Tuesday, September 04, 2012


New thread.


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Linda said...

Wow, this is my first feather!!

stronghunter said...

Hi Linda!!

Brought over my comment:

stronghunter said...
Kathryn called around and found a contractor who is sending someone out to take care of protecting the house.

Needless to say, I did not go bowling today.

Tuesday, September 04, 2012 11:00:00 AM

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the call-over, Linda.

Thanks for the new thread, Steve.

stronghunter said...

Congrats on the feather, Linda.

stronghunter said...

You are right, Margy. Especially the smell. I remember the burned-house smell from back when we had our house fire.

magpie said...

I think your Guardian Angels were out in legions overnight...

magpie said...

Best Wishes once again, everyone

Thnaks Steve for the New Thread,
Thanks Linda for the call over...


Happy Birthday Iris !!!
a beautiful name, for a beautiful lady....

Linda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Linda said...

Oops.....my delete trying to do a link!! Kind of rusty at this!

JUDYE - I posted some pictures of rhododendrons in bloom for you from my yard in June.

Rhododendrons for JudyE

Mema Jo said...

I was hoping that someone got a feather and that a fresh new thread was awaiting me - Yahoo! Way to go Linda!
Linda, I don't have a bear but this morning I had a young deer running across my yard. My heart stood still for a moment.

SHIRLEY - Wow! What a night you and the family had. I am so very thankful for your safety. Fires are so devastating - & they leave lasting memories of fear and sorrow!

Going over to older page for this morning's comments.

Mema Jo said...

Happy happy birthday to a dear friend. Iris may your day be full of happiness and your year be full of joys

Mema Jo said...

Carol Anne, a deck pond sounds so beautiful. What a neat thing to create.
Barney is so beautiful - 13 years - Wow! ♥

Wanda - hope your soup kitchen today has lots of visitors to enjoy their meal. ♥

Andy - Your trip is going so well and what a trip it is! ♥

Janet - hugs for yo0u and your family today and every day. Losing a furry friend is not easy. ♥

Mema Jo said...

I remember last evening that Hoda said her week is going to be very busy - Thinking about you Dragon Lady ♥

Mema Jo said...

Good old El Nino - Almanac predictions for this winter...
HAGERSTOWN, Md. (AP)- The nation's second-oldest almanac is predicting heavy snowstorms this winter in the mid-Atlantic region based on the size of a developing El Nino temperature pattern in the Pacific Ocean.
The 2013 Hagerstown Town and Country Almanack released Tuesday predicts two December nor'easters. The first snow could fall as early as Nov. 28, and it could snow through the end of March.The forecast includes 15 possible heavy snow days.

Get those snow blowers ready to go!

Mema Jo said...

Reminds me that I saw a caterpillar that was pure black ----- Oh No
We have been warned!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Hello again from the new thread.

Mema Jo said...

I missed you Sharon - I hope you have wound down from all your shopping!
Happy you had a good weekend and Welcome home. ♥

Lolly said...

Love the picItures of the flowers, Linda. I know they were for Judy but I peeked, too. lol

Oh, and congrats on your feather, it was about time!☺


Linda said...

Thanks, LOLLY!!

Of course they are for anyone to see!!

magpie said...

oh man the greenery on the nest positively glows at times,
emerald green

Hoda said...

Good Morning and PRAYERS of GRATITUDE for SHIRLEY and FAMILY safety...devastating fire and yet blessings that no loss of life...I hope the repairs are not too complicated...protecting the house getting out a contractor is a good idea and I hope your inusrance picks it all because you will have to do furniture shampooing and carpets too to get the smell out...let alone clothes and curtains and such...Blessed be you are safe SHIRLEY.

Hoda said...

I went for my medical and need a fasting blood test so I will go for that on Thursday because tomorrow is already maxed out...

OH LOLLY I saw LONE STAR FLAGS...they are here and Nelson is being supported by their presence...I went downtown today and they have very fancy bikes, the hotel parking lot is cordoned off for car parking and they are supporting the Nelson Economy big time...out shopping and out at the local restaurants...very gracious and very friendly and they will be here most of the week with day trips to the surrounding area...the business section is very happy to have them and the locals are well accepting of them as they are very friendly and very gracious...and no I am wrong: their bikes are not loud and they are not revving to get places...City Hall should fly the Lone Star for the week perhaps???Welcome to Nelson TEXAS...

Hoda said...

Beautiful pictures LINDA...thank you for posting.

T-Bird said...

Hello everyone again.

Hoda said...

Happy BIrthday Iris

Lolly said...

Need a "like" button for your post, Hoda.☺

JudyEddy said...

Home for lunch to find a new thread I was wondering what I was going to eat LOL


JudyEddy said...

Whatcha ya gonna do with your feather?? LINDA LOL Congratulations on it toooo ♥♥

JudyEddy said...

LINDA thanks for posting the pic they are very beautiful I see what June means about them

JudyEddy said...

I bought my sugar at lunch and more coffee But forgot the lightbulb I burned out one in the bathroom well sort of it fllick on and off when I screwed it in and those are one of the long lasting bulbs maybe 7 years old so not bad

JudyEddy said...

I am sitting here eating a sinfully good candy bar Reeses NutRageous Have you all tired it Don't its addicting LOL

JudyEddy said...

Angie gave me some depressing news for me starting next Thurs I won't be picking Jordyn up for 10weeks she enrolled her in swimming lessons Dernit

JudyEddy said...

Well time for me to head back to work get off at 6 I was a bad girl and worked over 6 hrs before punching for lunch Probably be put in front of the firing squad I just got so involved with a project my CoMrg put me on its her fault LOL I always take it right before the 6hr but went over OH well S---t happens

CarolAnne said...

Hmmm, new thread & first feather, winter forecasts, soup kitchen, and swimming lessons (JudyE-can you go watch & take pictures?).

Thanks for the pond comments. I think we're going to really enjoy having it closer.

Wanda, thanks for the crib to bench comments. Not my original idea, I get inspiration from others. Next will try converting a 3 drawer dresser into a bench with a storage drawer.

Hugs to everyone!

Lori O. said...

Hey all! Good afternoon.

LINDA, congrats on your first feather!

Thanks for the new thread, STEVE!

CAROLANNE, your new pond is going to be awesome! Thanks for posting the pictures!

JUDYE, I liked the idea that you go to Jordyn's swimming lessons! You'll have fun, and more videos!

Best wishes at the Soup Kitchen tonight to WANDA and GENE!

I got a call from the sleep clinic to get my results from the sleep study, but they were closed when I called back after 5. Oh well. Tomorrow.

SHIRLEY, hope you're all doing well and settling in again. Thinking of you.

SHARON, so you shopped til you dropped...did you get anything???

Mema Jo said...

I have scheduled mine and hubby's flu shot for the 17th. We do get them every year.

TV movie this evening

Shirley or Kathryn mentioned on FB that the house next door starting smoking and that it was being taken care of.


Sandi said...

Evening all!

Shirley, you've had a house fire before?? YIKES!!! - I would think the next door neighbor is close enough!!

Linda, your rhododendrons are lovely - as is your house! Is it one story or two?

CarolAnne - LOVE the new pond! I agree that you will like having it close by!

Phone message from the vet saying the crystals are gone in Bandit's urine and the pH is back in the normal range, so putting him back on the homemade dog food was a good decision. He said there is still some blood in Bandit's urine indicating that the stones haven't dissolved, but they still could. He wants to do another check in a month. We're happy for the good news. haven't seen any improvement in his disposition with this new supplement that is taking the place of the dry dog food - will give it a couple more weeks.

I'm exhausted after my first day - just the pace of working after being off for 10 weeks. Will be in bed VERY early tonight. Denny snored a lot last night and woke me til I suggested he find another bed to sleep/snore in, plus I never sleep well the night before the first day of school - too much on my mind!

So, I will say goodnight - see y'all in the AM!

Lolly said...

C/A, some how I missed that you had posted pictures. Love the pictures of the pond. About the same size as ours, maybe larger as our are small.

Sandi said...

Linda, never mind - I just looked at the house pics again and it's obvious that the house is 2 stories. I focused on the interesting roof lines the first time and completely missed the 2nd floor windows! DUH!!

OK, goodnight all!

JudyEddy said...

On the swimming lessons this is what she put on face book and my reply just now I did

"Angie said "Thanks mom and you know what for~~!!! I can't believe I left my car unlocked, ipod in the dash too, thank god I took the portable tvs out. call you later goin to go practice swimming with Jordyn her lessons start next week. Tuesday and Thursday, FYI starting next thursday, for 10 weeks you won't be picking her up I will to go to the swimming lessons.

I said "That's great the she is taking lessons from what time to what time ??" She has not replied

So I don't know if she doesn't want any distractions or what I will see I was going to put on there I just don't want to end up like Tom Angies dad only seeing her a hour and a half a week but its only for 10 weeks over two months I hope I will still be picking her up on Fri and going there for dinner unless that changes tooo that only started since she has been going to school full time

JudyEddy said...

test for some reason I haven't gotten all mssage so I am unsub and resub test test

JudyEddy said...

I am gonna scream OK ANYONE else that get them in mail SHARON I think SANDI are you having Issues

JudyEddy said...

One more time then I give up

JudyEddy said...

The blog must me broken LOL I can't get email so I will have to do it you all way I love the email I put on facebook asking Sharon if she is having issue I even went on yesterdays and still didn't work Odd that SANDI is not having issues

JudyEddy said...

Ok I signed out of Google and resigned in see if this works otherwise I will cry LOL

JudyEddy said...

that was a big NO I don't know what to do about it any clues anyone?????????????? but you all are working at 620 was the last one I got was LORI HMMMM scratching head now

Mema Jo said...

Don't know what is causing the problem Judy - try signing out and then come back and check for Email follow-up comments
Making sure they have your correct email
They always have me at gmail and I am

JudyEddy said...

Well I googled it and there was someone else that had issue but she received her email the next day odd maybe I will just have to be patient That I am not

JudyEddy said...

JO I did that several time about 4 and also google signed out Odd forsure MY mail box is lonley LOL

JudyEddy said...

I am running Norton too I don't think that will do anything but can't hurt

JudyEddy said...

OK I am giving up on trying I am goning to go watch TV I haven't even watched the news yet I am behind big time

paula eagleholic said...

Happy Birthday, Iris!

paula eagleholic said...

JudyE, we only have one cam at the nest...it does the live video, and the still pictures.

Shirley, I can't believe the insurance company couldn't recomment someone to cover up the side of the house temporarily.

JudyEddy said...

Well I got my answer from Angie and I thought I was correct she said 630-7 for the time that all she said then I got to thinking then she said this ""towards the end of the 10weeks you can come out, they just don't want them to be distracted with alot of family members there."

So I don't want to be a distraction ;^(

JudyEddy said...

OH thanks for the info on the cam PAULA ;^)

paula eagleholic said...

JudyE, you are only a distraction because Jordyn loves you so ♥

T-Bird said...

I just wanted to check in and let everyone know that Andrew fixed my computer and it is home from it's doctor.

CarolAnne said...

That is Good News T-Bird. We sure do miss our 'puters when they're sick.

Lolly - only our Koi have names: The Big Kahuna and Barney. Oh, and Mr. Whiskers - he's a small bullhead, accidently acquired when we scooped duck weed out of the Mill Pond.

stronghunter said...


Yes, I have had a house fire before, but I am not advertising it to the people I am talking to now. It was a dryer fire right after we moved into this house.

This fire spread from a neighbor's house, so we had nothing to do with it at all. But I do not want to give anyone reason to wonder.

The other insurance company took care of contacting the clean-up people. I requested my original contractor to do the repairs, and they hired him. It seems this company has a different procedure. We have to do more on our own.

Kathryn found a contractor to do the tarp--Hunter's football coach. She says she knows a drywall person, too. Since holes are being sawed in the walls, we will need a dry wall person.

Gotta pay a $500.00 deductible tonight. Yuck.

Did find out the insurance people will replace my butterfly bush. It may survive, but it looks pretty sad.

A lady with a group of little girls came by the house tonight. They have been collecting money for the family next door. So sweet and thoughtful. Thce and the Redey do have insuran Cross is taking care of them as well, so I think they will be okay.

I think they are safely housed in a hotel tonight. I hope they are sleeping soundly.

stronghunter said...

that should be--They have insurance and the Red Cross is helping them as well.

I am pretty tired. Hard to make sense.

And I am listening to men saw holes in my walls. Yes. At this hour, they are working away.

stronghunter said...

Happy birthday Iris!!

stronghunter said...

I rested a little while this afternoon, but I must admit I am really tired. Not sure where I am going to sleep tonight. My bed is piled with stuff and things are moved all around. Maybe the recliner, but they are going to work in here as well.

Linda said...

Gosh Shirley, insurance is great, but when something like this happens it sure doesn't feel right, does it?

Bad enough you have been been through the horrors of almost having your house burn down too. And now to have to cough up $500.

So sorry this has happened to you. And yet I am still so thankful you are all okay through this.


Linda said...

SANDI - Hope you get some good sleep tonight!

Thanks for the comments about the rhododendrons! Now I feel badly that I didn't want them in my front yard!!!

They really aren't all that pretty of a bush until they are in bloom and the blooms only last a couple weeks!!

They were transplanted to a new place, so we should still be able to enjoy the bloom annually!!

And yes, our home is a 2 story!!

JudyEddy said...

Well ran Norton and no email in my box yet and I found more on google that have had this issue and they seem to correct themselves I have looked in tools and setting and see nothing messed up but don't know what I would be looking for so I will just have to wait it out I want me email I know complaining about it isn't going to help but I feel better after LOL I am gonna go get a shower and read before bed a 8 day tomorrow

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Lolly said...

To make you feel better, Shirley, Jack says we would have a bigger deductible. So, the damage was more than the siding melting, huh?

Sitting here knitting and watching the ball game. Michael and Ashley had Zach at a ballgame last week. One of the players tossed a foul ball to Zach. Someone else with a mitt tried to catch it, but Michael caught it. Zach was so excited!

Lolly said...

Jo, I will email you, in case you do not see this. Monday will be time to stop my email for about 4 weeks.

Lolly said...

I will get email, but not every thing on the momster email. Y'all can email me personally if I need to know something.

Mema Jo said...

Lolly, yell at me on Monday Thanks

stronghunter said...

I posted some pictures of the fire to my blog for those of you who do not do Facebook. The house to the left of the fire is mine. The melted mess is my wall.

stronghunter said...

I don't remember how much my deductible was on the other fire.

Kathryn was wondering if the insurance company would go after the other insurance company for the damages, but she is used to the way car insurance works.

I don't know that they are going to hold someone responsible just because their house caught fire first.

paula eagleholic said...

Wow, Shirley, that is amazing, if I must say so. Were the firefighters hosing down your house?

stronghunter said...

My damaged wall is all safely covered with blue tarp now.

But we are finding a lot of water in the house. Especially in the closet in Hunter's room and in the basement. We had to get everything out of that closed. What a mess! I had been squirreling things away in there.

Now, it is cleaned out and it is a good opportunity to some much-needed purging.

stronghunter said...

We had to get everything out of that closet . . .

Lolly said...

I will yell Sunday night, Jo. Doubt I will be on Monday. Well, I will but on my cell phone!

Going to get the trailer tomorrow. I am so ready to start loading.

Lolly said...

What a mess! Shirley, know this was not in your plans, but so very thankful that the whole house did not go up in flames.

stronghunter said...

I am thankful, too, Lolly. I was pretty hysterical standing there watching the fire burn and seeing smoke rising from my house and no fire department yet. The fire was huge by the time the first fire truck arrived.

The fire department had not arrived when that picture that
shows both houses was taken.

There were lots of trucks before it was over. One firefighter told me that they call everyone in the whole county when a fire starts spreading form one house to another.

I bruised my thumb banging on the door of the house on the other side of us. The man there did have the presence of mind to yell "Who is it?" I just threw the door open and found a screaming man on my front porch. He was screaming about a fire and then I saw the fire.

It was like something out of a movie. The house was already totally involved. Flames were shooting way up.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn and I were running around the house screaming and getting people and pets out.

We had to keep Hunter from going back for his Teddy bear. He held onto the Teddy bear and kept a fire extinguisher beside him most of the day.

Kathryn has finally gotten him to sleep. He insisted that he did not need to nap today. He is pretty upset.

stronghunter said...

Hunter needs to go back to school tomorrow.

stronghunter said...

The clean-up men are still here. I guess they will be here for awhile yet.

stronghunter said...

The insurance guy is supposed to be here tomorrow morning. I hope we will get a little rest in here somewhere.

Lolly said...

I do hope you can sleep tonight, Shirley!!!

I am thinking of shutting it down for the night. Getting sleepy!

Night all!! SED!!

Mema Jo said...

They aren't ruining your new wallpaper are they Shirley?
I sure hope you and the family can get some sleep - Tell those guys that it is lights out at your house at 11:00! ♥

stronghunter said...

The clean-up crew still has several hours of work to go. I said go ahead.

They have even found water on the hardwood floor in the living room. I do want to get the work done and over with ASAP.

Mema Jo said...

I am calling it a night.
Next 3 days I have an 11:00 school pick up to accomplish. Tomorrow I get to go to lunch with past co-workers. We try to do this once a month but last month all were busy & we couldn't find a date.

Good night to all of you and God Bless You and Keep You

Love ya Lynn♥
I love all of us ♥

stronghunter said...

The new wallpaper should be fine. But insurance would pay to replace it if necessary. I am going to get a new paint job out of this. Something I really need.

stronghunter said...

Going to shut down for awhile. Going to try to rest.

Hoda said...

Keeping you in my prayers SHIRLEY and Family. Thank you for your posts.

LOLLY what is your route and when will you arrive to Canada and when are you going to be at Banff or at Glacier National Park? I am still very tempted to drive out for a visit...it is a long way at least 13 hours to Banff and 10 hours to Glacier...I would like to track your trip if I do not actually make the drive.
Very exciting indeed...

Hoda said...

Two morning meetings tomorrow and I will not be back before 2:00 PM my time tomorrow...CFUW executive and Grans...I will check in when I come back.



Lori O. said...

WOW SHIRLEY! I can't imagine the stress you're under. Please try to get some rest. I'm so sorry this has happened to your family, but very grateful you are all okay.

LOLLY, what pattern, or stitch are you using to make your baby blanket. I'm not a good knitter - easier to crochet for me. I like the shell stitch, or just make up my own!

HODA, you have a long day today. We won't see you until 5 our time. I hope you do get to see Lolly. I've always wanted to go to Glacier Natl Park!

LINDA, what did you put in place of the rhodies in front of your house? Your house is very nice, BTW!

Good Morning to the early birds: JUDYE, SANDI, MARGY and THELMA!

Time to start this Wednesday - feels like Tuesday!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Getting here kind of late tonight.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, IRIS! Hope your day was fantastic!

Shirley, I am SOOOO grateful you and the family and pets are all OK!
I'm glad the little dog next door is okay, too. Hope they find their other critter soon! The poor thing was probably terrified! Prayers for the whole situation, and big (((HUGS))) for you and your family!

We spent this morning going to a presentation about Hyatt timeshares (No, we didn't buy one, though if we win the Lotto, they're the first people we'll call!). Then we drove to Jerome, an old Arizona copper mining town.
It was really fun, and the best shop was Nelly Bly's, which has hundreds and hundreds of kaleidoscopes. They are the largest kaleidoscope dealer in the world, and feature 90 kaleidoscope artists! We could have spent hours in there! We checked out all the shops, and ate lunch at Grapes Restaurant. Ken had French Onion soup and 2 mini sandwiches, and I had Tuscan Berry Salad, with 2 mini sandwiches--all absolutely delicious, and not too filling! After Jerome, we headed back to Sedona, quite tired from climbing hills. Jerome is perched on a hillside--a very steep one!
We certainly got our exercise for the day! We were going to eat out, but instead made dinner ourselves, and rested. It started raining just as we left Jerome, and rained all the way through dinner. Beautiful thunder and lightning show! It has cooled off enough that while we were sitting on the balcony, we had to put jackets on!

Ms Bookworm said...

I am about to do a face plant, so I'm going to call it a day. The porch light is on, and both security systems are enabled. Sleep well, everyone, with SED. God bless, and goodnight. I love all of you!
♥♥Carolyn & Christie♥♥
I ♥ us!!!

Costume Lady said...

Soup Kitchen had 45 guests, which is about average for the first week in the month. Closet had MANY clothes taken to new homes...need to go back in and straighten up...they do make a mess of the folded clothes.


Good night my friends, love and prayers for you all♥

Sandi said...

Good Wednesday morning Lori and all my eagle friends!!

Shirley, just hearing you describe the fire next door is scary - wow, you were very lucky that your house didn't catch fire as well!! What a PIA for you with these repairs!!

Lolly, I can hear your excitement building about the trip!!

More clouds and rain here today and still very humid! Would like some more fall-like weather!

Have a great day all!

magpie said...

Goooood Morning to my Precious Eagle Pals this morning, I SEE you Sandi and Lori :)

Best wishes for a good, better, BEST kind of a day....

great report from Wanda....as usual, I think there is love behind every word on those reports, and WOW what a Menu, sounds like a five-star Restaurant !!

magpie said...

I am moved beyond words regarding your situation with the fire. I know it can seem like FOREVER until that first fire truck shows up.
"Protecting the Exposures" is what they do for the houses close to the fire....glad they could do that, albeit with the residual damage.
Thanks be to God that you and your family are ok, and I am wondering how the pets fared through all this....

(( All Day, All the Time Hugs !! ))

magpie said...

Oh, I see the Magic Fairy standing in the doorway...guess she is waiting to make something presentable out of me for the day...

I hope to "SEE" you later on; we have been busy at work and I don't look for that to change anytime soon

(( Hello and Good Day Hugs ))

(can't wait to be-bop to the Lori and Loo tunes :)


magpie said...

Oh My, The Sun is rising above the horizon, a Beauteous Sight it is....

ttfn, out the door....

JudyEddy said...


No email in my mail box yet My mail box is lonely LOL

JudyEddy said...

WANDA great menu as always
and lots of peeps too

HODA have fun at your meeting you will be missed

LORI getting back to normal now

JudyEddy said...

I got google+ a couple of weeks ago so I undid it last nite thinking that may have something to do with it but doesn't seem to be sooooo

JudyEddy said...

that was mentioned on a forum that I was reading about others having issues so I thought being I hadn't used it what ever it was anyway just get rid of it I also had issues again last nite after running Norton to where ADODE wanted to give me a update of what I have already trying to sneak Google Chrome in on me after the update failed it said that I already had the update NO DUH on the the 15 I think they are just trying to be sneaky and make me take Google Chrome which I don't like LOL I may just be paranoid LOL

T-Bird said...

Your not paranoid JudyE, they are really after you. LOL

JudyEddy said...

LOL ;^) ♥☺♥

off to work I go

Janet said...

Good mid week morning.

Shirley: glad you are safe. fires have always scared me. i can't imagine....

iris: hope you had a good bday!

JUDYE: so sorry you won't be picking jordyn up! booooo! glad she is getting swim lessons.....but booo that you won't be picking her up!

so now its wednesday. my client for today had to cancel. my wallet doesn't like that much but the rest of me is okay with that. i could use just one more day to catch up from our trip and to get stuff done. i promised tom i would go to the junk yard with him later today. one of his hobbies is to purchase vehicles, do some work to them, then resell them. right now he has a little white ford ranger that he is working on. nice little truck. needs nicer seats though, the old ones were trashed.

i am catching up on laundry and such. mundane tasks as such. there's till plenty to do as i did ...no one did....anything on monday.

yesterday i was gone the first half of the day. i went to the dentist and you may not realize i am dental-phobic. i went in to get a crown and a filling....and didn't think about it...but my normal hygienist was not the one assisting. with all the emotional upheaval, i started to panic. i calmed myself down and we agreed that laughing gas might be the way to go. i had been sedated before, completely knocked out, most recently for a root canal. but this worked great. for the FIRST time in my life, i had a dental drill in my mouth and my brain and mind were not completely freaking out!!! so that was great.

and i ordered new glasses yesterday as well. its been 4 years i suppose. since i've had to use a magnifying glass to read fine print WITH my glasses on...suppose it was time? but they didn't have to dilate my eyes, they snapped a pix of my retina and checked everything out that way. it cost an additional $30, but to me, that was worth it.

the rest of the day: just getting by. grocery shopping. oh fun. i took livvy with me she was a lot of help.

we are doing okay. the next really difficult day is when they bring luke's remains home. i dread those feelings washing back over us all...

sable has been very mopey and sad. all she has wanted to do was sleep. when you wake her up she moans and groans. this morning, she seems a bit better, although being outside alone is simply not her cup of tea. so my dobie has just become a full fledged indoor dog. in truth, you wouldn't even know she's in here, she just sleeps on her pillow.

well i've bent your eye balls enough....hope everyone here has a great day. ours is getting better....still a mist of sadness about....i thought i could feel luke walking by my side last night when i was walking sable....i know they are never far away.

have a superb day to one and all. hugs, light, love and smiles....

T-Bird said...

You have a good day too JudyE.

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley, now I can fully understand your reaction to the fire. I would have been hysterical too. Sounds like you were very fortunate...although all that clean up surely seems like a PIA, it's better than having no house at all!

Did the house on the other side sustain damage as well?

T-Bird said...

Shirley-I ditto Paula's post. I would have panicked too.

grannyblt said...

Good morning eagle buds.

Shirley, I hope you rested well. So sorry that you will be dealing with this kind of excitement for the next few weeks. Glad no one was seriously injured.

HAGD everyone.

glo said...

Good morning everyone. I think this post sums up "Shirley's situation pretty well "
" I am SOOOO grateful you and the family and pets are all OK!
I'm glad the little dog next door is okay, too. Hope they find their other critter soon! The poor thing was probably terrified! Prayers for the whole situation, and big (((HUGS))) for you and your family!" I would add I was relieved to see the first photo on fb this morning with the tarp in place protecting Shirley's home.

Our day yesterday was not a good one. Dex became sick at coffee and dog treats and well was pretty down all day. I did talk with the vet and she told me to not worry unless it continued through the day. It didn't and he is his normal self today. My spirits are lifted. Rain and storms here today but we need that too. Tomorrow looks like Marina day. Sunny and cool. I surely hope he feels well and weather is as predicted. I look forward to both of us getting out of here for a while and going someplace i know he loves to be. OK HAGD everyone.

magpie said...

Oh dear, our furbabies and ourselves....so many thoughts and good wishes going out for all....

magpie said...

didn't mention yet, but a neighborhood cat found a little hidey hole behind a wooden box at my apartment and had four kittens.....since it is more quiet there with my being away a lot, guess she seized the opportunity.
She is a beauty, rust colors and dark stripes, three mostly black kittens and one grey one...
so cute, but I shall try to be totally nonobstrusive until they are weaned and on their own with Mom.....

stronghunter said...

Pepsi the kitty is fine. It was very sad to see him sitting on the front porch of his destroyed house this morning wondering where his family was.

He is skittish, but he did eat the food I put there for him.


magpie said...

I think they are about two or three weeks old...so surprised I did not see them before on my daily trips to that roost....but the other night I heard this mew mew mewing....and then out the trotted from behind the box.

magpie said...

Bless your heart, Shirley....
I wish we all lived closer and could spend some of this difficult time with you.

magpie said...

guess I have to get the dough ingredients out and go make some...

Thinking of all you, SEEN and UNSEEN

ttfn xoxo

Costume Lady said...

SHIRLEY, I feel so badly for you...said a prayer for your neighbor, but didn't realize the extent of your damages. I, too, was glad to see the tarp on your ROOST... it remindns me so much of the sights in New Orleans when we visited after Katrina. Blue tarps everywhere, even 3 years after the fact!
If you see the PEPSI sitting on the porch again, try to get a picture...would be award winning!
Did the heat from the fire do any damage to your newly planted trees?

Prayers for a quick response from your insurance co. and your neighbors, too♥

CarolAnne said...

Shirley, my heart goes out to you & yours. Prayers of thanks that only material things were damaged.

My son is a vol. firefighter and he says, by far, the hardest part is seeing the emotional toil it takes on people.

Be extra good to yourself over the coming weeks.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning to all my friends ♥
Prayers for all our furbabies - Jenny just got back from her Vet with Snowflake (kitty) who had been limping a lot on the one leg. Here there is a tumor and amputation would be the only alternative but she is too old and both the vet and Jenny agree. He gave her a shot in hopes of shrinking the tumor.
Pets are so dear to our hearts - they are always there for us and it hurts to see them suffer. I'm sure we do the best we can.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Today we get the trailer!!! Yea!

Shirley, when you said your siding melted, I pictures a little drooping of the siding...not like your picture!! Wow! So glad the tarp is up. Years ago our neighbors house burned. Neighbors behind our next door neighbors. Houses are all on an acre so no threat to the next house. We helped unload some stuff from the house.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - Thinking of you and the family going through this ordeal. I hope Hunter is ok - I think I would have trouble sleeping for a while. Thanks for feeding Pepsi ♥

Andy's travels sound so wonderful! \

I am getting ready now for my day
I will check back in this afternoon
There isn't any clear cam except my Puppy cam to view.


glo said...

A new cam atleast to me that I am totally enjoying Yellowstone Geyers

magpie said...

Howdy at mid-day sort of,
more Eagle Pals...

Mema Jo said...

Glo, that cam has such beautiful colors. Have you seen much activity?

I have a good talkative lunch BUT I missed my hair appointment :(
Last time I said "I don't need an appointment card" and I wrote it in my date book but not on my home calendar!
I guess it was not meant to be.... just
call me a 'shaggy dog'

Kay said...

Oh, my, I feel sickened by your news, SHIRLEY. Prayers of thanks for your safety and of hope for your neighbors and their pets.

I had a wonderful long weekend with Eileen here. Julie is still completely zapped, but it did her good to see her sis !

Time to get some stuff done and then pick Seth up from school.

Love and prayers for all ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

glo said...

Yes MeMa Jo Someone does pan around and look for what geyser is about to go off etc. I have seen them erupt both days I have sat and watched for a while. Sometimes I just put it full screen while doing something else and watch for that pan to something building steam. And yep off it goes :-)

JudyEddy said...

hello eagle buds home for lunch time to read

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

AWWW MARGY kittens put one in a box and sent to me LOL

JudyEddy said...

OH JO I hope the shot helps snowflake such sadness with all our furry friends lately

JudyEddy said...

Well its back to making dough like Margy says

JudyEddy said...

Eagle lady in UNAlaska has a new video
a new Juvie lands in her yard

Lolly said...

We just got in the car to go get the trailer and we had a very flat tire. Jack is presently changing the tire and then we will probably take the car in for a new tire. Better now than on the trip!!!

Lolly said...

We just got in the car to go get the trailer and we had a very flat tire. Jack is presently changing the tire and then we will probably take the car in for a new tire. Better now than on the trip!!!

Lolly said...

Excuse the stutter. It posted by did not leave the comment box so I hit publish again. Oh, well.....

Lolly said...

lol Judy! Forget the video of the eaglet,just watch the ad. OMG! Hope everyone gets the same ad! Excuse me while I fan myself and cool off!☺

Lolly said...

Well, since we are not getting the trailer right now I will get back to making a freezing pesto. Our basil is on its last legs...time to finish it off.

Mema Jo said...

I took a short nap and getting ready to meet some of the family for dinner.
Nothing else planned for the day.


Sandi said...

Good afternoon all! Email from my mom in my inbox when I got home from school. Here's a part of it:

" Things are going well. Am still getting lost at times driving, but have found my way around somewhat. No more catastrophes. This place is beginning to grow on me, I really like the fact that everything is available on one floor, which allows me to multi-task. I can do many things at the same time."

Made my day!!!!

Judy, glad you are getting your comments emailed to you again!

Prayers for all our ailing 4-legged friends!

Had a great 2nd day with my new 8th graders! Need to feed people and dogs and then grocery shop. Lookin' like rain here!


stronghunter said...

We are bailing out tonight to go to a hotel. It is 87 degrees in here with the AC going full blast. There are pieces of equipment everywhere and cords and hoses strung through the house. It is noisy because of all the stuff that is running and hot because they generate heat.

The men are supposed to work here again tonight. Then you get to listen to sawing, etc.

The little doggie has been adopted by a family down the street. They are also looking for someone to adopt Pepsi the cat.

Lori O. said...

Shirley, you all really need some rest. Hotel is a good idea! Hope the house comes up along quick and the guys are all fast in getting it back to normal for you.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn thinks she needs to stay here and do laundry. I told her that I will do that while she is at football practice.

I figure on going to a restaurant and sending that bill to the insurance company, too.

I think we need to open some windows for the animals.

stronghunter said...

I might come home for a while tomorrow, then go to the hotel and just chill out.

Lolly said...

I do hope the insurance will pay for the hotel, too, as well as the meals out! Are they already doing the repairs, Shirley?

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

LOLLY what ad did you get I got a paint and hardware store ad maybe I should watch it again MY delete screwed up name LOL

JudyEddy said...

SHIRLEY I think the insurance co will reimburse you for hotel

magpie said...

Shirley....once again, so sorry about all this, and wonderfully grateful that no one, in your family or the neighborhood was injured...
sounds like a strong workforce in place, good for that....
thank goodness, you are retired, eh?
This would really be difficult if you were juggling teaching and this too...

God Bless You, All....

Lolly said...

Lori, you asked about my knitting. It is a simple pattern. Four rows make the pattern. Three rows are just knit, but the pattern row arternates between between knitting and a yarn over and kitting two together. It make a pretty baby blanket and is easy to do while traveling. I'll take a picture for you to see.

magpie said...

Yes, Terrific News from your Mother....how joyful and comforting this must be !

and how about that Kay, moving right up to the plate and beyond helping with Julie and Seth, and so happy that Eileen is in town for awhile.
Maybe there is just something to these prayers and healing hugs we share, eh? Need them to keep working for many many needs amongst us

magpie said...

Glo, I am going to enjoy Yellowstone once I open it up, and thanks! Will do that at The Big House...where I am headed to pretty soon.
Oh, five kittens by the way. I am trying not to disturb their [I hope] happy home here at Magpie's roost, and hope they are going to thrive and be healthy.

magpie said...

It was nice to hear you and do some be-bopping this morning, Lori!
As always! I had thought to myself that I had not heard that Antebellum song lately....so this morning, Voila! There it was. ♪ ♫ ♫ ♪ sure makes the somewhat longer ride to work, enjoyable !

magpie said...

Oh Jo
sorry about the missed "do".
I was a shaggy pup myself, and miraculously managed to get a do scheduled and done Tuesday !
And some more of those blonde highlights that I like to think hides some of my "years."
"Man-catching" streaks I call them, LOL, but it is not really working out like that at all.
No problem....☺

magpie said...

time for me to run along....
tomatoes are nearly done here, but my nephew brought buckets, literally of wonderful Roma tomatoes from Michigan, and I might just turn into a Roma tomato here very soon...
Yum to the Max !

ttfn, and Best Wishes to ALL, this evening, and all the time
xoxo ♥ ☺

Hoda said...

SHIRLEY and her family utmost on my mind...did she mention she will have to go to a hotel? I read back but I missed that post. There were posts from others saying the inusrance company should get the bill for the hotel and the food...LOLLY and JUDYE posts...

PRAYERS♥ I am glad SHIRLEY fed PEPSI and I am sure it must be very confusing for him.
Thinking of HUNTER too and how it will affect him and SHIRLEY said he will have to go back to school today and I wonder how that went???

Yes busy day but a productive day. When I came out from the last meeting it certainly felt like autumn it is windy gray and cold. I wished I had had a jacket.

SANDI I am so glad your MOM is liking it where she lives and it is a great plus that she is figuring out the driving too...that is the hardest part of the move I would bet...there are still parts in Uphill Nelson where I do not go as the roads there are too confusing...this after four years here!!! LOL!!!

Hoda said...

Very pleased for KAY being able to help and very proud of you KAY...

Lolly said...

Judy, the ad was a fireman, very sexy, doing an ad for some kind of drink. I did not pay attention to the drink nor the eagle afterwards! lol

Lolly said...

Lori, I took a picture of the baby blanket I am knitting.

Baby blanket

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY needed to be hosed down big time LOL Steamy huh will have to watch it a couple of time I did get that ad ;^(

JudyEddy said...

DARN IT now when I go to watch it it goes right to the eagle I want a hot HOT FIREMAN TOOOO watch LOL

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY I love to comment on your blog No hoops or bells or showing I am not a robot just type and publish I love the blanket ♥♥

JudyEddy said...

Hey the gal that did the mermaid shoot is moving up to ya all neck of the woods the Hampton Road area she said either the VA side or the NC side I have three other people interested in the mermaid shoot from work so we will get referral points $$ of our package if they book

Mema Jo said...

That news from your mom made you feel great - like Mission Accomplished! ♥

Lolly you going to be knitting away this evening while your Cowboys play that first game?
Oove the baby blanket you knit!

Shirley I hope Flash and Luna don't get too upset over all of this. Hotel sounds great!

Mema Jo said...

See everyone later this evening.


Hoda said...

OK MEMA JO says SHIRLEY and FAMILY are going to a hotel...I include this in my prayers and wish you well SHIRLEY...

JudyEddy said...

SANDI I loved hearing that your MOM loves the place and she will get use to the area and not get lost Life is good isn't it Taking a break from reading for a few min SHIRLEY I hope you get some rest at the hotel The last picture on FB looks like a award winning shot Wow I know you must still relive it over and over in your mind

Janet said...

Quick good evening. Its been a better day.....we are still adjusting..but its a day by day process.

Ran errands with Tom and did some housework. Took Olivia to ice skating practice.

A more normal day.

I hope SHirley and fam find a nice cool, quiet hotel to stay in and be comfy....

Tomorrow is back to Massage Envy...back to "work"....busy weekend ahead!

Good night all.

JudyEddy said...

DARN IT LOLLY every time I click on to the eagle video it goes right to the video I want a hot steamy fireman that sizzles LOL I give up maybe tomorrow odd huh
I printed a 8x10 of the mermaid picture It has her logo on it and wow did it turn out great printing I took to work and I have several more people interested in doing the photo shoot we get discounts if they book but probably not in time for these pictures darn it She thanked me on FB for the referals tooo Angie is using the pic as her FB profile and cover pic so its another way to advertize for her

OK back to the book BBIALW

Lolly said...

Oh, yes, Jo, knitting tonight. GO COWBOYS!!!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley, hope you can get some rest at the motel. Glad to hear the repairs are moving along...the sooner done, the better!

Kitties at Magpie's! Can you get some pics?

Hoda said...

I like the baby blanket LOLLY...NO pressure on the Grand sons I see!!! LOL!!! Already from years ago putting up a pink blanket for first GGD!!! Love it!!!

Lynne2 said...

hello all! I've been lurking....and praying. SO much going on, good and bad for so many of you.

I will be more regular now. Things have been quite unsettled here, but are going to be OK. I'm back to my jolly old self so WATCH OUT!

Lynne2 said...

BTW...thank you JudyE for updating the Christmas Countdown! As of midnight, we'll be 109 days from HO HO HO!

Now, what I really want to know is....how many days til the next get together??? :)

Mema Jo said...

I have returned to see you this evening!
I am probably going to pull a Wanda's face plant at any given moment.

Lolly - congrats to Cowboys

Hoda I hope your day was filled with good things!

Good Night to all
Prayers for all


Linda said...

Whew! Finally I get here before the day is over for me. Wednesdays are always busy for me!

Shirley - You poor thing. I can't imagine the range of emotions all of you are dealing with right now. The horrible memories and the clean up seems to be a lot to handle. Good decision to head to a hotel for a break and hopefully some peace and quiet. I, too, am concerned for Hunter. I'm sure he wonders if this could happen again. Prayers and ((((( HUGS ))))) for all of you!

Sandi - What a refreshing email from your Mom. You went through so much to get her to sell, to move, to get settled and to get familiar with her new surroundings. It sure is nice to see she is happy and it was all worth it!!

Lolly - I can see the excitement building, but not happy about the flat tire :( The knitting is precious!!

Janet - One day at a time. I am sure missing Luke will last a long time! We sure love our fur babies!

Jo Oddly enough, our pastor's little dog who had been hit by a car back in May has had his leg in a cast with pins trying to heal his rear leg. They found out today he had to have his leg amputated because the bone didn't heal. The surgery was done this afternoon. At least they didn't lose him!

Kay - I've missed you!!! I was AWOL when you came back more regularly, but I am thrilled you're feeling better every day and gaining your strength and life back!! xoxo

Lori - We planted blue princess holly in the front since we had a few holly bushes already there. We sort of alternated between variegated and green. We wanted an evergreen, so hopefully this will look good when it fills in!

Margy - Awe, you've got kitties at your roost!!! Can't wait for some pictures!! Glad you're no longer looking like a shaggy pup and that you got some "Man Catching" streaks!! You're too funny!!

Glo - Happy to hear Dex snapped out of his sickly feelings by the afternoon yesterday.

Wanda - A stellar menu and a labor of love accomplished once again in your Soup Kitchen and Clothes Closet. You never cease to amaze me!!

Andy Happy to hear of your travels!! Continue to enjoy every minute of your vacation. Thanks for sharing with those of us who love you, too!!

Linda said...

I think I caught up.........

And now I'm calling it quits for today.

Wishing you all restful sleep, expecially Shirley, Hunter and Kathryn tonight!!

Thinking of Lynn always....

May God Bless all in this Roost and Beyond.....

Night xoxo

magpie said...

Going to say my Good Nights now also...before I do the face plant, that will come when I try to look at a book in bed, never fails

I'll try to get pictures of the kittens...it's kind of tough to just stand back, but I must...I just hope they graduate from porch to the wild okay....cannot control that much, it's a neighborhood roaming Mom cat I guess, wish it weren't so like that

Prayers for Wellness and all good and peaceful things for us all...and especially for Shirley and her family during these tough days....

God Bless Us, Every One
and Sleep Sweetly...xoxox

Lolly said...


Hoda said...

I am about ready to sign off. Would have liked to hear from SHIRLEY but will assume they are able to sleep well tonight. I am sure they are exhausted.

Yes JO my day was good and many projects are now under way for the autumn and the year ahead...committees are formed to start the work and I have many opportunities to contribute and to give something back to the community.

Hoda said...

I think OUR LOLLY is happy and cheering and Go Cowboys Go!!! So long as they are not playing LYNN'S team!!!♥♥

Lolly said...

Just saw your post, Lynne! We are thrilled you are back to your jolly ol' self!!!!!

Hoda said...



Lolly said...

Hoda, I made the pink blanket when Michael and Ashley were expecting. They did not find out the sex of the baby until he was born.

Lolly said...

I also made another blanket for a boy. Covered my bases!

Lolly said...

Sandi, do know you were thrilled with your mom's email. What a relief!

JudyEddy said...

I just got a email in my box from yesterdays blog from a sales person I guess
Alex cox has left a new comment on the post "Monday":

If you are looking for a best cameras featured product deals, cameras discounts, cameras coupons and much more with great savings only on dealaboo.com. You can find here the cameras of the biggest brands like Sony Cameras, Canon Cameras, Panasonic Cameras and many more brands around the globe.

He's on google + not blogger I clicked on his name
Just on the news in Canada a mommy duck and baby ducks crossed a 6lane intersection and made it all the way across busy road to Lucky Ducks applies here LOL that what they said on the news toooo

JudyEddy said...

I googled and got the video Cool Beans HUH

JudyEddy said...

OOPS forgot the link silly me
Lucky Ducks

JudyEddy said...

I checked today and they did approve my vacation for 2 weeks and 1day

JudyEddy said...

LYNNE2 had a good question When is the next OPEN HOUSE or NON OPEN HOUSE???? Any clue JO

JudyEddy said...

OMG I saw the previews for HONEY BOO BOO don't think I would waste my time watching what I think is Trash giving the kid RedBull and MtDew together Not good parenting skills HUH JMHO

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Lolly said...

I am calling it a day! Night all!


Lori O. said...

Good Morning everyone!!! It's already Thursday! Love these short weeks!

LOLLY, the baby blanket is gorgeous! I love that you've already stashed away your pink one! LOL

SHIRLEY, I hope you and the family got some rest at the hotel. How are the animals doing with the chaos? Hopefully, all will return to normal, PRONTO, as MARGY would say!

HODA, I laughed that there are still parts of Nelson where you won't drive - I'm the same way here in Frederick and I've been here ten years! I just say I'm navigationally challenged! I get lost in shopping malls!

SANDI, glad your Mom is doing well. I know that made your day.

Prayers for everyone for health and happiness today.

I ♥ US!!!

Sandi said...

Good Thursday morning Lori and all my eagle friends!

Shirley, hope you are sleeping soundly at some nice hotel to be paid for by your insurance company!

Lori, what's the latest on Kate's mom? She was in the hospital, wasn't she?

Sandi said...

Great to see Lynne2 on the blog last night and to know that we'll be hearing more of her sense of humor on a regular basis! YAY!

Also great to hear from Kay that she's back to picking Seth up from school! When will you start walking Malcolm again??

I'm ready for that Open House at NCTC!!

Have a great day all!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Okay, prayer for me this time. If you are on Facebook, you can look on my page for details. I have perhaps a spider bite on my leg that I am going to a surgeon for today and doc told me yesterday I had a sinus infection. I am pretty miserable. Slept maybe 1-1/2 hours last night. Fever is staying between 99.2 and 100. I want my mommy. I have those yucky fever aches and pains and Tylenol is not touching it.


Sandi said...

Shar, prayers for you! Hope your symptoms aren't from some kind of reaction to the spider bite that has traveled through your body!

magpie said...

Oh dear, Sharon...so this does NOT feel like a Good Morning....
yes, of course, you have my prayers....
and also prayers for the docs and medical team....

(( Healing Hugs ))

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