Saturday, July 30, 2011


New thread.


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stronghunter said...

Music here, too, Lynn.

magpie said...

I do have the regular radio on...
but I need to try to get to this on the computer !
for the rest of us
Frank is talking about breakins to cars now

wvgal_dana said...

Lolly so happy Dan is doing so well. Prayers continue.


hedgie said...

There's Darth!!!

Kay said...

How disappointing. When Lori interviewed Amanda I got it on 97.1fm Washington. This time I've got the usual music coming through. :( No idea how to get the interview this time.

hedgie said...

No intro.....hmmmmm.....

hedgie said...

Now intro!

magpie said...

try this

July 31 at 7:30AM on 97.1 WASH-FM, Washington DC. Get the iHeartRadio app to stream it on your computer. Or most can just go to the webiste at and download it right there.

Lolly said...

I googled 97.1 and I got it. I am listening.

hedgie said...

There's Judie!!

hedgie said...

I think on air broadcasting must not be exactly the same as on line---or vice versa. Heard nothing about car break-ins...

magpie said...

and hit Listen Live !!!

magpie said...


Keep Trying !!!

Hello Lolly !!

Lolly said...

Hellooooooo Lori, Judie and Darth!!!!

Kay said...

LYNN, thanks, I got it with the www. link ! Sorry to miss part of it, but have heard all three voices and that's what I really wanted.

magpie said...

Stat over Kay
and then hit Listen Live !!!
We still have time to hear those beautiful voices all three of them

magpie said...

Shirley are you with us on the Radio ??

magpie said...

Frank is reaching out to Retirees !!

Lolly said...

Hi Margy!

Kay said...

Hey, LOLLY ! Glad you were able to get up for this. Did you meet JUDIE and DARTH at the Open House last year ?

magpie said...

Love you Frank
"When our "younger Crowd is off to work "

hedgie said...

For those who haven't met Frank aka Darth: he is like a big teddy bear.....he is not your typical stern colonel-type!!! And, of course, Judie is a cute little pixie!!!

hedgie said...

All done!

Kay said...

MARGY, thanks for your help, too ! Good interview, huh ? Love being able to put voices with posts---wish I could hear all of you !

Lolly said...

Oh, yes, I met Judie and Darth. Judie sat right beside me at the dinner. She is a mess! Sorry, Judei! She is a riot! More fun to be with!

magpie said...

Excellent Interview, both the interviewer and the interviewees

so sorry! I did not make a bigger emphasis on Listen Live link last night when I posted my link and info last night

wvgal_dana said...

That was a very good interview about Neighbor Watch. They gave out some very good information. Lori was just great. Of course, our Darth and Judie were also great!!!

Lolly said...

They sounded like themselves, so guess Lori sounds like Lori. LOL I would get on and say "Uh, duh!"

hedgie said...

For those who don't know, J&D live just a few blocks from where I spent my teen years!

Kay said...

Good Sunday morning to you SHIRLEY and WVDana ! Hope you both got in on a bit of the interview !

HAGD everyone ! Time to shower and get set to fix breakfast for a hungry 17 year old. Just heard Seth turn on the Today show, so he's up and at em'.

BBL ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

magpie said...


magpie said...

good descriptions Lynn:
Frank a big Teddy Bear
and Judie a pixie
and Lolly - "Judie's a mess"
she's a Hot Mess !! ☺

magpie said...

we seldom get to hear ourselves, (I have learned this from making tapes at work....)
and I'm sure Frank and Judie probably don't think they sounded as GREAT as WE DO !

Lolly said...

Ok, I need to feed Annie and go shower and wash my hair. Church to day.

Will be back later.

No, problem fining it Margy. Went to your link first, but then quickly googled the station like I did the other day. I think the key word was "player". Your link was to just music.

magpie said...

Have a fun time with Seth, Kay ♥

Lolly said...

Whoops, typo! Do not have my glasses on and sitting in the dark. LOL


stronghunter said...

Hi, I'm back! I ran upstairs and turned on my radio. It came through with a bit of static if I held up the antenna in just the right position. Glad you all were able to find it on the computer.

Great interview!

magpie said...

Okay Lolly, thanks

on that note:

Best wishes for a Good Day, Everyone

disappearing here for awhile
Oh, I did put a few pictures of the Spicebush and also James and his Dad at Swinging Bridge from Friday on Feathers, Fur & Miscellaneous.
Butterfly pics not that great, but I love to see all those delicate little legs! I think this was a female, she would Not Sit Still !

xoxo ♥

hedgie said...

Great pics, Margy!

T-Bird said...

Good morning my fine friends.

stronghunter said...

Nice picture of James and his dad. And I thought the butterfly pictures were excellent, Margy.

magpie said...

Thanks Shirley and Hedgie...
better pictures of that type of little rascal in the coming weeks, no doubt, but this one was fresh and new and no flight damage to any of the wings...that changes as the season progresses


magpie said...

Yes, Shirley, thank you again for posting WASH-FM for us, and you specifically said
"Scroll up and see Lori's instructions"

the trick here for me was Listen Live, and Radio....but at least it seems that all of us that were up and tanked for it, got to hear at least some of it !!

and the music is nice now too.....

I am working on an Angels project, be back later, my Angels ....
xoxo ♥

hedgie said...

Hi, Thelma! How's every little thing???

Margy....Angels project??? Do tell!

stronghunter said...

You are so kind, Margy, but I do not remember saying anything about following Lori's instructions. I was as confused as everyone else.

Judie said...

Good morning!

Thank you to all who were nice enough to sacrifice a bit of sleep to listen to the interview this morning. I think Lori and Darth sounded like themselves. My voice, however, is just appalling. Cannot imagine how anyone can stand to listen to me. Yuk!

The information about neighborhood watch and National Night Out is important and we do really hope that some will be inspired to form their own defense against crime. It's free and it works. Thanks to Lori for doing the interview. It was fun and we very much enjoyed the experience.

Headed to the newspaper and maybe a short nap. Have a lovely morning everyone.

wvgal_dana said...

I need coffee or to go back to bed. My eyes keep closing.

magpie said...

oh Judie
you have the sweetest voice...
we never know how we sound....
but to our eardrums, it is sweet thing to hear your little voice ♥

stronghunter said...

Judie, your voice is not appalling. Goodness no!

magpie said...

My sister in Massachusetts, a Big Angel advocate...
has a project going for me, wherein she will "send Angels my way,"
for one week, and I have some requests for help to write down, set out some white flowers, a candle, and things like that.
I am a week off the schedule but we are going to do it anyway

hedgie said...

LOL---Hoda---just heard them say that Princess Zara has a pierced tongue! Oooooh....yuck!

wvgal_dana said...

Judie to you the sound of your voice you didn't like. To me you sounded sweet just as I met you in person. Your voice sounded wonderful Lady. Thank you Judie and Darth for doing such good work. Neighborhood watch is a good thing. When I lived in the city. We had a good group. Many things got cleaned up for the neighborhood. Special thanks to Lori for doing the interview.

hedgie said...

NCTC Deer Hunt schedule in paper today...thankfully, NO Jan. dates! Of course, it is called the 2011 program....MTBR.

hedgie said...

Judie, Judie, Judie....tsk, tsk. I love your voice!!!! I could listen to you all day in lecture and never fall asleep!

hedgie said...

Christie and Shannon should be all buckled in...flight scheduled to leave for Cancun at 9....bon voyage, my lovelies!

wvgal_dana said...

Great picture of James and his Dad. You can tell James is having fun being around his Dad.

Beautiful picture of the moth and wildflower.

What type of camera are you using Margy?

paula eagleholic said...

Morning all!

It was really neat to read about everyone listening together!

I slept til after 8...guess I was tired...

Having another cuppa then off for a walk on the beach...nick has already been down there lol

hedgie said...

Shalaway at Sideling Hill

This place is not too far from Berkeley Springs....since we've been talking about imperial moths....

stronghunter said...


hedgie said...

Here is the video that I couldn't post on my blog yesterday!
Backyard Eagles
Unalaska, Alaska

hedgie said...

The kids flight didn't take off til 9:16....tracking it online!

magpie said...

Godspeed, Christie and Shannon ♥ ♥

Lolly said...

Have read the paper and still enjoying my coffee.

Judie, you sounded great. You sounded like Judie. It is interesting to hear yourself. I can not stand to hear my voice. Yuck! Sound like a hick!

We have now had 29 days in a row of 100 degree temps and headed for more. 36 days total over 100. Heaven help us! It is sad when you see trees drooping.

Lolly said...

Lynn, that video is fantastic. Loved the little girl running around without her pants and holding her top down. Too funny! And, all the children running so close to the eagles.

Margy, loved your pictures. How old is James?

Judie said...

Quick visit with a great story.

First, was not at all looking for flattering comments regarding how my voice sounds to me. Just thought I sounded like a timid five-year-old with a southern twang.

Okay, the great story. Just checked email and what did I see? A message from a retired police officer from Pr. Georges County. Said he was exercising, listening to WASH-FM and thought he recognized his "former teacher's voice." Yep, sure enough. So he brought me up-to-date on his retirement activities. Really a lovely surprise.

Safe travels and happy vacation for Christie and Shannon.


movin said...


Good MorninG,

aLL of YOU.


[:~D] Jim

magpie said...

Judie: That is so neat !

Lolly, Thank you
James is 11, his father is 39.

Thanks for the links Hedgie, will have to check them in a little bit

my camera is Canon Powershot
A2000 IS with 10 megapixels and a
6x optical Zoom

Hi Jim !!

Confirmed, all three Finney Land chicks have fledged....according to the Puleston site, but they are all returning from time to time as fledgling Ospreys do

hedgie said...

No, Lolly--you sound like a Southern Belle!!!

Judie---see what publicity does for you?? Great that you made contact with a "former" devotee!

JIM---what ARE you doing up so early????

hedgie said...

Yep, I thought the little girl without her pants was cute, too, Lolly!!
Could not believe how close they were!! And that pan of HUGE crab legs looked delcious at the end---wonder if she was going to give them to the eagles??

magpie said...

I want to go to Sideling Hill !
What a neat article, Lynn, thanks !!

Lolly said...

I wondered if that was for the eagles, too. Can you imagine the squawking and fighting over food they would throw out? I would toss it to the young ones. ha!

magpie said...

We have all kinds of accents, tones and intonations here, and I think they are ALL great..the ones I have been blessed to hear...Can hear Glo's on some of her
videos, for example !
Your voice is great, Lolly !!!

I can't stand to hear myself either, but when I belly-laugh sometimes, I sound like my departed sister Katherine, and that makes me very joyful ♥

magpie said...

Fin Ferry Water nest cam has been "down" since
July 29
still pic there shows one osprey with wings aspread

magpie said...

I HAVE to disappear
See you pals later
xo ♥

Lolly said...

I really need to go dry my hair and start getting ready for church. Going to be a lazy day. Have nothing on my plate. That is good!

Expecting Laurel and the boys Tuesday afternoon. Time to do some school clothes shopping for the boys.

Cute story....Joseph was talking with Shelbie at the beach. Shelbie, my great niece is 12,16 months older than Joseph and an inch taller. She is starting to get shapely. Joseph told her he weighed 85 pounds and asked how much she weighed. 102 she replied. He gasped and said "OMG!" Too funny! He was amazed that she weighed over 100. That is his goal now to get over 100. He is so pround to be 5'1", and beginning to pass some adults.

Lolly said...

proud not pround! LOL

Later Gators!

Oh, and Judie, too cool to hear from one of your former students.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning - I am so happy that a lot
of you were able to enjoy the broadcast.
What a special outcome of it all for you
Judie with that phone call.

I am running out this afternoon for a
few hours but will be in AC.


hedgie said...

Flight tracker shows that the kids should be landing soon.

NatureNut said...

Hi Everyone! I heard Lori, Judie & Frank this AM on my clock radio & after that fell back asleep!!!
Was an interesting shiow!

hedgie said...

Bear Repot
From late last night. Poor June....

wvgal_dana said...

I'm sure they will but still hoping Christie and Shannon have a real good time.

Loved the video and the article in the paper. Thanks for posting.

hedgie said...

I have a kitchen floor covered with dog toys!!! Crazy pup!

Kay said...

LYNN, enjoyed the "moth" article and the Eagles in Alaska video, but can't bring "Bear Repot" up. Don't you love being able to track flights ? Hope the kids have a grand time in Cancun !

MARGY, great pics of the boys and the girl butterfly ! It's so wonderful that you have a great relationship with big James and that he shares his son with you. The blessing works both ways !

JUDIE, none of us sounds to others like we sound in our own heads. I won't even record a message on the answering machine because I hate the way I sound ! However, your voice is quite pleasant and Frank's is deep and resonant. It would be a dull world without varying voices and accents ! Great interview and how neat it is that it brought about a message from your former student !

I took Seth home at noon. Took my washable furnace/AC filter to his house for a power wash and rode their incumbant bike for 2.6 miles. Way too hot to walk outdoors. None of us are eating outdoors as we have for every summer within memory. They take dips in the pool, but then head right back inside. Too hot for lounging around the pool. Sure hope the heat wave breaks soon ! I think our power bills will be staggering even with keeping thermostats at 75. :(

hedgie said...

Thanks, Dana---I'm sure they will. But now mama is worrying about a weather system that looks a bit suspicious.....MTBR!

wvgal_dana said...

Lynn-Hedgie Can you post "BEAR REPORT" again please.

hedgie said...

Sorry you couldn't do the Bear Report,'s a facebook log.
Basically, the news was that bear June--one of the matriarchs, and Lily's mom, has been shot with a BB gun, and will lose her eye. :(

Kay said...

LYNN, ah so, FB, I understand. The news about June is both sad and disgusting. I don't suppose they have the slightest idea who the shooter was.

hedgie said...

Oh, dear.....Linda just posted on FB that she has lost her brother Billy. Prayers for the family and hugs and love to Linda.

hedgie said...

And it was Billy's 53rd birthday today. :( So young......

wvgal_dana said...

So sorry for Linda and family about the lost of her brother
Billy. Prayers for her, the family and friends.

DanaMo said...

WOW 91+ messages since I was on this morning! Gonna try to catch up. Missed the radio broadcast because we left for Mass. Hope it went well.

Judie said...

So sorry about the death of Linda's brother. Prayers for her and all the family.

Judie said...

Thank you, Kay. I just thought I sounded so weak and timid. Well, no matter. It was the message about safety that was important.

Must add one more comment. Lori is really, really good at listening and prompting responses. I'm sure she did some homework but she was very alert to following up on our comments. A real pro.

Understand about not eating outside. I spent several hours in the kitchen preparing our food contribution to block party on Tuesday night. Now, too tired to be hungry and have resorted to ceiling fans to supplement the AC.

Lynn, sure hope the weather stays nice for Christie and Shannon.

Been reading the reports on June's eye for about a week or so. Same thing happened to One-eyed Jack. Speculation is rifle with small shot. Dr. Rogers is working with a vet and has been administering an antibiotic which seems to be helping. Sometimes I just don't like human animals. Good news is that she is improving and caring for her cubs.

Off to put my feet up and maybe close my eyes.

wvgal_dana said...



I put this on facebook on Vicky's page ( :

Hoda said...

LYNN I remember when Zara Phillips pierced her tongue. At that tiem seh was also wearing very risqué clothig, by royal standards. Everyone was wondering what Her Majesty would think and the consensus was that she would have a good laugh and give her candid opinion as is her fashion. zara and her brother Peter are not princess and prince.When they were born The Princess Royal turned down the offer from Her they go by Miss and Mr even though they are thirteen and fourtheenth in line to the throne. Prince Edward, the Queens youngest son, also turned down the title of Prince and Princess to his children. They go by Lady and Viscount as Prince Edward is also The Earl of Wessex. When Prince Phillip dies, the title Duke of Edinburugh reverts to the Crown and then Her Majesty will award it to her youngest Prince Edward. She announced it a few years ago in case she passed before the Duke she made it clear that it is her wish.

I just got back and it is hot...I went to yoga and to brunch and then to grocery shopping at the co-op and now it is time to catch up with the blog.

I much enjoyed hearing about the monring interview with JUDIE, FRANK and LORI.

hedgie said...

Dana, Vicky's b-day was yesterday---we all sent our good wishes then. That's why you aren't seeing any today.

Judie---you did NOT sound timid!!
What did you fix for Tues.??

Yeah, it's too hot to do anything outside!

hedgie said...

Hoda, thanks for the royalty details!!! SO complicated. How do you keep it all straight???!!!!

hedgie said...

DanaWV...forgot to tell you that we saw those stun-gun ads a couple of weeks ago, too. Totally unbelievable, isn't it? Can you imagine the peril that could put police officers in if any tom, dick or harry has one??? SOMEONE has to make a law FAST and shut these sellers down.

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Linda said...

Thank you for your love, support and prayers. I don't know what I would do without my Eagle Family.

I never expected this! My brother passed away today on his 53rd birthday. I can't tell you how deeply saddened I am about this. He was way to young to die.

It has only been hours, so we don't know exactly what happened. My SIL was out of town at her mother's and is flying back to Ft. Lauderdale tonight. She will be able to tell more of what happened by looking at the condition of the house, his meds, etc to see if he was having trouble breathing or what.

My SIL called my son Adam because he lives minutes away and she asked him to go check on Billy because he wasn't answering her calls this morning. Unfortunately, Adam saw Billy lying on the floor and had to break the sliding glass door to get to him. My son was very close to my brother. By the time he got there, my brother was cold and blueish looking. It must have been a while since he passed.

I only hope and pray he didn't suffer. My hope is that he passed suddenly without pain or fear or knowledge that his life on this earth was about to end.

Oh, how I loved Billy. He was the second child and I was the third. We're 18 months apart! Everyone loved him. He was just that kind of guy!!

Again, thank you so much for your thoughts, your prayers and your support as I begin this week of saying good-bye to my brother and my friend!

I will see you again, my dear brother! I am thankful for that ♥

wvgal_dana said...

Lynn-Hedgie I know Vicky's Birthday was yesterday. I had a card made day's ahead. Set it to be sent out yesterday. I'm just keep a SWEET GALS Birthday time going another day !!!

Yes I even told the policeman I spoke to. That someone needs to do a fast law. So as to help you POLICE out!!! He agreed of course.

JudyEddy said...

LINDA I am so sorry for your loss I wish there was something we could do or say but just know we are here.

wvgal_dana said...

Kay When we were doing first names. Did you say yours was Kay or that Kay was your middle name. If it is Kay does it stay for Kathryn or as it is Kay?

Hoda said...


The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures
He leadeth me beside the still waters
He restoreth my soul

He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death
I will fear no evil: for thou art with me
Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me

Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies
Thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life
And I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever

Prayers and Blessings to you all. We are here for you LINDA.

Lolly said...

Linda, lots of love, hugs, and prayers coming your way.

hedgie said...

Linda, my heart hurts for you and your family, and I am so sorry that your son had to be the one to find Billy. Hoping that he is open to grief couneling if needed. I, too, pray that Billy didn't suffer, and that you get answers soon. Please be careful in your travels and know that our love goes with you. How is your Mother handling this?

Linda said...

HODA - One of my favorite Psalms!! The 23rd! Beautiful and thank you from the bottom of my heart.

LOLLY - Thank you as well.

Lynn - Of course, thanks to you, too. Yes, I was upset that my son had to find him, but he seems okay now. His cousins are coming over tonight. They're upset, too. They will probably join one of my other brothers who lives close by for dinner tonight, so they won't be along.

My Mom is taking it really hard. She started out blaming his wife for not being there. She also lashed out at one of my brothers that lives in Syracuse, NY when he called her, because he doesn't call much.

I'll call her again a bit later and hopefully she will have settled down. She likes to find blame where there is none to find.

I am sure I will be the peacemaker when I get there. That seems to be a roll I often play in my family.

I'm going to go take a shower and wash my salty face and get some dinner. I think the phones are quiet now.

Again, thanks for your love and support. I'll check back in a little later.

xoxo ♥♥♥

Linda said...

I meant to say the cousins and family won't be alone! not along!

paula eagleholic said...

Heading home...catch ya later

magpie said...

Dearest Linda,
I am with the very sorry of this news about your brother. I suspect, it was sudden and there was no suffering.
I found, when working with the Rescue Squad, that there was a special mission when one of us was the first on the scene of one who had died....we were, like, the spiritual connection to that person's last moments and he or she was no longer alone at that moment. I know in my heart how difficult this must have been for Billy....and I hope in time to come, that he will feel a special whisper upon his soul, that he was there at that moment for his favorite uncle, and could take care of what needed to be done next.
God Bless You All, and we are surrounding you with Momster and Dadster Hugs and Love,
Margy xoxo ♥

magpie said...

Very special, the 23rd Psalm. My favorite.
In times of trouble I have been known to recite it dozens of times continuously
It was my "Penance" to learn and memorize this, after my 45-minute private Confession, when I returned to the Catholic Faith after years of being away
I bless the priest for doing that..
xoxo ♥

magpie said...

Godspeed, and Happy Trails...Paula and Nick ♥ ♥

Good Evening Precious Eagle Pals...

ttfn ♥

Lolly said...

OMG!! Parents left their children in a car for they think over 2 hours. Youngest was 2 mo. Some people called the police and then got the children out of the car. They are now in the protection of CPS and the parents have been arrested. Temps over 100 again today. Presently 99.5.

Lolly said...

On the news...more about our governor possibly running for pres. May I please just say that he has ruined Texas schools and education. He is a big Laugh! Actually, he makes me want to cry!

JudyEddy said...

This was on my facebook feed from BayNew9 1yr old dies after being unside down in a 5gal bucket with 5 inches of water in it so SAD in Tampa SO SAD

JudyEddy said...

I wish I would have found this avatar last month for ice cream month

hedgie said...

Linda, so thankful that your son is not alone tonight. He must be a very mature young man. Sorry about your Mother....these are the occasions that can bring out the worst in people---old grudges, slights, arguments......I remember what it was like dealing with my Dad's family when he passed away. My Mom was treated so poorly by them.

Hoda, the 23rd Psalm is always so calming. Thanks for posting that for us all.

hedgie said...

Lolly, a miracle that those children survived. Pray that they don't have brain damage.
Judy, poor little girl. They say that 2" is all it takes to drown a toddler.

hedgie said...

Hummers are going to have to fend for themselves. I am taking the feeder down for the season. Yellow jackets for the past week galore, and now thousands of tiny ants. I had coated the hanger with vaseline......then painters took hanger off the log and put feeder on tree. I put it on the antenna tower until house is done...and coated the metal below it. Ants are coming down from the ROOF!!! ARGH!

Hoda said...

The 23rd Psalm is powerful and speaks in words that trenscend all religions. I find it in Judaism, In Buddhism, In Hinduism and in Islam and Taoism...these are but a few I know about...I am sure there are many more...the message is wise and the essence of what is THE MOST PRECIOUS.In life and in death we do not walk alone HE is always with us...Praises and Gratitude to the LORD.

Hoda said...

Safe journey PAULA and NICK...look forward to your checking back in.

Judie said...

Grape jelly/ketchup meatballs. Not Jo's sweet meatball. Mini meatballs of ground round, minced onion, minced green pepper, salt, pepper, garlic powder, egg, breadcrumbs. Some people braise. I brown them first then put them into the mix. Easy, inexpensive, made about 3 1/2 doz.

Costume Lady said...

Oh, dear Lord, what comes over people who think it is OK to leave pets and ESPECIALLY their own children in a hot car for even 5 minutes? Think about it...have you ever sat in your vehicle while your spouse went inside to pay for gas? Remember how hot it was and how glad you were to have them come back and start the engine and A/C? Think about those helpless infants, strapped into a car seat and have no way of getting out and finding relief from the inferno that their parents/guardians have left them in? It breaks my heart and I can't help but wonder...IS THE PUNISHMENT ENOUGH for these toughtless human beings??

stronghunter said...

God bless you and your family, Linda. Please know that your are in our minds and hearts. I am so sorry about your loss of your brother.

Beautiful verses, Hoda. So very comforting.

DanaMo said...

So much sad news! I can't believe people leaving any living being in a hot car!

stronghunter said...

Judie, weak and timid? Hah! I think not!

Oh my, Lolly. Good that someone took care of those children.

DanaMo said...

Blood work for me in the morning which means no coffee >:( After that I get to go to the dentist. My regular check-up to be chewed out for chewing ice and not flossing! blah, blah. Then a mamagram this week! Damn, can you tell it's getting close to my birthday :(

DanaMo said...

yes Linda, our sympathies.

hedgie said...

Dana....sounds like a bad week...but for a good cause: YOU!

Wanda, I would never sit there waiting! I reached over and turned on the engine!!

Lolly said...

Me,too! Turn on the AC! The parents were in donating blood for money! Idiots!!! They need money but they can produce babies fast and furiously!

hedgie said...

Hey, Lolly....more welfare money and more food stamps. :(

Lori O. said...

Dearest LINDA,

My Heart, soul and prayers are with you as you were with me so kindly recently. Knowing your kind heart this is especially sad news.

PLEASE let someone on the blog know your address and where the funeral will be so we can send cards and flowers. Then make sure to tell us who has that info so we can email them and get it...since you wouldn't want to put that personal info on the blog.

Oh, Linda, my heart breaks for you and your family. Please know this Eagle Family will help carry you through during even the toughest times...we are always here.

((((BIG HUGS))))

Lori O. said...

Judie, thanks so much for giving your time for the interview that aired this morning. I hope this will make you feel better.

When Loo is doing production in our office (after we've voiced commercials and other things that will go on air) he will crank it up to edit it and I can't stand it. I leave the office. When my commercials air in the morning, I asked him to turn down the volume in the studio.

I think most people who hear their own voice feel this way. You sounded wonderful, as did Frank! BOTH of you.
And remember, I still have dibs on you for another interivew, because you are good at it, and have a great story to tell.

I love you all so much. Thanks for all your support this morning. You're the greatest!

Going to bed very soon. Prayers to all in need and in ill health...and for Linda and her family.

Hoda said...

LORI are you back in your own place? Did you have a good drive back in terms of its not being too hot...I hope so.It was very generous and cheerful to by the finger nail polish kit for your niece, so sweet.

Well I have to tell you all, as we are sharing stories about how our voices sound to us, it always SHOCKS me that I have an accent!!! Is it not the craziest thing ever??? So when I hear my voice it is the accent that I hear and recognize as my voice...I do not like it, yet my American Family tell me they have no problem with it.

hedgie said...

I have Linda's address for anyone who needs it---if that's agreeable to her.

magpie said...

I would like it Lynn
if you could email it to me, please and thanks

magpie said...

Welcome home Lori, and Good Night!
You have a lovely voice, sultry I would say ☺
and of course, very articulate, as are your words when you post
Hope the separation anxiety for your folks back home is not too severe ! And that recovery is coming along nicely

magpie said...

Got to take this next post or try to
personal reasons

magpie said...

I have a little book that talks about each the 23rs Psalm
I know there are many ways to intepret the words.
"I go before you and prepare a feast in the presence of your enemies" for example...
The Shepherds and their families would scout the fields and pastures ahead of the lambs, and try to remove rocks, poisonous plants, etc, for the lambs to eat well and not tumble fall and injure themselves

" I anoint your head with Oil"
which would help to offset the miserable bother of insects about the face and especially in the nose

and so on like that.
Lambs also like still rather than swirling water

magpie said...

I can see the man with the beard at the branch in the 5 o'clock position at the nest ☺

hedgie said...

Hoda, I love accents! Sure would like to hear yours!

Lori O. said...

Does anyone know Linda's brother's last name and where he lives? Maybe we could find the funeral home that way?

Thanks for the head's up LYNN on Linda's address.

Hello HODA! Yes, home after a long weekend but I feel content that things are undercontrol and my Mother is just zooming along in her recovery. I had to wash her hair for her this morning since she is not supposed to raise her arms above her head.

HODA, I hope we're all testimony to JUDIE that hearing your own voice, for nearly everyone, is not pleasing or can be a shock...though it doesn't sound that way to anyone else...Goodness at least I hope not in my case! LOL Loved that your accent shocks you, HODA!

I have the still cam up but looks so weird with nothing moving - as in seeing the leaves blow around on the live cam. Thankful for any cam tonight!

Goodnight all.
((((BIG Lily, Hope & Faith Hugs))))

wvgal_dana said...

Hoda thank you for posting
the 23rd Psalm

JudyE so sad :( about the
little 1 yr. old in Tampa.

Praying those children taken
out of the hot car are ok.

Yes please Lynn-Hedgie email me
the address.

magpie said...

No Live feed yet...
but I would settle for an Eagle sighting at the Still Cam !

magpie said...

long-distance call here

JudyEddy said...

Her address is on the list that was sent out with all our infor for card list etc

wvgal_dana said...

Heading in to get my feet up.

Prayers for those that need them whether for people or God's creatures.

JudyEddy said...

lite on

JudyEddy said...


Well I'm calling it a day

See ya in the am ☼
God Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."


DanaMo said...

Me too good night all!

Kay said...

LINDA, I hope you feel strengthened by the knowledge that we Momsters understand, care and will be holding you and the family in our thoughts and prayers. Hold on to those wonderful memories you have of growing up with Billy and of the fun guy he was. Those memories will, in time, replace your tears with smiles as you recall the good times you shared with him.

Hoda said...

This is funny!!! The British Prime Minister is on holiday in Tuscany. He and his wife went to a café and ordered two cappuccinos and a coffee for an aide. After he paid he asked the waitress to bring it out to his table and she told him she was too busy!!! He had to play waiter and carry the coffees out. When the waitress found out who he was she was embarrassed and also expressed her surprise that he did not leave her a tip!!!LOL

Kay said...

LORI, I can't believe that you, as a broadcaster don't realize how beautiful your voice is ! You have a smile in your voice that beams right out across those radio waves! God bless you for taking care of your mom this weekend ! So glad to hear how well she's doing !!!!

WVgal DANA, my middle name is Kay, just plain Kay, not a nickname for anything. And, did you tell us how you found the unique name you gave your daughter ? HODA and I would love to know.

Hoda said...

MARGY thank you for your post about the interprtations of the 23rd Psalm from your book.I always search where are examples of those lines in my life and when I see it there is a profound sense of gratitude.

Linda said...

MARGY - Such beautiful comforting words. Thank you so much for your loving and comforting words. I am proud of my son. I worry about how he is taking this, though.

LORI - You are such a blessing and I know that like you, I can get through this with this wonderful "family" holding my hand every step of the way. This was just such a shock. My oldest brother was the one in the hospital last month close to death not this one.

WVDana, DanaMO, JUDYE, LOLLY, Shirley, and anyone else I missed mentioning, I know you're with me in heart and spirit and right now I need it.

KAY - I do feel strengthened by the Momsters holding me up and can't thank you enough. Your touching words brought tears to my eyes as I remembered Billy through childhood and beyond.

I also truly believe God is in control and He chose to take Billy. I don't understand, but I do accept His Will.

Right now, it just doesn't take that deep sense of sorrow away. :(

LYNN - If you have my address and anyone wants it, that is fine with me. We will be traveling to South Florida, where most of my family is and where his funeral will be.

I will let you know when I know where he is. His name is William F. Cochran. My sister in law just touched down in Ft. Lauderdale and hasn't made it home yet. I would imagine she will go to the funeral home tomorrow and start making arrangements.

Again, my deepest thanks for holding me up. I think I need it!

Kay said...

WANDA, I share your indignation over adults who leave precious children and pets in hot vehicles, even for a few minutes. Of course, you're preaching to the choir here, but I wish we could get the message out to those abusive people. I'm saddened by the death of the 1 yr. old boy in FL,too. The parents said he was out of their sight for only ten minutes. Really. A one yr. old had access to the garage and was allowed out of sight. Unbelievable.

Kay said...

LINDA, I'm crying right along with you as I read your touching responses to each of us. I made an assumption that Billy was the brother who was so ill recently. How shocking this is for all of you. God bless your son for all he did and is doing for the family ! I think I told you all that I lost my only sib and sweetest friend, Karen, when she was just 53 and that she died on my birthday. Seems so ironic to hear of Billy being 53 and passing away on his own birthday. We know God has his reasons, but some things are really hard to understand. Wish I could give you a big hug right this minute ! A virtual hug will have to do. {{{{{LINDA}}}}}}♥♥♥

Kay said...

I'm feeling quite drained and in need of rest, so will bid you all goodnight, with love and prayers.

♥L♥I♥B♥E♥R♥T♥Y !!!!!!!

NatureNut said...

Dear Linda, My sincere sympathy to you for the loss of your brother.How sad for your son to find him. Prayers for you,your family and everyone's travels. Remember the Love~~~

hedgie said...

Kay, I know that many people feel parents who lose a child to such stupidity and inattentiveness suffer enough because of the loss...but I think that they deserve legal punishment. JMHO.

Kay said...

HODA, had to come back as I turned the desk calendar to August and noted "Civic Holiday" Canada, is tomorrow. Had to google it:

Civic Holiday in Canada. The intent of the Civic Holiday is to "not work". So please don't work on Civic Holiday! In Canada Civic Holiday is the first Monday of August.

Civic Holiday in Canada is not statutory holiday. A bill has been attempted to be passed in the house of commons but it has always been unsuccessful. If an employer wants you to work, it is a work day.

Civic Holiday in United States (US) is called Labor Day.

HODA, I hope you're taking this seriously---no work, only fun things tomorrow !!!!☺

NatureNut said...

Lori, your voice sounds great over the airwaves!!! And Judie sounded very well also. I think I sound like a 12 year old boy!
This is not a brownie remark, but I have listened to WASH for decades--in the car, at work, & on clock radio at home. Only other station I switch to during commercials is BIG 100.

Hoda, very interesting Royal info! Think the Prime Minister/waitress story is a hoot! Thank you for adding the Psalm.

Kay said...

LYNN, I'm with you 100%. It is criminal negliance (sp?)and there should be some form of punishment for it, even if it's just community service in an appropriate venue.

NatureNut said...

Got an email from our former Park sec. who is back home near Dallas. It's so hot, she hasn't played golf all week! Her hubby has tho. She'll be happy next week babysitting year old grandson!

BTW, DanaMo--sounds like you are copycatting & having same 3 visits I've had recently.I have one more appt. to make for annual carotid Doppler. Vasc. Dr. retired, so my GP will do it.Next week I get to visit dermatologist who moved his office, but I scoped that area last week!!

Linda said...

Thanks again, KAY. I felt those virtual hugs and they sure helped! That must have been awful to lose your sister on your birthday at that same young age of 53. Something you will never forget.

I should be out of tears pretty soon. I have been dripping all over this place.

Loretta - Thank you so very much for your kind words and prayers for me and my family. I do feel the love and appreciate it so very much, too.

Hoda said...

BUT KAY, I live in the Province of British Columbia, where every thing is GOOD. We are so fond of saying "its all good". True the Federal Parlaiment did not legislate this civic holiday. But remember I live in British Columbia where the Legislative Assembly did pass the legislation to BC day...In Alberta we used to laugh because "you can not force a BCer to work!!!!" LOL!!!

Kay said...

LORETTA and DANAMO, good for you girls for being diligent about those yearly exams and tests---good preventative practice and one of the most loving things you can do for your families, too !

And, now, I'm through pulling a MARGY---love you Magpie !---and will see you tomorrow---no promises about when as it seems to be getting easier and easier to sleep in ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

magpie said...

Good Night Kay
You have my permission to leave that bright yellow flower on your avatar as loooooong as you want
God Bless You, and Sleep Sweetly

magpie said...

We had a toddler in Berkeley County four or five years ago, who also drowned in a five gallon bucket. I think he was younger than two years old.
A preventable accident without a doubt

magpie said...

Agree with all those getting medical tests....
It is for a good cause
as Hedgie says: YOU !!

magpie said...

We welcome your sharing your grief and sadness with us, anytime...

We are definitely here for YOU

magpie said...

Well sound like a
12-year old perhaps because you are so young at heart ! ☺
Best wishes for a good week coming up
Sure do miss you !!!
I have Ms. Spicebush on my blog (Feathers - )I think she is a she..wouldn't sit still much for picture-taking

magpie said...

What did we do without you ?
you have brought such knowledge and spirituality to us, every day
Thank You !

magpie said...

wonder what Mema Jo and Wanda are up to today ???

And I expect we shall hear from our Lynne2 soon....after her week-end with her parents in law

magpie said...

Judie's recipe for meatballs for Tuesday Night Safety Night sounds sooooo yummy !
Wish I lived closer !

Linda said...

Thanks, MARGY! xoxo ♥♥♥

Linda said...

Well, it has been a day unlike any other in my life and I am truly emotionally exhausted.

I am going to try and get some sleep, if I can.

Again, I can't thank you enough for listening and comforting me and strengthening me through this horrible loss today.......and in the days to come.

I love you all so dearly and wish you restful sleep as well.

May God Bless and Protect Each and Every One of us and the Critters we so dearly love!! Good Night my Dear Brother on your first day in Heaven. I love and miss you terribly xoxo ♥♥♥

magpie said...

Good Night and God Bless You, Linda....
May you and all the Family feel Comfort and Peace...
your brother has left, and no doubt taken your love and caring with him, and left a lot of his kind and loving spirit behind for you as well

Hoda said...

MARGY...Thank you for your kind comments.I feel the same way about you all being in my life...I like it when I wake up to check with the blog and when I return to catch up with the blog. I love your strength of heart and the sharing of your life experiences...I always think I have to let you all know about one thing or the other that is happening in my life.I know gratitude for you all in my life.

magpie said...

I commented on a pilot at the airport Saturday, waiting on a delivery of 9 rescued dogs by ground transport and who was then going to fly them to new homes in New York...
today, in Guideposts Magazine for August, there is a complete article about his program:
Pilots N Paws
really neat....
and what a coincidence.
Has been in operation since 2008

magpie said...

and it's not just dogs, it includes other kinds of creatures
with paws ☺

magpie said...

Body's got energy but eyeballs are shot.
Going to splatter some water on the plants, and head to bed

Dearest prayers for comfort for Linda and all her family

and for all with health needs here too

Good Night...and
God Bless Us, Every One
xoxo ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Howdy folks!

Been home about 1/2 hour....everything unloaded.

Had to make a detour around an accident, which added a little time to the ride home, but other than that, the ride was good.

Gonna grab a snack and catch up!

Hoda said...

WELCOME HOME PAULA. I am glad you were cllear of the accident and that the detour was manageable.
I love the picture of the sunset you put on FB...beautiful simply beautiful.

Good night to MARGY and all others who have logged off God Bless.

paula eagleholic said...

Did not see any eagles this weekend! But did see herons and osprey and egrets and seagulls!

Judie said...

So much has happened today. So much that is sad and painful. Linda, we are with you and your family in our hearts and prayers.

Thank you Lori. You are kind and gracious.

Cannot begin to express my thoughts regarding adults who allow young children out of sight for even a nano-second.

paula eagleholic said...

Linda, I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your brother. It must be so hard on you. Hugs and prayers to you and your family ♥♥

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Paula & Hoda. I just missed Margy signing off and to others hitting the hay,Pleasant Feather Dreams & Prayers for Linda, family and all who are ill ;>)

Margy, saw a very nice spicebush today & thought of you & how we love all your outdoor pics!
Paula, sounds like you saw a good amount of waterfowl!! ☺ Does Nick like them?

Lolly said...

All four children are okay and in foster care tonight. (2 mo, 15 mo, 3, & 5 yrs old) Parents are in jail.

Judie said...

The sandperson has suggested that I begin to prepare for sleep and I have to admit I am in need. The night light is on and I have asked the sandperson to please bring restful and restorative sleep for all.

Lolly said...

Finished the book I have been reading, clipped coupons while watching TV. Exciting night!☺

Jack is really "uptight". Wish I could get him to relax. It is not helping his neck.

Lolly said...

Nite, Judie! You are up late. You must have been hiding from the sand person.

Hoda said...

AWESOME PAULA that you saw the wild sounds like there is abundance there.

Lolly said...

I think I am ready to hit the shower. Also, need to download a new book to my kindle. Nothing to read at the moment.

Night all! Sweet dreams!

((((Hugs))) for Linda!

hedgie said...

Can you feel the love? We are all so blessed!!

Linda, I suspect that you WILL sleep toight...restorative rest to help get you through the days ahead. And I'm sure that Dennis will hold you as long as need be.

Hoda said...

Lolly does Jack have all his questions for this why he is uptight? I had an MRI and it was not a problem...they talk you through all the steps and while it is being set up they tell you what they are going to do next.
I put him in my prayers for tomorrow and his good health.

hedgie said...

So we have a "deal" on the budget....wonder what the consequences will be??

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Checking in to say good night. A busy day here. Will came over and barbecued some ribs and we had them with corn on the cob and tossed salad. It was nice to see him again.

Prayers for Linda and her family.

Lynne2 said...

Evening all....we are home after another productive and fun weekend!

I was so sorry to read on Facebook of Linda's brother's sudden death. Prayers are with you and your family Linda. I'm so sorry, too, that your son was the one to find him, and that your mother is lashing out.

Sorry to read about June the Bear. Insert foul language here.

Cool article about Sideling sightings, Lynn! And PS...the bathrooms were closed for a few weeks....NO WATER, WELL DRY! But they are fixed now.

Margy has a new cam! YAY!

Sounds like the Judie and Darth interview went well...sorry I had to miss it.....

I need to get to bed, and hopefully catch up all the way tomorrow. Until then...Good night and prayers for all!

Lynne2 said...

OH, of luck to Jack with the MRI tomorrow!

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6/14/24 crow woody

 We do have sound on the camera I was sitting here watching TV and all I started a crow and I knew I didn't have a crow in my house lol ...