Sunday, October 09, 2011


New thread.


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Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


wvgal_dana said...

Mema Jo add me to the list for NCTC Oct. 24th please.

JudyEddy said...

I want to make sure I take my camera with me when I get my truck see if I can get a picture of the cell tower eagles nest so sad that they have to use a cell tower in FL heat We have cut all trees down I guess Fl has a big thing about cutting trees down need permits now Now that it is tooo late JMHO

Quick break suitcases almost packed I don't do laundry while on vaca so I bring tooo many cloths plus have to remember long sleeves too and jacket, sweat shirts, not Fl weather

COOL Magpie

Making a list

Mail stopped √
Prescription called in √
Truck at dealers √
bags packed √ almost
Found Atlas's √ that was a PIA

Vacuumed all rooms √
Laundry caught up
for moment √

Mopped floor what √
I have of them
Small area in kitchen
and bath have rugs down

Now gonna watch news before finish up.
I can get a lot done if I don't have
to work or Jordyn
Just got bath to clean good and
kitchen is not ok no need to do
anything Odd how I want to make
sure my house is 100% before I go
on vaca I always do that nice to come home
to a clean house I guess BBL

wvgal_dana said...

Margy oh your so special to put pictures of flowers on your blog again ( :

I am hoping you see eagles on your way to Berkeley Springs.

wvgal_dana said...

Prayers for the out come of the CT Scan that Joey is going to have.

Lolly have fun and take plenty of pictures.

hedgie said...

Ortho scheduler will call back "within 24 hrs."

Wanda, I have had numerous cortisone injections with great results in many locations, but only once in my knee--it didn't work! That was when I had to have my third surgery on it!

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY I also like your train eagle avatar tooo coool

WHO had the picture of the bug and the moth upside down on the flowers the other day I couldn't comment but now that I can I want to go see and I don't remember who it was I think it was a Praying mantis and a moth I think

wvgal_dana said...

Started worrying about not seeing Kay on here. Then remembered Eileen is coming.

JudyEddy said...

Nice picture Loretta I got to comment I think I could comment on your all the while so glad I can comment on others blogs now BBL as I said earlier

magpie said...

New day
New round of prayers
for Joey
and repeating all those from last week

magpie said...

I am like you, I like to come home to a clean or at least tidied up Roost
whenever I go away
Bravo! That's a BIG checklist

magpie said...

got a check up app't for Wed;
sure I will get a referral, both for finger and foot...
it's TIME!!!
Finger not hot, but heat makes it feel better ☺

Also need to get bloodwork report from a few months, checked over for any discord from normal ranges

magpie said...

thanks DanaWV...I have such a good time out in the Wild

magpie said...

Better than taking a Calgon Bath ☺

JudyEddy said...

they just showed on the news the balloon float with the snow on the mtns in the background LOLLY I am so jealous so pretty I didn't get the see the balloon cam because i was at work so nice it was on our local news

hedgie said...

JudyE---I am the same way. Always clean before I leave!!! It IS nice to come home to a clean house.
However, I DON'T pack as far ahead as you do!! TOo many things are last minute items, and I don't want the clothes to get overly wrinkled!

magpie said...

I think I'll be spending my Christmas money on doctor's app'ts - have not met my deductible yet this year

magpie said...

sometimes I roll my shirts and things, rather than fold
doesn't work very well either way.
Then again, I don't travel much

Your upcoming trip sounds Dreamy, Lynn...

Mema Jo said...

Margy they say that by rolling clothing you take up less space - Like you, wrinkles happen no matter how you pack.

Praying for Joey's back and for a decent report from scan. Boys should be fine - but you always worry.

OK Dana

JudyEddy said...

Verdict in on my truck I was hearing a sort of squealing noise only when I started it and when I drove by people they would look at me Now I know I am not a head turner I thought it was my truck well I was right The noise if from the Cam Shaft that pumps oil etc and it is bad ok there is 485.00 and the rotors need turned Pads are good, also my transmission hasn't never been serviced,and my air conditioner needs service also my seat belt I ask them to look at is need replacing latch doesn't work all time and DRUM ROLL PLEASE IS are you sitting down thank goodness for CHARGE CARD I knew I would have to get some work done that why I took day off I hope that can get it done today he is checking to see if they have all parts other wise will be ready tomorrow Oh did I not say how much 1.293.00 not including tax I think he said YIEKS but it does need done I want a safe ride under my big butt LOL

magpie said...

James loves the Downy woodpecker Jo...
so glad you have that little visitor

It is sooooo nice to be hearing the neighborhood Mockingbird here these days.
a bunch of birds rolled up into one ♪ ♫ ♫ ♪

magpie said...

Oh man, JudyE - that is Rough!
Been there and done that...many times...
sure I have paid for my Blazer 2.5 times over
BUT glad your BUTT will be safe, indeed !!!

magpie said...

Checking out here, need a wee nap before heading out to Berkeley Springs
Energy levels ain't what they used to be
Dinosaur is being finicky anyway.

ttfn xoxo ♥

Hoda said...

How old is your truck JUDYE. It is a hefty bill you are paying...lots of work too...I am glad youo are getting it done before your trip.

Gray rainy day here...

Mema Jo said...

Judy, That is most of your vacation money I bet! I'll buy you lunch on Mon
if that helps any. Trying to get
permission for Mon Lunch at the NCTC cafe. I have no idea what we are going to be told......... I'll let you know as soon as I get a reply.........

JudyEddy said...

I am a jeans and t-shirt person when I don't work so not easily wrinkled and I have so many shirts and cloths so won't miss what is in suitcase Just have to take so much extra with weather being cooler
I forgot to eat before I drop my truck off so I am heating a TV dinner I am so hungry my tummy tells me it is lunch time I hope they can get my truck done tonight other wise I will have to find a way to work I'm sure I can get Angie to buzz over and take me she has to be at work also at 8 and me too

hedgie said...

Got ortho apptmt. for 20th AM. Thank goodness it's before I leave!

JudyE--that really is a YIKES!!!!
When I got divorced I made up my mind that I was just always going to have a car payment, because without the family mechanic, I wasn't going to shell out the money for big repairs. So I never keep a truck after the warranty expires!

hedgie said...

Sure has gotten cloudy here.... :(

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

So my right foot feels like it is sitting on top of a vibrating cell phone all the time. Weird sensation for sure.

JudyEddy said...

My truck is paid for it is a 2004 and never had any work done to it beside oil change and tire rotated just basis so I knew with the noise I was hearing and Angie felt something in the tires She said it just doesn't drive like a truck so that is the rotors I guess so I figure its not bad and not to worry that is why I have a charge card with a balance of 0 for vaca and the truck

NatureNut said...

Hi Eagle Gang! Thank you, thank you to Momsters & Dadsters for positive vibes and prayers!
Daughter, Sherry, just called~~~~AND, the lady next door is now willing to sell her property~~~4 acres!!!!!!They have real estate agent working on it. So know they can go ahead w/reconstruction of their lives.Sher said she doesn't trust the old slab that's left anyway, so they could now put new one down further to the left!!!

JudyE, sounds like you're ready to rock and roll!!!Happy Trip!☺ Wish we could come to NCTC!
I do need to put a couple pics in, but forgot to open Chrome.
Finished Flat Stanley---HAD to add a picture of an eagle "that was seen at dock after the pontoon boat ride!" Right??? ☺ I have 14 pics---don't think I should put all on here!Now my dilemma is numbering the pics to match my Word list.Hate to put them on front, but if pics are mounted somewhere, no one will know if #s are on back. DUH!

JudyEddy said...

Cool Beans that they are willing to sell to your dau and she is wise to replace slab concert and fires are not a good mixture I am from a concert family my x and son work with concert in construction and that all I heard so she has made a wise decision smart daughter you have there must be from the genes

Mema Jo said...

Sharon - glad you are going to the doc.
No sense sitting around wondering about
all these pains if they will have the
answers. Let us know what he says.. ♥

Hoda said...

It sounds like you have it all under control. Your truck is not old at all JUDYE and I asked about age to see the return on the value of the dollar so to speak. I wish you well. GREAT that there are plans to meet up at NCTC...JO you are GREAT.

JudyEddy said...

DANA I loved your kindergarten video and I got to comment on your blog it was the old way and I didn't get the cookies message I got the thing where I had to sign in to google and uncheck the box keep me logged in so the old way is now working for me again so I guess there was something broke being it is now working the old way again But we know a easy fix to it anyway RIGHT

JudyEddy said...

This is the best bunch of women and men that I have chatted with and will meet some in person soon I can't wait I sort of feel like the first day of school LOL I was poking around in different blog looking for the upside bug with moth picture and I found your video of your class that was so neat DANA

Mema Jo said...

Red Panda Alert

Cam person is doing great job

Mema Jo said...

It must be Panda Nap time!

JudyEddy said...

love how the guys zooms on the pandas they are so cute

hedgie said...

Think I forgot to tell y'all that Bill's air compressor went kerfluey....Frank is coming over later to air up the mower tire....can't really get anything accomplished outside vacuuming now. Woman's work is NEVER done!!!

JudyEddy said...

Ford just called the seat belt piece will not be here in time for me to pick up so I am wheel less until tomorrow YUK

JudyEddy said...

Now that I want to go some where LOL

hedgie said...

Thrills---propane guy is here....that will be a big bill....upwards of $400 I bet. Never ends, does it?

Loretta, if the kids are determined to rebuild, it's good that the neighbor has decided to sell. I agree, a new slab is a good idea. Old one can be a nice patio area!

hedgie said...

$449 smackeroos for LP. ARGH!

Costume Lady said...

WOW, Loretta, 4 acres is awesome! Is that in addition to what they own or all together? Doesn't matter 4 acres will be wonderful. I'm thinking that the acquiring of that property will give her something to look forward to and maybe take some of the sadness out of her heart~

MARGY, I thought you would want to know the real identity of the pretty, yellow flower...and you are right, the leaves gave it away:)

SHARON, I occasionally have that feeling which you described in your foot, but it is usually in both feet. It most likely is my cholesterol meds. Do you take any?

JudyEddy said...

How often do you get gas LYNN I know June and Terrys oil bill is outrageous in NC

JudyEddy said...

Yep my MOM cholesterol medicine gave her a case of the gout

Hoda said...

Headed off to seems many are paying hefty bills today, in comes LYNN with a four hundred dollars bill!!! I'll see if I could go through my day without a hefty bill...

I'll go for coffee after yoga and will see you all later...DECAF Coffee so I could sleep tonight though!!! LOL...

hedgie said...

And grrrr.....Drs. office has been TOO slow about scheduling my CT scan...called hospital to schedule it IS already on the books for WEDS. AM and no one let me know! So will have to hustle to get blood work done tomorrow morning before a luncheon I have so that results are in before CT.

hedgie said...

Sharon....maybe you have tarsal tunnel syndrome. Do you use a foot pedal when you transcribe?? Let us now what you find out!

hedgie said...

Judy, this is the first fill since March....then they come every 2 months until March again. How much I use/need depends on how much I use the woodstove---which depends a lot on the temp---if daytime highs are in the 40's, woodstove makes house too hot; so then I use the gas. And sometimes I just get plumb worn out from feeding the stove, and need a break, so then I use the gas.

Judie said...

HODA, HAPPY CANADIAN THANKSGIVING! Enjoy your yoga class. I'll be sending the sandperson your way to make sure you get a good night's sleep.

Lynn, sure hope the ortho inspection will be nothing serious and a quick fix will be possible. Wow, Lynn. Big $. Propane used primarily for?

Judy, glad you got the truck inspected but sorry it cost so much. Sure wish you a wonderful vacation. The scenery alone should memorable.

Loretta, absolutely fantastic news from Sherry. Still holding her in my thoughts and prayers.

Sharon, foot vibration? Does make me think of nerve activity, also.

Have been busy the past several days. This morning occupied by meeting with the attorney to make sure all end-of-life paperwork is in order with wills, trusts, advanced directives, etc. Now need to add consideration for Stella and Naomi should Darth and I die or become incapacitated at the same time. Depressing really.


stronghunter said...


Taking a break. I have been busy today. Practiced bowling and went to the grocery store. Cleaned up after one of the dogs--you do not want to know the details.

Rus put this link on my FB page with the comment that my blog friends might like it:

The Caring Owl

JudyEddy said...

This is my most all time favorite cat video in the world I'm sure you have all seen it but I just wanted to bring it back again

Cat and dog

JudyEddy said...

The caring Owl is so cute with the mouse but yikes he had it on her when she was in bed EWWWW

JudyEddy said...

So hard not having wheels this sucks Ok I think I am going for a walk just to get out side BBL Its such a pretty day out I should do yard work tooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

hedgie said...

Judie, propane is my heat source (when I'm not burning).
Glad you have your affairs in order, Judie. Now you can live to be 100!!!!

Shirley--good to see you! You have been one busy gal, too!
What a cool article and pics! Can you believe it???!!!! Bet their house is a poopy mess, tho'-----and I sure hope that the prey he brings in is DEAD!!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Well the plumber is finish putting in my "early Christmas presents" - 2 new toilets. Cost

wvgal_dana said...

Yes Judie I remember when Ed and me went through early making out the wills, directivities, and final burial arrangements. Glad it was all done and stone was down and all finished.

wvgal_dana said...

Loretta well that is a PRAISE due to some were praying the lady would sell the land.

Glad Sherry is Happy and ready to get started on their new house.

wvgal_dana said...

Cute short video JudyE. lol I have a friend that I'll send it to.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley, great article on owls and the stories. I love owls BUT would not want one for a pet because I would NOT want to awaken with a mouse or rat in my face as a token of love! lol

DanaMo said...

OMGosh that was one of the longest, most painful professional days that I have ever attended.

Mema Jo said...

DanaMo - Painful - how?

DanaMo said...

Shirley, after just having experienced a sick dog, you do not need to go into details about the clean up, I did that for a couple of days!

JudyEddy said...

I finally remembered who had the pictures I couldn't comment on It was PaNana and I got to comment its back to the old PIA have to log back in to google she has it the old way still so what was broke is now fixed this is the second one today I could comment on that was the old way of commenting

hedgie said...

Just got word that Bill's former business partner has passed. Battling leukemia....he fell over the weekend, striking his head....was brain dead and taken off life support today. RIP, Vanny.

DanaMo said...

Okay, on meeting JudyE please post date, time, and place and hopefully, unlike when I was meeting Kay, I will end up in the right place. If we can get into NCTC that would be great. Just PLEASE keep me in the loop. I don't get on here very much after the morning and I know I miss alot of information when I try to catch up.

DanaMo said...

I know I read someone liked my video of my class, but I don't remember who it was, but THANKS! :)

JudyEddy said...

I got your phone number so when I get to the motel I am staying at I can call you all how does that sound I sent the Momster and Dadster list around the other day just check to see if phone numbers are correct My cell is also on it
I sure wish I would have gotten a lap top

DanaMo said...

JudyE I see it was you, but I don't see a comment on the blog. Strange.

DanaMo said...

Ouch on that propane bill Hedgie!

hedgie said...

Dana, I just now watched your video and commented----FANTASTIC!!!!

JudyEddy said...

I comment I made went to facebook I clicked like and it went there so I just commented on the blog

Judie said...

Hi DanaWV, this is new legal work. Things have changed since Darth's mother died, etc. So, we are doing business a bit differently with an anticipated move to a retirement community.

Ah, Lynn. I saw your response about the wood stove vs propane use. Makes sense.

Shirley, thank you and Rus for the Caring Owl video. Have to agree with Jo and others, I really like owls but would not want a mouse/rat gift of affection. Cats sometimes bring such things as tokens of affection. Yuk!

DanaMo, sorry you had a painful professional day. Hope tomorrow is better. Has Aric returned to Dayton? How's Boomer? I missed a lot.

For those making an NCTC visit: go to Sheetz! lol

Judie said...

Thanks Judy. The cat massage video is really cute.

JudyEddy said...

Didn't go for walk did some bush trimming When I get back I got to get my chain saw together still in box and cut down some unwanted pepper tree and oaks that the squirrel have planted right in the chain length fence such a PIA to get out

stronghunter said...

Lucky used to bring Kathryn lovely things he wanted to share with her. Once he brought a bird, and when he opened his mouth to meow a greeting, the bird flew out. As I recall, though, it ended up in the house and had to be rescued from there.

Must go put some more ingredients into my dinner. Will be back. . .

wvgal_dana said...

lol Shirley your stories are so so opens mouth bird flies out lol...I'm cracking up here LOL LOL

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie-Lynn/e we had on our prayer list Bill's former business partner for a while now. Sorry to hear about his passing. Prayers for you, Bill, Vanny's family and friends.

Mema Jo said...

Judy - when you say you sent the list around the other day - where is mine?
I'm sure that whomever you call will holler at me. I would love your TracPhone number.

No email of permission to enter NCTC grounds yet - Perhaps tomorrow morning hours If your seat belt is fixed will you leave for NC tomorrow?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

No fibromyalgia. I have to go for a nerve conduction study on my legs and if that shows nothing, then MRI time. I hate those. He did put me on an antidepressant as I am without energy and oompf most of the time. More will be revealed.

hedgie said...

From WCV:
Critter Cam Special Guest: Please join us on Thursday, October 13 at 11:00 a.m. (EDT) on the moderated discussion for an informative session with veterinary intern Dr. Adam. He’ll be answering questions and giving some perspective on “a day in the life” of a veterinarian at the Wildlife Center.

JudyEddy said...

MemmaJo you got email I emailed you the list as a copy paste and as a attachment just in case you can't open like Dana couldn't didn't have Mirco Excel to open I had deleted you email address along with a few others per their request not wanting jokes emailed to them so I am sorry I had forgotten about that so if any others what it let me know I can email to you I got your email from the blog to email it to you

I don't leave until Thur work Tu and Wed the seat belt had to ordered and will be put in tomorrow

Hoda said...

GREAT Yoga class and I just had a wonderful lunch with soup and a sweet potato/tofu baked dish.
JO I think if I remember correctly JUDYE is at work tomorrow, she was thinking of getting ANGIE to drive her...
Good Lord the ehfty bills continue with DANA WV-GAL chimming in with toilet repair expenses...
DANAMO I like your new avatarI take it these are your kids at ARIC's prom perhaps?Fancy clothes...

Mema Jo said...

DanaMo - Just now looking at the Mass
Pictures and I see an old friend of our
family - Monsignor Smith
He has baptised some of my children and grandchildren

hedgie said...

Shar--did dr. say what he suspected?? Hope you get answers soon.

Mema Jo said...

Hedgie - Vet info from WCV (Wildlife Center of VA) should be interesting.
He has to have busy days.

Mema Jo said...

Cool Beans, Judy Thanks

Judie said...

Lynn, sympathies for Bill and all his family and friends. May he be at rest.

Sharon, is there any possibility of an open MRI if that becomes necessary? I've always had a closed tube (which I dread) but ask for ear plugs and that the technician check in every few minutes with encouragement and time remaining. So sorry you are going through this.

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
DanaMo said...

MemaJo-Yes, Monsignor Smith is still around town. He does daily Mass at St. Ann during the week and fills in for the area priests when they are away on weekends. He is really showing his age though, loses his place and such. Very sweet man.

DanaMo said...

I always clean before I leave home too. It's so nice to come home from vacation to a nice clean house. And when we went to CA I think the dog sitter even vacuumed for me while we were gone so there wasn't hair everywhere.

DanaMo said...

JudyE-it's quite cool here in the mornings, you will definitely need sweatshirts and jeans, and a light jacket. No open toes either! :)

DanaMo said...

Mema Jo-long and boring. Painful that I had to sit and listen to it for so long. It was very ummm...difficult to understand and dry. Church theory kind of stuff...nothing that I am going to use in my kindergarten classroom. New requirements for our catechist certificate, which could actually end up changing again now that the Archbishop has been appointed to a position in Rome and we will be getting a new Archbishop.

DanaMo said...

I had the closed MRI and they were great. They checked on me, gave me ear plugs and played my choice of music. Even gave me a blanket to keep warm.

Well looks like I am rambling and no one else is currently on board. I have to go pick Adam up from Scout meeting, then I am crawling in bed with my Kindle. Not sure if I will read or just go to sleep! Good night all.

stronghunter said...

DanaMo, sorry about the long, boring meeting. I have experienced a few of those myself.

hedgie said...

Bye, DanaMo. Rest well!

I got to use my iPod when I had my MRI and CT scans. And, oh, yes, warm blanket provided!!!

JudyEddy said...

thanks for the advise on the shoes I hadn't planned on bring sandals in NC its cool also to cold and sneakers 100%

JudyEddy said...

that why my suit case is so fat extra long sleeve with t shirts also

JudyEddy said...



Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am ☼
God Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."


hedgie said...

G'night, JudyE!

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

Munching leftovers for dinner, gotta get caught up

Went to Big Lots for dog toys and Goodwill for beach stuff...Nick found his toys in the bag...he has forgiven me for coming home late ☺

paula eagleholic said...

Sharon, sure hope you don't have fibromyalgia! Not an easy diagnosis. Good, see it's not that!

Lynn, sympathies for Bill and Vanny's family.

Lynn, What is your CT for?

Lowereeda, great News indeed for Sherry!

Shirley, very interesting story about the spotted owl! Please tell Will thank you!

hedgie said...

Paula, what kind of good stuff did you find at Goodwill?
CT is yearly now to make sure there isn't a recurrence or metastesis.

paula eagleholic said...

OK, Lynn, thought that's what it was.

At Goodwill, I found a really pretty picture of a flower garden with water and sailboats in the background, a glass fish, a ceramic shell with candle inside, a trinket box with shells on top, a wooden seagull to hang on the wall, and a new cutlery tray made out of wood (for my house here!) Pretty good shopping trip!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, and the best part is, I only spent $13 at Goodwill!

Mema Jo said...

Lynn, sympathies for Bill and Vanny's family.

Sharon is it time for another Vit E fusion (not sure what you call the procedure) as you said you were without energy and oomph?

Mema Jo said...

I had a delightful surprise this evening
when my Hedgesville granddaughter stopped by for a visit with all of her 5 children. They are the greatest kids!
We had ice cream cones and oatmeal pies for our party.

paula eagleholic said...

That sounds like a good evening, Jo!

Linda said...

Just home from a horrible day today.

Dennis had a heart attack this afternoon.

He came inside white as a ghost sweating like crazy and having chest pain. Within minutes we decided to go to the ER.

I think the EKG showed a blockage because in 30 minutes we were in an ambulance to a heart hospital in Scranton. They took him right into the heart cath lab where they did a catheterization, found a blockage on the right something?? and put a stint in it. Now the blood can flow again, but I am so confused.

I know nothing about these types of things. He was on hypertension medication and cholesterol medication, but all his tests were normal for heart EKG, untrasounds, etc within the last year.

I am so blessed he is alive and resting comfortably right now in ICU. Praise God he is still here!

He was in so much pain, I couldn't bear it myself.

I guess I have a bit of learning to do in the coming days. They don't know the extent of the heart muscle damage, but the fact that we had the procedure within hours of the symptoms, they say his chances of less damage are better.


hedgie said...

Fun times, Jo!!

Paula, you made great finds!!! I will have to start doing the same lind of shopping soon, I hope! Of course, Irene and I both have so much beachy stuff already that we can both probably decorate the whole house and still have plenty at home!

stronghunter said...

Will see you tomorrow. Very tired ans sleep. Good night. Rest well.

NatureNut said...

Good Evening! Back again. Was fooling w/more pictures. I hate how it seems before writing anything on Blog, you have to keep resetting the font, size, Bold, etc. for each pic! ARRGGGHHH Anyway, put 2 sets of Stanley, but a warning---also just put one good TX pic of tree getting new leaves, but then,a couple Before and After pics. So if you want, skip those and go down to see Stanley. He's all tuckered out and in his envelope to go back to TN in AM!

I keep thinking it's Sunday!!!
Hope Lolly's travels are fun & JudyE will have a great one!
Paula, sounds like you did well at Good will!

Prayers for Lynn's friends and all ailing. Hope Lynn's knee gets better and Sharon gets well.
Here's a DUH~~~nicked tip of my tendonitis/"elec. shock" finger with blade yesterday at Chelsea, wrapped it w/2 Bandaids & First condition is almost all better!!!

Gotta do the do!!BBL, I hope ☺

hedgie said...

Oh, Linda, so VERY SORRY to hear about Dennis. Thank goodness he got immediate attention. The cath resulting in only a stent sounds positive. If it had been worse, there could have been 4 stents and even possibly immediate bypass hopefully this will be all that is needed. All of the tests in the world could be normal one week, and then have this happen the next. There's just no way to know or predict. Glad that Dennis is resting comfortably. Prayers going up immediately for you both. Please let us know if there is anything we can do.

Mema Jo said...

Linda - You are ready to fall apart I am sure. Sounds like it all happened so
fast that I am sure you are confused.
Are you home now and Dennis is in the hospital.........?

NatureNut said...

Good Grief, Linda! Just read back and saw what happened! Thank God Dennis will do OK! Going to ER ASAP is the best thing that can be done. And how fortunate to get to special hosp!
Prayers for all of you! ♥

Linda said...

Thanks, Lynn for the info. I feel much better with some explanation!! You're the best!

Jo, I just got home about a half hour ago. Dennis is in ICU and will hopefully go to the telemetry (?) floor in a regular room tomorrow. They say he will be there for a few days more. The hospital is about 35-45 minutes away from our home.

I don't think I've ever slept in this house without him here! :(

Hoda said...

DEAR GOD LINDA!!! So pleased he came in when he was not feeling well and that you took action right away....A Blessing that they were able to act so fast and so efficiently.
God's Grace written all over this event and I send prayers for his healing and your sense of wellness. You did well today and kept it togehter to make sure he survives this heart attack.
Do let us know if we can do anything to help...Much GRATITUDE for his surviving this traumatic event.

hedgie said...

Loretta,really loved the pics......sad and happy ones. Left comments for you (now that I can again!).

Linda, please remember to take care of far is Scranton from you?

Linda said...

Lynn - Sorry to hear Vanny lost his battle with leukemia. I remember he had been suffering with it. As Kay so eloquently says, He got a grand promotion! Praying his family and friends finds strength in God through this difficult time. It's never easy.

How is your knee today?

paula eagleholic said...

Linda, Lynne said it all. It doesn't matter what the tests show, a heart attack can happen at any time. Only one stint is a good sign! Thank goodness you acted quickly, as well as the hospital staff.

You have got to be stressed...let it out if you can, cry for your pain, relief...we are here for you

Judie said...

Linda, so very sorry about Dennis but so very glad he received immediate diagnosis and intervention. I hope he continues to rest comfortably and that you will also be able to get some sleep. With the stent in place and with follow-up education about diet and exercise, he should be fine.

Paula, nice shopping spree.

Jo, what a terrific surprise with the grand and great-grands. Rest well.


Hoda said...

PAULA it sounds like you had a very good day shopping.Most things were closed here for Thanksgiving. What toys did you get for NICK...I think LYNN already asked you before you told us about the purchases for the beach house and your main house.

paula eagleholic said...

And Linda, don't be afraid to ask questions at the hospital. The more you ask, the more you can learn. You have to be his advocate.

Judie said...

The night light is on for anyone arising in the dark and for Andy who may arrive from the West coast.

The sandperson has departed for a number of stops and will arrive at Hoda's within the next three hours. Restful sleep for all.

Linda said...

Thank you, Hoda.

You know I feel the exact same way. God was blessing us throughout this day from the minute things started happening until I kissed him goodnight.

The staff at the local hospital were amazing. Even the Doctor never left his side for the 40 minutes we were in that hospital.

The Medic in the ambulance did a stellar job as he had yet another heart attack in the ambulance.

The staff were awaiting him in the cath lab and I didn't even know what was going on.

God was in control and that much I knew. Somehow throughout the day, I had peace in my heart that God would take care of us in His way. I can't tell you I wasn't scared, but I knew he would give us the strength to deal with whatever would come our way.

We are truly blessed. If I am going to talk the talk, I must walk the walk and trust Him completely!

wvgal_dana said...

Paula nice finds at the Good Will ( :

paula eagleholic said...

Hoda, there is a store here called Big Lots (it's a discount store) has lots of great dog toys for $3 each...most places are $5 and up...he likes the stuffed ones with squeakers in them...some have ropes on them, too.

wvgal_dana said...

Linda God was with Dennis and you today. Guiding you in what to do. You did GOOD Linda. I know you feel alone without Dennie there. It is ok to hug his pillow and cry. We are here...One stent is good!! I went on the internet to look things up and wrote down questions to ask the doctor. If that will help you. You need to watch him on whatever medication they put him on. God brought Dennis inside to you in time!!! You got him to the hospital in time also...GOD AGAIN WAS LEADING THE WAY !!! Thank you God. Now try to rest and go see Dennis tomorrow. Will continue prayers for Dennis and you and the doctors.
HUGS ((((((((((LINDA)))))))))))

hedgie said...

Linda, I'm sure that Riley will comfort you tonight. Just make sure you lock up everything tight! Get a glass of wine, and take a noce warm bath and get yourself to bed. You will need a good rest before heading back to the hospital tomorrow. Yep---telemetry....a private room with constant heart monitoring at the nurses' station.

Hoda said...

I read your last post LINDA and tears flow because you know HIS GRACE and you TRUST HIM. You do WALK THE WALK...

Hoda said...

Thanks PAULA.

hedgie said...

Thanks for all messages of condolence for Vanny's family and friends.

Linda, your faith will see you through, for sure! Praise the Lord that He was with you both every step of the way.

hedgie said...

Oh---thanks for asking about my knee. It does seem to be feeling a little better this afternoon. Not as swollen. Guess because I got the apptmt. made for next week!

Linda said...

WV Dana - You're so kind and I appreciate your words of advice, too. Thank you for the love you share and your caring.

Hoda - Again, thank you, from the bottom of my heart! I'm humbled by your words - I consider you such a Godly woman.

Lynn - Also good advice. My head is pounding, but I think I just need to relax and unwind and get some rest, as you said. It's been a day like one I've never had.

Judie - Thank you for your kind words, too!

Paula - And to you, too! Good advice. I will be armed with questions tomorrow and in the days to come. Dennis is pretty good at understanding this stuff, so that is good. I just want to be sure he tells me EVERYTHING!!

Linda said...

Lynn - I am happy your knee is feeling better. Sometimes all you have to do is make the appointment and things start feeling better!

I'm going to take a nice hot shower now!


For those I miss, sweet dreams and thank you for your kind words and support...... xoxo

Mema Jo said...

I think I am safe going to bed now and that no more news comes in from any of my friends.
Prayers for you to have a peaceful sleep, Linda. Angels will protect Dennis.

Good Night everyone
Hugs to all ♥♥♥♥♥♥

Lolly said...

I guess everyone might be calling it a day and here I am just checking in.

OMG!!!! Have we ever had the most fantastic day. Have not even begun to download pictures and boy do I have a lot! We went Mesa Verde Natl. Park. The first glimpse of the cave dwellings take your breath away. Not to mention the absolutely gorgeous drive to the park!! We took two Ranger guided tours. We saw the Cliff Palace dwelling and then the Balcony House Dwelling. The Palace was the largest of the two and very amazing. Then we did the Balcony....the MOST adventurous!! We had to climb a 32 ft. ladder up the edge of a cliff. I DID IT!!!
Then on the way out we had to crawl on our hands and knees through a tunnel and climb another ladder. I am soooo proud of myself! LOL Have any of you ever been there? I do not know why we ever waited this long to go. It is awesome!

Wildlife...another redtail hawk, but this one had something in it's talons and was having difficulty flying. Then we saw a coyote. No pictures of either.

Going to leave now and download pictures. I will be back to say good night!

hedgie said...

Good night, dear ladies. hope you rest well.

Bath time here, but need to finish manicure afterwards, so will check back to see if any latecomers pop in. Margy should be, and Andy, too. Lynne is probably already sawing logs.

Sorry to say that if anyone RECORDED House for later will only have 7 minutes. Apparently a ballgame ran over and show did not start til 9:53. :( I know Christie is going to be upset when she gets home from work. Thank goodness I have the west coast channels to fall back will atch in in entirety at MN.

magpie said...

Reading along, catching up... then
there is Linda's post about Dennis.
Such a difficult, sudden turn of events, but Thank God indeed, that they got to immediate, good medical care.
Prayers for Dennis and Linda.....and all the doctors and health care team
(( Hugs, Linda ♥ ))
Thanks for taking the time to let us know.

xo ♥

hedgie said...

Of course, you can watch it online, I'm sure!

Lynne2 said...

Hi all, late checking in. Just read back and found Linda's post. Prayers going up...

I also see that Bill's former business partner has passed, and prayers for all of his loved ones as well.

Been a long day, heading to bed finally. Good night and prayers for all.

Hoda said...

It sounds like a TERRIFIC DAY LOLLY. I look forward to seeing the pictures.

MARGY good that you checked in. How was your day?

Lolly said...

OMG! Just read back after seeing comments. LINDA, oh so sorry for your day. Prayers for Dennis and for you. Wish we lived closer to help you out.(((Hugs)))

magpie said...

Sounds really great, Lolly.
Happy for you and Jack...

magpie said...

See the update from Sharon...with more to be revealed.
Last week it was pets,
this week, people....

Hope Joey's procedures went okay too today, Lolly

How neat, the Hedgesvillers visiting Jo today....never a dull moment in Middletown !

magpie said...

I can definitely relate to the treasures and price tags at Goodwill, Paula
One of my first and best buys long ago, is of a seaside scene, with beautiful clouds;
Very peace-inducing,
have it in my bedroom

Neat thing here in Martinsburg, Big Lots and Goodwill are side by side ☺

magpie said...

Day was good, Hoda...
school pick up for James, homework, greeting card detail, meal, and just catting around
(Goodwill and grocery store ☺ )

Lolly said...

Just real quick.....Joey had his tests today. He will see the doctor tomorrow.

magpie said...

thanks Lolly....
The Prayers are on the Wing....
lots of them, for lots of folks here

magpie said...

Wonderful news about Loretta's daughter and son-in-law getting the go ahead to buy those four acres !

magpie said...

your post late last night about your early morning blogging with Norma, Candy, and Suz in the early days...was very touching ♥
I remember "watching" some of you in the early days...wondering, what are those people talking about ?
Finally I could figure some of it out

magpie said...

also wanted to ask you...did you and Gene report your unwanted and unknown visitors to the Shop?
You could ask for Patrol requests of the area, through the Sheriff's Department...might not be a bad idea for the next few weeks

magpie said...

Time to wind it down here...workday Tuesday

Lynn, I am sorry about Bill's former partner...prayers for peace and comfort for the family and friends

happy for the fun things, sad about the troubles, but confident in the Power of Prayers....

Prayers for Wellness Amongst our People and Pets...

Good Night, Precious Pals

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

Costume Lady said...

Ah, yes...Goodwill stores. I use to stop at all that I could find on any of our trips. I have found many wonderful, antique books and sheet music (use to be my speciality when I sold antiques). The pricers have become very savvy and know an antique when they see it, so, I didn't have much luch there, the last few years that I had the business. I had to depend on auctons for my goods and had to pay a whole lot more money there!

Costume Lady said...

I see my KEYBOARD is making a lot of mistakes...just don't know what to do about that...maybe it needs cleaning;)

Tiring day, need some sleep.

Costume Lady said...

Such a shock to read Linda's post about her beloved, Dennis. I know she loves him dearly and her heart is breaking for him, right now.

LINDA, from your past comments about Dennis, I believe you two were meant to be together and I know our Lord will not part you. This trial will only make you, as a loving couple, even stronger.
You know that from past trials, don't you:) Relax and let the doctors and our Lord take care of Dennis. All our prayers are with the two of you, until Dennis is back home again♥♥

Costume Lady said...


Hoda said...

I hope LINDA is asleep by now and or doing prayers and finding some relaxation.

I will say good night and Sweet Dreams and God Bless.

hedgie said...

Lolly, sounds like an amazing adventure day for you. Nope---I've never beenn there...but my Dad was. He climbed those ladders!

Glad the latecomers have all chimed in. Now I will also say goodnight. God bless us all.

Lolly said...

Have loaded a few of my 59 pictures to fb. Margy, will get them on here later. Loading pictures to here takes so much more time.

Night all! Sweet dreams!

Prayers and love and hugs...all going out to our Linda and Dennis.♥

Up early in the morning for the train ride!

Linda said...

Wanda - Your comments were so touching and I believe they are true. It was God who brought Dennis and I together and I, too, pray he won't part us this soon. Thank you for your prayers and love!

LOLLY - Thank you for your kind words and (((((HUGS)))))

Margy - Thank you for the prayers, the hugs and the love!

HODA - I haven't gone to sleep yet, but feel I may be able to pretty soon here.

I did call up to the ICU and talked with Dennis' nurse and they let me talk to him, too. The cath is now out of his leg and he was able to sit up and stand up and walk around a little at midnight.

They will do an echocardiogram tomorrow, which I believe will tell us how the heart is functioning after the heart attack and how much of his heart was damaged as a result of the attack today.

Dennis sounded good and it was so heart warming to hear his voice, since I can't be there with him. I know he is in good hands, both there and in God's. ♥

Linda said...

I think I will sign off now and try to get some sleep!!

Thank you, once again, for all your love, support, prayers, and ((((HUGS)))). I so appreciate my loving Eagle Family!!

I plan on going to the hospital tomorrow to see if I can catch the doctors. The ICU is pretty strict on visitors......even spouses, so I can't go for long, but I will be there when I'm allowed and hopefully he will be moved to a room where I can stay with him longer sometime tomorrow.

I will keep you posted!!

May God Bless and Protect Us all and the critters we so dearly love ..... xoxo ♥♥♥

Lori O. said...

HODA, just got to watch the Parahawking in Nepal video - AWESOME. That is truly flying like/with a bird! I love it. Thanks for posting.

WANDA, good call on the nasturtium! Yep, the leaves gave it away to me.

SHARON, hope your doctor appointment goes well with results that are not fibromyalgia. So many compolications with that and so hard to diagnose. Prayers you'll be feeling better fast!

YEAH for LORETTA's Sherry getting the lot next door! Wooooohooooo!

Lori O. said...

LINDA - you still here????

Lori O. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lori O. said...

LINDA, I was shocked when I read about Dennis' heart attacks yesterday. I'm so glad you're a smart, Godly woman who knew to get him to the hospital and pray, right away! :)

I'm sure it's a different feeling around your house tonight. Don't be doing any WHAT IF scenarios. He's going to be okay. Andy Billy is watching over both of you right now, too. {{{Big Hug}}} Linda! I'll be praying for both of you. It's truly amazing what these heart surgeries can do. AMEN!

Lori O. said...

LYNN, sorry to hear about Vanny. Prayers for his family.

Poor SHIRLEY, I hope the offending dog is feeling better now. :)

LOLLY, did you get the pics up? I think you should consider becoming a travel agent - you plan such great trips & like to travel.

Lori O. said...

JUDYE, will you be alone, or with your friends when you come to WV?

Lori O. said...

Congratulation's to LOLLY's TCU joining the Big 12 college sports conference! They say that'll keep 'em playing closer to home. Relief!

DanaMo said...

OMGosh Linda, so sorry about Dennis. Prayers for you both. I hope that he has a quick recovery. Learning new medical jargon can be so difficult. New meds. and restrictions. Not an easy road, but thank God you acted quickly!

DanaMo said...

Good morning all! Parent conferences today. Another joyful day in the world of being a teacher. Why can't we just teach the kids and not have to do all the other stuff. Hopefully, the conferences won't be too bad. I'm going to head to Dunkin Donuts and pick up a box of Jo and some donut holes to have in my "waiting" area. Hopefully everyone will stick to the allotted time and I will be out of there by 12:30!

Lori O. said...

Good Morning DanaMo!

If all goes as planned you have a much shorter day than normal! Any special plans for your shorter day?
How are the three flying labs?

DanaMo said...

The Flying labs are great!

If all goes as planned I may go over to the mall to get Annemarie a new outfit for her 8th grade picture at the park tomorrow.

Off to Dunkin Donuts...HAGD!

JudyEddy said...


LINDA so sorry about Dennis Please keep us informed So good you went to the ER at first symptoms You all will be in my prayers and thoughts

JudyEddy said...

LOlly Looking forward to seeing the pictures

Reading on I see Linda's Dennise sittng in bed that is great new My heart hurts for you I know this has to be hard on you and my God keep you strong

I will be alone on vaca LORI Well I am still not dressed so off I go to get dressed and to work HAGD

Lori O. said...

Hey JudyE! Are you going to be traveling alone when you come up to WV? Do you know where you are staying yet?

Lori O. said...

Funny! I asked again, & you answered at the same time. lol

T-Bird said...

Good morning eagle peeps.

Lori O. said...

Hey, hey THELMA Lou! What's shakin'?

JudyEddy said...

Yep traveling alone and I will just get a room when I get in town If anyone has any suggestions let me know I don't want to stay in a place like the sandman did here in Fl LOL
Ok I have to get busy am shutting this down so I can head to work

T-Bird said...

Not much Lori, what's shaking your way?

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals...

The Holiday Inn Expresses and the Comfort Inns up this way should be pretty good JudyE
there is a Holiday Inn Express near each of our two WalMarts in Berkeley County

Others will have more suggestions...

xoxo ♥

Lori O. said...

Thelma, just working here. Trying to figure out if we have to sign up with Jo to go to NCTC on Monday 10/24 to meet with Judy. Poor JudyE, we're probably driving her crazy trying to get her trip all planned. Can you come up Thelma?

magpie said...

Very Linda for sure, that she got that later night report on Dennis and she could TALK to him before bedtime.

God Bless you and Dennis, Linda...and all the doctors and the entire health care team

((Hugs for you both ♥ ♥ ))

Lori O. said...

Morning MARGY - you are the Queen of Wild Flower pictures! Thanks for sharing.

magpie said...

Happy Birthday to our Original Belle...Original Momster from the very beginning - Hope it is a Glorious Day !! xoxo ☺ ♥

magpie said...

And a big round of

Happy Birthday Wishes to Mason in Shepherdstown...Wake Up Mason!! It is your Special Day...xoxo ☺ ♥

Maybe he will become a Dadster one of these days !!! ☺

magpie said...

Lori -
I think Jo will let you know...she has an email out to Steve...but yesterday was a government maybe today...

Big round of Applause for Jo..for the birthday lists and all that she does for us here!
Bravo, Clap Clap Clap...!!

Lori you're welcome on the Wildflowers and, thank you to you and Wanda on my "columbine " aka actually a Nasturtium ! But this Magpie is definitely a Magpie...☺

magpie said...

We're Roaring Towards the SPLIT

but I gotta shake a leg and Split before that happens....

time for work soon

Best Wishes for a Good Day...and Big Prayers for Wellness all around

xoxo ♥

Lori O. said...

Have a great day MARGY!

Clap, clap, clap for JO! Thanks for the Birthdays list.

Clap, clap, clap for LYNN and the Address list.

hedgie said...

Good morning, gang!

Oh, Lori....Delphia gets the credit for the address list! I just help to maintain it!!

Linda, so glad you had a chance to talk with Dennis last night. And WhooHoo----up and walking sounds great!

Lori O. said...

Okay, LYNN, though you are a huge help with the addresses, etc., you get a clap, clap, clap for all the nurse questions you answer for everyone!

LINDA, I know you're not a morning person, but in case you are up this morning getting ready to go to the hospital, I just wanted to let you know that we're all thinking about you and Dennis. More prayers coming your way 24/7.

T-Bird said...

I will catch you all later.

hedgie said...

Linda, thinking about you and Dennis as you start your day. Praying that you find him in fine fettle when you get to the hospital.

This fasting for blood work is a PIA. Leaving here at 10:30 to go to lab before an 11:30 lunch, of all things, a vegetarian cafe. Blah!!! Menu does have a couple of possibilities, tho', that I think will be very good--thankfully!

hedgie said...

Of course, fasting means no ibuprofen for my knee----not good on an empty stomach....tho' I'm tempted to try!

hedgie said...

Here is your TRIVIA question for the day. Please--off the top of your head! No googling!!!! It popped into my head while hearing a report about something of those names you never forget!! Who was Rudd Weatherwax???

hedgie said...

Come back, Thelma-----I bet YOU know the answer!!!!

Lolly said...

No time to read back but wanted to say Good Moring! We are off!

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1/7/25 PM matin🦅🦅fish 🐟

12:02:54 PM Scout. To the original nest with food and his talons.  It's a little fish. 12:03:17 He exits the nest with his fish.And to...