Thursday, January 17, 2013


Maybe a little snow today.

cool link.

New thread.


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JudyEddy said...

Well I am gonna go jump in the shower before the boob tube call me to watch it

JudyEddy said...

Cathy emailed me this
Man capture mouse in his house and releases it outside

Judie said...

Good evening everyone.

So nice to read that everyone seems to have had a positive day -- even those who needed medical attention.

The sandperson is almost ready to visit and bring restful sleep to all. The night light is set for 11pm.

Oh, he asked if I have any A1 Sauce as there is a shortage just south of here.

magpie said...

G'Night, Judie...
Hoping today was a better day for Darth than yesterday, and for you also!
xo (( All Night Hugs ))

magpie said...

Well you didn't say you were hitting the sack yet...
but Good Night Anyway ☺

Headed for the bath bubbles here

stronghunter said...

Happy birthday, Michael!

stronghunter said...

Nice to see you, Judie!

I think we will just pass on A1 sauce down here for awhile.

Kathryn has gone to the gym to retrieve Hunter as he does not feel well enough to participate. Kathryn had encouraged him to go because she thought that he might just want to play video games instead of going. The rule is that if he does not feel well, there will be no video games.

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley, Hunter must feel bad then. Hope it's only a 24 hr thing!

Hoda said...

Good to hear from JUDIE and I hope DARTH had a better day.

LORI'S DAD, CHRISITNE, ISAACS all with good reports and there is prayers and gratitude.

GLO glad things are going well too.

Gallbladder surgery is no big deal and it is considered day surgery here. I had mine removed and they gave me the option to stay in the hospital I said no thank you so they discharged me. I felt fine to be going home.Not invasive either and I barely have a scar...three little dots where they went in and came out.

LINDA glad the infection is better and hopefully will be gone soon.

The sun, yes you know that golden disk up in the sky? Well it was here ALL DAY!!! Clear blue skies and the sun and oh how cheerful we all were...everyonce in a while we would stop in our tracks and put our faces up to the sun. I had to make sure I do not bump into anyone with the sudden was a terrific day simply terrific.

Hoda said...

I am sorry for HUNTER and yet I do not think a diet of A1 Sauce is very healthy for a person. I went to the store and I could not get myself to buy a bottle...just read the ingredients!!!So I will not be able to tell how he ate it with a fork!!!
Awesome talk of spring and gardening coming from Texas! YAY LOLLY. HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY MICHAEL.

stronghunter said...

Hunter came home and rushed into the bathroom.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn's gallbladder surgery was same-day, but she took awhile to heal completely.

stronghunter said...

Hope Darth is better, Judie.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn said that she saw snow-covered vehicles on the highway, but we have no snow here. Just a few wet flakes and a lot of rain.

Hoda said...

Watching Lance Armstrong part two...
Man oh man does he have to face so many demons and the law suits will deplete his 150 million fortune! I have empathy for him and I am sad for him as I think the real challenge will come with his son Luke who has been defending the lie since he was born. He is 13 a difficult age to have his world crumble around him...Father son relationship is challenged!

Hoda said...

You all will think I am gullible, but as far as Lance Armstrong I will not be the one to cast a first stone or any stone for that matter. He has a rough road ahead of him and I still support him.
So here it is I put him in my prayers and wish him well as he lives the consequences of his actions. God Bless You Lance Armstrong!

grannyblt said...

Evening folks.

Great news about Isaac and Lori's Dad.

SED to all.

Lynne2 said...

good evening eagle peeps! TGIF!!

Great news, not so great news but all in my prayers!

Just think, 2 weeks from today, we will be on pins and needles watching for the first egg!

Lynne2 said...

I hear geese!

Lynne2 said...

Today was the first day in about a week that the sun was out! I've missed the gorgeous sunrises in the morning!

Lynne2 said...

Eagle nest within a couple of miles from work, as the eagle flies. Many sightings recently of adults! Owner of the property not impressed because they keep eating the ducks that are on his pond....

Mema Jo said...

I think everything is going to be good throughout the night. I am signing off for the day. I am so happy about Isaac going home!

Prayers for all of us and our loved ones.

Good Night ♥

Lynne2 said...

watching The Bucket List, too funny!

Don't think I'll make the end tired, need to rest a while.

Catch y'all in the morrow! Check out the skies, Jupiter is really closing in on the moon, will be REALLY close by Monday night!

Lolly said...

We are home and had a fantastic evening. Put pictures on fb and I know some of you have already seen the pics.

Wahooooo! So excited to hear about Isaac!!! Let's all do the habby dance!!!

Lolly said...

Shirley, do not know what the cause of Hunter's problem, but I do think it is time to hide the A1 sauce. That is just not acceptable!

Lolly said...

Jack is snoring in his chair...time to get ready for bed.

Night all! SED!!!!

Hoda said...


Prayers of gratitude.♥

paula eagleholic said...

SED, love and hugs for all ♥

Costume Lady said...

Last stop before bed...
I got so excited to read that Baby Isaac is well enough to be going home! I had gotten so attached to him that I don't think I could have standed it if something bad had happened to him...he is such a darling baby. We will miss Nicole's daily reports and pictures and videos of him. Maybe she will post some from time to time on facebook.

Nothing wrong with Hunter...he either just simply likes the taste of A-1 Sauce or wanted to draw attention to himself:). Either way, he'll get over it!

Bugs running rampant in my Family Friday again. Don't want anyone with some left-over germs passing them on to GG, so I suggested we pass on visits til everyone is well.
I did have a bit of tummy problems for a day and a half, but wasn't GG had some tummy and bathroom issues, but seemed alright when we left her this evening.

Good to hear that Lori's Dad came through his surgery alright and do pray that the cancer was all in the tumor.

Hope Christine can have her nasty gall bladder removed in the morning and not have to wait and worry. She has just had so much on her shoulders recently, but seems to be holding up well. Bless her!

Didn't find a report from Jo on her eye exam today...need to hear that everything is ok~just new glasses:)

Now I lay me down to and prayers for all♥

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

I apologize for being MIA again! Have been VERY busy, like Paula, bulldozing stuff in the house. It's looking downright liveable again! Got a boatload of laundry done on Wednesday. Ken's 72nd Birthday was yesterday. We went to Duke's in Huntington Beach to celebrate, and had a delicious meal. Ken had Opah fish from Hawaii, with wild rice and a delicious, buttery-tasting sauce, and capers. I had their Angus beef hamburger, so big I took half of it home. Had a nice window seat overlooking the surf and several beach volleyball games.
Sure was nice to have warmer weather for a change! Must've been about 75 degrees, and sunny! We had a single ice cream cone at Coldstone for dessert. Later that evening the kids called, and we had a wonderful conversation with all of them! It was a perfect ending to a wonderful day!

SOOO glad to see some really good news here! Isaac gets to go home!!!
What a miracle child! God is SOOOO good! Prayers for all health and healing concerns for everyone. I have been keeping up with the blog, although too hurried to post.

Happy Belated Birthday to Chrissy, and Belated Happy Anniversary to Donna. There are some others I have missed, so belated wishes to them, too, with my apologies.

Have tried to keep up with watching our eagles--it's really good to see them again! Hope we have an egg soon!

Well, have a few bills to pay online, so better get busy and do that now. Will try really hard to get back here more often. I miss everyone!! Emma says, "Woof, Woof!"

I've turned on the porch light and enabled both security systems. Have them on a timer in case I fall asleep in front of the TV. SED wished for everyone! God bless, and goodnight. I love all of you!
♥♥Missing Lynn, and thinking of her all the time!♥♥
♥♥Carolyn & Christie♥♥
♥♥Thinking of you, too, Jo!♥♥
I ♥ us!!!

stronghunter said...

Lolly, I think Hunter is not going to want to choose to indulge in A1 sauce again. He, as Wanda said about GG, is having "bathroom problems." He has concluded it is from the A1.

If he has something contagious, we will figure that out before long.

Stopping in to say good night. See you tomorrow.

Lance Armstrong--Hoda, you are being very kind.

stronghunter said...

Pardon the white space. I held down the "enter" key for too long.

stronghunter said...

Pardon the white space. I held down the "enter" key for too long.

Sandi said...

Good Saturday morning my eagle friends!! Just can't get over the wonder of little Isaac's miraculous recovery!!! I am so happy for that family and can just picture the reunion back in WV!!!

Shirley, sorry to hear about Hunter being under the weather. Hope the bathroom issues are from eating too much A1, not the start of the flu or some other virus.

Jo, hope and pray that Christine's surgery happens today.

Hoda, sorry but I feel no sympathy for Lance Armstrong. He could have chosen not to take drugs - he didn't. When it was discovered, he could have chosen to be honest and accept responsibility for his actions - he didn't. I hear my students say ALL the time, "It's only illegal if you get caught." They learn that from the adults around them and from "sports heroes" who believe they don't have to follow the rules. I worry about this generation of children and young adults because of the lessons they've learned from people like Lance Armstrong.

OK, enough said on that!

Need to get some laundry done this morning, then pack and head to Baltimore. This evening I will be saying farewell to my 2 granddogs!! Gotta admit, I am happy about that! I'll check in from my Kindle when I can.

Prayers for all the needs on our blog.

Make it a great day all!

Sandi said...

Eagle calls at 6:50am, but not coming from the tree. Farther away.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Budlets

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


Sandi said...

Eagle in the nest! Can't tell which one.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


Sandi said...

Good morning Judy. I think it's Shep - thinking I see his spot.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


Sandi said...

And there she is! =)

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


Sandi said...

Ahhh, love it when the color comes to the nest!! Poof Shep, I think to the tree.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


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JudyEddy said...


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JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


Janet said...

good morning to all. a bright and sunny morning here. going up in the mid 50's again today, so it will be warmer.

i have 2 massages this morning....then who knows. i will wander around here and find some trouble to get into, i am sure.

dinner was nice last night. they have this dish called shrimp cancun...shrimp grilled up with pineapple, onions and green peppers and covered ina cheese sauce....oh my stars it is yummy.

but even better my friend and i chatted away.

i rarely have time or friends to sit and chat with. mostly its business related....if i do chat. so for me, chatting with another woman is a treat. i know a lot of people, but would not say i have a lot of friends.

sometimes, it is lonely. but, i just keep working or stick my nose in a book. life is good.

hugs to you all. hope you have a great saturday. i will check in later. hugs

T-Bird said...

The snow is still so beautiful here.

paula eagleholic said...

Judy, thanks for the play by play this morning. I slept in and it sure felt good!

Loving the sunshine here again today ☼

Tbird, I'll bet that snow looks pretty!

T-Bird said...

Good to see you PAULA. We are suppose to have sunshine today too. Of course it will still be cold, unlike your sun. The kids are going snowboarding today at Winter Place. It looks like a good day for it.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Up early to go to a meeting at church and thought I might see our such luck. I am not getting up at 6 to see them!!! lol

Anyway, meeting this morning and then hurrying off to Denton for a basketball game (missing the earlier game) and more moving. This time the basketball goals and swing from the yard, and hopefully the freezer from the garage. There is still a whole lot from the garage to be moved and Laurel is refusing to move it. "That is Joey's" she"I moved the contents of the house!" Yea, Laurel!

Lolly said...

Time for me to get moving...have a great day!

See you much later this evening!

Linda said...

Good Morning!

Sunshine here today as well. The Big Chill comes tomorrow for us!!

Hoping to hear how LORI's Dad is doing today. Keeping him in prayer as he recovers and heals.

JANET - You have US!! We are your friends and care deeply for you! I totally understand you comment about not having as much time for outings and such with friends. Sometimes people with purpose can't settle down enough to take that time. Plus you are blessed with a family to spend your time with and it is soooo obvious how much joy that brings you!

Mema Jo said...

Good Saturday Morning - we have sunshine!

Update on Christine: Blood work this morning not where Dr wished it to be - surgery is postponed for today. Blood will be tested tomorrow and then decision on gallbladder removal. She called her contact this morning and that is the plan for today.

I realize that gallbladder removal is a simple procedure - I am just wondering what the surgery was to remove the blockage. ?????

Mema Jo said...

Michael did call and spoke with Christine - They talked for a while and I'm sure she felt good that her dad called her. He sure was happy to have talked with her. Hope it is a restful day and she is healing from the first surgery and that tomorrow out comes that gallbladder.

I have a hair do today as tomorrow we are going to meet up with our 5 children to celebrate hubby's 75th! I need to look young for the occasion!! lol I wish ♥

Mema Jo said...

BTW M<Michael is doing well - he started his speech therapy here at Frederick Memorial Hospital - very pleased with the therapist. He will go 2 times a week and also brings homework with him. His staples don't get removed until the 29th... could have been a week sooner but that was the earliest date down at UMMC for him. Incidentally - there are 67 staples! Ouch!

paula eagleholic said...

67 staples! Who won the contest, Jo?

paula eagleholic said...

I had the still cam up, but had to close it, and can't get back to the FWS page now...

paula eagleholic said...

Live feed is up and running fine.

stronghunter said...

Slept in this morning. Heard Kathryn and Hunter. He is now with his dad, and seems to be okay. Kathryn has gone out.

Christine's surgery seems a bit complicated. Hope all goes well for her. I really wondered why they discharged Kathryn so quickly. Almost as soon as she was conscious.

stronghunter said...

Sunny at the nest. MT now.

Lolly said...

Home from meeting and now on way to Denton!

Mema Jo said...

Back from hairdo - Christine sent word out of her room phone number - I really don't want to disturb her but I'll probably call a little later. Hope she is able to keep some food down soon.

Paula - I never checked back to the post where I asked for guesses.. don't remember on here or FB - I know Sharon guessed but was a bit short of the count. I didn't have a prize so I shouldn't have even ask for guesses.

stronghunter said...

Eagle materialized in the nest.

stronghunter said...

Spinning arrow.

Now tow have materialized.

stronghunter said...


stronghunter said...

Frustrating. Too much stop and start.

stronghunter said...

They seem to be watching something.

stronghunter said...

Both still there. Just looking around.

stronghunter said...

Both still there. Looking from opposite ends of the nest.

stronghunter said...

Chirps from time to time, I think. A little hard to tell what I am hearing.

DanaMo said...

Love seeing their feathers blowing in the wind. Nice day around here. Sun shining and temps not bad.

stronghunter said...

Sunny and in the fifties here.

stronghunter said...

Looks like they are just enjoying the sunshine.

stronghunter said...

Still sitting in the sunshine.

DanaMo said...

The eagles sure seem to be enjoying this weather as much as I am!

stronghunter said...

Still sitting in the nest.

Mema Jo said...

Watching our Royal Couple but I am soon leaving for Mass. I had a quiet afternoon and no plans for later this evening. So far it's a nice quiet day.


stronghunter said...

Fox? Wow! Something is hollering out there.

Second eagle just poofed.

stronghunter said...

Hey, Shepherdstown is in 4th place on the "Coolest Town" list. Keep voting!

JudyEddy said...

HELLOOOOOO eaglebuds Home from work and find the still cam not working huh

paula eagleholic said...

Glad the eagles enjoyed the day too!

JudyEddy said...

and i missed the visit tooo

JudyEddy said...

I can't get either cam I had the live up and then closed it down

paula eagleholic said...

My live feed is still up, JudyE...MT nest.

JudyEddy said...

I can't figure out what is wrong I have uninstalled abode again and still only get a grey screen for the live cam

JudyEddy said...

it was working when I came home but stoopied me backed out of it I keep getting message shockplayer crashed on FB that is why I redid the abode but no help

JudyEddy said...

I guess I will just have to use Chrome to watch the nest I give up I am about ready to throw this computer out the door

Janet said...

good early evening ya'll. been a productive day.

i had the two morning massages, then came home and finished calculating the income portion of my tax info for my accountant. now to the expenses....

the computer sure makes it easier!

cleaned house . went to the laundromat and washed the comforters. read my book while there....

its been such a nice day. sunny. warm.

i have sauerkraut cooking for tomorrow and this week. i love the stuff....tom and livvy not so much.

tonight: gourment dinner: chili dogs.

thoughts on lance armstrong: it goes to prove one thing in my mind, him and the other famous/public figures who have lied about this that and the other: makes them human. we often idolize these folks and expect that they will be above their humanity, and they are not. i agree, he could have chosen to come clean long long ago, but now he will reap the rewards of that which he has sown. if anything, perhaps we can show this to our children as well. that there are indeed consequences to one's actions. honesty is always the best policy. i am not angry, nor am i shocked. i do not feel duped. i just shake my head and say, honesty is always the best policy.

hope everyone has a great evening. will touch base later/tomorrow.


magpie said...

Bodacious sky-watching, as Lynne2 points out...
Jupiter is high and bright and will ootch closer to the Moon the next two nights, Wow, Monday will be a Wowser....
Pleaides is in the mix also, and will be shrouded most likely when the Moon and Jupiter get so close together
Good Evening Eagle Pals

magpie said...

I worked and I walked, that's not nearly as much as you accomplished today Janet ☺

magpie said...

Hoping that Christine is comfortable tonight and
maybe even catching up on some rest? Is that even possible in the hospital?
So wonderful that she and her dad, Miracle Michael, could talk by phone

magpie said...

There was a bottle of A-1 sauce sitting out on the counter
at the kitchen at work.
Made me think of Hunter.
Hope he is feeling MUCH better today now

tending to home work chores...
Jewels stayed over four hours, she is still at work.
I might get snagged for a workshift myself on my days off.
Goes with the territory, especially with illnesses and family emergencies.The whole entire day was busy during the day.

Best Wishes for a Good Saturday evening for all
xoxo ♥

Lynne2 said...

Hey folks! BeaUUUUUUtiful day! Got Steve out for a while, and the dogs. Even went to Walmart! OOOOOO my achin' back! Up the steps with the walker, in the car with the walker, out of the car with the walker, out of the trunk for the wheelchair, back in the trunk with the wheelchair, and bags, out with the walker, and bags, back down the steps with the walker, and the bags. UGH!

Lynne2 said...

wonder how Hunter is feeling?

NO, there is NO rest in the hospital! Hope Christine can have her surgery and get back home fast where she CAN rest!

Jo, did I miss you eye doctor report?

Lynne2 said...

any thoughts on how to remedy a dry night throat? I'm having issues with that and I hate to drink water in the middle of the night and risk having to get up to potty.

I have my early evening chill from hell so I'm off to take a hot hot hot shower.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

life savers or suck on some candy to help LYNNE2

JudyEddy said...

I have the live cam up on google chrome IE still won't let me see it Odd how all a sudden

JudyEddy said...

ok off to TV land and get lost

Janet said...

MAGPIE: i am never happy unless i feel as if i have had a "productive" day....that means accomplishing as much as is humanly possible. downside to this: sometimes i don't know when to stop.


magpie said...

Understand, that Janet...I tend to have the most drive and dreams, when I have the least time or energy....
but "one of these days"....
I think I can, I think I can....
Good On You, as Hoda would say

G'Night for Now !

Hoda said...

Two hours before I got o bed in the winter time I have a mug of hot water with lemon and honey. This should do wonders for your throat LYNNE.

Thank you SHIRLEY SANDI and JANET for the comments on Lance Armstrong. We give way too much power to athletes and movie stars...

Beautiful day here: Went to early morning aqua fit and swam a few laps too and went to the hot pool and then for coffee, except I had tea, with the Dragon Boat team. Next Sunday we will go snow shoeing together. Talking of cross country skiing in February but not sure yet. I used to on my own in Alberta and sometimes even with friends. Stopped when I moved to BC so have not been on skies for almost ten years.

Today was so very beautiful weather wise that I spent most of it outside in several parks and taking in the sun. I have not taken my Vitamin D tablets today because there was real SUN!!! The skies were blue and the sun was shinning ALL DAY LONG!!!

OK now I share my brain wave: we could blame it on my being very happy about seeing blue skies and goes: when I turn seventy I will go sky diving.
I feel happy with this thought and there are places in Nelson that offer this service and it would be an epic way to celebrate my 70th birthday!!! I feel excited about it.

magpie said...

PS Janet
I am spending a good bit of time
wth stretching exercises and the treatments for carpal tunnel and pinched nerve. Maybe I can do more when all this is done with.
You are probably familiar with
"Active Isolated Stretching, the Mattes Method...."
I'm working out of that book, some...

magpie said...

Awesome, Hoda !
You go, Girl!

magpie said...

Saying my Night-Nights now....

Thinking of all,
Hugs for All,
Prayers for Wellness All Around

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxo ♥

Hoda said...

Night MARGY sleep well I am glad you are doing stretch exercises for your hands, healing prayers come your way!

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Oh my goodness, Hoda! Skydiving! My Susan says she wants to do this, too. I cringe at the thought of jumping out of a perfectly good plane. You all can have my jump. Not sure that I want to watch, even, but I will listen to you tell about it.

stronghunter said...

Hope the exercises work well for you, Margy. I am tucked into my bed nursing my knee. It started hurting when I walked upstairs earlier this evening. I have decided to stay upstairs for now. Called Will and asked him to check things downstairs--especially the oven because I set it to clean itself, and so it is very hot. He will be home soon to check things out.

stronghunter said...

When do you turn 70 Hoda?

Hoda said...

2018 SHIRLEY!!!
I have to lose a few pounds before I do so. I do not want to splatter due to high velocity of descent due to weight!!! The thought makes me laugh...
I hope your knee gets better!

stronghunter said...

Oh my gosh! I am not laughing, Hoda. Yikes!

Will came home and turned off the oven.

stronghunter said...

Thanks, I hope my knee gets better, too. I have been pretty lucky with my joints. So far, the problems have been minor. But my mother had pain in the same knee. I remember seeing her massage it, and I think of her when I do the same thing.

Hoda said...

Do you think of going to the swimming pool to exercise? hot whirling pools relieve joint pain SHIRLEY.
Glad Will turned off the oven.

Lolly said...

Just read the blog....time for Hoda to have her sanity checked. lol I am with way I would ever jump out of a good plane.I have this thing about heights. At a mall, a balcony, etc I can not walk up to the rail. I have been up in a hot air balloon. The pilot convinced me I would not have that feeling that I get on balconies. Sure enough, I loved it!

stronghunter said...

Sounds like a good idea, Hoda. I might check out the Y. They have programs for senior citizens.

Lolly said...

Got a lot accomplished today in Denton. But, once again I am terribly frustrated with Joey. He knew we were there to help after the basketball games. BUT, he said, he had to run to a couple of stores first. He dissappeared for a couple of hours!! He finally got the trailer after 5 and they got the basketball goals but that was all! It was too dark. I unpacked a ton of boxes and was still working until Jack went and picked up the pizzas. Joey sat down in his chair. Scream!!!!!!!!!

Lolly said...

We are staying home tomorrow. Our burn ban has been lifted, so Jack is going to rake and burn.

stronghunter said...

Never have been in a hot-air balloon, Lolly. Don't know how I feel about that.

My husband had a fear of certain heights. He would not go near the edge of a cliff, and when we were at the World Trade Center, he got very upset when the children got near the windows. When we went up in the Gateway Arch, it was swaying, and I found him clinging to a beam. He insisted that we go down immediately. The swaying was so bad that it was hard to walk, but that did not bother me. I wanted to stay and enjoy looking out the windows.

But took piloting lessons and flew planes. I do not know if he would jump out of a plane or not. Probably not.

Fear of heights is an interesting thing.

stronghunter said...

But he took piloting lessons . . .

stronghunter said...

Oh my, Lolly. Sounds like it is a good idea for you to stay home.

Hoda said...

Welcome home Lolly and Jack.

Hot air baloon sounds like a good idea too...

I find Aqua Fit really good and it is turning to be a positive addition to my weekend...

Sorry about the frustrations LOLLY...
Speaking of Pizza over here they make the BEST Kale and Artichoke Pizza with a very thin crust like the Italians have, not chewy at all. I tried it over Christmas Holidays and likes it very much.They use goat cheese.

Lolly said...

The hot air ballon ride was really fun. I bought the ride for Jack on his 50th birthday. When I talked with the pilot he convinced me I should go too. Glad I did, it was fantastic.

Lolly said...

I am like Lynne was earlier...having a chill from hell. lol Time for a hot hot shower. Would be good for my aching back, too.

Hoda said...

I went up the Eiffel Tower and the Empire States building and was OK...Yet some balconies make me dizzy!!! When I was three I fell off of the balcony and landed on my head from a two sory balcony. My sister asked my mother for a chocolate bar and then announced that hoda fell out the window. She told me later she was sure she would not get the chocolate bar had she said I fell out the balcony first!!! LOL!!! She was a smart one that sister! She looked like the images you see of the Pharoahs.I think she was pretty.

stronghunter said...

A chill from hell. Now, that is an oxymoron if I ever heard one.

PA Nana said...

Hello! I'm back to my late night posting.

Tried to get this site on my iPad but I'm not as proficient with Apple.

Sorry I haven't been following the blog and I've missed you all.

Was looking at my "favorites" for cams but wonder if NBG will have a cam for their eagles since the death of the female with a colllision with aa plane. Can anyone tell me? TY

Linda said...

Good Evening!

No sky diving for me!! Not into the thrill!!

LOLLY - Sorry Joey hasn't been able to get his priorities straight with the things that are necessary to finish this move. I am sure Laurel is upset, too. Poor thing!

JO - Hope Christine is feeling better this evening. I know with my gallbladder, I was sent home after a 4 day hospital stay and surgery was scheduled for 10 days later. They put me on an antibiotic for the infection that gets in there when the gallbladder is so inflamed. They wanted the swelling to go down so they could remove the gallbladder and check for any blockage in some surrounding ducts. It is a MUCh less invasive surgery....yes, but it is still a major surgery. Recovery is probably different for everyone. For me it took about a week to get back to normal.

Saying prayers that Christine is getting relief and will be able to get that surgery soon.

Praying for LORI's Dad, too!! Would love to hear how he is doing.

Lolly said...

They are trying to chase the eagles away from Norfolk. They tore down the nest and any more nests they have tried to build. A real shame! No, there will not be a cam there.

Hoda said...

PA NANA you did hear about the NBG best was taken down,right?
The eagles keep trying to rebuild and they keep destroying their efforts. There is a thought that someone with private land will build a nest for them and yet I am not sure how they will rediret the eagles there...Pa Eagle was quite the play boy and had a harem of sorts but now it seems it is on female that is hanging around him...

Hoda said...

nest not best!!!

Linda said...

We are on our way up to bed, but wanted to check in and say nighty night to y'all!

Wishing everyone restful sleep tonight and keeping our many needs in prayer.

A very big day in the RIFFE family tomorrow!! Baby ISACC is going to have a wonderful homecoming!!!

There is no place like home....



PA Nana said...

Thanks,Lolly. So sad. That was one of the best.

PA Nana said...

Thanks, Hoda. Didn't see your post until after I already posted to Lolly.

I'm not ignoring you.

Hoda said...



stronghunter said...

A chill from hell. Now, that is an oxymoron if I ever heard one.

PA Nana said...

My cat disconnected me by hitting the off button on my base. Guess she wants my attention, so I'll say goodnight too.

God bless!

stronghunter said...

Ready to turn off the lights now. See you all tomorrow. SED.

Lolly said...

Linda, I just have found it more than frustrating. Jack has always been one to do repairs promptly. He takes care of thing. He is the neat one of the two of us. He is so helpful. He took over the vacuuming when my back went out. He just sees things that needs to be done and does them. He takes care of the garbage, I don't have to ask. I know, I am spoiled. Joey on the other hand just creates more jobd got Lautrl. He is messy, throws things on the floor, and does not take care of possessions. (Leaves things out in the rain, for example) He changes the oil...well, everything is left out in the driveway. He eats in his chair...well that is where his dirty dishes are left. I tried telling him that little things, like putting dirty dishes in the dishwasher will help Laurel. He did not get the message.

Excuse me....I am venting...once again!

Lolly said...

So frustrated I can not type! lol When I vent at Jack he gets upset. He knows there is nothing we can do so he does not want to talk about it.

I will shut up now!

Mema Jo said...

Hoda, you sound like George Bush with your sky diving on your 70th. lol

No new lens because even though she could give me a more powerful left eye it wouldn't do any good for my vision due to the cataract in my left eye.I go back in July and access it as to whether it should be removed.

I watched a Hallmark this evening. Love those shows! Always have happy endings.

Lolly said...

Every one is shutting down, so I will as well.

Night all! Special prayers for Christine, and for a safe flight for Nicole and Isaac!


stronghunter said...

I hear you, Lolly.

Mema Jo said...

Going to close for today - 6:30 pm Ravens game!

Prayers for Christine that the gallbladder is removed tomorrow! Lynne you are right that getting her home is the best medicine.

Happy journey home for Isaac! ♥

Good night to all - love you much ♥

Costume Lady said...

I can almost feel the excitement in the air over Nicole and Isaac's trip home tomorow.
Praying for a good outcome for Christine's blood work in the morning and that she can get surgery


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

flew in from 5 and landed in middle and started working on the egg cup right aways and of course its SHEP

JudyEddy said...

now he is just stitting there

JudyEddy said...

he moved to 6 and picking at rail and my still can was 20 min behind they must be still having issues there

JudyEddy said...

oops now I can't get the still after trying to refresh it so no pic grabs on it today or for atleast now

JudyEddy said...

back to sitting at 6 on rail now

JudyEddy said...

I hears Belle up top

JudyEddy said...

Shep back to moving sticks on tail at 6 I hear a pretty bird tooo

JudyEddy said...

tugg on a stick that is stuck then picks of flugg at 6

Sandi said...

Morning Judy. Can't watch the cam and blot at the same time on my kindle - screen is too small. I'm here and watching.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

That is how my laptop is almost tooo small but I am on my desktop the laptop is in kitchen on
I wonder if he will be back

JudyEddy said...


magpie said...

G'Morning Eagle Pals....

Roaring to Post #400
Watch for THE SPLIT

Sandi...How is your Mom ?


magpie said...

FWS Site still down, no still cam,

but I DID see Shep.
I think one or both will be back, then again, it might be a GREAT fishing morning on the Potomac

magpie said...

Wonderful traveling day for
Nicole and Isaac !
Wonder if the Angel Flight will be the transport vehicle this time?
I looked at all the wonderful pictures on their Caringbridge site last night, that little boy
is a Big Little Boy now ☺

Sandi said...

No sound from the cam page on my kindle either. Oh well. Picture is better than nothing.

Hoda sky diving!!!??? Holy cannoli!!!!! You are one brave woman! Not for me at any age!!

Lolly I feel your frustration! Nothing you can do except help Laurel when and where you can.

I can just imagine the excitement in the Riffe family today!!!

Special prayers today for Lori's dad and for Christine.

JudyEddy said...

colors on nest

magpie said...

SPLIT !!!!

magpie said...

Did you just recently lose sound Sandi?

on the cam ?

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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...