Saturday, October 01, 2011


Weekend thread 1.


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T-Bird said...

Aches and pains woke me up way too early this morning. Yes I am whining. : )

T-Bird said...

I'm here DanaMo. : )

T-Bird said...

How are you this morning?

Kay said...

Surprise ! G☼☼d M☼rning D♥N♥ and THELM♥ ! Guess I've caught up on my rest cause here I am, all bright eyed and bushy tailed for a change !

DANA, love the Avatar---great pic of you and your Mubby !

THELMA, what's the good word in Bluefield this morning. Is Jason's toe healing well ?

Kay said...

Oh, drat, I see you were awakened by aches and pains, THELMA. Bummer and a bad way to start the week !

T-Bird said...

Good morning Kay. We are so thankful, yes, Justin's toe is healing well.

T-Bird said...

Thanks for asking friend.

Kay said...

MARGY, yes, Seth and I listened to PHC Saturday evening. Love that program and got a big charge outta' "beaver manure" segment, too !

LYNN, I have both a dvr and a vcr, but am Ms. Klutz when it comes to such things. Always relied on Stan to fix me up with tapings and haven't done a thing about learning how to do it. I managed to stay awake for all of The Good Wife---good episode ! Love Andy Rooney, too, and completely forgot about his final essay. Will look on line to see if I can find it.

Kay said...

Oops, got my J name wrong, sorry about that, THELMA. Happy to hear Justin's booboo is getting better !!!

Hoda said...


KAY here is the link to ANDY ROONEY Andy Rooney last regular segment on 60 minutes

T-Bird said...

Good morning Hoda. Thanks, I've been looking and looking for it.

Kay said...

HODA, you are certainly on the ball at an early hour of the day ! Thank you, so much. It was a low key and nice farewell, very Andy Rooneyish, eh ? It won't seem right not having him put the final touch on 60 Minutes !

T-Bird said...

It sure was low key.

Kay said...

It was nice seeing Andy's beautiful family pics ! He's in amazingly good shape for 92 years young. Look at all that hair, top of the head and eyebrows, too. I've long wanted to get at those brows to thin them out, but in a recent essay he says he likes them just the way they are ! ☺

Hoda said...

Well The Italian papers are not being too friendly towards Amanda Knox. I thought she gave a good statement. The only thing to do now is to wait for the two judges and the four jurors to rule on her appeal. Either way she comes home!!!There is a treaty between the US and Italy.

DanaMo said...

Good morning Kay! So glad to hear from you! How are you feeling.

Thelma, sorry for the aches and pains. You are allowed to whine.

Wow I just went down to fold clothes and got behind by 15 posts!

DanaMo said...

Good morning Hoda!

Kay said...

Wish we were watching and commenting on our beautiful eagles this morning ! Will have to be patient as we wait.

LORI, missing you and hope you get a chance to check in today or tomorrow !

Moving on to the news of the day and will BBL !

Hoda said...

Well I wanted to see what the European papers were saying about Amanda Knox's court statements.The British are being very British and not outwardly saying what they think, the Italians are mostly unfriendly...The verdict should be in by Two O'clock Eastern Time.

I am going to go give my bed a go...


T-Bird said...

Can't find Knox's statement either.

Hoda said...

Thelma here is her statement in Italian on the video and the text in wiritng Amanda Knox Appeal Statement

Kay said...

♫♫♪Happy Birthday to CAROLYN aka JEWELS ! Hoping every moment of this day is special ! As special as you are !♪♫♪

Kay said...

HODA, what do you mean by "either way, she comes home" ? What treaty makes that possible ? Haven't followed the case closely and must have missed something.

T-Bird said...

Thanks Hoda. Well, I'm off to watch I Love Lucy. I will catch you all on the flip side.

Kay said...

Bye for now, THELMA. I'm off to watch the Today Show, have some world and national news to catch up on ! BBL ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

JudyEddy said...

G☼☼D M☼RNING Eagle Buds

JudyEddy said...

I have just begun to read

♪♪♫♪♪ Happy Birthday Jewels (Carolyn) ♪♪♫♪♪

LOLLY have a marvelous trip I know you will even though you may have to miss Albuquerque there is a more to see out there

LORI you are missed this am

KAY we miss you immensely and pray for your health and to bounce back to be your old self and thanks for saying you will check in once a day

ANDY nice that you approve of her new beau It is always nice when they are liked and sounds like a nice place

JudyEddy said...

HODA loved the poem

WANDA I loved what you said about getting more tables and a larger coffee maker I will look at coffeee makers at work after all I can get my 10% discount on it LOL Oh and might as well get the tables and chairs there ONE STOP SHOP

YEAH I see KAY this am I am almost up

JudyEddy said...

Winter has made more than 37million now which is more that what it took to make so they are happy from what the new said

JudyEddy said...

HODA have you been to bed yet and if so how much sleep did you get I thought I saw you on late post last nite and now you are up

JudyEddy said...

I don't recall what LORI is doing in Orlando another tourist promo???

JudyEddy said...

I got caught up BRRR I am chilly this am 62° out now Feels good

JudyEddy said...

When I get back from vacation I am getting a kitty or cat I will go to my old Vets to see if he has any I would rather get it there I hate going to a shelter I break down and cry at them Its hard to just pick out one there at the vets he usually has a couple if any

JudyEddy said...

OK I guess I will go to the news as always when I arrive everyone disappears LOL

PA Nana said...

Good morning. Am I too late for the early crowd?

Woke up early this am and had to stop by before my day begins. Have my coffee at hand and will catch up.

♫♪ Rain, rain, go away. Come back another day.♪♫

Lynne2 said...


Hi HO, HI ho, it's off to work I go.....have a good one everybody!

Lynne2 said...


Lynne2 said...

Whine away Thelma...we understand! Hope you feel better once up and moving around some!


PA Nana said...


Thelma, hope you feel better as the day goes on. This weather can't help.

DanaMo, have a good day at school.

Kay, so good to 'see' you this morning.

Howdy Hoda! You were so late in posting I didn't think you'd be up this early, but hey, it's a good day when you wake up!

Judy, Judy, Judy, slow down. We can't read that fast. Have a good day.

PA Nana said...

HA!~ Lynne, must still be dreaming. Have a good day friend.

hedgie said...


PA Nana said...

Good morning Lynn.

Hoda said...

JUDYE Somehow sleep is eluding me tonight...I have not slept at all!!! I am very surprised. I gave it a good effort.I do not know why I am not able to sleep tonight.

KAY I read somewhere, The Guardian, The Telegraph and L'Actualité Parisien, that Amanda Knox, if guilty verdict is upheld, will ask to serve the remainder of her time in the US jails so she can continue on with her education and be close to her family. According to International Treaties this is possible.The Italians made a big thing about this conviction being a capital punishment crime in the US and will want to gurantee that she is not to be executed!!! She will be allowed to return according to International Law Lawyers who were discussing the case in European papers. Both Italy and The USA are signatory to these treaties.

Hoda said...

Enjoy your day and may there be smiles and joy.Many Happy Returns Of The Day.

Costume Lady said...

It is 44° here in WILD AND WONDERFUL WV. Only going up to 54°

I was reading the morning comments and am wondering if JUDY forgot to go to work...she usually leaves around 7:30???

Also watched DanaMo's vacation photos. Those kids sure did have fun surfing...made me smile:)

Kay, how are your eating and sleeping habits...are getting enough of both?

Thelma is the dampness of the weather getting you down. It usually does me, but after I'm up and around for a while, I feel better.

Costume Lady said...

I miss Lori's cheerful greetings. I feel so sorry for her to have to be in Orlando...that station just doesn't treat her right!

Costume Lady said...

I see Diann has our first Harvest is that time. Fall got her entirely too fast:( Not ready for it yet!

HODA, time for us to get our socks on..sans the sandals:)

Costume Lady said...


hedgie said...

Morning, friends!
NO SUN here...raining.....
Thelma, so sorry you are hurting this morning. Take some tylenol and go back to bed!
Hoda, Hoda, will need a NAP today!!!
Kay, DanaMo, JudyE---you early birds have plenty of time to prepare for your larger kaffe klatsch!! Things won't start hopping at nest for about 2 months yet.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Eagle Friends Thelma, Hoda, DanaMo, JudyE, Diann, Lynne2, Hedgie-Lynn/e, Wanda, and Lurkers.

Don't know if I missed anyone from other side of spilt or not.

Happy Birthday Carolyn-Lynn's (Hedgie's) Daughter

Hoda said...

WanDA Socks have been out here since last week now...sans Sandals is right!!! No boots however. I am reflecting on a statment you made about my life being Idylic. I don't see it as such. I have my ups and my downs yet I try to spend more time in the positive and in knowing gratitude than in feeling doubt and and being overwhelmed. It is all a gift of Faith and Trust in God.I have a real life that has its shar of problems and its share of wonder...Thank you for your statement last night.

WE have email from LOLLY!!!

hedgie said...

Amanda will not serve as much time if brought over here since we have "good behavior" credit, which Italy doesn't have. I can't believe that in an appeal process that the prosecutor can ask for a change in the sentence (from 20-something years to LIFE). He is a criminal from the stuff that has been on the news magazine shows....can't believe that he would still be allowed in his position. There is at least one book about his insane prosecutorial misconduct.

Hoda said...

LYNN I would think that I will need a nap...I did have a cup of coffee yesterday at around noon...could this be the cause of my sleepless night? I normally ask for decaf coffee but yesterday I did not. I like the taste of real coffee better than the decaf...I did do the announcements that I was supposed to work on this afternoon. I posted them on three Internet sites, they ae to advertise the AFRICAN DINNER for the GRANS TO GRANS...OH by the way JUDY COLLINS is going to be in Nelson the same night!!!Our event starts at 5:30 and she starts at 8:00...could I do both? I like her very much,again back to my time in the USA.

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals...
Happy Birthday Carolyn Jewels...
Hope this is your Best Birthday EVER, filled to the brim with all your favorite things xoxo ☺ ♥

wvgal_dana said...

Thelma so glad to hear Justin's
toe is healing. I'm saddened
to hear you woke early with
aches and pains. Praying the
let up some.

Kay had to laugh. Me and you both
have been wanting to thin out
the eyebrows of Andy Rooney. I
watched it last night. Was good
and sure am going to miss him.

Oh DanaMo nice avatar like Kay
said. Good looking picture ( :

Hoda you are on the ball this
morning. Already putting up
2 links. Way to go LADY ( :

magpie said...

Hope the aches and pains disappear quickly, T-Bird....

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning our sweet Margy ( :

magpie said...

Hope Sleep is Sweeeet when it finally comes your way, Hoda !
'Night-'Night xo

magpie said...

and I'm wondering how those Bombay Cats of Judie's - - managed on their first night at Judie and Darth's Roost

magpie said...

Are you warm this morning, Dana ?
How's your Mom doing...staying warm also ?

wvgal_dana said...

Lori hope you are finding FLorida warmer than here. Be good to hear from you when you drop in here.

Lolly and Jack HAPPY TRAVELING and be SAFE!!! ( :

Hoda said...

I agree with you LYNN in regards the Lawyer who prosecuted Amanda Knox. I am hoping that she is cleared of the verdict and that she comes home.He shoulkd not be allowed to practice law. If she has to be transferred to the States to serve time then good behaviour will count and rightfully so...

hedgie said...

Hoda, don't imagine that the caffeine would be an issue 12 hrs. later!!! I suspect t he excitement of getting out those announcements is what kept you awake!!!
Oh my---will you get to see Judy Collins perform??? She was on Anderson Cooper's tribute to his Mom (Gloria Vanderbilt) last week....she still can sing!!! She sang Gloria's favorite song--Amazing Grace.

wvgal_dana said...

Yes I am warmer Margy. I turned the heat on yesterday. Had it low for last night. So it is warmer in here. Mother is doing good still thank the Lord.♥

magpie said...

glad you heard "Viva La Beaver Manure" the other night; the parts of the show that I could hear before getting out of "range" on the car radio reception was great !
Glad to hear that Seth and Malcolm were there with you ♥

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning, Everyone!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CAROLYN!!! Hoping it will be a VERY special day for you!! Enjoy!!

Woke up early again this morning. Am so used to getting up at 2:30 a.m. on weekdays with Kubby, that I guess I'm stuck in a rut.

Thelma, sorry you woke up with aches & pains! Prayers that they will go away quickly. How cold is it there this morning? Go ahead and whine--we Momsters & Dadsters can take it!...So glad to hear that Jason's toe is getting better!
How is Buddy this morning? Tell him I said hello.

Can't wait to hear more about Judie & Darth's new Bombay cats! I'm sure there is quite a story there.

Well, need to catch up on the news and see what's happening in the world. Will check in later, after breakfast. Hope everyone has a good Monday!

magpie said...

headed to the day's chores now....
got my morning uplift here ☺

Best Wishes for a Good Day, Everyone

Happy Trails, Jack and Lolly..."write when you can"

xoxo ♥

Hoda said...

I saw Judy Collins in Edmonton, Alberta, right after she lost her son in the early ninties I think it was.She spoke of her love for him and then she sang Amazing Grace then too and we were all in tears.I would very much like to see her,she is truly a Talentd Lady.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Rolling down the road!

Hoda said...

This is for you and JACK LOLLY Willie Nelson On THe ROad Again ENJOY your trip and drive safely.

wvgal_dana said...

JudyE if you want a kitten instead of a cat. Maybe the one Lori has left you could pick up if your coming up this way.

Hoda sorry you have NOT slept. My dear you have been up all night. Praying you can get some sleep.

Oh Wanda I just read where you commented it is only going to get to 54° today YUCK.

Hoda I see you said you got the word out about the African Dinner for The Grans To Grans. Guess you will have a chance to see July Collins if she isn't starting till 8pm.

Lolly said...

HB to Carolyn!

We got away at 6:30, temp is upper 50's.

wvgal_dana said...

Hi ( : LOLLY & JACK !! Good Morning ( :

wvgal_dana said...

Morning Andy see you are going for breakfast.

Wondering about the story of the Bombay cats of Judie and Darth??
Are they both black?

Lolly said...

Lol. Loved it, Hoda! I love technology! Here we are in TX Rolling along listening to Willie sent by Hoda way up in Canada! (((hugs))) for you, Sweetie!

Hoda said...

IT'S ALL GOOD LOLLY!!! I am glad you enjoyed Willie Nelson!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie-Lynn/e any spiders web around here the 8 leggier has eaten the head off the stinkbug. Leaves the rest of the body just like the praying mantis does.

Have fun traveling LOLLY & JACK. Love you dropping in ( : ♥♥

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie-Lynn/e I think I remember this evening you are taking BIRTHDAY GIRL CAROLYN out to dinner. Enjoy and tell her HAPPY BIRTHDAY FROM THE MOMSTER/DADSTER GROUP ( :

wvgal_dana said...

Hoda I see you have a Sunday Thanksgiving invite with the Nelson Senior Group. Ladies that speak their minds and help take good care of Nelson. It sounds like you will be in with a wonderful group for you THANKSGIVING DAY HUGS ( :

Loretta Keeping Sherry in prayers during this time. Missing the things she lost in the fire. It will take time for her to get through this. Our PRAYERS here will be of help to her. God Bless her and YOU (Loretta).

wvgal_dana said...

Andy enjoy your beautiful lodge you are staying in. Sounds awesome!! Have a grand time in Lake Tahoe.

Mema Jo I know today is the day the girls come over to clean the basement out. I know although they will be working. You will still enjoy their company ( :

wvgal_dana said...

Closing down to finish getting ready to head out for my dental appt.

Everyone traveling SAFE TRAVELS.

Everyone staying home. I hope your aches and pains go away and stay warm. ( : ♥

See you later maybe.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning - I put my socks on as soon as my feet hit the floor. Drinking
my cup of coffee and awaiting my daughters arrival............

hedgie said...

ARGH---blogger cop got me good. Not only wouldn't post my comment, but would not do ANYTHING---I had to completely reboot.

Lori AND Loo arer in FL> CHeck them out:

hedgie said...

Dana, the video showed the mantis consuming the WHOLE SB, not just the head!!!!

Andy----LOL! Nope, YOU are my fav curmudgeon!!!

hedgie said...

Hi, Lolly! Rollin' rollin' rollin' along, hey???!!!

Hoda, the loss of sons is probably what drew Judy Collins and Gloria Vanderbilt together. On the show I mentioned, she said that when her son jumped off the building she wanted to follow him. Anderson said "why didn't you?" and she said "Because then I thought of you." Thank goodness she remembered that before she did anything drastic.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,
Back to check in after breakfast.
We didn't go out, we ate in. This place has a full kitchen, so we took advantage of that, and are still in our jammies. We are watching GMA to see what the verdict is in the Amanda Knox trial.

I'm here via a WiFi network here at the timeshare. It's been a bit iffy, so may just stay logged on, thus avoiding a real PIA getting signed back on.

It's possible that we will get rain today. Right now it's 44 degrees and quite cloudy, with up to 24 mph winds. Isolated thundershowers are expected later, so I may need to sign off after all. We may get snow! Hope not, since then we might need chains to get around, and we don't have any.
Hope we are able to head back home on Saturday. Really don't want to get stuck here!

Mema Jo said...

Lynn - Thanks so much for the video from Lou/Lori! Work is really tough!

Judie said...

Good morning -- NOT!

The new arrivals have been difficult at best. We brought them home approx. 6:30pm. Neither has eaten, neither has used either of the two litter boxes, one has remained in hiding and the other has attacked and caused many bites and lacerations on me and Darth. We are not amused.

Will try to give them another day or two but will not tolerate biting, scratching, hissing, and using the carpets as litter boxes (if that's what they are doing).

We anticipated a week or so of adjustment but so far not so good.

Might as well say what's happening and get it over. Sorry I made the announcement yesterday. Guess I was just to hopeful.

Nothing more to be said. I'll keep you posted.

hedgie said...

Oh, sorry that it's been so rough.....poor you and Darth......:( I know how disappointed you must be. Please keep us posted.

Mema Jo said...

Judie - one suggestion would be to only allow them in ONE room so they can
adjust to this move. Move in the litter box, food & water.... Maybe the
gentleman has their beds????

It just may work out for you and them!

PA Nana said...

Judie, so sorry it's been a rough time with the kitties.

It will take them a while to get adjusted to their new surroundings.
Just be patient.

Are they litter mates? What gender?

Can't wait to see pictures of them.

Lynn, loved the video of Lou & Lori. Couldn't they get better accomodations & work environment? ;o)

PA Nana said...

Off for a panda nap. Didn't get enough sleep.

Will check in later in the day. Have a good one!

hedgie said...

Carolyn is EXACTLY 39 yrs. old as of this very minute!!! Assuming the blog cop has the time set right!!! We shall see---11:57....

stronghunter said...

Good afternoon,

I slept in for a bit this morning after I got Hunter on the bus.

Happy birthday to Carolyn!!

Oh, Judie, I am sorry that there has been trouble with the new kitties. I think Jo has a good suggestion about keeping them in one room for awhile.

My hand looks much better this morning and my throat is much better as well.

hedgie said...

OMG----9" snow at Snowshoe!! Earliest recorded WV snowfall in history! And I didn't see a word about it in the paper. DUH!

movin said...




[:~D] Jim

Mema Jo said...

Boy, Lynn - You hit that 11:57 just on the very second! Congratulations on your birthing event 39 years ago! ♥

Mema Jo said...

Hello Jim

Hope today finds you well!

Glad you stopped by -

Did you get the
Oct b-day list?

magpie said...

oh dear...
maybe the Bombays are living out their moniker as Parlor Panthers....
hoping, praying for resolution, Judie....and Darth.....

Happy Birthing Moment for both Lynn and Carolyn..
39 and holding...forever !

Hello Jim, sure is nice to see that Eagle Avatar when you post !!

magpie said...

We are now in the 700 club

movin said...

Good morning, Mema Jo. It's a beautiful morning in So Cal, but I read on the Weather channel that we are in for an arctic blast this next week ... and maybe some rain too.

I haven't checked my e.mail on that acct. yet, but I will. Thanks for asking.

[:~D] Jim

Lolly said...

Lol posted a comment. Wonder what thread I posted on?

Gas at home 2.98, on the road 3.40.

Judie, so sorry about cats! Be sure to scrub cat scratches and bites!

My tush is numb!:)

movin said...





[:~D] Jim

Hoda said...

Well I had two hours of sleep and do I feel sluggish!!! Maybe Yoga will fix that feeling.

JUDIE and DARTH sorry the cats are being unfriendly!!! I am glad you announced it last night and I hope your humour sees you through this period of adjustment JUDIE.

Still no verdict on the Amanda Knox case...must be tough on her and her family.

Lolly said...

Just had a stretch stop. Saw a scissor tail fly catcher

stronghunter said...

I am really feeling much better this morning as I finally got up the courage to look up the terminology used in the doctor's report and found that things are not as bad as I was afraid they might be.

The doctor had written "Schatzki's ring" on the written information he gave to Kathryn. It turns out that it's quite common and likely benign.

There has been a biopsy, and I still have to wait for the results, but I am not as afraid as I was.

I also think I have a couple of things to say to the doctor. He has the custom of talking to a family member and not to the patient right after a procedure. I had asked at the surgery center if the doctor would talk to me, and I was told that he prefers to talk to a family member rather than the patient because the patient has just come out of anesthesia and will not be mentally ready for the conversation.

However, that does not take into account that the patient might have fears that they would like to have confirmed or eased and that they do not always share those fears with a loved one.

This is the second time the doctor has performed a procedure on me, and I have been comfortable talking to him, so I hope I can work this one out when I see him next.

I will keep you posted.

hedgie said...

About an hour before we should hear the Know "verdict." Hope the news breaks into regular programming.

hedgie said...

Shirley, the Dr. should ALWAYS talk to the patient if they are conscious! And NEVER to a family member until/unless you have given permission!!
Yes, Shatzki's Ring is quite common. I'm sure the biopsy will be perfectly normal! Of course, prayers are sent up anyway!!!

Lolly said...

Just saw 2 calves running along side the hwy. Poor things! A moving train was on the far side of them!

hedgie said...

Hi, Jim!!! Sounds like nice SoCal weather. Andy is at Lake Tahoe---a bit chilly there as it is back east!

Thanks for b-day greetings for my girl from all of you!!! Told her this was her Jack Benny year----she probably doesn't know what that means!!!

stronghunter said...

I am not really finding fault with the doctor; I gave permission for him to talk to Kathryn and I wanted him to do that.

And he did come speak to me, which was fine.

I guess I have extra fears because I am a cancer survivor and because I knew someone who died of esophageal cancer. I do not want to burden Kathryn with every fear I might have, though.

I am sure everyone else has the same kinds of issues.

stronghunter said...

The doctor told Kathryn that he has stretched my esophagus and that I should be able to swallow "half a cow" now. Haven't been that hungry yet.

JudyEddy said...

♫ ♫ This blogs about blow ♫ ♫

WANDA my hours have been switched some days 8 and some 8:30 which I can live with I work till 5:30 today they say they are letting the computer do the schedules which is fine with me I get to sleep in and when the birds arrive when our camera are fixed I will be able to see them since sunrise is later each day now

magpie said...

I had a dear friend, who died from esophageal cancer, a few months ago, after a valiant battle...
Healthy fear and caution, and keeping yourself your strong suit....

Thank you for sharing ♥

magpie said...

stop get out and move around at least every four hours Lolly...
that wards off DVT - Deep Vein Thrombosis...

I could not go four hours without a potty break myself, though !

Happy Trails, and thanks ever so much for checing...
gas prices rising, WOOF !!!

magpie said...

checking in, that would be

Headed to Berkeley Springs, have to leave early, pick up James's birthday present on hold at a local shop, before I get him...
(his birthday, not until Dec 17 though)

Best wishes for a Good Rest Of The Day, Friends...
xoxox ♥

magpie said...

Have a Great Birthday Meal, Lynn and Carolyn xoxo ♥

Happy Birthday, again, to our Jewels, aka MistyDeerInField, from UniquieEagle Rocks ☺

magpie said...

Hi Lunchtime Blogger JudyE !
xoxo ♥

Hoda said...

SHIRLEY I m very pleased to read your posts and I AM VERY PROUD OF YOU for voicing your concerns on the blog. I hear you are not faulting the doctor and I am glad Kathryn was there for you. You are a STRONG AND RESILIENT LADY and you will come through this. Comforting to read LYNN'S confirmation of your understanding too. MANY PRAYERS FOR YOU AND YOUR HEALING PROCESS...YOU ARE NOT ALONE SHIRLEY.

magpie said...

And helllloooo again to Hoda, she who cannot find a good block of sleep today
We'll understand if we see a Faceplant, looks liks this you know

ae;'jakvnao9rtu ladsaowireu nc

Hoda said...

MARGY YOU ARE PRECIOUS. I will work hard on not making a face plant. I am hoping Yoga clears my sluggish feeling...getting some blood in my brain by doing some inversion poses...Wish me luck...It will be very funny if I make a face plant in yoga!!! That will scare the instructor...She always asks me if I am alright with the inversion poses...the kids are kind. ;^)

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the kind words and support. I needed them today.

I got a good block of sleep this morning, but I am still having a hard time waking up. I am still feeling groggy. Trying not to do a face plant.

Just ate a big plate of leftover spaghetti. No problems swallowing, thank goodness.

stronghunter said...

Hoda, Margy is indeed precious.

Hoda said...

Oh SHIRLEY I am envious of a good block of sleep, and am glad that you had this experience...I will be thinking of you all as I go through my day and plan to be deliberate and steady in my motion...I am headed off to yoga now and will talk to you all later.
Enjoy the day.

Linda said...

Good Monday Afternoon!

Amanda Knox Verdict will be read at 3:30 according to the latest news reports. She is currently being transported from jail to the court for the reading of the verdict.

How can this prosecutor proceed to charge her again with new charges if she is acquitted today? That is what his plan is.

What a mess.

stronghunter said...

I need to head off to the grocery store soon. Just want to pick up something for dinner.

hedgie said...

Lolly, hope the calves were inside the fence! Racing the train, maybe???!!

Linda said...

Feeling better today!! Headache is gone and I am just dealing with some of the side effects from the meds yesterday.

MARGY - The fioricet and relpax is what my doctor prescribed for my migraines almost like what you said. Relpax is just another type of medication like Imitrex. I also take a couple medications daily to help ward them off. I've really had a good couple of years, but in recent months they are coming back again! :( The caffeine does help, too. I agree with you.

I have just been really bad of late in taking the relpax because of the side effects. The side effects do go away in about 24 hours, which is better than living with the headache for 2-3 days, so I shouldn't be so stubborn. I just hope the headache will go away on its own!! NOT!!

The relpax makes every part of my body super sensitive to the touch, hot and cold, even the hair on my head hearts at the roots. My throat gets super tender and sore and I get a bit foggy headed.

LYNNE - I do see a neurologist in FL and my regular doctor follows up here in PA. Thanks!

LYNN - You must try a Honey Crisp Apple if you find some. They are so good. I didn't know they were considered an early season apple, but we went to the orchard early this year just so we could get some of those. If we wait until later in October, they are all gone!

Happy Birthday Carolyn!!! Wishing you an extra special day today and a happy year ahead!

Congratulations LYNN on celebrating your 39th anniversary of Carolyn's birth! I always tell Adam that his birthday is such a special celebration for me as well because he has brought me so much joy in my life. I am sure the same holds true to you!!

HODA - Hoping tonight you'll make up for your lost sleep. I never like that feeling after not sleeping well. Congratulations on your invite from the COOWS!! I am sure you will have a wonderful time.

KAY - Wonderful to see you up and chipper with the early birds this morning.

THELMA - Sorry to hear of your aches and pains. I always wake up in pain, but like Wanda said, if I get up and move around, it lessens. Some aleve works for me, too!

LOLLY & JACK - Thanks for checking in with us!! Happy Travels!!

JUDIE - My do you have a job on your hands with the new cats. We were so happy to hear of the addition, but saddened to hear of the problems. Maybe LYNNE or LORI could give you some other advice on how to acclimate the new ones. Giving them time alone is one thing, but not using the box is quite another. Praying for you and Darth as you try to figure out what to do next.

LYNN - Thanks for the link to LOO and LORI's video!! Loved seeing Lori's smiling face!!

hedgie said...

Hi, Linda! Are you headache free today??

I don't know HOW he can file new charges.....or how he can ask for a stiffer sentence than before if she isn't cleared.

Jewels said...

Thank you very much Eagle Momsters/Dadters for my birthday wishes!!! You all have made me smile so much!!!! I do not know many of you but know that I love you all. You are the greatest group of friends that support each other and welcome in new!! Thanks for being My Mom's Wonderful friend....Again thanks so much for all the wonderful birthday wishes!!! Have a great day!!! I must go get ready for my yummy dinner with the BEST MOM IN THE WHOLE WORLD!!!!!

Linda said...

LYNN - Yes, I am headache free today!!

How awesome that Carolyn says you're the most wonderful Mom in the world. That is what every Mom wants to hear!! Many don't!! That is quite a tribute to YOU!!

Awe, Carolyn!! We love you, too.....and you do have a wonderful Mom. We love her dearly!! It is we that are thankful for her friendship. She keeps such good tabs on all of us!!

Linda said...

Don't know if the verdict will wait until 3:30 or if they will read it sooner.

They say she has arrived at the courthouse and the verdict will be read within the hour.

Jewels said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good afternoon my eagle budlets!

Jewels said...

OOPS, Dadsters..... Ps... UniquieEagleRocks , Thanks so much for my precious gifts!!! Love, MistyDeerinField!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Happy birthday Jewels! We absolutely know it to be true that you have the best mom in the world! :)

Linda said...

Love the avatar, Sharon!

Good Afternoon to you!

hedgie said...

Aha---there's my kid!!! Thanks, baby girl! You are one of two of the best daughters I have!!!

On a serious note, we are BOTH lucky to be here as we both almost died that day 39 yrs. ago!

BTW---just in case anyone would like to know---her REAL nicknames are Punky and Lucy!!!

Liunda, glad your headaches are gone. Hoping that you will be rid of them entirely in a few more years!! They are very often hormone related, as I'm sure your dr. has told you.

hedgie said...

Hi, Shar!!!! How's everything with you? Did I understand on FB that you saw YOUR baby yesterday???!!!! Great!

Thanks to you all for caring so much about me! I'm blushing!!!!

Linda said...

LYNN - I've had a total hysterectomy and don't take any hormone replacement pills, so I don't think that contributes to the problem.

Liunda!! LOL


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I did see my baby yesterday and the day before. They had a surprise 50th birthday part for Alice, Kelsey's mom and Andrew's future mother-in-law and I was invited. It was absolutely wonderful. I love her!

Lynn, you are top notch in my book! Love you!

hedgie said... they say verdict will be read at sure better happen before Carolyn and I leave at 4!

hedgie said...

Okay, LIUNDA!!!!! DUH! You would think I have fat fingers instead of these bony things!!!

hedgie said...

The general feeling now seems to be that the outcome is not going to be favorable.....cautious optimism, of course, BUT.....

hedgie said...

SUN is shining here--finally! Yippee.

Linda said...


hedgie said...

OMG---she is free! Praise the Lord!

Linda said...

She is to be released immediately!

hedgie said...

NOW they need to sanction and prosecute that prosecutor!
The ex-boyfriend also is freed.

Linda said...

Wow, that family and Amanda must be so incredibly relieved. Thank God she gets to go home.

hedgie said...

Oh dear, her passport has expired. Sure hope the Embassy is on that FAST!

Logging off. Carolyn due any minute!

See you all this evening!

Linda said...

I pray the family of the victim can find peace and resolution in their hearts. It must be so horrible to have a daughter killed in such a way as she was.

Linda said...

Have a nice dinner, LYNN & CAROLYN!

Kay said...

Wahoo ! Amanda's ordeal and that of the ex-boyfriend is drawing to a close ! Have to say a prayer for the family of the victim and hope they can come to terms with the fact that there is a man serving time for the murder. His was the only dna evidence found on the knife. Will be interesting to see what happens to the malicious prosecutor !

Kay said...

WANDA, thanks for your concern ! I certainly am getting enough rest. Eating okay, but only hungry for about half the daily amount I took in prior to the infection. Since I'm not active I think that's okay and will just enjoy the unexpected side effect ! Got into my closet which contains several sizes--going from the 14's to the 12's and to larges from extra large. Yeah !

Mema Jo said...

I have had a good day with my daughters being here - well, down in the basement! Looks like a lot of garbage is going out tomorrow evening. Mold started down there so anything cloth is being pitched. Also, I want a new artificial Christmas tree this year with new ornaments. I know I will save for the children certain decorations that mean their 'childhood' to them.

Kay said...

SHIRLEY, I'm hanging onto every word about the ailment you are suffering with and holding you in my prayers ! We're so lucky to have Super Mom and Super Nurse, LYNN, to give us a layman's term explanation and sensible advice when we are ailing !♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Mema Jo said...

Enjoy your dinner this evening Mom and Carolyn! It should be great!

I watched the verdict being announced.
Tears and Jubilation. I wasn't expecting that to be the verdict.

Kay - I can only do so much and then I have to rest twice as long. I wish I had
more energy, but I don't. BUT I get where I am going with a little help from my 'friends/family'! ♥

Mema Jo said...

Enjoy your dinner this evening Mom and Carolyn! It should be great!

I watched the verdict being announced.
Tears and Jubilation. I wasn't expecting that to be the verdict.

Kay - I can only do so much and then I have to rest twice as long. I wish I had
more energy, but I don't. BUT I get where I am going with a little help from my 'friends/family'! ♥

Kay said...

LORI, enjoyed the video LYNN put us on to. Golly girl, it's a tough job, but somebody has to do it ! And you do it with style and grace ! {{{{LORI}}}}

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

It has been 8 years today since my gastric bypass, 104 pounds lighter.

Kay said...

MEMA JO, you are an inspiration to me ! I must relax, get the needed rest and adjust to being cared for at times. I've always been the care giver and this is a humbling experience !

Kay said...

SHARON, hurray for you and hurray for bypass surgery !!! Impressive !!! Love the avatar of you with your "little boy" ! So nice that you like his future MIL so much ! I've had a wonderful relationship with each of my kids in-law's. A real blessing !

Lolly said...

In New Mexico. Stopping in Santa Rosa for the night in about 45 minutes.

Lolly said...

Shirley, the calves were loose!

Wow! So happy for the accuital

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,
We went grossery shopping at the local Safeway, and we're in pretty good shape for the next couple of days. It's fairly cool here. It's partly cloudy, 60 degrees, and windy. The winds are at 25 mph, gusting to 45 mph. Supposed to get rain/thunderstorms tonight. Don't think it will snow. Lows are supposed to be in the high 30s. Asked one of the parking attendants, who's lived here for several years, about the chances of snow. He says that IF it does, it won't stick. I think it will just be cold rain.

Mema Jo said...

Lolly - watch out for those loose hoofs!

You all are making very good time.. Hope Jack's neck is feeling great..

JudyEddy said...

Just got home from work now to start reading for a bit

Spiders eating heads off insects or is the the brain they are after LOL YUK

LYNN Pretty cool that LORI and LOO have those video I also watched the one from Aug saw it on the same page Thanks for posting the link


JudyEddy said...

6 news is on BBL

Hoda said...

Well I am very glad the verdict was reversed. I too hope the American Embassy does something about a passport quickly. The prosecutor is being investigated and charges are pending accordinng to European papers.
How does one pick up her life after such an ordeal, she will hae to recreate her life not pick it up...Prayers to the Kircher and the Knox families also Sollitcito.

Mema Jo said...

Wow! The sun in our end of the county came out for about an hour! Really was blinding for a while. Tomorrow and tomorrow - sunshine!

Lynne2 said...

evening all! Is my bat flying?

Hoda said...

Not on my screen LYNNE 2, but none of the other moving avatars moved either...maybe someone else can give you feed back.

paula eagleholic said...

I see we are still on could only wish to have 3 days of Saturday!

Hurray for Amanda Knox, poor girl finally gets to go home!

paula eagleholic said...

Yup, I see your bat, Lynne ☺

Lynne2 said...

Sharon, congrats on the surgery and weight loss!

Linda, glad you are headache free today!

You too Shirley!

Amanda is free? Good! Hope they get them the he** outa Italy in a hurry....

I see Lolly and Jack are rounding up cattle and Andy and Ken are hoping for NO snow!

Heard Lori and Loo briefly this morning on the way to work. He said something I really liked but I can't for the life of me remember what it was now!

CarolAnne said...

Lynne2 - bat only flies for me when I click on it. Cute!

Lynne2 said...

Sorry things are not going smoothly with the new additions Judy. I did read that Bombay cats get very attached to people and often have a "special" person that they become particularly attached to. As we don't have the story as to where they came from, I can only hope that with time they come around. Good idea to confine them to a room and have minimal contact for several days so as to let them settle down. THere is also a product called's a pheromone spray that helps calm them. Usually available at Petsmart or other such pet product places.

Lynne2 said...

thanks, and HI! CarolAnne! It's not flying for me at ALL now....only when I did my first post....UGH.

Lynne2 said...

JudyE's eagle on flies for me when I am looking at blog comments! Never on here anymore :(

paula eagleholic said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY CAROLYN! Enjoy your dinner with the best Mom in the world.

Wow, Lolly has cheap gas prices in TX...welcome to the rest of the world, LOL. Although I did see $3.29 at the beach a week ago.

Judie, cats could definitely take up to a week to adjust...and I agree with the one room as well.

Ah, Loo is in Florida too. Did they do their show from their this morning?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Hello erybody!

Lynne2 said...

and Judie, please PLEASE make absolutely sure these cats have been rabies vaccinated.

Just an FYI...never think an indoor cat cannot get rabies. We had 2 at MVS a few years ago that DID. Turns out there was, unknown before hand, bats in the house. The cats got a hold of one.

Even if the potential for a cat to actually HAVE the rabies virus is very small, there is no going back from rabies.

Lynne2 said...

yes Paula, Loo is there and they are doing the show from there. When they were siging off this morning, they were getting ready to head to some sort of Harry Potter place!

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, glad you got some sunshine! I got a peek on my way home, but that's about it. Hopefully it will shine for us tomorrow! ☼☼☼☼☼☼☼☼☼

paula eagleholic said...

That was a cool raven video, I must have missed it the first time around. Ravens are one of the only birds to use tools to solve problems.

I see Lynn saw the sun, too!

I suspect the Embassy will get Amanda Knox a passport pronto!

Lolly said...

Howdy! We are parked for the night and watching the TX Rangers.

Did NOT round up the calves!

Lolly said...

Embassies are great at getting passports fast. Mine was stolen in Portugal. Drove to the Amer. Embassy in Lisbon and had my passport in no time. Jack swore I was who I claimed to be. LOL He could have brought home a sweet senorita!!! He also got to fulfill his fantasy of jumping into a taxi and saying "Take me to the Amer. Embassy." Unfortunatly the cabbie gave him a blank look and he had to say "Embasharo Americano" as instructed the previous night.

wvgal_dana said...

Back with no cavities and clean teeth.

Hedgie-Lynn/e thank you for the Loo&Lori video. I love that boat ride..beautiful scenery.

Oh Judie that is sounding awful about the cats. I wouldn't want the biting, or not using the litter box. Yes what Mema Jo suggested might work. I agree
definitely ONE ROOM for them. I would put some peroxide on those scratches. Then some antibiotic ointment. I would still want them to have a rabies shot.

Oh Shirley that is really good news!!!
HUGS...still will pray about biopsy.

I had a Sheetz card in Hagerstown, Md. Regular was $355.9 the card gave it to me $335.9 a gallon. One of the dental techs told me in Frederick regular gas at Costo was $3.129 per gall. Line was out in the roadway!!!!!

Margy happy ( : your getting to see James today.

Hoda they showed last night on the news.
In China they are doing "laughing yoga". Have you seen that?

Amanad Knox's conviction overturned and she has been acquitted now free per Diane Sawyer.
They just said she will be on her way back to United States in hours.

Linda I had a hysterectomy and had to be tested. To see how much estrogen I had. It came back
I had "zero" so I take a estrogen pill but it is Estradiol. A synthetic estrogen not like
Premarin where horses are mistreated. The "zero" estrogen affected my diabetics to be higher.
Now being on the synthetic estrogen Estradiol my diabetics is ok with my meds.

Lolly said...

Help!!! My jubby just hit me!! LOL A fly landed on my knee and I gave him permission to swat me with the flyswatter. Think he missed fly remains on me!

wvgal_dana said...

Very smart Raven. Thanks for posting JudyE. ( :

Lolly & Jack happy that you are parked to rest for the night. Will continue prayers for safe travels. ( :

wvgal_dana said...

Lolly and Jack I know when Margy has picked up James. They have had water gun fights. But this thing about "smacking with a fly swatter". I don't know about that one. One of you could just say, "There is a fly on you and whack!!" OK YOU TWO PLAY NICER!!!!! LOL

paula eagleholic said...

Did Jack check his hand?

Lolly said...

Used a flyswatter! Just swatted my puter...still no little fly body!

Lolly said...

Used a flyswatter! Just swatted my puter...still no little fly body!

Lolly said...

Yes,I stuttered!

JudyEddy said...

so much for watching the news at 6 June in NC called and we just hung up one hour and 20 min talking

JudyEddy said...

WVAGAL DANA I thougth of your idea of Lori kittens That would be super but 982 miles driving with a cat may be a little much for a cat

JudyEddy said...

Well I haven't eat yet but not really hungry

JudyEddy said...

Well I am heading to the shower and gonna say nite early

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1/8/25 PM

  4:21 PM he comes in the nest with a nice load of bedding  4:21 PM. he leaves  4:25 PM. He comes to the nest with a load of bedding. He pic...