Monday, November 21, 2011


New thread.  We are working out the streaming video problem, hopefully will get back online ASAP.


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Mema Jo said...

Good Morning to everyone out here in Eagleland!
Thank you Steve for the Thanksgiving week thread and double Thank You for the message concerning the streaming

Will go over and get the flock!

stronghunter said...

The squirrels and birds have found my new feeding location on the fence. I like it because I can see it from my recliner.

But, the squirrels have already started digging up the bulbs I planted. Need to do something about that.

Monday, November 21, 2011 9:54:00 AM

stronghunter said...

Brought the previous message over . . .

Thanks for the new thread, Steve.

And for the call-over, Jo.

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning, Everyone,
Thank you, Steve, for the new thread, and thank you for the message about the streaming video, too.

Sorry I was MIA last night! Kubby got an early dinner ready, dragged me away from the computer, and then wanted to watch the newest Harry Potter movie--Deadly Hallows Part 2.
After it was over, I fell asleep!

I may be a bit scarce in these parts this week. Got more work from the doctor--5 big, fat envelopes worth! MUST stay on task if I'm to get them back to the doctor by Wednesday! YIKES! That's more than twice what they usually send to me. (Believe me, I'm not complaining!) Also must make some stuff ahead of time for Thanksgiving dinner. It will be just Kubby & Me & Emma this year.
Been looking for recipes that can be made ahead so Thursday won't be too crazy.

The rain seems to be gone this morning, though it's cold--45. Cloudy so far. LOVE this weather, though! Emma & I got totally soaked when she went potty before bedtime last night. It was pouring! Had to dry her down with a towel--she got almost as wet as when we bathe her! Didn't faze her one bit, though. She loves water!

Mema Jo said...

Remember to VOTE on the final ballot

Love the Hawk pics from Shannon. They are so majestic looking - and they do try to stare you down!

Applesauce - Going to smell so good in
your classroom Dana.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Shirley,
Sounds like you have quite a show going on with the squirrels. I still miss the one we had a few years ago. I think our former neighbor with the gun behind our house may have had something to do with the little guy's disappearance. Do I miss that neighbor? Nope!

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals...

I see T-Bird's Buddy has returned for Thanksgiving week (her avatar, old thread ) ☺

Wonderful picture of the hawk, Lynn...thank you, and wow, what a "house guest" you good to know Christie can be there, and sounds like Liesl is loving it too!

magpie said...

Yep, Andrea, sounds like your fingers will be burning up the keyboard these next few days...

Not sure what time Kay's flight leaves...but Happy Trails Wishes once again....

Thanks to Paula, for the work regarding the next round of voting

Glad to read that the Eagles made a few morning visits, in and out...
will look forward to those pictures of it

Happy Meals on Wheeling it, CarolAnne, yes, Holidays can bring out the best and worst of folks sometimes....that's where Faith and Prayer sure come in handy...
as with all situations

stronghunter said...

Love the hawk picture, Lynn.

I put out two ears of corn, one is attached. The other one was just lying there. I wondered how long before a squirrel took it away.

Sure enough, a squirrel tried to run off with it, but it was too heavy and he dropped it in the middle of the yard.

Last time I looked out there, there was a crow and a squirrel both trying to get it.

stronghunter said...

Chores to do. BBL.

magpie said...

My Mother used Stayman apples for cooking, pies and applesauce...(and eating..)
somehow applesauce was pink...because of keeping the peels on for part of the process....I miss that !
Hope the Crock-potting it goes well, DanaMo...

Wonder how many times Lynne2 has been watching for that eagle "out back" to return...though I think she is probably at work already...

Washing machine is hollering, Fill Me Up... guess I better get started on that

Best Wishes for a Good, Safe, Healthy Day, Everyone...

Thanks for the new thread, Steve...and information on the live feed...

xo ♥

magpie said...

Prayers for Safety for all Hunters...
Hope everyone out in the wild is head to toe in Blaze Orange....

ttfn xo ♥

stronghunter said...

Amen, Margy.

Now I have to get busy.

CarolAnne said...

Just a quick stop.
Bubby had a successful hunt.
Meat for the freezer, hot sticks & jerky. Yea! Pic in Cottage Pictures.

Back to the kitchen I go, pretending I have cooking skills. LOL

CarolAnne said...

Oh, before I go back to my Rachael Ray/Emeril impressionations, just want to say thanks for your kind words on Ben.

Lolly said...

Snow, then sun, and snowing again! Boys have been out playing but now playing card games! Jack Is cooking breakfast and Laurel and I are working a puzzle. Life is good! Thank you God!

Good morn!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Thanks for the info Steve!

Good morning everyone!

For those who might want to see all of Andrew and Kelsey's engagement photos:

Cut and paste that link, then click on "clients", then the password is KelseyandAndrew

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the info, Steve! I was just going to relay this post that was on the OC page.

The EagleCam is offline for maintenance the week of November 21. We should have it operational later this week. Thank you.

paula eagleholic said...

A runoff poll has been posted, since we didn't have a name that garnered over 50% of the vote.

The voting runs through this Saturday.

Happy voting.

Mema Jo said...

I just had a nice long visit from my youngest gal - Jenny. Love talking with daughters on a one-on-one!
Then a call from our favorite Priest for some help - does my heart good!!

Lori O. said...

Thank you, Steve for the new thread and live cam update!

Jo, your avatar is beautiful!

hedgie said...

Well, I don't know what the problem was but it appears that Kay's plane was at least 30 mins. late leaving. And it apparently arrived in Philly while I was napping!!!!

hedgie said...

There is a classroom fire at a school in Jefferson Co., but can't determine which school. It is now out and they are venting and mopping up. Students have been allowed to re--enter to cafeteria.....can't wait to hear more on this story.

CarolAnne, is the pic on your blog of the guys' success this AM? If so, I will not go look!!

CarolAnne said...

Hedgie, that is correct.
This AM under my Cottage Pics.
This deer WAS NOT harvested from our feeder in the yard. They go miles out into the woods to hunt.
Sorry if it is offensive to some. Have been raised in a hunting/fishing family.

As long as the rules are followed & the meat fulfills a purpose & is not wasted I can stand it. Though I could not be a hunter myself.

magpie said...

CarolAnne, I went with a fellow for a long time, he was the oldest of 16 - they HAD to hunt and fish to put food on the table, and even at that, some of the kids were "farmed out" to other relatives....
I'd rather see one taken like this, than torn up on a highway,
just my personal opinion...

magpie said...

Sounds the priest knows who the "Go-To" person is.....

Mema Jo said...

Yes, he does Margy and hubby is always
ready to help out.

I am ready to get ready to start my day!


hedgie said...

Enjoyed seeing all the pics, Shar!! The kids looks so happy!!!

hedgie said...

Fire was at Jefferson High.

Mema Jo said...

I do love purple - I have quite a selection of purple flowers but this is my favorite. ♥

hedgie said...

Oh, CarolAnne, I agree. I had to put up with it for many years in a past life. But I have no desire to see a dead one.

Hoda said...

Good Morning.

Thank you PAULA for the run off vote. You have conducted an excellent voting process and I much appreciate it.

Lynne2 said...

Good morning all!

CarolAnne, I'm with you! Respectful hunting, no waste, and please don't feed me a deer that I "know"! I can eat venison, but I couldn't bring myself to hunt unless I was truly starving! My dad was a hunter....I helped him skin his first deer when I was a wee lass!

Lynn, glad you are on the case with Kay's flight! Sorry there was a delay but glad for a safe landing!

JO, you are something else for your Priest to come to YOU for help! Glad you had such a nice visit with Jenny this morning!

Andy, glad you have so much work! I think? LOL!

oh Shirley, BAD SQUIRRELS to eat your bulbs!

Lynne2 said...

oh, my avatar is a Turgle. LOL!

magpie said...

Cool Lynne~ the Turgle...very unique

Oh, I should add, 16...what a large number of children, I know.....these were country people from the 40's and 50's -
friend is a very conscientious hunter, shares with many, and is a great naturalist as well....very respectful of the land and its critters

Time to get the outside part of the day in gear...
Hope all are doing okay in all our Eagle Corners...

xoxo (( Hugs and Prayers ♥ ))

Hoda said...

I return to the LOTUS symbol again. It is dear to my heart as it grows its root deep and rises above the mud and the darkness into the LIGHT.May we all know God's Grace and Light in our hearts.
My Gratitude for THANKSGIVING.

JudyEddy said...

Thanks for the new thread STEVE

Lori O. said...

Very nice, Hoda. I like it!

Lolly said...

Thanks, Sharon! voted!!'

Lynne2 said...

Turgles are very rare birds that only show up around Thanksgiving and are only able to be seen by certain special people.....

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I love purple!

JudyEddy said...

Well being I havn't workd a Thanksgiving I now know that we are open on Thanksgiving all day The Div 01 stores NO grocery use to be closed but now they are open because most do have a line of grocerys now Just FYI someone had asked if we were open and I thought not I was wrong

stronghunter said...

I have been out planting bulbs and eating my lunch. I don't know if you all realize it, but the live cam is up.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Shirley, my live feed isn't up??

Costume Lady said...

LOL, Shirley, you have been standing on your head too long:)

Put wire mesh or chicken wire over your bulbs before you put the dirt back over them.

JudyEddy said...

OK I was excited and went to check its isn't up ;^(

JudyEddy said...

LORI I changed it back just for YOU

JudyEddy said...

LYNN2 yours has a purple band around the hat toooo cool

paula eagleholic said...

My still cam is working, but the live feed is not back on yet.

Costume Lady said...

Came home from GG's yesterday and the house smelled like stink bugs...we haven't had any for at least a month.
Today, I am cooking turkey and washing clothes. The upstairs smells great now and downstairs smells of fabric softener. I want to go out then come back in, now, and see if the stink bug smell is gone! I have to reserve my 'steps taken' or I will give out too soon. Maybe a trip to the mailbox after laundry is done. Those steps are getting steeper and longer all the time:)

Lynne2 said...

yay, live cam is up!!!

Lynne2 said...

up but not running...?

JudyEddy said...

I headin out the door I was hoping for a afternoon delight but I guess not

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Mine is not up or running.

JudyEddy said...

I just went on and its not up are you sure I see the message the egalcam is offline for maintennacne fthe week of Nov ets

Lynne2 said...

and now it's altogether gone

JudyEddy said...

Ok I went clicked to the cam on the blog page and it still shows msssge for me Whats up are you getting the cam ??????

JudyEddy said...

Maybe they are working and some puter are picking it up That is totally odddddddddddd

paula eagleholic said...

Some people might be getting the last image stored in their computer's history. Hit F5 to refresh the page.

stronghunter said...

Whoops, you are right, Paula. I needed to refresh. Oh well. Sorry about that.

Yes, I will need to get some chicken wire for the bulbs in the containers. Also need to put them in a protected spot so they do not get too cold. Am thinking. Maybe against the house all bunched together. They need to get cold, just not too cold. I can move them in the spring.

Planted some in the ground this morning.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

The live feed is up now!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

There is a big truck there near the nest. Wonder what is up with that?

paula eagleholic said...

It most surely is! Great sound!

Lynne2 said...

thanks Paula, F5 was the ticket!

paula eagleholic said...

Sharon, the sound really carries, so hard to really say where that truck is!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Timed out at 14:54 and started right back up when I clicked play! Love when that happens.

Hoda said...

So STRANGE to see all this green at the nest while it is winter wonder land outside. It has been snowing steady since last night and I will have to head out and shovel my car to go to yoga. I hear the sanding trucks are out they follow the snow removal trucks...AHHH LIFE UP NORTH!!!

stronghunter said...

Yes, there it is.

stronghunter said...

Well, I am confused. But it is good to see the live image. But I really have to get some things done today.

stronghunter said...

Most likely, we will get the snow later on in the winter, Hoda.

Mema Jo said...

I find that the live feed is up and then down - don't think it's quite ready........ I'll keep my eyes open

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I had to hit play at 14:54 but it has been running now for 41 minutes.

Mema Jo said...

You gotta be a BETA player.... don't lose it!

I had it - but lost it

Mema Jo said...

I got it. Let's see how long I can keep it

Lori O. said...

Cool! Love that live cam!

Lolly, I'm envious of your time inside with the snow putting a puzzle together. What a dream day!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Almost an hour with no posts? Where is everybody?

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Sharon,
I just dropped in here! EEEEEEEWWWWW!
I just killed the most AWFUL, HUGE 8-legged critter in the living room!
It was ginormous! Still have the chills. It was one of those freaky Hobo Spiders that sneak in from outside sometimes. Sure glad I saw and killed it! Glad that Emma didn't see it first!

paula eagleholic said...


paula eagleholic said...

BW cams are still down...hoping they get them up soon

DanaMo said...

Gotta find some way not to pig out when I get home from school!

Good afternoon everyone!

Lori O. said...

I don't think you need to worry about gaining weight, DanaMo! Lucky girl!

paula eagleholic said...

Lori, love your purple eagle.

Nick's tug is still intact! He hasn't chewed it up yet...he's still not sure about "tug" toys...he thinks I'm taking his toy from I use it as a chase and fetch toy.

Lori O. said...

Thanks, Paula! Whatever you use the tug for is great...I'm so glad he's having fun with YOU!

DanaMo said...

The flying labs still have their tug intact too!

Yes I do Lori, I used to be about 10 lbs lighter than this!!!

DanaMo said...

Speaking of the angels, I just caught them out in the bushes and all 3 looked up with the guiltiest faces. Hummm...what are they up to?

Linda said...

Good Afternoon! Hoping I have a minute while I think Mom is quiet to send my love and prayers to all of you and to update you on what is happening here......

Did I tell you I miss you all so very much? ♥♥♥

CarolAnne said...

Everyone has been worrying & wondering how you are holding up and how your Mom is doing. Keeping you all in our prayers.

Linda said...

As for me, I am exhausted! I doubt that is going to change because I can't bring myself to leave my mother's side in this horrible state she is in. It is so heart wrenching.

She is still on the ventilator. They gave her two units of blood yesterday because her hemoglobin was 7.9 and should be between 12-14.

She is healing from the surgery and is on nutrition through a pic line since Saturday. They plan to give her some nutrition into her stomach tube either today or tomorrow.

Saturday and Sunday she was heavily sedated and not too responsive, other than opening her eyes when the pain meds were wearing off. I feel like I (or one of my family) needs to be here to be sure she gets her pain meds and her sedative does not run out. They are really good nurses, but if she suffers for 5-10 minutes it does not affect them like it does us! I try to keep track and let them know a little in advance and it helps.

Today they may have reduced the sedative just a little bit because she is more alert, has looked into my eyes and smiled numerous times. When we talk about backing her down to take her off the ventilator she starts to tear and shakes her head no.

She is so afraid and frightened. I pray if this is God's will and she is well enough, that He gives her peace to not be so anxious.

Her percentage of oxygen has gone from 60 to 50 to 45% day by day, so that is an improvement. They plan to turn the rate down on the ventilator tomorrow to see if she can take some breaths on her own.

Lori O. said...

Linda, so great that you're checking in. We miss you! Hope your Mom is doing better with you there. Prayers continue. ♥

hedgie said...

DanaMo, how was the applesauce??!!

Cool that we have live cam again....we'll see how long it lasts!

Chris just left for Frederick for her nail apptmt. And we will have Chinese for dinner when she gets back! I'll place the order when she calls to say she's 15 min. out from the 'ville!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Linda, so glad to hear from you. My thoughts and prayers will be with your mom, you and your family.

stronghunter said...

Prayers for you and your family, Linda. I think most of us have had to do what you are doing. I know I have. And I hear you when you say how hard it is.

Linda said...

The emotional and pain part is the worst. She looks into my eyes as if she is crying for help.

When I tell her she is going to get off this ventilator and be back to how she was before she nods her head no. I asked her if she wants to try and come off the ventilator and she nods no.

I have asked her if she wants to go see Jesus, she nods yes. She always says yes when I ask her if she loves me!! I try to tell her it isn't time yet and she is actually better, but she continues to nod no. It is so emotional for me. I didn't think it would be this difficult, but to see someone in tears, not able to communicate except through the tears in their eyes is so very sad.

I feel so helpless, but know she knows I am here and feels secure in that.

Have to go.....She is getting antsy again and looking for me.

Thank you for your love, your support and most importantly your prayers.

I've worked out the family problems and that seems to be working out much better!


stronghunter said...

Kathryn is bringing home dinner tonight. Hooray! I have been planting bulbs all day and I am tired.

We do need milk and bread. Perhaps I will have to make a store run. But I must shower first.

DanaMo said...

We are making the applesauce tomorrow and will eat it on Wednesday. We have a "feast" of homemade goodies before we leave on vacation. We dismiss at 12:30. We will be having applesauce, pumpkin "pie" made in a bag, homemade butter (made in a jar), cornbread (made in my electric skillet, we pour the batter into paper cups and put them in the skillet with the lid on and it bakes like an overn). Yummy

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

How about this purple avatar?

Lori O. said...

How fun, DanaMo! Wish you had been my kindergarten teacher. :) Sounds yummy.

Lori O. said...

Love it, Sharon! Any relation to Buddy?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

No but probably related to Liesl! :)

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Just lost color at the nest.

Lori O. said...

Duh on me!

Mema Jo said...

I like the 'purple pooch'!

Linda said...

The avatar I added above in my post is my Mom just 6 months ago @ Easter!

hedgie said...

Lost internet for a spell. Re-set modem and all is okay--whew!! Big wreck down the road a ways.....glad the lines aren't down!

Linda said...

Lynn - How are you feeling?? I haven't had a chance to read back yet.

What is with the purple avatars?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Your mom is beautiful Linda. ((((HUGS)))) to you all!

Mema Jo said...

Linda - prayers for you to have the Strength you need to console your mother and to keep your family strong.
Having been on a ventilator before after a surgery I can say that YES it is
very important that someone be there to reassure you when you open your eyes that someone is with you. You need to have someone talk to you - even as to what day it is and what time it is and if it is raining or not. Small talk is better then no talk. I pray God's faith will be with her. ♥

hedgie said...

Linda, so relieved tohear from you. Sorry that things aren't MORE better, but they DO sound better than before. Has your Mom had any spiritual visit? Would she be open to that? A minister may be able to make her feel less afraid. I know that I missed a lot...and have tried to play catch-up, but I have NOT found your post about the surgery. What did they do and what did they find?? What were they looking for?
Prayers continue for you all. Surely hope they can start to wean her off the vent ASAP.

hedgie said...

DanaMo---I am assuming that the paper cups you use for baking cornbread in the skillet are NOT waxed, right???!!!!

hedgie said...

Linda,I'm doing as well as can be expected, I guess. Sore! Moving slowly! Bound up, too!!!!

Hoda said...

I am back from a wonderful winter day outside. It is just like January out there and the yoga practice was about heart energy and how it is important to direct love, generosity and kindness towards ourselves so we can direct them towards others....we love others in the measure that we love ourselves and so on...

Candles were lit and I know gratitude.

I found Yorkshire Tea at the small health food store today so I bought some...

LYNN LINDA's MOM had an infection and they had to go through all of her intestinal track to rule out that there is feces leaking out through holes...she is not breathing well on her own an they had put a ventilator...Such a complex situation...
LINDA prayers and thank you for checking in.

I will go make a cup of tea...I almost bought a rum/brandy Christmas Fruit Cake from England and decided it is too early yet...I will wait till after your THANKSGIVING is over.

CHINESE food sounds YUMMY for tonight LYNN I like how you wrote you will wait for a phone call from Christie when she is 15 minutes out of the elegant a phraseology...

Mema Jo said...

So you are going to eat Chinese! Sounds
good - will Shannon come over to visit this evening with Christie being there?
I am going to eat some Pizza - at
Uno's. Really ugly out - need my rain jacket and where did Shirley
put those Boots!


Lynne2 said...

Hi Linda, so glad you got a chance to check in with us. I'm so sorry for how hard this is on you, in so many ways...and I pray that God will give you the strength (and he will) to deal with it all!

Thank you so much taking the time to check in with us!

The purple avatars...November is Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month. This past Sunday was "purple light night for awareness" and we changed our avatars for the weekend in support of it.

Lynne2 said...

Safe travels's REALLY ugly out there tonight.

Hoda, sounds like a wonderful Yoga class today! Kindness.....

DanaMo, you are quite the Kitchen Whiz, aren't you?!

JudyEddy said...

YEAH live is up Is it raining there I hear tink tink like rain

As I was leaving I saw another baby aliagtor in the retention pond not the same one alot smaller I took a 16 sec video dusk out but can see his head

paula eagleholic said...

Linda, keep talking to your Mom and let her know what good progress she is making! And she steps, but steps nonetheless. And someone does need to be there for her and be her advocate...but you need to let her know that things ARE getting better...and that she will get better.

JudyEddy said...

wow no evening visit I am surprised

JudyEddy said...

LINDA so glad you checked and and letting us know the progress of your mom I know that this has to be so hard on all of you Just know we are all pulling for you and your family and you are in our prayers and thoughts Love ya

JudyEddy said...

Well I can see that the work had nothing to do with seeing at night ;^(

JudyEddy said...

SHARON I chuckled at your pouch Cute We are all almost purple just a few peeps to convert LOL Ok I am going to find food since I seem to have run everyone off again I seem to be getting real good at that I show up and everyone disappears LOL

hedgie said...

Hoda, glad you had such a nice day.

Not sure what is special about my phraseology!!!!

Jo, no--Shannon is at work in Fairfax---he won't get off til 7AM. Enjoy your Uno's---I've never been to one of those.

I am having General Tso's Chicken and Chris is having Sesame Chicken. I am getting very hungry---and she hasn't called yet......

hedgie said...

Hoda, so sorry that things have deteriorated further in Egypt. :(

hedgie said...

JudyE----I just KNEW the light would NOT be working......

hedgie said...

Hoda, I remembered something about an air pocket in Linda's Mom's abdomen....did they not find any thing like that when they operated? And was the bowel negative for leaks??

JudyEddy said...

Hey we can see the branches LOL Glo has the prettiest purple picture on facebook it is trees I told her about our theme maybe she'll think to bring it over

DanaMo said...

Lynn-the cups are waxed, that's how the recipe I found years ago said you were supposed to do it. They also have to have a rim on the bottom. No water in the skillet or anything. Just cover it and cook 20 minutes.

JudyEddy said...

Still haven't ate For those of you on facebook You need to go over and vote on one of Glo eagle pictures she is submitting I will bring over to the blog for her so you all to see I also brought the purple tree she had on facebook also If you want to vote I can submit for the ones not on FB OK

GLO eagle pictures she needs help choosing

stronghunter said...

General Tso's Chicken and Sesame Chicken--

Two of our favorites.

When we order Chinese, usually everyone picks a dish and then we put it all out and everyone takes a bit of this and a bit of that.

We had KFC tonight, although with Kathryn and Hunter, it is usually the grilled chicken. Personally, I like the crispy fried stuff.

stronghunter said...

The boots are right here, Jo. You are welcome to use them!

Hoda said...

Yes LYNN they found nothing in terms of leaks in LINDA'S MOM'S abdomen. They went through it all and the surgeion was pleased so was the family.

Thank you for your writing about Egypt. I too am very sorry and I try to not add my nervous energy to the mi. I pray and I am realisitic that it iwll get worst before it gets better. The election process will run through the month of January and temperaments run high over there. I talk to Samia sometimes daily and we are both aware that there is nothing either one of us can do...just hope for the best.

When I was driving in the snow today and when I walked in the snow today I had this overwhelming sense of gratitude for the simple things in my life and how blessed and fortunate I indeed am...there is much to worry about and there is much to be grateful for I spend my time with the grateful for... You all in my life is a definite plus and when I feel it s too much form me I know I can tell you about it and you will hear me...{{{{{♥♥♥♥♥♥♥}}}}}

Mema Jo said...

Traveling is slow and safe! Really messy out there and you need to take your time. I love Sesame chicken -
Don't go into the kitchen and fix anymore goulash TONIGHT!

Hoda said...

I just got an email, from the British Columbia Memeber in the Legislative Assembly, she wants to come to CFUW Christmas gayhering in two weeks...she is a young woman, in her early thirties, who joined politics because she wants to make a difference. I am glad she will attend.

Mema Jo said...

Hoda, that is very gratifying to receive the communication from someone
who is interested in the CFUW. She will
be able to add to your group as well as
you will enlighten her with information.

I'm very Proud on you! ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley, I like that roasted chicken at KFC...yummm

My favorite Chinese is hot and sour soup...and shrimp in hot garlic sauce....

Hoda, I see you have had snow twice that early for where you are?

Mema Jo said...

Lynn, I hope you are chowing down now!

Brother-in-law called and reminded us
to look for Jersey #75 - Lennox - on the Cowboy's side. That was his b-day gift and he is so excited to get there.

JudyEddy said...

For those of you that saw Glo pic on facebook make sure you enlarge the picture and put your comments on that page not the one I posted don't know why they don't show under the picture when you comment on a shared pic So please enlarge pic and recomment thanks

JudyEddy said...

Well I hearding for some TV time


Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am ☼
God Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."


DanaMo said...

If anyone else wanted the recipe for the Italian cookies let me know. I just emailed the recipe to DanaWV

Hoda said...

PAULA it is the time of year for the snow...the drop in temperature and the amounts of snow falling is irregular for this time of year for this area. Actually in most places where I talk to people in the Western part of Canada the temperature drop is extreme for this time of the year, more like January weather. In Edmonton, Alberta over the weekend they went down to -26 degrees...what will January bring I wonder???

hedgie said...

Christie brought in the mail along with the food. WOW---another STACK of lovely cards, mostly from all of you!!! AND a great Cooley/Skins T-shirt.....with a lovely card showing our Belle and Cooley----it just says from Eaglet all I can say is THANK YOU BUNCHES and BUNCHES to one and all!!!!
I love you!!!!!

DanaMo said...

We love you too Lynn!

Hoda said...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I received a lovely package with 4 tugs in it for my four 4-legged children! Lori, you are too much! Thanks so much. Hairy had to try out a couple before he picked his and Buphals wants them all! Mopsy is not interested and Scooby likes to carry stuff around just to bug Buphals and Hairy. :)

JudyEddy said...

DanaMo If you don't mind can you send the the cookie recipe Thanks in advance

Hoda said...

LORI has been doing without her own SUV for three weeks now!!! SHe posted earlier about getting her car she hoped. It seems like a long time for repairs so I hope the body shop did a good job. Thinking of you LORI and very touched that witheverything going on you continue to think of others and to spread your many gifts looking after the four legged friends.

Mema Jo said...

Coming home from Uno's this evening I dared turned on 97.1 and I heard a
Christmas song. I am anxious to
decorate. Just ordered my cards today and I'll be running down to the wire to get them out to show others I am thinking about them.

I pray DanaWV is helping her Mom & that all is well.

Hubby said tonight that we need to start getting the word out to the children that we deeply prefer No gifts for Christmas. A good time to do that is when we are all together at Thanksgiving.

Mema Jo said...

Going to watch 1 TV show


Hoda said...

I would like to know how WVDANA is doing and what she observed about her MOTHER'S health. Thinking of you WVDANA.

stronghunter said...

I have to say good night.

Rest well, my friends. Take care.

I will see you tomorrow.

stronghunter said...

Hoping that all is well with DanaWV and her mother.

Lynne2 said...

Good night and prayers for all!

JudyEddy said...

You got to read this was just on news Injecting people with tire sealant and cements Black Market plastic surgery sort of they are calling it

Flutial-augmentation-Warning in Fl

Heading to bed and wanted to post before I forgot Night

JudyEddy said...

glutial-augmentation-warnings- NOT Flutial

hedgie said...

Oh, my, Judy---people are stupid!!

Christie has gone up to bed....and I am going to try to LAY DOWN for real and see how it goes!! Wish me luck.
I may very well be back later!!! But can't keep eyes open at present!!

Thanks again for all of the wonderful greetings, hugs and gifties!!!!! Prayers for all....and peaceful rest.

magpie said...

Good Night in Advance....and Hello for now...

I have some backtracking to do, but thought I would pass this along:

the "forever" Liberty Bell stamps are being phased out, to be replaced by the "forever" Flag and Statue of Liberty Bell stamps.

Just to try to continue Hedgie's "Did You Know" series....

xo ♥

magpie said...

Hope you Lie Down and Stay
"Lied Down," Lynn...
Sleep Sweet Wishes
xox sorry I missed you !

Mema Jo said...

Praying for you, Lynn to have a very restful comfortable night of rest.

Hi Margy -

Going to get bedclothes on and finish
out the news....


magpie said...

I've been steadily adding to my Christmas Card collection at my favorite store: Goodwill, and these are NOT "Vintage Yellow."
Also had to get stamps out of the automatic machine last night, only choice was Christmas stamps...but I did not want to use them for Thanksgiving cards....but I had to, for a few...

The Christmas stamps for this year are lovely

magpie said...

Very touching and powerful posts from Linda regarding her Mother, what a blessing that Daughter can be there for Mother....
Prayers for peace and recovery, Linda xo ♥
Thank you for taking the time, to keep us informed about what is going on

magpie said...

Hoping that Kay is basking in the glow of Family in New Jersey now

magpie said...

I hope Lynn is wearing that Cooley shirt to Bed !!

magpie said...

Meant to post earlier before this, that when I visited Lori,
I saw that barn where the Black Vultures were born and raised in....
it is adorable, it is small, and Lori says it is dilapidated, but it sure was neat to put reality to imagination

Also: FloBear can do a mean imitation of a Moose Call, it was too funny, Lori knew it was coming, and told me it was about to happen, and Moose-like it was !

magpie said...

Wish I could stay home Tuesday, but back to work time it will be...
at least, I will get to work with Jewels!

Great post earlier, Hoda, about your Yoga class earlier today....

So, maybe time to say Good Night Now....
had a great afternoon and evening with James, we went to Cacapon State he wants to plan his birthday party there NEXT YEAR, get a few rooms for all the close family, and live it up.
Not enough time to plan for it this year...but something to dream for next year.
It is a beautiful facility and was all lit up with Christmas lights.

Prayers for Wellness in all our Eagle Corners...for all our people and pets

God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One

xox ♥

Mema Jo said...

News was repeated from earlier -
Don't want to do a face plant--
Praying for all of us to remember all
the blessings we have received during our lives.
Praying for all of our needs - especially the need for healing.

Good Night Friends
Hugs to all ♥♥♥♥♥♥

Costume Lady said...

I can feel a face-plant coming on. Must close quickly.


Hoda said...

I was asked to write an article about The African Dinner held by Grans to Grans. I wrote the first two drafts today and I will finalise it for approval by Stephen Lewis Foundation in Ottawa before I submit it to the local papers.

Good night, God Bless.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Dropping in quickly to say hello. I had Miss Emma sleeping very soundly in my lap after dinner, and didn't have the heart to disturb her!

Linda, so very glad to hear from you! We have been concerned about you and your Mom and family. My heart goes out to you for what you are going through with your Mom. I wish (as I'm sure you do) that she were off the ventilator so she could talk with you about how she feels, and what her wishes are. I'm glad you're there to be her advocate, and it makes me happy that your being there makes her feel secure. Heavy-duty prayers for her, for you, and for your whole family. Glad the family problems have been worked out.

Lynn, prayers that you will get a comfy night's sleep. Love you!

Margy, glad you had such a nice visit with Lori, and got to hear FloBear--what a crack-up! Your time together with James sounds heavenly! Prayers for your work week.

Well, gotta get back to work. Have much to accomplish tomorrow as far as shopping for last-minute grosseries for Thanksgiving, so working late tonight. Turns out we are going out to breakfast with Sis-in-law, Bro-in-law, and our Nephew and his 2 kids on Thanksgiving.

Ms Bookworm said...

Prayers have been said for everyone, and for every creature, both great and small. I'm making sure the porch light is on. Enabling both security systems. Sleep tight, everyone. God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]

Lori O. said...

Good Tuesday morning! It's my Friday and I'm so excited I won't have to drive home from work in that traffic tomorrow.

Did I tell you I put up the Christmas tree in my bedroom over the weekend? Not much room, so I hung it upside down from the ceiling!!!I don't like it so I'm going to try flipping it right-side-up and see if there's enough room on the dresser. I've loved looking at the lights on a tree since I was a kid.
I'll put up the taller, skinny, living room tree on Friday!!!

Linda, I absolutely know that feeling of someone helplessly looking in your eyes, and nervously looking for you when you step out of sight for a moment. I'm so glad you are there for your Mother. You have become her life-line. Prayers for you and your family, and that her fears will ease about the ventilator.
(((BIG HUG))).
To use Sharon's line, we will love you through it.

Wish I was in CO, working on a big puzzle with Lolly, all snuggly inside with the snow all around! Heaven! Lucky Lolly!

Can't wait to go over and look at Glo's pictures. I love helping her choose. Miss that on here.

Hope we hear from Kay today! ♥

Lynn, how was it sleeping flat? I hope you weren't in any pain. Do you think you're healing quickly? Prayers that you do!

Margy, I forgot FloBear did his moose noises for you. He's so funny. :)

Hoda said...

I came back to check if LYNN got up again, you said you would come back to the blog if you did and I thought I would be here if you wanted to chat with someone.
I agree with LORI I hope you are sleeping soundly and that there is no pain because you are flat on your back.

LORI safe joureney. Are you now with your own SUV? Are you pleased with the job they did?

Hoda said...

Have a GREAT day LORI. I hope LYNN sleeps through the night.

I will go give my bed another go...

Good night and God Bless

Lori O. said...

Thank you, Hoda. Wishing you a wonderful day, too!
I'm still driving the rental...won't get car back until Friday at the earliest.

DanaMo said...

good morning!

Lori O. said...

Good Morning, DanaMo!

Did you pig out when you got home yesterday? :)

DanaMo said...

Yup I did! Bad news!

Lori O. said...

The nest is finally lightening up a little.

Lori O. said...

Shirley, I don't know if I missed it or not, but what kind of bulbs are you planting?

DanaMo said...

Live cam is up

DanaMo said...

Keep watch Lori, I'm heading for the shower!

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals...☼

I'm putting that little Sunshine character on here....just to pretend...☺
not sure when the sun is expected out again hereabouts...
but at least the temperatures are moderate
But, daylight approaches that nest !

Lori O. said...

Good Morning, Margy!

magpie said...

soggy nest by now I would say....

Read something in Our Daily Bread this morning...

"Feeling gratitude without expressing it, is like wrapping a present without giving it."

Don't want to be like that, so
Thank You, Eagle Pals...for your Friendship, Each and Every Day
xoxo ♥

magpie said...

Good Morning Morning GLori
small dilemma, if I tune in to the radio station here at the computer, I won't hear much from the nest...
will you forgive me ?☺
This is a TOUGH CHOICE for me...
but, I d DO have that 10-minute ride to work ☺

magpie said...

I've seen an upside down tree ( at the hairdressers) and it was really neat!

magpie said...

These purple colors on our avatars, serve another purpose....a very calming effect

magpie said...

All this rain sure is bringing a lot of earthworms out

magpie said...

silly thought:
if we had "odometers" on our washers and dryers....wonder how many hundreds of thousands of miles would be recorded...

magpie said...

I hear crows at the nest, and just had to refresh at 14:40...
nice to have the life feed back !

magpie said...

Therefore, am very grateful for how quick "ASAP" occurred, as Steve mentioned in his post with the new thread Monday ☺

Thanks Steve !

Lori O. said...

Being a fellow gardener, I rescue my worms from puddles Margy! Amazing what they can do with some dirt!

magpie said...

Yes, Lori, I have returned quite a few to the mud and grass here of late....they like to crawl up on the cement patio....

" Bless All Creatures Large and Small "

(not sure that applies to Stink Bugs though...sorry )

magpie said...

Sure hoping to hear that Lynn slept through the night, and Liesl too...
maybe Lynn had dreams of Chris Cooley ☺

magpie said...

And/Or Tom Sweetie ♥

magpie said...

SPLIT not too many posts from now...maybe 5 or 6

Don't Get Lost, Pals !

Lori O. said...

Thanks for the SPLIT heads up, Margy. I could have been sitting her forever. :)

Lori O. said...

Could have? Make that WOULD have!

magpie said...

I could keep magpie-ing away until we get there...

Small Reminder:
If you'uns like the Liberty Bell forever stamps....might want to grab them up, they are being "retired" soon....

magpie said...

I like your good night post...
(and I quote)

"Praying for all of us to remember all
the blessings we have received during our lives"

Yes, there are so very many blessings that I have received

Thank you....♥

magpie said...

Right now, I must be grateful that I have a good job, clocks and lights that work, clothes to wear, food to eat, and Great Pals and the Great Friendships we have here on this ol' Blog , and a Wonderful Family....for starters....

SPLIT ! or is it ??

JudyEddy said...

G☼☼D M☼orning Eagl Buds

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 703   Newer› Newest»

3/10/25 PM CAM .12am to 12pm

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