Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Bright sunny day thread.


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hedgie said...

Goodnight to all turning in!

Lynne2 said...

Thanks Lynn, but we'd like a small sedan, sort of like our Saturn...we need to be able to accommodate the dogs! Oh, and my husband has informed me that he will not tolerate a RED or YELLOW cars. UGH.

He is so sweet, my hubby! He got up before me on Sunday, and he was making me breakfast in bed! I didn't know, and when I got up, I got dressed, made the bed and came down to find my tray all ready, complete with note and flower!

Lynne2 said...

Now they are trying to get an opossum out from under a porch...a DAXIE wants to fight it!

Lynne2 said...

and raccoons killing cats in a neighborhood....good grief! They could take a lesson in good neighbors from Wanda's 'coons and cats!

Lynne2 said...

Night Linda!

hedgie said...

OMG----in 5 yrs. there will be a universal flu vaccine that will be good forever! Isn't that awesome??? New biotech has found that ALL of strians have the same binding protein, and the new vacc inactivates all of them by attacking the protein---or something like that!!! How marvelous-----hope you ALL will take advantage of that!!!

hedgie said...

What's a DAXIE???

Lynne2 said...

that's what we call Dachshunds...Daxies!

Hoda said...

LINDA I try to stay active but I can not claim to be in shape. I am working towards it.I have to keep working at it.

Good night and sweet dreams to all who are heading to bed.

stronghunter said...

I am going to call it a day.

Hunter did have football practice today. I delivered him so that Kathryn could go straight there and Hunter would be on time. She was never able to leave work in time to get him to practice when it started. She did leave work early to get him to the games.

See you tomorrow.

Hoda said...

LYNN wonderful news about the flu vaccine...

Lynne2 said...

well, that's a good thing about the flu vaccination. Wonder how many hundreds of dollars it'll cost?

Night Shirl!

hedgie said...

LOL! We call them DOXIES!!!!

Lynne2 said...

There is no "O" in Dachshund! Can't figure on why DOXIE would be the nickname. Of course, let's take the Shetland Sheepdog. Why is it a Sheltie? It's not a Sheltland Sheepdog. It should be Shetlie. LOL!

hedgie said...

I think that the gov't. will mandate that it be affordable, Lynne-ie! It will be a worldwide product.

Lynne2 said...

I hope so Lynn. I'm a bit leery of new vaccinations though.

hedgie said...

My day is done.....sleep tight all.

Prayers for all needs. See you tomorrow. Don't forget, WVEC will be on air at 9!

Lolly said...

Helloooooooooooo! What a fun day! It has been great having Brett, Kellie and the kids here. They leave tomorrow. Brett is my brother's middle son. He is one year younger than Laurel. His two kids are Shelbie 12 and Talon 18mo. Tonight was a riot with lots of laughter. So much fun!

They leave in the morning. Going to miss them. They have also had their dog here, Casper, a St. Bernard.

Heading to bed now. We are exhausted! Jack is really doing great. Thank goodness!

Lolly said...

Will check in tomorrow! Night all! Sweet dreams!

hedgie said...

Lynne....the a in dachshund is pronounced like ox. Daxie would be okay if the a was pronounced as in wax, but it's not.

Lynne2 said...

But there is still no OOOOOOOOOOs!!! You'd pronounce it the same way!

Lolly, glad you are having so much fun!

Lynne2 said...

I'm heading for bed. Hoda's paddling has worn me out! LOL! Good night and prayers for all!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,

Dropping in to say goodnight. Have tried to read back a bit, and my prayer list is longer.

Prayers for Chris with pancreatitis, for Robyn & Tori's trip 8/5 to see the specialist in CO,for Jack Layton, for Candy, for Linda's friend Connie, and for Brother Cat. Prayers that Lynne & Steve find a car!

Have said prayers for everyone, actually, and for all creatures. Think I will try to get here for the release of the eagles tomorrow.

Making sure the porch light is on. Enabling both security systems. Sleep tight! God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]

Mema Jo said...

Andy thank you for the prayer list for
this evening. I will offer up the prayers for all of us also to remain well.

Good night to all and Peace Be With You
Hugs for all ♥♥♥♥♥♥

Costume Lady said...

LOLLY, you have posted a photo of a little fella...would that be Talon? He is a cutie...just a few months younger than Jayden.


Hoda said...

Goodnight every one and God Bless. I think most have signed off and so will I...Sweet Dreams

Hoda said...

Look at what I found. I thought it was beautiful and wanted to share.
Eagle Sculpture Made of Paper

Hoda said...

If you click on the right hand side of th eeagle in the previous post you will see other animal sculptures he has made. All as stunning as the eagle.

OK now for sure I am signing off...Goodnigght...

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Eagle Family! It's Hump Day and we shall make it over that hump to Friday!

LYNN & LYNNE thank you for the spelling and pronounciation lesson on what I will probably always call weiner dogs! I'm mostly German but don't understand a word of it.

1. Kay's friend Judy who is battling cancer

2. Robyn & her daughter Tori who needs a lung transplant

3. Lolly's husband Jack's neck

4. Sharon's friend Karen who has asked for prayers as she tries to quit smoking

5. Connie along with with the surgical team that will be doing her lumpectomy today.

6. Prayers for NCSuzan and her recovery from COPD issues

7. Lori's Mom Nancy who is recovering from a bypass and heart valve replacement

8. Prayers for Linda and everyone dealing with PF to do their feet exercises and lessen pain.

Lori O. said...

HODA, those Calvin Nicholls paper scupltures and relief pictures are gorgeous. Oh, to have such talent.

Prayers also for Jack Layton. The world could use more men like him.

Hope to see all the Early Birds soon, JUDYE, KAY, MARGY, MEGAN - who we miss a lot, THELMA - our latest early bird inductee, hopefully Diann will sleep well but pop in for a visit again if she can't sleep! And, our California Girl, DANA MO! Hope you had a blast at Laguna again yesterday, DANA!

Off to the shower then to work. See you all soon!

ANDY, Just wondering how Emma and the bulldogs are doing? Did you watch JO's video link to the bullies dragging their pool into the house? Very cute!

Lori O. said...



magpie said...

Good Morning GLori

alarm clock messed up, James and I were going to get up and watch for ISS, missed things by a mere few minutes so he is still sleeping, but I went out to see the morning sky, beautiful and clear, Crescent Moon and Jupiter shining brightly, and I just about fainted: Pleaides is out now as well, my favorite star cluster!

Dim light just now showing on the nest

magpie said...

sure looks like a little osprey or two of the three chicks might have fledged out of the Finney1 nest

Lori O. said...

GREAT Morning to you MARGY. Tell James hello for me!

magpie said...

Thank You Lori! For the sunrise and sunset times for hereabouts....
and also for recording the names for prayer requests....

Have a busy day ahead and need more rest....will head back to bed for awhile with some prayers for all the dear folks mentioned on there...
and for all of us here as well

Best Wishes for a Good Day, Everyone

xoxox ♥

magpie said...

Yes, I will, Lori, and thanks for reminding me:

James told me last night when I was reading the blog (and I ran out of energy before finishing...)

to say to everyone:
James Says Hi !

magpie said...

now all the chicks and the adult are at Finney1...

so they must be flying around and coming back like at BWO

I'd love to stay and play....and I hope you and any other early birders, might get a glimpse of an eagle or two !
But I'm kind of behind on the sleep factor, and better go take care of that

ttfn xoxoxoxox

Kay said...

Just came on board and find Truder in the nest ! Wahoo !

Kay said...

Make that Truder and Belle---both visiting !!!!

Lori O. said...


Lori O. said...



Kay said...

He's almost hidden by the leafy canopy and she's picking at flugg in the middle of the nest.

Kay said...

What a great way to greet the day ! They're lookin' good !

Kay said...

G♥♥d M♥orning dear gL♥ie ! Just missed MARGY and she just missed our dynamic duo, Belle n' Truder !

Lori O. said...

You're right KAY - it's the BEST way to start the day!


Now if we could only get Nu up there to get those dang leaves outta there!

Lori O. said...


T-Bird said...

Good morning early birds.

Kay said...

Just went through my morning shut down, right in the middle of the visit. :( Did they both POOF or is one under the leaves ?

Top o' the mornin' to ya, THELMA !

Kay said...

JUDY, JUDY, JUDY, are you over sleeping today ? Rise and shine !☼

Lori O. said...

HELLOOOOOO to T-BIRD / THELMA OUR NEWEST EARLY BIRD! And, you are early this morning Thelma! You just missed Belle and Truder.

Lori O. said...

Dang! Kay, I guess neither one of us saw them leave.

Kay said...

For sure it looks like our lovelies poofed while I restarted the puter, and LORI was hard at work. Hey, LORI, only 3 hours left, but who's counting ?

MARGY, glad you could get some more zzz's---you left one second before Belle and Truder arrived.

COLOR, gLORIous COLOR at the nest now ! Looks like the sun must be behind a cloud.

Kay said...

Oops, again, I was typing a post and just when the computer started another shut down I saw an eagle emerge from under the canopy.

Am not opening the cam this time and hope someone else is observing the nest. LORI, I'm going to e-mail some stuff to you since this only happens with the blog and before 9 in the morning ????? You can copy and paste any part of my message you wish to use on the blog.....

Lori O. said...

Sure thing KAY.

THELMA hope you're lurking and still with us.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Just read that there was an eagle in the nest this morning. Must read back.

PA Nana said...

Good morning early birds.

Have to catch up since I didn't 'sign off' last night.

Had a cup of coffee already. My dear hubby makes a pot and puts it into a thermos for me. See, I can't stay mad at him.

stronghunter said...

Both eagles visited! Great! Sorry that I missed it, but good to know that they are okay.

stronghunter said...

On the butt-slasher at the mall. Susan was working there when it happened. She said that the store where it happened is right above hers. She saw police arriving as she was leaving. I was thinking of my Susan when I posted the info on FB. I think DanaWV first posted on here. Thanks, Dana.

PA Nana said...

Darn!!! Missed the visit!

stronghunter said...

Got up a bit earlier than usual this morning partially because I knew Kathryn had had a bad night, so I took care of the downstairs critters.

PA Nana said...

I'll watch the eagles at VWC (?)...
wherever the Hampton Road eaglets are.... think I need another cup of caffeine.

Ms Bookworm said...

Good morning, Early Birds!

It's wonderful to hear that Belle and Truder have been to the nest this morning! Reassuring to know that they are OK.

I'm barely awake (no coffee yet) this morning, but wanted to say good morning to our early folks. :o]

Hoda, thanks for the link to Calvin Nicholls' paper sculptures! Truly amazing talent!

I guess Margy has gone back to bed (Good for you! You must be tired after the hours you've worked this week!), so GOOD MORNING, JAMES! Good to have you here! Tell your Grandma I said hello to her, too, please!

Oh, my! Hi, Diann! I see that you are here early, too! That's nice of your hubby to leave a thermos of coffee for you! Boy, I could sure use some right now.

Hi, Lori!
Emma is sleeping in this morning. She's fine. She alerted me to a spider in the entry hall so I could smush it. She doesn't miss a thing!
Now that Hubby's gone to work, she's catching a few more Z's. The bulldogs are fine, too. They had a recent vet checkup, and the vet says they're healthy as horses!

PA Nana said...

Hi Andy! I've been meeting with the morning crew for... today is day 3. Not my usual schedule as you well know.

Must be awfully early out west. Will you be staying?

stronghunter said...

Really early morning for you, Andy.

PA Nana said...

Hi Shirley. Glad your daughter was okay. It's hard to believe some things some people will do.

PA Nana said...

Did I miss Thelma? Hi TBird.

Ms Bookworm said...

I did see the video Jo posted of the bulldog dragging his pool into the house! How funny! I need to find a pool like that for Emma--she'd love it!

Say, good morning, Thelma! Good to see you here!

Good morning to you too, Shirley! How is everyone at your roost? Say hello to George for me, and to the bassets too. How is Luna doing, by the way? Have you been able to figure out what triggers her allergies?

I need to check the news on TV in a few minutes. Hubby called to let me know that on the radio news on his drive to work, they said that a woman in L.A. called 911 to report that her husband was attempting his own hernia repair, and was using a lit cigarette to cauterize!! :o{ Bet that will make the TV news! MTBR.... (oboy, they're out there!) Hmmmm. Wonder if her husband is a surgeon!

Well, going to go get some coffee and watch the news. Back in just a bit!

PA Nana said...

Don't think I'll be up for the eaglets release. Hope they save it to video.

Seems that 1 1/2 cups of coffee has made me sleepy. Going back to bed.

Have a good day everyone. God bless!

Ms Bookworm said...

Oh--Shirley, glad Susan didn't meet up with the nut case at the mall! Geez, what is with all these people?!
Hope Kathryn will feel better today, too. Saying some extra prayers for her! BRB...

T-Bird said...

I hate I missed them this morning. In fact I haven't scene either of them for a while. : (

T-Bird said...

No, I haven't left yet PA Nana.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning eagle budlets! I just watched one of the woman at Wildlife Center of Virginia catch a flying eaglet! Wow, how brave is that!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

By the way, how is everyone this morning? Still working, so don't have time to read back but it is so exciting to know they are releasing those eaglets this morning, I had to come and talk to you all about it!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I reckon they will show it on the WVEC web site won't they?

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I have a katydid on my hummingbird feeder, been there since dawn. I am hoping the other birds don't find it!!

Lori O. said...

Hi DIANN! Three days in a row makes you a bonified & official EARLY BIRD!!!

We've added you and THELMA to the group this week - that's unprecedented!


8:00 a.m.: The five young Bald Eagles that will be released tomorrow will be caught. The catch-up crew (same as the weigh-in crew) will be starting with the three Norfolk birds and then will be catching the two eagles in the other flight pen. As each bird is caught, it will be taken down to the hospital to be “bumpered” and placed into a transport crate. The “bumpering” is something that’s done to keep the eagles’ wrist areas padded and protected during transport. The two eagles, #1714 and #1235, will be banded.

9:00 a.m.: Feed from the Wildlife Center cam to WVEC will stop.

11:00 a.m.: WVEC’s live streaming of the release will begin [same website address]. DGIF Biologist Steve Living will be narrating the release.

WVEC’s moderated discussion will continue throughout the remainder of the week.

And please join us …

Thursday, July 28, 9:00 a.m.: The Wildlife Center will begin streaming the Wildlife Center Animal Cam. Please look for the “animal cam” link on the front page of the Wildlife Center’s website at that time. A moderated discussion will also be launched at that point, though likely minimal discussion will take place on Thursday/Friday as the WVEC discussion wraps up.

Lori O. said...

Should said the above was taken from an email written late yesterday.

We've given our ages, middle names... and more. Tell me am I going to be the only one who cries?

I really am so happy they get to be free, that they survived and get the chance to soar on their own. But I'll miss them and I'm horrible at goodbyes. ♥♥♥

JudyEddy said...

Good morning FANSTASTIC you all got to see the love birds I am so happy that they are still with us and kicking myself in the butt for not getting up I did wake up but looked at the clock and said to myself they won't be there WRONG so glad you got to see the Off to work I go 9-6 today I'm 110% sure that they will record it and it will be on facebook and youtube todays releases but I sure wish i could see it LOVE darn it

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Lori, I have been sitting here tearing up for a while now. I know this is a great thing they are doing but I worry. Will they know how to catch food? They don't have a nest to come back to, how will they do with that? I know, it is putting human feelings and emotions on a wild animal but it is hard not to!!! I am with ya girlfriend!!

Lori O. said...

Thanks Sissy/Bev, those are my feelings exactly. Tears already, too. It's like losing a friend...I'm happy for them, but goodbyes are difficult.

Lori O. said...

Kate just emailed and is hooking up the computer to the TV so I can watch it BIGTIME...I'll probably cry harder. No, as Kate said, this is their chance to be what they were meant to be - bald eagles, wild and free.

JudyEddy said...

On facebook The Wildlife center says they will have pictures and videos later in the day Yeah I will be able to see it then I want to stay home and watch i don't want to go to work And you can't make me LOL Ok time for me to head out the door HAGD OAA

Lori O. said...

JUDYE, we figured you were sleeping in this morning. So sorry you missed Belle & Truder. They'll be back. It sure is worth all the waiting when they show up. We missed you.

UPDATE: DIANN was with us again this morning (3 days in a row!) making her an official EARLY BIRD, too!

Don't get nervous LINDA - we know you can show up anytime if you can't sleep, and we will NEVER give you an EARLY BIRD title! lol!

Lori O. said...

KATE emailed to say:

"It’s not really saying goodbye since they track them. It’s like them moving to a far better apartment."

I can handle that. Sissy?

Lori O. said...

Well, the eaglets cam at WCV has been taken down. It's dark now and will soon be showing the release activities.

Linda said...

Good Morning Eagle Family!

Big Day in the Eagle World today!

hedgie said...


This is the great park where we had our Animal Advocates Open House in May!

Good morning, eagle dudettes and dudes!

Linda said...

Hi Lori!! I almost got up and looked to see if you were up and on the blog around 3:30am!! My dog was scratching in the tub like he does when it is storming.

Problem is - it was clear and beautiful. Don't know what that was about, but we were up for quite a while last night! Ugh.

Hi Sissy! Nice to see you!!

JudyE - Are you playing hookie? (Or however you spell it)

I see you had Thelma, Diann

ANDY - Is it still dark where you are?

Shirley - You're up and moving early, too!!

I'm bringing up the rear I guess!!
I am trying to make my days start earlier

KAY - A delightful good morning to you, too!

Linda said...

Morning Lynn! How are you on this "Eagle Release Day?"

Linda said...

I'd love an Early Bird Title, LORI - but........I'm just not a morning person!

I also love the late night crew, too. We get going some nights and it is a riot as I know you see!

Linda said...

LORI - A bird lover???? Gee, who would have thought??

Lori O. said...

LINDA, you're so sweet I believe that an honorary Early Bird title is something we could give you!

I love being up early and getting things done...just wish I didn't shut down at 8PM!

Lori O. said...

Yes, LINDA, imagine me being a bird lover! LOL!

Linda said...

I, too, connecting my laptop to the HDMI cable on the 52" screen TV to watch today. I did that when they brought the eaglets down for the banding. It was so amazing to watch.

It will certainly be bittersweet today! They are going to the place God meant for them to be, but haven't had the advantage of learning from the nest how to live on their own. Lots of prayers for them!

Linda said...

I think I will take Dennis' laptop and hook it up to the TV and use mine to blog while everything is going on!! Hope he won't mind! Hehe

Linda said...

A special good morning to MARGY!! I didn't look up far enough to see you were the first to join Lori this morning in the early bird crew!!

Lots of LOVE and (((HUGS))) to JAMES!! Hope you have a special day today. Hi to you, too!!

wvgal_dana said...

Loretta I keep thinking about Greg adding those chunks of fish to the nest. Tell him thank you from me. I should have said something yesterday. Does my heart good ( :

In prayer Linda for your friend Connie. Yes she is in God's HANDS. What AWESOME HANDS to be in when you have and illness or going to have surgery. Prayers for the doctors and nurses taking care of Connie. Prayers will continue
for after he surgery for the chemo and radiation.

Lynne2 prayers that work will be better today.
Prayers for Brother cat also that he stays nice and comfy. Praying also that God will supply that car you need. I see Steve is still
in the "honeymoon stage". Way to Go STEVE!!!

Prayers for Karen Sharon's friend plus Sharon's other friend (the one that did the overdose). Trying to find on name on my prayer

Neat Hoda that you saw an Osprey nest with an adult and a chick while you were out paddling. ( :

Lynn_Hedgie I read where you talked about the universal flu vaccine. You mentioned, "I hope
you ALL will take advantage of that". Are you still thinking you won't be around in 5 years? Has the doctor said anything to you that would make you think you only have 5 years to live?

Lolly so good to hear how much FUN you all are
having!!! So glad Jack is feeling good ( :

Hoda Thank you for sharing that eagle sculptures made of paper. So are his others. They are beautiful!!

Good Morning Lori thanks good prayer list.
Please add Chris 27 that has Pancreatitis.

Morning Margy and sweet James ( :

Hi James !! Hope you enjoy your day today. I know you love being with Margy.

Morning Kay see you caught Truder and Belle. ( :

Morning Thelma you are getting up early these days. Does that mean you are getting ready for work?

Good Morning to Shirley and Diann also to Andy dropping in this early. Hope Kathryn will be
feeling better soon. Is it from the fall she had Shirley??

Morning Sissy maybe they are getting the eagles ready for tomorrow.

Thanks Lori for the update of what the schedule is for the release.

Morning JudyE yes I think they will make a video of the release also. Sorry I said "hatch tower"
yesterday instead of "hack tower".

Bald eagles "soaring", flying some they have been doing. Although this freedom will be knew and we
will get to know about them since they will be tracking them.. I pray that God cares for them and
brings them safely into adult hood. They deserve it!!!

Good Morning Linda and Hedgie-Lynn.

hedgie said...

Does anyone else have the WVEC cam??? All I had was the spinning circle....refreshed and it's just a pic of a juvie and text that says live video will begin soon. ????

Lori O. said...

LYNN - they turned off the eaglets cam earlier and will be switching to today's live events. You can click on the moderated chat on the right - they're telling you everything that's going on and when to do it.

Kay said...

Hi again, Eagle Buds ! We're about to witness another special event in Eagledom. We're so blessed !

LORI and LINDA, thanks for building your comprehensive prayer lists earlier, very helpful !

LYNN, I agree the Reader's Digest is not what it was a few years ago. However, every year when Julie asks if I still want it I say, Yes ! Seth and I enjoy the humor, It Pays to Increase Your Word Power and many of the articles. It also is a great size for bedtime reading I find.

LYNNE, interesting note on your Brother Cat and what the vet said about "bald" spots. We all enjoyed his escapades and wish him the best.

hedgie said...

ROFL, Lynne----it's German!!! Not English!! I always chuckle at people who pronounce it "dashhound."

Great eagle sculpture, Hoda---thanks for sharing!

hedgie said...

Lori, chat doesn't seem to be anything except viewer comments. So I guess the station isn't going live until 11? I thought they had said 9!

Kay said...

LYNN and LYNNE, you are a hoot !

♫♪♫ You say Daxie and I say Doxie.
♫♫♪ You say Taxi and I say Toxi.
♪♪♫ Daxie, Doxie, Taxi, Toxi.
♫♪♫ Let's call the whole thing off !

DanaMo said...

Aw...I see the early birds got to see Truder and Belle this morning!!! Yay so glad they were there.

Travel day for me and now I just want to get home. We don't leave for a while, but of course I couldn't sleep any longer so I am in the lobby drinking my coffee. We won't get home until about 2:30 am (Thursday)! and my husband isn't going the whole way with us so it's me and the kids! He had a customer who would only see him tomorrow morning so he is changing planes at Phoenix and going in a different direction:( at least we will be all checked in together.

Linda said...

Safe travels DanaMO! There's no place like home!!

So glad you had such a good trip.

hedgie said...

So our eagles blessed us with a visit this AM, I see!!!! Good!!

Kay said...

Good Morning DANAMO ! Praying for safe travel for your Jet Setting family ! What a great vacation, but I know home will look awfully good to all ! And, won't those dogs be thrilled to see their humans ? ☺

hedgie said...

Siisy, I had a katydid near the grill yesterday---she quickly departed when I lit the grill!

Kay said...

Apparently 11 a.m. is showtime. I read back a bit and they are having to catch each of the 5 birds one at a time, so that must be what is going on now. That could take a while !

DanaMo said...

Thanks everyone.

Yes, I think my Flying Labs will be excited to say the least. I am looking forward to some snuggling with them!!

Kay said...

SISSY n' LYNN, you bring back memories. My mother often called me Katydid ! ♥♥♥

DanaMo said...

Great prayer list Lori, it really helps to have it in list form cause I always forget someone. I will copy and paste it into a document to I can find it later!

hedgie said...

So glad that Susan was safe, Shirley!!!
Is Katherine okay?? Still sore from her fall??

paula eagleholic said...

Wonderful poem and page for the eaglets, in case you missed the link on the moderated chat at NBG

No Tears

wvgal_dana said...

DanaMo Safe travels and I'm sure your Labs will be excited to see you.

PaulaGood Morning lady. Yes that was a beautiful poem.

hedgie said...

Just see where Dana commented on WVEC chat.

Kay said...

PAULA, thanks for sharing that beautiful poem and the pictures are so good ! Do you know how that can be captured and saved in one's computer ?

paula eagleholic said...

Kay, maybe you could print it out...I just bookmarked the page

Kay said...

WV DANA, I see your WVEC post, do you chat there often ? "Nature's course" it is and something to celebrate !

paula eagleholic said...

I saw Dana's comment too :) I added my thank you's as well :)

wvgal_dana said...

Kay if you scroll back in the chat you will see our Vicki; 9:53 and 9:45 comment from Vicki in IL.

So there are others from our group that will put up comments. Wanting to thank WVEC for the job they have done helping the 3 eaglets.

Linda said...

Thanks for sharing the link to the "No Tears" poem, PAULA!

Of course I teared right through it.

We surely get attached, don't we??

Kay said...

PAULA, I, too, saved it in Favorites. I also printed it per your suggestion. Because of the white print it's hard to read, but I can copy it for my Eaglet Momster Folder. Thanks !

paula eagleholic said...

Wow 1200 people attending the release!

Linda said...

Okay, I think I can squeeze in 30 minutes of cycling before hooking up the laptop to the TV to watch our event today!

Have my bike in my office and will turn my monitors around and continue watching, just in case the feed comes up earlier than expected!

hedgie said...

OMG---a self-hernia repair, Andy? He IS crazy! Can't wait to hear the outcome!

The Southern Delegation ALL made it in the door this morning---way to go, girls!!!

paula eagleholic said...

I'll bet it's exciting being there for the release!

Linda said...

Also, thanks again for all your prayer for my friend Connie! The way I look at it is the doctors will be "releasing" her cancer cells from her breast while the experts are "releasing" the eaglets!!

As I see them fly away, I will be keeping Connie in prayer right along with these beautiful creatures God has blessed us with!

Kay said...

Yes, I see Vicki's comments. Glad she asked about the "Roundup". Shoebutton says they only saw one, but understand all went smoothly. That would be something to see !

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning - almost a full house!
Thanks for the article Lynn about the
eagle at Sleepy Creek

Everyone have a great morning
I do have an appointment this
morning and I will be thinking about all
of you glued to the release - I am counting on videos by the time I come home. Fly Upward all you young'ens


DanaMo said...

Linda, how do you hook the laptop up to the tv. I would like to do that!

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Mema Jo I like your avatar ( : Have a good day !!

Kay said...

LINDA, that is a beautiful analogy ! Many prayers being offered up for Connie and for the NBG triplets as they gain access to the big, wide, wonderful world.

Linda said...

DanaMO - If your computer and your TV or surround sound (if you have that) each have a HDMI port, that is the best way to get the sound and the video.

If you have an older computer and tv, they probably have an S-video port, that would at least allow you video without sound.

With the HDMI, you just plug the cable into the TV and the computer and you're all set!

Kay said...

LYNN, like JO, I enjoyed reading about the eagle sighting at Sleepy Creek. How far is that from you ? Nice plug for NCTC and our cam at the end of the piece.

hedgie said...

Thanks, Paula, for posting the poem. Isaved it to my favs for now and will print it out from desktop puter.

DanaMo---safe travels! It will sure be a long day for you. Hope the airline didn't fleece you too bad on the change in hubby's flights. Bet you all will sleep all day tomorrow!!!!

DanaWV---no, no one has said anything....I'm just always a bit leary (SP? Leery??) of the future!!

Kay, hope your puter behaves the rest of the day!

Linda said...

DanaMO - We watch our church services in Ft. Lauderdale, where we were from there quite often and also catch shows on other networks that we don't get through our cable station.

I love listening to some of the preachers on Daystar, but we don't have Directv. So if I want to view a program, I just hook the laptop to the HDMI cable that we keep hooked up to the TV and it is nice!!

DanaMo said...

Very cool, Linda!

hedgie said...

I wonder if they are flying the eagles to Charles City area......just don't see how they can make the drive by 11 if "catching" them didn't start until 9......and remember, there's 5 of them making the trip!

Hoda said...

Good morning...this from the Norfolk Blog:

"PiedmontN8ive: Good morning Eagle Natiion! I just received a call from the release site at Berkeley Plantation, and everything is perfect. There are lots of people arriving but the traffic is not bad at all. The weather could not be nicer - there was even a Congowings and MVK sighting"

Kay said...

Thanks LYNN for wishing my computer well. I've never had it do that stopping thing after 9 in the morning, no matter how many screens I have up at one time. Don't know what time of the wee small hours of the morning the syndrome starts. Guess I've never had muliple windows up past dark in the evening. It may have nothing to do with multiple windows---tomorrow morning I'll just bring up the blog alone and see what happens. There'd be no point in Early Birding if I can't both see the nest and chat with the SSCC'ers ! Such an odd thing.

Kay said...

LYNN, good point on the timing. I'll bet a WVEC chopper figures into the picture !

Kay said...


"there was even a Congowings and MVK sighting"

Hoda said...

The Norfolk Blog also recommends that we refresh our screens when it is time to have the live feed...CTRL F5...this will start us on the live feed...

Hoda said...

I laughed at the same thing KAY...the moderators there have doen a good job.

paula eagleholic said...

Lynn, they are driving the eagles in an air conditioned van

wvgal_dana said...

I thought this was a special comment from the chat 10:37 Comment From Lois in Oregon:

A message to Momma from NV Hi Momma, it’s me, NV. We’re just about an hour from being set free. NX has a cell phone and she will call home To tell the great Eagle Nation just where she might roam. NZ, NX and me, we send you our love. We know you’ve been watching us from high up above. Maybe we can’t see you but we know you’ll be there Flying along side us as we soar through the air. Listen Momma – it’s the cheers of the crowd It’s a great day, Momma and we’ll make you so proud. Love to you and Papa.

I love how Lois is talking like she is the 3 eaglets going to be set free.

paula eagleholic said...

That's a great one, Dana. Lots of nice comments today.

Kay said...

Lois of Oregon is both clever and creative ! Very sweet !

hedgie said...

Sleepy Creek is nearby----about 8-10 miles by road to where we enter. But at my "old" house up on the mt., our property abutted it, and Carolyn's place almost abuts it. As the eagle flies---it is between 1-2 miles from here!

Kay said...

Wow, you never know, LYNN, an eagle could venture into your neck of the woods any time !

wvgal_dana said...

10:50 comment

WVEC: We're still working on getting our signal out from the release site, signal is a little jittery this morning, but we hope to have it online soon, thanks for your patience.

hedgie said...

Here's a great heartwarmer.....we had this Lost Dog info posted on the AAWV FB page....and Lynne had shared it, too....yesterday's news is SO great!!!
Dog Safe!

Costume Lady said...

Exciting day for the NBG triplets and us! Hope there will be videos to watch later today...I have a doctor appointment and will miss the excitement.

Gene and Dustin are outside burning old leaves and fallen limbs. Probably not the best day to burn because it is so dry, but they do have a hose nearby. So glad to get all the yard waste cleaned up. Our property has been looking pretty rough for a few years now:(
Fixing breakfast for the yardmen, must get that over with and get myself dressed.
Enjoy the eaglet's release. GOD SPEED YOUNG 'UNS~

wvgal_dana said...

Wanda Hoping all goes well at your doctors appointment.

wvgal_dana said...

WVEC: Please hold your thanks til we actually get this working. The data signal is very weak at this plantation but we will do the best we can with the connectivity available. Coming online very soon...

Hoda said...

From the chat at Norfolk

WVEC: Please hold your thanks til we actually get this working. The data signal is very weak at this plantation but we will do the best we can with the connectivity available. Coming online very soon

wvgal_dana said...

PiedmontN8ive: I have just heard that Ed is at Berkeley Plantation. So yes, our eagles are there for sure. By the way, wild eagles are being spotted soaring above the James River .

Hoda said...

Cool we are posting the same thing DANA LOL

Kay said...

So neat that wild eagles are soaring above the release site ! They know this is a special day !

wvgal_dana said...

Yes Hoda we are both watching the chat closely ( :

hedgie said...

Okay, Paula....it's a little over 2 hr. drive.....so they may not have arrived yet.

hedgie said...

Kay, I'm almost 100% certain that I had a juvie fly over here twice earlier in the summer.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

The live feed is up!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Really spotty and sporadic though!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

It runs a few seconds and then stops again.

hedgie said...

Guess they would be wild eagles!!! The James has several nests---including the one that had 4 hatchlings as viewed by eagle-counters in a plane.

paula eagleholic said...

Feed now live at WVEC, be advised the signal may cut in and out

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I am getting voice but the video is frozen, anyone else?

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie my comment at 10:59 says they are there.

Now they are live like Sissy is saying.

wvgal_dana said...

Sissy it starts and stops they said the signal is weak.

paula eagleholic said...

My feed is really slow...more stopping than playing

wvgal_dana said...

Read along with the chat it says:: Ed Clark just explained to the audience that the eagles took a wrong turn in transit but all is well...

Hoda said...

Yes Sissy, there is voice and it freezes in and out...it seems to correct it self...

stronghunter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hedgie said...

Got it, Sissy!!! Wow---jumpy....was that Ed who just spoke? Couldn't understand a word he was saying. Volume as high as it will go both on site and puter....

paula eagleholic said...

OK, so it's about the same for all of us! Better than nuttin!

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley, we are talking about the NBG juvies release feed coming from WVEC

wvgal_dana said...

Shoebutton♥: WVEC:
The video player is now live although please be advised that the signal may cut in and out during the feed due to the marginal data connection at this remote location. Please refresh the page CONTROL F5

paula eagleholic said...

LOL, Shirley, you got it now :)

wvgal_dana said...

Lots of people there to watch. Don't you wish you was there. I do!!

Kay said...

Yes, LYNN, that was Ed welcoming the crowd.

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like those there will have a pretty good view! Probably better to see videos from those that are there.

We apologize for the poor quality video this morning. The feed from the plantation is unstable due to a weak data signal. You should not need to refresh the page when the video pauses.

wvgal_dana said...

WVEC: We apologize for the poor quality video this morning. The feed from the plantation is unstable due to a weak data signal. You should not need to refresh the page when the video pauses.

Linda said...

I thought Ed Clark said they were waiting for the "guests of honor."

wvgal_dana said...

lol Paula Great Minds Think Alike ((((((HUGS))))))

Linda said...

Eagles are definitely not there yet as per Ed Clark.

Kay said...

I'm going to take Shoebutton's advice and focus on the release site for the duration. BBL ♥♥♥

Hoda said...

They actually do NOT recommend that we do the refresh thing with CTRL F5. It is simply buffering and it catches up when it seems to be freezing...so do nothing and wait...

Linda said...

Wow! 39582 on the Norfolk site right now!!

Hoda said...

I think we will get good sound and the image is slower and therefore we are not seeing it as it happens. Better than nothing!!! HA I just lost the sound!!!

Linda said...

Lori - Are you here and watching??

stronghunter said...

Yes, got it, Paula. I had not looked at my clock and did not realize how late it was.

Hoda said...

I read that the eagles took a wrong turn on their journey to the plantation...

paula eagleholic said...

I had to refresh mine...

hedgie said...

This is very disappointing..... :(

paula eagleholic said...

A lady is talking but I can't hear her

paula eagleholic said...

Split coming....she must be the owner

Hope WVEC will post original video later. Sure do appreciate their efforts, tho!

stronghunter said...

They have an eagle circling and watching the activities.

stronghunter said...

An immature eagle watching.

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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...