Monday, January 26, 2009


New week thread.


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T-Bird said...

good to see you on the blog

Mits said...

my bad, just going by what Lisa said, Sunday or the latest Monday..."so the earliest we would probably see another is on Sunday but more likely Monday."

Mits said...

both eagles BWE

Mits said...

just one now....male did not want to leave

Red said...

BWE just changed guard and still only one egg

magpie said...

I love the way so much more white feather is exposed when the BWE is roosting on that egg ! ☺

Hi T-Bird ☺
and Red, and and and....

Work your magic, T...

T-Bird said...

there we go Magpie-hello

paula eagleholic said...


magpie said...

Oh Golly - thanks T - I about fell over when I saw those two giants in OUR NEST !!!

T-Bird said...

I think you are the magic one Magpie.

paula eagleholic said...

Now Lib

paula eagleholic said...

I got lost over in the split, LOL

hedgie said...

Thelma still has the magic touch!

T-Bird said...

glad you found your way Paula :)

T-Bird said...

that was a quicky

hedgie said...

Well that was quick!

T-Bird said...

that was a quicky

Mits said...

that was a fast visit

paula eagleholic said...

I think Lib brought fluff in...nest looking really comfy

Eagle gone gone

Mits said...

eagle BWO and BWE

magpie said...

Yeah. Parent rolling the egg...

That was an amazingly fast and magical appearance...
No No No, T, it is YOU ! ☺

magpie said...

Norfolk is zoomed in on the nest...but there is nothing there yet.

magpie said...

Eagle at Norfolk nest, it is zoomed out again

magpie said...

and second one just flew past the nest..Norfolk that is

Costume Lady said...

I wonder if the fridged weather has anything to do with the longer period between laying eggs??

T-Bird said...

That's interesting Wanda-I don't know.

NatureNut said...

I missed the quicky visit.
They keep changing the weather report here & now we probably won't see any icy stuff til late afternoon. I should be home by then.
BWE nest is a little darker & the meal is not as vivid, thank goodness.
Wanda, will check mail after din din. My daughter had a change in her thyroid meds again!

T-Bird said...

we have an eagle

paula eagleholic said...

Lib w/ more fluff

magpie said...

Just in Time NatureNut !

paula eagleholic said...

Now 2

NatureNut said...

BTW, I must relate a little funny thing I found while working on pictures.Had one I wasn't going to print, as G'daughter wasn't smiling. She was getting out of limo at reception (held at a Marina)and had her wedding dress skirt all gathered up in her arms.You can see bottom of her long slip above her ankles.Signs in the background say,"Slipholder Parking Only"!!!Too Funny--did some editing to enhance sign & had to print that one! Tee Hee ☺ ☺ ☺

Mits said...

geese going by

Mits said...

poof poof

NatureNut said...

AARRGGHH &%@$*& I didn't have a bird in my Live nest, so refreshed & everything locked up! Quickly got online on old puter & saw them for awhile. TY nature Gods--got my fix for today!

magpie said...

I think I am getting a Freeze Headache...

I think I have Okla nest up, but it is all foggy looking....

Norfolk night light did not come on .....
think I have to shut things down and start over...That was a nice visit at OUR NEST notwithstanding the freezes....sure seems like they are getting that nest ready!

Mits said...

hope the cam and sound get ready for the big event

Mits said...


Monday, January 26
Even though I am a Northerner, like most Atlantans, I am not particularly fond of the cold weather. However, the giant pandas undoubtedly relish these cold, brisk temperatures. During the month of January, when the temperatures are cooler and breeding season approaches, it’s typical to see a lot of play behavior from Yang Yang. This year is no exception. For the past week or so he has been bouncing off the walls, literally. He runs around full speed in the back den areas and somersaults around in the habitats. What is also really exciting to see is this same play behavior from Mei Lan. She has been significantly more playful in the past few weeks than I have ever seen her. Kenn and Kate told me that she even spent over 20 minutes one morning occupied in a dayroom with her big red ball. She was intensely “play attacking” the ball and chasing it around. It is quite a treat to see them increasingly playful and spunky.

Xi Lan weighed 8.3kg (18.3 lbs) on Friday. Today he took his first (that I have seen) drink of water from one of the automatic water bowls. He has to stand on his hind legs to do that and seems to be getting a lot better at it, which is also important for learning to climb.
Lynn Culver
Keeper I Carnivores

magpie said...

Fun sounding Report from Atlanta, MITS !

My computer is definitely on strike. See you all if it thaws out.


Paula! Your angel avatar is so joyful, really l♥ve it !

magpie said...

...and YOURS is beautiful too MITS - even though it is not Maggie ! xo ☺

hedgie said...

Good update, Mits. Sure wish there was video of him walking and standing at that watering hole! I sure do think they have dropped the ball on their cam project--someone just doesn't know much about fundraising!

hedgie said...

Time for some dinner. BBL.

Mits said...

We are missing alot of fun times with him:(

Mits said...

egg turning BWE

Mits said...

then plopped down right away

Mema Jo said...

I just noticed that someone cleared the snow away from the thermometer.
LW MT nest
Caltran eagle up high on limb-not in full view
Mr & Mrs Cardinal at Okie Bird Cam

Mema Jo said...

MT nest at NBG - night light is on

Mits said...

BWE sleeping

Mema Jo said...

Off to a grocery store for some comfort
food in case the snow hits....


Costume Lady said...

I really don't understand why Atlanta hasn't followed up on the possibility of donations to keep their cam up and running. I know that I can't be the only person that emailed that suggestion to them. They surely know, by now, that tons of money would roll in with just a little notice on their website that donations are now being accepted toward the cam fund!
With a little luck and a lot of prayer, maybe National Zoo will grace is with a little panda:)

hedgie said...

My sentiments exactly, Wanda!

Costume Lady said...

I see where Thelma called in our eagles again...she has some kind of magic potion, or maybe Buddy is a good luck mascot:)

deb said...

I am home. We didn't find any short-eared owls, but we did find about 6-7 long-eared owls. AND, drum rollllll, ONE SNOWY OWL! It was so exciting. We watched it for about 45 minutes and then let it be. We could have watched it all day if we didn't have to worry about stressing it! Pictures are downloading now.

Costume Lady said...

Lynn, do you have lots of wood for your stove and munchies in case you get snowed in tomorrow and Wednesday? Ice worries me...power could go out for days. Fireplace and gas stove are our insurance policies.

Costume Lady said...

Deb, is this the first Snowy Owl you have seen? I would be so happy to see one! You must be a BIRD WHISPERER:)

glo said...

Just a quick hello. Have been on very little last 3 days and that is quite likely to continue at least the next 2 or 3. Dex is dealing with some fairly serious issues related to his eyes and for a few hours I thought he might actually lose one of them. Anyway to make a long story short he has a Special Vet referral and I am still hoping for a miracle as far as his right eye especially is concerned. It requires lots of care and that is my focus at this time.

I have had the cam on while I am home. Hoping for an egg but well time will tell.

deb said...

It is the first one. Mary and I both saw it and both said It's White at the same time. Binoculars up and we couldn't believe it! It was so beautiful and I got some good shots. I took over 200 pictures, so it will be awhile before I get to them.

Off to feed the dogs and me. BBS

T-Bird said...

Glo, prayers with you and Dex.

deb said...

Glo, I sure hope everything works out for Dexter. My dog Sam went blind two years ago and he does so well. I hope your outcome is great, but know he will adjust if the worst happens.

Costume Lady said...

So sorry for Dex, Glo. How old is he? Is it a healable condition or age related? I know he is precious to you and pray for the best outcome for him.

Mits said...

hoping for the best for Dex, Glo.

deb said...

My first sighting of a snowy owl is posted. You will see how far away it was. Pictures are halfway done loading, so I am working on them now.

T-Bird said...

Good night everyone. Stay safe and warm.

Lolly said...

Hi all! You are not the only ones expecting nasty weather. We are under a winter storm warning. Ice and freezing rain tomorrow through Wed. We will see what happens.

Our summer was last week. LOL

I hate to see so many days between eggs. We will be sure to see a
"Pecking Pearl!" at BW.

Mits said...

love the snowy, Deb:)

Lolly said...

I am anxious to see more pics of the snowy owl. Glad you have good eyes to spot him on top of that pole.

Mits said...

night Thelma:)

Mits said...

BWE is wide awake...was looking under her chest a few minutes ago

Lolly said...

Just saw 3 barn owl eggs at Starr Ranch.

Costume Lady said...

Sweet dreams, Thelma.

glo said...

Yes I did check back to see if anyone would respond and well ya know help care or carry it a little bit with me. Thank you all so much!! He is almost 11 now and very prescious to me. Whatever is wrong is happening to both eyes very rapidly. It is not glaucoma. The right eye however is extremely painful and enflamed. I had drops to put in that one every hour the past 2 days. Needless to say Dex and I are very tired. The Specialist today did not at all like the looks of the right eye. He has stopped the serom drops and changed the meds totally. One of them is risky and could be very beneficial quickly or actually make things worse so we will go back on Wed morning to verify it is in fact responding positive before continuing with those drops. Also gave him strong antibiotic today. I sure wish we had gotten that on Sat when we first went in with emergency referal. Specialist was not available that day so saw a different vet in the same clinic. My local vet made the referral and says the man we saw today is the best in our area. I was impressed with him. he was kind and gentle with Dex and took time to explain the situation with me. OK thanks for your encouragement and understanding. Prayers for my dog. Yes he is very prescious to me!!!

deb said...

When we first saw it, it was flying up to the pole. We were looking all over for the short-eared owls, but we really lucked out today. We took a road that we thought was a road, but turned out to not be a road, just a path between a corn field and a stream. About half way down, I was getting a little worried, but we finally got to the road where we found it.

Mits said...

For Dex.....

Blessed are you, Lord God,
maker of all living creatures.
On the fifth and sixth days of creation,
you called forth fish in the sea,
birds in the air and animals on the land.
You inspired St. Francis to call all animals
his brothers and sisters.
We ask you to bless this animal.
By the power of your love,
enable it to live according to your plan.
May we always praise you
for all your beauty in creation.
Blessed are you, Lord our God, in all your creatures! Amen.

Costume Lady said...

Deb, have you always been this adventursome or just since you retired? I have loved birds since I was a teenager. I use to belong to a BirdWatchers club, but none of my friends knew because it was NOT a COOL thing to do at that time:):) I don't think my Mother even knew.

Mits said...

BWE sleeping again.

Costume Lady said...

Helen, that's beautiful.

Lolly said...

Yes, Helen, that was very special. My heart goes out to Glo as she deals with her dog. We just can't help but love our pets.

Lolly said...

Going to leave for a while...time to watch a tv program. BBL

Costume Lady said...

I often wondered if it was OK to pray for such things as a win for your sports team, asking for something that was not really important or even for the healing of an animal. Then I read this and my question was answered:

PRAY ABOUT EVERYTHING: tell God your needs, and don't forget to thank him for his answers. If you do this, you will experience God's peace. Philippiena 4:6-7

Costume Lady said...

Sorry Helen...I know preaching is your job. Just had to add that to our comments. AMEN

Costume Lady said...

TV time.

glo said...

Mits Tears of Thanks from Dex and me. OK back to my special patient. Who just got his second dose "eyedrops" of the risky but hopefully helpful medicine.

magpie said...

Holy Smokes!
I am just signing back on and see those birds in OUR NEST !!

Now to read what you guys are talking about !!

magpie said...

By the time I could post one flew off ! Wow, this is most exciting !

floralgirl said...

Oh, Glo-I hope your Dex will be ok, I know how much he means to you♥♥♥
Deb, that snowy owl is beautiful, can't wait to see more pics.

floralgirl said...

Well, holy cow, you are right, there is an eagle in the nest!

floralgirl said...

She was really looking up in the tree, just flew up into the tree, I hear noise, either hp or just chatting to each other.

magpie said...

And two at LW still....☺ ☺

magpie said...

Darn I jinxed it, they both left !

magpie said...

Oh Megan: I am so happy you saw the birds! I literally just about fell out of my chair !

magpie said...

I know there are important things to read backwards and find, so off to do that now...see that Dex is in distress so this is priority..

floralgirl said...

I didn't have the cam up til you said that.

deb said...

I don't have an eagle in my cam picture--I must have missed it.

Wanda, I am much braver when someone is with me! I would have turned around if I had been alone.

The rest of the pictures are up!

Mits said...

no problem Wanda...I pray for silly things, and God always answers...sometimes he just says no:)

floralgirl said...

Wow- Deb, that is absolutely beautiful!! If you lived closer, I would surely want to tag along on your bird trips.

Mits said...

well who woulda thunk to look at the nest tonight....????

floralgirl said...

Not me, until Magpie started yelling... and I could hear them, and would bet they are spending the night up in the tree above the nest.

magpie said...

Megan, it is always the first thing I bring up after shutting down the frozen I lucked out. My miracle for the day I guess.

Glo: Dear Glo, Dex is in the best possible hands, yours, the Vets, and God's. You know we are with you 1000% percent on this one !

magpie said...

The prayer is perfect, MITS and Wanda, Phillipians has some wonderful verses, my favorite of which is 4:13
I have the strength for everything through Him who empowers me

Saint Francis, his Lord, Make Me an Instrument of your Peace is my daily prayer and anchor to serenity.

Mits said...

wax for Red

Mits said...

darn missed it Red, but sure Margy will donate it to you;)

magpie said...

I have no idea how long those birds were at OUR Nest...I had been at neighbor lady's while computer was thawing out...

Ha Red - of all people to get the WAX ! Too Funny !

magpie said...

And now to treat my eyeballs to Deb's photos and also Glo's.


magpie said...

Well shucks if I had been reading and waiting instead of chattering, RED would have gotten it. Yes, prepare the gift certificate and we shall send it to him ! ☺

Mits said...

Margy, Red is not around, I'm just joking with him, when he sees it he will probably smack me:)

magpie said...

Man oh man, that Snowy Owl!
Always a great experience to see a new bird, I get you are still glowing, DEB

magpie said...

Oh, MITS - He will have a good comeback, no doubt! ☺

magpie said...

When I grow up, I want to be a photographer like all the stars on this blog !

..And, a computer geek...

Mits said...

Jo is g0ing to go ga-ga over that owl:)

magpie said...

I did get a photo of Megan's flower market stand in Shepherdstown from July, that might win a prize or two...☺

floralgirl said...

If he uses that wax, he'll be in too much pain to smack you!

magpie said...

I had read, that the Snowy Owls come further South because of a shortage of lemmings in their normal winter range....
like the pine siskins coming further South due to a shortage of conifer cones! What these creatures will do for their favorites ! Kinda like people I guess...

magpie said...

If I send pictures to you, you can scan and post on your Profile Page?
Or add to one of the albums or make a new one on the Momsters Page?

I would send the Open House photos....
There are some nice ones in the bunch, and Mary Margaret is in a few so we could "return" the favor.. Yes? ☺

magpie said...

Glad you made it back in good order from your trip to Washington, Megan.
Better today to travel than tomorrow, I think...

magpie said...

Wow, just discovered I can re-arrange the order of my favorites in the drop down list...that will save some time...going to get all the favorites lined up on top.
Gosh, wish I had discovered that before.

Time to drown a few bubbles.

Prayers for Dex, and all of us on here for " all needs " as Mema Jo says...

Mits said...

how was the trip to DC, Megan?

floralgirl said...

Just fine, esy ride in, appt. only took about an hour, and traffic was heavy but moving on the way home.

deb said...

Megan, I would love to have you come along on our bird trips. Roger and Mary are great people and Roger knows so much--I learn something new ever time I go out.

Mits said...

always a blessing to get into and out of DC as quickly as possible:)

floralgirl said...

You are right, I love visiting the Mall area,but usually take metro- Georgia ave. is not my idea of fun.

movin said...

***GooD NIGHT***




Mits said...

yeah, Connecticut and Wisconsin can be a pain too.

magpie said...

Jim is going to bed early so he can get up in the middle of the night like he often does...☺

'Night Jim

Deb : Can we all come out if the Captain and his First Mate fire up the Eagle Express ☺ ?

floralgirl said...

I keep going back to look at that picture of the snowy owl,it's so beautiful. Never seen one in person, don't see too many owls, I hear them sometimes at night when I'm outside.

floralgirl said...

I just read where Citigroup, which has received $45 billion in government bailout funds, is about to upgrade to a new $50 million, twelve-seat corporate jet. So I figure, we all own a share in that plane, so what say we book a flight to go birdwatching with Deb, if we won't all fit on one flight, we'll make two.

Mits said...

he looks like he is pretty

Mits said...

count me in:)

Mits said...

eagle BWE up

hedgie said...

Hey, Wanda...sorry, got sidetracked. Yes, I'm fine.. Wood delivery was Fri. and got in groceries Th., so I am good! I agree...power outage is the worst worry, but I bought stuff that I can heat up on top of the woodstove, and hot dogs that I can roast, so I won't starve! Have plenty of water bottled, and will leave bath water in tub tonight for flushing if needed!

Costume Lady said...

YES, YES AND YES, Margy. You can drop off the photos at GeeGee's any time you wish. I will be there Wednesday and again Friday. I have an idea...come to dinner with us Friday. I will post the photos wherever you like.

Costume Lady said...

We were so near Deb on our way back home from Las Vegas, but I didn't have an address or phone number:( Didn't know we were going that way or I would have made arrangements. I love birdwatching from the Eagle Express:)
Megan, I hope you can make it for our road trip to visit Loretta at Patuxent Park. All who would like to go, may give some thought to when a good time would be. Fun, Fun, Fun...Partee!

floralgirl said...

Where's Jo with those munchies?-I'm hungry...

floralgirl said...

I hope so too, Wanda!

Mits said...

Silver Alert for Jo

Costume Lady said...

GOOD GIRL, LYNN. Now we won't worry about you:)

Mits said...

RED, update from Big Rig Steve..

Where is BigRigSteve?

There is a possibility of our being on the road again Wed. a.m.
To answer many inquires, TK is in the motel with me, enjoying herself.

TK is the truck drivers cat.....TK(Truck KAT)

hedgie said...

The gas stove is a good back-up to the woodstove, Wanda...but of course the fan doesn't blow w/o electric...when the power went out last week or whenever it was, it came on for the first time in a couple of weeks and because the fan wasn't on, it set off the smoke detector so bad that I had to take the battery out of it!! I guess it was either dust or fumes (it's ventless).

hedgie said...

Glo, so sorry to hear about Dex. Can imagine how you feel and that you are exhausted. Does the condition have a name? Prayers for you both....and isn't Helen's St. Francis prayer beautiful?

Costume Lady said...

Helen, I loved looking at the Polar Bear Plunge photos...was wishing there were more. One and only photo of Maggie was so joyus, I tried to make a copy, but Polar Cop wouldn't let me. She has a most infectuous smile:)

Costume Lady said...

I was wondering if Jo saw the photo of the man in the purple swim suit and purple beads. I had to laugh out loud!!

deb said...

Megan, you don't know how right you are about catching the Citibank jet--they have a huge facility in Sioux Falls, you could just catch a ride.

Costume Lady said...

Lynn, is your dog over the infection (or whatever it was)? I know you had to give her meds for a long time.

floralgirl said...

That's perfect then, Deb.
Lynn, I just saw your question from earlier, my Dad was a pilot in the Air Force, so my Mom is entitled to health care at Walter Reed.

hedgie said...

Margy, how do you re-order the favorites?
Oh, Deb, the snowy owl is a beauty!

hedgie said...

Thanks for worrying about me, Wanda!! You are a dear!
Fire up the Eagle Express...a road trip sounds great. But Megan is right--we should get a piece of CitiGroups' action! Can't believe the government would let this go forward after the way they treated the Big 3 exec's for their jet trips to DC!!!

hedgie said...

Salutes to your dad, Megan, even if he's gone. I thank him for his service.
Wanda, Cinnamon was doing okay for a while, but she is starting to show symptoms again today. I will have to catch a urine specimen--as soon as the roads are safe--and take to the vet.

hedgie said...

Hope Jo didn't get trampled in the store....daughter said that grocery was an absolute madhouse here when she stopped at 5pm.

floralgirl said...

Thanks, Lynn:) he's gone, I miss him.
What was wrong with your dog? My dog has a strange affliction that is turning his skin red, I read it can be an allergy or infection of some sort, got a check I'd been waiting for today, so hope to take him to the vet this week. I couldn't do it earlier, and it made me feel so bad.

paula eagleholic said...

Prayers for Dex and everyone's pets...mine is going to the vet tomorrow morning for his ears...

magpie said...

Wanda: Glo's Dex has a sudden and serious eye ailment that may result in his going blind, she posted a pretty long description of what is going on, before the Split..

magpie said...

Hedgie: I think I know the answer to this: you did put the batteries back in your smoke detectors..right?

magpie said...

Oh, brother, I am taking my 91 year old shopping pal to the grocery store in the morning...think I need to borrow someone's Eagle Cane to keep the crowds under control !

magpie said...

I had posted something earlier on about the Pine Siskins coming South in search of scare conifer cones...make that White Winged Crossbills
Getting my birds mixed up, how in the world would that happen?

magpie said...

Wanda: that's not a bad idea about dinner Friday...just not sure how the week is going to play out yet, but I will get back to you! The sooner I get the pics to you, the sooner we can all smile and reminisce again about October ☺

magpie said...

27 mins of viewing time left before BWE nest cam goes "to sleep" for the night, should "wake up" around 5 am...

magpie said...

Prayers for your dogs, Paula, Megan, Hedgie, and Glo...and anyone else with family pet ailments.
Wonder how Bird Girl's zebra finches are coming along ??

hedgie said...

Megan, she keeps getting recurrent urinary tract infections (eColi) that they can't figure out why. She was strong antibiotics for the better part of three months. The xrays didn't show any kidney stones, or anything like that. THe next step is a cystoscopy to see if there are bladder polyps or another physiological cause that could be harboring bacteria. Of course, that's expensive.....need I say more?
Paula, what's wrong with the ears?
Yes, Margie, battery went back in as soon as power came back on!

Mits said...

Wanda, my Annie took over 700 pictures on Saturday, she sent me 256 on snapfish today...will have to go thru them and pick some out, the ones when Kevin came out of the bay and held his "Maggie" in his arms, were precious to this Mom:)

magpie said...

Complete change of subject: have we figured out what trains those are we hear on the NCTC cam? Do you think we could be hearing the Amtrak lines coming over from the Harpers Ferry area? The sound would travel along the river probably...
Just wondering....
Oh, I did get a picture of the Ceil and Co's Amtrak coming into Martinsburg on Jan 7.

magpie said...

Amtrak and CSX lines that would be I mean, through Harpers Ferry.

Mits said...

here is hoping we have another egg at BWE tomorrow when we get up

hedgie said...

Margy, is your Blazer 4-wheel drive? Sounds like morning may be a bit hairy on the roads. You be careful!

floralgirl said...

I was gonna go to the store in the morning, too. Good thing I don't need TP or bread, people are probably grabbing it all..
Nuff said, Lynn, those vet visits can be pricey.

hedgie said...

Suzanne said that even tho' she'll go in to work in the morning, and hopefully get home okay tomorrow afternoon, she may take off Weds. because of the ice predictions.

magpie said...

Okay, Hedgie. I won't worry anymore now...(I did know what the answer would be..)

Time for late dinner, think it will be French Toast...sure wish I had some Bacon to go with it.

Good Night if I miss anyone while I'm cooking...hope I don't set my smoke detectors off...☺

(we'll look forward to more pics, MITS !! ☺ ♥ )

magpie said...

Yes, Hedgie, four wheel drive..not much good for ice though so we'll cancel if we have to....
Suzanne has some tricky roads to travel...Prayers for all safe travels tomorrow and the rest of the week....

hedgie said...

Megan, I've always said that ZI spent more in vet bills through the years than I did on pediatrician bills. Wish I'd have had pet insurance! It's probably been over $600 last year, plus some more at the pharmacy for a drug the vet was out of.
It was much worse back in the 90's when I had my three SharPei...and they all had cancer: the mother had leukemia, her son had liver cancer, and the daughter had bone cancer. But at least then I was working, with plenty of overtime, so it was easier to afford it then.
The new vet who took over when my long-time vet retired last summer also jacked up prices ALOT!!

hedgie said...

Night, Margy...french toast sounds yummy, but yep, bacon would be good with it! The pre-cooked microwave pkgs. of bacon come in handy! Ready in under 2 mins. I always keep a couple in the freezer for sudden urges for quick bacon!

Mits said...

well, I was going to go when I was out today, but will go in the a.m., it is less than a mile for me, but will have to manuver my back streets, should be ok.

floralgirl said...

Jo must have gone power shopping, or the trip wore her out. I had to find some cookies. Trying to be quiet cause I sent eveyone to bed an hour ago, even the dog..

Mits said...

Jo, is probably over in the Hallmark channel

floralgirl said...

You are probably right.

hedgie said...

I'm going to say goodnight to all of you fine fowl friends. Sleep tight! Guess many of us will wake to white....yuck! But it is what it is!! Safe travels for any who must! God bless us all.

Red said...

Just read all the wax comments. I hope you donate it to the vain ones who would use it. Red would never use it. I could not stand pain. lol Anyway, red body hair does not show up well anyway so we'll just leave it be.

Mema Jo said...

You all know me so well.
I was wrapped up ion the Hallmark movie again

Good Night
Peace to you & yours
Prayers for all

(((hugs))) ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Hello again...everyone's probably in bed by now! Internet service was down...spent 45 minutes on the phone, but it's back...I'm happy.

floralgirl said...

Ha ha ha, ok Red- no wax wanted here, life is painful enough...
Nite all:)

paula eagleholic said...

My doggie has a bad ear infection...hope some meds will do the trick.

Now that I'm back on, gotta get off and get chores done that I couldn't while I was on the phone.

Catch ya'll tomorrow.

Hugs to all.

PS - wish my dogs would go to bed when I tell them to!

Costume Lady said...

I had to chuckle, too, when Megan said she sent everyone to bed, including the dog:) Wonder how she does it? Dog Whisperer.

Costume Lady said...

Speaking of WAX...Karla just had her brows waxed for the first time and said it really hurt. Brows and eyes were red and swollen for 2 or 3 days. She also had her brows tinted. She has always had very pale colored brows that couldn't be seen, now they look great.

Costume Lady said...

I think I am talking to myself, that means it is time to go to bed!

PRAYERS FOR ALL (animals included)

magpie said...

Wel, it's late, but maybe someone will jump on one more time.
Wonder how many of us will get up in the middle of the night and check on OUR NEST.

Wonder what the Snowy Owl is doing right about now?

God Bless Us, Every One.
Peace, Love, and Prayers xo ♥

magpie said...

It's snowing in the Eastern Panhandle...I see an empty nest at NCTC with snow falling...

magpie said...

So while I was up, I checked out some more pictures that Deb has added...☺

... back to the sack

magpie said...

Schools pretty much being closed all around the area out this way

magpie said...

PIX Pa seems to be, not working :(

Costume Lady said...

We have two eggs now in BWE:)

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning!! Two eggs at BWE!! Yeehaw!

Costume Lady said...

Have you seen them? If not, I have posted a phot on my WILD AND WONDERFUL. Sweet!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Yeah, Wanda, I saw them a few minutes ago!! That is great news!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

We have company!! OUR NEST!

Costume Lady said...


Costume Lady said...


Costume Lady said...

They are either moving fluff around or eating snow:) lol

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Eagles everywhere this morning!!!

Costume Lady said...

Both gone now:(

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Both flew the coop!

Red said...

Split is coming. I donate all my wax to Wanda. lol

Red said...


Red said...

Good morning everyone.

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6 13 24 🌞

  The only thing that showed up in the nest. Today was the sunrise beautiful. Maybe we'll see them tomorrow. I'm sure dad will find ...