Sunday, July 10, 2011


On travel thread.


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Linda said...

Good Morning!

LORETTA - My husband suggested Rogaine for Shorty's hair loss!!

Well the bunnies are popping up and down in the nest this morning. All I did was look. I didn't touch!! Couldn't see them, but could see the leaves on top moving!!

Dennis went to the garden this morning and out from the grapes hops an adult bunny, just like last night. Guess all that money on an electric fence doesn't do much for the smaller critters!! Hopefully it keeps the deer from the fruit trees.

I placed the 2 sticks like an X as mentioned this morning and will check again tomorrow. I also put some more hay from the field over the top as well to be sure they are well hidden. Dennis sort of uprooted them by mistake a couple days ago.

Linda said...

SHIRLEY - There looked to be white fine hair in the nesting material of the bunny nest. Interesting that you mentioned that!

LYNN - I'm confused about who you're looking to buy a beach house with, too! Are Frank and Irene family or friends? Either way, I hope you find something simply wonderful!

wvgal_dana said...

Bob that is a beautiful book.

Linda I am rolling in laughter at your husband saying "Roganine" for Shorty LOL..

Linda you are taking such good care of those bunnies. I remember my beautiful tulips where we lived before. I would see the bunnies eating the leaves and then the bloom. I just decided God gave me a quit peek at the bloom. So let the bunnies eat them. ( :

LOLLY I hope you read the comment on the bottom of the 1st page of this thread.

hedgie said...

Had a big doe on the corn a little while ago...and now there is a flock of noisy crows. Can hear logger saws in the distance...haven't heard them in weeks---guess they were on another job and now are back. :(

Mema Jo said...

Good Monday Morning! And it sure is going to be a 'stay in the house' HOT one.

I need to go back a page and look at
Bob's book. I sure hope he is going to win with it.

My potted plants outside got watered this am but probably will need it again
this pm.

I love seeing the baby bunnies - we have to brake for them when we drive in since they can't make up their minds about which way they are going.

Mema Jo said...

Wanda - Lynn Funny about the egg salad
and one hungry little guy! lol

hedgie said...

Linda, F & I are my dear friends.

Linda said...

Thanks, Lynn!!

hedgie said...

BOB----so exciting about your book!!! SO hope you win...too bad we can't VOTE!!!! It looks fantastic!!! I would surely buy it! Paws crossed for you!!!!

CarolAnne said...

Bob, great book. I love blurb - use it to make Christmas gift pictorial books for the grandkids of all their happenings thru each year.

All well here in WI - got some much needed rain, but still hot & humid!

hedgie said...

Bob...if you come question I have been meaning to ask----are your sunset pics actually taken within the refuge? Are they open to traffic all the time?

Linda said...

Bob - beautiful book!! Hoping you win for all those perfect photos!

wvgal_dana said...

Bob wish we could vote on your book.

Wonder how you are selected as the winner?

Sure hope you WIN!!! ( :

Bob Quinn said...

Lynn. Yes, the sunset pictures are at the refuge. The wildlife drive is open dawn till dusk so if you get on the drive before sunset you can watch the sunset before having to leave.

wvgal_dana said...

Well my new lawn man (that my next door neighbor uses also) has had to quit mowing. He just called and said every time he mows he has been throwing up. Went to doctor and he has severe bronchitis his name is Jack and wife is Joy. Very nice people.

Now I need to find another mowing service/person. There is one I seen mowing near Mothers. Maybe I will ride there this evening. They would be off work and ask them for her phone number. To have her come and give me an estimate.

If it is not one thing in life, it is another.

I feel so badly for Jack being sick with severe bronchitis. Prayers for Jack and Joy.

CarolAnne said...

RE: Bob's book contest: How it works: All entries are reviewed by our panel of expert judges, who select a Grand Prize winner, the top winners in each category, first- and second-runners up in each category, and honorable mentions.
And once the judges have made the first cut, you – the people – get to vote for your own favorites to win the PBN People’s Choice Award.

hedgie said...

CarolAnne, I think the whole country is hot and defintely humid---except in Texas: poor Lolly!

Jo, comes to my mind that there were 2 little guys in love with my egg salad!! I bet the trip home in the car could have been a riot! Did Melissa ever say?? LOL!

Okay, almost time for me to head out. See all y'all later this afternoon.

hedgie said...

Oblahma-ing going on. GOod time to shut off TV!

Judie said...

Bunny Whisperer here.

Good afternoon.

Back from the dentist. Had the cap replaced. Not a big deal but BIG $$.

Feeding the critters by hand does take patience. Several squirrels, rabbits, chipmunks. Lots of fun though.

Have seen squirrels with almost no fur on the tail. Seems to grow back.

Lynn, so happy you have a completed fence. Have a nice lunch.

Bob, thank you for the update. As always, want you to be a winner.

CarolAnne, thank you for the voting information. Leave it up to the momsters and Bob's a definite winner.

Off to make some gazpacho. Nice for a horribly hot day.

Judie said...

Oh, how about that recipe for amazing egg salad, Ms Lynn?

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks CarolAnne for the information on Bob's book. Hope we find out when we can vote.

Mema Jo said...

The Book by Bob
Wow! There were so many of my favorite
pics in the book - I was hoping I could
keep turning and turning page after page
and that it wouldn't end! Superb work!

We will make it a sure winner if left up
to us! First calendars and now books!
Maybe next will be a movie!

Mema Jo said...

Lynn mentioned '2 little boys' about her egg salad - also one of those little boys would have eaten her entire
dish of salsa dip - I had to fight for
some of it myself! lol Delicious!!

Kay said...

LOLLY, you and Jack have such a wonderful retirement poster life !

LYNN, LOL Liesl's reaction to the Beggin' Strips ad---I agree with her 100 percent !

LORI, where are you ? We are most anxious to hear from you !

WANDA, I know you're far to busy today and tomorrow, but don't forget to share the egg peeling hint when things slow down, please !

MARGY, missed you this morning but you deserve a sleep in anytime you can get it. Will look forward to hearing about another terrific day with James ! What a blessing grandkids are, huh ?

DANAMO, sure hope you're feeling better ! Have you seen the doctor since that day you forgot about an appointment ?

I'm off to Bed, Bath & Beyond. Feel like I need some new "company" towels and a fresh bath mat.

HAGD, y'all ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Lolly said...

Bob, fantastic book!! I want to write a children's book about Liberty and Belle. Want to do the illustrations with your pictures? LOL

Lolly said...

I went back outside and worked some more. Think I am going to feel better today having accomplished something besides sitting in this chair.

Now, I am going to dust and pick up.

Thinking about Laurel at Six Flags. She is supposed to send me pictures with her phone. Hope she isn't melting!!

Kay said...

BOB, the book is breathtakingly beautiful ! It's on my Christmas wish list !

Linda said...

LOLLY - You don't brown your meatballs first?? Just put them in the sauce? Does it make the sauce greasy? I'm trying to decide what to cook tonight and maybe starting something now would be better.

I'm always tired when it comes time to make dinner!! Could be something more to that......not sure! LOL

Lolly said...

Linda, no, you do not brown the meatballs. They do not taste greasy....just delicious. I am sure they are not the best in the world for you, but oh, so good! Go for it!

Lolly said...

Do use fresh flat leaf Italian parsley!

Lolly said...

Laurel posted on fb pictures of the boys at Six Flags. If you look at the two pictures, I want you to know they are the same age...classmates! Yep, our Jacob is a very tall boy! He is a big boy. Joseph weighs 85 pounds at 10, Jacob weighs 80 pounds at 6. He is not fat....just a BIG boy! But, he is still our little 6 year old, going into first grade.

Lolly said...

Time for me to get busy!


hedgie said...

Hello....I'm back. And a new email from Irene:

We arrived last nite in missoula - it is going to be a really busy day - thanks to all for all the prayers and best wishes - there is no way we could have done this on our own!

hedgie said...

Currently 92° here.....air is so heavy. Hoping we get at least a little rain to cool things off----got relly cloudy once, but sun back out now.

hedgie said...

Had a great lunch---including a Lime Margarita!!! Sure tasted good, and was on Monday special sale! Enjoyed a nice visit with my friend Ann.

hedgie said...

Hurray---thanks for the info, CarolAnne!!! Watch out, Bob------you'll be a winner!!!!!And thanks for the info about the drive, Bob.

Dana, your guy Jack will probably be able to work again in a week or two, won't he?

Jo, right you are about the peach salsa dip! I THINK it was the peach...right? With the blue tortilla chips---yummm. Haven't made any since then!

Judie, I'll send you the recipe....but gotta tell ya'----I don't measure!!

DanaMo said...

Oh Lynn a Margarita at lunch! WOW! I think that would knock me out today. Having alot of trouble with my neck. Went to the dr. and got put on steroid and muscle relaxer. Hate being on medication. Have a problem with a nerve in my nbeck which hasn't been a problem now for a number of years but has been giving me trouble for the past few weeks. This morning was awful...major pain, an 8 on a scale of 10. Couldn't wait for the doctors office to open!

NatureNut said...

Good Afternoon all the Eagle Fans.
Been somewhat loafing today. Stepson left this morning (cat is happy!)
Linda, that's a wild idea for Shorty, but I think it's a girl!Might work anyway. I'm not gonna worry about it unless it affects her body. All that I read on 'puter showed bald patches of mange on their bodies, not just tail. They have an annual molt, but her tail has never been that way before.
As they say, "better do something even if it's wrong!"

Judie said...

DanaMo, I can't begin to imagine pain in one's nbeck. Course, I'm not even sure where one's nbeck would be located but, seriously, do hope you get some relief.

Lolly, wonderful that you are able to accomplish so much in that awful heat. Glad Laurel and boys are having fun.

Lynn, it's okay. I don't measure either. So happy you had a nice visit with Ann AND a lime margarita. Peach salsa is a favorite. Nice change from the traditional.

Okay, off to put my feet up.

hedgie said...

So proud of my baby girl and her hubby: called 911 yesterday in Winchester at a movie theater for a cat in a hot car--panting. Driver appeared first...and my girl told her in no uncertain terms that she was committing a crime and that they had called the law. Of course, she claimed she had only been gone two minutes.

DanaMo said...

You made me laugh Judie, I need that today! :)

DanaMo said...

Hope your tooth is feeling okay Judie. I know all about the $$$ of dental. Just had a crown myself a few weeks ago.

DanaMo said...

All of my family is in bad shape today. Annemarie has an awful ear ache, swimmers ear, but has been on medication 4 days with little relief. Took her to the doctor this morning along with me for my neck.; My husband is on the road, and dealing with severe case of poison ivy. Had to get a scrip called in for him to a pharmacy in KY! And at 4 taking Boomer to doctor for sores that are all over his belly! Geez...cha ching!

DanaMo said...

WOW Bob amazing book!

Judie said...

DanaMo, glad I gave you a chuckle. Just somehow made me wonder where MY nbeck is. Well, if it hurts, I'll find out. Do hope that you and Annmarie and hubby and Boomer will all be on the mend very quickly. Not sure which would be worse for me...pain in my nbeck or poison ivy. Feel better soon.

stronghunter said...

Well someone wants my old clothes and shoes. I just had Kathryn put some of my old stuff on Freecycle and it has already been claimed.

Also put on some old posters and teacher stuff. Kathryn says they should go fast.

Busy doing some cleaning out of old stuff.

stronghunter said...

Meanwhile, we will be picking up some old furniture and laptops from Rus for Kathryn and Hunter.

movin said...






oNLY in the mid 70's today, but the humidity is also in the mid 70's.

I had a little trouble with scheduling last night, had get-up-and-stay-up probs this morning; AND my computer (software) crashed two to three times this morning.. This "Windows Restore Point" seems stable so far though.

Hope you all have a great week.

C(°?°)3 Jim

JudyEddy said...

Home from work and only have 75 comments to read I was on face book and I had to log in three different times What is it with the IE today blogger has 503 and facebook just dumps you out BBL

JudyEddy said...

and I had to sign in for the last comment Brother Speaking of Brother how is Brother Cat LYNN2 LM BBL

JudyEddy said...

Wow the wind is really moving the bad branch and leaf away from the nest maybe we can hope it breaks off in the wind One can only wish

Mema Jo said...

Having Son and Family over for dinner
Fried chicken from Giant Eagle of course!
Feet were up most of the afternoon - I
had taken an allergy pill and I think it
zonked me (Good try - allergy pill not potent enough to zonk someone) I am
just lazy & found some old reruns on

Need to set up the table...... BBL

hedgie said...

Oops----sorry I disappeared. Liesl and I took a little snooze after playtime...and then had a phone call from Irene---they were fishing up on the lake at Sleepy Creek and good really great looks at the eagles!!! They said they were noisy as could adult and two fledglings.....but none of them were fishing!!!! Can't wait to see her pics...but Frank had to go to work---she doesn't know how to email them!! sorry about your neck. Any idea what you did to aggravate it so badly? Please rest and be careful...and take those meds!

hedgie said...

Goodness, DanaMo....whole family is ailing! And, yes, expensive day! Make those boys wait on you hand and foot!

Judie, sorry about the $$$ for your crown....hopefully, you won't need anything else done anytime soon---or ever if you're lucky!

hedgie said...

Loretta, glad the old kitty has peace again!! But I'm sure it was nice having your stepson home for a little bit!

hedgie said...

Shirley, good way to clean out! One man's junk is another's treasure!!

Jim, seems a lot of people had rough nights and early mornings.....but think you are the only one with puter problems today! Hope you got it fixed!
I'll trade your temp for ours----currently 95°--can't even breathe outside it is so humid.

hedgie said...

Oops---take that back----JudyE IS having problems! Judy----blogger problems are not IE problems!

DanaMo said...

Hedgie-I would if anyone was around. My hubby and Aric are in OH, Andrew is at work, Annemarie just went to the movies and Adam is playing video games. No one to help poor old mom :( the pups will snuggle with me!

Hoda said...

It feels really hot here today!!! I cn not believe I am say this but it is true.It is 83 degrees as I type and it was supposed to go up to 86...Lots of ice cold lemon drinks for me today.

Good Afternoon everyone.

BOB GREAT picture book.I enjoyed going through the pages. THANK YOU. It is good we can vote on it and I think it is a winner.

LOLLY another trip coming up to tke you to cooler beach type weather, sounds like a good plan.

I spoke to my sister in Cairo today and it was 45 degrees celcius there today which would make it 116 degrees F...she had the air condition on.Too hot.

IRENE and NIKKI and Fiancé made it to Missoula Montana, Terrific. Wonderful art and theatre there from what I remember. I wish her well.yesterday she said she saw an adult bald eagle...lucky her!!!

hedgie said...

Oh, DanaMo---you really are alone. Are you using heat or ice on your neck? It might help!

Oh-oh----severe storm watch for entire area---including Wash. Co, DanaMo!---unitl 11pm. It has gotten rather dark and gloomy. Temp at 93° now. Wind not blowing here the way it is at the nest.

My Carolyn (Jewels on here) is on her way to Charleston for police teletype training. Think she'll be gone until late Th. or Fri. Once she has that under her belt, guess she will be 100% totally qualified, right Margy?

PA Nana said...

Good late afternoon.

Lynn, you DO make the best egg salad. I found a way to cook and peel the eggs that has worked for me.

Cover the eggs with cold (tap) water, cook until boiling. Turn off heat and cover for about 10 min. Then pour off hot water and cover with cold (tap) water. BUT be sure to make a small crack in the eggs while in the cold water. I usually hit one end on someting solid. When cool, drain, peel and eat. Yum Yum.

Whew, it's hot! Our dewpoint is 102. Glad to be indoors.

So much to catch up with that I'll never be able to comment on all.
Just be aware that I'm either lurking or reading posts.


PA Nana said...

... sorry! HEAT INDEX is 102. Dew point is 73%

hedgie said...

Hi, Diann! Thanks for egg salad compliment from you, too! Just the way I used to cook the eggs,too, until I got Henrietta Hen electric cooker!

Yep----hot for you all, as well! Ridiculous.

Hoda, is Cairo heat a dry heat? That makes it a little more bearable, but 116° is ridiculous!!
Your weather sounds about perfect to me!!

DanaMo said...

Just went out to the pool to batten down the hatches. Hearing thunder here in Hagerstown.

Heading back to the couch with a heating pad...

JudyEddy said...

You could have poison ivy in your bneck that would be the worst ever LOL-- I got the biggest laugh out of reading todays comments now I need to go get something to eat and rest my neck
I no longer take neck breaks as advised by the blog LOL
Rough day at work took a toll on my neck and back BBL

PA Nana said...

Severe t-storms watches & warnings heading your and our ways.

Booted up the netbook so I could catch up while in the kitchen - vooking. Really opened a frozen dinner from Bertoli and vooking in pan on top of stove. Too hot to use oven.

PA Nana said...

Dana, hope you got everything tied down before the storm hits.

Judye, rest your neck!

Lolly, couldn't open your meatball recipe on momsters. Will try it here and write it down since my printer is not connected to this one.

Linda, did you already have those storms? There are heading east now. Hope you don't experience any wind/rain damage.

hedgie said...

Well, sounds like the bad storm missed us----warning out for Jeff. Co. (where nest is) and particularly for Charles Town and Ranson (where my Christie is).

PA Nana said...

Must tell yas... Jim planted the yellow columbine seeds before we had the heavy rain. Then the rains came, flooded the yard, walk, street and the laundry room again.

Now I don't know where those seeds floated, but will have to be vigilant in the spring because dear Jim wouldn't know a columbine from a dandelion. ☺☺

BTW my new avatar is my cats spooning in the sunlight.☺

hedgie said...

Hmmm....on radar, our county is in the clear, but everything surrounding us is bad....hearing on scanner there's a good bit of damage in Jeff. Co.

Linda said...

Diann - We're pretty far north and east in PA and those storms are going to lose strength by the time they get this far east. Plus I think they will hit south of us. We may get a passing shower

Lolly - I have NEVER seen a sauce recipe where you put in a stick of BUTTER??

DanaMO - Sorry to hear you're neck is giving you so much trouble. I suffer from neck problems and something in my upper back. Massage helps me quite a bit. Have a girl here that I go to weekly during tax season.

hedgie said...

Oh, Diann----that basement is a real pain in your neck, isn't it? Geesh.....was that just today, or in the earlier downpours? Yep--most men wouldn't know!
Cute kitties!!!

Hoda said...

I just brought up the live feed and it is very windy over there... I am glad the storms are clearing your way Lynn...

wvgal_dana said...

Hedgie-Lynn no Jack won't be able
too work. I do believe he has other
breathing problems. Possibly COPD.
Joy had told me some things earlier
and I thought he might not be able
to do this as full time. Yet they
both wanted to try since the
retirement. You know how the money
situation gets being retired.

DanaMo you have been added to my
prayer list. Hope the meds help
the pain. Me having cervical and
spina stenosis. I know what pain
is but mine was helped through a
doctor that I no longer see due to
Insurance reasons. He would burn
the nerve in my back. It helped
so much. Medication doesn't work
unless on narcotics and that I
won't go on.
WOW now your husband needs prayer,
Annmarie and Boomer. I sure hope
all get well soon.

Judie you are so "cute" you make
me laugh with your comments. ( :
Yep Judie those crowns are expensive.

Hi Jim bye and Red are
quickly in and quickly

Glad they got to see the eagles
at Sleepy Creek!!!!

Hoda that is hot where your sister is. Glad she has air conditioning.

Diann glad you dropped in. Thinking of you and your pain. ♥

We had a storm here at Spring Mills. Might get another one. Just a gusty down pour.

Linda a passing shower would be nice.

Hoda said...

JUDY E, I read that you also have a neck ache and developed a back ache at work...UGH! I hope the tough day at work was not due to unpleasant upsets me when I am in a store and people become rude or impatient...I know you do not work the till but wonder if complaints come to you and you have to deal with them.

wvgal_dana said...

I might be getting to see the one grndbaby in a little while. When I was over to Linda's yesterday. To visit with her before the Lord takes her home. One of her grandchildren ask me if I have seen Sonja lately. I said no and not the grandbaby either. They said they would tell her to bring her over here today. So she just called a little while ago. Suppose to be here in about 20 minutes.

Hoda said...

DANA enjoy your visit with the Grand Baby...It is so wonderful to be able to spend time with the little babies. They are precious.

I am glad the crown work was not a big deal JUDIE. I have to have another crown in October and and am pleased that the insurance company helps me with fifty percent of the costs.Do you have dental insurance? Some of my friends do not think it is worth it but I do not agree. I am very happy to have bought in the system that allows me the coverage.Part of the retirement package from the school board.

Mema Jo said...

We are getting the down pour here in our
valley. Sure hope the temps for this
evening dwindle down a bit.

Dinner was great and cake for gs 16th
was very good. Glad he celebrated with us.

Lynne2 said...

WOW, be careful everyone, line of severe storms passing through Frederick now, heading eastward. Then a big slug of showers behind that!

Lynne2 said...

and good evening all!

Hoda said...

Hello LYNNE 2 Good to see you on was your day...where you live do you also need rain? Will this storm be of use to you? Glad to hear your weekend, though busy, was good.

PA Nana said...

Linda, sorry. I thought you were in western PA. I'm in south central PA - Land of the Amish.

Lynn, the laundry room is on the first floor behind the kitchen. When the yard and walks flood it seeps into that room.

Basement is only under the kitchen and houses the furnace (boiler), water heater and water softener but has a sump pump that has earned its cost many times.

Seems we sit at the bottom of the street and water always runs downhill.

Lynne2 said...

yes Hoda, we need the rain! Just praying the electric won't go out...storms look pretty bad, and it's really hot out. My day was spent at "sad" job. BORING!!

Linda said...

Diann - You may get some of that weather before it fizzles, won't you?

Hey Lynne - Nice to see you!

WVDana - I hope you enjoy your grand baby visit!! I am a lover of babies, too!!

Must be we all are dealing with crowns. I have my permanent scheduled to be put in on Friday and can't wait. I have been in pain and not able to chew on the right side for over three weeks now. Because I had to go out of town, things got delayed in rescheduling my appointment!

PA Nana said...

Hi Jo & Lynne & DanaWV

Linda, yes, I think we're in the "line of fire." Under a severe watc h right now.

Going to close down this 'puter and visit with Jim before he goes to bed. Will try to catch up with you later.

If I miss anyone before bed, prayers around for all needs/wants.


JudyEddy said...

HODA neck is from two prior surgeries I have spinal stenosis also and arthritis in the neck from the surgeries will have the problem the rest of my life just have to learn to live with it I just over did it over taxing my neck bending and counting-- and probably blogging LOL
I do work on the sales floor with the customers I do all the price changes in the grocery dept lots of bending to count bottoms of counters I sit on the floor quite often also
My back is odd not for sure what that is I have been getting a burning pain in my bra line area
comes and goes probably sitting at computer posture doesn't help either OLD age thats all it is !!!

VWGAL DANA how was the grandchild visit go gotta love them grand kids

Rain I wish I could send you some of ours we had another inch today The yards are still running off in the the gutters on to the road and more rain daily this is our rainy season At-least it cool things off after wards

Judie said...

DanaMo, sometimes pups are the best companions. Snuggle away.

Jo, have a nice dinner with the family. Any excuse to put our feet up is better than no excuse. We two can always seem to justify.

Oh my, Hoda, just think how you were fussing about the cold and chill. You must be very happy for warmer weather.

WVDana, hope you had a nice visit with the baby.

Hoda, no. I am on Medicare since I stopped going to military doctors last year. No coverage. $1400 poorer tonight.

Storm sounds now. Will return later.

JudyEddy said...

Lets all chant EAGLE come to the nest Eagle come to the nest over and over and over LOL

Judie said...

Yep, dental cost is a serious pain in my nbeck!

Hoda said...

Camera shakes and there is a sound of landing??? Not sure what the sound was, but it was there...

JudyEddy said...

I wish we had someone on the ground to tell us that one just landed on the tree or cam box That would be too cool!

Mema Jo said...

Think I'll try a 9:00 TV show of the
Closer. Liked it last year so I'll see
if they have made many changes.


Hoda said...

JUDIE, This is some serious bill for your dental...OH MY!!!

JUDYE i hear you on back and neck pain. I am sorry it was a rough day today....

I observe as my body gets older I am more aware of aches just for the sake of aches it seems like and when my lower back was injured during my shoulder stand it lasted for over five weeks...yet I know this body and work on maintaining it while my soul has a use for it, lessons to be learnt and all...

Hoda said...

Now would be a perfect time fo r them to land...we have a full view of the nest and while it is getting late it is not too late...COME ON BELLE, LET's GO TRUDER

JudyEddy said...

Light is fading from the nest

Hoda said...

I know JudyE I resist this part so much when the light gets darker at the nest, it is almost like a sign that it is getting late and they won't show up...when was the last time they were spotted at the nest? Do you remember?

hedgie said...

If anyone watched Rizzoli and Isles last summer....season premiere is tonight at 10 on TNT.

JudyEddy said...

light on looks like no visit again

:-( ;o{

JudyEddy said...

I wrote it down on 7-9 5:22am to 5:35 both were in the nest or should I say mainly under the leaf

JudyEddy said...

I love the way the leaves glow at the nest soo cool

Hoda said...

That is some strong wind over picked up just like that, sudden like.

Judie said...

Bunny whisperer here.

Thunder and lightning here so am going to shut down the computer.

Night light is on for those who may need to arise in the night and those who may arrive from the West Coast. Restful sleep for all.

JudyEddy said...

I didn't get a picture or video of them because they went right under the leaves

JudyEddy said...

Is it storming at the nest of JUST windy

wvgal_dana said...

Sorry I said grandbaby. It is Ed's grandson's baby so great grandbaby. She is now 2 yrs old. I haven't been allowed around her or the mother. Now Ed's grandson is not with Sonja now so she wanted me to see Coley.

We had a fun time with things on the computer. She liked the ducks at the flamingo cam. Plus some other windows media player things I had saved.

It got Sonja and me both when she said, "Where Pappy?" We both looked at each other because Sonja didn't think she would remember. We told her he is with the Angels.
That seem to be ok for now. (That was a heart tugger). Sweet Child ♥

Hoda said...

GOD BLESS JUDIE and batten down the hacthes...

Hoda said...

Thanks JUDYE for the information on the last time they were there...I remember reading about the visit where they mainly stayed under the canopy...You will probably sign off soon as you get uyp early too. So Goodnight and God bless to you ...

JudyEddy said...

You are a mind reader HODA 5am comes earlier each day LOL


Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am
God Bless this Nest
and all whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."


hedgie said...

Guess we got stood up again, huh?
Doesn't look like any rain fell at nest, either....but still under a watch.

My neck hardly ever bothers me since I retired---which tells me it was mostly TENSION! But my back at my shoulder blades always has----I can hardly sit at the piano for any length of time---it is just a searing pain. I know posture has something to do with it. I have the reverse of lordosis plus scapular winging, so I just can't straighten very much!

Hoda said...

Well according to the Telegraph of London The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge will undertake one or two engagements a month for the remainder of the year. The focus has to be on the Queen and her Diamond Jubilee. he will be stationed in the Flaklands in early 2012 for a couple of months and she will stay home.

DanaMo said...

Glad you got to see the baby DanaWV. it is so hard when you are prevented from seeing a child.It's amazing what children remember. I'm sure that was real heartwarming for you.

All this crown talk. Mine took 3 weeks too, but I didn't have any pain with the temp., just had to be careful with chewing and I'm an ice chewer so it was tough.

bneck is so-so probably going to set up the coffee and head to bed. Talked about needle in the neck as a option. Right now on meds and I really don't like it. Not sure if I would like a needle either...
Annemarie is doing much better, even went to the movies with friends.
My hubby (Monte) sent me pics of his poison, yuck, it looks awful. He gets bad and to be away from home and making customer calls can't be fun at all.

Thunder, but no rain...guess it's not going to come.

Lynne2 said...

well, that was a nasty storm. Patio flooded, massive amounts of lightning and it's STILL lightning. Feel bad because when I walked the dogs just before the storm, I saw a baby bluebird poking it's head out of the nest box out back. They are fledging. I couldn't risk looking in the box as they might try to get out too soon so I'm not sure if any were out yet or the one I saw was the first brave baby. Sure hope they survived this storm.

Linda said...

Night DanaMO. Hope you have restful sleep and feel better in the morning!

hedgie said...

I see the moon, and the moon sees me! Not a breath of air stirring, and no thunder in the distance.....Still 85°.

Lynne2 said...

what happened to your neck DanaMo?

wvgal_dana said...

Going in to get my legs and feet up.

Still haven't gotten all the regular mail straighten out.

Plus have emails in box I need to get to sometime.

Prayers for all those that need them. Blessings for answered prayers.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good evening everybody. Just wanted to report that Mattie has to have a gallbladder ultrasound Thursday morning.

hedgie said...

Feel better, DanaMo. What kind of sales is your hubby in? Hope he doesn't travel too much! You have your hands full, gal!

Goodnight, JudyE.

Hoda....I think the storm missed the nest, too...and if DanaMo didn't get it, then probably Megan didn't, either. :(

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

Got out of work really late and had to make a couple of stops on the way home...just got finished mowing, yes in the dark. Saw rain all the way home, except for here. Have to go out and water the veggies after dinner.

PA Nana said...

Back for a short visit. Had to close down because of storm. Not much rain but a lot of thunder, etc. Cats still in hiding. ☺

Lynn, Risoli & Isles is on my 'to watch' list so I'll be gone from 10-11 pm.

Hi Paula, Hoda & Judie.

Goodnight Judye.

... later

PA Nana said...

I missed Sharon, hi! Hope all will be okay with Mattie. Prayers for all.

paula eagleholic said...

Bob's book is really awesome!

Lynn, thanks for letting us know Irene arrived safe and sound!

DanaMO, sure hope the meds help your neck!

Diann, I do the same with my eggs, but I also peel them under running water!

DanaWV, so glad you got to see the grandbaby, sure does the heart good!

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for the info on Mattie, Sharon
I hope she isn't in much pain and hope
the test shows anything that needs fixed!

Mema Jo said...

So my youngest grandchild has reached 16
I have 12 so I feel really blessed.
Two have yet to graduated high school but within 2 years they will....
Then we'll see how long I can last with
the 8 great grandkids. That will be a
real challenge.

Paula - your 3 grandkids are growing. I
loved the recent pic and would love to
see more. Very happy Nick got along well.

Mema Jo said...

I am signing off for this evening
Wish you all a peaceful sleep

Good Night to all and
Prayers for all your needs
Hugs to you ♥♥♥♥♥♥

Lynne2 said...

heading to bed...good night and prayers for all!

hedgie said...

Da Bears

Beautiful pics of the girls!!

hedgie said...

Good show, wasn't it Diann? I love Angie Harmon!
Also saw an ad saying that the new Dallas will be on summer 2012....what the hey?? It was supposed to be this fall....grrrr.

Paula, sorry the rain missed you, too. Jo got some!!

NatureNut said...

Been gone 'til bedtime!! We had lots of thunder and lightening---stayed off 'puter. It rained hard, but not too long & it's humid as a sauna outside!
Since electric stayed on, had to figure out new sewing machine to hem up bottom half of pants. I got a couple of the zipper leg pants. Zip off the bottom, and you have shorts. When they came in the mail, my old machine decided it would be a slug & you could hardly turn the wheel by hand! Sewed one pair up by hand, but Fubby went 'puter shopping!!! $50 brand new!
We MAY do the butterfly count tomorrow, so I need full pants for that.They are sunscreen fabric also. (But I want a tan!!!)
Saw about Bob's book! Fantastic!!!

Hope poor Mattie's trouble is figured out soon! TH for gallbladder scan????? What a shame and then there's missing school, too! Prayers for her, Lori's Mom and all others ailing.
Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

PA Nana said...

Yes, Lynn, great show. LOved Angie Harmon on L&O.

Dallas is coming back???? Why can't the industry come up with some new shows and plots (not realty shows either).

Have stories and ideas now run out??? Surely if book authors can come up with new books and stories, the tv & movie industry could do the same.

We're being inundated with the same story lines. I want to guess what the ending will be, not shown the same thing over and over again.
Then it's BORING.

magpie said...


Caught up on posts but have run out of steam
Thanks for all the People news, pals
sorry to read of many here with some discomforts, and will say prayers for relief and healing

Happy 16th Birthday wishes for Jo's youngest grandchild

Awesome book of Bob's, what an array of wonder he has compiled

..and Good Night

God Bless Us, Every One xoxo ♥

magpie said...

wow light at the nest
moon must be out of the clouds

Lolly said...

Okay, Okay, Okay!!! No more talk of storms and rain. Must be nice!

Watched TV tonight and gave myself a pedicure and a manicure. Yep, Wanda the toesies are all painted!

LINDA, yes, a stick of butter! I have never had that either, nor have I ever cut the onion so large and then removed it, but the sauce is very good. I got the recipe from bon appetit. It was with an article on searching for the perfect meatball. LOL

hedgie said...

Loretta, school is out!!1 Hoping that Mattie doesn'y have to have surgery, but if she does, she won't be missing classes!

diann....I know what you are saying. So many shows with spin-offs.....but if it's law or medicine, I don't mind! I really like the idea of Dallas coming back----it always was more comedy to me than drama!!

hedgie said...

Good luck counting flutterbys, Loretta! Wear your knee brace and walk carefully, please!

HI, Margy. Dd it storm in B.S.?

Lolly, I don't understand why the onion is taken out of the sauce!!!!

Lolly said...

I enjoyed getting up early and getting outside. Think I will do it again in the morning.

Lolly said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lolly said...

My delete, don't know what I did to post the last comment twice. Guess I am sleepy!

Costume Lady said...

I was going to tell my new way of peeling eggs, but see everyone has gone to bed. I'll post it again tomorrow for those who don't read this. Some of you may know this method, but I'm sure others don't.


Lolly said...

I never watched Dallas. On the news that it will be filmed here, once again. Probably won't watch it again.

Lolly said...

Wanda, I have read and tried the shaking in the pan. Glad it worked for you.

Lolly said...

I am heading to the shower and then to bed. I have been sitting here too long.

Night all! Sweet dreams!

Prayers for all with bneck problems and that includes my jubby. He has been taking muscle relaxers and applying ice packs. Also, sleeping a lot!! Is it contagious? ☺

paula eagleholic said...

Who shot JR?

Loved Dallas...and Knots Landing too.

Hitting the hay!

(((Hugs for all ♥)))

Linda said...

Night All My Eagle Pals!!

I've been working all night again and lost track of time. Ugh. I think I am done with the worst of this account. Was a mess.

Wishing everyone restful sleep tonight and that all the aches, pains and ailments are better in the morning!!

May God Protect and Bless us All and the critters we love so much ♥♥♥

hedgie said...

San Diego Panda Gift Shop building destroyed by arson

PA Nana said...

Does anyone think the new Dallas will be as good as the old Dallas???

I'm not so sure. Seems like these new ones are hanging on the laurels of the old shows.

Getting sleepy. Think I'll close for the night and hope to sleep straight through to morning. Last night i was up about ever hour or two. Just woke up.

Thanks for the night light Judie so I didn't stumble around.

The last one out, please lock the door.

Have a good night everyone and prayers for all wants and needs.
Lord willing, I'll 'see' you all tomorrow. God bless.

hedgie said...

Goodnight one and all! Hope everyone feels better tomorrow. East coasters....another scorcher ahead---worst yet.
Prayers for all!

Costume Lady said...

LOLLY, apparently, that method didn't work for time, try the salt. I kid you not, the shells just nearly fell off most of the eggs!
Glad your tootsies are looking good:) Mine are horrendous, can't get to my right foot because my knee won't allow me:( GG wants the two of us to go to New Zeland and get our worn out parts replaced:)

Costume Lady said...

DIANN, send me an email with you address and I will send you more yellow columbine (from Lolly's) and some of the blue/purple ones. Need to get Lolly's to her, also!

Costume Lady said...

GG's new air conditioner is being installed now. The workers were in her attic most of the day and were all soaked with sweat. I gave them all cold, wet wash cloths and told them to help themselves to the cold drinks in the garage fridge. Do not touch the beer until the job is finished!

PA Nana said...

Wanda, you have email.
Goodnight & God bless.

Costume Lady said...

I must be the last one awake...should head to bed, also. Soup Kitchen tomorrow.



Please say a prayer for Gene's friend ARNOLD DAILY who is having open heart surgery tomorrow. (Gene works for him occasionaly, cutting meat, when he is swamped)

Hoda said...

Well I watched the Indian movie called Amal and thought it was well done.

Watching movies takes up a lot of time is what I am observing.

I remember in Egypt we watched Dallas and Knots Landing...Many people in the world continue to believe the USA is what the movies and TV portray...I tried to say it was different but I was not heard.

I'll say goodnight and God Bless and see you all tomorrow God Willing. Sweet dreams every one.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Golly, I'm getting here too late again tonight! Sorry to have missed so many of you!

Sure hope that those of you affected by the horrible heat back East get some relief! Things were better here today. It was about 75. The humidity was still a little high, but the lower temp helped. Doing a rain dance for Texas!

Little Miss Emma wasn't feeling like herself early this morning. She didn't want to eat breakfast at all, and went in her crate and slept soundly for another 5 hours! Her stomach was growling so loudly I could hear it in the next room! She seemed better when she woke up, and did eat all her breakfast then. She spent much of the day napping in my lap, and seems much better tonight. She has not had any diarrhea, and is going potty normally. She did upchuck some water and some yellow foamy stuff on Friday. I suspect that she might have eaten some kind of tree berry or a leaf, or even a spider! She has radar when it comes to spiders and insects, and will point at a spider on the wall, and bark like crazy until someone smushes it! Hmmmm....maybe she got hold of something at the far end of the dog park yesterday. I'm just hoping she is feeling 100% tomorrow!

Lynne2, how is Steve doing? I haven't been able to keep up as well as I should on the blog. I know he went to the dentist, but never found out how that went. Is Brother Cat behaving?

Judie, I think it's pretty neat that you are a Bunny Whisperer! Awesome!
Sorry to hear that your dentist visit was sooooo expensive! No wonder so many people have such a aversion to dentists!

Lynn, I can't imagine why anyone would set fire to the Panda Gift Shop at the San Diego Zoo! Mighty glad none of the animals were hurt. How could someone even get to the shop to torch it? Was it an inside job? Very disturbing. MTBR, I guess.

Well, I think I'll call it a night. Prayers said for everyone, and for every creature. The porch light is on. Enabling both security systems. Sleep tight, everyone, and I will talk to you tomorrow, Lord willing.
God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Eagle Lovers, my buddetts, my eagle family that I love so much!

WOW! I hope everyone here is well and healthy. I got home yesterday afternoon, exhausted and just tried to get caught up before going back to work today. Then Mom called last night and said they've moved her appointment for all her pre-op work to TODAY! So she will schedule her surgery at the appt and let me know. She says she wants to have it done right away. That's the valve replacement and bypass - 5 days in the hospital...these days that's a long time!

I have missed you all so much. {{{{{{BIG HUG}}}}}

THANK YOU for all your prayers and concern. My mother was so touched. I of course, know what wondreful friends you are, and was still very humbled. Thank you.

I had my i-pad with me, but between visitors (and my loud family) at my parents ...all the doctors and nurses at the hospital things were rippin' busy!

When I got home Monday, Kate's neice & nephew were here and they both have i-pads so I got a huge lesson on some pretty cool tricks and a better understanding of what a great gizmo it is!

Kate snapped a few more pics of the black vulture chicks which are getting SO BIG!!!

AND, we found out that Bobby & LeRoy have a sister they just found last week. She was eeeking it out in the same field where they were found. She's had tests for diseases and her shots so I will pick her up today on my way home to join the family! More pictures!

It sure feels good to be home, but I doubt it's more than a week until the next surgery...I'm so grateful that medicine has come such a long, long way. AMEN!

Lori O. said...

WANDA, I also have some columbine seeds, they're a bluish purple color, gorgeous...

In a few weeks (and continuing through the end of summer) I will have a ton of Black Eyed Susans and Purple Cone Flower/Echinecea,(they're really a pink color)seeds...
And, also within the next weeks I'll have a boatload of Cleome seeds - easiest seeds in
the world to grow and very
pretty flowers.

Plus I have the bluish/purple columbine, is anyone wants some.

S0...let me know if you want some, and which ones. Just go to my blog and get my email address and send me your address.
if anyone wants some

Kay said...

LORI ! It's a beautiful, gLORIous morning ! We've missed you soooo much ! Good news that Nancy will be scheduled for the surgery soon--it's going to bring her a new lease on life. A couple of those hospital days will be spent in CCU, so it's not such a long stay with that factored in. We Momsters will see you, her and the rest of the family through with our fervent prayers !

JudyEddy said...

Good Tuesday morning eagle bud I'm here now where are the eagles I don't like being stood up so many days in a row

JudyEddy said...

Morning KAY and LORI Welcome back Lori

JudyEddy said...

The nest looks so still no wind I have to keep checking for any sort of movement I hope they show up

JudyEddy said...

big clunk did you all hear it

JudyEddy said...

i hear a eagle

JudyEddy said...

such a pretty sound they are up top can you hear them tooo

Kay said...

My computer, or blogger or IT&T or Yahoo is doing the early morning slow thing again. Not a good omen, so if I disappear suddenly you'll know why. I'm going to have to head back to bed soon anyway. Had a fitful night due to storms rolling through over and over again. Power was off from 1 to 2 a.m.. Look out the weather map last night showed them heading eastward. Same system that wreaked havoc on Chicago yesterday. No tornadoes, but dramatic lightning, hail, wind, torrential rain. Lots of tree damage.

Lori O. said...

Ahhhh, some normalcy! I feel like I'm home! So good to be back here with you KAY and JUDY!

Lori O. said...

KAY, sorry you had a bad night. That's just not fun.

JudyEddy said...

did you all hear the eagle

Lori O. said...

I'm craving EAGLES JUDY! Would love to hear or see them, but no sound here for me.

Kay said...

Hi JUDY ! Yep, it's high time those birds showed up ! Surely they'll want to welcome LORI back to SSCC !

DANAMO, hopefully you're getting some good rest and relief from pain. Big ouch on the neck pain ! Sorry Annemarie and Monte are suffering with earaches n' poison ivy. Too much misery !

Kay said...

No, JUDY, we're taking your word for it and glad you can hear them. That's reassuring even if they play camera shy today.

JudyEddy said...

a 300lb bear had a collision with a man on a bike in Panama City was just on the news bear ran off man is ok

JudyEddy said...

The light has returned to our nest bringing on the beautiful colors Now we just need two eagles to complete the look

Kay said...

Yesterday afternoon my condo sprung a leak--found water dripping from ceiling in shower area. SIL and Seth came between storms just before dark. They covered the leaky roof with a large tarp anchored with used bricks. That will have to do til' we get a rain free spell, or IF. I've notified the management co. and board members to add it to the list. There are about 6 plastic or tarp covered roofs among our 50 units. A previous storm did heavy damage to the others--limbs piercing the roofs for the most part. We have an ongoing dispute going with the developer over roof and tree maintenance. Lovely, newly restored old apts. on the inside, but some big problems on the exterior !

JudyEddy said...

more clunking

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

we will have a play by play of the noise at the nest

Lori O. said...

KAY - when life with a leaky roof becomes too much, you just drive over to my house. I know you have Julie, but she'll have to fight me for you! LOL! You are really welcome anytime, as you know!

Kay said...

The color was quite vivid at first and now seems muted, maybe sun ducking in and out of clouds ?

JudyEddy said...

going to the kitchen for some more coffee

JudyEddy said...

Well that didn't work I was hoping that if I went to the kitchen that they would show up and I wouldn't be upset that I didn't see them land

Kay said...

Thanks, LORI, one of these days I might just take you up on that offer of fine hospitality ! I have company coming next week--childhood friend, Barb and hubby Phil from Tucson. Will be ashamed of my blue tarp roof, but they'll just have to understand.

JudyEddy said...

I'm moving from the desk to the rocking chair I still can see the puter but not on top of it

LM I don't think they will show up again this morning

JudyEddy said...

Hey have you heard of some restaurants are not allowing kids under 6 here in Fl was just on the news Its just bad parenting I say

JudyEddy said...

there is no law for kids but if they did the elderly it would be against the law ??? was on news also with same story LM

Lori O. said...

Any news on the WCV / NBG triplets?

I feel like I've been in Siberian exile -- just didn't have any time to get online.

magpie said...

Before the Three of You disappear,
Good Morning GLori - Welcome Back !
and Good Morning Bright and Sunny Kay and Judy !

magpie said...

Sounds like the medical and surgery things are zipping right along Lori,
for your mother...
Prayers and Best wishes on all that...

and Kay, so sorry to read of the fitful night's sleep and leaky roof problem....

and JudyE - love your takes on grandchildren and noted your touching post for all Mothers the other morning, that was nice
Sorry the Eagles have been a no-show for your long hours of observation

magpie said...

Your interview (aired Sunday) about NBG and WCV got glowing comments and kudos on here !

JudyEddy said...

Heard the email chime in so I knew a comment was made and Good morning Margy looks like we got stood up again Someone need to go teach our eagle manners and let them know we have visitation rights and we really don't want to have to resort to going to court LOL

JudyEddy said...

I was at work the other day and didn't get to listen to LORI it isn't taped any where is it??

JudyEddy said...

LORI did you hear that Phoebe cam is down till next year

magpie said...

Oh dear, hope Andrea's pup Emma is back to her normal self pronto!
Prayers for that...

and prayers for Wanda and Gene's dear friend Arnold today, for his open-heart surgery
and also for a Wowser of a Soup Kitchen this sounds superb ☺

I see that Bobby and LeRoy are getting a sister to make Three at Lori's Roost ! Yay

magpie said...

I missed the interview, Judy as I was out of town, Lori will tell us if we can hear it again somehow...

It would be nice to know "from the ground" what is going on at NCTC when we hear all the noises ! Good Idea...

We are roaring towards a SPLIT !

magpie said...

work day for me and a bunch of stuff to do here before then so I have to disappear....

have much to comment on from prior posts but won't be able to do that this morning :(

Know, that I Care !

Best Wishes for a Good, Safe, Healthy Healing and Joyful Day, Everyone
xoxox ♥

JudyEddy said...

Ok I volunteer to live under the tree and report back to you all if I see them How does that sound??

Lori O. said...

Thanks MARGY! JUDY, it's not anywhere. I wish they would put it online, but . . . they don't. Not enough people doing too much work. Can you relate?

I'm THRILLED that those of you who got to hear it liked it. I hope there were some DC area folks who sent in some donations to WCV.

Prayers for ARNOLD on his surgery today. God Bless his doctors and nurses, too.

Lori O. said...

What happened that the hummer/Phoebe cam shut down?

JudyEddy said...

thanks LORI for the feed back

JudyEddy said...

no activity on it she said

JudyEddy said...

have shut off the camera for the season. Both chicks are doing well and are frequently seen zipping around the yard and sitting in the pear tree peeping to be fed. Looking forward to another successful season next year. She usually starts near the end of October. See you then.

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6/14/24 crow woody

 We do have sound on the camera I was sitting here watching TV and all I started a crow and I knew I didn't have a crow in my house lol ...