Sunday, July 03, 2011


New thread.


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JudyEddy said...

see ya at 5 am

PA Nana said...

Goodnight JudyE. You got wax.

Lori O. said...

Hey you guys, the easy way to do BOLD
is to type the the opening bold code, then leave 2 empty spaces, then type the closing symbols/code. Just copy the code and add your CAPS TEXT in the middle spaces you left empty. It's the easiest way.

Linda said...

Evening Pals!!

Finally back from the graduation party of our niece. Boy, it got pretty outside for a while, but we're home and showered and feeling much better!

LYNN - Thanks for clarifying information on optical migraines. Didn't know they were that way.

SHIRLEY - Congrats of the new laptop. Can't wait till you get it home!

LOLLY - You sure had a productive day the day after returning!! My, what energy!

SHARON - How are you feeling?

Hope the weather in your W. VA area is getting better.....for those of you in that area.

Lori O. said...

See you in the morning JUDY. Sleep well and sweet dreams! ♥

Linda said...

Afternoon parties are great, but by the time you get home and settled, you're hungry again!!

Guess I better go get a sandwich or something!

Linda said...

Night Judy......You won't see me at 5:00am!

magpie said...

Baby Moon has cleared itself a place out of the clouds, will be setting soon
due West right now
I can see it, hope some of you all can also
I got here ten minutes to late to see THE visit

Hello Eagle Pals
Catching up on the News

Lori O. said...

LINDA, you're supposed to encourage KAY & JUDY to be early birds, otherwise it's just me at 5AM! :)

I'm expecting to see you with a Black Eyed Susan avatar because that's what's blooming next for me. lol

Lori O. said...

Hi MARGY - did you have a nice time with JAMES?

Judie said...

Lori, easiest for an MIT Computer Sheesh, I just managed the harder way to bold tonight.

Hi Linda, glad the party was fun.

Margy, are you at your roost or still at work? Either way, hoping it is quiet -- whispering quiet.

magpie said...

Hello Judie
Hello Judie
Hello Judie
How's that for encouragement!
By God, I think She's got It !

magpie said...

I had an awesome time with James...thanks!
I introduced him to Back Creek, at Swinging Bridge...
perfect place to just plop around in very shallow places, throw rocks, look for treasures
I myself had not been IN the water there for, probably 40 years ?

We found a perfect stick in the water to convert into an Eagle Cane !

magpie said...

and there some deeper spots too...must wear creek shoes though

thunder was a'rumblin' in the distance for quite some time until we needed to get out...
finally rained, some, on our way out, but we could see it downpoured in places going back to Berkeley Springs

James found me a new alarm clock, at Goodwill,
windup Westclox with those litttle loud ringer bells on the top !

stronghunter said...


Lori, the storm was north of here, moving to the south.

Still storming here.

magpie said...

too funny
I was at the front of the store, he was in the back,
I heard the bells ringing, and this voice saying "sorry"

then discovered what he had discovered !!

hedgie said...

I hear fireworks on the cam now.
And here---like crazy.

Had a little snooze. Did I miss anyhting??!!

magpie said...

Thank You! for posting some of America the Beautiful....
It certainly is, and I saw some of those fields of amber grain today

Seems to be a very good hay-making season this year

magpie said...

did you sleep tyhrough the nest visit Lynn
Truder, then Belle!
I missed it but we had lots of good reporters!

hope your nap and Liesl snuggling earlier healed your headache
Thanks for the link to FB for Lolly's pics
but I can't get to it yet

stronghunter said...

Thank for the suggestion for a quicker way to do bold text, Lori. I think I did use that method at some point. Yes, Hoda, it does slow you down. I will have to try Lori's method.

magpie said...

I was very amazed to find sound at the cam!
Did the storm knock some pennies, I mean Sense into the electronics ????

magpie said...

Bravo, Shirley
Your Very Own Laptop!

Glad you got to the graduation and enjoyed yourself

I have a headlight out
all that talk about cars
Woof !

magpie said...

Movin' Jim helped me with the bold, the blue and the italics

kind of in a set pattern now with it
it does take a little time and coordination

Sorry to read that both Annie and FloBear seem to have some forgetfulness things going on

magpie said...

I think your loud neighbor problems are worse than mine!

magpie said...

Looking for Wanda
and Paula
so good to see Jo !

magpie said...

We got to the creek around 2:30 - was totally amazed we were the first ones
then four adults and five kids arrived
little 4 yoa lad decided to tinkle in the creek, hey, why not ??
but his father chided him for it...
and used cuss words about it also

magpie said...

very sad little note about your Doxie dying from a heart attack during a storm when you were a wee lass

magpie said...

'Fraid I "done magpie-ed" everyone off the blog

magpie said...

Need a shower
will catch up with some night owls in a little while
xoxo ♥

magpie said...

also need to paint my nails red white and blue for Tomorrow

magpie said...

It seemed to me, from Swinging Bridge, that Shanghai was getting some of that storm!
I hope so, if Carolyn was home to enjoy it

Hoda said...

NO SUCH LUCK MAGPIE...I am still here and agree with you it was good to see Jo and looking for Wanda and Paula. Shirley could still be with her cell phone and maybe this is why she is not posting much.

hedgie said...

Yep, Margy, missed the nest visitors!
Oh, heavens, optical migraine was over ages ago! NOT a headache!
But thanks!
Have thought about trying to find one of those old fashioned alarm clocks, but then I remember how hard they can be to wind! Don't have what it takes in my fingers to do that anymore! You ought to see me tryimg to reset the clock on the oven! Have to use a rubber gripper!!!

Lori O. said...

SHIRLEY, HODA - the easy thing about my BOLD method is once you've copied it, all you have to do is Right click your mouse and click paste to put the symbols there again. Then start typing in between the two set of code again.

Oh, FloBear and his moose noises are as loud as the fireworks earlier! Think I'll try to check his hearing.
He may have made himself deaf.

hedgie said...

Nothing on network TV....and no satellite to turn to. Think I'll go get my bath now. Then maybe it will be ice cream time!!!

Linda, glad the graduation activities didn't get rained out. Was it terribly humid there?

magpie said...

Well Howdy-do Hoda!

and yes Lynn...I have the same problems, sometimes have to use pliers or needle-nose pliers
and/or rubber grippers
Oh, the joys of aging !

and now I do have to take that shower !
ttfn xoxo
I DID promise earlier not to run up the posts...

magpie said...

My sister in the Berkshire Mountains in Western Massachusetts
saw a BLACK BEAR tonight

she was quite frightened
she sent me an email
and said she was going to hide!
She has seen them before, sometimes staring right into one of the windows !

Lori O. said...

MARGY you post as much as you want, sweetie! No one is going to yell at you. :)

Lori O. said...

And we all love reading your stories Margy!

Hoda said...

Well!!! Since we are sharing BEAR house in Alberta faced the back woods. I had no fence in the back yard because I liked to see the deer come through...once I heard a door bell after nine and was surprised because my friends knew not to come visit so late on a school night. I went to the front door, no one. It repeated three times. I thought it was students playing a prank and then decided to go to the back door. I had a large window in the back door...I was upset by the thought of a prank and flipped the outside light switch on and there was the door bell again and the profile face of a bear. His shoulder leaned against the door bell is what I figured. I turned the light off and made sure the door was locked and I was no longer upset about students playing a prank. LOL

Hoda said...

LORI... the LADY looks BEAUTIFUL with the fire works on your avatar

Lori O. said...

OMG HODA! That would have scared me to death! Suppose it's easy to laugh now, but I bet your heart was pounding that night!

magpie said...

Whoa, Hoda
What a Story! I bet your heart was beating out of your chest !

And here is one from my naturalist friend in New York: from a couple of weeks ago:

"The biggest black bear I have ever seen was at my
feeders a couple of nights ago. It was huge and not very afraid. I
finally ran it off and recovered the feeders. They were covered with
bear slobber and so were my hands. I usually take them in at night
but was a little late that night and he beat me to them."

Came back just before tubby time
to see what the chatter was...
Lori, Yes! Your avatar! Spectacular !

Linda said...

Scrolling through....and yes, LYNN, it was VERY humid outside at the graduation party! UGH!!

Hoda said...

Bears were a frequent occurance in that town Lori. We all just learnt to not get between them and their cubs and left it at are right though I was listening to the sounds just in case soemthing was irregular...LOL

magpie said...

okay bubbles are waiting now
I do bath first, then shower!
aaaaah, luxury !

in case I miss some pillow-goers:
Good Night
And sleep Sweeeeetly

magpie said...

many lovely avatars here, including yours Linda

I like the way we do seasonal things ☺

Linda said...

L♥RI - So sorry about that. I wouldn't want you to be all alone in the morning!

I actually wish I could wake up at that hour and enjoy the sunrise, too!!

Isn't it past your bedtime??

Lori O. said...

Well, thanks Margy and Hoda for the avatar compliments. Was just looking for something different. Looks a little Vincent VanG-ish to me.

hedgie said...

Momster mail from Robyn:

Hello everyone,

Quick update on Tori, she is doing better but when she moves she desats fast. Her immunogloben (sp) seems to be lacking, will find out more tuesday.

If possible prayers for Tori's bestfriend Bre who has been with us and staying wih Tori at hospital her father got into an atv accident and is in shock trauma in fairfax va in pretty bad shape undergoing surgery as we speak...

I am on my tablet so it makes it difficult to type much. Ill be home tuesday

thank you all


Lori O. said...

Yes, Linda, waaaaay past my bedtime. I talked to my Mom on the phone at 9:30 for a while - tell yall about that tomorrow. And, Kate called and is bringing her Mom over tonight since they had one of those MICRO-CELLs of a storm tonight and guess the wind uprooted tons of trees in Arlington and her Mom has no power since a tree damaged a transformer. What a mess.

Hoda said...

AWWWW Margie!!! Your friend's bear story...slobber all over his hands!!!! YIKES!!! Good one though.

Lori O. said...

Goodness, poor Robyn. Thank God for Children's National Medical Center! What an awesome place. Nothing better around here. Prayers for Bre's father, too.

Did Sharon ever tell us how she's doing when she was on earlier? Or did I miss it?

Lori O. said...

I've only seen one bear, a black bear, and it was a mangy looking thing running through the field between the woods at my folks house.
People around town had their vehicles broken into. The bear thrashed one mini van. They found out later, some idiot in the area was feeding the bear doughnuts!

Judie said...

Margy, so amazing the memory of the alarm clock and that James found one for you. Lordy, a memory of 60 years ago. So glad you two had such fun.

As for running up postings, I'm just joking about maintaining a slow speed limit because sometimes it's so hard to catch up. No criticism intended for you or anyone else. Sorry if I offended.

Hoda, I cannot imagine just turning on the light and seeing a bear. I truly believe I might have had to take care of some additional laundry.

Police officer friend in a nearby town got a call about a bear in a residential neighborhood. She investigated, her Sergeant showed up with a rifle. She found the yearling first, could not stand the thought of it being shot so smacked it on the nose, said run bear run, and then told the Sergeant it must have been a false alarm. She has rescued many animals, some taken to the emergency vet and she paid the medical bills. She's now second on the list for detective in Houston.

Well, the sandperson just told me I'm babbling and need sleep.

The nightlight is on for anyone who needs to get up during the night, for those headed back a hallway, down the stairs, up the stairs, to a recliner, or stumbling in from the West Coast. Restful sleep for all.

Hoda said...

On FB Sharon signed on for the first time since last Tuesday. She commented on it. I think she is better. I do not remember a report here...I might have missed it.

hedgie said...

Satellite is back! Must have been atmospheric!!

Linda said...

Glad you like my avatar, MARGY! I'm a bit late in the "seasonal" avatar this time, but at least I got it in before the 4th!!

HODA - Thansk for the posting of America the Beautiful!! That she is and thank you for honoring our independence and celebrating with us!!

The problem with frequent BEAR visitors, is that you always feel a bit uneasy all the time. That is how I feel since our bear has been back 3 years in a row now! I am always wanting to close all the glass doors once dusk comes, because I don't want to sit in the LR and watch TV to find YOGI coming up behind me!!

Hubby thinks I'm a bit paranoid, but........better safe than sorry....

hedgie said...

Margy, sorry your sister had a fright from the bear. Don't think hiding would do anything to deter him!! Did you tell her to say "It's me bear...?"

stronghunter said...

Yes, posting on phone slows me down. Just called Will. Computer files still transferring. We agreed that it's too late for him to bring them over tonight.

I am going to say good night. See you tomorrow.

Linda said...

Oh Lori, I was looking around the corner to see what my dog was growling at when I met our BEAR two feet away from my face....but through the screen door, which felt a bit more secure. I had no choice but to pull up my big girl panties and grab that glass door and shut it!!! I was scared to death.

Then I had to run to the very next room and shut 5 more glass doors in the sun room. Whew!!

All Dennis said when I yelled to him, was, "Get the camera!"

hedgie said...

LOL, Hoda----guess the bear didn't have a pointer finger to push the doorbell, huh??!!!!
Believe me, I felt an adrenaline rush when the bear was here, but I really wasn't afraid...just excited!! Wanted pics so such luck.

Judie said...

Glad I checked: serious prayers for Tori continue and for Bre's father and her family.

Goodnight everyone.

Hoda said...

Linda I feel like I am an honorary US citizen...The IDEALS enshrined in your Constitution are a lantern to the world and full of potential for us to reach the best that is in us...whenever I hear your anthem I touch my heart or stand up with gratitude.TRULY TRULY GOD BLESS THE USA AND ALL WHO LIVE IN IT.

Judie said...

Checked again...Lori, if Kate's mom needs anything, I'm minutes away.

hedgie said...

Lori, are you off for the holiday??
Where do your folks live? Good that Kate's Mom has a nice place to come stay. Lots of storm damage in lots of areas. Hate to see what it did to my mulch....but at least I didn't see any trees down, and no big limbs in the driveway. Big power outage just a couple of miles from me.

Lori O. said...

Goodnight Judie. Sleep well.

hedgie said...

Judie, hooray for you officer friend!!! Sending that poor cub on its way was a smart move!!!

PA Nana said...

Goodnight Judie. Have a good sleep.

We don't mind you being the traffic cop. The speed limit was adhered to today. No tickets or citations on the blogway today.

Lori, you heading to bed too? Sleep well. Catch you tomorrow. Love you little kitties. Are you keeping them? Think one would like to live in PA? If I could sneak him in and Jim wouldn't find out he'd have a good home and some playmates.

Margy, please don't stop posting. You always have something nice or interesting to say. I enjoy them.

Think I"ll sign off for the night too. The last one out, please lock the door.

Goodnight dear friends. Blessings around. God bless!

Linda said...

So glad to get word from Robyn about Tori. She and Tori will definitely be in all our prayers.

Prayers for Sharon continue, too.

And for those of you who took a "tumble" this week.....SHIRLEY, LYNN & WANDA! Praying for quick healing!!

Lori O. said...

Hey Lynn, yes I'm off tomorrow. AMEN!

Better watch the 11 oclock news to see all that happened. Arlington was worse than Kate had ever remembered with a lot of those 100+ year old trees down.

My folks live in Western PA, Punxsutawney! I wanted to see where Diann lives because she's over there somewhere.
Glad you got that satellite back!

Linda said...

Good Night, Judie!

Good Night, Diann!

LORI - Those kittens are just so adorable!! We had two sisters from the same litter that looked almost identical to your black and whites! Had them for over 20 years!! They were so sweet!

hedgie said...

Goodnight to all turning in. Sweet sleep. And may your dreams all be good ones!

NatureNut said...

Almost Nighty-Night Again!
Was not on as we had a couple wild and woolly thunder bumpers!!
Got back on & machine wanted to make back up disc, so we did!
Saw end of trial stuff, car race, etc. in between storms.
See I missed our birds--Boo!

Everyone is probably hitting the hay, so see you on the 4th!
Plerasant Feather Dreams and good health to all ;>)

Linda said...

Good Night, Lynn!

Good Night, Loretta!

I think I'm next to hit the hay!!! Hubby is already snoring and last night I was up for 2 hours with my dog in the thunderstorms! Looking forward to a better night's sleep tonight!

Praying for God's blessings on each and every one of you!

Love to all ♥♥♥

hedgie said...

Lori, I am drawing a complete blank on Diann's location....can't you tell how very much she wants one of those kittens??? MAybe if you just take one up there and put it inside the door, she can tell Jim that he was heaven-sent!!!!

hedgie said...

Hoda, you are a lady of many countries. We'll claim you as a true-blooded American anytime!!!

Kay said...

Right on LORI, that's the way I manage the BOLD situation, too. As for me I see no reason to panic and rush to be the first to report something. I take a deep breath and go for the bold, it only takes a second !!!

So sorry to hear FloBear is showing his age big time. In addition to all that has been mentioned I would add eyesight as a possible culprit.

Wow, what a good audience Belle n' Truder had earlier tonight ! Good show !

Kay said...

SHIRLEY, happy to hear you've purchased your very own laptop ! Lee returns from France tomorrow and I'll ask him about Virginia. It may take a day or two for him to settle back in, especially with Beth preparing to go back to KF Judy's side on Wednesday.

PA Nana said...

okay Lori.... I live in Lancaster County in southcentral PA, We're in a little town/village named Maytown. About 1/2 mile, as the crow flys, from the Susquehanna River.

Now I'm going to my recliner. Goodnight friends. Sleep well.

Lolly said...

Have been watching a bit of TV. Read the blog and love all the bear stories. I am in love with bears! It was so exciting to see one in Colorado. I was so excited!!!

Lynn, I asked, but think you did not see it. Tell me about your bear that you saw last week!

I am heading to the shower. About bed time...I am pooped!

Night all! Sweet dreams!

hedgie said...

I'll bring up the rear...for now. Suspect that Andy may pop in, and Margy might be back! Prayers for all. See you in the morning!!!!!

Kay said...

MARGY, what a great day with James ! That's my kind of alarm clock---the newer ones confound me. That father with the peeing kid probably made an issue of it because he knew you were within eye and ear shot. A__H____!

magpie said...

Oh dear...
Lots of action reports here...

what a difficult incident for Tori's friend and her father...
also sounds like Tori is coming along, but things are still fragile
Prayers for them all

I have a nephew and niece in Arlington with a baby due right about NOW -
wonder if the storms will move things along

magpie said...

No indeedy, no offense taken...I do tend to get on and yack yack yack
but thanks everyone for being so nice about it

magpie said...

When the bear was running around Martinsburg on Thanksgiving Day 2010
we could see from our camera monitors at work, armed police officers in the parking lot moving towards it....
run bear run, and he did, gave them the slip...thank God !

magpie said...

yes Lynn, my sister... think she was totally unprepared for it, as it has been a long time since they have seen one
Her little grandchildren and their mother (her daughter) live very close by also

Whoa, Linda...heart-pounding at your place too

magpie said...

It was really cute, Kay
I mean,
take it out and Whiz - how natural is that ??
Probably learned it from his father...
just not in the Water !

excuse my language ooops don't mean to be crass

I sure didn't mind what the kid was doing, after all, lots of water to dilute one little boy's bladder-ful

Lori O. said...

KAY, and no one goes for the BOLD like you do! LOL!

JUDIE, I just saw your offer to help Kate's mother, but we've got her here now. But your offer was very, very kind. Thank you.

I had planned on going to bed early and rise with my fellow early birds... now I'm planning to rise, then go back to bed after hopefully both eagles put in another appearance in the morning.

Kay said...

Goodness, gracious, I'm sitting on pins and needles as I read about all those bear sightings and visitations. LINDA, LOL, on pulling up your "big girl panties", I'd have had to change mine had it been me !!!!!

LORI, others are right, your avatar is stunning !

magpie said...

what a cool policewoman, that friend of yours Judie...
no wonder she has risen in the ranks

I know you said Good Night, I am kinda hoping you were fibbing

OH..for YOU:
I am going to do red white and blue fingernails and toenails, BUT I have to be in court Tuesday to testify on something for 911.
so I will have to undo the paint job before then !
Don't want to embarass my boss! Or the Prosecuting Attorney !
I guess I could wear socks and gloves

Lori O. said...

Thank you Miss KAY!

How on earth will we wake up at 4:45? You take tomorrow off! But when we take our vacation someday Kay, we're partying all night (well, I'll try) and sleeping until we wake up. Woooohoooooo!

Kay said...

Thanks LORI, so do I get a BOLD MEDAL?

MARGY, all that nail painting is a lot of work to do for just a one day wearing ! A very patriotic gesture !

LORI, I'll try to get up in the a.m., too, but should not be up this late. Fact is I fell asleep while watching some inane comedy show on TV earlier and am now discombobulated.

Kay said...

It's a deal, LORI ! I do so love sleeping til' I wake up ! At this age I love realizing I've awakened to enjoy another day !

I am going to turn in, but will take time to talk to the Man Upstairs about all our needs, with some thanks included for all the good things that have been posted today.

Happy Birthday beloved United States of America !!!

♥L♥I♥B♥E♥R♥T♥Y !!!!!!!

Lori O. said...

Of course you get a BOLD MEDAL! LOL!

Sleep in tomorrow you deserve it. Me, I have missed the past two mornings so I will get up, and JUDY says she'll be up to. I missed you this weekend! But boy do I have a lot of bird houses to hang tomorrow - 7 of them!

Good night sweet Kay. The sandman came in and hit me upside the head - I got the message. :)


magpie said...

Ditto That Greeting, Kay

Happy Birthday America - 235 Years Strong !!


Happy Anniversary, Sissy and Tom ♥ ☺ ♥ ☺ - and Best Wishes for Many Happy More to Follow xoxo

Kay said...

And another thing...Judge Perry told the jurors to be in court at 8:30 a.m., getting an early start. I want to see/hear the prosecution rebuttal to the defense team closing. I think the woman giving it will knock the ball outta the park ! A strange way to spend the 4th of July, huh ? The kids have a full day of friends dropping by for a swim and fireworks at the park in the evening. I think I'll stay home and play hermitess.

magpie said...

I'll try to be up at 4:45 if I don't knock myself out falling out of bed when that New Alarm Clock Goes off !

Good Night, Precious Pals

Prayers for all our many needs, and Grateful Prayers for many gifts Received

God Bless This Nest,
God Bless America,
God Bless Us, Every One

xoxo ♥

Hoda said...

Good Night and God Bless. See you all in the morning God Willing.

Costume Lady said...

Had some good rain this afternoon and evening

Too sleepy to comment on the day's happenings.


Costume Lady said...

Hey, it worked...bold letters:)

Costume Lady said...

One up this morning with a pretty stiff neck, but it is just about gone now...wahoo!

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Evening, Everyone!
Getting here pretty late. Sorry I seem to have missed everybody!

We took Emma to the dog park again today, since it didn't seem to be as hot as yesterday. Many of her doggy and human friends from yesterday were there again, so she had a wonderful time! We met a new pooch--a recent rescue from the pound. Her name is Abby, and she's a doxie/miniature pinscher mix. She looks mostly like a min pin, but has a doxie body. She is black with tan points, and she's a real sweetheart! Saw the Western bluebirds again, but had forgotten our camera! (Rats!)

Later we went to see a movie, and it was SO bad we walked out! It was "Beginners" with Christopher Plummer and Ewan MacGregor. It was very slow-moving, and the plot kept jumping from the past to the present, and we decided life's too short to sit through it to the end! Came home and spent some time with Emma instead.

I see that FloBear and Annie are having some aging issues. Prayers for their improvement!

Prayers, too, for Tori and Bre and Bre's father, and for the rest of the family, as well!

Boy, a lot has been happening on the blog today! Need to finish catching up with it all. Going to say prayers for everyone, especially those with ailments and infirmities. That goes for creatures, too! Making sure the porch light is on. Enabling both security systems. Praying that we all sleep well, with pleasant dreams. I'll talk to you tomorrow. God bless, and goodnight! Love all of you! :o]

Guess I was a day early with the holiday greetings, but still wishing you all a HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY!!!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds is there anyone up to open the SSCC up Oh well I know where they keep the key Come on it coffee is a brewing

JudyEddy said...

I have 111 messages to read YIeks

magpie said...

Hi Good Morning Judye

I will be watching the nest
there is coffee going here at My Roost...

know I won't be able to post and watch nest at same time...
but I AM watching with you ☺

And Good Morning in Advance to anyone who shows up soon

JudyEddy said...

I did a good one again last night this has happened a couple of other times also I set up the coffee timer for the am but guess what I FORGOT TO PUT THE WATER IN THE POT DUH

JudyEddy said...

Good mornin back at ya Now I have to wait for my coffee to brew

magpie said...

did that myself earlier in the week Judy!
Groan !
But not this morning

JudyEddy said...

When we were at the game yesterday we were talking to some peeps and Angies had mentioned that I loves eagles after they saw my shirt and eagle jewlery and mentioned something about the blog and She use to feel sorry me for I had to get up on Thur and Frid early on my two days off to watch Jordyn But now that she know I get up an hour earlier for the eagles she says she doesn't feels sorry for me anymore lol

JudyEddy said...

I heard a clunk on the box
Funny listening to fire works on the cam last nite They seem to go on for quite a long time

JudyEddy said...

MMM the first sip in the morning is the best Coffee just got done

JudyEddy said...

Aww Judie saw Bambi and his mate to cool
Caves I love cave living in Ky we went quite often and Angie and I have been couple of times When we went out west we went to a cave in Idaho it was in the lava bed area Idaho

SHIRLEY yeah has a new laptop to cool for school as the expression goes

LYNN nest time you are out put the rain guage on your list

74 more comments to read while I sit and wait for our guest to arrive back to reading no speeding this morning LOL

magpie said...

heard rather distant sound of Eagle calling

and a few clunks earlier

JudyEddy said...

Look like the clock worked great MARGY up to that part of the blog comments I love shopping at second had stores I have gotten so many good deals for Jordyn items worth hundreds for cheap I got her a car bed for 19.00 it is about 149. new and a outdoor play set also by little tike's cheap and I could go on and on but I won't ok back to reading

JudyEddy said...

Oh wow hiding from a Black Bear I probably would do the same thing while peeing myself LOL

Kay said...

G♥♥D M♥RNING, JUDY and MARGY and good morning COLOR at the nest !

JudyEddy said...

HODA what an experience with a bear to have and I would have been afraid also

Lori O. said...

Good Morning JUDY & KAY!

Kay said...

I figured I'd already missed a morning visit, but see that you've only heard clunks and calls so far.

JUDY, did you ask the peeps why they don't sign on and participate ? That's kind of an amazing encounter !

LORI was up late last night and has a big day ahead. She has 7, that's one for every letter in LIBERTY, birdhouses to hang today ! Wow, I'd love to see them all !

Lori O. said...

How are you two this morning?

Late night. I was up until 1 helping Kate get her mother settled for the night.

I saw the storm news at 11 last night there was a lot of damage, many trees down in historic sections of Arlington.

Kay said...

Well, LORI, I wouldn't have spoken for you if I'd realized you were up and at em' ! {{{{{{{LORI}}}}}}}}

Here's an Independence Day quiz for you. John Hancock was the most brilliant of the signers. How do I know that ? LORI, you can participate in this !

Lori O. said...

Come to think of maybe I'll paint a letter on each bird house, Libs contribution to his lesser feathered friends. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Kay said...

Thank the Lord Kate's mother is safe at your house ! Was there damage to her home ? Did Kate just happen to be at her house, or did she have to drive to Arlington to get her ? What a horrendous storm that had to be !

JudyEddy said...

TUMBLE WEED LANE is where some our blogerster have visited lately well I hope you all get better and I really don't think I want to visit there doesn't sound like any fun LOL

Kay said...

Yeh, that's the ticket ! Then you can refer to the houses by letter. "Have you seen any activity at the "T" house" or "the chicks at the "R" house fledged today".... Are the houses of varying sizes and designed attract specific types of birds ?

JudyEddy said...

Still reading still reading

Kay said...

MARGY, how do the nails look ? Nice avatar, but I miss the mug n' tomato !

Lori O. said...

Sorry, had to get my wake up juice! Ummmm-ummm.

Arlington was hit pretty bad with a micro cell last night. Winds at 74 mph. Lots of the old beautiful trees down everywhere. She had a big limb fall but I don't think it hit the house.

Yesterday was the 22nd anniversary of Kate's father passing so they had a little get together -- but the storm happened while Kate was on her way there.

The National Mall was packed with people - many there for the rehersal of tonight's Capitol Fourth. They herded people into parking garages and museums.

magpie said...

Good Morning now Kay and Lori!
Oh great idea about the bird houses, Lori!
funny comment Angie made, not feeling sorry for you anymore Saturday through Wed
I am wondering when I heard the eagle calls, if they were already headed for the river
but what was then making the clunks at the nest ?
Maybe one went first then the other flew out silently

don't know the answer to the quiz!

YAY Wanda got rid of the early Sunday morning stiff neck!

Ghost typing here

and more clunks !

Kay said...

LYNN heard fireworks on the cam last night, so Belle and Truder may have lost some sleep and are off to a slow start today ????

JudyEddy said...

I just noticed that on TruTV there is no IN SESSION listed on the TV guide today I wonder why?? Court will be in session today I just set to record all the shows I guess

Lori O. said...

All kinds of bird houses, Kay. A friends picks most of them up at garage sales then gives them to me.

I clean them out, drill in ventilation holes and drainage holes if there are none (and most don't have them). I also put some starter nest material in like yarn, string, grass, whatever I can find.

Kay said...

I think I got confused, JUDY. Did the peeps say they know about the blog ?

magpie said...

Wow then fireworks without the fireworks with that storm...

Good that Kay and her mother could be tgogether...and now at your all's roost today...
sad day of remembrance
(( Hugs ♥ ))

Nails look a little garish, Kay
but they are definitely red, white and blue!

JudyEddy said...

My camera sound is a constant hum Lolly last nite said she heard so sounds then she heard a bird Is everyone else getting the hum or a silent feed?? with out hum

Lori O. said...

MARGY, what's the clock
story? Don't know how I missed
the main part but I've
read several references to

JudyEddy said...

No just talking about it None are blogerster at all Just told about it from me

JudyEddy said...

Looks like no visit today so sad


Lori O. said...

JUDY I'm getting a hum.

Kay said...

LORI, you are a very considerate Bird House Landlord !

JUDY, the court session sked has been hard to keep up with the last few days. Guess TruTV isn't able to roll with the changes !

magpie said...

When that first tomato, which is promised to the upstairs cooking neighbor Tom Sweetie, gets ripe,
then I will take a picture and post THAT when the time comes ☺

Lori O. said...

Maybe Truder is protesting
that none of the Bald Eagles
that are pictured as the
symbol of AMERICA have
black spots on their head!

JudyEddy said...

I always wear an eagle t shirt and with my 5 eagle rings and earring and 8 eagles on my necklace just get peep asking and that is how the conversation started An of course Jordyn is always saying Eagle Bald Eagle and pointing at my shirt tickling the eagle She is so fixated on my shirts all the time she is obsessed with them

magpie said...

Google has a nice graphic today for Independence Day

Lori O. said...

MARGY is your avatar your nails?


JudyEddy said...

GOOD ONE LORI I bet he had to sit in the back of the bus because of it black spot also LOL

JudyEddy said...

test I think I just signed out

JudyEddy said...

Yep I sure did I hit sign out by accident big dummy me

Kay said...

LORI, read MARGY's 9:41pm post for the beginning of the alarm-ing clock chatter.

You gals are ignoring my quiz ! How do we know John Hancock is the Declaration of Independence signer brainiac ?

JudyEddy said...

Nice graphic GOOGLE I went and looks thanks for the heads up

magpie said...

I just copied and pasted from last night:
"James found me a new alarm clock, at Goodwill,
windup Westclox with those litttle loud ringer bells on the top

too funny
I was at the front of the store, he was in the back,
I heard the bells ringing, and this voice saying "sorry"

then discovered what he had discovered !! "

I was afraid I would knock myself out falling out of bed when it went off this morning
but I survived it !

Lori O. said...

KAY, John Hancock question - just saw it. Most brilliant? Hmmm. Know he was the first to sign the Declaration on Independence so he had all that space to sign his name so BIG! He went to Harvard, pretty cool. That's the extent of my John Hancock history. Oh, and that he signed so large so the King of England could read it was HIS name!

Kay said...

Tom Sweetie has a treat in store for him ! Love hearing about him, Blessed and her noisy parents ! I'm beginning to feel like I know your neighbors well, MARGY. I have a Norman Rockwell image floating through my mind !

That hum may well be the reason Belle and Truder have not yet arrived at the nest. They got a late start on their daily meditation. UUUmmmmmmm.

magpie said...

my avatar is a shirt!
I got at Goodwill just before Flag Day
wish I could paint my nails like that !

but it is one color each nail, red, white blue red white blue etc

JudyEddy said...

OUR NEWS just mentioned the DRAGON BOAT race where the duke and dutchess will be

Lori O. said...

MARGY those clocks can be abusive! It's like awakening by someone hammering on your head. Imagine what firefighters have to go through!

Kay said...

Close enough, LORI. Some weeks ago my favorite morning radio hosts reported on studies which show, the larger the signature, the higher the IQ !

JudyEddy said...

FUNNY HuM meditation.

magpie said...

cute about Jordyn and your Eagle things, Judy
a budding birdist for sure

clever answers Lori...I can't come up with the answer if those are not the ones

Lori O. said...

Ah-HA! KAY, YOU are brilliant!

Kay said...

But, LORI, you haven't even seen my signature !

JudyEddy said...

Ok I'm gonna finish getting ready for work have to leave in a few HAGD

magpie said...

oh way neat about the Dragon Boat race, Judy!
Maybe Hoda will add more about that !

I was a volunteer FF/EMT for a long time, used to spend the nights there sometimes, and YES VERY LOUD "HOUSE BUZZER !!!
AND, the pagers going beep beep beep...

magpie said...

I don't have an automatic coffee maker...first alarm goes off, I sleepwalk into the kitchen and hit the On button, then wait for the snooze alarm to go off again

Kay said...

Aw, too bad you have to leave JUDY ! This has been a very good SSCC get together in spite of the eagles who are MIA so far today.

magpie said...

Have a Good Day...hope things are not too Wild and Crazy at the workplace

Lori and Kay, I think we mentioned we would go back to bed after this...
I think I need to do that...
(will the caffeine let me go back to SLEEP though!)

Best wishes for a Good, Safe, Healthy and Joyful day, Everyone

and once again:


magpie said...

nifty answer on the quiz..
Lori, I am SURE your signature is

handwriting analysis...a "whole 'nother topic" for the blog!

Happy 235th Birthday, America

Love your Freedom? Thank a Veteran ♥

magpie said...

Well bound to happen
I confused the Twins Lori and Kay again...
BOTH of your signatures, make that
but I did mean to say KAY at first ☺

Kay said...

Enjoy those zzz's MARGY ! I'm giving the birds til' 7 and then I'll head for newspapers, e-mail...

♥♥♥♥♥Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Riffe, partners for liffe ! Party hearty Bev n' Tom !♥♥♥♥♥

Lori O. said...

Happy snoozzzzzzzzing MARGY!

Have a great day at work JUDY!

I'll hang with Kay the Brilliant until 7, then hit my garden.

Lori O. said...

Kate's Mother loves my gardens and I like them to look great when she's here - not that anyone would notice the little trimming I do here and there but it makes be feel better.

Kay said...

LORI, last night you said "I talked to my Mom on the phone at 9:30 for a while - tell yall about that tomorrow". Do tell !

Lori O. said...

KAY, have you been Sporkeling lately?

Kay said...

LORI, we need some sweeping pics of your entire Estate ! Sounds like you're another Momster with her own slice of Paradise to enjoy !

Kay said...

Yes, I Sporcle daily ! Got to keep the juices flowing to the brain, so my signature doesn't diminish in size.

T-Bird said...

Good morning eagle momsters and dadsters.

Lori O. said...

Oh gosh, last summer she was in and out of the hospital 8 times between June and August after having a stent put in and having to take the Plavix which made her stomach bleed out several times.

Yesterday my younger brother called and told me to call Mom and ask her about her doctor appt on Friday. He told me and she confirmed it. He heart doctor says she has 1 valve that is narrowing and 3 that are leaking! They'll make an appt tomorrow to have it done in Pittsburgh this week or next week.

She is the youngest and only girl with 5 old brothers. Four of her brothers have died from heart attacks and the 5th one has had a bad stroke, but came out of it with just a few minor problems.

Thanks for asking, Kay. You're very sweet! ((((Big Hug)))

Lori O. said...

KAY, haven't you heard that size doesn't matter? LOL!

Kay said...

T-BIRD, so good to "see" you ! You and the rest of the Southern Delegation have much to celebrate today ! What are you planning ?

Lori O. said...


Lori O. said...

What are your
Independence Day plans, T-Bird?

Lori O. said...

THELMA, does Buddy hate fireworks?

Dalai was going ballistic at all the stuff people were shooting off last night. Took an hour to get her to stop barking.

Kay said...

LORI, your mom is the latest addition to the prayer list ! Hopefully the almost daily innovations in cardiac care will prove to give her an advantage her brothers didn't have. Here's a time for me to preach--that is not a good family health history--high time for you to quit smoking !!!!! I say it cause I love you !!!!!

Kay said...

LOL, LORI, we were on the same wave length with "size doesn't matter". I was about to say, for those single Momsters who'd like to find a soul mate--one of the first things you must ask to see is a prospect's signature. Size does matter !!!!!!

T-Bird said...

Not sure about what the plans are for today everyone. Lori, Buddy could care less about the noise but he goes nuts if he hears a door bell or a car horn. Buphals and Scooby aren't so fond of the fire works.

Lori O. said...

KAY, you are right on all accounts.

Thanks for adding Mom to the prayer list, I hope everyone will. Momster prayers are truly powerful.

I am working on the quitting smoking but not very successfully so far. I did buy a stop smoking hypnosis CD and a different title book -- each comes highly recommended.

OK, please, prayers for me to quit smoking.
♥ Thank you Momsters & Dadsters. ♥

T-Bird said...

Any special plans for anyone else.

Lori O. said...

I feel so bad for all the animals that end up in shelters over Fourth of July because their parents don't realize how many animals will totally freak out.

THELMA, I was thinking, should we call Buddy, Captain Buddy since he is sitting in the Captain's chair in the pic?

Kay said...

Wish I'd had the signature advice years ago. 1st mate had a small, difficult to read signature while Stan's was big, bold and beautiful ! ;o) Okay, I admit it, I'm going for the laugh line here---I can't wish that 1st relationship away for it provided me with 3 amazingly wonderful children.

Lori O. said...

None here, T-Bird. I worry too much about the pets and idiots who aim fireworks into the woods.

Lori O. said...

It's oKAY, the second one gave you more happiness than we deserve. It just took you longer to find him.

Lori O. said...

T-BIRD, how is Sharon's recovering coming along?

And you? I still pray for you after being so sick, Thelma.

Lori O. said...

KAY, you did get lucky in the kid's department, but that's because they're all just like you! LOL

Kay said...

No special plans for the day here, THELMA---the family celebrated big for my grandson's 17th birthday on Saturday. I'm skipping the local Fireworks scene in favor of watching the D.C. extravaganza tonight from my recliner. No squeeters to contend with !

You are definitely on my prayer list, LORI ! I know tobacco addiction is one of the toughest to conquer. But, YES YOU CAN !

I've stayed longer than I meant to, so will go to to LM.

Have a great and safe holiday one and all ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Lori O. said...

Thanks KAY. I'm headed outside to get in a little gardening before it gets too hot. It's already a little balmy.

Have a great day THELMA! 1/2 an extra biscuit for Buddy from Aunt Lori. I do know he's dieting, so just a 1/2 please. ♥

♥ L ♥ I ♥ B ♥ E ♥ R ♥ T ♥ Y

Kay said...

Returning briefly with this thought for our National Birthday.

Congress declared it a national holiday in 1870.

Jefferson turned down a request to appear at the 50th anniversary celebration in Washington, D.C.; it was the last letter he ever wrote, and in it he expressed his hope for the Declaration of Independence:
"May it be to the world, what I believe it will be ... the signal of arousing men to burst the chains ... and to assume the blessings and security of self-government. [...] All eyes are opened, or opening, to the rights of man. ... For ourselves, let the annual return of this day forever refresh our recollections of these rights, and an undiminished devotion to them."

T-Bird said...

Today is a happy and a sad day for me. I'm so happy for Tom and Beverly celebrating their 34th wedding anniversary. Of course it is independence day, a day of celebration, but it also would have been mine and Donna's 23 anniversary. I can make this a day of looking at the good times.

Linda said...

Happy Independence Day!

You've got to go to and see the eagle picture there! It's beautiful!

I forget how to do the link. I have my notes downstairs on my desktop but don't think I have it on my laptop.

Waiting for hubby to bring me my coffee ☺☺☺ And yes, I am spoiled!!

Costume Lady said...

GOOD MORNING... eagles this morning? It could very well be that the fireworks last evening have them in-hiding:(

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6/6/23 bella field cam

  Time stamps on these or about an hour off. So, if it says it's 5 something, it's 6 something field can got messed up in the last s...