Drove by the cell phone tower after work and no eagles I thought I saw one at the nest area but waited for 20min and no one hopped up for me so just may drive back up closer to sundown is when they show up will play it by ear
first day back was not bad Was told I was missed which is always nice to hear
ok gonna go read the few comments in my email when I saw that few I thought a new thread and was wrong on that just everyone is enjoying the day off
I just saw the crawl across the bottom of Fox Race is in RAIN DELAY anyone know how many laps they were when it went to rain delay ???? I would love to see it but do want to go see if the juvies are home won't be long they won't be around so want to see as much as I can Hey my daughter says she was gonna have me locked up being I am this eagle crazy I told her I was not alone more people felt the same so I would have lots of company LOL
so funny sitting talking around about different things for the future Angie already has it lined up for Jordyn to drive me around and Angie said about 11 years Hey I said I still may want to drive in my 70's lots of people do
If anyone is interested in the Purina Pro Dog Challange we went to yesterday here is a 7mon long video there are 19 mini video put together to make it I just only did quickies
I did all the recording with my hands straight up in the air hoping I was pointed in the right direction I had a few in the beginning I didn't put on until I got the right angle practice
JUDYE: cool video. do you know what my dogs would do if i wanted them to do that? well, scout MIGHT cooperate, but beano and sable think they are allergic to water. lol.
no, noone video taped the ceremony, but there were pix taken. as soon as daniel & daneel sent copies to me i will share...
it hasn't rained today, in fact, the sun is out.
we did our grocery shopping and i've been busy starting to pack the camper for our little trip next week. we are going to montgomery bell state park the 15,16,17, 18 and coming home the 19th. excited to get away for a few days!!!!!!!
watching the end of the race. 3 and a half hour rain delay! yikes.
Beautiful day here...Awesome weather and I rode my bike and C/A I got a more comfortable seat...don't have a horn yet...It is not as dangerous as I imagined it would be riding on the road and everyone was very considerate...I laughed JO because apparently I bought a very fancy lock yesterday and it was attached to the bike...the loop above the rear tire is a lock and I used it today and it worked very well.
HODA I just go done riding my bike while watching the race and I am gonna shoot Jordyn she messed with the tension on and and now its so tight and hard to push pedals I had issues with it before and don't remember how I fixed it I just keep messing with the knob and no go I did 5 miles
Hoda: I totally love bike-riding... you are wearing a helmet? I don't even think I need to ask, but you must protect that 3-1/2 pound brain... Jello in a Jar is a term I learned when doing bike-helmet giveways and training, some years ago
I had a bike the nieces and nephews "gave me" when my brother in law died...it was Yellow! But one of his brothers, who had given him boy's and girl's bikes...took it away from me... :( both of them had been given to me by the kids... I know it was probably part of his grieving process... so I am just letting it go but I AM going to get me a bike! And start riding it to work, very soon as possible
Yes, Shirley...it was a tough one....... I was not present when it was "taken" from The Big House... my nephew in law, told him it was for me, and he simply said to him, "Well, she can call me about it." So far, I have elected NOT to do that but I might change my mind... would save me some $$ to have that one...but, oh well. I can go to a pawn shop and get one with baskets ☺
Jo, so excited that you had such a wonderful day. Can't beat seeing our Megan, a parade, lunch at a favorite restaurant, and flowers planted. Wow!
Margy, so sorry the bike was taken away but you are probably correct about the reason. So, get yourself a bike and have a blast. Of course, then there is Hoda with her fancy bike lock -- but then that may be to secure her brownies from Nelson residents.
Speaking of Hoda, many thanks dear lady for the dragon boat education. So much to learn and so much fun to be enjoyed.
I have a bike like.... when I worked in Washington DC....for awhile I rode my bicycle from Union Station to 19th and K....and back again...in cold weather....I loved it ! I had the orange vest, bike light, and all that stuff...that was before helmets were The Thing... but I WILL wear a helmet for sure.... better than worrying about my appearance.... ☺
It was a busy and very physical day for me. Weeding of three flower beds and planting of flowers and herbs. Cooked dinner and cleaned up after. Need some serious Tylenol.
Sandperson just informed me he is on the way out the door. Seems in better spirits as grumbling about the night shift has stopped.
oh geeze Bike LOCK ! sorry, battling a rare headache... think it's gone, but the residuals are present
James the Wise was spot on today, of course! We had our usual "Groovy Time" and were on skype with his Mom.... I think I might be able to post his latest school picture soon...
Gooood Night Judie and best wishes for Super Sweeeeeeet Sleep.... hope the Tylenol helps...I do the same with both that and Motrin... It was a beauteous Day, the Weather... and some Great Cloud Formations, I was South America and a Dragon with four sets of feet and the same number of wings...and NO I was not eating brownies at the time ! ☺
I mean, I SAW South America, not I WAS South America.... it's the headache messing with my brain AND typing fingers, can't blame this one on Carpal Tunnel !
Well I'm calling it a day SED ♥AOYP See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe Bless this Nest and all ♀ ♥ ♂ whom watch it at Sycamore Palace Healing thoughts for those in need
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."
MAGPIE; that was pretty rude of the one brother to take the bike from you!!! and as for me, you know, since the house sold, i've been so chill i don't feel as if i've done "that much". now i will say normally i am asleep by 9:30.....and up @ 5:15.....and usually i am struggling to stay awake til 9:30...sometimes i'm in bed @ 8:4 5 or 9. tonight i am wide awake....
i don't know what it is the last 2 weekends...sleeping 12 hours.....guess i'm more tired than i realize.
anyway....its been a busy day...grocery shopping takes a while...then putting it all away...olivia had the slow poke molasses groove going today, doing NOTHING fast....NOTHING....believe me that alone wore me out!
it didn't rain so that was good. i did start to pack the camper....that felt good as well...and gave myself a pedicure.
enjoyed the race, but the NHRA didn't record, suppose it might have been rained out. :(
anyway, on to another week.....hope everyone has a peaceful night sleep....good night and SED!
Time for Good night to be said. Watched a TV suspenseful movie with hubby and son. Had a very good ending - and it was one where you could never guess who done it!
Tomorrow I am to go to lunch in Hagerstown with the hometown gals of my childhood. Not sure yet if I can make it.
Due to go down to DE and be sure beach house is A-ok. Open the windows and letting the fresh spring air inside. Not sure if it calls for rain tomorrow ???????
MARGY Yes on the helmet dept... The RCMP brought a slide show once to the school where I worked and showed what happens with bike accidents. Helmet is a must...I would not get on without it. When I bang it against something I deem it no longer good and buy another one...this is what I used to do when I was younger. I have a very good helmet. I will get someone to take pictures of me on the bike and post them. It is safe and all good.
Had a reply from Bob on the card I had sent........ Thanks! We're in Savannah celebrating my BDay. Will be posting some photos from local refuges when we get back. Saw lots of great critters -
I quite imagine everyone is gone for the night. We be home and had a great day. Jack repaired the drawer in the kitchen, and helped Laurel plant caldium bulbs. I worked with Laurel in the yard and prepared dinner. Joey grilled the steaks. We had a fun time. Nest weekend is the big Elvis weekend.
Hoda, love that you are biking everywhere! Once the school year ends, the only time I use my car is to go to the grocery store. The tennis court and the beach are both just bike rides away. I found my current bike abandoned in the front driveway one morning about 5 years ago. Took it over to the police station and asked if I could keep it if no one claimed it. No one did so it became mine. It's a Schwinn, circa 1965 (I had one almost like it as a kid). It has 3 gears but only 2 work - and it has a basket on the front. It's perfect!! When I take it to the beach, I don't lock it b/c no one wants to steal it! =)
Colors are "on" at the nest. Both kids are awake and up and waiting for breakfast!
good morning to all! more rain in the forecast....apparently franklin county tn had a massive hail storm over the weekend....several INCHES of hail.... they had to come out and clear the street???? wow. glad that wasn't us, but sad anyone had to have that mess! hope everyone has a great day! light, love and hugs to all!
Good Morning 67° today nice temp to start the day 76° for todays high but by Fri gonna be 87° that I don't want I want spring to last longer Oh enough complaining about the weather
Only a slight chance of showers here today, so a good day for all the biking that everyone is talking about! Would love to ride my bike more but there's such a steep hill on my street that you have to ride to get anywhere...hate that hill! Of course, it's only bad going up it, but you fly down it!
My nurses school interview is Friday, so I'll probably leave to go back to PA on Wednesday or Thursday. Need to make sure I have the perfect interview outfit!
Wishing everyone a great day, lots of love and light, and smiles!
Belle trying to get fish from Shamrock...finally succeeds, Shamrock not happy...moves over to Belle and gets fed...Hedgie realized this is the opportunity to get some as well.
I chuckle thinking of our Birding Bikers in the group! I love it! Like Lori, I have a steep hill and don't attempt even walking down because of having to struggle to walk back up.
Thanks Paula for all the comments of the nest activity this morning. They are acting like full blown juvies! They have been delightful to watch this season.
Lori - you will sweep them off their feet at your interview. I am so happy for you!
Thinking of Sharon and praying all goes well with the biopsy.
Paula, thank you for the play-by-play. The babes are growing up.
Lori, you will do an excellent interview. I would think the program would love to have a mature student. I always enjoy having students who are older and more focused.
Headed to the dermatologist late this afternoon. He froze a wart last week and it looks to have a bit of infection. Better safe than stupid.
And now, ladies and gentlemen, I begin the final preparations for tomorrow's exam.
Good morning all. Sunshine here today. That is good. I need to spread mulch and pebbles. Pebbles is so hard for me to lift and put where I want them. Yard is so tall its above Dex belly. Called someone to help mow. I think it grew 6 inches in like 24 hours seriously LOL. HAGD all
Thinking of Sharon 's biopsy this morning. My Dad in later years had lots of health problems and my Mom's standard line to Dr.s "If it was your spouse what would you honestly do?" She always felt they got complacent with their "wait & see " attitude. Her approach kept him alive thru adult epilepsy, two heart attacks and 3 major cancers.
Yeah for Sharon for standing up to the "routine"answer. Prayers going her way.
Good almost afternoon. I am still waiting in outpatient surgery to be taken to interventional radiology for my biopsy. I really wish they would hurry. I have to lie still for a few hours after they are through. Thanks so much or all the love and prayers. I love us.
All 3 of my sister -in - laws are in medical professions. One is a surgical RN, one a medical assistant and one is retiring this year from a 40 year career at a mental health facility. Yet they all have such different personalities & strengths. YEAH NURSES!
Don't know what happened, but this morning I am able to get on the Blog, but still can't get into my email (expecting some important stuff there!) Tried reading my email on Gene's laptop, but that is messed up just like my PC. Hoping a loose wire might have been the culprit, but going to wind this comment up quickly, just in case this thing CRASHES again. We are all well and hope all of you are too ~♥~
Wow, apologize for missing Sharon having a biopsy this morning. Thinking of her and hope she can sleep away the time she is immobile. Would be nice if Thelma were allowed to visit to chat during the recovery time. Each time for me, the four hours passed very slowly.
Cloudy, damp, and 60 degrees here. Not pleasant at all. Hunter's first game is scheduled for this evening. Coach said they should wear long-sleeved shirts under their game shirts. I think I want a winter jacket. Maybe longjohns.
Baseball season is not supposed to require longjohns.
Good afternoon - I had a lovely lunch and visit with childhood friends today. Had some great MD crab soup! When I left Hagerstown around 1pm it just started to rain and as we crossed over into Frederick county the skies were blue!
I think that by next Eagle season, Belle and Shep will need to renovate their nest. I wish I knew where the first flight launches were going to take place.
SHARON, sorry you didn't get you answers today, but maybe the MRI will reveal more. Prayers and big hugs!
Think I've settled on an interview outfit - black skirt and shoes with a black shirt and a beige, gray and black jacket that is mostly beige. I'll try it on for Kate tonight and see what she says.
Back and with my entire finger. Dr. said if he had to amputate I wouldn't be able to give anyone the finger again. I replied that would eliminate the fun of driving. No infection. Just some blood in the blister. Drained and sent on my way.
Wish Sharon had more definitive news but an MRI is less invasive and may give all the information needed. Hope so.
Jo, glad you had a good lunch with your good friends. Yum, MD crab soup.
So, now Lynne2 will be the East Coast supplier of a major brownie ingredient. That should keep the RCMP away from Hoda's door.
Lori, the outfit sounds appropriate. You'll ROCK that interview!
Poor Shirley. The sacrifices a grandmother makes. Baseball and longjohns. Perhaps the rain will arrive in just the nick of time.
HELLO Honey I am home How was your day Went to the cell phone tower after work and yep saw all 3 juvies and only one adult got pic and video off course Lots of comments to read today so off to reading
Hi everyone. Lori, best of luck to you. Where in PA are you going to school?
Paula, waiting for a possible TV nest. They were interesting to watch last year via your pix.
Wanda, or Lolly, one of you sent me yellow columbine seeds and I'm happy to report it's blooming. Been watching every day since I saw the blossoms and FINALLY! A big yellow bloom. Thank you.
Also happy to report we had a hummingbird visit our feeder several times today. Yippee!
Sharon, sorry you have to wait for another testing, but prayers are with you.
Judie, have you made your decision? Whatever it is, best wishes.
I hope Megan is feeling much better now. Can't imagine her with allergies in her line of work.
Hoda, a bike! We used to take all 4 of our kids bike riding. Of course, I had the baby seat on the back of mine. Now I wonder why??? Be careful on those 2 wheels, I have scars from serious skinned knees.
Now, I was typing from memory and I'm sure I've missed someone.... Please know I'm watching and praying.
My bunnies have moved on...but Nick showed up at the back door this morning with a bunny in his mouth. It was bigger than the ones in my yard. Not sure if Nick got it or not...if so, it was last night. He dropped it when I told him too, but the bunny was definitely dead. So I took care of it.
then, as I was walking out the door...feathers all over the grass by the front flower bed....they might have been there when I got home last night, but it was dark when I got home.
Poor Mrs Robin and her chicks, 4 of them. I'm pretty sure it was the neighborhood hawk :(
I had asked Hunter if he had all of his baseball stuff together. He said yes. Kathryn had reminded him several times about finding his stuff and getting it together.
When it was time to get ready, his cup and his hat could not be located. He finally found the cup, but not the hat.
Kathryn arrived and took him to the game very late. I was supposed to take him there so Kathryn could go directly from work to the game.
I decided to stay home and fix dinner. Kathryn is freezing at the game. I am a bit toasty in my longjohns and sweatshirt here at the house.
It is amazing how a 12-year-old kid can make it someone else's fault when stuff is missing. Just as happy to be here at home thawing steaks.
Oh, Lori, drop the word "like" from your vocabulary as in: I think I would like to be like a nurse because like I would like to do like good things to like people who are like sick.
Good grief, Shirley. Wonder what would happen if Hunter had to show up for a game without his equipment? Well, at least you are at home and toasty warm with steak on the menu.
Thank you, Diann. I think I have made my decision to leave the Psyc. dept. but will wait to announce my decision just in case. Either way, I will stay with the police program. Never know when I might need backup or an NCTC chauffeur.
Paula, so sorry about the bunny and the Robin family. Guess that's the part of nature I do not like to witness.
Scullery visit was successful. Sausage patties and gussied up scrambled eggs.
Off to check the tv schedule. Monday night is not my most favorite. May resort to crime channel.
I put the video a a couple of pic of today flight with the juvies and the adult you can see the fish the adult brought in When I was recording I didn't see the adult until it was on top of the tower and wow there are lots of stupid or brace birds out there black birds playing with or whatever with the eagles and the hawk I have it also on with a video of the squirrel in my tree about 15-20 hard to see because they left right when I opened the door
Hey I just discovered something when you are in you blog area there is a area that show comments and how many peeople views ok how long has that been there I wonder and I never noticed it
I don't think I told you all this When I went to pick up my truck I noticed on the bill that Nat Spencer did the work Ring a BELL that is the guy that they said didn't work there when I called he is the one that did my seat belt So I was sort of mad thinking they lied to me about him working there until I talked with Brooks and Nat about it Of course when someone call they are not going to say they work there I should know that working in retail But he did get the message and it wasn't his ring is why he didn't call me back SO MYSTERY REMAINS Not his They did apologize to me about it but its policy at most places not to say if person works there or not
Well I am certainly relieved that JUDIE can continue to give the finger to those who get in her way driving...good news no amputation necessary! Drive carefully however LOL!!!
PAULA thank you for nest reports it was a joy to read each one of them. Sorry about the events in your yard. I know how it feels as I have had the experience.
LORI good luck with the interview on Friday. Will be holding space for you and wishing you well. JO I heard about the no gum rule, what is with do not cross your legs rule though?
SHAR I was hoping we would hear today what is with the kidney...OK so I guess we all wait with you and hope that it is what they said it is not an issue.
LYNNE you said it!!! I would have laughed too...I just finished planting five pots of herbs...and yes JUDIE they are herbs and no brownies from me coming your way if you keep this up!!! LOL!!! Love you...Parsely Sage Rosemary and Thyme with Dill and Mint...I hope they grow...
JUDYE I am glad you get to keep the ring.
I liked reading about C/A's nurse stories and the career potential.
I will be careful on the bike PA NANA...It will get me out and it will give me some exercise and I will not ride at night or as it gets dark...Thank you.
SHIRLEY sorry about the teenage crisis at your household. The good thing is they outgrow it. Glad you stayed home though since it is so cold there.
SANDI I love how you acquired your bike. The one thing about mine is that I have to lock it as I think it would be stolen otherwise...this is an issue in Nelson I am afraid.
Busy day and a good day. I got a lot accomplished and planted my herbs and also pansies. It was 82 degrees today and it will be the same all week...this is awesome. I rested under a beautiful pink tree in the park and almost fell asleep it was so warm...I posted it on FB.
Did volunteer work for the Grans and for one of the Yoga Studios I go to. Also for a Yoga centre on the east shore of Kootenay lake. It was all good.
I think I will go take out my spring clothes...it is time.
hey ya'll, evening again...and i had such a WONDERFUL happy suprise today!!!!
SOMEONE sent ME a card via snailmail!!!!! THANK YOU MAGPIE! I have been grinning from ear to ear....its been a long long time since I've gotten real mail, handwritten even! thank you!!! :D
we gathered at the local bbq place to night to bid farewell to tom's 2nd cousin who is going active duty air force tomorrow morning. his mom (debbie) is holding together, but just barely. this is her first one leaving the nest and the 2nd and only other one graduates high school this month......
we always have fun with this family...love them dearly.
i am tired as scout got me up @ 3:30 in the a.m. to potty....and i did get to snooze for about another hour (by the time i got back to sleep), but now i am feeling it.
High Gang. Sorry, Bob. Wasn't on here. Hope the BIRTHDAY was HAPPY!!! Wanted to get on here much earlier and had been working on some photos. BUT emails started rolling in about the 'puter trouble at Park. And tomorrow the perp who caused the problems might call or come down again! I don't want a visit!!!!I'll use the phone w/Helpline folks if I need to!
Best Wishes to Lori tomorrow and glad to read Judie's hand is intact! Prayers for Sharon! So sorry you got delayed, but new procedure should be MUCH better! ☺ ♥ Gotta figure out clothes for a rainy day and do the do.If I'm not back, Nighty Night~~~
The crisis that took place AFTER the ball game was Kathryn's. Couldn't find her cell phone. Went all the way back to the ball field. It was raining. Field was closing. Took my phone so she could call hers. Eventually found it in the folding chair in her car. She had turned off the ringer, but eventually managed to hear it vibrating.
Ah, Hoda. You give yourself away. Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, and Thyme -- Mrs. Robinson, I presume? When will your first dragon boat race occur? Cool about the cycling around town.
Yes, I can continue to communicate using universal sign language.
Janet, sending positive thoughts for Tom's cousin. Never easy to have a family member leave but he will be just fine. His mom will be also.
Lowreeda, surely hope the computer issues are resolved quickly. Can't think how you all are managing at the park. What an inconvenience.
Shirley, congratulations to Hunter and his team. Good thing he didn't need his hat.
Well, it is time to send the Sandperson on his way to visit all of you. Reminded me that tomorrow is not a sleep-in day so unceremoniously dumped sleeping dust in my eyes.
HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA !!! I can not win for losing with you JUDIE!!! Now I am MRS ROBINSON??? OMG!!! HA H A HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!! JO JO JO What are we going to do with JUDIE?????
There are four Dragon Boat races this year JUDIE. One in Montana and three in Canada. I think the first one is in July. I am not racing though...I go out for practice and I am part of the team but I have to admit a weekend that includes drinking and lots of loud noise does not appeal to me as a priority to spend funds...I will let you know how the team does.
Its 64° out now NICE humidity is in 40's even nicer has lots to do with the pressure over you all in the mid section of Ga NC Tn WVA VA etc keep it commin LOL some peeps will go down in the 50's for May that is wild
Well I'm calling it a day SED ♥AOYP See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe Bless this Nest and all ♀ ♥ ♂ whom watch it at Sycamore Palace Healing thoughts for those in need
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."
It must be the week for missing women to reappear...there was another one found in Florida SHIRLEY...At least it came across on Canadian News. A woman who dropped her kids off to school and took off with a group of homeless people!!! They all have a story I suppose.
Once again, I am able to get on and post on the Blog. Don't know what is happening, but I even have my TRASH CAN, which I haven't had for months! WEIRD...'puter may be possessed:) I still cannot get messages on my email...I can pull the site up, but it says, NO MESSAGES (I know that is not possible:)
Wishing you all a good night's rest and sending along my love and prayers ~♥~
ps...Diann, it was I who sent you the yellow columbine seeds and some purple ones, also. Mine are blooming now, too...aren't they beautiful?
Today is going to be a Mom- and Dad-brella day...maybe even some thunderstorms
Sandi: Mine also says the 13th for DanaMo and Monte....Maybe due to Monte's busy traveling schedule they celebrated early ? Hmmmmmm More to be Revealed
Good morning my eagle budlets. I had a wonderful nights sleep and dreamed of being at a lake and seeing several eagles. That is probably where the peaceful sleep came from. I have no doubt that our spirits are connected to their spirits.
The scheduler at the hospital couldn't schedule my MRI until my insurance approves it. She said the next opening is May 20 but the doc seemed to think I could get an appointment in a couple of days. More will be revealed. I am not really down for waiting that long.
I am so grateful for love, prayers, positive energy and light I have been receiving. I love us!!!!!!
HODA: not so worried about what to do with JUDIE, but with YOU? brownies, herbs, and now Ms. ROBINSON??? wow!! not to mention, the see thru yoga gear (guess that could go with ms. robinson???) rothflmbo!!!! what a great chuckle to start my day!!!! :) :) :)
SHARON: holding you close.....we are here....
its going to be a nice day. i have my chair massage gig @ 1.... other than that, gonna do some yoga here in a bit, and just enjoy a day.....only a 20% chance of rain today, the sun is peeking out......
Watching those women get free.....wow...... scary as well.....
It never ceases to amaze me the cruelty we humans force upon one another.................
Everyone have a good day. Be thankful for our freedoms, and hopeful that those who are not free, whether in mind, body or spirit, can find their way to freedom....
It is raining here which is perfect for my mood today. This group of students has been so much fun that I am truly sad to say goodbye.
Headed down the hallway to make myself less scary and then on to the big schoolhouse. Long day today. Will be back this evening.
Meanwhile, would someone please keep tabs on Hoda? I can just picture it now -- RCMP detains woman digging among some potted plants dressed in a see-through yoga outfit and last heard asking for someone named Ben.
JUDIE, think you're right on the mumrella thing with rain on the way. Maybe you've already had some. Have a good day at the big school house! So nice to hear you had such a good class this semester.
Will keep an eye out for HODA! lol
Have a great day, JANET. Lucky you with the sunshine!
SHARON, I hope you hear very soon about when your MRI will be.
thinking of Judie on her last trek to The Big House, for Wannabes who "might even will be" Gonnabes as they are getting pretty reviews from the Professor
Good morning - I am ready for a fresh thread but I think Steve is off on a fishing trip!
Rainy here today in the valley. Our juvies are snoozing... No plans for today - going to be a lazy day with this rain... All my flower pots are getting watered!
You can't always believe Facebook - Not sure why Dana posted her wedding party picture so soon - May 13th is the date Here is the reason .......... Dana said ... our anniversary isn't until May 13th but I thought I would post the pictures for the month.
Dana was probably giving Monte a hint but believe me Monte knows it is the 13th!
Good afternoon all. Busy morning at the shelter. Fun stuff though. Cutest little 3 yr old helping me to make a gift for her mom and her Grandmom. So I am off to work on photos. HAGD
It was me who started the Happy Anniversary to DANA and MONTE. I saw the picture and thought it was the correct date. As SHIRLEY says we can wish them twice. My bad! Sorry.
LOOOOOOORRRRRIIIIIIIII!!! You are not going to side with MISS JUDIE are you??? You are my friend remember???? LOL
Awesome that the chicks are growing so fast.
Beautiful day here...all the plants have been potted. I had a few more pansies to go...
LOLLY I hope the blood test goes well and that all is good in your world.
SHAR,again I don't know what to say that you have to wait for the insurance to approve before medical attention is given. This part always boggles my mind. Keeping you in prayer!
Have a terrific day. I will check back in later on the day. SHIRLEY glad you saw a comment from LYDIA and that she is OK I wondered where she was as she has not posted here for a while now.
C/A You sound like you might be looking for a job in THE TOWER OF LONDON!!! Off with her head you said...Dandeloins have feelings too you know!!! LOL!!! Did you know Dents Des Lions is the origins of their name. French for teeth of the lions.They are very healthy in soup and salads, if not sprayed of course.
My grandfather would go hunt dandelion plants when they first came out. Grandmother made a delicious warm bacon flavored sauce to eat over them. Also have you never heard of dandelion wine? He made that also - I was too young to taste the wine but I always looked forward to a dinner of dandelions.
lol- I just Goggled edible dandelions and found a great Dandelion Fritter recipe. Take a look on the internet - many many uses for all those dandelions.
Shirley - does Hunter have a gym bag so to speak in which all his baseball equipment can be placed in between the games and practices? Even his hat! That way he can run out the door with everything. He really is enjoying baseball - the same as he liked football.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 411 Newer› Newest»Drove by the cell phone tower after work and no eagles I thought I saw one at the nest area but waited for 20min and no one hopped up for me so just may drive back up closer to sundown is when they show up will play it by ear
first day back was not bad Was told I was missed which is always nice to hear
ok gonna go read the few comments in my email when I saw that few I thought a new thread and was wrong on that just everyone is enjoying the day off
♫♪ ♫♪[̲̅̅H̲̅][̲̅̅A̲̅][̲̅̅P̲̅][̲̅̅P̲̅][̲̅̅Y̲̅] [̲̅̅B̲̅][̲̅̅I̲̅][̲̅̅R̲̅][̲̅̅T̲̅][̲̅̅H̲̅[̲̅̅D̲̅][̲̅̅A̲̅][̲̅̅Y̲̅]♫♪ ♫
Good afternoon!
Happy birthday, Bob Quinn. Wished him one yesterday, too, so now the wish is doubled. :)
Two eaglets basking in the sunshine. Maybe a little cool, but sunny.
WOW SIS that sounds cool the ribbons at the wedding did anyone get video's You now me and videos LOL
I just saw the crawl across the bottom of Fox Race is in RAIN DELAY anyone know how many laps they were when it went to rain delay ???? I would love to see it but do want to go see if the juvies are home won't be long they won't be around so want to see as much as I can Hey my daughter says she was gonna have me locked up being I am this eagle crazy I told her I was not alone more people felt the same so I would have lots of company LOL
so funny sitting talking around about different things for the future Angie already has it lined up for Jordyn to drive me around and Angie said about 11 years Hey I said I still may want to drive in my 70's lots of people do
If anyone is interested in the Purina Pro Dog Challange we went to yesterday here is a 7mon long video there are 19 mini video put together to make it I just only did quickies
I just love the first one is Conner the doberman he is so stinking cute got to pet him to He does hit the object but didn't get it in his mouth so he hangs in the middle bobbing up and down to get it They do lower it for him The record was 20feet in the past it was 18ft in the end is the relay I guess is what you call it It was so cute to see how excited the dogs were to do this waiting and wiggling their bums with excitement
I did all the recording with my hands straight up in the air hoping I was pointed in the right direction I had a few in the beginning I didn't put on until I got the right angle practice
just noticed I ooopsed with the video but I am not doing over there were 19 mini videos and somehow I oopsed know one will now but me I think
JUDYE: cool video. do you know what my dogs would do if i wanted them to do that? well, scout MIGHT cooperate, but beano and sable think they are allergic to water. lol.
no, noone video taped the ceremony, but there were pix taken. as soon as daniel & daneel sent copies to me i will share...
it hasn't rained today, in fact, the sun is out.
we did our grocery shopping and i've been busy starting to pack the camper for our little trip next week. we are going to montgomery bell state park the 15,16,17, 18 and coming home the 19th. excited to get away for a few days!!!!!!!
watching the end of the race. 3 and a half hour rain delay! yikes.
woo hoo, here we go. boogity boogity boogity!
later ya'll
Beautiful day here...Awesome weather and I rode my bike and C/A I got a more comfortable seat...don't have a horn yet...It is not as dangerous as I imagined it would be riding on the road and everyone was very considerate...I laughed JO because apparently I bought a very fancy lock yesterday and it was attached to the bike...the loop above the rear tire is a lock and I used it today and it worked very well.
hop hop hop hop hop hop lots of wingersizing going on
HODA I just go done riding my bike while watching the race and I am gonna shoot Jordyn she messed with the tension on and and now its so tight and hard to push pedals I had issues with it before and don't remember how I fixed it I just keep messing with the knob and no go
I did 5 miles
what a awesome race and I love it what a underdog wins
BELLE is home just flew in
BELLE is off again POOF she moved a stick and left
gonna go watch my show
I totally love bike-riding...
you are wearing a helmet? I don't even think I need to ask,
but you must protect that 3-1/2 pound brain...
Jello in a Jar is a term I learned when doing bike-helmet giveways and training, some years ago
Hello Eagle Pals ! xo
I had a bike the nieces and nephews "gave me" when my brother in law died...it was Yellow!
But one of his brothers, who had given him boy's and girl's bikes...took it away from me...
both of them had been given to me by the kids...
I know it was probably part of his
grieving process...
so I am just letting it go but I AM going to get me a bike!
And start riding it to work, very soon as possible
Lovin' Jo's Market Report!
I can picture it all....
Wonderful that she and Megan could share some precious Momster Hugs ♥
Hope you get yourself a bike and enjoy it greatly, Margy. Shame on him for taking it.
With all that Janet does....I find it hard to believe that she still can get a 12-hour sleep in!
It's good for the body for sure !
Until I get my Wildflowers pictures up, here's one to tantalize....
Wild Red Columbine, would be a good one to use every
RED FRIDAY ! xoxo ♥
...Still hoping to see a
Bathtub Report from Paula !
Lolly, I love that you got that
early morning surreptitious
telephone call from Zacharooski!
Precious and dear ♥
I am finally here...busy weekend
Yes, Shirley...it was a tough one.......
I was not present when it was "taken" from The Big House...
my nephew in law, told him it was for me, and he simply said to him,
"Well, she can call me about it."
So far, I have elected NOT to do that but I might change my mind...
would save me some $$ to have that one...but, oh well.
I can go to a pawn shop and get one
with baskets ☺
I don't like wearing bike helmets but I totally agree with it...
nothing quite like "Helmet Hair"
I enjoyed your report about Kathryn and Hunter's Expeditions
on Saturday...
Wheeee! Welcome Home, Paula !!!
Jo, so excited that you had such a wonderful day. Can't beat seeing our Megan, a parade, lunch at a favorite restaurant, and flowers planted. Wow!
Margy, so sorry the bike was taken away but you are probably correct about the reason. So, get yourself a bike and have a blast. Of course, then there is Hoda with her fancy bike lock -- but then that may be to secure her brownies from Nelson residents.
Speaking of Hoda, many thanks dear lady for the dragon boat education. So much to learn and so much fun to be enjoyed.
Yah, Judie...agree with your Kudos to Hoda !
I have a bike like....
when I worked in Washington DC....for awhile I rode my bicycle
from Union Station to 19th and K....and back again...in cold weather....I loved it !
I had the orange vest, bike light, and all that stuff...that was before helmets were The Thing...
but I WILL wear a helmet for sure....
better than worrying about my
It was a busy and very physical day for me. Weeding of three flower beds and planting of flowers and herbs. Cooked dinner and cleaned up after. Need some serious Tylenol.
Sandperson just informed me he is on the way out the door. Seems in better spirits as grumbling about the night shift has stopped.
Restful sleep for all.
oh geeze
Bike LOCK !
sorry, battling a rare headache...
think it's gone, but the residuals are present
James the Wise was spot on today,
of course! We had our usual
"Groovy Time" and were on skype with his Mom....
I think I might be able to post
his latest school picture soon...
Gooood Night Judie and best wishes for Super Sweeeeeeet Sleep....
hope the Tylenol helps...I do the same with both that and Motrin...
It was a beauteous Day, the Weather... and some Great Cloud Formations, I was South America
and a Dragon with four sets of feet and the same number of wings...and NO I was not eating brownies at the time ! ☺
MARGY our second hand store here have great prices on bikes
I got Jordyn for $10. now its a 18" but the other bikes are much more
I had a bike and after I feel off it I gave it away I cracked a few ribs That hurt It was a knee jerk reaction giving it away I think anyway
Did not actually work on bathroom, more like investigated what supplies and such are needed.
Took my nephews out on the boat fishing Saturday...got cold and wet and got skunked! Caught a small rockfish Saturday night...and had a campfire.
Phil took the boys fishing today...not as cool and windy...they didn't get anything but had fun.
Nice weekend...didn't get out to check the eagles...Ms Osprey is still incubating.
I am watching NCIS from the othernite getting ready to watch 10 news Just watched CM boy was that good
I mean, I SAW South America, not I WAS South America....
it's the headache messing with my brain AND typing fingers, can't blame this one on Carpal Tunnel !
Gotcha there, Paula....understand that, and sometimes Fishing and Fun has to take precedence !
Lovins' to you and Nick...
Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all
♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."
I bought a $3 dollar Clint Black CD at Goodwill today ☺
and a shirt with Purple AND Lime Green....
had Jewels AND Lynn in mind on that one ♥♥
JudyE...thanks for the info, sorry you had your mishaps :(
I am an avid bike-rider from waaaaay back...but have not had one to use for a few years
good late Sunday evening:
MAGPIE; that was pretty rude of the one brother to take the bike from you!!! and as for me, you know, since the house sold, i've been so chill i don't feel as if i've done "that much". now i will say normally i am asleep by 9:30.....and up @ 5:15.....and usually i am struggling to stay awake til 9:30...sometimes i'm in bed @ 8:4 5 or 9. tonight i am wide awake....
i don't know what it is the last 2 weekends...sleeping 12 hours.....guess i'm more tired than i realize.
anyway....its been a busy day...grocery shopping takes a while...then putting it all away...olivia had the slow poke molasses groove going today, doing NOTHING fast....NOTHING....believe me that alone wore me out!
it didn't rain so that was good. i did start to pack the camper....that felt good as well...and gave myself a pedicure.
enjoyed the race, but the NHRA didn't record, suppose it might have been rained out. :(
anyway, on to another week.....hope everyone has a peaceful night sleep....good night and SED!
"copy that" Janet, as we say in
9-1-1 lingo...
Welcome and Embrace the rest periods......
Time for Good night to be said.
Watched a TV suspenseful movie with hubby and son. Had a very good ending - and it was one where you could never guess who done it!
Tomorrow I am to go to lunch in Hagerstown with the hometown gals of my childhood. Not sure yet if I can make it.
Due to go down to DE and be sure beach house is A-ok. Open the windows and letting the fresh spring air inside. Not sure if it calls for rain tomorrow ???????
MARGY Yes on the helmet dept...
The RCMP brought a slide show once to the school where I worked and showed what happens with bike accidents. Helmet is a must...I would not get on without it. When I bang it against something I deem it no longer good and buy another one...this is what I used to do when I was younger. I have a very good helmet. I will get someone to take pictures of me on the bike and post them. It is safe and all good.
Happy BIrthday MR Q!
Had a reply from Bob on the card I had sent........ Thanks! We're in Savannah celebrating my BDay. Will be posting some photos from local refuges when we get back. Saw lots of great critters -
Looking forward as always to Bob's
Time for bed - Everyone rest well and have SED.
Speaking of eagles - Our 2 juvies have been delightful this year. Judy, thanks for all the photos you put in their album for our memories.
Good night to all ♥
God Bless and keep you safe from all harm
♥ Thinking of you Sharon and praying for good report on your biopsy.
I got kind of the same message, Jo.."birds I have never seen before"
Can't Wait !!
"Copy that" Hoda ☺
Yeah, the brain needs to be protected...and all the other body parts !!
Knock Knock Knock...guess what, no surprise, it is the Sandperson !
still jammin' to Clint Black while I put things to bed here...
Prayers and Positive Thoughts for
All Things Momsters and Dadsters...and all our friends, families and Pets....
G'Night Precious Pals
God Bless Us,
Every One xoxox ♥
OH Snap!
The latest Birds & Blooms magazine is All Things Hummingbirds!
Will send my copy to Megan !
Good night, Pals....xoxo
Time for me to call it quits. Yawning a lot here.
SED, everyone. Rest well.
I quite imagine everyone is gone for the night. We be home and had a great day. Jack repaired the drawer in the kitchen, and helped Laurel plant caldium bulbs. I worked with Laurel in the yard and prepared dinner. Joey grilled the steaks. We had a fun time. Nest weekend is the big Elvis weekend.
Heading to bed now.
Night all! SED!!
Good Monday morning my eagle friends.
State testing every day this week for the kids on my team. It seems like all we do anymore is either prepare for the state test or take it.
Have a good day all!
Hoda, love that you are biking everywhere! Once the school year ends, the only time I use my car is to go to the grocery store. The tennis court and the beach are both just bike rides away. I found my current bike abandoned in the front driveway one morning about 5 years ago. Took it over to the police station and asked if I could keep it if no one claimed it. No one did so it became mine. It's a Schwinn, circa 1965 (I had one almost like it as a kid). It has 3 gears but only 2 work - and it has a basket on the front. It's perfect!! When I take it to the beach, I don't lock it b/c no one wants to steal it! =)
Colors are "on" at the nest. Both kids are awake and up and waiting for breakfast!
Gotta go!
good morning to all! more rain in the forecast....apparently franklin county tn had a massive hail storm over the weekend....several INCHES of hail.... they had to come out and clear the street???? wow. glad that wasn't us, but sad anyone had to have that mess!
hope everyone has a great day! light, love and hugs to all!
Good Morning
67° today nice temp to start the day
76° for todays high but by Fri gonna be 87° that I don't want I want spring to last longer Oh enough complaining about the weather
big shake on Camera to brown blobs in the nest in the middle picking on flugg is one and moving it Takes after Belle But I think its Shamrock
Good morning, everyone!
Only a slight chance of showers here today, so a good day for all the biking that everyone is talking about! Would love to ride my bike more but there's such a steep hill on my street that you have to ride to get anywhere...hate that hill! Of course, it's only bad going up it, but you fly down it!
My nurses school interview is Friday, so I'll probably leave to go back to PA on Wednesday or Thursday. Need to make sure I have the perfect interview outfit!
Wishing everyone a great day, lots of love and light, and smiles!
Oh check it out!
The eaglets just squealed and mantled the fish as soon as Shep arrived with it.
One of the eaglets has the prize and is working on eating it! I think Shamrock has it.
I heard ya'll saying the eaglets were self feeding now...finally get to see it for myself.
It doesn't quite look like a fish though...Shamrock mostly standing on it and picking at it.
Shamrock is eating it, slowly...maybe it is a fish...just hard to tell when most of it is under him.
And...Happy 7th week birthday to Shamrock and Hedgie.
Hedgie is watching Shamrock...while searching for nestovers.
Big cam shake.
And another...now they seem to be watching parent fly around the nest.
Hedgie snatched a piece from Shamrock that he had worked off the fish.
Haha, H just stole another piece.
Adult in the nest...Shamrock guarding his fish.
It's Belle, she brought flugg
H trying to go for the steal again...too funny, S keeps snapping at H...H trying to get some pieces.
H finally backs off a bit.
Belle watching from the 12 spot.
Belle trying to get fish from Shamrock...finally succeeds, Shamrock not happy...moves over to Belle and gets fed...Hedgie realized this is the opportunity to get some as well.
Looks Like Hedgie has more white on her tail than Shamrock...but overall, H is bigger.
I chuckle thinking of our Birding Bikers in the group! I love it! Like Lori, I have a steep hill and don't attempt even walking down because of having to struggle to walk back up.
Thanks Paula for all the comments of the nest activity this morning. They are acting like full blown juvies! They have been delightful to watch this season.
Lori - you will sweep them off their feet at your interview. I am so happy for you!
Thinking of Sharon and praying all goes well with the biopsy.
I'll return later as I am headed to lunch in Hagerstown.
Good morning.
Jo, have a wonderful lunch in Hagerstown.
Paula, thank you for the play-by-play. The babes are growing up.
Lori, you will do an excellent interview. I would think the program would love to have a mature student. I always enjoy having students who are older and more focused.
Headed to the dermatologist late this afternoon. He froze a wart last week and it looks to have a bit of infection. Better safe than stupid.
And now, ladies and gentlemen, I begin the final preparations for tomorrow's exam.
Good morning all. Sunshine here today. That is good. I need to spread mulch and pebbles. Pebbles is so hard for me to lift and put where I want them. Yard is so tall its above Dex belly. Called someone to help mow. I think it grew 6 inches in like 24 hours seriously LOL. HAGD all
GOOD MORNING! Peaglets are plotzed in the nest.
Prayers for Sharon and her biopsy this morn.
We survived the busy weekend and now looking forward to just piddling in the yard. Also need to get to the grossssserie store.
Thinking of Sharon 's biopsy this morning. My Dad in later years had lots of health problems and my Mom's standard line to Dr.s "If it was your spouse what would you honestly do?" She always felt they got complacent with their "wait & see " attitude. Her approach kept him alive thru adult epilepsy, two heart attacks and 3 major cancers.
Yeah for Sharon for standing up to the "routine"answer. Prayers going her way.
Good almost afternoon. I am still waiting in outpatient surgery to be taken to interventional radiology for my biopsy. I really wish they would hurry. I have to lie still for a few hours after they are through. Thanks so much or all the love and prayers. I love us.
Cheering for Lori. Know she will do well.
All 3 of my sister -in - laws are in medical professions. One is a surgical RN, one a medical assistant and one is retiring this year from a 40 year career at a mental health facility. Yet they all have such different personalities & strengths. YEAH NURSES!
We 'be all got your back Sharon!
Lori, is going to be very impressive with her interview. In fact, bet she blows then away!!
We love you, Sharon! Hope you can sleep those hours away!!
Time for me to start my day. Moving really slowly this morn. Weekend wore me out! But, a good worn out!
Have a great day!!
Yesindeedy, Sharon, We got your back, and your kidney....
praying and loving you through this one....as long as it takes !
♥ (( Hugs - Gentle Ones ))
Hi There!
Don't know what happened, but this morning I am able to get on the Blog, but still can't get into my email (expecting some important stuff there!)
Tried reading my email on Gene's laptop, but that is messed up just like my PC.
Hoping a loose wire might have been the culprit, but going to wind this comment up quickly, just in case this thing CRASHES again.
We are all well and hope all of you are too ~♥~
Wow, apologize for missing Sharon having a biopsy this morning. Thinking of her and hope she can sleep away the time she is immobile. Would be nice if Thelma were allowed to visit to chat during the recovery time. Each time for me, the four hours passed very slowly.
Hi Wanda. Happy to know you and all are okay but bummed about the computer. Hope it gets the hitch out of its gittalong soon.
Babes plotzed when I checked.
Best Wishes on the Post-Wart Removal condition, Judie...
hope IT's a simple fix also
CarolAnne....that's an impressive line up with your Sisters-in-Law...
lots of important careers there, for sure !
Knowing for SURE with the rest of you that Lori will Dazzle in her Interview....
You Go, Girl !
Good afternoon,
Cloudy, damp, and 60 degrees here. Not pleasant at all. Hunter's first game is scheduled for this evening. Coach said they should wear long-sleeved shirts under their game shirts. I think I want a winter jacket. Maybe longjohns.
Baseball season is not supposed to require longjohns.
Thinking of Sharon. Hope she is doing well.
I know you will do well on your interview, Lori. I, too, always enjoyed having adult students. They truly helped to ground the class.
Hope you get that computer fixed soon, Wanda.
Good afternoon - I had a lovely lunch and visit with childhood friends today. Had some great MD crab soup! When I left Hagerstown around 1pm it just started to rain and as we crossed over into Frederick county the skies were blue!
I think that by next Eagle season, Belle and Shep will need to renovate their nest. I wish I knew where the first flight launches were going to take place.
Now my feet are going up
Thinking of Sharon
***From Sharon on FB
No biopsy. My lung is too much in the way. They are going to order an MRI of this area to see if they can discern what it is.
From Sharon
MRI should be in the next day or 2
Thanks Jo....
But oh Groan.....waiting begins again for our Precious Pal...
Prayers and Positive Thoughts
Abound !!
xoxo ♥
Happy you could make your
luncheon with your pals, Jo....
and yikes, Shirley, You're So Right...longjohns...
pack a scarf and gloves too while
you're at it...
I just told one of our clients that I'd be doing a lot of pot growing this summer.
This went over like laughing gas!
Starting to rain here. Am wondering if the ball game will be called.
I can just imagine, Lynne. Just hope you do not have any officers of the law to show up for an inspection of your backyard.
No biopsy today. My lung is too much in the way. They are ordering an MRI with contrast to see the mass closer.
SHARON, sorry you didn't get you answers today, but maybe the MRI will reveal more. Prayers and big hugs!
Think I've settled on an interview outfit - black skirt and shoes with a black shirt and a beige, gray and black jacket that is mostly beige. I'll try it on for Kate tonight and see what she says.
Thanks for all the support everyone!
CAROLANNE, only hope I can be a successful as those in your family! That's awesome.
LOLLY, hope you are enjoying your day in the yard after your tiring weekend.
JO, glad you had a nice lunch with old friends. Did you get your pots planted over the weekend?
Back and with my entire finger. Dr. said if he had to amputate I wouldn't be able to give anyone the finger again. I replied that would eliminate the fun of driving. No infection. Just some blood in the blister. Drained and sent on my way.
Wish Sharon had more definitive news but an MRI is less invasive and may give all the information needed. Hope so.
Jo, glad you had a good lunch with your good friends. Yum, MD crab soup.
So, now Lynne2 will be the East Coast supplier of a major brownie ingredient. That should keep the RCMP away from Hoda's door.
Lori, the outfit sounds appropriate. You'll ROCK that interview!
Poor Shirley. The sacrifices a grandmother makes. Baseball and longjohns. Perhaps the rain will arrive in just the nick of time.
Off to the scullery.
Lori - 5 pots are planted with 2 more to go. Jenny and Michael really did the planting for me. That was my mother's day present for sure!
Your interview outfit sounds very professional looking. Be sure not to chew gum lol........ ♥
Oh yes, Lori
Don't cross your legs either! ♥
HELLO Honey I am home How was your day
Went to the cell phone tower after work and yep saw all 3 juvies and only one adult got pic and video off course
Lots of comments to read today so off to reading
Lisa Blackwater Osprey
Nest Update
Egg Alert!
We have our first egg of the 2013 season!
SIS thank Chelsea for the gorgeous pictures I just go so cool
Both parent in the nest
cool beans JO
Hi everyone. Lori, best of luck to you. Where in PA are you going to school?
Paula, waiting for a possible TV nest. They were interesting to watch last year via your pix.
Wanda, or Lolly, one of you sent me yellow columbine seeds and I'm happy to report it's blooming. Been watching every day since I saw the blossoms and FINALLY! A big yellow bloom. Thank you.
Also happy to report we had a hummingbird visit our feeder several times today. Yippee!
Sharon, sorry you have to wait for another testing, but prayers are with you.
Judie, have you made your decision? Whatever it is, best wishes.
I hope Megan is feeling much better now. Can't imagine her with allergies in her line of work.
Hoda, a bike! We used to take all 4 of our kids bike riding. Of course, I had the baby seat on the back of mine. Now I wonder why???
Be careful on those 2 wheels, I have scars from serious skinned knees.
Now, I was typing from memory and I'm sure I've missed someone....
Please know I'm watching and praying.
God bless, Di
Oh Diann....You did Great, and
Yay on a YELLOW Columbine blooming!
Thanks Jo.....I was watching BWO earlier and am happy for Lisa, the Blackwater folks, and the two
"parents" !!
Nice Mother's Day gift from "the kids" with the planting ☺ ♥
Good news, Judie, on the
doctor visit
and good to see Sharon pop on
here too....
Just wishing the popping on was about something she wanted to have
completed TODAY
off to the scullery, to plagiarize
Judie's terminology
Good Evening to All, Eagle Pals
Cool little YouTube on that BWO Hatch !!
Evening, all.
Not a good day for wildlife in my yard.
My bunnies have moved on...but Nick showed up at the back door this morning with a bunny in his mouth. It was bigger than the ones in my yard. Not sure if Nick got it or not...if so, it was last night. He dropped it when I told him too, but the bunny was definitely dead. So I took care of it.
then, as I was walking out the door...feathers all over the grass by the front flower bed....they might have been there when I got home last night, but it was dark when I got home.
Poor Mrs Robin and her chicks, 4 of them. I'm pretty sure it was the neighborhood hawk :(
Nice to hear the news on BWO...we will have chicks to watch all summer :)
Crisis time at the Phillips/Cowger household.
I had asked Hunter if he had all of his baseball stuff together. He said yes. Kathryn had reminded him several times about finding his stuff and getting it together.
When it was time to get ready, his cup and his hat could not be located. He finally found the cup, but not the hat.
Kathryn arrived and took him to the game very late. I was supposed to take him there so Kathryn could go directly from work to the game.
I decided to stay home and fix dinner. Kathryn is freezing at the game. I am a bit toasty in my longjohns and sweatshirt here at the house.
It is amazing how a 12-year-old kid can make it someone else's fault when stuff is missing. Just as happy to be here at home thawing steaks.
Awww, Paula. Sometimes nature is not nice. Poor robin family.
BBL--must check the thawing process.
Am glad Judie has her entire finger.
Oh, Lori, drop the word "like" from your vocabulary as in: I think I would like to be like a nurse because like I would like to do like good things to like people who are like sick.
JUDIE, rotflmbo!!!
DIANN, so great to see you on the blog! Going to school in Reynoldsville, near DuBois.
PAULA, sorry about the bunny and the bird. Sad indeed.
Good grief, Shirley. Wonder what would happen if Hunter had to show up for a game without his equipment? Well, at least you are at home and toasty warm with steak on the menu.
Thank you, Diann. I think I have made my decision to leave the Psyc. dept. but will wait to announce my decision just in case. Either way, I will stay with the police program. Never know when I might need backup or an NCTC chauffeur.
Paula, so sorry about the bunny and the Robin family. Guess that's the part of nature I do not like to witness.
Scullery visit was successful. Sausage patties and gussied up scrambled eggs.
Off to check the tv schedule. Monday night is not my most favorite. May resort to crime channel.
I put the video a a couple of pic of today flight with the juvies and the adult you can see the fish the adult brought in When I was recording I didn't see the adult until it was on top of the tower and wow there are lots of stupid or brace birds out there black birds playing with or whatever with the eagles and the hawk I have it also on with a video of the squirrel in my tree about 15-20 hard to see because they left right when I opened the door
Todays juvies flight and hawk and mockingbird dive bombng him and squirrels in my tree
PAULA thanks for the blow by blow description of today mantelling pretty cool watching them eat on their own POOF BELLE up to the branch I guess
I have been on youtube this whole time doing the video
I do like the new feature or old not for sure about editing all together and I like the music that doesn't cover up the eagle talking etc
Hey I just discovered something when you are in you blog area there is a area that show comments and how many peeople views
ok how long has that been there I wonder and I never noticed it
I am watch Rihanna 777
I don't think I told you all this
When I went to pick up my truck I noticed on the bill that Nat Spencer did the work
Ring a BELL that is the guy that they said didn't work there when I called he is the one that did my seat belt
So I was sort of mad thinking they lied to me about him working there until I talked with Brooks and Nat about it Of course when someone call they are not going to say they work there I should know that working in retail But he did get the message and it wasn't his ring is why he didn't call me back SO MYSTERY REMAINS Not his
They did apologize to me about it but its policy at most places not to say if person works there or not
ok back to tv
Had a good day out working in the yard. Just really enjoying the weather, makes it so pleasant!
Judie, like I had to laugh! Like it was so funny!
Well I am certainly relieved that JUDIE can continue to give the finger to those who get in her way driving...good news no amputation necessary! Drive carefully however LOL!!!
PAULA thank you for nest reports it was a joy to read each one of them.
Sorry about the events in your yard. I know how it feels as I have had the experience.
LORI good luck with the interview on Friday. Will be holding space for you and wishing you well.
JO I heard about the no gum rule, what is with do not cross your legs rule though?
SHAR I was hoping we would hear today what is with the kidney...OK so I guess we all wait with you and hope that it is what they said it is not an issue.
LYNNE you said it!!! I would have laughed too...I just finished planting five pots of herbs...and yes JUDIE they are herbs and no brownies from me coming your way if you keep this up!!! LOL!!! Love you...Parsely Sage Rosemary and Thyme with Dill and Mint...I hope they grow...
JUDYE I am glad you get to keep the ring.
I liked reading about C/A's nurse stories and the career potential.
I will be careful on the bike PA NANA...It will get me out and it will give me some exercise and I will not ride at night or as it gets dark...Thank you.
SHIRLEY sorry about the teenage crisis at your household. The good thing is they outgrow it. Glad you stayed home though since it is so cold there.
SANDI I love how you acquired your bike. The one thing about mine is that I have to lock it as I think it would be stolen otherwise...this is an issue in Nelson I am afraid.
Busy day and a good day. I got a lot accomplished and planted my herbs and also pansies. It was 82 degrees today and it will be the same all week...this is awesome.
I rested under a beautiful pink tree in the park and almost fell asleep it was so warm...I posted it on FB.
Did volunteer work for the Grans and for one of the Yoga Studios I go to. Also for a Yoga centre on the east shore of Kootenay lake. It was all good.
I think I will go take out my spring clothes...it is time.
hey ya'll, evening again...and i had such a WONDERFUL happy suprise today!!!!
SOMEONE sent ME a card via snailmail!!!!! THANK YOU MAGPIE! I have been grinning from ear to ear....its been a long long time since I've gotten real mail, handwritten even! thank you!!! :D
we gathered at the local bbq place to night to bid farewell to tom's 2nd cousin who is going active duty air force tomorrow morning. his mom (debbie) is holding together, but just barely. this is her first one leaving the nest and the 2nd and only other one graduates high school this month......
we always have fun with this family...love them dearly.
i am tired as scout got me up @ 3:30 in the a.m. to potty....and i did get to snooze for about another hour (by the time i got back to sleep), but now i am feeling it.
good night and SED to all! lots of love n hugs!!!
High Gang.
Sorry, Bob. Wasn't on here. Hope the BIRTHDAY was HAPPY!!!
Wanted to get on here much earlier and had been working on some photos. BUT emails started rolling in about the 'puter trouble at Park. And tomorrow the perp who caused the problems might call or come down again! I don't want a visit!!!!I'll use the phone w/Helpline folks if I need to!
Best Wishes to Lori tomorrow and glad to read Judie's hand is intact! Prayers for Sharon! So sorry you got delayed, but new procedure should be MUCH better! ☺ ♥
Gotta figure out clothes for a rainy day and do the do.If I'm not back, Nighty Night~~~
LORETTA BOB did pop in to say thanks for all the Bday wishes at 2:04 the 5th
Well, the baseball game turned out wonderfully. Hunter's team won, and he played very well. Didn't even need the hat, as he played catcher.
Happy anniversary, Dana and Monte. Loved the pictures on FB.
The crisis that took place AFTER the ball game was Kathryn's. Couldn't find her cell phone. Went all the way back to the ball field. It was raining. Field was closing. Took my phone so she could call hers. Eventually found it in the folding chair in her car. She had turned off the ringer, but eventually managed to hear it vibrating.
Ah, Hoda. You give yourself away. Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, and Thyme -- Mrs. Robinson, I presume? When will your first dragon boat race occur? Cool about the cycling around town.
Yes, I can continue to communicate using universal sign language.
Janet, sending positive thoughts for Tom's cousin. Never easy to have a family member leave but he will be just fine. His mom will be also.
Lowreeda, surely hope the computer issues are resolved quickly. Can't think how you all are managing at the park. What an inconvenience.
Shirley, congratulations to Hunter and his team. Good thing he didn't need his hat.
Well, it is time to send the Sandperson on his way to visit all of you. Reminded me that tomorrow is not a sleep-in day so unceremoniously dumped sleeping dust in my eyes.
Sandperson is on the way. Restful sleep for all.
Will check in as I can tomorrow.
this is for DANA and MONTE
Happy Anniversary
I can not win for losing with you JUDIE!!!
JO JO JO What are we going to do with JUDIE?????
There are four Dragon Boat races this year JUDIE. One in Montana and three in Canada. I think the first one is in July. I am not racing though...I go out for practice and I am part of the team but I have to admit a weekend that includes drinking and lots of loud noise does not appeal to me as a priority to spend funds...I will let you know how the team does.
Going to say goodnight and watch the end of Hawaii 50 and then back to my Nook to finish a book.
Shirley, glad your crises were small ones. What did we do before cell phones?
... goodnight and God bless!
Interesting story on the news. Three women missing for years have been found in Ohio. One is Amanda Berry, who was kidnapped ten years ago.
Really did not sleep much last night. I'm about ready to head upstairs, so I will wish everyone good night.
Its 64° out now NICE humidity is in 40's even nicer has lots to do with the pressure over you all in the mid section of Ga NC Tn WVA VA etc keep it commin LOL
some peeps will go down in the 50's for May that is wild
Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all
♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."
It must be the week for missing women to reappear...there was another one found in Florida SHIRLEY...At least it came across on Canadian News. A woman who dropped her kids off to school and took off with a group of homeless people!!!
They all have a story I suppose.
Signing back in just in time to say Good Night ♥
Watched Hallmark this evening...
Lots going on with everyone it seems..
Restful sleep to all with SED
Night ♥
Goodnight JO. SED AOYP
Lynne1, the yellow Columbine...is called Texas Gold, So very glad it is blooming for you!
Can not believe it is warmer for Hoda than for us here is The Lone Star State!! It is presently 65 and the high was in the lower 70's.
Heading to bed. Time to rest the eyes.
Night all! SED!!
Once again, I am able to get on and post on the Blog. Don't know what is happening, but I even have my TRASH CAN, which I haven't had for months! WEIRD...'puter may be possessed:) I still cannot get messages on my email...I can pull the site up, but it says, NO MESSAGES (I know that is not possible:)
Wishing you all a good night's rest and sending along my love and prayers ~♥~
ps...Diann, it was I who sent you the yellow columbine seeds and some purple ones, also. Mine are blooming now, too...aren't they beautiful?
Good morning my eagle friends! 1 hour fog delay for me this morning. Rainy day ahead.
I'm confused - my May email says Dana's and Monte's anniversary is the 13th. Did I save the wrong email - I remember Jo sent out two different ones?
Sharon, sorry about the time wasted yesterday with no answers about your kidney - will the MRI be today? Prayers that you get great news!
Both eaglets are up and waiting for some breakfast. Speaking of breakfast, need to get a move on! Make it a great day all!
Good Morning Eagle Pals...
Today is going to be a Mom- and
Dad-brella day...maybe even some
Sandi: Mine also says the 13th for DanaMo and Monte....Maybe due to Monte's busy traveling schedule
they celebrated early ? Hmmmmmm
More to be Revealed
Yay on a fog delay for you, Sandi
Wow, that was some fast snail-mail traveling....over the mountains from Saturday to Monday ...
You're welcome...☺
OH the coolest stamps are out,
Vintage Flower Seed Packets ☺
More fun than stickers !
Congratulations to Hunter's
team on the baseball win
and so glad that Kathryn found
her cell phone - whew!
No fog delay here for me,
got to do the Morning Shuffle
as work time looms
Best Wishes for a Very Good Day,
to Every One !
xoxo ♥
So I see one full peaglet
and one talon way up high...
those babies might be too
big to be tented!
okay...'bye xo
Good Morning Eagle buds
I see only one eaglet in the nest the other better be up at 12
OTAY I do see three little tootsies at 12
WOW all you northerns are you ready for the cicadas within in the next day or so 600 of them to one human TN NC that area our news says
Good morning my eagle budlets. I had a wonderful nights sleep and dreamed of being at a lake and seeing several eagles. That is probably where the peaceful sleep came from. I have no doubt that our spirits are connected to their spirits.
The scheduler at the hospital couldn't schedule my MRI until my insurance approves it. She said the next opening is May 20 but the doc seemed to think I could get an appointment in a couple of days. More will be revealed. I am not really down for waiting that long.
I am so grateful for love, prayers, positive energy and light I have been receiving. I love us!!!!!!
good morning all:"
HODA: not so worried about what to do with JUDIE, but with YOU? brownies, herbs, and now Ms. ROBINSON??? wow!! not to mention, the see thru yoga gear (guess that could go with ms. robinson???) rothflmbo!!!! what a great chuckle to start my day!!!! :) :) :)
SHARON: holding you close.....we are here....
its going to be a nice day. i have my chair massage gig @ 1.... other than that, gonna do some yoga here in a bit, and just enjoy a day.....only a 20% chance of rain today, the sun is peeking out......
Watching those women get free.....wow...... scary as well.....
It never ceases to amaze me the cruelty we humans force upon one another.................
Everyone have a good day. Be thankful for our freedoms, and hopeful that those who are not free, whether in mind, body or spirit, can find their way to freedom....
HUGS to all
Good morning.
Mumbrella day for sure but may take some choreographing between mom and dad to cover those big babes.
In Scotland, however, the zoomie had an amazing close-up of Isla basking and panting in the sunshine.
Good morning again.
It is raining here which is perfect for my mood today. This group of students has been so much fun that I am truly sad to say goodbye.
Headed down the hallway to make myself less scary and then on to the big schoolhouse. Long day today. Will be back this evening.
Meanwhile, would someone please keep tabs on Hoda? I can just picture it now -- RCMP detains woman digging among some potted plants dressed in a see-through yoga outfit and last heard asking for someone named Ben.
Have as lovely a day as possible.
Good Morning all!
JUDIE, think you're right on the mumrella thing with rain on the way. Maybe you've already had some. Have a good day at the big school house! So nice to hear you had such a good class this semester.
Will keep an eye out for HODA! lol
Have a great day, JANET. Lucky you with the sunshine!
SHARON, I hope you hear very soon about when your MRI will be.
HUGS for everyone. Love you all!!!
All four family members in the nest!
Good morning,
All four are home at the eagle nest.
Well now, three are home.
Uhhh. . . . Do dandelions count?
Off with their heads!
Wishing a great day for everyone.
Of course Dandelions County,
AND they are Yellow ☼ ☺ !!
I mean they COUNT, not county :(
I see all your more Morning Eagle Pals....
thinking of Judie on her last trek to The Big House, for Wannabes who "might even will be"
Gonnabes as they are getting pretty reviews from the Professor
Sharon...I loved the report of your good night's sleep
and your dreamy dreaming !!
Say Hi to Thelma for me...I don't see her here this morning....
which reminds me: Dough Factory!
I better get back to it
xoxox ♥
Good morning - I am ready for a fresh thread but I think Steve is off on a fishing trip!
Rainy here today in the valley.
Our juvies are snoozing...
No plans for today - going to be a lazy day with this rain... All my flower pots are getting watered!
I need to read comments BBILW
Just a quick GOOD MORNING! Have not eaten and need to run out for a routine blood test.
Have a good one!!!
You can't always believe Facebook - Not sure why Dana posted her wedding party picture so soon - May 13th is the date
Here is the reason ..........
Dana said ... our anniversary isn't until May 13th but I thought I would post the pictures for the month.
Dana was probably giving Monte a hint but believe me Monte knows it is the 13th!
I see one eaglet in the nest. Guess the other one is up in the top section.
So we wished Dana a happy anniversary a bit early. That is okay. We can always wish again. :)
Yes, a missing woman was found in Florida, but she disappeared on her own as far as I know. That is a sad case, too.
Still see just one eaglet.
Eaglet calling. Parent must be near.
Okay, Lydia said on OC that she sees the feet of another eaglet. Good. I was worried.
Good afternoon all. Busy morning at the shelter. Fun stuff though. Cutest little 3 yr old helping me to make a gift for her mom and her Grandmom. So I am off to work on photos. HAGD
Well good morning to all.
It was me who started the Happy Anniversary to DANA and MONTE. I saw the picture and thought it was the correct date.
As SHIRLEY says we can wish them twice. My bad! Sorry.
LOOOOOOORRRRRIIIIIIIII!!! You are not going to side with MISS JUDIE are you??? You are my friend remember???? LOL
Awesome that the chicks are growing so fast.
Beautiful day here...all the plants have been potted. I had a few more pansies to go...
LOLLY I hope the blood test goes well and that all is good in your world.
SHAR,again I don't know what to say that you have to wait for the insurance to approve before medical attention is given. This part always boggles my mind. Keeping you in prayer!
Have a terrific day. I will check back in later on the day. SHIRLEY glad you saw a comment from LYDIA and that she is OK I wondered where she was as she has not posted here for a while now.
C/A You sound like you might be looking for a job in THE TOWER OF LONDON!!! Off with her head you said...Dandeloins have feelings too you know!!! LOL!!! Did you know Dents Des Lions is the origins of their name. French for teeth of the lions.They are very healthy in soup and salads, if not sprayed of course.
Off I go on my bicycle...
Happy biking Hoda
As for the "dandy lions", we do not use any yard sprays but with two dogs we can 't guarantee they're pure. lol
My grandfather would go hunt dandelion plants when they first came out. Grandmother made a delicious warm bacon flavored sauce to eat over them. Also have you never heard of dandelion wine?
He made that also - I was too young to taste the wine but I always looked forward to a dinner of dandelions.
lol- I just Goggled edible dandelions and found a great Dandelion Fritter recipe. Take a look on the internet - many many uses for all those dandelions.
I do hope next season that they position the camera as they promised. We need to view the entire nest - That noon position is Hedgie's favorite spot!
We're getting pretty close to
Shirley - does Hunter have a gym bag so to speak in which all his baseball equipment can be placed in between the games and practices? Even his hat! That way he can run out the door with everything.
He really is enjoying baseball - the same as he liked football.
I think I'ave had the warm bacon over the dandelion sauce,
and the
Dandy Wine one time
Margy you are keeping an eye on us..♥
One more to go and then the second split o0f this thread.......
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