WANDA, Egyptian jails are not the nicest places you can imagine. The boys will be shocked by the environment.Everyone else around them was throwing rocks too...they got them because they were obviously foreigners. I hear the US Embassy will be able to go see them tomorrow...
It's Tomorrow....Eastern Standard Time, that is.....
thinking of Movin's Jim's post earlier Tuesday... sure praying and hoping that his vision improves, Pronto!! (( Hugs ♥ )) Jim... glad there are some alternative transportation options for you there
Prayers for Wellness Amongst us, and all our Family, Friends, and Pets....
"See You in the Morning"
God Bless This Nest, and God Bless Us, Every One xoxo ♥
Boy, have I been busy! Managed to get all the grossery shopping done for Thanksgiving, so I shouldn't have to go anywhere tomorrow. I can concentrate on getting my work done for the doctor's office, and hopefully get a couple of side dishes made in advance for Thursday. Will now attempt to comment, though I'm not completely caught up here.
Jim, hope that you'll be able to arrange eye surgery soon, but glad that you've found a bus service to get you there and back meanwhile.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Jo's granddaughter, Christine!!!
Sandi, welcome to the blog! Hope to see you here often. My name is Andrea, but most people call me Andy. :o]
Hoda, you've written a wonderful letter! I think you could be a professional writer!...Oh, my! Hadn't heard about the American students who got arrested in Cairo, Egypt! Yes, for sure, prayers for them and their families and friends! Praying for your family's safety, too!
Lynne2, good to hear from you tonight. Sure hope tomorrow brings a happier work day for you!
WV Dana, prayers continue for you and your Mom. Would like for you both to be pain free!
Prayers for Linda, her Mom, and her whole family, too.
Shirley, thanks for turning on the night light!
Good to know that Judie is OK, just super busy. Miss her!
Lolly, good to hear your report of a really spectacular day! Enjoy!
Lynn, hope you are snoozing soundly right now. Promise you'll be very, very careful--don't want you busting an incision picking Liesl up! Glad you're doing well! Love you!!! (((HUGS)))!!!
Well, going to call it a night. I'm about ready to do a face plant! Tomorrow is another day.
Prayers have been said for everyone, and for every creature.
Making sure the porch light is on. Enabling both security systems. Sleep well and soundly, everyone! God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you! :o]
Sorry if that was unclear. Monte and Aric are both home, it was raining awful last night when they arrived at 1 am . Felt bad that he had to drive 7 hours in that! Monte picked Aric up in Dayton.
Good Morning DanaMo so glad Aric and Monte are both home now.
Hoping Wanda can get up early before her Sweetheart Gene comes home. So she can fix her hair. That is what happen to me on Monday got caught in the rain taking Mothers groceries in. Although I didn't need to get all fixed up for my Sweetheart ^J^
Changed my avatar since Thanksgiving is almost upon us.
Jim I am sorry to hear about your vision for both eyes. Sounds like you will be having catract surgery. So happy there is other transportation since you can't drive. God Bless You Dadster!!!
That was my delete was trying to do a tiny link for a windows media player. Don't know how to do it. So I'll send to those that did not get it through email.
Lolly and I voth have visited here in Colorado....maybe we need to get there at a different time of the year like a certain MONTH watch this video 2 minutes 17 seconds
Morning Early Birders, Just a quick stop to wish everyone, no matter where they are or who they're with,to have a safe & happy Thanksgiving.
Wishing the best it can be to all.
When I get back here (??) will have to find out how Hoda posted her letter on her blog. I've learned how to get pics on there, tried to post a recipe there & no luck. Maybe its the format???
Have a great day everyone!! As for me I am thankful to have found the wonderful people on this blog who have so graciously welcomed me amongst you!
Wonderful, DanaMo, Aric is home...nothing like family times during the holidays, family, friends and pets that is. Glad you have sound....we are due to get winds today, sure everyone with sound will hear that!
Google has a nice Thanksgiving graphic on today....
Good morning, all - I def. have sound at the nest! Thanks again for the suggestions! Thanks also for the pics of some of you - nice to be able to put faces with screen names, even tho there are so many of you I still don't know who's who. Only a 2-day week for me so I'm relaxing this AM. And yet I'm up. The dogs don't "get" the word weekend - their stomachs wake them @ 6am every day! This blog is really addictive, which is why I have always just lurked and not posted! =)
So happy to have you aboard and not lurking anymore.
It is special to have you with us.
Paula and Jo can tell you more if you haven't joined the group. On how to do that. If you have joined the group. There are alburm with pictures at EAGLET_MOMSTERS Even albums that has the nest visits with pictures of who was there. Plus the dinners and who was there. You use the same as what you enter ID and pass to come in here. I believe I am right about that Sandi
No, not dressing as a pilgrim. But I do have my turkey shoes on.
I ended up using Gala apples.
Lucky you Sandi, we have a half day today! My dogs have no clue either.
It is a great bunch of momsters and dadsters I love being here and having friends to "talk" to every morning. I could never just lurk, I have too much to say! LOL! I really enjoy the company.
Even with the pictures I had a hard time keeping everyone straight. It helped when I got to meet a group of bloggers at NCTC last month. I look forward to going to open house in April and the Walk for the birds.
Hi gang! I posted 3 times earlier and all disappeared so I said I was giving up and going into lurk mode... so I'm here, just can't post. Guess my discovery of supposed problem really wasn't it. URGH! Lurking.
I don't hear rain hitting the camera so I'm guessing WV is drying out? It is POURING here in Bethany. Tide is up to the piers on the canal in front of the house. I would love directions from someone to get to the nest. Our son will be home for Christmas and we may go with them to visit their animals at P.I.G.S. so it would be a short drive to NCTC.
Well, Lori, I do hope you got your Christmas tree in the bedroom done! Bummer about the disappearing posts....kind of like the Shrinking Trousers...what's up with that !!
I hear some little birdie chirps from the cam...
DanaMo, enjoy being a Pilgrim today, make sure someone gets pictures !
Time for me to disappear, I'll "see" you during the day from work...
Best Wishes for a Good, Safe, Healthy and Joyful Day, Everyone
We have another cold front on the way a 40° chance of rain tofsy but dryer after it comes through 81° today is the high the lo tonight in the upper 50° high tomorrow 76° our high for Mon will be 68° ok I now it not a real cold front like you all get but its coming from you all LOL
I enjoy the traditional Christmas songs sung...I don't enjoy the hip hop they have put into the Christmas music. Takes away from the awesome feeling Christmas music gives me. Like what you put up too.
ok Live cam back just brought all windows down and back up that was oddddddddd I had hit refresh when the cam stopped and that is when it went nuts but I amback
It must be raining at the nest. I finally found a place to see water dripping. Off the end of a stick at around 7 o'clock. I am about to do a faceplant lol
I am making 12 o'clock the white tree limb across from us and 6 o'clock around where on the bottom it has Live EagleCam 6 o'clock is about the a in "cam".
Thelma, I have a 14-year old Jack Russell named Bandit and a 7-year old red short haired mini dachshund named Bella. They are spoiled rotten, as they should be. Since our sons are grown, the dogs are our children and are treated as such.
I think Sandi may have done a faceplant into her computer if she is not use to getting up this early Thelma.
Just like me I am having a terrible time staying awake. Can't wait until I can have my hot honey and cinnamon. Should be much longer. Need to take blood reading first.
Awwww Sandi there you are ....answering Thelma's question about your dogs. They sound so neat. You'll have to put pics of them on your blog. So we can see them.
wvgal_dana, I am always up early. I was really hoping to see the eagles on my morning off but I've gotta run - tennis @ 9am. Will check in later. Have a great morning !
Hi, Everyone, Just had to drop in for a moment to say good morning! Working like a madwoman this a.m., trying to finish the work the Dr. sent me. Really gotta crank out those reports! Also have cranberry sauce, make-ahead mashed potatoes, and creamed corn to make--not to mention preparing and assembling the stuffing! Will be in lurk mode as much as I can be. Miss Emma says "Woof!" (That's puppy talk for "Howdy!" Hope everyone has a safe and happy Thanksgiving Eve today! :o]
Bye Sandi so glad you are coming in and commenting. We love having you. Have fun at Tennis. Sandi Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow
Morning Andy (: Sounds like you have a lot on your schedule for today. With getting all that typing ready for doctor. Then starting your preparations for Thanksgiving. So glad you stopped in. Tell Emma woof woof woof and woff woff woff woof=tell Emma Happy Thanksgiving Tomorrow and don't eat too much.Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow Andy
Good morning all! The SUN is SHINING!!!!! High wind warnings in effect until tonight. As hard as it rained last night, guess we'll end up with toppled trees and power lines AGAIN in these parts.
Thelma, I love most all Christmas music, but do have some old favs. Of course, Bing Crosby's album, Sandi Patti's, Dolly and Kenny, and all the old choirs (Mormon Tabernacle, etc.).
Sandi, give me your email address (by clicking on mine link on my profile) and I'll send you directions!! So great that the kids are getting home for some R&R!!
Oh Wanda so happy you got to see that video. As soon as I seen it I said that is for our Wanda.
The other video is so neat about the live moose...you can even hear them...watching them with people around is so funny. Both Lolly and myself have visited that area. It wasn't for me at the right time of year but would love to go out there again during that time to see them in the town like that.
I am thankful for the friends on here and in the group...even though someone and I might have had a disagreement...I pray they will forgive me and still be my friend .... I am thankful for the friendship and Hugs and Love from each one I have met and those I have not met. And my health and my relationship with God. Clothes, food, a roof over my head and especially my Mother and my sweet daughter.
Yep Lynn I knew because she said son has pig or pigs there. I knew she just needed directions from there to NCTC but if no one can get to Sandi. Then P.I.G.S. probably can tell her how to get to NCTC. She will just need to go past the entrance to the curve in the road.
Yes if we know when she is coming maybe one of us could meet her and show her where the turn and where to see the nest from.
Oh Wanda this is starting to sound like a nest visit in the curve of the road and then Lunch. Sandi will get to meet some of us; You, Lynn, Me and whoever else can come..and we'll get to see LYNN (:♥
Lynn can stay in vehicle. I can walk Sandi and them down to the wall. Where it is best to see Eagles from. Then a lunch would be nice somewhere all togeher. That way Lynn won't get to tired. Maybe Margy, or Chrisitie or Carolyn can even come. Jo might be able to slip over the mountain. Depending on what day Sandi would be coming up..Paula, Megan there are others?
(Something else I am thankful for . . . Hunter is playing his X-Box in the family room, but he cannot get the sound to work. He says that he doesn't mind and I am probably just as happy that there is no sound. Yep.)
The sun is shining, here in Nestville and is 57°...not real windy...might look for an afternoon visit from Belle & Lover-boy wannabe:)
Capt. Gene just called and is on his way home. Still get excited to hear his voice after 52 years;) Only 2 deer was taken, one by Dan and Dickie, both Deputy Sheriff's from Martinsburg. We didn't need one, our freezer is jam packed full and we do have some deer burger and steaks. Just hoping to get a favorite recipe for preparing venison by CAROLANNE. She sounds experienced in that field!
Dana, I won't be around this weekend...going to the beach for the next 2 weekends, then I close it up for the winter on Dec 5th, so that will be a 3 day weekend :)
Good Morning Everyone! Rain may have gone away - sun was up and shinning brightly. Good to see everyone here on this Thanksgiving Eve - I am just getting my second cup of java
Good Morning ! Caught up with blog and enjoyed hearing about T'Day plans ! This morning we're doing the prep work for tomorrows feast. This afternoon, off to the BIg Apple and the 9/11 Memorial.
SANDI, since you've followed us for a while you know how pleased we are when someone emerges from LM ! I add my welcome to the rest !
LYNN, the link works fine. I just can't figure out how to have two screens up at once on this puter. Will ask Beth when she has a moment.
So long for today---if I don't get back til' Friday, I do wish each and every one of you a joyful holiday !!!!
Any of you remember that Thanksgiving day was Butchering Day at the farm???? Oh my - what memories... I guess the PIGS video got me thinking of that... They have all different animals there that they are caring and loving for! Bless their works ♥
lol Shirley that is funny and yes that is a kid for you ...sound is not working so ok I'll make my own sound effects lol...You just got to love Hunter lol. Nice that Susan is taking him out for his upcoming Birthday so it is Nov. 28th will be 11 years old. Wow do kids grow up fast. Seems like at the Dam visit we did. He and Margy crawling through the rocks. He looked so young then.
Shirley so happy about the news for the holter test.GOOD!!!!
WANDA did you get your hair washed---------YOUR SWEETHEART IS ON HIS WAY!!!!!xxxxooooxxooo♥♥ I know you will be so happy to see him. Glad he will be safely home soon.
Ok if I can remember you all help me. Paula going to Paula's Paradise this weekend and next weekend.
Good morning all. It is almost Thanksgiving and I like SHIRLEY am grateful for many things. My Freedom, My health, My families and my friendships.
YEAY SHIRLEY for news of the test results. good on you and pleased for you.
While I agree that I hope LYNN is not out of commission for long I also want her to be very cautious to not over do it and I wonder about a trip to the nest in December. I will trust your sense of what is right for you to do LYNN...
Welcome SANDI. Good to see you on here after years of lurking mode.
I will go get my tea.
I would like to hear from JIM and what will happen with his eye surgery. Good about the transportation issue is available where he lives.
Back from tennis. Thanks to all who have offered to meet me in WV and take me to the nest = what a wonderful, welcoming group of folks! =) Went onto the nest site - no eagles but I def. have sound - BOY, is it windy! Guess that's what's headed my way - right now, it has stopped raining, the sun is coming out, and it's in the 60s. Off to the shower and then I have a nail appt. @ 1. BBL.
Kay it is so good that you popped in before Thanksgiving. Sounds like you as well are preparing some of the food today for your Thanksgiving Meal tomorrow. You will have a special time today in New York...might be a little heartfelt and sad at the 9/11 memorial but you already know that. Prayers for travel safety to and back home.
Hoda HAPPY THANKSGIVING DAY (((hugs))). You I believe will be feasting before we will because of the time difference. May God Bless Your meal and Bless you too. May HE also Bless your family.
BTW, P.I.G.S will never turn away an animal, though Melissa doesn't really advertise that. The last time I was there, they had donkeys, horses, farm pigs, potbellied pigs, dogs, cats, goats. Melissa said she has been amazed at the animals people have left abandoned at the gate. She is a wonderful lady and it means so much to my son and daughter-in-law to have someone so loving taking care of their 2 animals. Brian (my son) is a little concerned that Posey has gained so much weight that she will no longer fit in her custom-made pig house at their farm - she is being well fed. If you go to the P.I.G.S. site, I think Melissa has posted pictures of my granddonkey and grandpig! =) Later.
WVDANA, time wise I am three hours behind you in the Pacific Time zone...so you all will feast before me...I would have been ahead had I been living in Egypt, then it would be nine hours ahead...but I am in Canada and grateful to be here.HUGS
Good morning all - so good to hear of those getting good medical news, or family getting home or even plans for a possible nest visit. Way To Go!
Had not planned on being here this morning, thought I would be on the road by now headed to our cottage paradise. But as many know plans change by the minute sometimes.
Less than an hour on the road,total 3 hr trip one way, Bubby's vehicle blew a front wheel bearing & somehow damaged front brake. So for now he is there and I am here. Awaiting call as to how we're going to proceed in this Thanksgiving adventure.
Canadian Thanksgiving was the 10th of October...Since I am an honorary US citizen;^) I will join in your celebration of Thanksgiving tomorrow at around 2:30 PM PST my time...I will prepare a special meal and say a special prayer of gratitude...That will be 5:30 PM EST where you are...have I confused every body completely???LOL!!!HAPPY THANKSGIVING...
OH CAROLANNE I am so glad you call it a THANKSGIVING ADVENTURE...Such a great attitude. I am sorry about the car difficulties and grateful your hubby is OKeven though he is stuck onthe road somewhere between the cottage and your home...I wish him safe travels after it is fixed and I hope he stays warm. Keep us posted.
Thanks Hoda, I figure life is just one great or sometimes not so great adventure. Do what you can for things you can control, the rest of the time just roll with the punches and see where it leads you.
Shirley, don't do anymore than you feel up to. SO glad the tests are all coming back fine!! Hurray about no SOUND on the game box! Shannon got heavy-duty earphones, so now Christie doesn't have to listen to it anymore-----but now he hears NOTHING else, either. He's an addict----and it makes her SO angry.
Wanda, thanks!!! Sounds like a good plan if you truly don't mind coming way out here!!!
Chris and I made my dressing/stuffing this morning. All ready to pop in the oven in the AM. Shannon's mother---and Shannon---like mine much better than their family recipe, so she always asks me to bring some!! I've now decided that I want a Pumpkin Pie----MINE!!!! I will acquiesce to a Pillsbury crust, so Chris will get one on her way to work, and I'll mix up the filling and we can bake it tonight!!!
Hi, Everyone, Dropping in quickly again to say hello.
Shirley, I'm grateful, too, for the freedom we have here in the good ole U.S.A. Also, mighty grateful to hear that your "ticker" is working like a Timex watch! Good news! LOL about your report on Hunter and the X-Box! :oD
Mema Jo, I'm just starting on my second big mug of high octane Java! Can't let myself run out of energy now!
CarolAnne, sorry to hear of Bubby's car problem! Prayers for a speedy fix!
Glad to see that Kay was here. If you're lurking, Kay, Happy Thanksgiving Day to you & yours!
My dear Lynn...I ABSOLUTELY do mean what I offered! I think that by the time Sandi decides to visit, YOU will be chomping at the bit and will want to get-out-and-go! Will take good care of you♥
Kay, have a great day---don't wear yourself out!!!
Jo, I DO remember that at ex'es uncle's farm, TG was butchering day---and actually the whole weekend! Have done my stint at washing out puddin' and pan haas containers, and stirring both in the kettle on the open fire........along with chittlin's, too. NOT fond memories----stinky, and I didn't like any of it!!!! All I ever wanted were ribs and loins!!!
CarolAnne can you rent a car and hopefully he is someplace where he can get inside. Or stay inside vehicle until you get there. Rental places will come after you. That is an idea. Another is do you have Triple A? That would get him towed somewhere and he could do a rental and come get you. Just a few ideas.I am so very sorry you alls plans have been messed up. Very HAPPY though that Buddy is ok.
Thanks all for Bubby/vehicle well wishes. He has called to say he reached my son who was out hunting & he came w/flatbed trailer to haul him to his house. Have dismantled wheel hub & believe they can fix it. They are on way to a nearby town to get parts, then back to son's to try & fix. Awaiting next phone call as to success of that plan.
And the good of this . . . . deer are safe from them for today! lol
WVDana, thanks for the suggestions. The simplest would have been for me to make the 2 hr drive to get him & then go for parts. BUT I am unable to do highway driving. Have vision in only one eye & that is compromised by macular pucker. But I believe the guys have it under control.
CarolAnne glad the deer are safe lol Great Buddy got ahold of son and he had the flat trailer. Now the guys are fixing it. So there is still a pick up for you coming.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I posted a much longer comment BUT Blogger continues to drive me nuts. Will try one more time to post this short version. Love and prayers for all.
Good to see you here GLO. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.
I am off to yoga. It is a gum boots and ice grippers type of day for foot wear...do you call them gum boots in the US??? I am not sure, rubber boots as it is wet and sloshy and ice underneath...Good heaven I checked the weather and it says RAIN FALL WARNING IN EFFECT and the temperature is supposed to go up to 50 degrees!!! No ice grippers for sure. I will take them with me in my day pack incase I need them...Trekking poles for sure will help me stay upright and I feel like a kid skiing when I walk with them...they are so very useful and enjoyable way to get exercise. ENJOY the day. Be Back Later...
Aaargh!!! Prayers, please! I just discovered 4 Doctor's reports that were mixed in with the others, but that are marked: RUSH!!! Please bring on the prayers, and the caffeine I.V.!!! Yikes! Well, I'll do my best, that's all I can do. God will have to do the rest!
Oh, Andy, you will get it all done.....don't RUSH too much---we know you don't make mistakes, but rushing just gives you more angst!!!! Hope that you are heading down the homestretch!!!! Hope your meal preps are proceeding on schedule!
Temp down to 45----like Christie said, sun will probably come out around 4 a nd it will warm it back up to the previously predicted high-50's! House feels quite warm at the moment, so very comfortable. She has left for work.
Glo, so glad you checked in! Will you and Dex be at the shelter tomorrow for festivities??
Sandi, will look to see if your grand-animals pictures are on the P.I.G.S. site!
CarolAnne, sure hope that your plans smooth out and that your holiday turns out perfectly! I can imagine how frustrated Bubby must feel. Great that you are a roll-with-the-bunches kind of gal!!! Most of us here are!!!
Not sure Mother called she had a visit from her brother and his wife (lives out of town)He needs prayer for gout. He is being treated by the doctor for it. Mother said him and his wife went to Kentucky Fried and got her some chicken. Brought it home and Mother tried to eat a small piece and started throwing up. HUM that is not good...with her shoulder hurting some. Wonder if this is gallbladder?
Just got a great gift box of Omaha Steak goodies from our Lori! Isn't she sweet???? THANK YOU, Lori! You have email!! Wonder if she is lurking???? What a crock that she can't post right again.....and is Glo having the same problem, too???
WVDana, sure hope your Mom is OK. Hope its nothing as serious as gall bladder. Maybe just talking and eating at same time.
Bubby called, on his way again. About 45 minutes away. Gosh, hate driving in the north woods after dark, but must do what must be done. Stay off the roads deer!
Gosh Lynn, seems like you are a likeable one. Guess we can't help ourselves. LOL
CaroleAnne prayers going up for safe travels for Buddy to pick you up and for both of you traveling to the cottage....May God's Angels clear the way. HAPPY THANKSGIVING TOMORROW !!
I think I forgot to say THANKS for the big bunch of cards that Christie brought in from the mailbox last night!!!!! So THANKS again! She just shakes her head and says she can't believe what a great bunch of friends I have!!! Says if it was her, she might get two or three cards!!
Yeppers Lynn that is what I am thinking. She has had this problem off and on for over a year now.
I think she is going to have to let the doctor run the test after the Holiday. I know she will say probably after Christmas. I tell her maybe better now before end of year lol I feel so bad for her. Her hands are doing very poorly. I know that is not gall bladder.
She struggles to turn the door knob. To get her door open from inside. God Bless Her...she has taken care of so many people. To hurt like this....hurts me clean to the heart.
Tonight: Scattered showers before 7pm. Mostly cloudy, then gradually becoming clear, with a low around 30. North wind 15 to 18 mph. Winds could gust as high as 29 mph.
Thanksgiving Day: Sunny, with a high near 56. West wind between 5 and 8 mph.
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 600 of 703 Newer› Newest»WANDA, Egyptian jails are not the nicest places you can imagine. The boys will be shocked by the environment.Everyone else around them was throwing rocks too...they got them because they were obviously foreigners. I hear the US Embassy will be able to go see them tomorrow...
It's Tomorrow....Eastern Standard Time, that is.....
thinking of Movin's Jim's post earlier Tuesday... sure praying and hoping that his vision improves, Pronto!! (( Hugs ♥ )) Jim...
glad there are some alternative transportation options for you there
Prayers for Wellness Amongst us, and all our Family, Friends, and Pets....
"See You in the Morning"
God Bless This Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥
Goodnight everyone.
Prayers for all of our concerns and for those we love and for the world to be a more peaceful place.
God Bless.
Good (Very, Very Late) Evening, Everyone!
Boy, have I been busy! Managed to get all the grossery shopping done for Thanksgiving, so I shouldn't have to go anywhere tomorrow. I can concentrate on getting my work done for the doctor's office, and hopefully get a couple of side dishes made in advance for Thursday.
Will now attempt to comment, though I'm not completely caught up here.
Jim, hope that you'll be able to arrange eye surgery soon, but glad that you've found a bus service to get you there and back meanwhile.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Jo's granddaughter, Christine!!!
Sandi, welcome to the blog! Hope to see you here often. My name is Andrea, but most people call me Andy. :o]
Hoda, you've written a wonderful letter! I think you could be a professional writer!...Oh, my! Hadn't heard about the American students who got arrested in Cairo, Egypt! Yes, for sure, prayers for them and their families and friends! Praying for your family's safety, too!
Lynne2, good to hear from you tonight. Sure hope tomorrow brings a happier work day for you!
WV Dana, prayers continue for you and your Mom. Would like for you both to be pain free!
Prayers for Linda, her Mom, and her whole family, too.
Shirley, thanks for turning on the night light!
Good to know that Judie is OK, just super busy. Miss her!
Lolly, good to hear your report of a really spectacular day! Enjoy!
Lynn, hope you are snoozing soundly right now. Promise you'll be very, very careful--don't want you busting an incision picking Liesl up! Glad you're doing well!
Love you!!! (((HUGS)))!!!
Well, going to call it a night. I'm about ready to do a face plant! Tomorrow is another day.
Prayers have been said for everyone, and for every creature.
Making sure the porch light is on. Enabling both security systems. Sleep well and soundly, everyone! God bless, and goodnight. Love all of you! :o]
Good morning!!
Half day of school today. Really wish we were off! Got lots of cleaning and cooking to do!
Aric arrived home safely last night amid heavy rain. Poor Monte driving 7 hours in that!
Good Morning DanaMo happy Aric is home and praying for Monte's traveling safety as he heads home.
Prayers for those America's captured in Egypt and their families.
Hope we hear from Linda today and that she got some rest.
Praying Lynn is not in too much pain.
Sorry if that was unclear. Monte and Aric are both home, it was raining awful last night when they arrived at 1 am . Felt bad that he had to drive 7 hours in that! Monte picked Aric up in Dayton.
Good morning DanaWV
Good Morning DanaMo so glad Aric and Monte are both home now.
Hoping Wanda can get up early before her Sweetheart Gene comes home. So she can fix her hair.
That is what happen to me on Monday got caught in the rain taking Mothers groceries in. Although I didn't need to get all fixed up for my Sweetheart ^J^
Changed my avatar since Thanksgiving is almost upon us.
Jim I am sorry to hear about your vision for both eyes. Sounds like you will be having catract surgery. So happy there is other transportation since you can't drive. God Bless You Dadster!!!
That was my delete was trying to do a tiny link for a windows media player. Don't know how to do it. So I'll send to those that did not get it through email.
Guess Lori is sleeping in on her day off! Good for you!
She probably knows what time to get up to see the eagles. So I am thinking she set an alarm and will be on then.
Have a great day at school..I'm excited about all the kids get to do even though it is half day. You are such a good teacher DanaMo (:
Lolly and I voth have visited here in Colorado....maybe we need to get there at a different time of the year like a certain MONTH watch this video 2 minutes 17 seconds
The Moose Are Happy
Morning Early Birders,
Just a quick stop to wish everyone, no matter where they are or who they're with,to have a safe & happy Thanksgiving.
Wishing the best it can be to all.
When I get back here (??) will have to find out how Hoda posted her letter on her blog. I've learned how to get pics on there, tried to post a recipe there & no luck. Maybe its the format???
Have a great day everyone!! As for me I am thankful to have found the wonderful people on this blog who have so graciously welcomed me amongst you!
The video above about the Moose was in Estes Park, Colorado
My delete above will try again.
Thanks Dana. I'm sure the kids will enjoy the feast!
BTW I definitely have sound. I can hear the camera loud and clear this morning.
Here is the one Wanda I was trying to put on here for you click below
Heard a clunk...
Nest is up sound is on live feed and still cam is working. There goes a shot off in the distance.
Now all we need is a pair of EAGLES (:
Looks foggy in Sheperdstown.
Still some what foggy around the nest.
It does not matter what time I stop the live feed at. Hitting the play button does not get it started again. I either have to refresh or reload it.
I know some said when it got to like 10:55 or 11:55 they would hit play and it would just keep going for a long time...NOT HAPPENING HERE.
DanaMo are you wearing black with a white apron today to school?
Good Morning Eagle Pals...
Wonderful, DanaMo,
Aric is home...nothing like family times during the holidays, family, friends and pets that is.
Glad you have sound....we are due to get winds today, sure everyone with sound will hear that!
Google has a nice Thanksgiving graphic on today....
DanaMo, what kind of apples DID you use for the kids' applesauce?
Sunshine ☼ is predicted around these parts for Thanksgiving Day !
and also Friday and Saturday...
Wow did it rain hard overnight!
It's a little foggy here in Martinsburg also
Good morning, all - I def. have sound at the nest! Thanks again for the suggestions! Thanks also for the pics of some of you - nice to be able to put faces with screen names, even tho there are so many of you I still don't know who's who. Only a 2-day week for me so I'm relaxing this AM. And yet I'm up. The dogs don't "get" the word weekend - their stomachs wake them @ 6am every day! This blog is really addictive, which is why I have always just lurked and not posted! =)
Good Morning Margy (:
Yes it did rain hard last night.
Above in comments is 2 video's for everyones enjoyment. 1st one is longer 2nd one is about 1 minute.
Good morning my eagle peeps.
Good Morning Sandi ( :
So happy to have you aboard and not lurking anymore.
It is special to have you with us.
Paula and Jo can tell you more if you haven't joined the group. On how to do that. If you have joined the group. There are alburm with pictures at
EAGLET_MOMSTERS Even albums that has the nest visits with pictures of who was there. Plus the dinners and who was there. You use the same as what you enter ID and pass to come in here. I believe I am right about that Sandi
Good Morning again, Sandi...very glad the sound things worked out...
I guess I am sticking with my Magpie avatar - after all, I am GRATEFUL to be me, and have many blessings that go with that!
I'll have to check videos and things from work, DanaWV....worktime looms here very soon!
No, not dressing as a pilgrim. But I do have my turkey shoes on.
I ended up using Gala apples.
Lucky you Sandi, we have a half day today! My dogs have no clue either.
It is a great bunch of momsters and dadsters I love being here and having friends to "talk" to every morning. I could never just lurk, I have too much to say! LOL! I really enjoy the company.
Good Morning T-Bird, Buddy and the household-full....
Hay hay Thelma (: Nice to have another picture taker with us this morning....now we just need those EAGLES!!!
How is Bluefield? Expecting any snow for Thanksgiving?
Now we are certainly ready with JudyE aboard this train....ok JudyE round those EAGLES up to come in lol
Even with the pictures I had a hard time keeping everyone straight. It helped when I got to meet a group of bloggers at NCTC last month. I look forward to going to open house in April and the Walk for the birds.
Hi gang! I posted 3 times earlier and all disappeared so I said I was giving up and going into lurk mode... so I'm here, just can't post. Guess my discovery of supposed problem really wasn't it. URGH!
color on nst
Oh that is pretty nest just changed to such beautiful colors.
Good Morning Lori (: I see your post..sorry you are still having problems with that issue...We miss you if we don't get post from you
Anyone else hearing those light peeks like someone is sitting in top of the tree?????
What time do each of you have on your computer? Mine is off from the still cam...trying to figure which is right my computer or the still cam time???
Well it's pouring here, maybe it's just rain.
Hi Lori!!!
I don't hear rain hitting the camera so I'm guessing WV is drying out? It is POURING here in Bethany. Tide is up to the piers on the canal in front of the house. I would love directions from someone to get to the nest. Our son will be home for Christmas and we may go with them to visit their animals at P.I.G.S. so it would be a short drive to NCTC.
APouring rain here now.
Well, Lori, I do hope you got your Christmas tree in the bedroom done! Bummer about the disappearing posts....kind of like the Shrinking Trousers...what's up with that !!
I hear some little birdie chirps from the cam...
DanaMo, enjoy being a Pilgrim today, make sure someone gets pictures !
Time for me to disappear, I'll "see" you during the day from work...
Best Wishes for a Good, Safe, Healthy and Joyful Day, Everyone
Prayers for Safe Traveling...
Thank you, ALL, for your precious friendship !
xoxo ♥
We have another cold front on the way a 40° chance of rain tofsy but dryer after it comes through 81° today is the high the lo tonight in the upper 50° high tomorrow 76° our high for Mon will be 68° ok I now it not a real cold front like you all get but its coming from you all LOL
Margy have a safe travel to work. No it is great being with you here on the blog and visits. YOU ARE THE PRECIOUS ONE ((HUGS))
Listening to some Vince Guaraldi Trio Christmas. I love the Charle Brown Christmas songs.
What about you all? What is your favorite Christmas music?
Ok I just lost my live feed all of sudden it comes up with upgrade your flash player and I had the 11 installed the other day did anyone else loose it
My post says 7:18 but my computer says 7:20 wonder if my computer time is wrong? What time does you alls computer say???????
in my search Norton bar is says EnEEREngine initialization failure ???????
I enjoy the traditional Christmas songs sung...I don't enjoy the hip hop they have put into the Christmas music. Takes away from the awesome feeling Christmas music gives me. Like what you put up too.
ok Live cam back just brought all windows down and back up that was oddddddddd I had hit refresh when the cam stopped and that is when it went nuts but I amback
Well I like the traditional and I like the contemporary Christian songs, like Third Day and Casting Crowns.
Thanks Thelma I think I am 1 minute fast 7:29am computer says
Still cam say 7:28:13 so I guess my computer is close 7:30 here now.
I don't hear the whistle but I think I hear the trin in the background. Might be wind?? Limbs are moving.
I didn't Judy.
Love watching that little brown leaf blow at around 10 o'clock.
I second Dana's sentiment Lori.
Have we had a visit this morning?
Not yet Thelma we are awaiting their arrival. Hope we get to see them (:
It must be raining at the nest. I finally found a place to see water dripping. Off the end of a stick at around 7 o'clock. I am about to do a faceplant lol
Thank you for your precious friendship too Magpie.
I am making 12 o'clock the white tree limb across from us and 6 o'clock around where on the bottom it has Live EagleCam 6 o'clock is about the a in "cam".
What kind of dogs do you have Sandi?
Sandi-my name is Thelma. We are so glad you are with us.
Thelma, I have a 14-year old Jack Russell named Bandit and a 7-year old red short haired mini dachshund named Bella. They are spoiled rotten, as they should be. Since our sons are grown, the dogs are our children and are treated as such.
I think Lori post are not getting through.
I think Sandi may have done a faceplant into her computer if she is not use to getting up this early Thelma.
Just like me I am having a terrible time staying awake. Can't wait until I can have my hot honey and cinnamon. Should be much longer. Need to take blood reading first.
Awwww Sandi there you are ....answering Thelma's question about your dogs. They sound so neat. You'll have to put pics of them on your blog. So we can see them.
wvgal_dana, I am always up early. I was really hoping to see the eagles on my morning off but I've gotta run - tennis @ 9am. Will check in later. Have a great morning !
Hi, Everyone,
Just had to drop in for a moment to say good morning! Working like a madwoman this a.m., trying to finish the work the Dr. sent me. Really gotta crank out those reports! Also have cranberry sauce, make-ahead mashed potatoes, and creamed corn to make--not to mention preparing and assembling the stuffing! Will be in lurk mode as much as I can be.
Miss Emma says "Woof!" (That's puppy talk for "Howdy!" Hope everyone has a safe and happy Thanksgiving Eve today! :o]
I changed my avatar so you can put a face with my name.
Okay, back to work. Later, gators!
Bye Sandi so glad you are coming in and commenting. We love having you. Have fun at Tennis. Sandi Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow
Morning Andy (: Sounds like you have a lot on your schedule for today. With getting all that typing ready for doctor. Then starting your preparations for Thanksgiving. So glad you stopped in. Tell Emma woof woof woof and woff woff woff woof=tell Emma Happy Thanksgiving Tomorrow and don't eat too much.Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow Andy
ok Sandi here is a picture of me so you can put a face with my name
Good morning Sandi and welcome to our blog! So glad you have joined us!
Good morning all! The SUN is SHINING!!!!! High wind warnings in effect until tonight. As hard as it rained last night, guess we'll end up with toppled trees and power lines AGAIN in these parts.
Thelma, I love most all Christmas music, but do have some old favs. Of course, Bing Crosby's album, Sandi Patti's, Dolly and Kenny, and all the old choirs (Mormon Tabernacle, etc.).
Sandi, give me your email address (by clicking on mine link on my profile) and I'll send you directions!! So great that the kids are getting home for some R&R!!
Sunshine at the nest ☺
DANA, that fox video was just too funny. Those two look like my Kit Karson and Kit Kat...thanks for putting the link up!
SANDI, the drive from the Pig Sanctuary is no more than 10-15mins....8 or 9 miles. If we know ahead of time, when you visit, we will show you the way.
Wash hair time. Have a good day:)
Good Morning Sharon, Lynn and Paula (:
No nest visit yet this morning.
The limbs were very wet but have dried out now. Even the nest is much much drier than earlier.
Sandi went to play tennis at 9am
Oh Wanda so happy you got to see that video. As soon as I seen it I said that is for our Wanda.
The other video is so neat about the live moose...you can even hear them...watching them with people around is so funny. Both Lolly and myself have visited that area. It wasn't for me at the right time of year but would love to go out there again during that time to see them in the town like that.
Sandi address for PIGS Sanctuary is 1112 Persimmon Lane, Shepherdstown, WV.25443 phone 304-262-0080
Seems like they take in more than pigs...I see cats and dogs..too many to be just their own...great video 3 minutes 53 seconds long posted below:
Do you all see the animal face on the tree limb neareest us?
I will send it in an Momster email.
Good morning!
Time for me to post some things I am thankful for.
I am thankful for my country and the freedom we all enjoy here.
Good Moring Shirley (:
I am thankful for the friends on here and in the group...even though someone and I might have had a disagreement...I pray they will forgive me and still be my friend .... I am thankful for the friendship and Hugs and Love from each one I have met and those I have not met. And my health and my relationship with God. Clothes, food, a roof over my head and especially my Mother and my sweet daughter.
Dana, Sandi knows where P.I.G.S. is.....her son's animals are being boarded there. She just needs to know how to get from there to NCTC.
Wanda, that would be SUPER if you could hook up with Sandi. TOo bad I'm out of commission. :(
Yep Lynn I knew because she said son has pig or pigs there. I knew she just needed directions from there to NCTC but if no one can get to Sandi. Then P.I.G.S. probably can tell her how to get to NCTC. She will just need to go past the entrance to the curve in the road.
Yes if we know when she is coming maybe one of us could meet her and show her where the turn and where to see the nest from.
LYNN, I will come and get you and take you home...may even take you to lunch:)
How are you feeling today Lynn?
Oh by the way I am also thankful for the memories I have of my Sweetheart Ed that carry me through xxxooo♥♥
You won't be out of commission for long, Hedgie !!!!
Oh nice, Caro is at the work station closest to me today ! ☺
Jewels appreciated the message from you Tuesday morning, and also the HUGS xo ☺
Nice thanksgiving posts and pictures from folks here...
Oh Wanda this is starting to sound like a nest visit in the curve of the road and then Lunch. Sandi will get to meet some of us; You, Lynn, Me and whoever else can come..and we'll get to see LYNN (:♥
Lynn can stay in vehicle. I can walk Sandi and them down to the wall. Where it is best to see Eagles from. Then a lunch would be nice somewhere all togeher. That way Lynn won't get to tired. Maybe Margy, or Chrisitie or Carolyn can even come. Jo might be able to slip over the mountain. Depending on what day Sandi would be coming up..Paula, Megan there are others?
Gonna get a few chores done today. Just might need to recruit Kathryn tomorrow. I am learning that there are times when I need to conserve my energy.
Must be getting older.
lol Shirley we ALL are having that feeling of getting OLDER lol Hang in there Lady ((hugs))
don't have sound at the nest, from work.....but I can "See" the wind.
ttfn xo ♥
(Something else I am thankful for . . . Hunter is playing his X-Box in the family room, but he cannot get the sound to work. He says that he doesn't mind and I am probably just as happy that there is no sound. Yep.)
Hunter is providing his own sound effects.
Just got a call from the cardiology office. So far, so good. The Holter test was all good.
They will call later with more information and an appointment date.
Something else to be thankful for.
The sun is shining, here in Nestville and is 57°...not real windy...might look for an afternoon visit from Belle & Lover-boy wannabe:)
Capt. Gene just called and is on his way home. Still get excited to hear his voice after 52 years;)
Only 2 deer was taken, one by Dan and Dickie, both Deputy Sheriff's from Martinsburg. We didn't need one, our freezer is jam packed full and we do have some deer burger and steaks.
Just hoping to get a favorite recipe for preparing venison by CAROLANNE. She sounds experienced in that field!
It's nice to see shadows in the nest.
Whoa, hear that wind kicking up at the nest.
YEAH, for Shirley...no sound from the XBox:) Gotta love that Hunter:)
Good news, Shirley.
Dana, I won't be around this weekend...going to the beach for the next 2 weekends, then I close it up for the winter on Dec 5th, so that will be a 3 day weekend :)
Dana - (((((HUGS))))) and Happy Thanksgiving Eve!
Good Morning Everyone! Rain may have gone away - sun was up and shinning brightly.
Good to see everyone here on this
Thanksgiving Eve -
I am just getting my second cup of java
It's getting colder as the day goes on here in Bluefield.
One more thing and then I must go.
Susan is planning to come down here and take Hunter birthday shopping and buy him lunch.
She said he could have his choice of restaurants. She thought maybe Melting Pot and was ready to make a reservation.
The Melting Pot is not open for lunch. Hunter's second choice--McDonald's. Yes, he is ten-year-old boy. (Almost 11 now. His birthday is Nov. 28.)
How sweet of Susan to take the time to do that for Hunter:)
Wonder if he tries to spar with Susan like he does his grandma?
From my experiences within the family - If you want something done you Ask an
Aunt! Aunts are very loved and looked up to......♥
Good Morning ! Caught up with blog and enjoyed hearing about T'Day plans ! This morning we're doing the prep work for tomorrows feast. This afternoon, off to the BIg Apple and the 9/11 Memorial.
SANDI, since you've followed us for a while you know how pleased we are when someone emerges from LM ! I add my welcome to the rest !
LYNN, the link works fine. I just can't figure out how to have two screens up at once on this puter. Will ask Beth when she has a moment.
So long for today---if I don't get back til' Friday, I do wish each and every one of you a joyful holiday !!!!
Prayers continue for all in need !
Any of you remember that Thanksgiving day was Butchering Day at the farm????
Oh my - what memories... I guess the
PIGS video got me thinking of that...
They have all different animals there that they are caring and loving for!
Bless their works ♥
Hi and Bye Kay! Thanks for touching base with us - Have a great day today & enjoy tomorrow's feast! ♥
lol Shirley that is funny and yes that is a kid for you ...sound is not working so ok I'll make my own sound effects lol...You just got to love Hunter lol. Nice that Susan is taking him out for his upcoming Birthday so it is Nov. 28th will be 11 years old. Wow do kids grow up fast. Seems like at the Dam visit we did. He and Margy crawling through the rocks. He looked so young then.
Shirley so happy about the news for the holter test.GOOD!!!!
WANDA did you get your hair washed---------YOUR SWEETHEART IS ON HIS WAY!!!!!xxxxooooxxooo♥♥ I know you will be so happy to see him. Glad he will be safely home soon.
Ok if I can remember you all help me. Paula going to Paula's Paradise this weekend and next weekend.
Good morning all. It is almost Thanksgiving and I like SHIRLEY am grateful for many things. My Freedom, My health, My families and my friendships.
YEAY SHIRLEY for news of the test results. good on you and pleased for you.
While I agree that I hope LYNN is not out of commission for long I also want her to be very cautious to not over do it and I wonder about a trip to the nest in December. I will trust your sense of what is right for you to do LYNN...
Welcome SANDI. Good to see you on here after years of lurking mode.
I will go get my tea.
I would like to hear from JIM and what will happen with his eye surgery. Good about the transportation issue is available where he lives.
Back from tennis. Thanks to all who have offered to meet me in WV and take me to the nest = what a wonderful, welcoming group of folks! =) Went onto the nest site - no eagles but I def. have sound - BOY, is it windy! Guess that's what's headed my way - right now, it has stopped raining, the sun is coming out, and it's in the 60s. Off to the shower and then I have a nail appt. @ 1. BBL.
Kay it is so good that you popped in before Thanksgiving. Sounds like you as well are preparing some of the food today for your Thanksgiving Meal tomorrow. You will have a special time today in New York...might be a little heartfelt and sad at the 9/11 memorial but you already know that. Prayers for travel safety to and back home.
Hoda HAPPY THANKSGIVING DAY (((hugs))). You I believe will be feasting before we will because of the time difference. May God Bless Your meal and Bless you too. May HE also Bless your family.
BTW, P.I.G.S will never turn away an animal, though Melissa doesn't really advertise that. The last time I was there, they had donkeys, horses, farm pigs, potbellied pigs, dogs, cats, goats. Melissa said she has been amazed at the animals people have left abandoned at the gate. She is a wonderful lady and it means so much to my son and daughter-in-law to have someone so loving taking care of their 2 animals. Brian (my son) is a little concerned that Posey has gained so much weight that she will no longer fit in her custom-made pig house at their farm - she is being well fed. If you go to the P.I.G.S. site, I think Melissa has posted pictures of my granddonkey and grandpig! =) Later.
LORI sorry about more lurking mode and I keep thinking about your car. I do not know if you have it back or not...keep the faith.
KAY was here HAPPY THANKSGIVING KAY to you and to your family.
WVDANA, time wise I am three hours behind you in the Pacific Time zone...so you all will feast before me...I would have been ahead had I been living in Egypt, then it would be nine hours ahead...but I am in Canada and grateful to be here.HUGS
Hoda what time your time is your Thanksgiving Day Feast going to take place?
Good morning all - so good to hear of those getting good medical news, or family getting home or even plans for a possible nest visit. Way To Go!
Had not planned on being here this morning, thought I would be on the road by now headed to our cottage paradise. But as many know plans change by the minute sometimes.
Less than an hour on the road,total 3 hr trip one way, Bubby's vehicle blew a front wheel bearing & somehow damaged front brake. So for now he is there and I am here. Awaiting call as to how we're going to proceed in this Thanksgiving adventure.
Canadian Thanksgiving was the 10th of October...Since I am an honorary US citizen;^) I will join in your celebration of Thanksgiving tomorrow at around 2:30 PM PST my time...I will prepare a special meal and say a special prayer of gratitude...That will be 5:30 PM EST where you are...have I confused every body completely???LOL!!!HAPPY THANKSGIVING...
OH CAROLANNE I am so glad you call it a THANKSGIVING ADVENTURE...Such a great attitude. I am sorry about the car difficulties and grateful your hubby is OKeven though he is stuck onthe road somewhere between the cottage and your home...I wish him safe travels after it is fixed and I hope he stays warm. Keep us posted.
make that your Bubby!!!
Thanks Hoda,
I figure life is just one great or sometimes not so great adventure. Do what you can for things you can control, the rest of the time just roll with the punches and see where it leads you.
Take care!
Do keep us posted CAROLANNE about how this story unfolds.{{{{{♥H♥U♥G♥S♥}}}}} to you and to your BUBBY.
Shirley, don't do anymore than you feel up to. SO glad the tests are all coming back fine!!
Hurray about no SOUND on the game box! Shannon got heavy-duty earphones, so now Christie doesn't have to listen to it anymore-----but now he hears NOTHING else, either. He's an addict----and it makes her SO angry.
Wanda, thanks!!! Sounds like a good plan if you truly don't mind coming way out here!!!
Chris and I made my dressing/stuffing this morning. All ready to pop in the oven in the AM. Shannon's mother---and Shannon---like mine much better than their family recipe, so she always asks me to bring some!! I've now decided that I want a Pumpkin Pie----MINE!!!! I will acquiesce to a Pillsbury crust, so Chris will get one on her way to work, and I'll mix up the filling and we can bake it tonight!!!
LOL, Margy....you and Caro had best behave yourselves (or as many WV'ians say: beinhave). Don't get in trouble being side-by-side!!
I bet your house will smell great on THANKSGIVING LYNN pie and turkey dressing...I love this time of year...such gratitude.
Temp has dropped to 48° and wind is howling and sun has disappeared. One good thing is that this weather keeps the deer lying low!!!
Hi, Everyone,
Dropping in quickly again to say hello.
Shirley, I'm grateful, too, for the freedom we have here in the good ole U.S.A. Also, mighty grateful to hear that your "ticker" is working like a Timex watch! Good news! LOL about your report on Hunter and the X-Box! :oD
Mema Jo, I'm just starting on my second big mug of high octane Java! Can't let myself run out of energy now!
CarolAnne, sorry to hear of Bubby's car problem! Prayers for a speedy fix!
Glad to see that Kay was here. If you're lurking, Kay, Happy Thanksgiving Day to you & yours!
Well, back to work. Later, alligators! :o]
Oh--Lori, if you're lurking, Miss Emma is running up and down the hall like a nut case with her Lori tug in her mouth! She LOVES it! Thanks again! :o]
My dear Lynn...I ABSOLUTELY do mean what I offered! I think that by the time Sandi decides to visit, YOU will be chomping at the bit and will want to get-out-and-go! Will take good care of you♥
Kay, have a great day---don't wear yourself out!!!
Jo, I DO remember that at ex'es uncle's farm, TG was butchering day---and actually the whole weekend! Have done my stint at washing out puddin' and pan haas containers, and stirring both in the kettle on the open fire........along with chittlin's, too. NOT fond memories----stinky, and I didn't like any of it!!!! All I ever wanted were ribs and loins!!!
Good Mid-Day everyone...
Andrea, I will be very glad when you say, ALL DONE and you can just enjoy some rest and good chow and kubby and Emma time
CarolAnne can you rent a car and hopefully he is someplace where he can get inside. Or stay inside vehicle until you get there.
Rental places will come after you. That is an idea.
Another is do you have Triple A?
That would get him towed somewhere and he could do a rental and come get you. Just a few ideas.I am so very sorry you alls plans have been messed up. Very HAPPY though that Buddy is ok.
oh CarolAne,bummer about the vehicle problem.... !!!
hope it is an easy fix....
and not too much $$ $$ $$
Does anyone else here the noise on the cam box just them not rain drops
It was like a scraping noise could be the branch I guess
He figured out how to make the sound work, but so far it is okay.
Agree 100% about Shirley!
Bravo: that good report does not surprise me...
Happy Thanksgiving !
We are getting rain also Sound like heavy machinery in area also of nest I hear like a truck and wow is the nest swaying I get dizzy looking at it
No Hoda I will be thinking of you and your meal. Knowing first you will be Blessing it with special things you are grateful for at 5:30pm tomorrow (((hugs)))
I can only watch not listen here from work...
Thanks all for Bubby/vehicle well wishes. He has called to say he reached my son who was out hunting & he came w/flatbed trailer to haul him to his house. Have dismantled wheel hub & believe they can fix it. They are on way to a nearby town to get parts, then back to son's to try & fix. Awaiting next phone call as to success of that plan.
And the good of this . . . . deer are safe from them for today! lol
WVDana, thanks for the suggestions. The simplest would have been for me to make the 2 hr drive to get him & then go for parts. BUT I am unable to do highway driving. Have vision in only one eye & that is compromised by macular pucker. But I believe the guys have it under control.
HURRAH things are under control with CAROLANNE BUBBY and SON...and furthermore THE DEER ARE SAFE FOR TODAY!!!LOL!!! KIDDIN'
two eagles are in the nest and tree at the Ozarks site
Ozarks nest
Trutle bays nest won't be up this year till next the eagles are building a different nest
CarolAnne glad the deer are safe lol
Great Buddy got ahold of son and he had the flat trailer. Now the guys are fixing it. So there is still a pick up for you coming.
That is good !!!
JudyE did you have to log in to see the live cam at Ozarks?
Wonder if they are working on the direct wiring at the nest site?
Here is hoping that we get a Turkey Day
fresh thread!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I posted a much longer comment BUT Blogger continues to drive me nuts. Will try one more time to post this short version. Love and prayers for all.
Good to see you here GLO. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.
I am off to yoga.
It is a gum boots and ice grippers type of day for foot wear...do you call them gum boots in the US??? I am not sure, rubber boots as it is wet and sloshy and ice underneath...Good heaven I checked the weather and it says RAIN FALL WARNING IN EFFECT and the temperature is supposed to go up to 50 degrees!!! No ice grippers for sure. I will take them with me in my day pack incase I need them...Trekking poles for sure will help me stay upright and I feel like a kid skiing when I walk with them...they are so very useful and enjoyable way to get exercise.
ENJOY the day.
Be Back Later...
Aaargh!!! Prayers, please! I just discovered 4 Doctor's reports that were mixed in with the others, but that are marked: RUSH!!! Please bring on the prayers, and the caffeine I.V.!!! Yikes! Well, I'll do my best, that's all I can do. God will have to do the rest!
Oh, Andy, you will get it all done.....don't RUSH too much---we know you don't make mistakes, but rushing just gives you more angst!!!! Hope that you are heading down the homestretch!!!!
Hope your meal preps are proceeding on schedule!
Temp down to 45----like Christie said, sun will probably come out around 4 a nd it will warm it back up to the previously predicted high-50's! House feels quite warm at the moment, so very comfortable. She has left for work.
Glo, so glad you checked in! Will you and Dex be at the shelter tomorrow for festivities??
Sandi, will look to see if your grand-animals pictures are on the P.I.G.S. site!
What a full day for Kay----don't overdo, gal!!
Prayers going up for our Andy, that the RUSH reports get done easily.
my post disappeared.
I said...Yikes Andrea! Good luck getting the work finished.
CarolAnne, sure hope that your plans smooth out and that your holiday turns out perfectly! I can imagine how frustrated Bubby must feel. Great that you are a roll-with-the-bunches kind of gal!!! Most of us here are!!!
Glo it is good to see you dropping in here. Please come back again.
Andy prayers going up for those "RUSH REPORTS"...God throw in your Angels to help Andy out here.
Not sure Mother called she had a visit from her brother and his wife (lives out of town)He needs prayer for gout. He is being treated by the doctor for it. Mother said him and his wife went to Kentucky Fried and got her some chicken. Brought it home and Mother tried to eat a small piece and started throwing up. HUM that is not good...with her shoulder hurting some. Wonder if this is gallbladder?
Just got a great gift box of Omaha Steak goodies from our Lori! Isn't she sweet???? THANK YOU, Lori! You have email!!
Wonder if she is lurking???? What a crock that she can't post right again.....and is Glo having the same problem, too???
WVDana, sure hope your Mom is OK. Hope its nothing as serious as gall bladder. Maybe just talking and eating at same time.
Bubby called, on his way again. About 45 minutes away. Gosh, hate driving in the north woods after dark, but must do what must be done. Stay off the roads deer!
Gosh Lynn, seems like you are a likeable one. Guess we can't help ourselves. LOL
Wishing everyone a great holiday weekend.
Gum Boots - goulashes - Help Me!
What did Chrissy from 'Over the Pond'
call her bad weather boots.... !
I know we all got such a kick out of it.
CaroleAnne prayers going up for safe travels for Buddy to pick you up and for both of you traveling to the cottage....May God's Angels clear the way. HAPPY THANKSGIVING TOMORROW !!
Andy, if I were there, I would help you with that! :)
Mema Jo, wasn't Chrissy's boots Wellies?
DanaWV - I sure hope your mom is ok!
CarolAnne - It is what it is - right?
It is good to have memories of times
gone aray! Easier to remember.
Lynn - That Lori is a very thoughtful
friend! Hope the cards are still coming at you because our prayers are still being said!
The wind is still Howling outside. Praying for all to stay warm and dry.
Glo - Blessed Thanksgiving to you. Your recent pictures are fabulous.
That's it, Sharon!! No one knew what she was talking about when she said it.
Vomiting associated with RIGHT shoulder pain is very often gallbladder, Dana. :(
Yep---Wellies, short for Wellington's!!! You are SO sharp, Shar!!!
I think I forgot to say THANKS for the big bunch of cards that Christie brought in from the mailbox last night!!!!! So THANKS again!
She just shakes her head and says she can't believe what a great bunch of friends I have!!! Says if it was her, she might get two or three cards!!
Yeppers Lynn that is what I am thinking. She has had this problem off and on for over a year now.
I think she is going to have to let the doctor run the test after the Holiday. I know she will say probably after Christmas. I tell her maybe better now before end of year lol I feel so bad for her. Her hands are doing very poorly. I know that is not gall bladder.
She struggles to turn the door knob. To get her door open from inside. God Bless Her...she has taken care of so many people. To hurt like this....hurts me clean to the heart.
Thought you were going to change the door knobs to levers, Dana. Have you tried rubber knob covers?
Hope we get a nest visit!
I'm over my post frustrationn and back to try again...read that it happened to DanaMo and someone else.
Yep tried the rubber knob covers ... don't work.
I want to change to like the lever...I can get them through Gateway near where Martinsburg Post Office is. Only $12.something but she says wait.
I may be ordering them anyhow. I need to measure her knobs when I am in there tomorrow. I'll have to do it behind her back. Cause it will upset her.
She is not stubborn she is just old fashion in some ways. Thinks if she waits like she always has. She will get better.
Tonight: Scattered showers before 7pm. Mostly cloudy, then gradually becoming clear, with a low around 30. North wind 15 to 18 mph. Winds could gust as high as 29 mph.
Thanksgiving Day: Sunny, with a high near 56. West wind between 5 and 8 mph.
Green bean casserole, candied sweet potatoes, and another batch of Italian cookies started! Whew..ordering pizza for dinner! LOL!
Hoda-Did you say you wanted that recipe? I know someone else asked for it, but I don't remember who.
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