the rail of the tower and on the wrong side of the tower bad on taking pictures with the sun in front of you
I was playing around with my camera I have ISO don't know what that is and WB Auto and # and ISO Auto lo and hi playing around with the exposure compensation also and trying to figure it out is a PIA I may have to break down and get the darn disc out and read on it I wish it came with a book instead of CD disc

NO I DIDN"T WIN darn it plus I did n't lay

JudyEddy said...

Haven't read the blog yet just in the door and saw the first comment in my email asking if I won I sure wish I did was sold at a Publix in Zepherhills I only know two people in that area I wonder if it was them HMMM

JudyEddy said...

.♥ ♥ WELCOME ♥ ♥.

.♥ ♥ H O M E ♥ ♥.


JudyEddy said...

JUDIE I would share it if I won it because I wouldn't know what to do with it beside pay off my house and travel and wouldn't be able to spend it all on myself and my two kids I would share the wealth REALLY I would

JudyEddy said...

I also would give NCTC some $$$$$ if I won for another camera to watch the eagle go in and out of the nest like Wite Rock has

Hoda said...

PAULA PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE take a picture of the FOUR SEAS...Oh right down the street!!! How awesome is that...I would love to see a picture...

JudyEddy said...

wing flapping the other is being beat up

Hoda said...

Things sound good on the blog.

EXCEPT for C/A's anguished post.
It is not explainable and there is no answer to the why C/A...
Yes tragic yes stressful yes inhumane. I always think those who do such a think must be very depraved and lacking conciousness...
No more hurting people as the little boy from Boston said and I think that goes for animals and birds too.

Hoda said...

JUDYE I am glad you checked in I thought since you were absent maybe you DID win the lottery...I am sure though you would have used it all towards good causes.

Hoda said...

I have a big smile I just read back and here you are saying you would have shared. BIG HEARTED JUDYE

Hoda said...

Does anyone have PAULA's cell number? I really really really want to see a picture of THE FOUR SEAS and I want to text her.

SHIRLEY so happy you were here today. I worry when you do not check in.

LINDA might be in Florida. She posted pictures on FB of a birthday party. Did she win the ticket?

JudyEddy said...

Parent in the attic the eaglet are laying side by side I love how they get along

Sandi said...

Hi all! Hoda, I have Paula's cell number - will send it to you in an email!

JudyEddy said...

HODA CHECK your mailing list to see in the # is there

JudyEddy said...

never mind I just saw we posted at the same time LOL SANDI

JudyEddy said...

OK gonna go find some food I am hungry BBIALW

Sandi said...

Judy, sorry you didn't win, but I know how generous you are - you would have used the money wisely! You would even have bought Judie that new box spring and mattress she's currently shopping for!

Hoda said...

Love you SANDI Thank You...

Hoda said...

Love you too JUDYE Thank you...

JudyEddy said...

All music lovers Billboard Music Awards are on

JudyEddy said...

You wanna laugh I walked in the kitchen and just noticed something I left THE ICE CREAM out on the counter last night and it was my favorite kind and I only opened it last night wah waah Chocolate Trinity is to dye for I guess that its not meant to be so sad so sad Oh but I do have Cappachino Fudge Blitz buy one get one at Publix

JudyEddy said...

It is in a black container sitting next to my canister set which is black and could see Night lite on live cam

Hoda said...

I spoke to PAULA I spoke to PAULA!!!
She will take pictures of the FOUR SEAS...
SHe was waiting with her family to be seated for supper and she has other pictures too...
I am so very very very blessed...
Thank you SANDI the phone number worked and she did promise to take pictures of my MOST FAVOURITE ICE CREAM PLACE IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD...I used to ride my bicycle from Oyster Harbours to Centerville for an ice cream cone from there... BLESSED BE. Thank you PAULA.

Lolly said...

We have had dinner and now crashing. I will be in bed early tonight. How can one little 7 year old wear you out? Never mind...I know the answer. He does not play with toys. We were constantly talking and interacting with him. Such a riot! He used the words navigation and destination with ease and with knowledge. So very intelligent. He would get the GPS on my phone working and then count down to our next turn.

Lolly said...

Really enjoyed the hawk nest. Was fun watching food be brought in and the young branching.

Hoda said...

I came for the Eagles and stayed for the Friendships I made.
I ♥ ♥ ♥ US

Lolly said...

Eaglet making a funny noise.

Hoda said...

ZACHAROOSKI is a joy and yes very very very intelligent LOLLY. He reminds me of Geoff, my sister's son. Once he grew older we found he occupied himself more and more with electronics and he runs circles around all of us with his abilities. Excellent math skills too. He is in College now and is doing very well.

Mema Jo said...

I had a very nice dinner get together with my birthday daughter & her hubby. Her son, Aaron with Val and Jenny's sister, Kristen and her hubby. Talked and laughed a lot.

Hoda I can feel you excitement clear down here in my valley. Your happiness has made my day!

Hoda said...

Oh sorry about the melted ice cream easy to do...glad you have another one that you like as much.

Hoda said...

YAY YAY YAY PAULA put her feet in the ATLANTIC OCEAN!!! I knbow the feel of it...the best salt water ever...I just read up.

Thank you JO I am blessed to have you all in my life.

Lolly said...

Storms north of us. Poor Oklahoma. They are watching the weather here very carefully. It is very windy and once again twigs and small branches down all over the yard.

One lady went home from the hospital yesterday. She has a fractured neck, and broken knee, a deep gash across her forehead, and badly bruised ear, plus many scratches and cuts. She was in the closet with her dog and two sons when the tornado hit their house. She saw the door go away and then one of her sons, and then it picked her up. She ended up in deep mud. Bet it saved her life! Both sons are injured but okay and the dog is missing. Her home totally destroyed. She went "home" to a friends house. Can not imagine!

Hoda said...

The tornado touch down in OKC just came across the radio news here too LOLLY. I posted on FB to check on the friends there. Terrifying experience for this woman and her family. I hope they find the dog.

magpie said...

Lots of Happiness here, and a little big of Angst....ref C/A's post about the gosling...unconscionable...truly,

Judie: Sealy sounds good...nice firm mattress is my choice...and then there is the overtuning turning and rotating every couple of keep it all fresh

I had one once, but had to "leave it behind" when I moved here to the apartment...I realy realy need a good mattress, and that needs to move up to the top of my list very soon !

magpie said...

big bummer about JudyE's ice cream....
but offset by Paula's finding of the Ice Cream Shop in Centreville

And as always, enjoyed the
Zacharooski report,
and of course, Jo's day with the Birthday Gal, Jenny ♥

Judie said...

Amazing. Just watched mom and dad Kestrel feed their five babies. Now I know -- mom and dad each took the remains of dinner outside the box.

Yes, Sandi, JudyE could have purchased a new mattress and box spring. The prices suggest one would need to have won a large lottery.

Storms in the midwest are devastating. So very sad for all the people and the animals. We can send our prayers for them.

The good news is that Hoda spoke with Paula, Paula's toes have been anointed by the Atlantic, and ice cream is on the menu tonight.

So pleased you had such a good day Jo. Family is good.

Speaking of family, where is Wanda? Still got computer troubles, I guess.

Speaking of my menu, I must take some meds (new routine)and then I think I'll try to get some sleep.

Sending the sandperson along at 11pm. Restful sleep for all.

magpie said...

Wowser, an eagle at the nest at Lake Washington...very rare, has not been much going on at that nest all season, and 3 beauteous
Osprey eggs at the nest in Washington also

I heard AND SAW an indigo bunting at James's today, and tons and tons of James Rockets along many roadsides... really they are Dame's Rockets
also saw Daisy Fleabane, more Wild Geranium and Wild's definitely the West Virginia Wildflower season ☺

magpie said...

Night-night Judie...enjoy ALL your posts... !!

magpie said...

I knew that Linda was headed to Florida, from when I spoke with
her last seek...
and that she found a very good flight $$ deal, and I think she will have another trip planned in the weeks to come....she is very busy as I mentioned before...with her husband's medical things and her work, I
know she will come back around here as time allows....

magpie said...

Thank you once again for the Thank You and you can assure the Grans to Grans folks, that I appreciate their thoughts as well ♥

magpie said...

James's father joined us today, we all went to see "Croods" - second time around for James and me, first for his father...
then he bought me a Special Dark
with Almonds Bar....oh yeah!
But I also looked lovingly at all
the Pepperidge Farm Cookies....
Hope Shirley's grocery shopping trip went well,
yes tough to shop when Hungry....but sometimes, it can generate some creative shopping choices... !

JudyEddy said...

another downer note but wasn't meant to be the house that they were looking at got bought with CASH so its a no go darn people that do that just to rent it Highway robbery

Lynne2 said...

I am sucking on my 85% cocoa square. Yummy, it's like a BERGER COOKIE....NOT. Being healthier my kill me...

Evening all! Just popping in to say hello and I'm off to bed shortly. Sound like everyone is having a good weekend!

So sad, more tornadoes. One death confirmed....

Lynne2 said...

they are showing people with flashlights crawling all over piles of debris looking for others.

stronghunter said...


Watching the news now--about the tornadoes. Earlier today, I was playing a word game with someone in Wichita. She said the storms were going around them then. Hope all is well with her.

Prayers and good wishes for those in the Midwest. Scary situation.

Grocery shopping was fine. Also purchased a hummingbird feeder for Kathryn to take with her this weekend.

She's planning to visit her friend Angela at the "Rivah House." I went last year and meant to send a gift then and never got around to it. It's where I saw the osprey nests--Fred and Ethel and Ricky and Lucy.

stronghunter said...

Was watching the people with flashlights, too, Lynne.

stronghunter said...

Good night, Judie.

Glad you got to talk with Paula, Hoda. And that she found your ice cream place.

stronghunter said...

What an awful thing to do to a little gosling, CA. Just hard to understand such cruelty.

The people at with the flashlights are at a mobile home park. Not good.

stronghunter said...

Getting pretty sleepy here. Morning comes early at this household.

Mema Jo said...

I'm not sure I can wait for our Sandman.... my eyes are very heavy A face plant may be coming on....

I loved reading about all of your happenings of the day. Wanda is A-ok
She sent b-day greetings to Jenny today.

Gong to close down for the day
Everyone sleep soundly and awaken refreshed........... I love us ♥

Hoda said...

Thoughts and prayers to all who are affected by the tornado. I did not know about the one confirmed so sad.

Goodnight JUDIE. WANDA posted a bit on FB making comments but not overly using the computer I would say. So yes I think computer problems continue for her. I miss her when she is not here.

A hummingbird feeder is a fine present SHIRLEY. I do hope your friend in Wichita is safe also.

Sorry about the house JUDYE.

JudyEddy said...

CA my mom would say that those people are born with no SOULS
that to many people are being born and not enough souls to go around

stronghunter said...

Oh yes, happy birthday to Jenny, Jo.

stronghunter said...

Thought I would include the directions for making hummingbird food without the red dye and a bird book as well. I will need to make a bookstore run for that.

stronghunter said...

Earlier today there was an interview of a boy who had been sucked up by a tornado. He said he was 20-30 feet off the ground and was hit by a board before coming back down. He had two black eyes and looked beat up.

Hoda said...

You are generous SHIRLEY.

I like your Mama's thinking JUDYE in regards the no souls!!!
Something is certainly wrong with those who do such things.

So happy JO had a good day of celebrations with family.

stronghunter said...

Good night. SED, everyone. See you tomorrow.

magpie said...

I am very sad of the tornado news....
the weather has been fierce in
many places...
God Bless the Victims, the survivors, and the Rescuers

Lolly said...

Been meaning to tell all of you about what Laurel is doing in her classroom. She read The Book Whisperer and is now following her suggestions in her classroom. The kids are loving it. Next year she will use her suggestions all year. It is really interesting,

The Book Whisperer

Hoda said...

That is great LOLLY about what LAUREL is doing in her classroom. Good site.

magpie said...

I'm going to have check that one in the morning, Lolly...
it's time for my beddy-bye
my pillows are hollering for my

Prayers for Wellness and Joy, All Around, and for Sweet and
Restful Sleep

Good Night, Precious Pals...

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxox ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Sorry to inform you that we had lobster for dinner too...NOT! Had to have some warm lobster with melted butter.

Trying to load some pictures...not sure I'm going to last much longer.

Talked to Hoda tonight...she has the sweetest voice! It matches her personality! I think Michael was surprised, but not surprised. I had already told him about this ice cream shop. I will get her some pictures tomorrow.....

Heading home tomorrow, will check in while I'm on the road. Expect to be home late tomorrow night.

SED, love and hugs for all ♥

Hoda said...

Yum Yum Yum PAULA!!! Tough life, someone has to live it!!! Lobster twice in one day!!! Life on the Cape is GRAND.
I was so happy to hear you also and to talk with you. Thank you very much for chatting and for understanding how exciting it all is...Safe travels.

Hoda said...

Goodnight all.

God Bless us everyone.


Lolly said...

Time to call it a day...past time!

Napped before dinner and that is how I have managed to stay up this late.

Looks like we will possibly have more turbulent weather tomorrow night and Thursday.

Good night all! See ya in the morn. SED

Sandi said...

Good Monday morning my eagle friends!

The Book Whisperer, will have to read that over the summer for some fresh ideas. Thanks, Lolly!

Warm and muggy outside this morning - was hoping for maybe a fog delay and an extra hour of sleep but no go.

Started feeling puny last night - feels like just a cold but achy and a scratchy throat.

Make it a great day all!

Janet said...

Good morning to one and all. I arrived home yesterday just before noon.....I was so tired!!! But we had a great time.

Now back to work today! I am ready.

Everyone is adjusting to Seven's presence....

Will check in later today! Light, love smiles and hugs to all!

JudyEddy said...


stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Fresh greens decorating the nest this morning.

T-Bird said...

Good morning my eagle peeps.

T-Bird said...

Happy Monday.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning All!

Happy Monday, if there is such a thing.

SANDI, sorry you're not feeling well. Hope today goes fast!

PAULA and HODA got to have a real live phone conversation - how fun!

JANET, glad you had a great time on your trip. Did I miss pictures of the puppy?

MARGY, Happy day off!

Looks like another rainy day here, up to 85 with a 40% chance of thunderstorms. I need some sun!

Have a great day, everyone!


Lori O. said...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning my eagle budlets. Well, I survived another convention. We had 3049 years, 8 months and 3 days of clean time there. Biggest group we have ever had. It was amazing. I may have overdone it with my health situation but I am still alive. I wish I could tell you how many hugs I gave and received but that would be impossible. I don't think I can count that high but probably around 1500-2000.

Friday night, our speaker was amazing. Really got our convention off to a great start. Who was the speaker you ask? None other than our very own Eagle-Eye's Sissy. :)

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Today I have to pick up my paperwork, go to the hospital to pre-register for my MRI, have blood work to make sure my kidneys are functioning right. Wednesday is the MRI.

Lori O. said...

SHARON, glad you had such a great time...and congrats on all the sober time! You go gurl! Good luck getting your MRI set up. Love you!!

CarolAnne said...

Sharon - fantastic report. Glad it was a great time. Wowser - our own amazing convention starter!!

Prepping outside things for possibility of severe weather later today & tonight.

Great day all.

magpie said...

I'm betting that convention was
hall was just Vibrating with Positive Energy!
Wonderful report, Sharon, and
Bravo on Sissy's Presentation...

Best Wishes on all that you have going on today and in the near few days to come !!!


Good Morning Eagle Pals...
xoxo ♥

magpie said...

a Double Lobster Day for Paula...AND a phone call with
Hoda the Magnificent, now that's
what I call BOSS !!

magpie said...

I think it's a flycatcher but not sure
the bird sounding at the nest...
wish I could SEE it...!

I heard a Yellow-Billed Cuckoo in
my neighborhood this morning,
I can't believe that !

magpie said...

Springtime is nice, but sure
has its share of difficult and dangerous weather....

Prayers for Safety....everywhere...
and Safe Travels for all

Welcome Home Janet!

magpie said...

and once again, the Peaglet are
in opposite corners of the nest!

Lynne2: that dark-chocolate
you mentioned is very good for you!
Dark Chocolate takes the prize in the chocolate department.....
and the Special Dark with the Almonds...oh, that is double good!

magpie said...

Lots on the To-Do list today....
Lori: Thanks for the enjoy-the-day-off wishes...
I will enjoy scratching things off my list !

I hear the Baltimore Oriole ♪
at the nest this morning also

Best Wishes for Very Good Day,
to All xoxox ♥


Lolly said...

Good morning1 Slept late and it sure felt good! Have washed my hair, now to water pots today, buy a few more grosseries and then load up and be ready to head out tomorrow. Looking forward to days just sitting and reading outside. RV park we go to has very interesting animals right beside it. Some man with too much money has imported and farms exotic animals. They are fun to watch.

Possibility of storms tonight and tomorrow, but still need to water. Storms do not always develop as we all know.

Lolly said...

It is boast time. Friday night we missed Joseph's band concert. He got an award, "Outstanding Bandsman". Then Jacob was told by his coach that he was his best player and was recommending him for the All Star Team. The coach for that team watched Jacob play, and yes wanted him on the the team. A real honor, but they had to say no because of other plans. Too bad! Really really proud of both boys,.

Lolly said...

Sandi, I thought of you when I posted on Laurel following suggestions of The Book Whisperer. Laurel showed me a picture of some girls. They were in the hall waiting to enter her room....they were all sitting there reading!!! Joseph's teacher is also doing this and he is LOVING IT!!! He is going through books like crazy! The main theory is how do you learn to be a better reading. So, they are spending more time just reading!

Lolly said...

Oh, and about Jacob. He was on a really "Bad News Bears" team this year. Easy for him to be the "best" player. lol However, the fact that his coach recommended him and the other coach agreed is a real moral booster.

Lolly said...

Time for me to get moving. I'll be back!

Have a great day!

Paula, your trip sounded great!

Two eaglets just hanging!

Mema Jo said...

Good morning friends! Still no sunshine here in the valley.
I have been watching our juvies - one is feasting but I'm not sure what he is eating or who brought it into the nest. I have recently seen some bickering or picking on each other. I suppose that it is almost time for their separation :(

magpie said...

LOL Jo! Come over to West Virginia, we have some sunshine here, "on and off" ☼ and I am not sure how long it will last!

I saw Shep bring something he, I think he was bamboozling the kids because I do believe it was a Stick that looked
like a Fish! It was immediately mantled,
and they kids practically pushed
Shep out of the nest with the
wingersizing and hopping, too funny.
And then, there seemed to be
nothing for them to gnaw on...
But there's a Cardinal now
singing for you there ♪ ♫ ♥

magpie said...

So I guess, is it Hedgie? might be
picking at leftovers ☺

Mema Jo said...

This is Wanda's remark on FB

Wanda Concovia Wright I am grateful for facebook too...still not getting emails or much of anything else:( We have 3 computers down now!:(

magpie said...

Oh Bummer about computers...!!
Thanks JO....good that Wanda can at least stay a wee bit in touch
on Facebook....

Now my list of to-do things requires that I leave the indoors for the outdoors and eventually,
the vehicle...

So, So Long for Now, Friends...
xoxo ♥

stronghunter said...

Hello--I see one eaglet in the nest--other must be at the top. Time for some lunch here. BBL.

stronghunter said...

Breezy at the nest.

paula eagleholic said...

Afternoon all

Rained overnight but sunny and pretty today

Stopped at Hoda's icecream shop...I had peppermint stick...michael had ginger and laura had peanut butter choc chip

Just went through providence RI...heading towards hartford CT

Our weather has been perfect for the trip

Lolly enjoy your trip andcongats to your gsons

paula eagleholic said...

Meant to mention we saw a sun halo..pic was in cape cod paper...meant to grab a copy

paula eagleholic said...

Drive is going well...not going towards Hartford at all...taking southern route on I95 thru new london and new haven

Lori O. said...

LOLLY, congrats on Joseph's band recognition...that's awesome!

PAULA, are you on your way home?

Mema Jo said...

I thought with Steve back on the job that we would have had a new thread for today. He probably has a desk full of work and maybe should have left the automatic thread on.

I have accomplished not much today -
I did use the leaf blower for all those sunflower seed shells on the deck. That counts for something ♥

Keep on coming home, Paula and safe travels.

stronghunter said...

Oh my goodness, terrible tornado in Oklahoma. At least two schools destroyed. Moore, Oklahoma. A suburb of Oklahoma City.

Lolly said...

Watching the news...terrible news about the tornado in OK. We have the possibility of severe storms tonight. They are telling the areas that were hit last week to clear the area. Do not want more of last week!

JudyEddy said...

HELLLLOOOO Home from work looks like its gonna storm afternoon heat build up with sea breeze We need the rain its 86° right now feels like 91° humidity hot hot

gonna head over to the cell phone tower to see if the one youngone is still there

Lolly said...

Whole family is in the nest. Whoops one left!

JudyEddy said...

so sad the devastation and the schools with kids under mounds of debris The helicopter time lapsed video was horrific
wanting to take a shower but can't stop watching the news so sad so sad tears for them

Lolly said...

They have asked the helicopters to pull back. They want to listen for cries for help.

JudyEddy said...

OH MY the winning lotto # was a quick pick wow

stronghunter said...

I do not even know what a quick pick is, Judy.

stronghunter said...

I watched that tornado live when it hit. You could tell it was going to be terrible.

On Google Earth, you can see that there are many, many houses packed into the area around that school.

JudyEddy said...

Its is where you let the computer pick your Numbers some people use like birthdays but this way you don't know until they hand you your card and to find out it has happened 6 other times in Fl that quick picks won

JudyEddy said...

SHIRLEY can you post the link to Googleearth Please

JudyEddy said...

the google earth I have shows my house several years old not up to date that is why I was asking I have never used the up to date one

stronghunter said...

Need to go put together some dinner. Kathryn is on the way home. She is getting ready to take three days to go to a training program and has been trying to get everything organized before leaving.

The receptionist at her work had to leave to go to the hospital. It seems she nearly had a heart attack. She's in her 20's. Wow. Wondering if they will really want Kathryn to take three days away from work. Receptionist says she is coming to work again.

Lolly said...

Stuffed peppers for our dinner tonight and then I have a meeting at church. Really want to stay home, but have committed to this committee.

Tornados north of us. Tennis ball size hail with the storms. We have a cap that they say "may" hold.

JudyEddy said...

I posted the helicopter time lapsed video on facebook Hard to believe it was over a mile wide and that was a 20 mile path in the video
Time lapsed video of tornado in OK today devastation

Lori O. said...

Prayers for people tornado areas. The Moore, Oklahoma one with the schools leveled is so scary.

SHIRLEY, have a good dinner. Hope Kathryn has a good trip and happy the receptionist is okay. WOW!

Welcome home, JUDYE!

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

My delete realized I was wrong realized was several years ago so deleted it OOPS ME Back to TV

JudyEddy said...

there is a pretty bird singing at the nest

Hoda said...

I have been missing in action because I spent a long time sitting in the wonderful pictures she posted and with all the memories and feelings they invoked.

I have also been trying to get in touch with the oldest son in my American family who lives in OKC. No luck so far. The power lines are down however and some of the ones who checked in spoke of the devestation. I am hoping and praying he is out there lending a helping hand and will get in touch when the power is restored. None of the others have heard from him either..

Hoda said...

I will go read back. I love love love US.
God Bless you PAULA for making my Victoria Day weekend with your pictures...THANK YOU.

magpie said...

I am so sorry once again to read of the terrible tornado....
time for me to watch the news,
have been away from it all day...

Lolly: yes, Bravo to the Denton very proud both you and Jack AND Laurel and Joey must be !!

magpie said...

Pepermint Stick, Paula!
Perfect choice...that was one of
Lynn's favorites ♥
We have it here at Farmer's Market
and NOW it is on my list of

You have been traveling through
my brother Fred's neck of the woods in those areas of Connecticut....but he is Naples
right now

magpie said...

Last year I bought a half-gallon of it and Jewels and Jenn came over to The Big House and we
a par-tee with it!
It's not the Shepherdstown Market that has it, but
one closer here to home,
"Butler's Market."

Two regular tomato plants in
and two cherry tomato plants in
including something called "Black Cherry" I have to wait 64 days to eat one !!

JudyEddy said...

there is a web site that is on the crawl across the bottom of the screen on CNN news

JudyEddy said...

HODA they say you can search for people on that site

magpie said...

Loud Airplane
maybe a helicopter I think

magpie said...

Thank for posting the tornado is truly unbelievable....
how frightening !

Mema Jo said...

Good evening - had some company earlier (son & wife) Moon is out tonight - bright- not sure when full moon will shine.

These tornadoes are beyond belief.
I know the people are thankful for their lives but such a loss of their everyday dreams. Prayers for all!

Lolly - your grandsons are sure making you proud! ♥♥♥ Enjoy your peaceful upcoming trip.

Mema Jo said...

FB users - be sure you go to mine or Hoda's wall.......... look for a notice about her brownies! The dog found them and his picture is worth a thousand laughs!

Hoda said...

Thank you JUDYE will go start a search...

Very proud of LOLLY's Grandsons.

Yes I will second JO on the Brownie eating dog!!! No Doubt they were special Nelson Brownies I am sure of it...that dog has many two legged look alikes walking around here!!! LOL!!!

JudyEddy said...

oh yes JO I saw the dog and made a comment looks like he has already found the brownies LOL

Hoda said...

I could not find a place for a search JUDYE and I think it is best that I leave it as in my heart I know he is well and it is just a matter of phones being down due to no power. Thank you. Prayers continue.

JudyEddy said...

51 dead says CNN

JudyEddy said...

HODA there is a blue block that say search register click on it and there is a form to fill out I just went to the page and saw it

JudyEddy said...

They say text instead of call doesn't require as much bandwaves or something to that in case of er always text just said that on cnn also

stronghunter said...

Heard the same thing about texting, Judy. I remember that on 9-11 we could not get through on the phones, but were able to e-mail. My two sons were living very near the Pentagon then--close enough to hear the explosion and feel the impact. I still have the e-mails from that day.

JudyEddy said...

The thing they said is that text only need a Nanosecond whereas a call needs a entire line I rewound it couldn't figure out what he said

stronghunter said...

Watching DWTS now. I really needed a break from disaster.

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Eagle Buds. Wanted to join you in thoughts and prayers for the poor OK tornado victims. Some of that storm line goes all the way to Chicago (have to call relatives there!) and chance of the same for the next 2 days!
I have been away from 'puter for a couple~~~Saturday, the one at Park drove us crazy!Wouldn't print Daily $ reports, so I tricked it. Previewed the pages and captured them with the Snip It tool(used on eaglecam video!) They got saved in My Docs. & from there I could print them!! TA DA Machine worked well on TU~~~we'll see what tomorrow brings. Sat. PM, I konked out in chair at 8PM! Sunday and today played w/plants, went to store, etc.The body just asked for an Aleeve~~~"digging ditches" is getting harder!
Enjoyed reading about Paula's trip! I've only been to VT & the states in between.
Gotta get stuff ready for work, so Good Health Prayers for ALL & Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

Hoda said...

Thank you SHIRLEY and JUDYE.

Yes my sister said to text. He does not do text!

I will try email. If there is no power access to computer is limited. He does not do email on his cell either...

God Bless Us All.

I am sure he is out helping someone knowing him

Hoda said...

JUDYE are you on the FB page that shows the quick time lapse?
I do not get a search register blue block there and I have not seen any other link...

stronghunter said...

The tornado hit a very specific area, Hoda. A large part of Oklahoma City was not hit. What you are seeing is the area that suffered a direct hit.

Hoda said...

Thank you SHIRLEY. I know a woman who lives in Moore where it hit and she checked in on FB. Their house is still standing and they have a generator.

SW section is a concern and I think he lives in the east section so this is why I do not think it is essential to fill up a form. I will wait to hear.
God Bless Us All.

grannyblt said...

I'm sad to hear bad news these days, but thankful that My son-in- law's sister, who lives in OK is all right. Facebook does serve a good purpose at times like this.

Judie said...

Deeply saddened by the devastation in Oklahoma. For those of you who have family and/or friends in the areas affected, I hope they are all safe.

Mema Jo said...

Many prayers being said tonight by all for so many disaster victims.

Good night and God Bless you and your loved ones.

I Love Us ♥

Hoda said...

OK The oldest son in my American family just phoned. He is well and so is his area. The area where I went to school is hit, yet the school is not damaged. Some families from the school community are affected. Of course the main concern is for Moore. There is a vet providing first aid to pets at Home Depot and there is another area that is dealing with hurt live stock. Blessed Be. Glad they thought of the animals.

paula eagleholic said...

Home safe and sound

magpie said...

I'm very relieved for you, Hoda
that you have heard from the oldest son in your American family....and that he is ok.

So very shocking and tragic

Prayers for all involved, affected, helping.....

magpie said...

Welcome home Paula...
you are in a safe zone....

magpie said...

Good Night, dear pals...
Prayers for the so very many deaths and injured....
the children...

Hug your loved ones...and

God Bless Us,
Every One xo ♥

Hoda said...


Thank you very very very much PAULA.

You are THE BEST.


Lolly said...

Prayers for those affected by the tornado in OK. Devastating to learn that so many children in the school are victims.

I was at church tonight. When we came out the sky was quite interesting. Posted a pic on fb. We are under a high wind warning till midnight. Gusts to 50 - 60 mph. A cap is keeping the storms from us however tomorrow will be a different story. Almost afraid to leave my home. Severe weather is coming!

Lolly said...

Oh, lovely...our electricity just blinked. Has not done that in a long time.

paula eagleholic said...

We heard about the tornados on the way home. So very sad that the school children were victims.

paula eagleholic said...

Funny story...Nick usually sleeps on my bed at night, and is up in my room during the day while I am at work. John told me today that Nick spent the whole time while I was away either on the sofa in the living room, where he could see out the window, in front of the sofa, or in front of the bay window in the living room.

paula eagleholic said...

Glad you enjoyed the photos, Hoda. Wish you were there to enjoy it with us ♥

stronghunter said...

Nick is a smart dog--and patient. He was waiting for your return.

stronghunter said...

Time for me to head upstairs.

Wow. Still tornado warnings in Oklahoma.

Good to have friends to communicate with on a night like this.

Lolly said...

Night all! If we loose our electricity, I think I would rather be in bed.

See you in the morn.


stronghunter said...

Your picture on FB of the clouds is quite interesting, Lolly. Mammatus clouds--beautiful in a way, but scary looking too.

stronghunter said...

Good night, Lolly. I am heading upstairs now. Rest well my friends.

Lolly said...

Came back to say I just heard from a friend on fb. She lives in OC but teaches at an elementary in Moore. She and family are fine, a sister in law lost her home. So very thankful she and family are okay. Thank you, Lord.

Sandi said...

Good Tuesday morning my eagle friends!

Both eaglets are already flapping away - practice makes perfect. Read on FB yesterday that both eaglets at Blackwater are branching.

The news in OK is so awful - prayers for all who have been touched by that tragedy. You would think they would build schools in tornado-prone places with a safe place for kids and teachers to go in case of a severe storm. Why wouldn't they do that?

Paula welcome home - looks and sounds like you had a great trip! Bet you got a great welcome from Nick!

Lolly, hope you and Jack and your family didn't get any severe weather.

Warm and muggy here today. Make it a good one. And, if you think of it while you're on FB, go to the PIGS page and vote for them to win a new van at the sanctuary - thanks!

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Eagle Friends!!!

Hoping there is some happy news in OK today where they find people alive. What a terrible tragedy.

We are supposed to get up to 90 today - only a slight chance of thunderstorms, so it will probably be humid, too. Plan on doing yardwork during the hours it's not so hot.

PAULA, welcome home! Nick was happy to see you, I bet!

LOLLY, are you leaving on your trip today?

HODA, so happy your American brother got in touch with you! Big hugs.

Love you safe and have a wonderful day!

JudyEddy said...

GOOD Morning eaglebudlets

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning, Everyone!

Have been watching news coverage of the Oklahoma tornados, and praying for those affected by them. Cannot believe the amount of destruction! Absolutely mind blowing.

Hoda, so glad you heard from your American family member, and that he's OK! Lolly, glad your friend and her family are OK, too!

I seriously need to go get some breakfast, and some coffee. Will be back a little later. Hope everyone has a good day today.
I ♥ us!!!

JudyEddy said...

we have sneezing eaglelets this am two times in a row a sneeze

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Prayers for today--hoping that the bad weather is behind us.

I see that the storm zone will arrive in the West Virginia and Virginia area tomorrow. Had been wondering if that was going to happen.

stronghunter said...

Happy that you got good news about your American brother, Hoda.

magpie said...

Good Morning, Eagle Friends

Hoping that today will be a safe day for everyone.....
and that families and friends amongst us check in

We are about to hit the SPLIT
just to let you know

magpie said...

It's an adorable report of
Nick's change of habits while you were away, Paula...

I'm guessing, your New Camera worked Very Well !

grannyblt said...

Steve's back from vacation and has started a new thrdad.

«Oldest ‹Older   201 – 400 of 401   Newer› Newest»

1/22/25 PM Sorry late busy day

7AM.scout comes to the nest 7:02 AM. We exit the nest after trying out the bowl. .1:07 PM scout comes to the nest. She has been eating the w...