Friday, September 14, 2012


Will be headed off to India today, so will be offline until late next week.  Will post if I can get online.

In the meantime, here's a cool story for you.


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Kay said...

Good afternoon, Eagle Buds !

WANDA, to answer your question, my pain in the sciatic nerves, hips and lower legs returned with a vengeance a couple of weeks ago. No way for the doc to see what the nerves are up to without another MRI. Arrgghh. I have a Valium to take this time and hope that helps me get through it. I did not fall or do anything outside the "rules and regs", but the doc says this just happens sometimes. We aren't jumping to the conclusion that more surgery is needed, hoping for diagnosis of bursitis or something more easily treatable. I pray for your dear Mother everyday and have the greatest empathy for what she has had to endure ! Give her a big hug for me, please !

DANAMO, your dear Dad is also on the prayer list I see. Include me on your prayer team !

JO, what a joyous day for you. Seeing 5 great great grands all at once ! I'm green with envy. Here I am at 75 and with not even any great grands--my kids got a late start !

GLO, glad you and Dex got some good sleep and hope he continues to improve, quickly !

Thinking of LORI as she and her parents embark on the camping trip today. Also keeping LOLLY and JACK in mind as they travel. Sorry those bunnies are such a problem for that town, but I know they're a delight for visitors to watch !

Love and prayers for all ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

JudyEddy said...

Just got back from dropping of school snacks at Angies office she was out for lunch so it a surprise for her I got Animal crackers, Goldfish, pretzels, straws veggie ones, chex mix,Two box of graham crackers, raisins and applesauce all large containers because she has to provide snacks for the whole week for 20 kids morning snack and afternoon snack They have a certain list off course to choose from
Starting to storm moving in now got back just in the nick of time

JudyEddy said...

Looking at LOLLY water fall pictures reminds me of the vacation that June and Terry and I took a couple of years ago we got the map out and went to all kinds of falls in PA, WVA and VA there were so many and I have so many pictures tooo Just remembering that seeing her pics I didn't realize the maps had the waterfalls marked on it It was a quest of our to seek waterfalls was funtimes

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Dropping in to say hello before you wonder what's become of me!
All is OK here, but I've just been VERY busy.

Glad to hear that Sable is OK, with no cancer! That's good news! Prayers for Dex's eye--glad it's somewhat better! Glad Flash is better, too. The pill-giving stories remind me of when daughter Jen had 2 St. Bernards. The bigger one, Budweiser, pulled a ligament once, and needed pain medication. He was so gentle you didn't need a pill popper, but getting a pill down him involved getting slimed all the way to your elbow! Never got a nip or a growl, but whew, that was a tough clean up!
Cats are definitely a whole other story. A really tough one!

Prayers for Kay, and for DanaMo's Dad. Haven't caught up completely, so hope I haven't missed anything else. Always say prayers for everyone here, though, just in case. I really care about everyone here!

Well, I've got more laundry to do, and some things to do in the kitchen, and Emma wants some attention, so guess I'd better get with it. Hope everyone is having a good day! Will try to check in later tonight, if I don't fall asleep first! I DO ♥ us!!!

glo said...

Oh Lolly Have the locals there contact Norfolk City counsel about the bunny problem. :-) OK never mind that was sarcasm. I almost never do that but geeesh SO Canada will protect its bunnies and Norfolk will harass its eagles. argh argh argh!!!

Mema Jo said...

I have returned from a wonderful loving day in Hedgesville WV. Grandkids loved their pumpkins and their Subway lunch. What a treasure sitting at the table with a daughter, Jenny, a Granddaughter, Melissa, 4 great grandsons and 1 great granddaughter! They always hold hands for prayer! Amen!♥

Perfect weather but those darn little gnats in flying in your face drive you crazy. I got to see their chickens - they are pretty ones. Joe has a beautiful rock collection. The smallest Marcus has the most mischievous eyes! Sophia was always going into the flower garden gently bringing out the very large monarchs. Anthony is a very good conversationalist - he lets his mind wander! ♥ Donavon loves cookies and his eyes also sparkle!
I took a side trip with Jenny as we left Melissa's - right up the road to the left is Rustic Tavern Lane - Car just wanted to turn and soon we were on Getaway Road. For sure Mr Frog is GONE. But many many memories are there. I miss Lynn and I love us ♥

Mema Jo said...

That did give me a chuckle Glo ♥

My feet do need to go up
We were about total 2 1/1 hrs on the road - Bridge repair held us up for about 10 mins. Saw no eagles - Maybe a cooper's hawk flew over


Hoda said...

Enjoy the day around BANFF today LOLLY. Pretty town site and nice day hikes around there and not too far from Canmore...I do hope you see a bear before you leave, also elk and deer and maybe even an eagle or two...It should not be too crowded least I hope not...

Hoda said...

Off to work with the herbs see you all later...
I will also head to yoga for my late afternoon practice so will see you all when I come back.
Stay well and healthy...

magpie said...

Afternoon Lovins' to all...
Jo, fantastic report...I am picturing all that your wrote in my mind
Wanda, good news regarding GG
DanaMo...sounds like there is some hope there for your father.
My prayers continue for all, am glad to see of some happy times amongst us, including Lolly and Jack on their fantastic Canada doins'.
And I hope that all difficult things will be getting better, for us, our families, friends, and furbabies...
Okay, Red and Purple for Friday, the Military and the condition of Alzheimer's touches my family in special ways....I'll see what purples I have, I know I have REDS.

Take care, and "See You All Later."
xox God Bless Us, Every One

Jewels said...

Awwww Mema, I am sure that was a rough turn into the driveway. I am sorry, but I hope you had a nice little visit and that MOm may have sent you a sign. Was a beautifull day for a stop there.
Glad you enjoyed your time with Jenny and the grand and great grand chillens!!
You didn't by chance see the realator at Mo's did you?? They were to show the house again today. Sooo keeping fingers crossed that someone will offer and pay what we want.

Jewels said...

That is great news that GG can attend the wedding!!!! How awesome!!

JudyEddy said...

this was on one of the eagle sites on facebook so pretty
Eagle Cry

JudyEddy said...

It was on Eagle Nation Page so pretty

Mema Jo said...

Jewels it was about 2:30 when we were there - no one was about. I almost
stopped at the beginning of the entrance and took the trash can back to the house. Not even a bird was stirring! So peaceful. ♥

JudyEddy said...

another update on Beauty on facebook

Birds of Prey Northwest · 294 like thisYesterday at 3:27pm · ..BEAUTY UPDATE: Beauty continues to thrive under our care without her upper beak. The new growth pushed out the hardware which anchored the prosthetic beak. Recently the small amount of new growth has allowed Beauty to do something she has not been able to do since her injury-eat independently. We have constructed a special feeding platform for her and she now feeds herself! We are looking to the future as we measure her minute growth and construct a new plan of attachment. Construction of the beak is the easy part, it is the attachment that is the challenge.

We had hoped to install her permanent prosthetic beak, but we have discovered that the beak stub is growing - ever so slightly (about 1mm/year). This is not enough to really do her any good, as isn't growing fast enough to restore her beak. But it really complicates fitting a prosthetic beak to her, as the attachment base is not stable.

We are evaluating some alternatives, such as strong magnets, but do not have a firm plan of action at present. Beauty, however, seems non-plussed about all of this and has learned to feed herself - as opposed to being hand fed previously. Recently, another eagle was admitted to our facility from Washington State that has a similar beak issue. The 2 eagles are housed together, where time is on their side.

Some have suggested that Beauty has a much greater educational impact WITHOUT her upper beak. With the prosthetic beak in place, her story is lost at first glance. Time will tell whether she goes through life with or without a beak. This fall, a webcam will be installed into the aviary providing a glimpse at Beauty. In the meantime, the bald eagle will remain in our north Idaho raptor facility, under our care, where she is cherished and well cared for!

magpie said...

It's a most beauteous evening...hope you can go out and take a gander at Baby Moon....last night it was scootched up close to Mars...


magpie said...

Thank you JudyE, that is a touching report....

JudyEddy said...

and did you see that they are gonna have a cam on her this fall that will be nice

JudyEddy said...

I also noticed the Eagle cry video I posted a bit ago is from 2008 and that is the only video that the person did I have so many peeps on facebook loving it

magpie said...

Jewels, I hope you can step outside and have a look-see at Moonie....
there are some bright objects close to it, but I can't say what they are...
Scorpius is not far from it, and the Teapot constellation
These evening and morning skies are unbelievable for viewing

magpie said...

Nephew said it was 46 degrees here when he got home at midnight last night
The leaves are starting to change colors.
We were watching some very large robins in the back yard this evening, and one very impressive Northern Flicker...

magpie said...

Best wishes to everyone for a good evening...
time for some chores here and a shower and shampoo

ttfn xoxox

Jewels said...

Mema, we have not even had trash pickup at Mom's since April. Just have left trash can there. It is attached to a chain to keep the wind from blowing it away.
May just have to walk outside Margie!! Sounds like a beauty!!

Hoda said...

I am touched by your stop at LYNN's house JO...I ♥ US

Thanks JUDYE for the reports...and the eagle song.

DANA posted that she was wanting our prayers on FB. Did I miss it here? I mention it so that as many of us as possible join in...Blood transfusion for her father tomorrow...and will talk to the doctor...

JudyEddy said...

HODA you didn't miss anything on here she hasn't posted since 6 something this am but nothing about the blood transfusion she must have just found out about it this afternoon

JudyEddy said...

she posted stuff about her dad at 610 this am but didnt mention the transfusion We will keep him in our thoughts and prayers

JudyEddy said...

someone posted a picture of a eagle with a odd green sort of fly on his head reminds me of HEDGIES NBG mom eagle and fly just a different kind of fly on facebook

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Eagle buds. Haven't been on for a couple, but think I'm pretty caught up on reading.
Most of today was interupted by eye Dr. appt. We both go together and it was way after lunch when we got out,m but Fubby wouldn't stop for any food 'til we were almost home. HE went into Ledo's to order Italian cold cut subs w/Everything & after he said the E word, the gal asked him if he wanted each condiment, individually!!!He kept saying everything! I stayed in car, so no one called me Lowreeda! ☺ After that late lunch it was Panda nap time!
TU PM, the weather at the Park was not real strong, yet, but low grey clouds streaming from West to East. About an hour before, someone came in & put their boat in the River. DUH!!!!
Rain was heavy outside of the Park, but not too windy, so made it to my grossery/drugstore stop & when I was leaving there, not bad at all.
Lovely day at Chelsea yesterday, but only saw a couple big boy deer in the PM. Go there tomorrow. Don't know if any critters will be out or not~~~~they cut the grassy field, so no hiding places.
Prayers and best wishes of good health to all our Momsters, their families and the furbabies.
Lolly, it's hard to believe a place w/too many bunnies!!!! Do they have a lot of leafy greens growing there??

Hoda said...

It is Christian Sasse and the Whitrock eagle with a fly on its head...I thought of LYNN too when I saw it JUDYE. Thanks for confirming I did not miss a post from DANA.

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Bunny rabbits. I hear they are really good at multiplication. I enjoy watching them hopping about in the neighborhood, too. We don't have them in our yard this year. The fence is keeping them out so far.

I hear our fence enabled Pepsi the cat to corner a few over next door. I am happy that Pepsi's family has found a place for him to stay while they find a new home. He's going to be more restrained than he has been, so there will be no bunnies for Pepsi for awhile. That's just as well.

Jo, good that you found your way to Getaway Road. A very special place.

Hunter's team won at football tonight, and Hunter made a key interception. Very proud of him.

Prayers for Dana and her family.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley, I see where Hunter made an interception in the game! Good Show ♥
I need to read back about Pepsi but it sounds encouraging for him to have a home.

Prayers for your Dad Dana - Hopefully the dr will give him some information and assurance tomorrow.

Mema Jo said...

I did watch the Hallmark movie

It is Awesome in the sky tonight!

I am going to close down for now - Need to get some blood work tomorrow so that will be my Friday outing!

Good Night and God Bless us all
((((Hugs for healing))) Good luck Kay tomorrow for your MRI - ALSO get your flu shot soon. I love us ♥

stronghunter said...

Good night, everyone. Rest well. SED.

Lolly said...

Having a horrible time with the computer...and wifi. So, will try to make this quick. Had a great day. Wildlife report..bunnies and more bunnies and two groups of Big Horn Sheep.

Met a couple from England, real bird watchers. Thought of our Chrissy! Anyway, they have seen too eagles and a bear!!!! No fair!!

Hoda, we have decided to head to Jasper in the morning. Getting up early and heading out. Probably will not get on the blog in the morning.

Have posted pictures on fb. I feel rather selfish not commenting on posts, but I have missed a lot. Just know I love you all and keep you in my prayers.


Hoda said...

Safe travels to Jasper LOLLY and old hunting grounds so to speak...beautiful spot...

stronghunter said...

Having trouble getting to sleep, even though I was very sleepy earlier.

Pepsi--not sure what I had posted on here. Know I have posted info on FB. He is our neighbor's kitty, an outdoor/indoor cat, who, fortunately, was outdoors the night of the fire.

Pepsi was homeless for awhile after the fire, but Carla, the neighbor who had the fire, came and got him about a week ago and took him to someone who will keep him until they can get settled.

Carla had a very hard time finding a place to keep Pepsi, and I was feeding him until she found a spot for him.

Their little dog Skippy is still in the neighborhood. He is living with a family here. I think that placement is permanent. They had only had Skippy a few weeks, but had had Pepsi for about five years.

stronghunter said...

There is a picture of Pepsi on my blog.

stronghunter said...

Margy, I see you were concerned about Pepsi getting into the soot. I noticed that he had some on his feet the last couple of times I saw him, and he was licking his feet. Could not be good for him.

And the yard and house over there are full of broken glass and all kinds of debris. Not a safe place for any critter or humankind.

stronghunter said...

I have been worried when we have had windstorms that something could blow over here--or somewhere else--and hurt some or do damage. I hope they clean it up soon. The yard is a mass of broken glass.

stronghunter said...

. . . hurt someone.

stronghunter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
stronghunter said...

Reading back a bit--see I had missed the post about your granddaughter, Lolly. So hard on a family to lose a little one.

Saw that your family had lost one of the bulldogs, Andy. Sorry for the loss. Our pets are so important.

paula eagleholic said...

Good late night...good early morning...wishing everyone a wonderful Friday

Sed love and hugs to all :)

Sandi said...

Good Friday morning my eagle friends.

Special prayers this morning for Dana's dad and for Kay.

DanaMo, did your folks ever sell their business?

Happy to hear that Skippy and Pepsi have places to stay, Shirley. Will Skippy get to be a house dog again, or will he still be stuck in the yard all the time?

Paula, have a great long weekend in Paradise!!

Jewels, hope you get a good offer on Mom's house.

Need to check out Lolly's latest pics on FB. Have a great day all!

Lolly said...

Just a quick good morning! Got my red on!! Heading out! Here is what you do....THINK bear and eagle for Lolly, bear and eagle for Lolly, bear and eagle for it?☺

Have a great day!

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Loud crashes next door. There is a crew out there with one of those huge construction-style trash bins. They are cleaning up the mess.

Still some pieces of furniture in the house. I suppose they are trash, too.

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Did a quick read. Glad our Lynn had a visit from a faithful friend. I feel like she knows a stop was made at her home and memories were shared just in a different kind of way. Relieved that Pepsi has a place to be and is now being taken care of on a regular basis. Dex is doing well now I am once again very relieved. His eye is almost all better. A couple more days of drops.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning friends - I'm like Sandi and have a difficult time typing FRIENDS first thing in the morning. But I know you are there!

Beautiful morning - Praying for Kay and Dana's dad with there procedures. ♥

Going to head to hospital for blood work - they are open until 2:00 and I don't need to fast.

Squirrels and birds aren't too hungry this am hour - only 1 little lone squirrel when I usually have four.

I need to complete taking my meds BBILW

Mema Jo said...

Happy Birthday to Delphia
our Bird Girl ♥
Big 4-0 to Celebrate You

Mema Jo said...

Bear Eagle

Bear Eagle

Bear Eagle

Thought for Lolly & Jack's sightings today! ♥

Mema Jo said...

Over on FB - checking out Steve, Karen, and Aimee's photos from India. Such beauty!

JudyEddy said...

Good Late Morning eagle buds been up for a bit drinking coffee and reading my book and emailing Angie at work Hey we have done good with this blog it is one week old today and only 658 comments thank goodness the cam is a mess otherwise I am sure if you have blown up

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

♫♪[̲̅̅H̲̅][̲̅̅A̲̅][̲̅̅P̲̅][̲̅̅P̲̅][̲̅̅Y̲̅] [̲̅̅B̲̅][̲̅̅I̲̅][̲̅̅R̲̅][̲̅̅T̲̅][̲̅̅H̲̅[̲̅̅D̲̅][̲̅̅A̲̅][̲̅̅Y̲̅]♫♪

.♥Delphia Birdgirl♥

Bird Girl said...

Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes! It's the big 4-0 for me, and I'm happy about that! A whole new chapter of my life, with great and wonderful changes, and a bright, shiny future ahead of me :))

Thank you all for everything over the (how many?? 5? 6?) years! You all are the best support group anyone could ask for!


As always, I remain,
Your very own
Bird Girl

Costume Lady said...


I couln't get on here last night, BloggerCop wouldn't let me... said I had to sign in and then wouldn't accept my password. Got an email this morning saying they were sorry for the problem I had and that it should be fixed by now. So...I'm giving it a try.

I see where Lolly and Jack are hoping to see a BEAR today...would be so exciting to see one in the wild like that!
Denise's Stud Muffin went to his cabin, somewhere in the hills of WV to go Bow Hunting and had a bear at the back of his house. I THINK he was delighted to see him...would we all be, or not?

Family Friday should be delightful this evening...Rachael and Robbie are joining us, along with Jayden. We are trying to fix those two their favorite foods. Rachael loves srimp and Aaron (Jillian's intended) is allergic to shrimp!:( His favorite is mac and cheese, so that will be on the menu. Don't know if Jillian will be able to make it or not...she has squad duty tonight (don't know the timing) I'm so excited to have the family together again...THERAPUTIC~

GG seemed to be getting around a little better yesterday. I'm hoping that the PATCH is helping.
Going to try to medicate her the way we planned for the wedding, with an extra helping of pain meds.
I'll report on the results later.
Have a great day♥

Costume Lady said...


JudyEddy said...

The other night when I was talking to June I told her she should talk to a support group I did mention Wanda She raised her voice and said Wanda I told her it not your Wanda Its Wanda and Gene from the blog and didn't say anything else except about the support group may help and I told her not to just go to any make sure it was one to where they lost their spouse not mom or dad or other relatives Well the Shut the front door strange is that on my caller ID the day after I talked to June I to a call from WA Kirkland which I am sure is Wanda and to think of Jean Kirkland is a Terry sister I wonder if June called them I just don't know and June is at work now so later when I know she is home I will call her I just can't understand why out of the blue I would get a call from people that I don't really know and I do dislike them of that I know of them long story on that one

JudyEddy said...

HI Wanda so good GG is getting around better My mom was on the patch and it did help her tooo keeping fingers crossed for her
Give (((((((Hugs))))))) to Rachael and Robbie hope they are getting better with each step they take still has to be hard hard on them

JudyEddy said...

Heres the image of the day from NASA the shuttle over Houston TX Cool pic
Fly over Tx

JudyEddy said...

Hello teachers out there ------------- I have a question Angie at the beginning of year had to pay 175.00 for art supplies for the year there are 20 kids in the class 3500.00 plus the have a needs list a whole page of stuff from glue to clorox wipes so Angie has supplied some of that stuff also when she can Now they are sending form home asking to adopt the class re donations for supplies Do all schools do this???? do they get additional money from state??? Plato Academy It is a tuition free public school but a charter school

I know when my kids were in school we never had to pay additional money I am sure things have changed

I know I was shocked to where they had to supply snacks for 20 kids twice a day for two weeks a year and Angie signed up for a additional week not knowing it would involve 5 days x 2times a day drinks and snacks oh well live and learn

Any info will be helpful if this is all over or just the school she is in I will ask at work when I go also

T-Bird said...


magpie said...



magpie said...

Hey there T-Bird

How's Wild and Wonderful Bluefield, Wst Virginia ???

magpie said...

Happy Dancing' post from Wanda about the line-up for Family Friday Fun ☺ ♥

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Stink bug fun has officially begun!

magpie said...

tell me about it Sharon
it hit here BIG TIME just a few days ago.

magpie said...

I've had "my hands on" stink bugs one way or the other in many ways with them
got some fascinating views of the them, their undersides....from the inside of a long tall window Monday...

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Didn't make it here last night--fell asleep after dinner in front of the TV.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO DELPHIA/BIRD GIRL!! Hope it's a really special day for you!!!

Have a lot to do today, so can't stay here for long. Still lots of laundry, and have a major grossery shopping list to write. Lots to do in the yard, too. Oh--almost forgot to tell you! We have a squirrel visiting to eat bird seed again!! Haven't gotten a picture yet, but will work on that! Imagine my surprise! Haven't seen a squirrel in about 4 years!

Prayers continue for DanaMo's Dad, and for Wanda, Gene, GG, and family. Haven't really caught up here yet, but hope to before tonight. Will check back in later tonight. I ♥ us!!

magpie said...

and boy do they like the tracks of windows, and sliding glass little buggers....

magpie said...

By the Way.
I have to say, I am sorry to see it has gone by way too fast

Kay said...


Sunday we'll celebrate Julie's birthday with a brunch, hosted here by Seth n' me. I'll need his help to pull it off, but it will be worth the effort and fun, I'm sure !

Autumn is my favorite Season, too, MARGY ! Especially here in the land of gorgeous Fall colors !

Much thanks for all those special thoughts ! Can't believe the pain is so awful after having gone through surgery that was supposed to have helped. Trying just to trust and obey, but can't help but wonder WHY ?

WANDA, once again the Wright family bands together ! What a healing thing this evening together will be !

Loving prayers for all in need !


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

A stink bug just crawled across the lens of the puppy cam.

Hoda said...

Bear Eagle

Bear Eagle

Bear Eagle

...for Lolly and Jack

Beautiful day here...Happy last day of Summer.

Happy Birthday Delphia

WANDA it sounds like a wonderful family gathering...I agree with you for its healing qualities. Blessings to you and your family.

JUDYE your note on the school fees and donations and supplies it all seems too excessive to me. Our Charter schools end up by being more expensive than the regular public schools but not that much...keep a tab as to how much extra you are paying and for what, the art supplies is a good example. If 175 was already paid how could they request more money for this is not even October yet??? Charter Schools have to be held accountable...they do get public funds too you know!!!

As to phone call JUDYE I was confused by the post and did not understand what you were trying to say!!!

Lynne2 said...

SHARON.....ROFLMBO!!!! Just read about the STINKBUG. See my FB page...LOL!

Hi all!

Lynne2 said...

Hope everyone BEAR EAGLE is having a great day BEAR EAGLE, it sure is BEAR EAGLE a beauty in these parts BEAR EAGLE.

JudyEddy said...

HODA what it was when I was talking to June the other night about getting grief counseling that to make sure she got in the right group for spouse I was telling her about Wanda GS and that the parents were probably going to get counseling when I said Wanda she I think thought I was talking about Wanda Kirkland one of her relatives that she has had no dealing with in the past but I told her it was not them it was Wanda and Gene but the next day I get a missed call on my caller ID and it is a WA Kirkland now her mom is Jean so I wonder if June thinks I talked to them I just called and she isn't home yet
Does this make sense now to you????? I just don't understand why I would get a missed call from her the day after I talked with June ODD

and stinkbugs I saw your pic on FB LYNNE2 does spraying around the windows help any at all ODD I think I have only seen one stink bug in Fl a while back

JudyEddy said...

Let there the EAGLE and BEAR in the future for LOLLY Its me bear we want to hear her say

JudyEddy said...

I just love watching the link Sharon posted with the three panda different site on the the one in SanDeigo is so cut mom is cleaning the baby now

JudyEddy said...

the cave in the cam next to it is that the other cam for that does anyone know I still haven't seen the baby in the Wash on the Smithsonian one I hear it but haven't seen it Real quite now odd how the ball is still there with them tooo

JudyEddy said...

mom is leaving the baby now and oh so little all alone in the cam

Hoda said...

Thanks JUDYE yes it does...sometimes odd things just happen...let it do not have to respond or explain or get to give them your energy if you choose to not do so...

JudyEddy said...

Oh I just can't get enough of the panda cam she is sitting there right now I think she covered up the baby with some straw of what ever that is she had it on top of her head tooo soooo funny

Janet said...

Good afternoon !

Its a bright warm last day of summer here in Nashville. I am sitting out on my front porch enjoying the LOW humidity, breeze adn 80 degree temps. SOOOO lovely.

BIRD GIRL: happy 40th birthday!!!! enjoy!!!

JUDYE: not a teacher...but when Livvy was in elementary school YES YES YES absolutely they wanted a LOOOONNNGGG list of supplies ...kleenex, clorox wipes, crayons, snacks you name it. the schools are so tight on money that often, per teacher friends of mine, they take $$ out of their own pocket to get things that they need for the classroom. and for holiday gifts, they much prefer walmart cards/target cards/ etc so they can get those supplies that they will likely run out of. its very sad, especially when the lottery dollars, etc are supposedly going to the school. we ALL pretty much know the teachers aren't getting paid nearly enough......its crazy. and then there are fund raisers....

Livvy is now in a charter school....most of these kids come from low income homes. other than the traditional supplies, ie paper, pencils, and basic things like that, no other requests are made of parents. they do one fund raiser a year, jump rope for the american heart association i do like this about this school. most parents have a hard enough time trying to make ends meet.....i know when my older two were in school, and i was divorced, before tom and i got together, i made sure they had what they needed, but i assure you, there were no extras for what they wanted....and trying to get the money together for the stuff the school wanted???? well, that was tough.

JUDYE: hope June will take your advice. You are a good friend and right to suggest counseling to her.

Its been a great day here weather wise. LIvvy had no school today.
I hope the weekend comes together well. Want to see the granddaughter play soccer int eh a.m. ballet for livvy and noon...and maybe fishing tomorrow afternoon for ME? we shall see. i have a plethora of yard work to do and no ump to do it. oh well, such is life.

have a great afternoon all!

JudyEddy said...

Five cams I think three different zoos

JudyEddy said...

the one to where the cam is on top of he next to the cave is the one you can see the baby all the time Oh she is holding it to her checks

JudyEddy said...

wow the Atlanta zoo cam just went to a message zoo is close 10am to 5pm Mon to Fri and at 5 the camera says this they are punctual for sure

JudyEddy said...

Mystery solved I did reverse look up on the phone number and its Kirkland, WA where the call came from funny huh June and I just had a laugh about it

JudyEddy said...

Jordyn story Angie was outside when she tooted and Jordyn says whats that mommy me -sounded like a tree fallen- Angie said no Jordyn it was me tooting Jordyn says no mommy that was a big tree falling so funny I think anyway

stronghunter said...

Can't stay long. My battery is dying and the power connection has a problem, so just want to say SED, everyone. May come back on my phone later, but need to stop with the computer until I can get it fixed.

stronghunter said...

Happy birthday, Delphia!

Kathryn's birthday is tomorrow.

Hoda said...

♥ I put a heart on a few Momsters FB page...its about Breast Cancer and a friend wanted me to participate...have you all heard of this?

LOLLY has not posted yet...I can not wait to see the Jasper will be a long day for them if they stop to see all thre is to see in Jasper...I love that place and with LOLLY being in Jasper/ Banff area I am feeling homesick!!!

Mema Jo said...

Hi Hoda - I saw my heart but didn't know the real meaning. Thank you so much!

Good night to those retiring for the day. I'll try to wait for Lolly and Wanda and their daily reports.


grannyblt said...

Good evening folks. I've been reading the blog but not posting lately. I would be asleep this very minutes if things were well at my house. I was, in fact, just dozing off about 15 minutes ago when the cat brought in a baby bunny that is still loose somewhere in the house. Now what am I supposed to do? I had grabbed the cat and shut him in the bathroom while the poor bunny found a hiding place. Thanks for listening, I'm off for another search..LOL

Mema Jo said...

Catch that bunny! It will be hard to do and as for the cat being outside - well that is what cats do. Mine never hurt the bunnies - more or less a playful catch. Good Luck!

Mema Jo said...

Hoda - get your socks out. Oh and Hoda, I purchased at a good low price 2 pairs of 'Rocket Dogs' this evening. (Shoes-Comfy shoes)

Mema Jo said...

Closing down for this evening. Praying that Wanda and family bonded again this evening. Anxious to hear of any wildlife that Lolly saw today.

Praying that Dana's dad is resting well and feeling better. Kay, I am thinking of you and hope the MRI results come back soon.


Paula's sunset was beautiful down at Paradise this evening. Nite ♥

Hoda said...

Do tell us what happened to the bunny GRANYBLT...please...

Lolly said...

ROFLMBO I think you put way more emphasis on bear and not on eagle because..................................................................................................................................................


Hoda said...

YAY LOLLY A GRIZZLY!!! Where how close pictures pictures pictures...

magpie said...

Good Night, Precious Pals,
Lay those weary noggins on the pillows for this our Final Summer Night

Thinking once again of Bird Girl, on this, her special Birthday..xo

Prayers for Wellness and joy...
God Bless Us, Every One

Hoda said...

LOLLY are you posting the pictures now???


paula eagleholic said...

Happy birthday birdgirl

Saw an eagle today...cohen was out running with ajay so he missed it...he so wants to see one...hope he will get to. Some osprey still around ttoo

Had a nice day with the gkids

Love you all and will catch up later

Lolly said...

Have not uploaded pictures yet. Have way too many!!! We just got home and had a quick dinner. Yes, Hoda....a long day. We stopped at all the falls on the way up. In Jasper we went to the post office as Jack had mail to take care of. Then we went to Maligne Lake. Ate a late lunch at Medicine Lake on the way there. As we went around a curve and trying to go into the parking lot at Maligne Lake there were lots of people in the road with cameras. We KNEW it was wildlife. Sure enough there up the slope, in the trees was a grizzly bear. I got several pictures. He came out into a clearing for a while, got irritated (Jack says grizzlies do not get scared) and ran across the road behind us. Crazy people were out of their cars, in the street, and chasing after him. We later saw another bear after leaving the lake, we think it was the same bear. Grizzlies are probably territorial like black bears, don't you think?

Lolly said...

I am going to shower and then come and download pictures. Then will try to post of fb.

We are both so very tired.

No definite plans for tomorrow.

Hoda said...

That was a Loooooooooooooong day you and JACK happy for both of you. I hope the folks at Jasper were friendly and that you had good meals while you are travelling.


Hoda said...

OH you made it to Maligne lake I am so very glad!!! I agree with you people are nuts for getting out of their understanding as to the power of those swipe and your toast!!!
JACK is right Grizzlies are not easily scared off and they would sooner go towards as opposed to away from...A Dr and his wife here in Nelson were mauled by a Griz and it was horrific. They both survived the attack but she was so disfigured that years later the pain from the attack lingered with her and she took her own life!!! She wrote a book about the attack and the process of how it overtook her life!!!

Hoda said...

There are two groups of Grizzly bears around the Maligne Lake area and they are territorial...if you were going to see one this would have been the likely place to see them...

I am so glad that you said lots of pictures I can hardly wait...

Thanks you two and if you are too tired I will wait for the pictures till two are GREAT!!!

Hoda said...

I hope someone reported the Grizzly sighting to the park wardens...they have been known to close off the area if the Grizzlies become too aggressive...

Hoda said...

STEVE posted he is in Paris and has a three hour wait till he catches his next flight...

Hoda said...

9 hour flight for STEVE and MRS from India to Paris, France.

Hoda said...

LOLLY is putting her pictures on FB!!! STUNNING and BREATH TAKING!!!



Costume Lady said...

What a great city to have a layover in! Good for you, STEVE & MRS. STEVE:)

LOLLY...did you remember to say "It's me bear"? What a treat TO SEE A GRIZZLY IN THE WILD!

We had a wonderful Family Friday this evening. Rachael and Robbie seemed to loosen up and chatted away, We had many laughs and no crying (a few glasses of wine did help).
Jayden was very entertaining....and when it came time to say good night, he told me "Good night, darlin' " Love that kid.

GG did well, but went to bed at 7oclock.


Costume Lady said...


JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds Yeah Lolly saw a bear and Paula a eagle I saw our cell phone tower eagle yesterday tooo

JudyEddy said...

OH LYNNE1 I hope you found the bunny

Sandi said...

Good first day of autumn my eagle friends! Supposed to feel like summer here in Bethany today and then only be in the 60s by tomorrow. Maybe I'll get me a beach day today!

Dana, praying that your dad's transfusion gives him some energy and that the doctor gave a good report (or is it next week that he sees the doc?).

Judy, I know nothing about charter public schools but $175 per child for supplies seems like an awful lot! I've never taught in a school where the parents were asked to send in any amount of money for supplies!

Hoda, thanks for the FB ♥!

Lolly, glad you saw a grizzly bear - will check out your pics on FB.

Lynne1, hope you found the bunny and were either able to catch it or at least get it out of your house! What a dilemma!

Wanda, so happy to hear that the family was together last night for some healing time.

Kay, praying for you for relief from your new pain - so unfair!! Hope you can enjoy Julie's birthday party!

I am having breakfast with a young lady who was in my 5th grade class in 1990! She is now married and has a child of her own, but we reconnected on FB several years ago. She is in town for a friend's wedding and messaged me that she would like to get together while she's here. How great is that???!!!

Have a wonderful day all!

T-Bird said...

Good morning my eagle peeps.

T-Bird said...


paula eagleholic said...

So, Cohen, at age 6 just got to see his first bald eagle!

One landed in the tree out front, so I brought him out to see it. He was not impressed ny its size and wanted to see a bigger one. So I explained to him how it looked smaller against the sky and its wings were as wide as his Dad is tall ( 6 ft)...then he was impressed!

The first time I evver saw one in the wild was my first trip to NCTC

Life is good...

paula eagleholic said...

Lolly...did you say "it's me bear"

grannyblt said...

GM eagle buds. I sure had a restless night's sleep with one ear open for animal noises, but to no avail. If I've learned one thing with this saga it is that I need to move out all that heavy furniture and clean under. I now know where all the cat's toys are hiding, but NO BUNNY. It must be the same one I saw yesterday afternoon that went scurrying when I was cleaning out a flower bed. I guess I'll just have to let the cat back inside to hunt it for me. I know it was in the living room at some point......

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Wildlife stories I see. Got bunnies and eagles and bears Its a gorgeous cool fall day here. I think it would be a good day to mow one last time maybe. Then in a couple of weeks leaves and that will be the yardwork for this season. I love Fall. I don't love the ice and snow so much anymore but the eagles do warm up the season. I am praying for a very mild winter to be honest. it's a very tough season on Dex now.

Mema Jo said...

Good beautiful 1st day of autumn morning

Happy birthday to Kathryn today - May
Joy and Happiness be yours today and always

Lynne, let us know how the bunny hunt goes! My squirrels feeding out on the deck can sometimes be the meanest little critters towards each other. They upset me this morning - there is so much food for all of them to share - Squirrels don't share!

Mema Jo said...

A bear A bear - very happy your dream came true for you and Jack yesterday Lolly! You sure had the camera ready from when you first sighted him until he crossed the road. He was very beautiful and I wish the sightseers would have respected him more so.

Mema Jo said...

Late breakfast this morning
No plans other then to go to Mass and pray for all of us!

Make it a fantastically fabulous day! ♥

grannyblt said...

A happy ending to the bunny tale. I was beginning to think it had escaped overnight when I saw it behind the couch. I got my neighbors over to help and between the three of us that wiley little bun was safely captured and let go in the front yard. It took us about 45 minutes and I could never have done it on my own. Thanks to Rob and Linda.

DanaMo said...

Dreams are so strange. I dreamed last night of an eagle soaring overhead. I could see it so clearly and it was close. It kept coming back. I could clearly see it's face. Wish I knew what it meant.

Dad had his transfusion yesterday. There is a mass near the ureter, lymph nodes there are enlarged. It is "suspicious". "We" have a urologist appointment 7:30 am Monday and will hopefully find out the next step in the process of diagnosing. I hope this step goes quickly so we can start figuring out how to get rid of it!

Mema Jo said...

Dana - it could mean that everything comes to you at the right moment - Be patient. ♥

Lolly said...

Good Morning! Dana, prayers are going up for your dad and you and your mom!

We slept late as we were so tired. We drove forever yesterday to have that experience. Hoda, after the bear went out of sight and we were attempting to park (people were still in the road) a park employee in a truck was trying to get past us and to the head of the group of people. So, I am sure he was reported. After we left the lake and were on the road headed home we saw a bear again, but off the road and in the trees. He was traveling parallel to the road. Once again, people were out of their cars and walking along the road following him. I got one not so good picture and we left! I wanted to yell, "He has turned and headed our way!"

Mema Jo said...

Now I am going to have an early lunch!

Hi Lolly!

glo said...

Good news on the baby bunny. Prayers for you and Dad Dana I got to skype with my lifelong friend on skype this morning. I saw her like 4 years ago and other than that not since I got married and moved away. We have both done the marriage and raise our family things and are grandma's now. We have always kept in touch by phone or snail mail. She isn't too computer savvy BUT this week we figured out Skype. It was so so good to visit with her. We toured her yard. Then I lost my power here so our call was disconnected. We finished chatting on the phone. I feel like I visited with my friend today I LOVE THAT!!!

Kay said...

Good Saturday afternoon ! Haven't back tracked far, but enough to hear about the wonderful Wright family evening. What a doll Jayden is--he'll give his parents and the whole family much comfort through this difficult period.

Big whew, LYNNE1--so happy the bunny is back outdoors !

Have to go to Kroger for a few items needed for Julie's birthday brunch. Then will need a nice nap and lots of rest to help me get through the celebration. Seth won't be here for dinner as they have plans with friends, but he will spend the night and help me with the cooking in the morning. Thank God for dear grandsons !

Prayers for all in need ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Kay said...

DANAMO, meant to give you my love and assure you that your Dad is on my prayer list !

stronghunter said...

Trying to do some catch-up. Will says he can fix my computer. The part should arrive by Thursday. Yikes! That is a long time. So, he found a laptop for me to use. Nice thing about having sons who collect computer stuff.

I see that Paula and Cohen saw an eagle and Jack and Lolly saw a grizzly. I agree, Lolly. Grizzly bears are surely territorial. Always figured that a big animal is alone because it wants to be alone. Not smart to chase after it.

JudyEddy said...

♫♪[̲̅̅H̲̅][̲̅̅A̲̅][̲̅̅P̲̅][̲̅̅P̲̅][̲̅̅Y̲̅] [̲̅̅B̲̅][̲̅̅I̲̅][̲̅̅R̲̅][̲̅̅T̲̅][̲̅̅H̲̅[̲̅̅D̲̅][̲̅̅A̲̅][̲̅̅Y̲̅]♫♪
.♥ Happy Birthday! ♥


JudyEddy said...

Just got home from work didn't come home during lunch
OH NO LYNNE1 didn't find the bunny I wish you luck with that poor bunny is probably scared follow the poop trail LOL

JudyEddy said...

OH I just read its gone maybe I should read all blog

JudyEddy said...

DANAMO keeping you and your dad in my thoughts and will pray for him

JudyEddy said...

HEY I have a skype question can more that one person do skype????

Hoda said...

Prayers ongoing for your DAD DANA...Thank you for keeping us posted.

LOLLY and JACK thank you so much for the pictures of Jasper and what an experiences you two had. I am glad yoiu slept in and let us know what you did today??? Is the weather holding for you? My iphone says the high is 79 and the low is 45 and partly cloudy today???

I forwarded LYNNE'S email to Shar and Bev as it was returned and I do not have DANAMO'S correct address but I tried...

I ♥ US.


Hoda said...

Busy in the morning and I went out to lunch after errands and then walked the Labarynth to mark Autumn Solstice and it was a wonderful experience inclusive of the park and its is all sacred and it is all spiritual and how grateful I am.
One of our health food organic stores is celebrating its 100 th Birthday today and they were dressed in outfits from a 100 years ago and served food and drink and paid the city meters so people could park in front of their store for free...very festive indeed...
Lots of sirens here last night, but have not found out what was going on...none of the people I encountered knew so I will wait till the Wednesday Paper comes out. We get the paper on Wednesday and Friday only two days is it published.

Hoda said...

JUDYE I do believe you could have a conference call using Skype. I have never done it. Somewhere in the back of my head I think you have to have the business download option for conference calls. I am sure they would answer your question if you messaged them. At school we used to have a set up where we had several schools involved in a cut on travle time and cost..

Hoda said...

May you have a wonderful and Blessed Year.

Lynne2 said...


Lynne2 said...

I have wrong addys for DanaMo and T-Bird as well :(


JudyEddy said...

DANAMO is having issues with her puter being compromised so they aren't letting any email through this happened the other day

Just got back from a marvelous fish dinner I am soooo full

JudyEddy said...

you can send her something on facebook email maybe not for sure if that is blocked tooo

JudyEddy said...

also Thelma is on facebook too you can message her and get her addy that way

JudyEddy said...

I want to go see the sunset looks like gonna be a pretty one I have been watching the panda cam and did a couple of cute video of mommy cleaning the cub so cute they are that is the San Diego zoo I still haven't seen the Washington cub yet

Mema Jo said...

Just finished an Hallmark movie with hubby and son. I did attend Mass and pray for all of us and our loved ones.

I'm not going to hang in for much longer. We didn't get rain and I'm hoping it isn't coming tomorrow.

I will try to check in before bedtime but don't promise. Everyone take care and God Bless and Keep You ♥

Hoda said...

LOLLY put some wonderful pictures on FB...tracks and all...I am so glad they are spending their holiday in Canada...Kanata the "Village" in Iroquoi...

paula eagleholic said...

No commemts since Judy at 630?

Ajay left today...she does 31 did her Mom and DAD...WE Had a nice fish dinner and popcorn for the we are chilling

Danamo...prayers for your Dad

Happy Birthday to those I have missed

Lyn glad the bunny is safely back outside

Hoda said...

God Bless you Jo and SED if you do not check back in before sleep...I keep thinking of the photo FRIENDS your avatar on FB...Beautiful Ladies all...

Hoda said...

Here is PAULA it sounds great at your PARADISE...

magpie said...

The rainless cold front is moving through,winds are really picking up here in Hedgesville

Happy Birthday to Kathryn...
just 30 minutes left of THE Birthday, but best wishes for a GREAT year to follow

Sounds like a nice week-end and evening for you, Paula

magpie said...

Prayers for Wellness and for our many needs amongst us

I'm not going to hang in much longer, either...I am like Jo in that regard

Hope the overnight is a good one for everyone !

God Bless Us, Every One

Hoda said...

Good night


Lolly said...

Getting on late...wifi comes and goes. We had a relaxing day today and thoroughly enjoyed it.

We stayed here in Canmore, no trips out. Took a short walk through the woods, saying "It's me bear," We did that after finding a freshly dug den of some kind of critter, Also found fresh tracks in mud. Can not say for sure what kind of tracks but some were too big for comfort! lol Also, found fresh damage to a tree stump. Bear? Who knows!

Tomorrow we are going moose hunting again. We are trying to stay away from the towns and the popular spots on the weekend. Too many people! The camp ground filled up for the weekend and lots of traffic.

Ok, heading to bed. Night all! SED!!!!!!♥

Costume Lady said...

I'm going to try a post once again and see if it leaves another 'BLACK HOLE'. If it does, I won't be back here til I can find what is causing it. You can find me on facebook, several times a problems there~

Went into GG's today and she said..."Well, that was some big party we had last night, wasn't it?" It really was so very nice, especially for Rachael and Robbie. They said they should get out like that more often...helped take away some of the sadness~



JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

JudyEddy said...

Last night sunset was oh so pretty sure was nice just to go

JudyEddy said...

GG is one wise woman WANADA and you didn't leave a black hole at all that time

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

Looks like Steve left India at a good time they are talking about how bad it is getting there now - my delete

Sandi said...

Good chilly Sunday mroning my eagle friends.

Slept with the windows open last night and awoke to the faint sound of a pair of great horned owls talking back and forth to one another. When I took the dogs out, I could hear another pair, much closer to the house (maybe in the trees on our wooded lot next door). Sat on the rocker on the front porch in the dark for a few and listened to all of them - nice!!

Prayers continue for Kay and for Dana's dad and for Robbie and Rachel and Wanda's whole family.

paula eagleholic said...

Beautiful 62 temp here this morninng!

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Crisp fall morning here, too.

George is crying outside. He has been bad, and has to be outdoors more than he wants to be. That is what happens when you mess up my sofa. I spend yesterday scrubbing it.

I kept him in my room last night. He should be happy that he did not spend the night outdoors. But I could not stand the meowing all night. He is a spoiled kitty.

stronghunter said...

No black hole, Wanda. It continues to be a mystery. Don't think it was just you, though.

stronghunter said...

Thank you for all of the kind birthday wishes for Kathryn. I will tell her when I see her again. She has had a busy weekend. I think she might be going to a Nationals game today. Not sure. Hunter has been invited to go with a friend who is celebrating his birthday.

T-Bird said...

Go Skins!! Game day sure makes me wish Lynn was here to help cheer the Redskins on.

T-Bird said...


stronghunter said...

Me too, Thelma.

Janet said...

a good fall morning to one and to all!

been a basic weekend around here. went to the grandkid's soccer games yesterday.....then to ballet for olivia .....and then fishing in the afternoon. i had to make a @ 6 or fishing? i hadn't been fishing in several months and since i'm going to yoga on monday, fishing won this time.

we didn't catch a thing....but it was sure beautiful out. i did have a run in with possibly another turtle? i don't know, line went down and bobber went wwaaaayyyy under......and would not come up. finally the line broke. made me sad. could not get the hook out of whomever had the bait. :( that's the bad part about fishing.

but it was pretty out on the lake. not quiet though. someone was discharging guns there was a constant pop pop pop sound from all around. :(

we were one of the last ones to leave. it gets dark early now, by about 7 p.m. but i enjoyed my self, watching the bugs on the surface of the water, the egrets, a few was nice.

typical Sunday here...stuff to do. bowling. and get ready for work tomorrow. have a great day, ya'll! hugs , light, love, and smiles for eveyrone!

stronghunter said...

George is still crying out there. If only I could get him to understand that peeing on the sofa is not a good thing.

stronghunter said...

Much to do. BBL.

glo said...

oh wow owls calling back and forth. I would sit there and soak that in too Sandi GG has a few years on most of us as far as dealing with grief and its painful journey. She is wise indeed and obviously very loved herself. Hmmm maybe if the Lennox family is full and can't adopt me then the Wright's might take me in LOL. I know how to do soup kitchen and clothing closets. Covering this whole family in prayer continually as they work together to heal. Prayers for Kay and Dana's Dad going up as well and prayers for spoken and unspoken needs for all of you. This morning i caught 2 puppies about 3 months old maybe running through the intersection of my street. One poodle and one shihtzu following some woman running and ignoring them. No they were not hers but she surely didn't stop to try to bring them to the home where they first appeared in her journey. Guess the timing of her run was more important argh. Anyway I smell like 2 strange dogs and am a little in the dog house but not too bad. They are chubby friendly and well taken care of and they are indeed back home now. The folks who lost them came looking and live about 12 houses away down the ally. They have a fenced in yard with one spot too big to contain he pups. Said they keep a "flower pot there" but pups must have moved it. OK so we need something a little bigger than a flower pot. Sweet cute little dogs and safe right now. They were glad to get them back. Hopefully fence repair is on tap today. Long post sorry . Many will skim over but some will love the story. HAGD :-)

Lolly said...

Good morning! Glo...the pup rescuer!!! Love it!

43 this morning. Heading out soon for a drive and hoping to see moose. Going on the drive we did the other day when we saw them.

I love us and I think of you often on this trip and how much each of you would love it. Everytime I see a magpie you know who I think of....and it is often!! The beauty of this place is awesome!

Have a great day!

Mema Jo said...

Just got a news flash - really sad and upsetting - Sorry to share such sad news but the baby panda born at the National Zoo last Sunday has died.

T-Bird said...

Yes, I love the story Glo. Happy endings are always good.
Sounds great Lolly.

Lynne2 said...

oh very sad about the baby panda. CRAP.

Lynne2 said...

here is my email from the NZ

We are brokenhearted to share that we have lost our little giant panda cub. Panda keepers and volunteers heard Mei Xiang make a distress vocalization at 9:17 a.m. and let the veterinarian staff know immediately. They turned off the panda cam and were able to safely retrieve the cub for an evaluation at 10:22 a.m., which we only do in situations of gravest concern. The veterinarians immediately performed CPR and other life-saving measures, but sadly the cub was unresponsive. We’ll have more updates as we learn more, but right now we know is that the cub weighed just under 100 grams and that there was no outward sign of trauma or infection. We’ll share information with you as we learn more.

Mema Jo said...

The afternoon hour is upon us. Hope all of you are having good days -
Very saddened about our DC cub - especially for Mia.

Ft Bragg bunch get to watch their Skin's Game Sports USA center as a prize Christine won and it is Patrick's b-day tomorrow so they will celebrate.

Today I have a ggs turning 2 yrs old. The youngest of the Hedgesville crew. Marcus is a little cuddly youngster and his eyes sparkle all the time! ♥

Mema Jo said...

It is a good breathing day weather wise so enjoy the out-of-doors


T-Bird said...

7-7 GO SKINS!!

NatureNut said...

Good Afternoon to Everyone.
Such sadness about our Panda Cub.
This hasn't been a great year.
Prayers for All on this Sunday.

I,too, think of Lynn on Sundays, especially as she shared her interest in the Redskins and Nascar races!!
BBL~~~should go to Chelsea for a couple to finish a project~~~

Hoda said...

I clock in at 39 degrees this morning!!!

Good morning all
Good afternoon.

LOLLY the first pictures you had of tracks were as the talons were not long enough to be Griz.
The littler ones could have been dog or Coyote as you were close to the side of the water...and it was a hiking trail
My thoughts any way.
I can not wait to hear of your adventures today...

I am off for a walk and groceries and will take out my Autumn and winter clothes today...time to do laundry on all summer clothes and put them away for next year. I am already in my Autumn jammies last night...getting cold enough for them...

Sorry about the Panda Cub JO and all those who were watching. JUDYE put some good videos and pictures. Thanks JUDYE.

Enjoy the day...

GO SKINS GO!!! Love you LYNN!!!

Hoda said...

Coming up for a split to the 800 mark in four more...

stronghunter said...

Just saw the sad news about the baby panda. Really tough.

grannyblt said...

Sorry to hear the news about the Panda cub.

Wm and Daisy had to stay indoors last night--they better get used to it. No more varmits are allowed.

Things are calm and rainy here. Think I'll try to catch a nap so I can stay awake to see the Emmys tonight.

NatureNut said...

Hi Everyone. Put some new colorful pictures in the Nook. A few may be the last of the season. Enjoy ☺

Hoda said...

Thanks for the photos Nature Nut...:) you are indeed nutty about nature!!! Bon Voyage to the Osprey I hope it returns next year...

Jewels said...

Hello Friends!!
So saddened by the loss of the Panda Cub.
Thinking of Mom today... Her team is not doing very well :(
Hope all is well with everyone! Prayers to all that may need them!!
At work and on Police , new shift for the officers and they like
to do traffic stops.
WEll now I look and the skins ha e tied the game!!! Whooohooo!!!

Mema Jo said...


Mema Jo said...

FYI Check your emails - just a follow up one for the donations for

Jewels said...

drats , the skins lost...:(
I am still going to try to send you something Mema JO!!!!

Sandi said...

What a GLORIOUS sunny, cool, fall day! Played tennis this morning - first time in 3 weeks - then worked outside trimming shrubs. Emptied a few pots that had annuals that were looking pretty puny.

Washed the lightweight spread from our bed and hung it outside to dry - will be pulling out the heavy spread when I get the clean sheets on. Not time for the heavier blanket and flannel sheets yet but the forecast is for temps to drop down into the 40s for the next few nights! Love it!!

Jo, thanks for the email.

Loretta, love your latest pics. Speaking of pics, we are finally ready to have prints made of some of the photos from our trip and then have them matted and framed. I sent 3 more to Glo today for her to edit. Don't think we have wall space (or money, for that matter) to display all 10 that she has edited for us - I'm thinking we'll have to narrow the 10 down to 7. The problem will be choosing only 7!

Have been stalling on cleaning the 3 bathrooms upstairs, but need to get that done. Later!

Mema Jo said...

FINAL: Bengals 38 – Redskins 31

Mema Jo said...

Carolyn - you should take Mom's Redskin Territory sign from the porch. It's a keeper!

Carolyn and Christie need to pick a
get together date......... ♥

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1/8/25 PM

  4:21 PM he comes in the nest with a nice load of bedding  4:21 PM. he leaves  4:25 PM. He comes to the nest with a load of bedding. He pic...