Sunday, July 24, 2011


Evening thread.


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Kay said...

Okay, back again after another shut down----couldn't stay away when I'd asked a pertinent question, doncha' know ! LORI ELISE is a beautiful name ! I had an Aunt Allene and like that, too THELMA. And then, Louise, I love---named my first born Eileen Louise, second Julie Kay and third Lee Frederick---see how I love those soft een's n' e names ! Okay, but you guys have to promise not to tell anyone else and not to call me by my first name, okay ? It's Ila. My mother had a favorite Aunt Ila. I went by Ila Kay until 10th grade when I grew tired of kids dropping the Kay. I don't like Ila alone. Double names were common in my Texas/Oklahoma family. They all complied with my wish quickly and easily, thank goodness !

Kay said...

Aha, THELMA, you got wax. I didn't even see the Split coming.

Lori O. said...

DIANN, what a tragic sounding life you've had. How old were you when you lost your brother and your Dad, and Kathryn?

T-Bird said...

Lori it was a character on Andy Griffith.

Lori O. said...

KAY, ILA as in eye-luh?

I promise I won't tell anyone.

Lori O. said...

Thank you THELMA - you're right. She, Thelma Lou, was a teacher and Andy's girlfriend in Mayberry.

T-Bird said...

I love that name Kay. I've always liked names (however unique they are) that mean something to the family.

Kay said...

Yes, as in eye-luh, LORI. It's a name stemming from the Scottish isle Ila. It's being used more in this decade than ever before, but there are spelling variations---Ayla,Isla, Aila....Those all "look" prettier than Ila does in my opinion.

PA Nana said...

Welcome back Kay. My dad has a friend from Utah named Ila. She visits occasionally since my mother died.

Marrying into an Irish family, my sons were Michael, Patrick & Christopher. Our daughter is Teresa. I wanted to name her Erin Kathleen, but Jim wouldn't let me.
Wish I had had another girl... then I'd name her.

4 kids in 6 years was enough! Had 3 in diapers for a short time. Don't know how I did it and those memories are dim.

Kay said...

Thank you, THELMA ! I have a granddaughter, Dana Kay, who has warned me she may well choose to use Ila if and when she becomes a mother. Like I said, I like it with another name attached, but not alone.

Kay said...

LORI, THELMA may answer your lemonade question, too. SISSY once told us that their town is usually one of the cooler WV locations in the summertime. If the temp goes over 100, the city serves free lemonade to everyone ! Neat, huh ?

PA Nana said...

Was outside a while but it's still humid. Didn't stay out long.

Even the birds were fairly quiet.
Thought I might see our hummer make a visit. He usually comes in around 3pm and then again around 7:30pm. He may come in between those times but I'm not watching.
Love those hummingbirds!

PA Nana said...

Like the idea of a lemonade day but I'd prefer iced tea.

Kay said...

Four kids in six years, DIANN, you were busy ! I had 3 in five. They are each 2 and a half years apart and I managed to have the first two potty trained before the next sib arrived, thank goodness. Busy times and definitely easier to handle in our youth. I feel for grandparents who find themselves having to raise young kids. I wouldn't have the stamina needed !

PA Nana said...

Kay,I totally agree! I couldn't do it today.

Kay said...

LORI, tain't the puter as it only happens early in the morning on the blog. I can go on line anytime of the day or night researching or e-mailing and have never experienced a shutdown ??? It isn't due to having multiple windows up either, because anytime I'm here I have a cam window and our chat window up. Back during the Anthony trial I often had that coverage up along with cam and blog--never had a shutdown, but that was always after 9 in the morning. What do you think of that ? Hey, how about asking Kate what she thinks it might be ?

paula eagleholic said...

Bluefield gives out free lemonade if the temp is over 90°...hard to believe they've only had 2. Certainly an air conditioned town!

paula eagleholic said...

Kay, I'll have to try and find the site, but there's a place where you can check your computer's internet connection...I think it's what you said AT&T issue.

Kay said...

Hi PAULA, okay over 90, that's even better than waiting for 100. I wonder if the temp in Bluefield ever has reached 100. I'd love living in the wonderful climate they enjoy there !!!!!

PA Nana said...

HI Paula! We were discussing middle names, what is yours?

PA Nana said...

ONly 2 lemonade days so far, Thelma?

Kay, let's go!

paula eagleholic said...

Here's a McAfee speedtest...

Speed test

hedgie said...

Good morning! How is everyone doing?

Lori, we have two Di's---Diann in PA, who blogs.....and Diane in VA who very rarely blogs--she is th eone who lost her dog. :(

Happy Trails, Lolly and Jack and family!! Be safe!

Margy, hope your filling is quick and painless. And that you can then get straight to bed!

paula eagleholic said...

Mine is Catherine, my Mom's name ♥

paula eagleholic said...

In her later years, she went by Cae, because she married into a family that already had a Cathy

PA Nana said...

Good morning Lynn.

Hope your water woes are soon over.
First your well and now your walls.
Geez, you must be exhausted.

paula eagleholic said...

Lolly and Jack & Family,


Kay said...

PAULA, I'd love to have that site if you find it ! First thing in the morning I have 3 windows up, cam, blog and 97.1 fm. After the first shut down today I didn't open the radio station and still had another shutdown. It never happens when I try to show my sil aka computer guru what I'm talking about. Of course, he's never here at the break of dawn.

paula eagleholic said...

Gotta scoot....see ya later!

paula eagleholic said...

Kay, look up! I posted a site for you.

PA Nana said...

Is there a site for Lori's station? I'd love to listen in sometime.

paula eagleholic said...

Kay, one other thought. Is your computer running your virus scan when you first fire it up in the morning? That can bog your computer down.

PA Nana said...

.. that is, if I can get it here in PA.

PA Nana said...

Have a good day, Paula.

Kay said...

Thanks, PAULA, I'm adding that to Favorites ! I got:

Size 2.9297 MB
Time Elapsed 10.926 seconds.

Now I don't know how to interpret what that means, but will work on reading all their material and learning more.

G☺☺D M♥RNING, LYNN ! No problems associated with the front door being ajar overnight, I hope. Don't you just hate it when a door is a jar ?

Kay said...

Hmmm, good thinking on the possibility of Norton running scans once I power up first thing in the morning. I'll check that out tomorrow morning, PAULA. I love the name Catherine and like that spelling of the name as well ! It was the name of one of my favorite people when I was a kid---I think that always helps one appreciate a name.

Lori O. said...

Morning PAULA!


PA Nana said...

Well, the coffee is wearing off so I'm going to try and catch a few more zzzzz.

Was up late/early last night/morning watching C-span's History of the Library of Congress. Very interesting. My daughter's MIL works there.

Will catch up with you all later.
Have a good day.

Kay said...

DIANN, you can get that radio station from anywhere. I just bring up 97.1fm Wash in search, then click on "listen" when the site comes up. Voila` there are Lori and Loo doing their thing. You can then just minimize that window and listen to your hearts content !

hedgie said...

Enjoying the middle names!
My SIL has an aunt whose name is spelled Allene, but they pronounce it Eileen! Go figure.

Lori, love Elise! My first piano recital piece was Fur Elise!

Mine is Ellen, as is Mema Jo's! So we sometimes use it when we talk/type!

hedgie said...

Kay, I think Ila is a nice name!!!

Kay said...

MARGY, hope you got that filling with a minimum of pain and that you'll get some good zzz's today ♥♥♥

Well, here it is, 9am already ! LORI is going off the air and the newspapers and e-mail are calling to me. HAGD everyone ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Kay said...

Pulling a MARGY here. Thank you LYNN ELLEN ! Another beautiful name with those soft sounds I love !

Fur Elise, one of my favs ! Stan once had a wrist watch with an alarm that played the first few bars of that lovely piece.

T-Bird said...

Morning Paula, bye Paula. I will catch you fine people on the flip side.

hedgie said...

Well, cam has shut down three times this morning....very unusual. Normally only happens once.

hedgie said...

We gave Carolyn the middle name Lucille after my Grandma's middle name. Affectionately call her Lucy sometimes! And she passed it on to her youngest Jennifer.

hedgie said...

Right there with you, Thelma, on the meaningfulness of some names.

How's this for a coinky-dink? We were Lynn Ellen and Gail Anne.....when we moved out of the city, neighbors in our development had daughters with the exact same names!

hedgie said...

Kay, I'm sure that Isla---which Chrissy and many others call the SWF osprey is named after the island. And did you know that the island Isla is the home to most of the Scottish breweries???

DanaMo said...

Surfing at Laguna Beach on tap for my boys today. Mom will just hang back get some sun, and take lots of pictures!

Lori-Love your avatar, will the heat be gone when I return?

DanaMo said...

Reposting this because it was just before a new thread and I didn't see if Kay had seen it. Sorry to those who did see it :)
Hi Kay,
Frankie is my cousin. He is much younger than I am because my mom's brother is 12 years younger than she is and only 10 years older than me! My grandmother always says he was a change of life baby. We are a pretty close family and so even though he is just a cousin I have always been close to my cousins even though he lives so far away.

We are having a great time.

hedgie said...

Funny puter kinks....about 50% of the time if I try to respond to an email sent froma Verizon account, it basically freezes up my IE. Keep getting a message that it's causing my puter to be unstable. This is from three people in MD. I don't know whether it's a glitch between Verizon(which WAS our phone company until a year ago) and Frontier, or if it's an AOL problem. Very irritating. Probably need to try it in Firefox and see if it happens there, too.

hedgie said...

I am sore all over from all the reaching and stretching and wiping. I really want to just go back to bed....but Liesl wouldn't like that one bit. Took some Advil and a muscle relaxer....maybe a bit of time on the sofa to give it a chance to work would help. BBL.

wvgal_dana said...

ood Morning

Lori, JudyE, Diann, Kay, Thelma, Paula, Hedgie-Lynn,
DanaMo and me DanaWV and Lurkers.

Lori cute avatar and Diann that avatar is a good one too.

JudyE hope you have a good day a work.

Happy Birthday again to PammySue

Diann I know from comments your heading back to bed.
Sleep well and hope the rest does the pain some good.
I always keep you in prayers for the pain I know you go through everyday.

Safe travels for Mema Jo heading back home. Lolly and Jack heading out for the beach.

Diann see you just couldn't get back to sleep.

Having a middle name guessing are we???

Just played "Soul Sister" like Paul.

DanaMo said...

My middle name is Marie, like every good Italian girl! LOL
My kids have a little more variety. Andrew Lee (My husband's middle name) Adam Morris (My FIL's middle name) Annemarie Angelina (My grandmother's first name) There is no rhyme or reason to Aric James! LOL

wvgal_dana said...

My middle name is Victoria. I was named after my grandmother on my Mother's side. That was her middle name. I wanted to use all or part of her first name Annie for my daughter so Raschida's is Raschida Ann.

wvgal_dana said...

Need my first cup of coffee decaf but still need it. lol

Hedgie-Lynn I hope today goes much better for you. I pray this job will soon be done and over. Praying for the aches and pains I know you have lady. Sorry you had to say"about only be here 5 years". I am hoping that you aren't thinking that at age 67 you'll be dead. I've heard you talk like that before. I know your breathing isn't always the best. I look at it like this; Mema Jo has to use oxygen and poor Ed had to be on 100% oxygen and couldn't even leave the house. Yes he ask God to take him home when it findly got to the point that he couldn't walk 5 ft. to the bathroom.

I do keep you in prayers and I know at times you need your girls to help you. I just have a problem thinking this is what you have your mind thinking 5 years.

Lori O. said...

LYNN, hope your aches and pains go away FAST! That muscle relaxer ought to make some of it feel better. Good for you!

DANA MO - you will LOVE Laguna! They have some awesome art galleries there on the main drag that runs parallel to the beach.

It'll be a warm week, as
you would expect in
July, but storms tonight are supposed to bring
drier air,
so the humidity should be considerably less tomorrow! AMEN!

DANA MO, I Hope you'll have one of the legendary In N Out burgers while you're there. Fries & shakes are great, too.

Helloooo DANA WV! Dana Victoria is a beautiful name!
Kinda scary posting now to
the two Danas back to back
after the morning I have
had with
Diane and Diann.

Kay said...

Back again.

LYNN, yes I do know about the Isle of Ila scotch. Not my cup o' tea, but son and sil both love single malt Scotch and I occasionally spring for a bottle of the expensie stuff for each of them.

Two days til' release of NBG triplets:

Ed Clark, WCV: For the first time in its history, the Wildlife Center of Virginia will be releasing FIVE bald eagles in a singe event. We will be releasing the three Rock Stars from NBG, but we'll also be releasing a bird from Hampton that cam in on June 3, and the bird from King & Queen County that cam in on July 14.
All five birds are young-of-the-year. All five will find ample food, habitat and other eagles in this area. Berkeley Plantation is an ideal spot for this to take place.... it will be a celebration of the recovery of the bald eagle in Virginia and in the United States.

movin said...


Good Morning,


C(°?°)3 Jim

Kay said...

DANAMO, ah, you bring back memories of time spent in Laguna Beach back in the 60's. We rented a beach house there a couple of times when the kids were young. Great fun. One year very expensive when I accidentally put the car in reverse and backed into the garage door ! Insurance covered it, but I was quite embarrassed ! Yes, I got the message about your cousin and posted a reply. Thanks ! So glad you and your "A Team" are having such a marvelous vacation ! I love the name Marie, too !

PA Nana said...

I'm back unable to sleep. Too much cafeine I guess. Will have to wait for the 'crash.'

Hi Dana & Dana. Dana Marie, enjoy your time in CA.

Kay, thanks for the info on Lori's station. Of course, until I found it Lori was off the air but I did enjoy listening to The Eagles - my favorite group. Have a lot of their albums. Even some on LPs and cassettes.

PA Nana said...

... and there's Jim. Good morning.

Lori O. said...

Ah, Kay and Diann you two are cute.

KAY, Kate said you might want to also find some malware detection software. I would Search online for something that's already in your anti-virus program, ie: MacAfee, or however you spell it.

Kay said...

G☼☼D M☼RNING, Jim !

DIANN, guess you just don't need sleep as much as you need to commune with us Momsters this morning and that's a lucky break for us ! I like the musical Eagles, too. 97.1 plays a nice mix of oldies and newer artists. I've gained an appreciation for some of the newer ones through Lori and Loo's program. I love a good melody and lyrics that I can understand !

Kay said...

WV DANA, Victoria is a beautiful and regal name. How did you come up with the unique name of Raschida for your daughter ? I think there is a movie star or musician with that name, isn't there ?

paula eagleholic said...

Fur Elise is one of my favs, too. Gotta pick up playing again...

Lynn, hope the muscle relaxer helps soon. And yes, you will have to go thru this again, LOL

Love the avatars, Lori and Diann!

DanaWV, where did Raschida's name come from?

paula eagleholic said...

Morning to early bird Jim ☺

Kay said...

LORI, I have Malwarebytes Anti-Malware and run it about once a week. Norton runs automatically, but I request a full system scan about once a week in addition to what they already do. The system has no viruses and the offending cookies are all weeded out frequently. I do thank Kate for the input ! She's a gem !

Kay said...

The Hornby family were a kick to watch this morning. Mom was eating fish while the two eaglets sat on the camera box wingersizing. One joined her and she shared a bit, but kept taking it away as if to say, "go get your own". She gave beak cleaning lessons to one as the other flew off to a branch out of sight. Mom Hornby is about 33 years of age because she and Pop have been together for 28 years. She still has an identifying black feather on the back of her head. Makes me wonder if Truder will always have a black birthmark feather or feathers, too.

Kay said...

LYNN and PAULA, do you both have pianos in your homes ? I no longer have one and played only for my own amusement, but Fur Elise was one of my favorites back in my "playing days", too. I could kick myself now for having squandered away the opportunity to play well in my youthful rebellion against practice !

movin said...

Yes, I am up earlier than usual. It was warm last night, and I had some fitful periods, and decided to get up and try to use the morning as well as I could... so far so good.

Love your sunny "O's", Kay.

C(°?°)3 Jim

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

For the record, my middle name is Ruth. I was named for my mother's sister Ruth.

Lynn, when I tilked the screen, I saw the image in the upper right hand corner. I would think it is part of the space station or something connected to it. I did not see it before. Really interesting. (In the space shuttle landing picture.)

Loretta don't worry about that preposition.

You would not want to say "Where are you at?"

But it is okay, for example to say "I want to know where he came from."

The difference is that in the first sentence, the preposition is completely unnecessary. You can leave if off without changing the meaning. The second sentence makes no sense if you leave off the preposition.

Grammar Girl

For more information, but only if you want it!

Lolly said...

Good morning! Have been on the road for 2 hours. 5 more to go. Love this morns discussions. Lori , you had me laughing.

Beth is my name, and NOT Lolly Beth. LOL. It's Laurel Beth! Laurel Catherine is our daughter. Jack is John Ashley. Our son is John Michael. Parents....John and Laurel. Children....John and Laurel. LOL. We did not realize what we had done!!

stronghunter said...

Good morning, Lolly!

Lolly said...

Thanks for all the good wishes for our week! Going to be fun! Will send pics of sand castles! :)

Lolly said...

Have I said recently.....I love my iPhone!

stronghunter said...

We had a heck of a time naming our twins. As we did not know whether we would be having boys, girls, or both, we needed two boy's names and two girl's names. We were still discussing names on the way to the delivery room.

stronghunter said...

Have a good trip today, Lolly. I like my iPhone, too.

wvgal_dana said...

Morning Jim, Shirley and Lolly.

Lolly it sounds like things are going very well with Jack. So happy you all are getting to go to the beach.

I just got a call from my neighbor. She was married to a destint cousin of my family. So I tell her she is family!! She has two great boys and her little chichchua. When she went to look at him when he was a puppy. I rode along with her and I held him all the way back. He is about a year old now. She wanted to get away to the beach with the boys. Needed someone to come in and check on doggie. So I told her she was giving me a "treat" so don't go buying me a thank you gift. Letting me go in and watch him right next door is "my treat and my thank you". I still miss mine but I don't want a doggie all the time. Of course if I did it would have to be a little doggie. So I told her to take the boys and HAVE FUN!!!! So I'll be doggie sitting for about a week starting in a couple of days. It will be good to be around him. So I told her she is helping me out too.

stronghunter said...

Enjoy the little doggy, DanaWV.

stronghunter said...

Okay, I see a bearded man in the corner of the nest between those leaves. (Bottom right corner.)

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley, now you are sounding like my MOM ♥

You would not want to say "Where are you at?"

She used to get me every time on that one~!

Kay - FYI...Norton is the biggest memory hog out may want to have your SIL check out its settings.

Dana, have fun watching the dog!

Shirley, did you have martinis with your lunch ☺

JudyEddy said...

I left there were 154 comments now there are 284 OK how many rumors are in these LOL LORI I am so glad I am not the only person that gets different peeps corn fused to cute so glad you got everyone straightened out You know what it was she was here in the am and it just got your confused LOL Ok gonna read a few before I head out back to work Chatty bunch again today were we LOL

stronghunter said...

No martinis, Paula.

I am looking at the tree trunk (or branch) visible between the leaves. The image is a head turned sideways.

stronghunter said...

Harder to see with the wind blowing.

hedgie said...

DanaMo---love all the names your family has! Enjoy Laguna Beach!
While the boys surf, you should do what Lori suggested!

DanaWV---I like Victoria, too!

Paula, didn't know you played!
Yes, Kay, I have a piano.....after hearing and seeing an electronic one, I passed my spinet on to Christie and bought the electronic one----I can record myself playing on it, add all kinds of neat imnstrumentation, etc. I, too, only play for my own amusement. Rebelled on lessons as well as a kid, but did take them as an adult for 2 yrs. back in the 80's.

Jim, sorry you slept poorly....plan a short nap!!!

LOL, Shirley----I crack up hearing police on the scanner saying "where you at?" to each other all the time!

Just loving all the names!!! Lolly...who nicknamed you Lolly?

DanaWV, why not puppysit at your place? Won't he be awfully lonely alone so much of the time?

JudyEddy said...

OK I'm curious where is a man in the nest at I wanna see it before i go back to work

hedgie said...

Shirley, my imagination isn't seeing a bearded man! And glad that I wasn't imagining the other image in that shuttle pic!

wvgal_dana said...

He is so use to his own home which is only next door. He is used to being alone a lot. Due to job and the boys not always there. Plus I'll do as she wants which is why she ask me, because I do listen to what the owner prefers.

He'll get what his Mommie wants and plenty of lov'n too. Then he'll still get his time alone. Which is a cycle we don't want to break. Then he becomes needy all the time for people.

JudyEddy said...

Middle name mine is Jean

stronghunter said...

Lynn, I had a cop show up at my front door one evening. Light flashing on his car. When I opened the door, he said, "Where're they at?" He was obviously very agitated.

People asked me if I corrected his grammar. Nope. I said I did not know what he was talking about.

He was on the wrong street. I told him where the correct street was.

It is not always a good idea to correct someone's grammar.

Know I have told this story before.

paula eagleholic said...

Kay, I have a piano at it free...but playing it is another story...really would like to take lessons again. I played for 5 years when I was a kid, somewhere between 6 and 11 or so.

hedgie said...

Ha, ha----wind blew just right---I see him now, Shirley Ruth!!!

stronghunter said...

Man's head is not really as visible now. The lighting is different. But it is still there.

stronghunter said...

Yay, Lynn!

JudyEddy said...

so we did middle names and Kay said how old she was that should be the nest Question How old are you
Kay is 74
Judy is 62

ok who will be next to add their age to the list

JudyEddy said...

as you can see I am reading and answering as I go along so much easier this way my brain doesn't have to work as much LOL

OK back to work with only 94 comments to read when I get home plus any new one Ok Ladies and Gentlemen hold down the fort(NEST) I trust it in your capable hands

PA Nana said...

I'm back bot don't know for how long. \It's thundering and raining cats & dogs.

Guess we'll have flooding of the laundry room again.. uh oh
Wish it would stop raining!!!!!

Went to sit in my chair around 10:30 and must have dozed off a bit. woke up hungry so just had my cereal and toast. My schedule is way off!

Oh, a river in my side yard!!!!

hedgie said...

Gotcha', Dana. If he's used to being alone, best to leave him with that schedule. Is he crate trained?

Kay, forgot to say, I don't like Scotch AT ALL---as it refers to liquor!!!! Anyhting else Scottish is fine---except maybe haggis!!!

hedgie said...

Hey, JudyE---know you are gone, but I'll play! I'm 62, too! Did you say waht your middle name is??? Don't find it!

hedgie said...

Stay safe, Diann!
Just heard a dangerous starm warning, but missed WHERE it was! Not showing on my must have been VA or PA.

PA Nana said...

Front sidewalk has a stream and now I hear fire sirens. Oh my.
Fortunately I hear the sump pump running.

We needed rain, but not this much at once.

I can't type on this netbook without making mistakes. My typing teacher would not be happy.

PA Nana said...

It was here Lynn. Finally brightening and rain easing.

Will not look at laundry room. This always happens when Jim's working!!

NatureNut said...

Hello, hello. Surprise, surprise!!!
We have RAIN!!! Maybe my Indian shirt helped!
Earlier when it was sunny I saw maybe the first monarch in yard on the orange butterfly weed!
On way home from appt. stopped at Ob/Gyn to get referral for my annual mammo. Office closed!!They have no AC. So in a little while I'm going to GP's office to get one. Nothing like going around in circles!

Kay said...

LYNN, JUDYE said her middle name is Jean--now we need to know if your first name is Judy or Judith, Judy Jean ! Oh, some may not enjoy the age game. I've just never been sensitive about that question, figuring my face, neck, hands and hair pretty well tell the story ! I have a feeling I'm one of the oldest on this blog, but I love hanging out with all you young guys and gals ! Keeps me young in spirit !

stronghunter said...

Happy birthday, Pammie.

stronghunter said...

Those leaves at the nest are really blowing now.

Kay said...

LYNN, LOL the haggis and I do agree !!

Sounds like the storm that hit here has arrived for many of you. I'm not sure what the total rainfall was for the first wave early yesterday morning, but we got 2.30 inches between 6 and 8 last night. Part of I71 was closed due to flooding, as were many side streets. So glad my condo sits on a nice little hill !

PAULA, thanks for the heads up on Norton. Hugh checked and says I have oodles of memory left and I've degragmented recently, too. Somehow the answer will unfold, but it sure gets me riled up first thing in the morning !

PA Nana said...

Back on the desktop.

All the talk about pianos makes me miss my accordian. Sister, Kathy and I took lessons on accordian at a young age. She gave it up before me, so I bought it and played for my kids when they were little and fussy. It worked wonders.

PA Nana said...

When the weather is nice out, there's an older gentleman that lives behind my house and plays his accordian outside and you can sometimes hear him.

Walked over (using my rolator) and introduced myself. We discussed the accordian and I put in a request for "Lady of Spain." Anxious to hear that again but don't think he's proficient enough to move the bellows in that song.
Forget what it's called.... it's been along time.

Dana Victoria, how nice you get to sit with your neighbor's doggie. I know you miss Little Man, but this will keep you ready until you adopt again. Thanks for the prayers too.

PA Nana said...

Haggis? Is that the one made with blood?

PA Nana said...

Oh, Loretta, don't wear that shirt for too long a time. don't think we need another downpour, but a nice steady rain would be nice.

PA Nana said...

HA HAHAHA. Reading back I said an older gentleman but bet I'm older.

Okay, here comes the steady rain, I hope. Thanks Loretta.

Lolly said...

1 1/2 hours to go! Jack is holding up. :)

PA Nana said...

Lolly, you're almost there. Hope Jack gets to rest his neck while there. Be safe & have fun in the sun. ♥♥♥♥

paula eagleholic said...

Diann, my cousin used to play the accordian. He would always bring it when he visited.

We need some of that rain...thought washing my car would do the trick ☺

Lolly said...

Lynn, my mother had two sisters. She made the mistake of naming me, then saying you can't give her a nickname. My older sister was called Shary but it never stuck. My Aunt Ruth said, oh yeah? And, came up with Lolly.

Age, huh? 67 years young!!! And, going strong! :)

PA Nana said...

Woo Hoo! No water in the laundry room. This 66 yo won't have to worry about it.

Paula, good accordian music is hard come by lately. How's Nick?

Kay said...

LOLLY, you're almost there ! Have fun !

DIANN, I meant to tell you about the "Louise Club" my daughter Eileen is part of. When in high school her daughter, Dana, and three of her friends all realized that they all had moms with the middle name Louise. They got them together and everyone hit it off. Since then they've had dinner together once a month, along with the kids when they're home from college. All four kids and the four Louise's went to Florida for a Spring Break a couple of years ago. They've had a lot of fun together !

Lolly said...

Boys are great travelers'. Joseph is reading and Jacob is sort of watching a DVD. He is also playing with his bunny bears. (3 bears wearing bunny suits)

Lolly said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kay said...

LOLLY, that's so cute ! Which would you rather see ? 3 bears wearing bunny suits or 3 bares wearing birthday suits ?

Lolly said...

Pardon the stutter! :)

Lolly said...

Jack says " It depends entirely on who the three bares are."

Kay said...

Oh, yeah ! Jack is soooo right !!!!

PA Nana said...

Kay, that sounds like fun, but I never liked my middle name. I just may change my mind. Didn't know too many Louises or any Diane/ns either.

I was the only Diane in the neighborhood and school. Of course my mother had to be different too with the spelling.

PA Nana said...

Jack still has his sense of humor.
Going to be a great time at the beach.

Kay said...

Oh, my, I can't get my Diane's and Diann's right to save my soul, can I ? One of the Louise's in that club is Diane Louise--she's about 56 years old. I guess a lot of us mom's liked the name in the 1950's. Eileen was in honor of my mother and Louise was in honor of Mother's best friend who was like a second mom to me. I also loved the song, "every little breeze seems to whisper Louise" at the time.

PA Nana said...

Off to watch a movie. bbl

PA Nana said...

Just call me Di, Kay. That'll suffice.
b b l

Kay said...

Di it is ! Enjoy the movie !♥♥♥

stronghunter said...

My mother'e middle name was Louise. And Susan's is also Louise.

NatureNut said...

Well we are now getting just sort of drizzle. Windy & grey but Fubby saw on TV N. P.G. co. & montgomery, MD will be getting harder erainfall. I'll keep wearing my Indian shirt, but I'll tell him not to dance north of here! How's that?? ☺

I've been searching online in techie country for how to download info from hard drive on dead (supposedly motherboard) computer. Staples told me you need an "enforcer" or a special cable they don't sell.(Best Buy may have it.)Info from a site said you can hook up old hard drive to your puter but designate it as a "slave" but didn't say how! Staples will get data from old drive but charge you $69!!!Why should I pay for something I didn't break???

Mema Jo said...

Hello Friends! Arrived home from the
beach around 3:30 - We drove through
downpours of rain.. didn't need to
pull over but we had to watch out for the other guys without their lights on.
Couldn't see them - it was such a rain
storm that hubby turned on his flashers
and was going about 25 mph on Rt 100 - then on 29 to 70! Didn't stop until we
got to our Frederick county of course.
Tried to bring it with us but no could do.

Mema Jo said...

I have not yet read back or captured the
highlights. I'll try later -
going to get some dinner.....

I sometimes think that I lose weight
on vacation... (in my dreams)


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


hedgie said...

Been busy this afternoon with piddlin' things! And watching a PPV movie I recorded last will expire on the 28th so thought I better get to it....halfway through.

Diann, my Dad played the accordion---along with any other instrument he laid hands on. And he did it all by ear. Couldn't read a single note of music! Never knew why he didn't learn that, considering that he was such a learned man. I could not catch onto the accordion as it was too backwards for this leftie! Same with the guitar!

hedgie said...

Diann, did the neighbor offeer to let you give it a try??
Sorry you are under water again....argh!!
All we got was a brief far. Sun is out for the first time today. Temp dropped to 75 at one point, but is at 82° now...humidity feels like 99%!!!!

hedgie said...

Yes, Diann. Haggis---blood plus lots of other garbage!!!

hedgie said...

Oh, Diann, so glad that the laundry room is dry!!

Lolly....someone ALWAYS comes up with a folks thought the same thing, and then THEY turned around and called us Lynnie and Gailie!!! In high school I ended up as Ellie!

hedgie said...

Kay, how cool about the Louise club! Wounds like lots of fun for all those gals!
LOL--bares and bunnies, Kay---good one!
I will be curious to know how old Hoda is---if she tells! She may have once before, but I don't recall for sure. Nothing wrong with being the oldest, Kay---it's all about how young you feel!

JudyEddy said...

Pretty cool free lemonade what a nice gesture from the city and I agree I prefer ice tea

This is really a odd coincidence with my two sister we all had two kids each One girl and one boy each and they were all five years apart in the families
Angie is 5 yrs older that her brother Tommy and both my sister are the same frist the girl and 5yrs later a boy Then of course my younger sister had to go have another one on her second marriage but I thought that was just a odd fact Ok gonna take a quick break 93 to read yet BBL

hedgie said...

Jo, glad you are home safe and sound! Bet Ed's eyes were really tired after driving in that kind of downpour. Mits and Jay were going down I guess as you were heading home!

hedgie said...

Hi, Judy Jean! Glad your work day is done! Amazing facts with you and your sibs and kids!

hedgie said...

My door still won't close. :(

paula eagleholic said...

Oh Lynn, must be all that humidity.

Well, we did get a little rain here, not sure if I got any at home or not. Maybe I should wash my car every day ☺

Lynne2 said...

So, LynnEllen, does a dangerous Starm Warning mean there will be lots of Tain???

Hello everyone....sorry for being AWOL for so long. We didn't go away this weekend so we decided to sell the truck instead. I'll spare all of the details regarding running around in the heat, the salesmen, the waiting, the online information searches, the phone calls, blah blah bah. I HATE things that require this much thought and my head is pounding. However, the truck is now sold, and we got a very nice offer from Carmax for it. It's just about what we figured we'd get in a private sale, without having to have our lives invaded by strangers. So we are happy with that. Of course, as we were driving it over there, it freakin' stormed like the end of the world and we had to pull over and wait for a half hour for it to let up a bit! In the meantime, we don't have another car and have to keep looking. BARF. Hopefully we can find something fairly soon.

I haven't read back too far, but wow, my former mother's middle name is Louise!

Lynne2 said...

oh, and in between, we had to take the deck off of the lawn tractor, and take that to be fixed, and blades sharpened, etc. Good grief, it would have been WAY more fun to go to my MIL's this weekend!

Hoda said...

LYNN I am sorry about the door. I agree with Paula maybe it is all the humidity that you all have been expereincing

I am 62.8 years old. It was a big deal for me to hit sixty...Papa died at 57, My number two sister Azza died at 58 and my oldest sister Fatma died at 59. I have to admit I wondered about me. Mama was 87 when she died and my youngest sister Samia also cleared 60. Now I SEE IT AS EVERY DAY IS A BONUS.I do not count that maybe I have Mama's age genes, I just celebrate with gratitude the gifts of every day...

Hoda said...

YEA LYNNE 2 is back...Good to hear from you Lynne. Good on you for making a good deal on the truck and I hope you find a good vehicle to replace it. What are you looking for?

I loved the conversation this morning about middle names. I do not have a middle Egypt we get our father's first name as a middle name. On my birth certificate they made a mistake and not only gave me my father's first name, but also names of six grandfathers back. So in total I have eight names!!!

PA Nana said...

I'm back to the netbook while I watch our dinner.

Yes, Lynn, the neighbor offered me to play, but with the shoulder replacement thought it would be best not to try. Not sure I'd remember any tunes.☺☺☺

Welcome back Jo and Lynne.

JudyE, you should be JudyJ.

PA Nana said...

Forgot to say to youngster Hoda. ;o)

JudyEddy said...

I saw where we also did mothers middle name My MOM had two in Germany that what they did her name was Christa Friedle Carla Struwe Fox Hood

PA Nana said...

That's a howdie Hoda.

JudyEddy said...

I thought this avatar was appropriate

JudyEddy said...

E is for last name Eddy

JudyEddy said...

I am all over the blog today reading in order and not in order boy that can make one dizzy I'm heading out to find substance Have about 50 more to read

magpie said...

Margaret Lorraine here
age 60

youngest of 8, and in a Catholic family, we got to choose an extra middle name for my extra middle name is Theresa

Hello Eagle Pals !

magpie said...

looking for that bearded man in the nest, Shirley !!!
I'll see it here eventually

love the names, and the music stories
I played some piano, was not too crazy about the piano teacher and that can make all the difference in the world
Would love to learn accordian, but at this age, harmonica is probably going to be my best bet !

magpie said...

How is Samia doing these days?

Lynne2 said...

My Confirmation name is Rebecca!

magpie said...

Every first and middle name mentioned here, is beautiful, and so are the persons they go with !
How about Jim ??? He snuck past without telling us

magpie said...

beautiful, Lynne...
like YOU ☺

magpie said...

oh, the grammar on that should have been:

As You Are ☺

magpie said...

dentist app't was a snap...the two shots hurt a little bit, but the rest was easy- just one filling...
lady dentist, perky little redhead across the street and up two buildings, how convenient is that !

magpie said...

I think I see the bearded man....
with a rather pointed nose, facing to our right, and looking downward a bit

magpie said...

I made the live screen full screen to see it

hedgie said...

Margy, shall we called you Sister? Love your name! Did you sleep well today?

My Mom's name is Lorraine Ellen. Maiden name was Allan....had a nice ring to it! She was named after her grandmothers--maternal Lorraine, paternal Ellen.
So my Ellen is three generational!

Hoda, an eight name mistake...hmmmmm! You are still a spring chicken, too!!!

Lynne...sorry you had to sell the truck. :( You still have your car, tho', right? Not toally wheel-less, are you?

magpie said...

I never had to pick a name for a child, but for a girl it would have been Julie

hedgie said...

Humidity isn't helping the door for sure, but I think it is the fact that all the wood got SO wet....and now humidity isn't letting it dry out.

hedgie said...

Oh, good grief. Prez is going to interrupt prime-time for a stupid press conference. Real cool---right in the middle of a a show. Wonder how thet will handle that?? ARGH! More blame game antics, I'm sure.

hedgie said...

Diann--what kind of dinner are you "watching?"

I need to clean up the kitchen. I had crab cakes and maters.

Hoda said...

PA NANA How delightful to be called a youngster....THANKS, I got up and did a little dance...after all I am a youngster...LOL

WELCOME HOME JO and so glad you did not have problems with the rain, rather you took your time driving with care.

MARGY are you working night shift again tonight?
Samai is doing well. She has retired because she now looks after her grandson, while her daughter went back to work after materninty leave. She also nurses her husband who was operated on for cancer and she has to change the bag on his side, which he will have for the rest of his life, and tend to him medically. I keep trying to encourage her to find ways to go out at least twice a week so she would not burn out...I am not sure she is listening. We talk on the phone and she seems to be doing the best she can.Thanks for asking.

PA Nana said...

Are we now giving Confirmation names? Mine is Mary.

hedgie said...

How ironic that we may miss our SS payouts so that the gov't. can repay foreign countries when there are so many foreign countries who OWE us.

hedgie said...

Just had to chuckle! Reading a book...just mentioned the burger joint that Lori told DanaMo about this morning: In-n-Out!!! Never heard of it before. Love when that happens!

hedgie said...

Heading to soaf to rest this scapula/trapezius pain. BB after Jeopardy!

magpie said...

dear me, Hoda...a blessed ministry, Samia has
Prayers for strength and comfort for and the family xoxo

Hoda said...

SHIRLEY and MARGY I see him too.The man at the nest tree branch. I did go to full screen and now I can not not see him!!!LOL

magpie said...

wow went to publish a comment a minute ago and the computer shut down!
Was going to say:
slept okay, Lynn, have a recurring case of Bed Back, but now have applied one of those Lidoderm pads that Wanda gave me, is helping a lot!
Lucille a beautiful, old-fashioned name, is the name of my 92 yoa shopping gal pal, and Lorraine, the name of my elderly neighbor lady here
So, I can call Carolyn, Lucy once in awhile? ☺

"Mary" - the Chosen One

magpie said...

I snuck out and saw ISS this morning at 5:11 am...was hazy at first but then got into clear skies...almost went straight throught the crescent moon !
Morning view Tuesday will be a little weak, but Wednesday, Wowser...hope to get up for that.

Welcome Home Jo and Ed
Happy Trails, Jack and Lolly and Family

magpie said...

Love the Grammar Girl link, have saved it for "More Information If I Want" which I will!

Happy Birthday to Pammie Sue, hope this is your Best Birthday Ever xoxox ♥☺

magpie said...

going to check out for awhile before worktime, need to catch up on some family emails...

Best Wishes for a Good Evening, Everyone !

xo ttfn

magpie said...

Hope Nick meets Paula at the door tonight...which means he has not chewed up anything !!!

sorry to read of the sofa chewing, Paula :(

JudyEddy said...

Is just Judy my mom didn't want Judith I was named after A date with Judy

To me age is just a number means nothing its how you feel inside Hope I didn't open a can of worms by asking and I agree my features show my age

Hoda said...

The Wedding happened...
Mr and Mrs. Chapman

JudyEddy said...

My sister Janet the younger one is the only one with talent in the family she played the accordion and every other instrument no lessons needed she was so good She was going to be a music teacher but that didn't pan out as most dreams don't I guess.
Both my kids have no talent both tired in school but nothing came out of it. Angie was in Color Guard that was neat got to drive a bunch of teeny boppers all over the state on competitions I loved it

JudyEddy said...

They had that on the news earlier today HODA also I love it

JudyEddy said...

I was looking at the Grammar Girl link and all of a sudden sound came on Boy does that wake someone up when least expected I have no idea where the sound came from some kind of ad I guess Now that I am awake after almost face planting on the keyboard

PA Nana said...

Gonna shut this netbook down and go watch the Prez and see what excuses there are now.

Will try to catch up later on desktop - if I don't crash.


magpie said...

sounds fun Judy Jean....
the color guard and all the running around

Ila Kay, that avatar, the yellow flower, is SPECTACULAR !!!

Lynn Ellen, hope your body gets itself back to normal soon !

Time to find the fairy and get presentable for work...seems I should be able to wear pajamas for night shift ☺

See you later on, precious pals

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

JudyEddy said...

I only had my window minimized so I was reading not realizing there was a video off to the side Duh

Linda said...

Good Monday Evening!! Got lost again for a few days!! Seems I never can stay caught up!

How's everyone today?

Welcome Back, KAY!! We missed you last week!

I've got some catchin up to do. I see this morning it was middle names! LOL

Glad to hear Lori's middle name is NOT Elsie!!

On the other hand Elise is a beautiful name.

JudyEddy said...

who is gonna see you on the phone I would go in pj LOL

JudyEddy said...

and LINDA what is your middle name and we were well only about 6 of us were telling ages I think the other are to shy

JudyEddy said...

I bet they don't show up I need to get in the shower So far no camera shaking that I can tell

magpie said...

Y'all got a SPLIT coming up right now

JudyEddy said...


Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am ☼
God Bless this Nest
and all ♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."


Mema Jo said...

Well our dinner is over and I am trying
to catch up BUT it "ain't gonna happen"
Too much! JudyE your avatar is TOO much!

Love all the names being mentioned - My grandmother was Nellie Mother was
Laura Kathryn and I am Jo Ellen
Story goes that Dad wanted a boy and mother wanted a girl; therefore Jo Ellen.

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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...